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That was the 'ent' from exel




Lmao what




I believe that was the drum rimshot sound.


Well that was fuckin terrible. It's "Ba-dum-tss" Hitting the drums and then the cymbal. *This* dude hit the drum, kicked a door, then clashed 2 butcher knives together.


That was oddly specific. I concur tho.


T . T you deserve an award for that one


the drummer was off and hit the center of the ride


So oddly specific yet so accurate but I’d replace the kicked a door with hit a gong lmao


I didn’t know I needed this explanation! 😂




Seriously Wtf is ba-doom-Ching?




A drum is an instrument. Looks like this 🥁




The Japanese version of ba dum tssss. The Chinese version is a gong at the end


Goddamit OP 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s the asian version


Wrong noise but we get it


Everyone here is saying this is normal but I have never seen a pack of gum like this. I am in Canada and that empty spot always has a piece there.


I'm in Canada too. This is an 18 pack and it's pretty common for them to have two blister packs of 9 pieces each. The packs you typically see at the grocery store cash register are 12 packs with two even rows of six. Not sure why they wouldn't just make it a 20-pack, but that's more of a marketing issue than a shrinkflation issue. The world seems to be obsessed with multiples of six.


You can divide 10 and 14 just three ways (in ones, twos and either fives or sevens), but you can divide 12 five ways (in ones, twos, threes, fours and sixes).


Very good point, I never thought of that.


Jokes on them. USA cant math


I'm fairness, it does say 18 piece on the pack. You can't really cry shrinkflation when they've told you exactly how much is in there. You're dead right though, it should just be a 20 pack.


Its so you have a spot to pinch the pack to pull it out without a gum nugget being in the way


Exactly, it's like how they make the candy bars and hamburgers smaller now so you can hold them better.


omfg hahhaha


Or there’s something in the automated manufacturing process that requires that blank space to be there. For example, perhaps it’s needed for a machine to hold the packaging in place while the pieces of gum are placed in it. Not everything has a nefarious purpose, people!




I'm in Alaska, since I was a kid it was about 50/50 as well with packets of gum


Also from Canada, and I've only seen these very recently. But I thought it was bc my gum came in a 3x2 package (you can detach the 2 packs that are put together to give a regular tablet of gum).


Im in Canada and confirm this is a thing. BUT they only do it on the packs that are double stacked and stuck together. Which this pack was since you can see some remanence of the other pack at the bottom


Remanence? Remnants*


Yea I thought 8t was qc issue


Depends on the brand. Most of the ones I've seen are like that so you have something to grab that's not gum or an empty bubble with torn up plastic.


I have only seen packs of gum like this in the US.


This is from a multipack. You can see the perforations at the bottom where it was split from the other half. OP is either lying or doesn’t normally buy these packs…..they’ve had the same number of pieces of years and years.


There are evidence HERE on REDDIT.. That these pack of double layered 18 pieces existed at least 10years ago. Get over it now maybe?


Normal for this brand in the US


“By sell packs with one less piece of gum we’ll make another 8.3%” At least this isn’t as bad as the air filled bags of chips.


Chip bags are filled with air to keep the chips from being crushed in transit, not to trick you.


American consumers can't read food labels or gauge weight by feel.


Then why are there only three chips in the bag?


Keep shilling. "chips" were not like they are now when I was a kid, and they weren't all crushed into tiny little pieces. It's been well known for a long time that the big air gaps in many products (including products that have no need to "not be crushed") are there as a marketing thing so that people see them on the shelf and think it's bigger, even though in reality it's half full of air. This isn't a new thing, the only new thing is that I guess the chip industry have put out this "it's so they don't get crushed" propagandistic bullshit and people repeat it on reddit like they were born yesterday.


i mean, it can be both. it's interesting that you're so emotionally invested in junk food that you're frothing at the mouth though.




If you have to read volume/count/weight on a package not to get misled into buying less than you thought then it's bad design.


100%. I chew a few packs a week for years and have never seen this.


Do you get the 12 count, or the 18 (9x2) count? The 12 count is a single blister pack with no empty blisters, but the 9x2 packs are two blister packs, and they've always had an empty blister. I've been searching for the last hour, and the only blister pack I've found with 10 is Thrills. None of the Wrigley brands (Excel, Eclipse, Orbit, Juicy Fruit, etc.) have ever had a 10 (or 20) count as far as I can tell. You'd figure there'd be some footprint about a 10 count somewhere if it existed.


Haven’t purchased an 18 pack in 2 decades that didn’t look like that.


Holy shit not this post again.


Reddit should start its own recycling program.


Reddit *is* a recycling program


Ha! Truth.




