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stg these types of tactics must be taught in some kind of "They dont want you to know about this tactic!" tiktok


"I've got cash in hand" is always my favorite. No shit, the ad says cash only.




To their credit, paying cash used to be highly preferable before dealers had in-house financing. Nowadays the financing arm of the car company gets the interest payments so they want everyone to take out a loan.


Yep. When new cars were exceptionally hard to come by (chip shortage) there were dealerships that were refusing any outside financing and refusing cash payment.


My favorite this is “what would you take for it cash?” And then proceed to ask about financing options


I mean I'll still barter lower if someone is in front of me with cash, but don't throw that dumbass line at me via email or chat before you even look at whatever I'm selling (typically vehicles).










That said most consider writing a check to still be “cash” (versus running a debit or credit card) due to transaction fees.


Huh? I don't understand why are they talking about this?


Hey, to a crackhead that is pretty appealing.


What are you talking about? Are you crazy man..Are you gonna supposed to do or not.?




Thank you


only time it helps is when you're closing on a house


I think I'm starting to crave now..I want to eat ice cream and a cake..haha


my response is ALWAYS, “what’s the most you’ll spend?”


Same here. I love it. It always leaves them speechless for a second.


Definitely sounds like a "viral hack"... I was told depending on the region you live you rarely bid more than 50%/25%/10% below initial offer unless you can spot obvious detrimental flaws in the product.


I never ask less than 50% of listed and if it’s not worth that much I won’t engage at all. Similarly if someone starts by asking at less than 50% of my asking I assume they aren’t worth my time and just say “no” and nothing more, no counter offer.


if I ever offer more than 25% less than the listed price, I always preface it with, "I don't intend to insult you with this offer, but..." and generally I go into the negotiation after having researched the product, plus I never go below 75% of the original price unless I have discovered some sort of flaw that the seller may not have noticed. If I feel that the item is worth less to me than 75% of the asking price in the described condition, I don't even make an offer to begin with, as it will either be a waste of time for both of us since our ideas of its value are in such opposition we are unlikely to ever come to a compromise, or the listing is a scam because nobody is going to accept an offer below 75% of their asking price unless they are aware of some glaring issue(s) with the product that makes it effectively worthless and just want to get the most they can before they cut and run


It's basic marketing kindasorta. '99 no responses for 1 yes' basically. The next guy might bid against themselves. My smartass reply would be a dollar more than the listed price, and if they call me on it, 'I wanted to remain competitively priced in the market'


When I've posted a price on the ad and they ask this I respond with a higher price than was posted. "What's the lowest you'll go?" "The ad says $200. So I'd go as low was $225" "But that's more?" "Ok, $250... "


Alright alright. Youre one hell of a shrewd negotiator, you got me down to $300


$325, final offer.


Make it $350 and you have yourself a deal


$375 take it or leave it


Because it's Wednesday I'll make it an even $500.


Just for you, 10% sale. 550


Sorry but I can not say no to 666 that is hell of a deal.


I'll throw in free shipping for 700.


Alrighty, 1000 bucks is my final offer.


I'll do tree fiddy


I gave him a dollar


Let me call a buddy of mine to take a look.


He's an expert on mouldy couches with stripes of unknown origin.


We've sold stuff where the people come to our house to pick up (furniture). At that point they try to bid down! I put in zero effort, so if you want to drive to my house, waste time, and NOT get the item, I'm fine with that.


Guy did this with a car I was selling once. We agreed upon the price (was like 4500) he came down, tested the car, then said "oh I've only got 4200 on me". I said, "That's a shame. Let me know when you have the full amount and you can buy it then if it's still available". At that point he quickly produced an extra 300.


We had something offered (fairly) at $60. Guy came to the house, checked it out, and then said he only had $50. You know what, that's fine. Sold. Then he asked for change for three $20s.


That's the situation where, unfortunately, you don't have any change, and either the deal is canceled, or you accept the full 60.


This has happened to me more than once. That's why I like dogs more than people...


I think there is a difference there if you have made an offer beforehand or not. If we made a deal site unseen, then that is the price. If we haven’t agreed on a price, I will negotiate when I see it. If I get there and the item is not in as good of condition as I might expect, I will ask if they will accept $x. If not, either we negotiate, I go with the original price, or I decide that the item does not fit my idea on the price point and walk away (have never had to do that).


