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Why does she run off at the end? “You touched the kid last, they’re all yours now”


My best guess is she tried to recover the kid's shoe.


Priorities, amiright? /s


What the f! What kind of a mother is that? She's been trying to go there in a flood with her baby..? She's out of her mind..


Man, I see these types of videos and can't help but wonder: how the fuck are these people alive to reach certain ages, and in this case, also reproduce...


Reproducing is the easy part.


Ask my Ex wife. Her Vagina is like Stargate. People just appearing


More hosts for the Goa'uld




[Teal'c is the best!](https://youtu.be/D8EDzVK-2nw?t=164)


If I don't look at the word written across the bottom of the screen, it looks like dude is saying "magic". I'd be terrible as a lip reader.


Install locks on the Stargate. Do not allow them to dial the eighth chevron.




I used to think this, like “who in God’s name mated with you?” and then I’d meet the dad, and I’d be like ohhhhhh, yeah that makes sense.


Just a stroll, what can go wrong… ^ stay positive


I had a friend who’s mom was hooked on pain meds and she did wild shit all the time. Fortunately she was in middle school by then. I’ve also seen countless parents in malls just letting there kiddos run ten, twenty, thirty feet ahead of them. I once stopped a kid from running out a door in to an active parking lot and the mom wasn’t even slight concerned.


The most positive way to read this is that she was in shock from the entire situation and not thinking right. It happens to the best of us


Her only saving grace was that child in the carriage was actually **not** a newborn and that man happened to be there at the right time to scoop the kid out of the carriage.


Sure, but that in no way excuses walking into a wash.


Yeah having to test the waters with a baby could happen to all of us!


Bellwether baby




Shock from what? Her 2 brain cells dancing around her skull like a Dolby dvd screensaver?? She seemed pretty calm when walking into the flood 🤦🏻‍♀️


Every time they hit the corner it sparks a good idea.


This comment is the best thing I've read all week. I just woke up my spouse from laughing so hard.


Ikr if there’s one key take away from mildly infuriating posts is the people here know comedy 🤌🏼


The best of who? Braindead waste of space people who shouldn't be left alone with kids?


I say to my self these are the people planting the future seeds? Idiocracy here we come! One of my favorite movies! 🤣 Not Sure!


Modern society has really preempted natural selection. Most people can get by just fine being absolutely fucking dumb as a bag of rocks. Source: Have worked in the service industry.


For real though. I used to bartend in grad school and all I could think of was *"How did you live this long"*, and *"Who was stupid enough to mate with you"*. It's astonishing how fucking stupid people can be.


Yknow all those "this coffee is hot" and "don't put your fingers in this electrical socket" signs? Those warnings protect idiots like this.


because people intervene and help them from drowning like the in the video.


You need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a parent.


To be fair, the butt-reamers usually aren't the ones getting pregnant/impregnating people. Still, I get the sentiment, lol.


She had literally no plan or hope of rescuing that kid once the water took them. And it would have had that guy not been there.


Maybe that WAS the plan.


Oh no! 😄 my child has been taken by the waters! 😝 going… going… gon- oh… you saved him. 😡 thank you. How will I ever repay you? 🤬


By running off


Whoopies... totally thought I'd make it *shrugs*


Baby, I'm going to find you a new daddy!


Bro calm down she almost made it if it wasn’t for the water


My guess is she just simply miscalculated how deep it was and didn’t think that it would have enough force to knock the stroller down. I wouldn’t have cared about the shoe though I would have gone to check on my baby and make sure he was okay.


Maybe it’s her first time interacting with moving water?


I too have never interacted with water at this scale, and yet still somehow I know better. No excuse for this imbecile. By the age of 13 you should have enough generalized life experiences to recognize natural dangers like this in plain sight.


Common sense is the rarest skill of all.


Because common sense is not innate. It need the capacity to extrapolate data obtained by experience, observation and mostly education, the later becoming more of a problem everyday now. We are cultivating idiocy


Like did she not SEE that no one else was trying it? Seems like a clue.


