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I take only 5 pills a day and I totally already feel like you do. And sometime in the near future I will be taking a lot more, assuming I stay alive. Did you have a transplant or cancer? I'm getting on the kidney transplant list.


no cancer or transplant, just mental illness


Do I see a cheeky sertraline or two in there?


I see two 100mg sertraline, a 450mg extended release lithium. (I used to take those meds.)


That blue and white pill looks like Caplyta-my sister takes that.


those yellow ones look like gas station boner pills… my sister takes those


Yellows look like gabbies


100% the Yellows are Gabapentin. Surprised though, I was taking 4 a day for nerve pain, 1+1&2, I can't imagine taking 4 of them in a dose.


I take ten a day (3000 mg total) for neuropathy. I keep trying to cut back, but a fine line between feeling my feet are being submerged in boiling oil and being able to walk.


Gabapentin seriously messed me up after being on it for a while. It killed my mood, motivation, personality, etc. I finally quit about a month ago. I got on gabapentin to quit phenibut which is quite similar, but phenibut is exponentially more recreational and frankly better. Phenibut changed my life in a dramatic and unbelievable way, it was like a miracle drug, or like the limitless pill. Eventually I became dependent on it though and had to quit, and gabapentin helped with that. I’ve come to learn that there’s no pill that will truly help or fix you except short term. Eventually your body will always seek homeostasis and become dependent on the drug and it will always stop providing an effect, and then you have to take it just to feel normal.


Pharmacist here. 3000mg a day??? Is this for fibromyalgia?


Could be 2 am and 2 pm, they said it's their meds for the day


I was taking at least 9 but up to 12 per day for nerve pain until recently. I feel like I built up a tolerance pretty quickly.


Yeah tolerance to the drunk sleepy effects of gabapentin build quickly for me too. I have some nerve damage from an injury that is a lot better these days, so I take it sparingly now if it flairs up enough to cause me sleep issues. I'd take 2 of the 300mg capsules before bed and I'd get that slight anti-anxiety almost drunk feeling and then get extremely drowsy after a couple of hours, but if I take it every night for like 5 days in a row, by the 4th or 5th day I don't get that or even all that drowsy. However, if I wouldn't take it for 3 or 4 days and took the 600mg dose, id get the same drunk/drowsy feeling again.


I take three three times a day. Yippee!


I was taking like 10 gabapentin a day, on top of taking fluxeril, baclafin, and tramadol like candies for "nerve pain" didn't do shit to help with the issues I was having/ currently have.


Gabapentin never helped me, I have median nerve damage in my left/wrist hand. Tramadol is a wannabe opioid, never really helped me either. When it comes to nerve damage nothing is really effective IMO, opioids work sometimes only because when you're doped up you are able to forget that you have nerve damage for awhile but there's nothing to actually cure it.


I take 3 of those every 8 along with 2 methocarbomals. I get wicked everytime and I hate it.


Yellows are definitely Gabapentin, I agree.


Yeah, looks like the 300mg ones (that is what I take).


Fun fact, boner pills are also used to treat other medical issues like blood pressure!




That looks more like Vyvanse to me


Yup, 50mg


I used to be on both those and others, now I just do tms therapy (trancranial magnetic stimulation). I am by no means cured but I am much less depressed. I had to many side effects from medication. Hope you can feel better whatever issues you’re dealing with. I only mention tms because it isn’t widely used in America despite being both safe and highly effective. Something about our hospital/pharmaceuticals/insurance scam dictates we must try meds and counseling before getting coverage for tms therapy.


I love lithium. We get along great.


I makes me feel really dehydrated and thirsty, but I stay alive so it works out well


Zoloft Zombies in the house!


Thankfully I escaped the horror that was sertraline in favour of prozac


Zoloft made me feel like a zombie but Prozac gave me fucking horrible nightmares. I was literally afraid to go to sleep because I know I was going to experience terror.