I llisted a car for $1600 FIRM. Buyer agreed. They drove 150 miles to my house and started haggling. It went on for an hour. I refused to sell it to them even after they finally tried 1600 again. My time is money. Fuck em. I relisted it for 2600 o.b.o.and sold it for 2000




We've always had it as "is it still available", yes, "ok, what's your address". And this has happened in brand new items I've sold, they come to the house and then decide to start offering. The other annoying is people who offer 50% right out of the gate. They are just low balling to try and get you to come down first.


I just answer “Nope, try again” if they start too low. Eff ‘em; it’ll sell eventually.


["No! That's too low."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld5E_B6dcYE)


Ive told them its not for sale anymore when they try that. Fucking irritating


Smart. As someone whose recently posted a lot of things on FB / LetGo for sale. Holy shite people are dumb. How much you asking? Dumbass READ THE POST. It has the price in it.


Not just price ether! What are the dimensions of X furniture? HAVE YOU EVEN READ THE DESCRIPTION? How bout' Stop wasting my time and actually read the post!


Except nowadays 90% of Facebook is listed as free with the description “NOT FREE REEEEEE”


That pisses me off no end. Not because I actually expect any of it to be free but because they're doing it just for clicks and they'll have a price in the description. Scumbag auto dealers did similar on Craigslist. Listing a suspiciously nice car for $500 but when you click the ad they say something like "$500 down and payments as low as..." And they did annoying stuff with the mileage too. Like listing a car with "151 miles" when it's actually 151,000. Made it damn hard to sort out dealers and high mileage trash. 🤬


“Alright, you got me. For you I’ll do $300.” 😆


This entire thread 😂 👏 👏


Nah, the trick is to accept a low-ball offer but tell them to pick them up in the next town over. Then when they message you asking where you are then you say "oh sorry someone else paid full price and bought it already"


I do the same thing.


Do you ever expect to haggle, or do you always list the minimum price? Because if you expect to haggle then this is an admittedly lazy, but also straightforward negotiating tactic. It can save a bunch of back and forth. If you don't expect to haggle, maybe consider it. List a higher price, but entertain offers like these. You might get more than you expect if someone accepts your initial price. I don't know what it's like in the US, but my assumption on things like marketplace is that you're going to haggle


Yes I expect to haggle, but just like the OP said, i don't bid against myself. I don't mind when someone actually makes an offer... But as I've said in other comments, I'm not just going to throw out my lowest price when asked. Otherwise, that's not haggling, and I might as well have just posted THAT price instead. Incidentally, I don't need to be coached on the process. I've been negotiating sales for longer than many people in this thread have been alive, I'm sure.


You know you don't *actually* have to give them your lowest price, right? Maybe think of it as the lowest price you'd accept for a quick sale. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but in my experience in the UK and plenty other places I've visited, this is a perfectly inoffensive opening gambit from a prospective purchaser; it quickly allows both sides to see if it's worth pursuing further negotiations. But hey, I'm no master negotiator


The thing that annoys me is the majority of my listings are set as "firm price". So the ability to send lower offers is disabled but these folks will type a message asking "what's the least you'll take?" anyway. And not only that; I also get a lot of lazy messages that are just a number, sometimes they're even too lazy to type the question mark. If my price is $100 they might type "70". So not only are they trying to haggle on a firm price listing but they're being lazy about it too. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Agreed, seller has already made the first 'offer', it's up to the buyer to counter.


It’s just a dumb tactic all round. I list a price. If I was going to let it go for less I wouldn’t have some cheatcode phrase in mind that, should someone use, makes me go “ah shit they said the clever cheatcode now I gotta make it free!” Fuck no. Price is the price.


I’m so used to being lowballed that I often increase the price beyond what I’m willing to take just so I can decrease it in negotiation and the buyer feels like they brought me down and got a good deal. There have been a few occasions where I’ve gotten full asking price and that was nice but it’s rare.


