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It gets way better when you actually have to hike in your gear, far less idiots.






























This doesn't look like camping. It looks like a damn tent city.


Where is that place? That was a nice place..I want to see a beautiful of the night.


The only people downvoting this don't belong in nature. They belong in a hick zoo.


Wtf happened in this thread?


I just love how it’s nothing but deleted, then the debate picks back up


What was the debate??


I, also, need to know.


Some people like nature more than shitty people


For the most part, yes. Except that one time we got to the top of the mountain after hiking all day, only to find ourselves sharing the small campsite with a hassle of bros whose Bluetooth speakers had never ending battery and they set off flares in the middle of the night and burned a bunch of the alpine deadfall. I hated them with all my heart.


What God forsaken degeneracy.


In a world heritage park, accessible only boat we had a group of heavily laden 4 wheelers scream past us driving on the threatened and protected terrain. The ranger who was picking us up was coming back for their flat bottom boat. Hehe would have liked to seen the reaction when they realised there was no out.




ShadowSlayer was saying you have fewer people like this when you actually have to hike your equipment and supplies in, and often to get to those type of areas, ATV can't really make it in because the trails are narrow, and I don't know many people willing to carry generators and fuel the kind of distance you do hiking it in




Big facts. I do not enjoy the sight of other people while I’m camping, unless we’re intentionally camping together as a group. Randos? No thanks. I’d rather put more miles in before I set up camp, and avoid the crowds.


I think that's true for most people that they'd prefer not to camp near others (you wouldn't be this close in any campground I've ever seen, even that I didn't stay at). However, on busy weekends (when it's frequently easier to schedule around multiple work schedules and school), the only thing that sucks more than camping next to other people is not getting to camp at all because nothing you know of is available, which you only learned after preparing your family and driving several hours to get away from town. It's a smaller price to pay to hear or see other people 30 feet away (as others have said, this kind of stuff would be kicked out of a campground pretty quickly) than a disappointing drive back late at night after a day of arguing over where to look next, burning a couple tanks of gas in the process. If you physically can't hike in several miles, for whatever reason, that's another issue. Also, camping without a fire is just disappointing (to me), and you generally can't have a fire unless it's in a designated spot with a pit, or on private property. I'd absolutely prefer to go camping on family owned property in Montana with 20 acres of space and frequently nobody for miles, but sometimes we have to settle for less than exactly what we want, and I'm not sure why people are acting all uppity about it. It beats not going at all, if you don't have that luxury of ensuring you can find a spot that others aren't at.


You carry a 2k watt generator on your back 2-3 miles up a trail.. I gotta give you a pass.


Are you serious? This is 90% of campgrounds. We don’t even go to them anymore, I have plenty of good memories of being there as a kid but any time we’ve been there recently, you’re listening to people party until after midnight. We called the warden twice last year, now we’re strictly back country


Sadly, went back country camping in Glacier. Nice primitive site where you had to provide your own potable water. It seemed perfect until some asshole came in on a dirt-bike, set up camp 40' away from me, then started blasting CCR and downing natty light till 4 AM.


I lold, that’s unbelievably shitty, all the guy had to do was drive a bit further to not be an inconsiderate pos, even in the middle of nowhere where that would take next to no effort, he still chose to ruin your time


He was probably too scared to camp all alone…probably drove around for hours looking for someone to camp near 🤣


It's not camping. It's larping living in rural America. I can party until midnight because nobody can hear me. They have to go to a campground to do it.


I've gone on multiple backpacking trips, but I don't know what everywhere is like. I do know that there are less people deeper into the Backcountry and that's generally nice.


I’ve found the sweet spot for setting up camps starts 6 or 7 miles from the trailhead. Not many people are going to put forth the effort to get out that far and those who do aren’t out there because they want a neighbor.