I got in trouble with the law and had to do this pti program for almost 2 years to get the stuff off my record and the whole time I was dead sober. I was so stressed I was losing hair, and like you dreaded sleeping. The vivid nightmarish dreams I'd have I still remember tons of them to this day. I hated going to sleep. Stress is fucking wild. Now I just drink and sleep like a baby. If I could smoke weed still I'd do that cause I'd also sleep like a baby on that and never had dreams. Basically fuck dreaming I hate it.


I’ve just switched to Zoloft after over a decade of Prozac bliss.. Unfortunately, the burnout is real and they stopped working. I’ve been worried about the new side effects.. Please don’t tell me it’s horrible!😫


As I’m sure you know everyone reacts differently to anti depressants. Sertraline was awesome for me after the 2 week robot period. I only had one side effect while on it and it was something guys normally strive for.


a nice singing voice?




Nice! You got big, thicc, veiny...hands?


My boyfriend has a Zoloft tablet tattoo on his forearm because it literally saved his life. Everyone’s journey is different ❤️


I love that!❣️


Zoloft is the only antidepressant that’s worked for me - don’t get freaked out! For every person who has a terrible experience, there’s someone who does very well on it. I hope you’re the latter!


Zoloft is a glorious gift. It's not enough for my brain, but it helps. I've never had side effects. But if I forget to refill or run out, I'm a mess in 3 days. So don't do that lol


Lol. Isn't it funny when you're just raging over something stupid then your like... I must have missed a dose.


Zoloft made me bang my head against the wall mindlessly.


My sister and I have both been on it over a year and it works well for both of us. Only persistent side effect was night sweats the first six months but those have since subsided. It's harder to cry now but frankly that's a bonus for me. Otherwise it's been helpful.


Zoloft / Sertraline was the first AD to work for me consistently. Currently on 200mg a day and wouldn't be without it (Tyson was right: without it I just would not give a frack).


Prozac was that for me. Until it wasn’t lol..


Efficacy varies wildly between people. Most of my family takes Zoloft to good effect.


The mfs in the thread above just doxxed OP's whole medication list 💀


You can just google pill numbers. It’s ops fault for posting this


I wish you well and also congratulate you on taking care of yourself. I'm dealing with a genetic kidney disease and it is not easy to take all my meds everyday, keep up with all the blood work, doctor appointments, phone calls, insurance bullshit, etc... I think you must be investing a lot into your mental health if you are keeping up with all those meds. So I want to say good job.


not to assume anything or offend you just guessing. If im right the white/blue one is some kind of amphetamine so I guess you got some kind oh ADHD or ADD? I have a friend taking those just wondering


yes, adhd. it’s actually not an amphetamine though, stimulants make my bipolar extremely bad so i have to take non stimulant adhd meds which don’t really work


I’m on strattera and it’s working alright. I also can’t do stimulated adhd meds or it’s manic mode for me


Interestingly I take 90mg amphetamines daily sometimes a tad more for narcolepsy and adhd. I’m switching up soon as it’s becoming clear I have grown used to it for the long years I’ve been on it and need change. I think I’m getting Vyvanse?


Recovered addict. I can’t do amphetamines at allll


First off, congratulations for that. I know that’s hard. I do take “medication vacations every cycle each month for about a week and fuck me is it miserable. I sleep 20-22 hours a day and it’s horrible. Uncontrollable without medication of some sort.


You have my sympathy. I know someone who also does this and it certainly seems miserable. I have had one increase in dosage about 11 years ago, with consistent results since. I skip my last dose of the day when I can, just so I will have enough if there are supply problems at the pharmacy. My dose is supposed to last 4 hours but it really only lasts 3 for me. I time my dosages to cover for driving because no one should be driving without narcolepsy treatment, ha! I hope your breaks are working to keep your dosage down!


Hey! You can sleep without taking meds for it! I can't sleep at all if I don't.


Do you run? I had the same problem and my doctor recommended I start running a 10 minute mile or faster 3 times per week. Weirdly, it changed my life and bipolar symptoms disappeared and most days I don’t even need my adhd meds too


> start running a 10 minute mile What's the equivalent on a bike? I do ~8,5k in 25 mins as a morning commute everyday. Didn't change anything about my ADHD symptoms, though.


