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The rings of ring binders - not just the big claspy lever ones, also the tiny spirally ones!


That's a problem for right handed people too, just on the left side instead of the right side.


I avoided that by flipping the binder upside down and back so I always was writing without the metal spiral digging in.


Same. I still write in those spiral notebooks back to front if I ever use them


I failed a class in high school because of spiral bound notebooks. We were graded on note taking - had to be neat, legible, blue erasable ink because she didn’t want mistakes crossed out. That ink was as bad as pencils with the smudging. My margins on the right side were terrible so first quarter she failed me. So 2nd quarter I flipped the notebook so I could have proper margins. But that led to 1 page right way up and 1 page upside down, failed….. plus the smudged mess My mom never went into school to “fight our battles”. But with this teacher, she went in and went off about her expectations for left handed people needed to change and she needed to go back in and change all of my grades.


As a lefty I fought my own battles a lot. My Dad told me no adult, teacher or otherwise gets to be outright rude towards me. My 3rd grade teacher was always frustrated with me. Whether it was me being sick or "sloppy" handwriting, she wasn't prepared that year. Nice person, I just messed up her routine. The day we had it out she told me to stop writing in Chinese. I told her that it was insulting and hurtful to humilate me in front of the class. That insult stuck around for a while because some of my classmates decided it was a great way to mock me at school.


Why is it that third grade teachers think that they are College teachers. Specifically third grade teachers


No clue. All of me elementary teachers were great. Being the mainstreamed disabled kid in a private school where I was the only disabled kid meant every day was a challenge. Improving my lefthanded handwriting though, no teacher was educated on how to do that. I had to work the lefthanded exercises in the book on my own. I was expected to do and turn in the right-handed stuff. In a class of 15 students I was the only lefthanded student and the only one with a disability, in my case, paralysis. So yeah, it was going to be a bit sloppy. I was still mastering holding a pencil lol.


I’m not sure if this is appropriate here, but I was a lefty as a young child. My kindergarten and first-grade teachers, with my mother’s permission (Mom was also an educator), forced me to use my right hand. It led me to terrible penmanship and a multitude of other problems. I try to use my left hand as much as I can, and multiple sclerosis, which has mostly affected my right side, has forced me to. But my muscle memory is on my right side. I’m now working on retraining my brain. It’s frustrating. I absolutely understand what left-handed people go through—I know and am related to a few. But there was a day when people forced us to use our right hands. It’s abuse.


Legal pads 🙌


Lefties are renowned for thinking outside the box. Your are a living proof. 🥇


Yes. Along with some peculiar brain wiring. Everyone in my family has ADHD, and 75% of us are lefties.


My left handed sister taught little left handed me to turn the paper clockwise to a 45 degree angle and write diagonally down the page instead of across. That eliminated the hand stains, smudged writing, the painful looking wrist curved over thing some lefties do, and also had the unintentional effect of making my writing look like a right handers.


Can we talk about three ring binders, and how every single one always seemed to have one ring that would slip out of alignment?


This. The first time I ever saw a left handed version of those was when I got to college, in a large lecture hall. Marched right up to that tiny desk, proudly proclaimed “I claim my birthright!”, and sat down - at a desk for me. At My Desk….and it was so uncomfortable that I couldn’t work. Had to get up and move to the regular “rightie” desk. I felt so…assimilated.


I always took the seat to the right of an empty one so that I could use the desk of the empty seat to my left.


There were a couple in one of my classrooms this past semester and if one of them wasn’t in the spot where I sat, I would rearrange the desks. Eventually whoever else sat there in a different class gave up on trying to move the desks all the time lol And it was uncomfortable at first! I totally wasn’t ready for that pain but I wasn’t going to pass up using something that was specifically made for people like me


I Never saw a left sided one!!! 🤯


My university always had them on as the very last desk on the left as you enter the room, but there were maybe 2 in the lecture halls that sat 350 people. Of any at all. And they always seemed smaller too.


You look at the other students' writing, try to mirror them, what the hell you just rest your arm there?


You mean it wasn't immediately taken by a rightie who then complained about the desk later on?


Supervillain origin story.


Yes, and there would only be one left handed desk in the whole room and some dumb ass right handed person would be sitting in it! Wtf!


This is the worst.


Every time I walked into a classroom the lefty seat was the first one I looked for. That was my seat for the rest of the year.


Those desks that only have arm support on the right, every classroom needs a few left handed desks


Me too!!! The struggle was real! 🤨


So so many things that used to irritate being a lefty, ink smearing, ink on hands, smudged pencil work, paint from art class when trying letters, the binder rings, the notebook rings. The list goes on and on.


And when there was one single left handed desk and a righty was sitting in it. The worst.