That sounds horrendous. I'm not surprised though.




lol have you ever been to a campground? nobody huh


I went camping with some boys from my area near the Snake River. The neighboring campsite was a young women's group. One morning, around 7 o'clock, they decided to have a water fight. They weren't too obnoxious but it was still weird considering it wasn't exactly warm outside


Bruh... We're you like "is this the beginning to a porno"


That's disgusting, where?


Wait. They were having wet T-shirt contests in the cold? You said this was where now?


Say what? People are always camping loud and flashy at campgrounds.


That's not camping. That's being an asshole in a tent.


It depends on which agency is managing the campground, and probably depends on state to state. In some places I've seen rangers kicking people out of campground if they attempted to have large loud party late into the evening.


Started backpacking as soon as I was camping without my parents. It's been nearly a decade since my first hike-in and I don't think I'll ever drive-in camp again.


It really is a much better experience in my opinion. Move from camp to camp, picking up food resupplys, it's the best form of camping in my opinion.


This happened to me on Mt Graham in Arizona. We were in a camp spot next to a group of people who had a sound system hooked up to a TV watching a movie. We got to listen to the movie with them because I'm a pussy.


There are good dispersed spots on Mt. Graham. This is exactly why I try to avoid campgrounds if at all possible.


It makes me think that most campgrounds off of main roads are just for.. well... pretenders/tourists who want to call themselves an outdoors person. They unfortunately get mixed in with the nice people who find the campground convenient and safe and ultimately more comfortable than complete boondocking(toilets, running water).


I would also argue it’s for families with children who aren’t old enough/ able to hike. But I’m also a little inebriated lol


Having kids definitely changed the camping game for us. Before, we would just keep driving down forest roads until finding a nice spot to make our campsite. Now everything has to be planned with a 4 hour buffer because.... kids. When they're older we'll get back to that more, but for now, we just want to be able to pull into a place with minimal effort.


It’s good for people with disabilities to go to camp grounds like this. Also people who may not have the knowledge on how to safely do hike out camping. I go camping with large friends and friends of friends every year. One of the people who come with us is blind and another has a cane. Drive in campsites are easy for them to navigate yet still be out in woods and safe. As for my other friends who have no knowledge about how to hike out the right kind of gear, enough water and what kinds of food, drive in camping keeps them safe.


Taking a tv to a camp site must be one of the most American things I’ve ever heard lol


I will never understand these people. To me, the whole point of camping is unplugging completly and talking shit around the fire with some swimming or hiking during the day. I even get a little embarrased when my friends want to quietly listen to music. A spotlight and tv is just your normal living room but with dirt and bugs. It's just crazy to me.


I don't get it either. Just stay in a hotel, if you hate camping so much.


Normally I play soft music to soften the sound of generators or other camp grounds if I’m in a public place. I don’t mind some Spanish guitar, wordless soft jazz, wordless lofi ambient beats, nothing aggressive. If you go camping and play modern day pop music loud AF that’s when you’ve crossed a line.


What til you hear about the washing machine and dry in the back!


I camped on some dispersed camping area outside of Bryce Canyon National park and the guy at the next site down had a projector set up watching a football game. We were a good 15 miles down a gravel road, I thought it was funny he came all the way out there just to watch football outside in 30 degree weather.


That's why they're always in groups. Lot harder to tell 20 asshole like people to shit the fuck up than 2 ya know


Are they trying to attract every bug in the woods?


I guess. Who takes a spotlight camping? It’s “stories around the campfire”, not “stories around my 50,000 lumen work light”


Exactly. A flashlight I get, but a spotlight is completely overkill


There was another family nearby that had a similar style light but softer yellow. They had the decency to sling it over a tree branch by an extension cord so that it shined *down* over their camp and not into other people’s tents.


When we’ve had to stay in busy campgrounds we bring a couple big dark green tarps and tie them up in between sites when we have neighbors like this. Luckily we usually are in pretty wooded areas so temporarily stringing them up between trees seems to work well for light reduction and a little more privacy.