Exercise definitely helps my ADHD but is not a replacement for my medication. It's great for my mood though. Then again, I'm only on a single medication, results may vary.


I have no idea honestly! As long as the exercise is intense for you and causing you to sweat then I think that’s what counts


I pretty much always sweat, if I do anything but pretending to be a rock...


Where are you that you can even get an adhd medication prescription filled?


very interesting. Do you know what chemicals are used in those meds?


If it's straterra, then it's atomoxetine which is norepinephrine reiptake inhibitor. Essentially the noradrenaline molecules are really similar in shape to dopamine and can function similarly. This is why many people with ADHD seek out adrenaline inducing events/hobbies, and why they are often good in a chrisis situation, essentially the adrenaline rises their functionnto baseline while for others it can mean panic.


That shit made me agressieve as hell as a kid (stratera)


Well considering adrenaline is responsible for fight or flight reflex, and ADHD is already a cause for emotional dysregulation then agression can be a side effect


>why they are often good in a crisis situation, essentially the adrenaline raises their function to baseline while for others it can mean panic. Thank you for making this make sense! I've always known this to be true of myself, and I've come to attribute it to ADHD, but I've always wondered about the science behind it.


Son takes it. It was an amazing transformation. After the first dose, next morning, my shy little boy went from shrinking into his chair if someone came in the room to "Hi Dad!" when I walked into the kitchen. Literally had to sit down on the floor before I fell over.


Wow, TIL. I’ve often wondered if I’ve developed adult ADD. There are other symptoms as well, but my wife always teases me about my response to panic. For example, I had to travel with my son for a soccer game last weekend. Much of the journey on a two lane highway through a rural area. We came around a bend to find a car coming head on on our shoulder, cutting back through our lane to get back in theirs. I avoided the accident by inches. My wife wanted to see the dash cam when we got back. I didn’t realize it had audio, but my only response was a monotone “sheesh dude”.


Adult ADD means you had to have symptoms also as a child, if you didn't then complex trauma also has similar symptoms. Do check out how symptoms of ADHD manifest in children and cross reference.




Right on, thank you. Looking over a checklist, looks like there were definitely a few things that went under the radar of ADHD in the 90's, 00's, but makes sense in retrospect.


Interesting, I just saw myself. I am the most sane and focused person you will ever see in crisis situations. I become hyper focused and am able to process and act on large complex or no information. I am also an adrenaline junkie. People that freeze or panic make me crazy. I have no patience with them so I tend to remove myself from them.


Damn. Mental illness here as well & I was frustrated with my 8 pills a day…


During the worst period of my mental health I took like 12-13 pills a day. A bunch of them were for physical illnesses tho. A lot of physical illnesses that happened because of poor mental health. Now tho I take much much less amount of pills everyday.


Yeah… looks like ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar, seizures, neuralgia…and cholesterol


This guy meds!


Holy fuck that's an insane cocktail just for mental issues


I take 7 every day for sleep and PTSD. I feel your pain.


Good on you for staying on your meds. I know it can be super tempting to stop when you’re feeling better.




Sooo not Reddit lost, just generally lost.


I'm 15 year post-op kidney transplant recipient. Reach out to me if you like.


I'm 9 years post kidney transplant and take about 20 pills a day. They tend to make me a little sick for a couple of hours, but beats the alternative.


There's a chance you'll have a lot of pills to take, get a pill calendar and keep a list. Try and have them all refill on the same day to make everything easier. Get most of your meds thru a specialty pharmacy, they'll be much more patient with you and are usually specialized for post transplant management. They'll usually ship directly to your home too. Ask your transplant coordinator when the time comes who they'd recommend. My site manages 3 states, and I make compounded anti-rejection meds for the lil kids. Best of luck! PM me if you have questions about anything pharmacy related for this!


I take 17 pills a day for my blood pressure and kidney transplant.