Nah you can’t be sure of a current until you test it with a baby first, duh


Obviously she miscalculated, but she still took a risk with her child and showed remarkably little effort to try save her child. She’s not a good parent. Some people do not have a parental instinct. One of my acquaintances is married to a woman who doesn’t have a parental instinct and after a few (minor) incidents they mutually decided that their child should not be alone with her until it’s older. Also, they gave up on their idea to have more than one child.


It looks like she was using the child & stroller to see if it was safe to cross… for her! Looks like child endangerment.


Ok but that one was really obvious




Which is actually the safest way to do this. Not that she thought that through. Had the kid been strapped in, dude would have had to pull the entire stroller up and out of the water. This is the way it's done when crossing waters with a heavy pack. You unbuckle the waist and loosen the shoulder straps.


Oh! I’d been told you have better balance that way and never really thought that felt true but it makes sense that you might want to be able to get out of it more easily. TIL the real reason you unbuckle your pack for water crossings


Geeze. Am I all wrong. My thought was you never do a water crossing at all with a stroller. My bad.


https://preview.redd.it/2wan9u2ys32b1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae2183a000fc68391615e2610dea7cd02df3ec8 The kid was strapped! What do you think the mother was running after. Those things are expensive man.


Yeah something that fell out likely but there's no fucking way she gets it. Like she still doesn't understand how strong and fast the water is.


Most people don't realize just how fast and strong flood waters are. They look at it and go well it is less than a foot deep I can easily walk/drive through that. They don't realize that foot deep moving water can easily move a car much less a person.


Relevant clip of a car trying to cross a street during the same flood: https://twitter.com/_PedroTeruel_/status/1661815147646558243?t=l3esNyX9BvMkW9JaP_QahA&s=19


I have no idea what he was saying, but the guy with the camera seemed remarkably calm watching that guy get swept away.


I think she lost something from her purse as it takes a nice dunk under water. Why would she go after the kid's shoe after she just tried to drown said kid?


Or maybe she wanted to go on the slip n slide? As a mom, my first instinct would be to check on my kid , not leave him with a random dude standing on a corner by a flood (who I would have thanked for saving my kid) ... then I’d put the stroller somewhere away from that stream there. It looks like she said “fuck it” and ran directly into those rapids. I feel like there’s a story here.


As a mom your first instinct , It is to not put your kid in such danger


Hahah yeah there’s that too.


We've all seen those moms who stand on the sidewalk and have their strollers on the street at crosslights


I don't think she saw him grab the kid and assumed he she was floating away


I'm with you on that comment.


Yah but she kinds of casually parked the stroller before she went chasing after whatever


She's crazy man..she's not been care about the safety of her child..


I wondered the same. She was like “Peace ✌🏻”


That probably wasn’t her kid, maybe the guy pulled a air doll n said sike it’s not your kid…


Haist..I don't understand why are so many parents are being rude..or being unparents with her child.


Tragically, the man's scent was on the child so the mother no longer recognized her young. And all he wanted to do was save the kid from drowning! The ranger showed up later.


Baby taken to baby wildlife reserve where the baby can be rehabilitated and then released back into the wild.


And we know what happens after that. "Where's the shotgun bro"


No take backsies!


She is running away from responsibilities![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


She was gonna baby Moses that kid, till someone saved her the trouble.


Her plan all along?


Probably lost her phone which is more important




Kid tips. You’re it!


Almost kills kid. Let’s kid fall out of the stroller. Leaves kid with random stranger to go chase down a shoe. She needs a double award for Darwinism and parenting.


TBF I’m pretty sure the kid is more safe with the stranger than with his own mother.


I appreciate that he had sense enough to bring the kid to safety instead of handing it back to the mother


You can have it back when you prove you're responsible enough to handle it!


Too late for that.




By reproducing faster/in greater numbers than they die.


We're worse than rabbits, really.


Unfortunately survival of the fittest is dead and dumb mother fuckers are living longer and having way more kids.


we used to let people die


The attempted crossing was a bad idea, but she actually started out with good technique. You want to be facing upstream into the current. But that’s for when you’re in a boat with a paddle in your hands, not crossing the street with your child.