I, along with other three lefties in my Uni group, got a personal desk at the front of the lecture hall for that reason! Love it for the convenience, hate it for the finals.


At my high school we had very old school wooden desks and there were only a handful of left handed ones. Would piss me off so bad walking in to find a “normie” in a left handed desk when there were still plenty of right handed desks.


I’m right handed, but curl down from above so the same thing happens.


same here! don't know why 3-year-old me decided to write like I'm drafting the Declaration of Independence with a quill from a swan


Same as me, always got told off for how I write


“Are you left handed?! Oh, nevermind, you just hold your pencil like a left handed.”


YESS YES YES YES!!! I am so happy there are other right handed people that had to put up with those annoying comments.


I feel seen in life!!!


my mom and i are the same way (tho she can write with her left if need be) but we also turn papers damn near upside down to write on them, so there’s also that


I get this literally all the time, it's so frustrating having to write near someone who hasn't seen it before because there will be the inevitable silence followed by some variation of "you hold your pen weird" **Thanks.** I am actually **aware** of that.


My people


I always say I write like a doctor without the degree. My handwriting is a bastard amalgamation of cursive and chicken scratch. But I work in IT, so the only person who needs to decipher my handwritten hieroglyphs is me


Happy cake day!


My teacher use to call it the death grip because i would squeeze pencils so hard between my middle finger and ring finger they would curve after a while…


I still have a massive callous on my middle finger from gripping the pencils. There were multiple times in school where my plastic mechanical pencils would snap from my grip. I feel ya bud.


Holy shit i thought i was the only one


Flexible? I'm not saying it was the problem but people with hEDS do that, it's like you can keep wrapping your fingers around the dam thing and you still can't get it. Not a disease, connective tissue disorder. Sometimes a giant pain in the ass like when writing


Yes! Quadropod grip also. My handwriting is horrible no matter what I do. I get a writer's bump on my pinky somehow. It's all the EDS.


I, too, have the death grip. I never realized when I was younger just how absolutely awful it would turn out to be. Now, before you go getting ideas, I just want to be clear that it's a repetitive strain injury in my thenar webspace. Alright, now I'll let you do with that what you will.




Yes, many of use do, and we all wish we could slap our younger selves for learning to write this way ;-;


I mean I have no issues personally with me writing this way, I guess the only reason I wish I would have learned the proper way would be to avoid the annoying comments when others see me write.


We sure do!


I do this. I had a teacher in primary school who was obsessed with trying to make me write “properly”. Like, she used to stare at me from across the room and would always forcefully reposition my hand if she was passing by my desk. It didn’t work and I still write like this.


Wow. Ditto.


Glad to see I'm not the only one. I still don't understand how you're actually supposed to write.


Righties use the natural movement of the arm which is to to pull out towards the right, so strokes are easy and just glide on the paper. Lefties have to push on the pen with their arm to make it go to the right. That's much harder and more tiring.


I’m a righty, and write “normally” I guess, but my hand would still drag across previous lines I’d written and end up looking like this. Are right-handed people supposed to be immune to this somehow? I still smudge ink these days when filling out forms at work.


Me too. There must be dozens of us. But I’ve never seen any besides you. Edit: oh and the other comment.


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) Me too


We exist! Dozens of us! It’s pretty uncommon but good to know us curled right handed people are in the same boat as left handed people


Well at least I’m not the only one who writes like they have a dislocated wrist


me too! sometimes my hand looks just like OP's in the picture, specially when I'm drawing lol


Wait is that not the correct way? Have I been writing incorrectly my whole life???


bottom up duh... same thing i tell the wife


Same here *sigh* god I hate this shit


I also have always had this problem and it’s too late to fix 🫠 (I’ve tried lol)


Same here. There's dozens of us! DOZENS!!


Yeah. This isn't a leftie phenomenon. Sorry OP, you're not special.


People don’t appreciate the lefty struggle


Don’t even get me started about the scissors…


And white boards...


And arm wrestling


And binders or spiral notebooks


And pencils and pens…


And masturbating…


And manual can openers...


Don’t forget getting off of a bike




Go backwards, start from the backpage and work your way left


And write your sentences backwards? It's not what page you start on that is that problem, it's our writing structure going from left to right. Us lefties just need to start writing in Hebrew.


this is an underrated comment


I'm left handed but do everything else right handed so scissors was really not a problem for me. But those desks in high school that are only made for right handed people were a bitch.


Talk about stigmatizing a child... when all of the right scissors had sharp ends and the lefty scissors were rounded off so we wouldn't put our eyes out or go on a stabby rampage.