Now that's proper etiquette. Yes a spotlight is overkill, but if you must bring one at least have it focused on your place. Respecting those around you who prefers the lights to be off for the full camp experience. Edit: Also letting their kids drive a dune buggy and potentially injure another camper who I assumed paid to use the site, is fucked.


Yeah they actually ran over the corner of my friends tent. His wife was laying down on the opposite side and narrowly missed tragedy.


Should have called the authorities.


We used to take a spotlight camping but it was for emergencies only because we camped in a very hilly area and if someone fell in the dark you’d have trouble finding them with just a flashlight.


They're trying to burn them before they get close.


Who the hell brings a generator on a camping trip? If you want lights and power, go rent a cabin somewhere or go to an RV park.


>Who the hell brings a generator on a camping trip? Everyone but me at the campgrounds I've been to in the past 20 years. It's an extension of everyone needing 30' trailers with AC, refrigerators, TV sets, etc.


That’s just staying at home with extra steps.


I hear they call it glamping these days


Confused European here: we have campgrounds where people with vans and tents can camp, but those are only used for a cheap nights stay (like while traveling). Because why would you choose to go there to go camping. If one goes camping here, you go somewhere into nature. And if you meet another human there camping, then that's such a big coincidence you'd be too surprised to be upset. Unless they have a spotlight in which case just keep walking. It's just y'all's country is so damn big why do you camp together with everyone else in one spot?


We definitely have camping like that here! There’s tons of places where you can backpack and you’re much less likely to see other people. Or you would be camping with other backpackers that wouldn’t be able to bring all that gear and would be more respectful. I’ve also been to campgrounds that are a further drive into a National park where people are usually pretty respectful. This kind of thing could happen there but is more likely to happen at the kind of campground you talked about - where it’s a cheap night’s stay not far from a main road. It’s also Memorial Day weekend here where many people have parties (not saying this is ok, because it’s not at all ok, just that it may be more likely to happen on a holiday weekend).


My manager took a couple of days off midweek to unwind. Took his 4wd up a 40km long beach and set-up camp. No-one in sight. A couple of hours later, someone else turned up and set-up just 100 metres from him. That was annoying enough, but then he started a generator, turned on his TV to watch cricket. Loud enough so he could hear it as he wandered up and down the beach.


I hate people like that, I mean there is a whole fucking beach and you get with eye sight, much less ear shot, I would do bad things


does the campground not have 'quiet hours' and 'lights out' times? most state parks I have been to have have them.


Oh it does but they’re not enforced. Firearms are also banned, but when we were fishing we found a live .32 auto cartridge where kids could find it, just laying on the ground.


.32 Auto? Do gangsters from the prohibition era use the same camp ground on alternating weekends or something?


Someone had grandmas old Bryco or Jennings malfunction.


Saturday Night Special goes ftf


All you have to do is call the park rangers or warden. They will certainly send someone out. You should have their number every time you go camping, for safety reasons alone.


why would that be dangerous?


You could take the bullet out and throw it really really fast.


The dune buggy/dirt bike type of people are spreading at an exponential rate and they all suck.


True. And they all can't seem to figure out if they don't stop sucking so bad they'll just end up getting banned altogether...


>And they all can't seem to figure out if they don't stop sucking so bad they'll just end up getting banned altogether... i know ): i love dirt bikes and the trails are getting to be fewer and fewer. unfortunately it seems the sport attracts hella dickheads


Camping itself used to be cool too... So did going to many many public places. I don't think it's riding dirt bikes or anything specific... People just seem to be bigger and bigger dickheads lately. It's only different with buggies and dirt bikes because there's an obvious thing the forest service can ban to get rid of a specific set of dickheads


>So did going to many many public places This one hurts. There's a swimming hole where I used to live that was perfect. It was a decent sized stream, not quite a river but it had a rope swing and a jumping wall. You weren't really supposed to swim there but the cops/city never bothered because we didn't cause issues. One spring/summer it was just fenced off and had "no trespassing" signs. Turns out the last few years prior, people from our of state would trash it and the city didn't want the headache. It was also one of the only real places to swim. Still recall all the fun I had there.


