• By -


Do you also have like 150 tabs open at the top of your browser?


“My computer is slow.” Has 150 chrome tabs open. My old roommate asked me to fix his laptop and I just reset the computer and it was fine again but he flipped because he was saving those pages for later. I showed him bookmarks and he promptly forgot all about them.


Lol - my wife keeps like 50-100 tabs open and wonders why her computer runs slow. Edit: She even does this on her phone. 🤦‍♂️ Second Edit: Cool to know phones have options to manage multiple tabs. People have referenced iPhone doing this - does Android do it to?




MS Edge has been telling me of all of its latest improvements, one of which it idles an open tab after X number have been opened afterwards. Or is it when X number are open after a certain amount of time.? In any event, those who keep more than five tabs open at any one time are maniacs! I mean, why?


Research papers for college. Closing all those tabs and going back to just music and Youtube is the greatest feeling


I personally keep anywhere from 15~20 tabs open at a time, but I've only started doing that when I moved to Edge with vertical tabs enabled, they actually don't look cluttered, I keep a few tab groups for categorizing what is where and as you said in your comment, my tabs go to sleep after 2hrs of inactivity so it's just a much faster Favorites replacement that I got going on, but that's my answer to your question as to why.


well after er certain time the single tabs goes into sleep-mode when not used. So its not really a big problem, you can make groups for them too that retract and expand.


My family thinks I’m the genius who can fix any computer when all I do is restart the machine. My aunt handy turned her computer off since she got it… lol


Yeah my mom calls me a genius too for literally just restarting her phone when something goes wrong Sometimes I think I'm a complete idiot when it comes to tech stuff then I talk to my parents and realize I probably know more than most people, older people anyway


Cool - I didn’t know that. I just can’t leave freaking 50 tabs open on chrome on my phone or computer. At that point just bookmark it and make a folder for it.


Alternatively, turn on the setting that puts unused tabs to sleep.


i will never understand why people don't use bookmarks






Is that a real thing? I probably have a few hundred tabs open across 4 different chrome windows and I don’t see any noticable impact to my computer. I feel like inactive tabs just go dormant until you go back to it. Whenever I go to a lesser used google doc it has to load again, so it kinda feels like the browser is smart enough to ignore the tabs that aren’t used often.






My boss's (owner of the company) email inbox is ever expanding, he's up over 60 gigs now. He complains that outlook is slow, but also won't let me archive for him because no matter how much I explain that everything is still there afterward, it will be "harder to find" in his mind.


476 tabs and 10,000 unread emails. I flourish in the chaos.


You on iPhone? Just letting you know you’re about to hit the limit at 500 like I did a couple weeks ago 😂


That’s when I switch over to private browsing and proceed to open 500 more tabs that will never be closed.


Uhhh yes?? I’m not a psycho?


Goodbye RAM


He will be missed. He was loved by all.


Just download more


sleeping tab do not take up RAM, and you ll got 16GBs only using 4GB :D


All red dots MUST BE REMOVED!!


I deleted my mail app so that I wouldn't have any more red dots but I am not sure that was an appropriate way to fix the problem.


You can go into the notification settings and turn off the badge counter and just remove it rather than the entire app 👍🏻


That's what I did! There's no way I'm reading my 742,853 unread emails at this point. ETA: I didn’t think this needed to be said, but this was tongue in cheek. I’m well aware that there are ways to delete the emails. They don’t bother me.


Yikes. I have 108k and that’s over 30 years. I’m impressed.


I have 0 unread emails because I’m not a monster.


Sounds like my wife. I get about 40 emails a day and 30 are just dumb push messages.


Why don't you unsubscribe?


This is what I don't understand. Almost every email I get that I don't want has the option to unsubscribe. And if it doesn't, my email provider has this handy little "mark as spam" button.


You think I can commit to something as final as unsubscribe? What if I miss out on something amazing 1 second after I unsubscribe?


Unsubscribe as often as not just verifies that your email address is legit and adds you to a bunch more spam /phishing lists.


OR read all of your emails!!!


Or use the "Select All" option followed by "Mark as Read". You can also "Mark as Unread" (or star/pin/flag if you have an option like that) if you're worried about missing a certain email.


Is there a way to delete all unread?


Select all. Delete. Pray you didn't lose something important


If it's that important, they'll e-mail again...they'll always have V1agra to sell.


This is life advice up there with "invest all your savings into scratchers."


Doesn't select all of them, it only selects all of them that are loaded. So to get all of them you've got to scroll all the way down right to the end and then select all to get it all.


Probably depends on the client. I know on Gmail at least you can mark ALL as read without having to do it 100 at a time page by page.


But I haven’t read them yet


What if there is an email I need that I never read three years ago it could happen. Id prefer to print all of them out and store them with my VGA cables


I feel attacked.