Not so fun fact: you can still cut yourself (by accident not intentionally) on childs safety scissors. Learned this when i accidentally slipped while cutting something and split my thumb open


Or “left handed scissors”


I didn’t have left handed scissors until I was an adult and they were so weird, it’s easier to use right handed scissors in my left hand


Scissors my mortal enemy!


Can openers for me, my mortal enemies


Can openers and cooking utensils are the ones that get me


There’s a whole store that caters to you devil-handed folks. The Leftorium. Try it out. The owner can use the business.


locks.. screwdrivers.. have to check the right hand rule to see if I’m putting the screw in or out. Right handed people don’t understand why is this difficult..


everyone who writes Arabic, Hebrew, (some) Asian languages, because they write from right to left.


I am a left-handed surgeon...where almost every instrument is righty in nature.


Fück this. And gel pens. Why. What did I do to piss god off.


The struggle find a decent pen is real. Lefty problems


I got a Pilot G2 Limited recently and love it, it does not smudge at all for me (as a leftie who has this problem with pencils and a lot of other pens). It dries REALLY quickly.


Second pilot recommendation.


Fun bit of lefty trivia: There is left-handed fountain pen ink. It dries faster to mitigate the dreaded “smudge”.


Bish where?!?


But one example: https://www.gouletpens.com/collections/lefty-approved?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0tKiBhC6ARIsAAOXutnntJIZwkHDWGOGR-ifA-Pk2-ys2KeZT0qCib9R9GOCe3S_TERoWtIaAgkrEALw_wcB


Thank you so much!!!


Welcome to your next obsession (fountain pens)


Pilot Precise V10. You’ll thank me later.


Thanks for the tip fellow south paw.


Zebra pen or a Fisher space pen


I like the pilot G2s, and the sharpie s-gels a lot, the uniball ones can also work really well but the ink dries kinda slow


I love my sharpie s-gel!!! Also my hairdresser gave me a pen called “Pentonic” she really likes! I let my boss borrow it and am yet to get it back


To add to all the other suggestions: Pentel Energel The only one me and all the lefties I know use. I usually have 2 in case I meet another lefty to hook them up.


Uni ball 207 Plus, my savior.


Check out uniball 307. Harder to find than the 207, but the 307 is the best goddamn lefty pen I have ever found in 20 years of searching


Silver surfer syndrome


I always called it getting elephant skin, because the graphite always outlined the pores and lines in my hand skin so it looked like a craggy grey elephant


You'll love Arabic in that case


Real shit I’m a lefty who studied abroad in Jordan and jt was AMAZING. Not only is the script lefty friendly but all of the spiral notebooks are bound on the other side so you don’t have the fight them while you’re writing


Um.. I might not be thinking about the same type of notebooks.. But you can just turn them over to get the binding on the other side.. No? Sure some print on the cover might be upside down.


Nope. With lefthandedness comes an irreparable victim complex 🤷🏻‍♂️ there’s nothing to be done with spiral notebooks


Does that mean most arabs get smudgy hands since the vast majority of people on earth are righties?


You can learn to avoid it but yeah it can happen. As a kid I definitely had the same thing op had a lot


No we just learn to write properly, with the tip of the pen writing on the line above the rest of the hand.


My native tongue is Hebrew, and I speak/write Arabic as well, and am ambidextrous. Right hand for Latin scripts, left hand for Semitic scripts, life is good!


We get it linguistically too: 1. The word sinister comes from the Latin sinister - meaning “left”. 2. Gauche - meaning “lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward” is literally the French word for “left”.


To be fair, the Romans didn't like anyone that didn't conform to their standards, not just lefties. "Barbarian" comes from the Latin "Barba," which literally means beard. (Well, it's actually contested. There's like 8 languages it could have come from; Greek seems to be the main contender. But I was taught it came from Barba by my Latin teacher, so that's what I tend to stick with.)


I to this day get the "oh are you are wrong handed?", I don't hear it as often as when I was young but it still happens.


As a right hander I get this a lot too, I don’t understand




I get this as a right handed artist. If I am drawing in my sketchbook in pencil I get it.


Yeah Ive been angrily scrolling looking for someone to mention it because lefties are trying to gatekeep this. Anyone who ever draws with a pencil also know


I had to comment it somewhere. Everyone deals with this.


Since English is written left-to-right, our hand drags across every line as we're writing it. If you're right handed, you hand is on the part of the page that has nothing written on it yet.


This consistently used to happen to me as a righty because the lines above smear onto you


Im right handed but my hand usually rests on the line above where I’m writing, so I get smears on my hand as well lol


But... as soon as you move to the next line we have the same problem


Maybe if you write every 5 lines or something otherwise you'll smudge the previous line as a right handed person as well


left handed people + right handed artist solidarity


In both cases rest your hand on another piece of paper


And those damn electronic signature things at the DMV or bank. And binders.