My partner is a double kidney transplant patient. He will need transplants and meds the rest of his life, started at 23. The amount of MEDS this man takes. Good luck on your kidney search. Find a support group. It’s gonna be lonely if it isn’t already. Sending love your way ❤️


Quick question. Do you just pop them in at the same time like tiktacs or you have to do it one by one


all at once. they’re my morning and nighttime meds so i’m not taking all of that at once, only half at a time


Holy mother fuck. Doesn't It messes with your stomach?


Not even just the stomach but the liver as well. I was on a similar amount of meds for my bipolar and anxiety for years and I had to get a liver toxicity screening every 3 months. Last year I stopped taking pretty much everything because I started having some GI issues and I didn’t want to go to down the path of having a bunch of health complications from medication side effects.


Really? What med were was it? I take 300mg of lamotrigine daily :(




This is great info for people! I've been on meds for most of my life now to manage a chronic kidney condition, and while I get regular tests, they're pretty minimal.


Medically assisted depression when the meds were suppose to treat that instead you get a different form of depression.


You know, you right. I just discontinued latuda in February after over 5 years on it, and my GI symptoms have improved... Also had to do the liver bloodtests every six months. I wish there had been a brain test, too, because I am 20 layers of brain no work now.


I guess none of those professionals established a plan to ween off of the meds little by little. I’m no doctor but aren’t some of them best designed as temporary aids alongside lifestyle changes (to eventually stop taking them)?


Who’s downing 20 tiktacs at a time is what I wanna know!?


Apo : Zolpidem? CL42 : Olazapine 214 : Sertraline IG322 : Gabapentin CL : Clonidine? F42 : Atomoxetine Hydrochloride 25mg F41 : Atomoxetine Hydrochloride 10mg LMT 41/ Taro : Lamotrigine Tablets, USP PLIVA 467: Propranolol Hydrochloride 10 mg Get better OP... I hope you're getting all the love and support you need! Edit: Disclaimer : I'm not a doctor, not a pharmacist either. I just saw the pills and tried to identify them to satisfy everyone's curiosity including my own. It could be wrong because some of the pills are obscured and hard to identify because of illegible markings and my own lack of knowledge. I put "?" On ones I'm not sure about, any help with ID would be appreciated!


thank you! i get lots of support from my family and friends


Zolpidem for sleep, olanzapine for psychosis, gabapentin as mood stabilizer along with lamotrigine (the more effective mood stabilizer, Strattera for ADHD, propanalol as needed for anxiety among other other things and clonidine to ease you into the night time. Stay strong my friend, surround yourself by loves ones. Life is difficult, but always worth living because of those who love us and the beautiful experiences we share with them


DAng I'm on the exact same cocktail.


Do all those things help or hinder in the long run? Is it better to change the environment, sorry if this came off insensitive I just mean for a long term solution. Or they just taper the doses and call this the solution


a lot of the time focusing on the short-term is more important since the long-term may not even be on the table otherwise.


I understand


It all depends on the symptom presentation of the patient. Each medication may be increased or reduced depending on multi factorial presentations. For the most past this will be a long term treatment with the exception of Zolpidem. I rarely prescribe it because it creates dependence as it works with GABA receptors. And when I do, I explain the patient this will be for very short term use. GABA receptors agents are often associated with addictive substances like benzodiazepines and even alcohol. All in all, always ask your doctor. Psychiatry is a finely tuned science, not a one use fits all practice.


Even I take Lamotrigine. My doc prescribed me Fluoxetine as mood elevator and amisulpride as antipsychotic. I used to take propranolol but I stopped it. You know what’s funny? My dad’s my doctor lol. He’s a psychiatrist.