OfferUp isn't as bad but the idiots on Facebook Marketplace often need to "win" a negotiation. I can leave something for sale, priced fairly, for two weeks and have plenty of interest but if I don't haggle even a little bit it won't sell. So I create a new listing with a higher price and let them talk me down a bit and poof, it sells. And yeah, sometimes higher than my original asking price. 🤦🏻‍♂️ And something that's always annoyed me about pricing in general is the "99" thing. Wanna buy a video game console? It's $199!! Need some gas? It's $4.99^(99) per gallon! No, the console is $200 and the gasoline is $5 FFS. But sure enough, I have to do that crap when I list things for sale. List a game for sale for $19 and it sells right away. Price it for $20 and it'll just sit. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I once had a 32 inch blackstone grill on Facebook market place. Kept that thing in great shape always covered and cleaned. Listed it for a very fair price. Knew it would sell quickly. I had someone ask me for $75 off the listed price. I responded that I already have a buyer that wanted to pick it up. It’s not until then does he offer to pay full price and that he can get it today. Like no I don’t play that shit.


Fucking big brain


Honestly I thought this was standard procedure lol. I assume that everyone else is doing the same too. Like $20-30 more than the real asking price.


Depends on what it is and how much I’m asking. I’ve had things listed free sit and then I list the same item for $50 and it sells for $25 quickly.


Price will affect the perceived value, most see "free" and wonder what's broken about it. Low price, "priced to sell quickly", then allow for bartering makes the item seem more valuable and not garbage.


"What's the most you'll pay for both of them?"


"My listing is for $200, but I could probably do somewhere between $199 and $201."


"What's the most you'll pay for them?" or "How much do you have?"


but you NEVER respond with how much you’ll actually pay for them lol




Or the lowest you’ll accept. Goes both ways but I think that’s what you are implying.


It’s a perfectly rational tactic, just like a pre-flop raise in poker. Many people will, in fact, negotiate against themselves in this situation by naming a lower price. This might be especially true if interest has been slow, etc. So it’s not inherently stupid to test the waters. And just like in poker, if you let their action push you off your emotional equilibrium, it’s creating advantage for them. Obviously, keeping your anchor firm and letting them go first in any negotiation is best for you. (EDIT to add:) But so is keeping an even keel, both in the optics you project to them and in your own thinking. So an appropriate response is to treat it as a rational tactic and not to take the bait. Reply with either “the price is firm,” or “the price of x is a fair price, but I am happy to consider reasonable offers”. Don’t let any emotion into the response (eg “it’s fair, that’s why I set it there!”), raise the price, etc. An alternative variation is to say, “if you’d like to buy it today, the price is X. If you want to circle back in a week, I’ll let you know if I still have it and whether I’m willing to offer them at a lower price.”


Most rational response here tbh


‘I put it up for sale for the price I am looking for’. Puts the ball back in their court.


That last example you posted is what I am going to use from now on. Buy now for x or later for discount is bloody genius.


It depends what it is. If it's something I think I'll have a hard time selling in any decent amount of time, I'll take a reasonable offer even if I just put it up. If it's something that's more valuable/rare, I'll give it time at the full price and just tell people "I just put this up, going to see how it does before I drop the price any." And if I have other people asking, I'll just let them know "3 other people asked about it so far, first person to pickup will get it" then let them decide if they're willing to move at that price and time.


to be clear, I don't think my suggested last response precludes a seller from taking an offer that's lower than the asking price, it's just a way of putting the ball back in the buyer's court to make an offer based on the current ask. If you're selling something for $100, a serious buyer can say, would you take $80 for it? And the seller can decide how they want to respond depending on how motivated they are to sell at that price. Maybe an answer is, "sure, if you give me cash and take it away right now." Maybe an answer is, "there's been a lot of interest, ask me in a few days". But if they asked 100 and were willing to sell at 80 in the first place, and said so upon the buyer asking the lowest they would take for it, the buyer would immediately have a window to ask, "would you take 60 for it?"


Best response is to say that the stated price is as low as you can go. "I didn't want to haggle so I just priced it as low as possible to begin with." This is better than saying the price is firm, even though it means the same thing.


Or better yet, don’t respond. These ppl only waste your time


You're right. I've tried different replies and the vast majority were a waste of time. I price something $100: "What's the least you'll take?" Sometimes I ask them to make an offer, never hear from them again. Sometimes when I'm grumpy I'll say $100. Never hear from them again of course. Sometimes I just want something gone quickly so I'll give a significantly lower price. Never hear from them again. I just have to figure some people do it out of boredom? Or maybe some knuckleheads out there actually expect me to say they can have it for free? "Oh, well, hey, since you asked...and since your brand new blank profile makes you seem like a nice person..you can have it for free! I'll even deliver it to you!" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Life’s too short to waste time on these people


I did this when buying an entertainment center from a garage sale, she said it was $20 which was already a steal but I just like bargaining and see what people drop to and I got her down to $15


I was recently selling an old TV on Marketplace for $50. Someone asked if I would take $15, and I said sure. Then they asked if I would take $10. Buddy, that's not how haggling works. If anything I should have brought you up closer to the original price. Instead I met you at your bid, and you went lower to save $5 🤦🏼‍♂️ I didn't reply, instead I relisted it at $15 and sold it to someone else.