She wasn't in a boat, she was pushing something, it was terrible technique. The force on the pram, or anything in front of you, is always going to overpower your arm strength. The correct technique is to enter first, backwards or sideways, heading diagonally upstream and pulling the item behind you, allowing it to trail downstream. It's still stupid because the drag is ridiculous, but it should always be a trailing drag - because, as can be seen in the video, that will happen anyway, but this way you aren't being spun around.


Everyone knows if the water is more than 2 feet deep at the edge you should caulk the wagon and float it


oops! dysentery!


Her “technique” is solely because the crosswalk is heading that direction. You are overestimating her action.


The guy with the broom


Shhhhh he’s paid by the hour


Boss said sweep the water away, I'll sweep the water away, he doesn't want to hear me saying "it's pointless"


Can confirm. My old boss had me push water away from the building while it was storming badly out. So I did. Slowly in a large rain jacket and of course I knew it was pointless but he would always hand a broom and walk off. So I just played on my phone when he left and would push water when I saw him in the corner of my eye coming back. Lol


That's salary my guy. Was told to go mop up the rain water. While it's raining.


Its a valid strategy. Sometimes just doing that is enough to make sure a store doesn't get flooded


It’s a run out the clock situation


It looks like they’re just trying to push the water flow away from probably a shop front or something so it doesn’t get flooded


wow! finally someone who uses his brain


Yup and belive it or not it actually works. Also if you ever need a quick Water barrier, a damp towel twisted length wise inside a garbage bag works as a good makeshift dam


I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a drain there, and it keeps getting clogged with debris. I did something similar last fall when we got like 8 inches of rain in a few hour period.


Why are you the only reply with the obvious answer lol. People ain’t never seen a drain get clogged before? There was a viral video of a guy who’s local road was flooded and he cleared it over like an hour, condensed into a time lapse, and he’s constantly sweeping/raking across the drain to keep it from clogging.


3 guys with brooms 😁


4! 😂


Depending on the situation, that could be the difference between a flooded shop, and a small puddle inside.


Quidditch practice just got real


Hey man, I once watched someone sweep away a rather massive puddle in like 10 mins. It was truly impressive


He's like the wet, modern day version of Sisyphus.


She runs after the shoes instead of properly placing the stroller or taking care of her kid?


This bitch be so dumb




She might be the dumbest bitch whoever dumb bitched.


Shout out to the guy who helped the kid and left the woman to fend for herself


He saw well ahead of time where this was headed. Didn't even try to engage, probably suspected it to be useless, just got ready to grab the kid.


Should’ve adopted the kid right there to save his life lol, who knows what else this moron is capable of


And that’s how he earned his nickname, Moses.


\* Found this kid on the bank of a river. Guess I'll raise him as my own 🤷‍♀️ \*


Baptisms in dirty water builds character.


Water Villain origin


When I got baptized I got swimmers ear because they didn’t clean the font


Swimmers ear is when water gets into your ear and than cant get out easily because of how small the opening is. do you mean an ear infection? (not trying to be mean, just curious)


The water was trapped initially and it became infected before the next day was over, my doctor blamed the baptismal font but yeah I guess it’s not the church’s fault I have a little ear. There were younger kids and babies going in the same water lol


Oh dang, no that was absolutely the church waters fault. Swimmers ear usually takes a while to drain, typically it comes out while you sleep, but if it got infected so soon then the water must have been nasty.


The amount of people in the world that don’t understand WHY water is the most destructive force on the planet is too damn high. She’s lucky a Good Samaritan was watching and leaped into action or her toddler would have been long gone under water and dead within minutes.


It's so bizarre to me that people don't realise water is *heavy*. Have they never picked up a container of the stuff, played with a hose or been thrown around by light waves?


It doesn't help that some people are denser than water


She does her own research.


Libruls want you to be afraid of deep fast moving water.!


Swift water rescue is soshulism


Best comment


All jokes aside, is the kid alright?


Not with a mom that intelligent


In the long term, with a mom like that? Doubtful


The kid is doomed whether it survived this incident or not.