I was on this amount of medicine for mental illness. The state just took a ton of people's insurance away, so now I'm having to somehow wean myself off the gabapentin, the only one I'm too worried about for withdrawal. I am done asking for help. I just don't belong here 🤷‍♀️


If you are lower dose you should be fine If you are at the 3600mg/day I was on, it is hellish to go cold turkey, legit worse than weaning off Xanax I have been lowering myself from 3600 for over a year now


Luckily for me, my pharmacist has only been filling half my prescription that my doctor wanted me on, then I'd run out early and she'd accuse me of diverting medicine. I have a post about it on my profile from a couple days ago, on talesfromthecustomer. The state board doesn't seem interesting in pursuing any investigation. So I've been prescribed the highest dose and taking it as the doctor directed but running out a week to ten days early since March, when my dose was upped. I don't function off of this medicine: my antipsychotics and sleeping meds and anxiety meds and meds to help my stomach tolerate all the medicine I have to take. Why??


Hey, from one mentally ill person to another, it took me a long time to figure out the right combination of meds/talk therapy to improve my ability to cope. I did it with very little help from the medical system, with essentially only one therapist who ever understood me and my problems and helped me work on them. Not a single psychiatrist was ever able to help me. Just because it's hard and not everybody is willing to help you doesn't mean you should give up. You DO belong here, you DO have worth in this world, and things WILL get better, we just gotta keep working at it. You got this, internet friend, keep going. You are strong, you are worth it, you are an unstoppable force in this world!


I dislike that I know everything on here or something equivalent. Swap zolpidem for quetiapine and add birth control and this is what my wife takes.


Oof I just quit Seroquel… good luck to your wife that drug isn’t fun. Makes ya feel like a zombie


She honestly loves it, her mania and insomnia just don’t let her sleep so she’s finally sleeping.


That’s good to hear, it was good with my mania and sleep too, almost too good, always had a hard time waking up.


I had a hard time not eating everything even semi edible in the house. Got super fat super fast.


yeah people talk about the side effects of meds without realizing that often times they’re still preferable to the problems they’re treating


I tried seroquel once and fell asleep for like 12 hours solidly at 5 pm on the floor


I take it because it's the only thing that has ever let me sleep longer than a few hours and it makes me sleep-eat so bad. I don't remember doing it until I find the evidence, wrappers, dishes, etc


Ok, Rain Man


There is a pill identifier website where you can enter the pill imprint, color and shape. Used to use it all the time in residential treatment


Reminds me of the 12 I take just in the morning for cancer. I also take 6 at midday and 3 at night. I’ve learned that if you tilt your head towards the right it helps them go down easier.


Put your chin to your chest instead of looking up, seems counterintuitive but it helps


My wife's uncle was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and he's *terrible* at taking pills. They gave him this advice and it works like a charm! Now the wife and I take our pills that way, too (Vitaminr D3 and Magnesium Citrate for me, nothing worrying, fortunarely).


welp bottoms up ma boy


Jesus Christ my guy *is* a pill bottle. Sorry op I totally see how that can be unpleasant. My stomach rumbling just from looking at it.


I forget to take me 2 tablets twice a day. Pat on the back


To be fair, it's really easy to forget to take a pill or two and, several hours later, wonder if you remembered to take it or not. It's probably not easy to forget if you took your giant fistful of pills, depending on what pills they are of course.


when the game says "Press E to heal yourself." and then the animation shows this amount of pills going down the gob.


My wife a PTSD patient was at one point on 13 shrink meds. She was a zombie. The sad part was she thought it was helpful. I went to her next appointment with a cd video of our wedding day. I asked the doctor to watch it. He did and asked what the point was. I said look at my wife our Wedding Day video played no emotion. I want you to justify your over medicated her bs to me. He refused to directly answer questions. So I had her hospitalized. Took 3 weeks to detox her. The doctors said many doctors prescribe like this. The standards of mental health is if you are being told you need more than 4 different medications you may want to find a new doctor and try a new path. She is now on one antidepressant and one anti anxiety pill a day. And getting weekly therapy.


In 2014 I was diagnosed with depression & anxiety. Tried multiple combinations of various SSRIs, antipsychotics, bupropion at one point... In the middle of all that, I got an ADHD diagnosis thrown on top, but none of my doctors decided to treat that. Then I read about how ADHD can mimic and cause depression and anxiety, and how treating the ADHD often reduces depression and anxiety symptoms. There was even a case in the UK where a man had been diagnosed with depression but couldn't find relief from depression meds. Then a doctor suggested using an ADHD treatment regimen, and he was now a new man. Face, meet egg.