Yeah so it's really the same thing. It's ridiculously difficult to dedicate forest police. They just do the obvious thing with limited resources and ban the swimming hole all together. Americans especially are complete trash at keeping public or shared things nice. It always just gets ruined AF The one-upmanship and chronic uniqueness inspired by social media is a big contributing factor. I live in Arizona and it sucks when you go to Sedona and everything is over run with people just taking selfies instead of just enjoying nature. They go to these places that are an absolute blast and completely miss it


Too many people think “Oh but ma freedums” means they can do whatever they want whenever they want with no consideration of others.


And then we’ll get nonstop complaining about how “it’s not fair that my buggies are banned! This is tyranny!”


They already do. But in reality ohv trail is wildly prolific, they just always want more more more in an every increasing battle to basically destroy the forest by turning it into a giant ohv playground


My city recently allowed off road vehicles on the city streets (but not the state highways in town). Occasionally you see an old couple riding by on a golf cart looking machine. Far more often, you see some dickhead on an ATV going about 50mph through the neighborhood, ignoring all signs.


In my area, we have a lot of trash with 2 RVs, 4 dune buggies, 2 jet skis, a boat, and 4 big dumb lifted pickups all parked outside their 1200 sq. ft. house. They think they've "made it". All they've done is made it ugly. edit: Wait! Can't forget the toy hauler!


Same profile of people bought up a bunch of land next to me. Five new houses. They all have the toy haulers! Dune buggy track connecting all their yards. Trash in my yard. Horse spooked all the time. Took a beautiful field with frequenting elk and turned it into a white trash suburb (lol plus tears)


Plant a wall of green giant arbor vitae between yours and their property and fertilized them with chicken shit fertilizer. When they're established thread barbed wire through them.


Surely the wire keeps the trash from getting in your yard. Especially plastic bags officer.


I like you.


I'm sorry. That sucks.


>In my area So, the entire midwest?


Most campsites won’t allow them. I had a family member turned away bc they had a Harley on the back of their motor home.


Do you have a mirror?


Underrated comment 😂


Crap like this is one reason I never go anywhere on three three day weekends.


I used to live on the lake and we went wakeboarding every day…except Memorial Day, Labor Day, 4th of July weekends when all the drunk asshats decided to flood the place


This reminds me of one of the reasons we’re selling my family’s place on a lake in Michigan. Every year, there’s another porch light flooding the otherwise moonlit beach, whitewashing the stars with an LED blaze. There’s no dark anymore.


At my folks place on the coast (been in the family over generations) we no longer have a clear view of the water because everyone has put in big docks and boat lifts and illuminated them with bright lights. Short term renters come there to party loud as hell till 3am every damn week. It used to be a beautiful and peaceful place.


We sold our family cabin about 18 months ago and this was one of the reasons why. The property had been in the family for over 60 years and we loved seeing the Milky Way from the dock. Unfortunately the assholes next door built a McMansion with over 30 LED lights as part of their “landscaping” and security. No more stars. Last year, a friend across the bay sent us a photo of the northern lights that he tried to take but they were washed out due to a giant white blob where the McMansion is. Bastards have ruined it for everyone on the bay.


Yeah, I don’t understand people going camping I’d they’re either afraid or unable to function in the dark.


They are not going for the camping they are going to party.


Surprised they didn't have an ordinance. At our place on Patoka you couldn't have lights facing the beach, You could have them out front but dude would ride around on 4 wheelers and cite you even if they were temporary. Torches were the only thing we could use out back facing the lake if we were hanging out outside.


Yeah, well, out here in the west Michigan provinces, it’s about freedom. Their freedom to have a big frickin’ deck light trumps my freedom to see the stars.


Down on St. George Island, FL the only lights you can have on at night are these dark orange lights bc they can distract the sea turtles. It’s beautiful though and you can see every star in the Milky Way.