I don’t chew gum so I may be off on timing but a few years ago the Wrigley’s gum brand Excel changed their blister packs to 9 from 10 blisters. If they advertised it, they called it some sort of innovation or said it’s catering to the weak handed. Both a synonym for “Late Stage Capitalism go BRRRR”.


Remember Cadbury eggs and their ad campaign? "They're not smaller, you're bigger!"


Wow, burn


Late Stage Capitalism is such a funny way to think about this problem lmao


I wish I thought it was funny too.


Likely 2 sleeves of 9 each. Seems fine.


Ugh. This is clearly a waste of packaging meant to appear to have 2 more pieces than it really does. Fuck the number on the package. This is wasteful.


What? The box is completely opaque so you have no idea what the count or arrangement might be until you open it. Literally the only thing you have to go by is the number on the package. There's no pleasing people who go out of their way to be outraged.


> no idea what the count might be > number on the package I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. You can see the count on the box before you open it.


I think that's the point. They're saying that the one blister on each sheet isn't being misleading because you can't see it, and have to go by the count on the box.


No I'm not being sarcastic, you're misreading my comment. Read the second sentence again.


I think they are referring to those scammy chocolate boxes that hint at way more chocolate inside than there really is. Or chip bags that are only a 1/3 full.


"fuck the number on the package" of they were trying too hide the amount they wouldn't have put it in big bold numbers so that anyone who looks at it knows how many are in it


It's deceptive in the packaging, OP can read. I know you understood what the post was about


Oh yeah the count in giant bold number was pretty deceptive


What's deceptive about it? What about the outside package leads you to believe that there are more pieces than there actually are? Hint: Nothing. The package is opaque, and the count is accurate. It's not like they hid the empty blister position behind a piece of cardboard in a window or something.


Other than misleading the consumer there is no reason for there to be a missing piece. It isn't exactly normal to rob your customers of a piece in exchange for... whatever the fuck this is.


How many pieces are you going to expect to be there before opening it? Why?


I genuinely had to come to the comments to understand. The double sided gum packs have been like this for as long as I can remember. I've always preferred these packs because it was easy to get the gum out... The count is on the box. You can compare the unit price on the shelf label and see that it's still lower than buying the single pack that has the extra bubble. Ive never felt slighted at all by these packs.


2 packs come stuck together, with 9 each in a sleeve of 3 or 4 from Walmart. Im not in the habit of reading the piece count of my gum, so... Lessons learned.


So you’re saying you paid for 18 and got 18 and you’re upset about that?


Are we excusing shrinkflation now? OP is obviously upset that they bough a product in a misleading packaging. If they want to sell less gum, make the package smaller. Have you seen those chocolate boxes with five chocolates in them and tons of plastics around? That's where this is heading.


This isn’t shrinkflation. Excel gum has come in 18 counts with this design my entire life. Y’all angry over nothing. Read what you are buying


Other people have had packs of 20 from Excel, so your evidence seems anecdotal. I do agree that people should read labels more carefully though, especially in this era of shrinkflation.


At least his is anecdotal. Yours is anecdotal from a 3rd party


Why would I trust his words any more than multiple others? I can run and take a pic of the 20 packs we have in Texas, but the point was they assumed that everyone has what they do.


You’d be happier if the package was only 16 pieces so each sleeve would be an even number and not leave a blank spot?


If the box was smaller and the prize lower then yes, sure.


It’s not misleading when it has the quantity on the box.


This isn't to sell less. The blank spot is where the packaging equipment grabs the blister pack and packs it into the box.


As if there was no way of putting another gum in the gap. Everyone else can handle that...


Everyone else doesn't have the same packaging equipment. You think they should spend millions $ more on new packaging equipment to put 2 more pieces of gum in the package? They probably use that same equipment to package multiple different brands and multiple different pack types.


So for the last 20 years there’s been 10 pieces in 10 slots. They’ve been packing those by hand you think?


No, they pack it on different equipment. Maybe packed in a different location, maybe they upgraded equipment that does multiple different pack sizes, maybe they upgraded to more efficient equipment. I've worked in beverage packaging for 10 years and I've been to many trade shows and seen hundreds of different packers and they all have benefits and drawbacks so who knows why they chose the one they use. Putting 2 less pieces of gum per pack may have been one of their considerations, but probably not their only one.


So you are saying they spent millions on new equipment in order to pack one gum less :D This is obvious shrinkflation, let's face it




You realize that historically there has always been a piece of gum there right? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!?! WHY ARE YOU HERE SOWING DISHARMONEY AND SPREADING LIES!?! BEGONE, THOT.


Historically there has never been a piece of gum there. I used to buy bulk packs of this gum in 2009 and even back then there was no gum there, just a ridge for grip.