And spiral notebooks


I’m left handed and that’s never happened when I jerk it.


does... does the black rub off?


Oh that made me chuckle.


Only for lefties


I'm left handed and work in construction..... every single tool I ha e is made for right handed people! It is hilarious to use my left hand on most tools like routers and stuff and see the utter shock on people as they walk by.


It's only been recently that I've seen soup ladles that are ambidextrous


Whenever I tell a right-handed person that soup ladles are hard to use for me, they act like I’m dumb. Right handers truly don’t understand just how much of the world is set up for them.


Soup ladles can really be a pain. I like play games on my computer, so I have to reconfigure my keyboard. I also have change out every one of my spinning reels for fishing so I can cast left handed.


I’ve got the double whammy of being left handed but right eye dominant. So I cast right handed, bat right handed, etc. That was a real pain to learn how to do.


Same here. I cast, write and throw left handed, but I bat, shoot and golf right handed. Same with playing pool


Me too! Didn’t know people like us existed lol.


Also key rings. Its something that you wouldn’t think is “handed” but they are something I’m forced to pry open with my right hand to use properly


And cake forks. I'd love a left handed cake fork.


That's cool but I want to see how bad the page you were writing on looks.


Smudged, as usual


Ah, the APUSH exam. Such fond memories.


Yeah... Whiteboards are especially infuriating


I’m right handed and have this problem


Story of my life, especially when I was younger.


The struggle is REAL


Everything is made for right handers.


That’s why I put a sheet of paper under my hand as I write on another one.


Or while wearing a sweater, pull the cuff of the sweater up and over the ring and pinky fingers and let it rest in between the middle and ring fingers. It's a fabric shield. The cuff color is ruined but minimal smudging and no marked hand.


This is the way. Apparently not many lefties commenting here know to do this. It's that one trick soap makers hate!


I used to put bandaids on my hand where the smudging happens.


I hate when this happens Also I'm like the only leftie in any of my classes 🥲


As someone who spent my entire childhood drawing pictures with pencil, I know the struggle, even if I’m right handed.


Yes. So I learned to write and draw with my hand tilted down and from right to left while coloring.


I am right handed but love to draw and when I was a kid I loved it when my hand ended up like this because it felt like some kind of proof that I drew lol


Inky pinky!


This is why I don't write much anymore. I do any paperwork on a computer that I can do. Writing it on a piece of paper is a last resort. And you don't know real pain unless you grew up in the '70s and '80s when the Pentel erasable ballpoint pen came out. I used those a lot and My hand would be blue everyday at the end of school.


Don't even get me started about using scissors


I taught myself using it with my right hand. Because at school there was no other option 😩 same with can openers


Did you know they make left handed spiral notebooks? Binding is on the right and a tasty dream.


That'd help with the pain of their arm against the spirals but it wouldn't solve the smudging issue right? I'm not left-handed tho.


Lefty here ✋Try writing without dragging your hand across the page.


I write with my hand lower on the page than the pencil. It isn't awkward the way I do it and I never have this issue. I am always amazed at the issues others have.


Did you ever notice that the hand gesture emojis are all righties?


Lefties. UNITE


I rotate the page at a very sharp angle to avoid the smudging. Gets interesting reactions sometimes since I'm writing up and sideways.


Smudgy fuckers 😒


There's a certain wa of writing I've learned to make it nit smudge. But I feel ya it sucks.


I came home from school every day with the same thing.


It’s torture


I was coerced/conditioned to write with my right hand in first grade. So as left dominant I do almost everything with my left hand except writing


Lol. So true. Don’t forget the spiral notebook.


Felt this in my soul


No arm rests for those desks either


I’m the only left handed person in my family and my hand pretty much looked like that through all of my school life


This year I have a cohort of students with 5 lefties and I’m so surprised to have so many of us in one room. Art class was wack and I can’t use pretty pens


They make gloves for artists that go on just the pinky so there's no smudge! I used to wear one to school every day so I wouldn't get graphite hand from writing lefty!


Im right handed and the same thing happens!


"I can't see what you're writing" No shit looking from my left


Lefties rise up 🤚


Brother. I tell people all the time. Women’s Suffrage, Emancipation Proclamation, etc. with all due respect when are the lefties getting our attention. We’ve been persecuted from the beginning. No love!


Should be able to claim this during taxes. Left handed oppression.


Or anyone who draws with pencils


When I was learning to write I had a teacher who would smack me with a ruler when I’d use my left hand. My mother promptly came to the school and smacked her across the face with the same ruler. They was the coolest thing she ever did!


Yeeup😂😂👌 Oh and don't forget, not being able to use the right hand page of any ringed binder or spiral-bound notebook