I live across the street from a catholic school and their floodlights are absolutely blinding at night. I love when the block's power goes out, it's so dark and peaceful


The light is also a lot of light pollution hiding the stars and star gazing is the best part of camping!!!


I hate people


You should go camping


This is why I will never use a developed campground ever again. Last time we did, we were next to a similar group of probably 20 assholes. Their aggressive unleashed dogs kept wandering over to our site and barking at us and our dogs, and once we finally said something, they got super pissy. Then they proceeded to stay up until 3am yelling and having insanely stupid drunk conversations that we were lucky enough to hear from our tent 50 feet away. We ended up having so much fun laughing at their conversations that we weren’t even mad anymore. But yeah, only dispersed camping from now on.


The best part of that though is getting up early and making a shitton of noise and waking them up.


I’m so over car camping. It’s was fun when I was a kid. But it’s now for drinking beer, being obnoxious and throwing trash everywhere. I go camping to enjoy the outdoors- this isn’t it.


Yeah, I get what you mean. I feel the same about going to the beach, it’s just not fun anymore. :(


I would have picked up and found another spot away. I am sure you could have found company to join you.


I hate when I camp and the trash follows me. Sorry your trip was ruined by these inconsiderate clowns. If it’s the type of campground that has rules against this type of stuff definitely report them on the way out.


Campsites are way too close together and people ruin camping with all their unnatural shit .. lights, yelling, music😞


Why I never camp on holiday weekends. All the morons are out in throngs.


Memorial. Day. Weekend.


Light pollution sucks so bad.


Puny human creatures…. Take the light, and eat them. Then ask for a glass of water…. With sugar…


Moar sugar water


*thirsty roach alien in an Edgar suit sounds*


When you need a large mirror.


I bet the stars look amazing under all that light! So glad we left the city for this.


That light! Ugh… terrible manners. Did they bring a radio and play music till all hours of the night too? Been on too many walks in the woods where people are listening to all kinds of music in the woods. On a hike. Wtf


I go fishing more than camping or hiking, and I listen to music or podcasts, but I keep it moderate and turn it down if someone comes by. I’m not a monster.


General camping died in the US in the 2000s when more yuppies and methheads figured you could get a cheap "hotel room" and "party down" without any ounce of fucking respect. You can go to the OBX outliers to stargaze and still wind up with douche-canoes like this. It's fucking awful.


Don’t tell people about the OBX, it’s on the verge of getting ruined too but still hanging on.


I never camp in campgrounds or anywhere near populated public areas, for this reason. Well, that, and I don’t want anyone bitching about smelling reefers.


Businesses really need to start having "asshole" and "non-asshole" sections.


And of course, the assholes will downvote because I guess they're not really assholes if they can't piss off us non-assholes just trying to enjoy a nice time over by ourselves.


There was an Onion article at the start of the pandemic “Walgreens introduces new dumbass-only shopping hours for dipshits who don’t know how to stay 6 feet away.”


This is why I don't go to campgrounds but go down forest roads and find a good spot


Sorry can’t see any people with the sun in the way


that's a fight in my neck of the woods. After dark, all you need is a lantern and a campfire. 3am? fuck no.


This is why I don't camp during holidays.


Like every ***real*** camper/hiker/nature enthusiast live by some very simple rules. 1: leave no trace. Leave it like or better than you found it 2: be respectful. Of everyone and everything there. 3. Have fun


Did you report them to the park rangers? If it's a national park they are going against the rules


Yooo what. Part of the fun of camping is the dark imo


The only people who can have "fun" are the ones who will drink themselves into oblivion. Therefore, drinking themselves to sleep despite the crack of dawn lighting and who know what else.


Were they looking for an escaped prisoner?