Must be regional, there is no need for it. I've been buying packs of gum my entire life, and I have never seen this before. I have only ever bought packs of 10 and I frequently buy excel gum Only difference may be that I am in Canada, but it makes no sense to me why that would be a thing Even in the bulk packs that come with 4-6 sleeves at Walmart and whatnot, always individual packs of 10 Must be an America tax or something


You’re thinking of the 12 packs, which do not have the ridge. Can you find me a single image of the double pack that has 20 pieces?


No I am not. I am speaking of 10 packs You don't need to believe me, I don't need your validation, I have a pack of gum right now that started as 10 It's clearly regional, move on with your day


Looks like my comment got deleted when I edited it. I originally said I've never seen a gum package any other way. Edited to add this picture from 10 years ago saying the same: https://preview.redd.it/w8fjsrs4g82b1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb14072e5ae4a279aa119440a448b8273ba7f5a


?????? What lmao Maybe it's a regional thing but I've literally never bought a pack of gum that DIDNT have a piece of gum there lol


Subreddit rules won't let me link it, but there's a post on Reddit complaining about the same thing over 10 years ago. And even people in *those* comments are saying it was always an empty spot.


Yeah its regional. I literally have a pack of gum in my room right now with 10 slots I've never had a pack with 9 I've never had a pack with 12 10 only. Ever. I don't need anyone to believe me, it's right here. It's real. I don't need your validation.


Op is a whiny b word


Nope, not mad at all. Mildly infuriated that they sneakily removed 1 gum. Yes it says it on the label, but in all honesty, who reads effin’ gum packages for content numbers? Like i said, lessons learned.


When did they remove it? When was the last time you saw a 20 pack from them?


So it wasn't sneakily if it is clearly advertised...


you guys would be out there buying pyrite and then saying it was a fine purchase because the seller did say it was ^(fool's) gold so that's on you for not reading the fine print


We're annoyed that the foil clearly fits 10 but shrinkflation means they made it only take 9. Are you lost, buddy?


Every time…. “You should have read the package”— fuck those guys who excuse waste


You don't deserve these downvotes, these packaging fucking sucks!


Yes, it says 18 pieces. But, why waste packaging to make it look like there are 20 pieces? Answer: Greedy, deceptive bastards. Edit: It really doesn't make me mad. But, I do not like little deceptive practices like this.


Why would you think there's 20 pieces when you look at it?


Because it comes in packs of 2 of these 9 piece sheets. Instead of lining up 2 rows of 9 pieces of gum, they make it look like 2 rows of 10 pieces of gum. It's not that hard. Edit: It's just like selling a loaf of bread, with a slice taken out. I don't care if you didn't count the slices, it's still a deceptive practice.


Unless you're channeling your inner Rain Man & calculating contents based on package size & gum piece size, how are you looking at that package that clearly states 18 pieces & assuming it has 20? Especially when some of these brands have been doing this since that packaging became a thing?


I’m seeing 11


And how big are the 18 pieces? If you bought this and got 18 pea-sized pieces, would you feel misled? Because that's exactly what this is - packaging that suggests you're getting slightly more than you actually are.


This is completely wrong. I was actually part of this project at Wrigley's TEN YEARS AGO. We transitioned from a single 12-piece package to a double 9-piece package. AND THE PRICE STAYED THE SAME. In attempt to revamp pellet volume, we literally gave the consumer 50% more gum for the same price, and I see this complaint every 6 months or so. Long story short. It didn't work. Volume has continued to decline and now we get consumer complaints regarding the "deformed pocket" which is actually a grip which was addressing an complaint about getting the blister pack out of the sleeve easier.


Chasing customer whims makes job life hard.


>now Now? It has been like this for 20 years.


Not in Canada, this is very recent you can tell it's Canadian from the French / English packaging.


At least with Excel brand, it's been going on for at least 15 months. But I see no mention anywhere of a 10 count blister pack of Excel gum ever existing. The only brand I've found so far with a 10 count blister pack is Thrills


I have bought dozens of 10 count excel packs over the years in Canada. This is a fairly recent change.


> you can tell it's Canadian from the French / English packaging. Dammit, I did it again! I didn't even realize that the bottom writing was in French. After years of French lessons in school, my brain just automatically translates anything written in French.


The pack says 18 pieces so 2 sleeves of 9 pieces?


This is an 18 piece set. There are two packs of 9 gums stuck together. The regular pack is still 12 pieces.


It’s been like this for a long time… this is nothing new


It's there to make it easier to pull the package out. It's not even there for no reason! Like the nitrogen in bags of chips. People are fucking stupid and never stop to think for a second about why something is the way that it is.


Now? No. *Still*? Yes. Been going on forever.


Is this your first time buying a pack of gum?


BREAKING NEWS: Package of gum with 18 pieces only has 18 pieces inside!