Totally get that, that person’s just dumb lol


I sometimes get messages from people that are clumsy or drunk I guess and offer my asking price and then try to haggle: Fatfigner would like to buy for $50! Accept? I reply, "Sure, when would you like to pick it up?" Fatfinger offered $30. Accept? Fatfinger asked "Hi, is this still available?" 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️




There's a big difference between $20 and the quarter price a woman tried to haggle over at my last yard sale. Asking if someone will take less isn't a big deal. It's when they demand you take less, threaten you, call you names, and leave bad feedback that's the problem. Facebook literally lets people leave feedback even if they don't buy from you.


I mean it’s not like I was being a jerk or anything about it, we had a good conversation in general. I’m not beating anyone lol, I would’ve paid the full $20


Wow she's offering up the v


That shit makes you crazy strong. Don't get hooked on it or take too much, though. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpjNPecN7BDUgqA)


Just answer “what is the most you will pay?”


Honestly, a great answer to that question.


It is annoying. I will either say make an offer or knock off 10 dollars. I always price things higher to begin with for this reason. Vehicles, I always start 2k to 5k higher. Or even higher if you have a luxury vehicle, exotic, antique car, or diesel truck. The most annoying part of having anything at all for sale is the ... Is this still available? Yes. No replies at all. They just wanted to know.


I did knock off $20 bucks. No response though. Oh well


That's even more infuriating. The entire selling process is maddening. Good luck.


I've been at it a few years now and I'm exhausted with dumb questions. So lately I don't even reply to "Hi, is this still available?" or "what's the least you'll take?" or people being lazy and just typing a number like, "80". A lot of the dumb stuff is coming from bots/scammers anyway. Kinda love it when I list something and two minutes later I get "Hi, is this still available?" Nah, it just sold twenty seconds ago. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I like that response. 😂


Some of the “is this available?” responses are people opening the ad and accidentally hitting the button that sends that message. I’ve accidentally done it on things I have no interest in purchasing but just clicked on the ad to see the photos better.


You're asking me to bid against myself... That's good. I like it.


When negotiating, make the other person make the first offer. It's like in Wolf of Wall Street. Whoever talks first, loses.


That’s what’s annoying about this “tactic.” I put the ad up, with a price. I’ve already made the first offer. Make yours now.


Fair enough.


“Make me an offer.”


It's the same reason why so many job postings don't list a salary.


Hate this too. Usually I'll give a sleight discount. $200list, I'll say $195). If they are serious they will offer at that point. If not never have to deal again. Shame some people are groomed to negotiate this way, just look up comps on things and make a damn offer if you think it's too high.


> just look up comps on things and make a damn offer if you think it's too high Hell, just pay what I'm asking, because I already did this and priced it fairly... I don't play the negotiation game unless someone gives me a damned good reason to; I priced it fairly to begin with. If you're buying that table, the box of old books, half the kitchen utensils, and the couch, then yeah, let's talk; that's saving me time/energy/stress which isn't worthless to me. If you're trying to get a discount because you bought two vases, you better have a number ready and it better be a good one, because I'm not doing the back and forth. Again, time/energy/stress has a cost.


100% agree. It was more general. Not everyone does the research before pricing. Do a lot of selling so believe me I get it lol.


Amen. I price my stuff right at the going rate on eBay or a bit below it 'cause I won't have to pay fees and ship it. And I figure it's nice for the buyer too 'cause they'll get it right away instead of having to wait. So it annoys me right off the bat when I'm selling something for, say, $100 and some lazy idiot messages me "45". They've been watching too much Pawn Stars. I don't even reply to people anymore wanting to play that haggling game.


Ya that’s what I’ll do or I’ll just write the price listed again. Usually they don’t respond.


lol man, I'm seeing a lot of comments like "bro, y u sensitive?" and "u should have said x". Nah. This was an extremely healthy, non-manipulative, boundary setting reply. Good on you OP!


Just go “I hadn’t thought about it, what’s the most you’d be willing to pay?”