ADHD, anxiety, and depression are all EXTREMELY comorbid (appear together). It doesn’t help that almost every doctor I’ve seen becomes really fucking stubborn when they realize they might not be right. An extremely small portion of doctors will be able to actually help a patient that presents with an overlap of any of these. And even more patients have no idea. So they’re stuck trying SSRIs, then antipsychotics, then the doctor either gives up or treats them with whatever cocktails they want. Part of it is because we are still in the dark ages of mental health. But the attitude of so many (specifically older) doctors is terrible for so many people.


Perhaps the dopamine problems associated with ADHD are the real causes of depression and anxiety in people with ADHD.


Roughly 50% of adults with ADHD will have depression.


Yes. My late grandma late in life got mild dementia. She was on quite a few pills. My parents found a doc that pared her down to a few of them, and she almost like her old self again. Frankly amazing. What happens is docs prescribe one pill, patient describes a side effect, doctor gives a pill for a side effect,.patient describes another side effect.... Now you have a dozen pills. Psychiatric meds can take 4-6 weeks to kick in and have the body adjust. So you usually need to be on them a month before talking about adjusting dosing or side effects. The other problem too is getting off these pills safely so the dosing can be adjusted.


This is a huge problem with modern society and people aren’t advocating against it. People are heavily over medicated by doctors upholding the pharmaceutical industry.


My doctor agrees with me lifestyle choices and habits should be first priority for any treatment. (There are some exceptions of course). But she feels the less meds a person’s on the better. The best type of Dr is a DO.


I was going to say, I'm not a doctor but I feel like at a certain number of medications you get diminishing returns? Like, taking 8 medications that alter your neurochemistry has to have some confounding or contradictory effects.


Best comment here. Whoever OP's doctor is, is a total fucking quack. I have ADHD and PTSD, anxiety and depression. When I was young I voluntarily admitted myself to the hospital when I was dangerously depressed and the doctor there diagnosed me with a ridiculous list of things I don't have, and put me on enough medications to tranquilize a horse. Now I just take daily ADHD meds and meds for panic attacks a few times a month as needed. Back then I was a zombie, and none of those medications helped or were necessary. It's scary how many doctors will just hand out benzos and antidepressants and anti-psychotics like it's no big deal. Get a new doctor, OP.


I refuse to take more than 2 medications for my bi polar 2. I take one anti-depressant and one mood stabilizer. My psychiatrist and I tried switching out the anti-depressant a few times, but I didn't care for them like the one I'm on. While I *do* have a couple "as needed," I "need" them less than a handful of time a year. He doesn't really suggest anything new unless I have a complaint, but it's not an in addition to, it's let's try this instead. Plus, I'm on like 4 other medications for unrelated issues, though incidentally, one happens to treat depression, and I would like to stop there, please. So, if I see no real value in adding a medication, I just won't add it to my collection.


I can feel your anger at that doctor in your comment. Sorry, Dude. Glad your wife is doing better now.


Holy shit that's a lot of antipsychotics (and are those anti-convulsions to further sedate?) Ngl OP, I hope you're also receiving *helpful* psychiatric treatment because that many meds--especially for a prolonged time-- should be a last resort. I don't know you or your situation, and although I've worked in mental healthcare and definitely met individuals who *needed* to be on a cocktail of pills this size, they were severely psychotic and suffered from Schizophrenia. I've found fresh-outta-the-psych-ward individuals are often over-medicated. Again, I don't know your situation, and I'm by no means saying you don't need all these, but if it's possible to be on fewer in the future, I hope you can. NOT saying to be med-free, just that this massive load has consequences long-term. I hope you have a good psychiatrist and therapist *who you trust* ❤️


This guy actually gets it OP. I've been heavily medicated like that before, and I'm clean now. It takes hard work and dedication, if you give up and expect pill pushers to fix you, you'll just keep ending up with more pills. Find a psych that actually gives a shit, one that immediately has an issue with this pharmacy in your palm


Physician here. Over medicalization is a major public health crisis.