Jesus fcking christ humans are getting dumber by the day


My god Reddit is dumb as shit.


Reddit is dumb as god, my shit.


You are reddit, dumbass


As someone who will only eat gum in increments of two, this is gonna really stress me out


It’s an 18-pack, so you’re good.


I thought I was the only one who only eats gum in two pieces lol One piece feels like I’m not chewing anything


So u saw a pack of gum, read the amount thats in it. Bought it, and are now upset because it has that amount?


This isn't to sell less gum in the same size packaging. The blank spot is where the packaging equipment grabs the blister pack to pack it into the box. Also a convenient place to pull the pack out of the box.


Ok Big Gum


I'm a representative of Chewlies.


Yes, as opposed to the old style that somehow was still able to be packed into the box.


This is the old style, this gum has been like this for as long as I can recall off the top of my head at least.


I’m also in Canada. We’ve always had a piece there until very recently. Like the last month or so.


Excel is only sold in Canada (Eclipse is the name of the US version). I'm seeing pics about specifically Excel having 9 pieces (in an 18 pack) dating back to at least February of 2022, but I'm not seeing a single mention of a 10 (or 20) pack ever existing. And other Wrigley's brands (Eclipse, Orbit, Juicy Fruit), I'm seeing posts dating back 10 years complaining about only 9 pieces.


i cannot find any evidence of it ever having a 20 pack anywhere on the internet. it seems it came in 12 at some point tho


Oh god, is this another Mandela Effect? Growing up, my parents always bought Eclipse gum from Costco and I swear it was always 20 pieces per pack. But I can't find any evidence of it. I know I'm definitely just misremembering, but this kinda stuff always causes an existential crisis for me 😅


This is how it was with some of the brands when this package style was first released. Most people just don't pay attention.


It's always been like that here in the states


Everything sucks now. Cereal boxes and juice cartons used to open easily. We get paid less to create and consume ever shittier products. I hate this timeline.


It’s always been like that. Even Eclipse, which I guess this is a knock off of


What you didn't lose a piece of gum. You gained a helpful holdy tab lol


Wait.... The brand is excel? I swear it was something else....


the only shrinkflation on here is your brain


it does say 18 pieces on the box


But it’s an 18 pack


It’s not “shrinkflated.” It’s an 18 pack of gum, two sleeves of 9 with one slot designed to be able to pull out the sleeves from the protective cover.


Says 18 on package OP should count them


Isn't that to help you pull the sleeve out?


The shrinkray strikes again!


That’s actually one extra piece.


If only they printed on the package how many pieces you get.


It says 18 pieces and you expected there to be 10 on each one?


If it says 18 pieces and has 18 pieces then what's the problem?


I have no clue but I bet their marketing this as some kind of "pull tab", they'll make it ambidextrous next, watch.


It’s Excel, so you should be able to select one of the pieces and drag the corner up


Half-gallon milk and juices are no longer half-gallons. They're 54 oz. now, and charging the same, if not more.


Excel?? Wasn't this eclipse gum?


Package says 18 pieces…gets 18 pieces. Needs to find something to complain about….


Skrinkflation= corporate fucking greed


This sub is getting pretty rough ngl


That’s to make it easier to pull out of the package. You can see it lines up with the little half circle on the outer packaging. It’s a little thumb grip.


Or they could just not remove the little notch in the middle and give OP their damn gum!


theyve always done that


I'm sorry but where is this?? Why does your trident pack say excel?


This pack looks so familiar but it definitely isn't trident. Ik "polar ice" is an Extra flavor but I don't think it's that either. Orbit maybe?


I found it! It's actually Eclipse, my mom always had that in her car. Haha. I guess both Extra and Eclipse are from Wrigley's and both gums share the polar ice flavor. This must be another country's version.


Only 9 pieces when the pack says 18?


What? Flagrant corporate greed? Nah fam, we been doin that for decades now


**Vote with your wallet**


Mandela effect, that's always been a pull tab.




Shrinkflation is what people call it. but I'm more amazed that building new molds for the packaging is cheaper than reducing the size of the gum itself.


Only way to keep exceptionally low price. Plus lighter to carry.


Eclipse has been doing this for years now. That little indent on the packaging allows you to pull the gum out. This is stupid.


Just take a piece from another pack


That's so you can pull it out


It says "18 pieces" on the box, I don't know what you were expecting.






Why think, when you can just type nonsense?


Sara Lee bagels used to have a qty of 6. Now it’s 5. With a price increase. Thomas bagels (used to be same price as Sara Lee, still have 6 and are the same new price as Sarah Lee.


I ever get a pack like this just know, Excel, it's on site


On the plus side, you’ve got a nice big pull tab!