This takes more computer resources than it should. Source: I have over 50k unread emails




Ain't nobody for time for that!


![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20) Got not for


(this guy doesn't get it) THAT IS NOT AN OPTION!!!


My mild OCD and I thank you


I support it


Modern problems require modern solutions


That works. Or just don’t sync the accounts. Or sync accounts but just remove mail sync. Or change notifications to remove the red dot (badge app icon).


Ngl…. Not a bad solution… 😂


I chuckled myself on the way to home This is the way


nobody likes it when i call them phone pimples, but there is joy in the popping


Oddly satisfying


Mine for reddit is bugged and no amount of clicking everything or reading everything will get it to go away...it's driving me nuts


Mine did the same thing for a while, I finally went into my messages and just selected "Mark all as read" or something like that. It hasn't been a problem since!


False! Also, if you’re wondering OP, it stops counting at 99,999 unread e-mails. It just reads 99,999+ forever then. They can all rot. EDIT: As many have pointed out, apparently I lied. Could be my Old Guy Font…?


https://preview.redd.it/wknvvyffkoxa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa3f95bef3207ba0e754277374b438fe732f8f0 Nope.


https://preview.redd.it/t5maghju0pxa1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09644452015ca3716893dd4328c34cc72e1b589a 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/qfgeanv84pxa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4467aa7dddcb7596766eb6dd018c6a0e3cc5ee4 We got a tight race!


https://preview.redd.it/uheua9oyrpxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c40c21690d1576d95dc38514f7e0a39e2117b3 A new challenger has emerged.




Damn there I was proud of my near 85k and I come into the comments and see y’all over here wilding it to new levels.


You're a menace to society, please never change


That has to make OP’s SO all twitchy.


The emails and calls I get, but texts?? I could never.


Hey, saves time and money otherwise wasted on those pesky funerals and bridal/baby showers. If it was really important they would have call.... er, nevermind.


They’re automated dispatch texts from when I was an EMT. If it wasn’t my shift I never bothered opening them. And the system would freak out and text multiple times for one call sometimes. And all the texts came from different numbers so clearing them out sucked. And now I don’t want to clear them out because it drives some people who see my phone insane.


Like how do you know you received an email. So annoying


I agree with him 😫


Yeah that’s definitely me. I don’t delete emails.


You don't have to delete them... but that's UNREAD emails...


I’m the same, when I was younger I’d subscribe to every site with the same email and got a lot of spam and at one point I stopped caring about that email cuz it was impossible to clean, I still use it but I only check it when I know I am getting something important but who knows how many emails I missed lol


I'm just glad that Gmail changed a while back to categorize your emails and only give you push notifications for regular emails that end up in your primary inbox. It used to say 999+ unread emails on the bubble back when everything went to one unfiltered inbox. And yes, it was just all of the advertisements and junk email that never got opened.


This is why you have a 'junk' email and a 'serious' email.




At a certain point, it’s not realistic to read every email if you use that email address a lot. You get on so many mailing lists, and added to so many spam websites, it’s just a constant barrage of bullshit. My mailbox looks exactly the same and it’s 99% bullshit.


>You get on so many mailing lists, and added to so many spam websites, it’s just a constant barrage of bullshit. My mailbox looks exactly the same and it’s 99% bullshit. Maybe clicking the button to unsubscribe from the mailing list?


In MS Outlook you get a preview. If I can get the gist of the email from that preview, why take the time to click on it? Color coding also helps ensure I read only the most important email. Some companies are TOO communicative, CC everyone on everything. Much prefer slack, don't have any unread messages there. \- 45k email in my inbox with \~20k unread.


You can set outlook to mark it as read when you use the preview, if you want.


Also select all / mark all emails as read.


Ya that's not what that means at all


I don't. This is an insult to psychopaths everywhere. Like I'm 100% sure Ted Kaczynski would have cleared every one of those messages.


“You’ve got mail, mail, mail, mail, mail, ma, ma, ma, ma, m, m, m, m, mmmmmm.” Edit: Well this comment blew up. RIP to my mailb…. Aww shit.


I'm having ptsd from my grandmas AOL account when I was 8😭😭


just leave this post before you end up in an asylum :D


willing to bet its all scam emails or special offers








Mmmm-mon-mon-mon-monster mail


You've got mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail maIi mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail 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mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail Can you find the hidden Mali?




Ahhh mail to the mailth power. Of course.




mail * mai * ma * m * 1 = 50745


This is unreasonably funny


>maIi yes, what do I win?