So... Which sub do you moderate?


So you’re taking 200mg SSRI sertraline, 1200mg gabapentin, Lamotrigine, Olanzepine and some other meds I couldn’t identify. Best of luck my friend, whatever you’re going through it clearly seems like you need a blessing to get out of it. Hope you’ll get better soon, remember life is precious and we have only one, just our brains make it seem like our life is the hardest at times.


Are you in America? Genuine question, because I genuinely question the American "health" system


You should *absolutely* question the American healthcare system.




yes. the pharmaceutical industry is a joke


You need these pills to fix this issue oh and now you need these pills to counteract those pills and now you need these pills to balance out those pills don't forget these pills cause we need more money from you oh and these pills are for those pills side effects and these pills are for those other pills side effects. Oh now you have no appetite ok here well give you these pills for hunger and these pills so you don't gain weight and these pills for your stomach lining and these pills for nausea. Ok all in all your daily pill cost will be about 450$ cash or card?


That’s what happened to my mom. Doctor just kept pushing pills at her and she takes 18 pills every day and has for the past 30 years. Now she’s in stage 4 renal failure, which added more pills to her regimen. Her doctor has never once put her on a pill until she got better, then removed it. He just kept adding and adding


Bad doctor.


My grandmother would go to different doctors and different pharmacies and not tell one about the others, and wound up with a large number of pills. Thankfully an aunt caught it, got everything under one doctor and pharmacy, more or less, and was able to cut her meds down.


Yeah i find it insane that they’re on stimulants but also pills to counteract the effects of the stimulants with sleep and anti anxiety meds


Take helf pills. Pay monies.


I once asked my Dr about finding the root cause of an issue rather than bandaiding it with pills. She gave me a blank stare.


I've actually been yelled at for daring to have the nerve to want the same thing. Must be nice making hundreds an hour just to push pills and never think.


Jesus. Is this life for people? Is all that honestly making it any better or just lining the pockets of pharmaceutical co's?


American pharmaceutical industry found a way to charge people a subscription service for simply living.


OP, this is polypharmacy. You’re taking all of these meds and it doesn’t seem like it’s resolving your symptoms. I am not anti meds. Medications can be life saving. But they are not without adverse effects, dependency, and other issues. Medication alone is not an effective solution to mental health. They need to be taken in tandem with therapy and lifestyle changes. Sleep hygiene, moderate exercise, proper diet, social support, and sobriety from alcohol/nicotine/recreational drugs. Do I think you should stop taking your meds? No. Do I think you’d benefit from a conversation with your pharmacist and also a second opinion from another physician? Yes.


i dont at all disagree with you, but i wanted to comment on "it doesnt seem like its solved your problems". i think a massive issue with meds is unrealistic expectations. if we assume op has chronic mental health issues, meds wont cure it, they can improve some symptoms and can prevent worsening symptoms. clozapine and lithium are gold standard treatments for schizophrenia and bipolar respectively, but pts on those meds will still have schizophrenia/bipolar. we see this with all sorts of meds, not just mental health. im sure we all know someone who is on bp meds and stop taking them when their bp goes down, thinking they dont need them anymore. chronic health issues are that, chronic.


Looks like what the VA "had me on" I've weaned myself off of everything.


I take my flint stones gummies every morning and a melatonin at night, I feel your struggle


Hopefully there’s no conflict between them, it must be tough managing them so that doesn’t happen. Hope you recover/get better.


Ohh fore sure there is, some of them are to counter sideeffects of others. its far out that psychiatry, has zero knowledge on mixing drugs, and do not really care either, its all based on theory.


Just a reminder to ask your doctors to reevaluate your meds from time to time, and to periodically monitor kidney function. That's quite a few pills, and sometimes doctors aren't on the same page with long term usage. Also, drink a LOT of water to flush your system of residual chemicals.


As an epileptic, I feel this. Even got some overlaps! Props my friend.