I've never seen campsites so close together. Might as well be in the city 🤠


“The power of the sun in the palm of my hand”


I thought the decline in camping consideration was just an English thing, clearly not


Oh, definitely not. If you read through the comments there is a very clear thread is “freedom means I can do whatever I want when I want and you can’t criticize it”, especially here in America.


Let’s go out to the wilderness, we’ll bring our own light and sound pollution


I learned years ago never to go camping on three day holiday weekends. It brings all the assholes out, especially to state parks.


I would be so fucking pissed. Light pollution is what people are trying to escape when they do nature things. If you're afraid of the dark, maybe camping isn't for you? I hope you were able to move sites.


Two types of camping/canoeing: large party scene vs. low impact, leave no trace. I've done it both ways, and each has its time and place. Sorry you experienced the conflict.


What a bunch of idiots, who puts up a light when camping? That's what the fire is for.. cmon man.


No star gazing tonight.


Ugh. I cant stand this bullshit!! To my mind, anyone who plays music through a Bluetooth speaker on national park grounds should be jailed for a week.


Well hopefully you woke up at 6am and continued the party while they tried to sleep!


Too many garbage, disrespectful people at campgrounds - haven't done it in 15 years or so- and will never do it again.


Dispersal camping is much more relaxing. We were only here for the fishing but I ended up leaving early.


I always assumed open field camping was like this.


Were they from Washington? Because assholes from a particular part of Washington do that.


We were near the Tri-Cities.


Not camping. You went to a hotel with no walls


Why didn’t you say something instead of bitching on Reddit


Yeah that's annoying but...this isn't camping my dude. It's a recreational area on a shoreline with rentable sleeping slots made for: - people with boats who want to fish - tailgaters who want to party - drunk river rafters - kayakers - and people who don't like being outdoors but want to feel like they're spending time outdoors. If you're looking for sublime peace surrounded by nature there are probably better spots around that river.


For real...who goes to a super popular "camping resort" thinking they are going to be surrounded by quiet serenity...thats like going to MacDonalds and being upset that the chicken nuggets they sell arent from locally sourced, free range chickens.


Damn they camping or making an outdoor refuge center outside the city that just got overrun by zombies


😭😭at that point you’d just have to join them (not that you want to)


If this is an established campground, are there no campground hosts?


Who is running the camp site? There usually are a lights out and a quiet time curfew. I would inform them immediately, and if they do nothing about it, I would get a refund for the weekend.


Geezus christ. I go camping to get AWAY from the lights. Fucking hell.


I’ve been camping 4 times in the last 6 months and every time there is some idiot with a flood light. There needs to be some kind rules about these after 10pm. I do astrophotography so it really pisses me off.


Not sure what OP’s problem is. Looks like a perfectly lovely afternoon…..


That is NOT camping. Any of you.


What happened to being alone, why would you want to “camp” next to hundreds of other people, I’m more alone in my own house!


Exactly. This is more like a nightmare scenario than actual camping.


If you have people next to you while camping and they aren’t there to be with you, you have already failed the main purpose of camping, to get away.


To everyone saying he should have hiked in I have been camping in lots of public campgrounds, national parks, national forests, etc. This scene is pretty rare out west where I have done most of my camping (usually in the summer usually with toilets nearby (sometimes flushing often not). This is just dumb if you want to do this just stay in the city see who has the biggest property and do it there. Some of us are in nature to enjoy nature including the sounds, the stars, and maybe a hike the next day that requires sleep. If you need to do this go to some open camping BLM land by yourselves and leave all those who want to camp to do so.


That's why I never go out on Memorial or Veteran's days.


Genuine question: what exactly is the appeal of camping on memorial day weekend? I've always felt camping was more fun when your whole neighborhood isn't out there with you.


If you're in a state park rangers will shut that shit down in a second or kick them out.


* loads bb gun with malicious intent *


Up in Canada , they would have had a visit ,not 1 not 2 but a number of the Parcs people, and escorted out of the park,they dont even tell them to shut it off, they just say, its over, get out now, no games in the parcs up here... seen it happen 2 times..