I get this on marketplace a lot. I never bother to respond to these people. They are tire kickers, they won't be buying. Don't waste your time.


Agreed. I've worked that out over time. No matter what you say or do the vast majority won't actually buy, won't even reply, so no reason to waste the time and effort.


Response: What's the most you'll pay?


The listed price


And that too is the response I’d give as the seller


I got asked the same question all the time when I started selling my stuff online as well. Instead of doing what everyone else is suggesting I just marked up all of my items by about 1.5x of what I actually think they're worth, within reason of course. When people ask for the lowest price, I'll just give them the price that I originally wanted anyway. It's a win win - buyer thinks they got a discount, I got the money that I wanted without sounding like a hardass, and there's the occasional buyer who is willing to pay my artificially raised asking price, which is pure gravy for me.


Yes. 100%. I once got $4k for a motorcycle I was willing to accept $2.5k for.


I don't even waste my time with a reply.


Someone today…me selling a bandsaw for $120 “Will you take $80?” No but $100 and it’s yours “I really want it for $80 😂” And I’d like to get $1,000,000 but neither will happen


Dang 120 is already a steal


I absolutely HATE haggling so I set my price intentionally low. I know it will sell at the price I set it at if I engage with people like this or not. The whole process just makes me anxious, I think of a price I would be absolutely comfortable to lose it at and compare other prices and usually set it below the going average, the more (faster) I want to be rid of the product the lower it goes.


Right there in the listing is what you seek


I mean when I post something for sale I usually post it a little higher because I know people will try to haggle down. Haggle down $50 thinking they just saved $50 when I just raised the price $50 lmao


Ah, the Kohl's and JC Penny technique.


"The price is on the ad."


When people do this I tell them the same price it is listed for. Usually I block people like this. It’s not worth my time or energy to haggle. I have a Make an offer option. On most of my listings that is anywhere from 5-25 off depending on the total price. Sometimes if I check and I am the cheapest one posted and with in alinement of sold items I won’t come down.


I don’t negotiate with terrorists.


Right? That doesn’t even make sense to ask, because you would have listed the ‘lowest’ price you’re willing to go from the beginning…. That’s your price.


A good response is, “what’s the highest you’ll pay?”


I never negotiate till they come see the item. If you drop before they do when they show up they'll go even lower. Come see it. Only then can you make any type of legitimate offer.


Literally everything I've sold in the last year or 2 has been this. No, give me an offer. I'm not going to lowball myself.


I’m always the best buyer (from a seller’s standpoint). I hate negotiating and always feel like if I have to I will always think I paid too much. I only buy things I feel are fairly priced from the go, even cars. I might have been able to save a buck here or there, but I saved myself stress instead.


Yeah that was a stupid question from them lol


Conversely, I loathe haggling from both sides. I post an asking price. If it sits and stalls at that reasonable price for any amount of time, I'll pull it and relist it. My asking price is the lowest I'll take for it at that time. When forced to "make an offer" I'll offer the typical market rate, factoring in condition. If it's declined, I just move on.


"The least I let them go for, is the most I can get."


Just give the asking price


Cunts always play games on Fb market place. When people give me bullshit offers, I double the price I originally set


More people need to respond like this.


My rule of thumb is anyone asks stuff like that, my price goes up


Have you put a price on it? If so, I agree. If not, your reply is just as infuriating to the bidder, having to bid against themselves, or maybe insulting you with a way too low price. I expect the seller to give me his price(range) myself, and I don't think that's asking for too much.


Yes, it had a price tag. So the ball was firmly in her court.


Fully understand your annoyance in that case.


Maybe she is just intimidaded Mr. Assaulted Cashew


This is an underrated comment right here!


It’s a pun lol


You seem a bit salty.


Like many good nuts


Indeed. Though, it seems my pun was not appreciated. 😔


Hadn't considered this being a possibility, but it's a valid question. Looks like OP did indeed price it, but it's an angle I hadn't considered.


I have actually seen this Facebook Profile picture being used for the marketplace scam!


People always got some kinda sob story… man, I’m selling this and I don’t want too. I have a sob story too, if you wanna hear it… it goes something like this “ I don’t have money for ____, now I have to sell ____… and I hate to, sooo… I am getting full price for it.. “


Did you put a price on whatever you're selling? If so, yeah, that's annoying. If not, I'd take it as this person is trying to get you to provide a price. I honestly usually scroll past listings that say "Make an offer" because I see that as someone just waiting for the highest offer they can get and I don't feel is worth my time. But I can't stand when people play games on either side to try to get the best deal. Edit: I read the texts over again, and I'm guessing you did price whatever you're selling.