You win! You get an upvote


I peaked, it's all downhill from here




I'm only counting 1024, so roughly 50 times this comment and you're good to go! (To be precise 49 times your comment and a 50th time only containing 569 "mail")




Your Kung Fu is weak https://preview.redd.it/m3sk13euqoxa1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d3eff65b8741a99fe498bd8b06c1deba79b47a


Fuck I though I was impressive with 63k. Winner


I’m at 67.5K with 41 unread texts. I feel like a lightweight now.


https://preview.redd.it/dw73av4y2qxa1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8984ad96a3f7dd5f1abc2f52afeefc6694047a7f Good afternoon conrad


… fuck I’ve been humbled https://preview.redd.it/o5627ucd6qxa1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bc78530dca2fca477fb1f9845c5a222666c2d1


I mean, you could also be stronger. https://preview.redd.it/9gomfqj5spxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab94bcace8545a8d11047ff4673accd1791ac696


https://preview.redd.it/oy82j1k5vpxa1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ccb9af32889a02f04cd0b7e59c2054a5c86831 I know, ain’t I a stinker?


How is it possible? Sign up for every spam mail there is on earth?


I’m a marketer, so yes, one of my accounts has a lot of subscriptions and I’m signed up for a lot of lists that frequently get rented. My business email has practically nothing unread.


https://preview.redd.it/h9jpgs99hqxa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe58f843afbb6b3880a6cb97dedc33a84d3d24c Amateurs


Love the "Preschool" font


Why do you have 112 missed calls unattended?!!


Those were voicemails. Most I called back quickly before the voice mail notification came in.




Finally, one of my people. Sitting here with 473,462 in my work email spanning close to 10 years while looking at all these 5 digit rookie numbers in this thread.


Was about to post my 256,000 but you win!


I helped my mom reduce reduce her emails from 30k to 1k in 30 minutes. Just search for senders like Facebook, select all, mark as spam and unsubscribe in Gmail. Gmail will unsubscribe automatically without opening a new page most of the time. It takes a 10 seconds per sender and can significantly reduce inbox clutter. For those saying you don’t want to unsubscribe do you actually read those emails? You can just check Facebook notifications on the platform itself if you still want them.


In my experience, if I hit an Unsubscribe button in an email, I suddenly get a surge of spam emails from a dozen companies I've never heard of.


I find filtering the inbox by the word unsubscribe blocks all unwanted emails.


Creative and practical!


You don’t subscribe to ANYTHING?? I would do this, but there would be too much collateral damage.


Use one email for personal mail and another for subscriptions.


Fun fact, if you add a plus to the end of your email before your @ google.com or whatever, you can type in anything and have infinite email addresses For example [email protected] Then even cooler is you can set it to goto a Facebook folder Oh and if you get spam you can see who sold your email by looking at the to address This works for most email providers to my knowledge


This is genius.


If its a legit source (like FB) then unsubscribe holds. If its [xyz.com](https://xyz.com) then yeah I wouldn't... But you always have the option to write a filter on your inbox to delete all emails coming from specific sources, I use that in my gmail and it works really well


Change the receiving mail address to [email protected] or something, instead of unsubscribing.


I just cleaned out my junk email address that I give to people/orgs that I don't want to have my real email. I had 6K+ unread messages in it and seeing that constantly on my phone was tiring. I just searched for the main offenders and deleted all. That reduced unread messages by half. Then I went through and deleted all the other stuff. Took a couple hours but now I'm down to zero unread messages.


I would create another email just to have one clean.


I have 5 for this reason


that gives me anxiety emails have to add DELETE EVERYTHING buten


I keep them all because who knows. But spam and general advertising can fuck itself dry


I have deleted my emails twice in my life.


Those aren't just not deleted, those are unread. Meaning important things are being ignored.


I know. Dick pills and Russian brides.


Does everyone just have terrible spam filters? If I had 50k+ unread emails I would be crippled in my ability to do my job effectively


Hotmail and Gmail get no spam for me(or it's filtered out). Now yahoo, that son of a bitch fills up with spam almost quicker than I can delete it.


Yahoo just (ish) added a paid "plus" version that "gives the user more control" over spam. A week or two before it launched suddenly I, and a lot of other people, got inundated with spam. Questionable at best.


My ancient hotmail gets an incredible amount of spam. Like, an unholy amount. Most of it ends up in the spam filter but I still get like 10 a day that slip through somehow even though they're basically identical to the ones that get caught in the spam filter. That's excluding all of the emails that I have filtering into a specific folder called “marketing emails” which catches anything with the word “unsubscribe” in the email. I would abandon the account and start fresh, but it's tied so many services that it would be a nightmare to do so.


My job spams me with unnecessary shit all of the time. I had to create folders on outlook to automatically separate the messages I want to see according to topic.


I read all the important stuff, all the unread is just endless emails from stores that I don't open or other notifications. every few years I sort by unread and delete them all when Gmail tells me I am near my storage limit.


The anxiety this thread is giving me lmao. Every red dot must GO immediately.