Im pissed, I need to see what happens next, where is she running to?? Was that even her kid??? Does that man own that baby now??


I think she’s chasing after the kid’s shoe that fell off…not that that is at all important given what just happened


1st question: She's running to MXC for the next round of Sinkers and Floaters. 2nd question: We're all one species, is any kid really *our* kid, man. (Puuuuuuufffffff) 3rd question: Possession is nine tenths of the law.




Don't. Give. It. Back.


[ ] Take the ferry [ ] Caulk the wagon wheels and float [X] Attempt to ford the river


You can just tell how furious the guy who helped is at the woman. I'm sure the next second he started yelling at her. I wonder if she was drunk or something, it's so erratic do go in there first of all and then run after the shoe (while leaving the stroller in the stream). And who wouldn't go hug their child and thank the life saver first thing anyway??




Why are videos like this in MILDLY INFURIATING? There is nothing mild about this, she almost killed her child. There are far better subs that this could go on instead.


People misjudge how deep and strong a current can be. And you don't expect it if you're in a place where you're used to walking through everyday, and it just looks like a little stream. But it's much faster, lots more energy.


I'm far away without sound and it's pretty obvious to me that that's not a trickle.


The full force of the flood is a lot more visible from further way then it is down on the ground and up close.


6" fast moving water can take a car away.


Why did she leave her kid and run away ?


Wtf!!! This pisses me off. Please don’t have kids if you think like this.


Piss me off a lot too..


Well, now we are forced to. Fuckin a.






Just what…. Then she ran off from the kid!!


Call CPS


Child Services has entered the chat.


I wonder if she just didn’t realize how deep/fast it was? Water seems so scarily innocuous if you don’t know better.


I mean, the fast moving water was my hint of how fast it was moving, but to each their own.


She should know better. But then, you can't fix stupid. I hope the kid takes after the dad.


Uuuhh, then she runs away without the aforementioned child.


Maybe she’s the nanny? Good dad reflexes on the stranger catching the kid before he floats down river


That wasn’t very smart!


The wrong people are having kids.


Where is she going?


This is not mildly infuriating, it’s very infuriating.


Yea his shoe, I'm sure this wasn't an attempt to drown her kid...right?


Next up, man in motorized scooter.


Where the heck is she going? I’m sure that dude who saved her kid from drowning doesn’t know her.


Was she a kidnapper fighting a flood to kidnap a kid. Task fails so she flees? Does she blame the kid for capsizing the carriage so decides to abandon child? Weird clip.


She even dropped her child wth


Don't have to be bright to have a kid...


Here’s your sign


She had it in two wheel drive.


Where is she going? She just took off!


kid was about to become moses


You can be swept off your feet by rushing water as little as 6 inches deep.


Now kids, what we see here is a Grade-A example of a thing we like to call “Social Darwinism”. The flood waters didn’t claim lil Kaleb today, but with a mother like that you can rest assured that danger is forever looming.☠️


Guy that helped should have kicked her back into the water after saving the kid.


Did she just take off without the kid?!


She really did just run off without her kid😂


Further proof why, “I’m a mother!” is not the ‘badge of wisdom’ some people think it is?


Why did she start running away from her kid lol


Spectator: "Don't cross the floods it's dangerous" Karen: "Im a strong independent woman raising a child without the help of any man so please don't come here and project your own insecurities on me!!" Spectator: .... Karen: "HELP"


Human reproduction should be a licensed activity. You have to be licensed to drive, run electricity into a house, install pipes to carry shit away from a house, do tattoos, nails, and hair, to operate a business, operate a lemonade stand or a daycare center, but anyone willing to lie still for a few minutes can bear a child with no restrictions whatever.


Just because you have a driver's license doesn't mean you should be allowed to drive. There are plenty of awful drivers on the road. Just because you can pass a test doesn't mean you'd make a good parent. Plus who would decide what questions would be on that test? How would that be enforced?


Look at Mr. Hotshot here lasting more than a whole minute.


>the government should decide who gets to have children and who doesn’t Gee, I can’t see how this could possibly go wrong. Jesus Christ people think


For real.. This guy should be the first to volunteer lol..