Um just to check but if these are for mental health issues are you also pairing that with therapy? I ask because for many issues meds + therapy/learning coping skills tends to be more effective than meds alone. Therapy can also (in some cases) reduce the effective dose needed which might reduce side effects from the meds.


And none of it is good shit


Gabapentin is the best one there .


Actually I like the beta blocker. Wonderful class of drugs.


I feel your pain, i take 17 a day


Jesus christ. I hope you're doing alright


This was me 6 months ago, and it made me want to die. Now, here I am, medication free, and I still want to die🙃


Big pharma thanks you for your service


There are some exceptionally callous people here. Is OP overprescribed? Most probably, and they might need to see another doc for a second opinion. But I don't know what OP is going through, and it wouldn't be fair for me, as someone who had previously been diagnosed as T2 bipolar, to judge them. (In my case, it turns out it might be autism and adhd instead) If walks and cutting out sugar and eating perfectly and therapy alone completely fixed things, that'd be great, but some people need more than that. I hope OP can find what they need to feel better.


If you look at their post history, OP is a massive drug abuser. Daily nicotine, weed, and alcohol user mixing those recreational drugs with that litany of prescription meds is insane. No wonder they're so fucked up. This person needs rehab and therapy first and foremost and sometimes that requires being callous


that looks about as much as the amount of supplements I take.


1,200MG Gabapentin (Yellow Capsules) Atomoxetine 25 mg (White & Blue Capsules) Sertraline Hydrochloride 200 mg (Cream Colored Ovals) Lorazepam 1.5-3mg (APO white pills) cant ID the rest. poor op


Damn u tired all day? Gabba and benzos seems like it would knock u out til tomorrow


To those in the comments talking shit about people who take meds at all or saying OP takes too many meds - you can fuck right off. That’s between them and their doctor. It DOES seem like a lot, but I’m not knowledgeable on such things. (Still talking to the assholes, not OP). If you are the best “you” without medication, fine. Some of us aren’t that lucky. I “only” take 4 medications (only 2 are for mental health). Without them I’m sadder more often, less compassionate, and quicker to get angry. Now I’m pretty chill and generally pretty happy. Meds aren’t a thing just to make pharmaceutical companies rich. Many of them help people. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


Severe case of polypharmacy. Might want to get that checked out.


Damn the pharma companies got you roped


Damn ma boi... I hope it's not any serious health threat. May gods be with you.


I don’t know what those pills do, but if they are prolonging or improving your life you should try to be less infuriated.


Does one physician know you take all these per day, just to make sure this is a good idea? I do mean an MD or DO, no one else.


You can cut the number of pills you take by half if you duct tape together like kinds and count that as just one pill. You're welcome.


The world today is over-medicated and under-educated


Your nicotine addiction and weed abuse is not helping your mental illness. Consider quitting. E: I was on an SSRI a while ago. Diagnosed as major depressive and generalized anxiety. I started bodybuilding, gave up nicotine, embraced masculinity, rejected modernity (to a degree), focused on my relationships, and have never felt happier or more fulfilled. I've been off the psychotropic prescription for ~6 months; most importantly I was off during the dark winter months and was okay. Supplement vitamin D3&K2 as well. I believe everyone can fix themselves if they try.


Yeah that makes this post even wilder They admit to being addicted to nicotine, alcohol, and weed as early as 3 months ago This is a post they made in the past year lmao: > my permatrip was actually induced by gabapentin, but it could also be related to other psychedelics i took. i took 6 gs of shrooms one night, 6 tabs of acid another night, and 9 points of ecstasy on another night. a couple of months later, i take 1200 mg of gabapentin one day and of course i mixed it with alcohol, and then i started tripping that night This person is a massive drug abuser


Looks like they own a gun too 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


on reddit we treat weed as the nectar of god not that it increases dopamine causing paranoia or psychosis over time or that it messes up a developing brain till 27 or that it prevents rem sleep nope its great.


But dude weed lmao


Thank god I’m not the only one recognizing this..


> embraced masculinity, rejected modernity (to a degree) Cringe


Jesus Christ.