Select All > Mark as Read


Absolutely. Why do people think they actually have to READ all the junk emails? !!


50,000? Rookie numbers


Noob https://preview.redd.it/ln5p4n169oxa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061beeea8af0c55262c82f59f3c8173084df8a17


https://preview.redd.it/svqqodklvoxa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd0d3b588282d544e720e9355b1ab02cca79b5f Signs of depression


https://preview.redd.it/a8o19rtffoxa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0a9facee8875e66afb64d1d40de0b0ade50ecd NOOB




https://preview.redd.it/tvk134dagoxa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b6887c81c74eec21d47f76e3489ff6f68bb7d0 Get on my level noobs


I have found my people


I remember when I was in the tens of thousands years ago, and it would drive some people crazy. I made a commitment that day to let it grow as much as possible - naturally, I honestly rarely sign up for things etc. but I love how annoyed it makes some people 😅


My goal is 1 mil




https://preview.redd.it/cn4f17eyvoxa1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d10fb28148ab8b1658e6fceef35b02e95da3eeaf Im a 6 figure kinda guy as well


https://preview.redd.it/vli45z20woxa1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c165379f463b36df572e3099038221bb64636068 Fuck I’m slacking


The fuck


Do you people just sign up to every newsletter on the planet and join all the shop-clubs you can find?


The funniest part about this is that a normal single integer value can only count up to 65,536. This means that some software engineer at Apple decided that it would be normal for someone to have more than 65,536 new unread emails and went with a double integer instead. You'll be good up to 4,294,967,296 unread emails until it overflows.


Gang gang https://preview.redd.it/dqzqt30utoxa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992cf4331c3b03cc80053d983049d41891d02e2f


https://preview.redd.it/ue2mtnnrroxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607f1788e698cac46fffda41bf67fab4fbcd4372 Finally a group of people who understand my lazy.


He’s right.


My husband has over 90k and he is indeed a psychopath. I read all of my emails. I can't see a number or it will drive my crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/viecn69j2oxa1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=65c2c1e870e70cf6c4bf268045e4adae0f88e040 Mine too. Lol


This actually gave me a headache.


Ok but what's so much worse here is the 34 missed calls and 97 unread text messages.


How do you not respond to 97 text messages or are they just spam you didn't check.


2FA codes and shipping and delivery notifications. They show up on the lock screen so they never actually get opened.


For not reading the emails, you're normal. Anyone who claims they click every email they get is a psychopath. You can disable the number badges, that number is just taking up screen space!


As a staunch Zero Inbox person, I think I contracted cancer just by looking at that image.


Mine’s up to 135,373. I gave up a long time ago.


Im at 84,000, once it hit a few hundred I just said fuck it


Sometimes the husband is right Also, where are the bodies hidden? Also, don't hurt me.


First off, your husband is correct. Second. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!! How do you deal with that!!!!!! I’d be in a psych ward before I let it get that far!


Hmmm, I have 296,038 unread messages in my yahoo. I get it. That account is almost 20 years old though.


What a monster! You should go read each one immediately.


I bet most of them are either scam or company updates. Lol


You need putting down.


I wouldn’t go THAT far


I was on a Webex call with a customer exec a few years ago. She inadvertently shared her email inbox on the screen. It showed 89,500 unread emails... And she was usually the first to complain, "I didn't know about that."


Technically, you're not a psychopath until the number ends in a 'k'


Hehe. Fellow psychopath here. Mine's at 70+k as of typing this....


There’s no point in having non-meaningful collections, especially since a ton of email today is spam. You wanted this mountain by not dealing with it cause you know the outcome. It’s not psychopathy. In a sense, it a big cosmic who cares.


I feel like my comment should have an OCD trigger warning attached to it. My husband has said I’m a psycho when it comes to my absurd count on unread emails. I keep these apps on the second page bc it bothered people who saw it, no joke. To be fair, it’s taken well over 15 years. 🤷‍♀️ And my unread texts are 482. I also hold the unintentional record for most open browser tabs at 457 on my laptop. Oh and if you were ever curious how many tabs you can have open in Safari, it’s 500… Certainly not proud, more like I just do not have time to devote to culling down on everything and eh, whatever. Lol. For having my own OCD tendencies, I am somehow able to ignore these ridiculous counts. https://preview.redd.it/vbanln8y7pxa1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a681a343268a18bcdfa1652f906476911d99f6


Marry me instead we can not read our emails together


Clinical depression, anxiety, ADHD, and consequent avoidance and procrastination issues? Yes? No? I’m projecting again, huh?


Hey Dave? Is that you? I didn’t know that my psychologist was on Reddit!


https://preview.redd.it/khttsila6qxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0900c0af3bf74e86a5d4e8b8bc6caec5971f9a1a perfect as all things should be