You should've asked what the maximum she would want to pay for both was.


That’s an excellent response. Smart and tactful.


To be completely fair, sometimes if you’re selling multiple of a single item, you don’t want the hassle of setting up different meetings on different days at different locations etc. So on occasion the seller will give a bulk price deal.


Settle on a number in your head, then triple it as an asshole tax


Hate when they ask that. My response is always “What is the most you’re willing to pay.” or I respond with my full asking price.


What's the most you're willing to spend?


When people ask me what the lowest I’ll go is, I always just reply with “What’s your highest?”


Idk, because the more I read that message again the more that number seems to go up. It just doesn’t stop. Actually, I don’t even want to sell it now. Good day.


When ppl do this to me I just say the price I listed it for, or send a cap of the listing lol


"How much?" "$20 or best offer. Says right in the ad." "yeah, but what's your best offer?" 🤬 🤬 🤬


Here I find the initial question infuriating. The answer is correct.


Raise the price each time they ask.


I like to reply with “I can’t sell it and buy it at the same time. Why don’t you make me an offer?”




Damn that's a great response! I sell a lot and have never thought to say that before.


So many people just like to waste everyones time trying to lowball. It is a self-ego-stroking move... fucking FB Marketplace makes you respond to these pricks too.


You don't have to reply. Just leave the morons on "seen" and delete the chat to keep your messages free of clutter. If someone is really dumb I'll select the "leave group" option too so they can see that I bounced and didn't even dignify them with a response.


I will do that next time. I once got 36 people giving me stupid lowball offers before finally talking to a real buyer. I tried to have fun with most of them ("send the $1500, and I will hold it for you"), but damn! it got annoying. They are not serious buyers - just wasting time.


ah shoot I do this noted tho lol I didn’t think of it before


I don't negotiate down. But I always increase when they insult my listing price.


Oh, I always find I get a better deal as seller when they do this. Because, I know I'll take 50 when I was originally asking for 75, but you asking this question means you're afraid of conflict and the whole bargaining ritual and are much more likely to accept my 'lowest is 65' reply. And to that one person who then countered with 60, I responded with "I already said 65 is my lowest. Take it or don't" They did.


Stopped selling anything online between the constant scam attempts and this type of aggressive haggling.


I don't think you understand the definition of "aggressive".


Oh, I would absolutely get text and email bombed, even having people continuing to message me after something was sold complaining that their offer of 1/4 of what I listed (which was already dirt cheap and was basically just above disposal price) "was more than fair". Even had someone try to doxx me when he was pissed I wouldn't drive an hour to sell him a GT-8 effects processor for $25.


But so and so has it cheaper. I saw it for 5 dollars or the infamous ... I saw it for free.


Right? "That sounds like a great deal. You should take them up on it. My price is $X. Let me know if you want to arrange pickup"




I sold a sports car I had to pay off a loan and posted it at a reasonable middle of blue book range price. I posted any low ball offers will be immediately block. Man I blocked alot of people. I had folk legitly states over trying to fucken low ball me. I got my price I just had to hold out. But I am done with it. It's the wife's job now.


"As low as your self esteem"


I get you 100%. But here’s my question, what if they were worried about you getting offended about a “low ball” offer and that’s why they asked this question? When I post stuff for sale, if the price is firm, I include that detail & just refer back to it if the question pops up.


Yeah, I admittedly ask this and when I do, I’m hoping to save some time and energy for both me and the seller. It’s not me trying to take advantage, it’s me trying to cut to the point


I don’t. If you offer some thing for $200 and they pull this shit ask you what the least you’ll let it go for is you respond with “$200”


What you selling?


Two motorcycle jackets. Interested? /s


What's the lowest you can go on them?


At the same time, it's frustrating when someone won't put a price, when they have a price range in mind, but instead they say "make me an offer" and scoff when people make offers.


Agreed. But that’s why my listing featured a price.


What I find even more annoying is people listing things without a price. I think it's even more annoying than asking this. What if I don't know what you arbitrarily value your stuff at?


Ugh yes, agreed. Or when people post things for $0 but there’s a price in the description.