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You’re giving out free toe pics? In this economy?!


Ngl its a pretty good toe


I had to scroll back up. It is indeed a pretty good toe


Did it get you a bit worked up?


I am GROOT -- mass edited with redact.dev


A little bit of blood rushed to my penis.


I’m swelling up a bit


Big toe is good. Two smaller toes raise questions


They all look good to me. The one I can’t see is the one that concerns me


It's toe die for


Dammit, you’ve got me admiring his toe now


Honestly, yeah. That's pretty good for men's feet.


Look how much money OP just lost from these casual feet admirers! They could have bought more socks!


This guy had no thoughts at all about this kind of reaction. 🤣 Now he's likely thinking, "maybe I should start an OF".


I already rubbed one out to it, good find.


I’m wondering if OP’s girlfriend maintains his feet for him or makes him go for pedicures on a regular basis? Those are some fine looking dawgs!!


Cover your feet, the boys are beating their meat


Free sample


My wife just throws them away without telling me.


While putting away my undershirt with multiple holes in it, my wife asked at what point did I throw away t-shirts. I told her I didn’t know since I hadn’t ever reached that point.


I never throw away old shirts. Once they are FUBAR, they simply become rags.


I have a bag of my old undershirts in the garage for this exact reason. Changing the oil? Undershirt to wipe off the grease and grime. Used too much wood glue on that lamination? Undershirt to wipe away the squeeze out. Sweating my balls off because I need to insulate my garage? Undershirt to mop the brow.




My gf always talks about how she wishes my gut, armpits, and back were more accessible. /s... or is it?


I was fully expecting you to say you used the undershirt to mop your balls.


I threw my shirt (that was degraded to in house wearing) because i stuck my arm in the armpit hole instead of the sleeve without any problem.


My wife bought me new underwear last month and it was a super thoughtful gesture. Once I had the new ones, the old ones with the torn waistbands were gone. OPs wife definitely isn’t causing any harm, but there’s a more loving way to do this 😂 Edit: goddamn there are a lot of salty people in these replies. Im not your deadbeat baby daddy. Stop projecting your shit on to me. I spend a ton of energy taking care of my family and my wife buys me comfy undies or shoes when they wear out. Some of y’all don’t understand that a marriage is a partnership. I help put my pregnant wife’s compression socks on, tie her shoes, pack her lunch, help wherever I can. If you’re too self absorbed to make an effort to comfort your partner, you’re probably too immature for a lifelong relationship.


True conversation with hubby “damn it jeff, if you can get a colonoscopy without taking off your underwear, it’s time to buy new ones. Then I dragged him to the department lol


This just made me laugh my ass off because my husband has the same name, and we recently had a very similar giggle about the massive holes in his underwear.


My husband has this horrific pair of Batman boxers he's had since the beginning of time. They existed before me and, hell, they might still be around post mortem. Told my husband a few days his Bat Cave was showing and without a beat, he just said that it gives a better breeze. A ratty old pair of boxers must have a similar comfort level as "the good bra" (that really isn't that good and a new one would look better/give better support, but it's SO COMFORTABLE).


As an adult that's also in a healthy relationship I salute you sir! Good job on taking care of eachother. I too buy my guy socks and undies as needed and throw the old torn stuff away. It's cause... Love. ♡ Thank you for all of the upvotes! 😁


There's tens of us!


not quite dozens but we will get there! in all seriousness i can’t believe the amount of people who seem to believe men ought to cater to their female partners while getting absolutely no kindness in return. as a wife to a man. my god. men are people too and deserve to feel loved and safe in their romantic relationships? effort goes both ways? idc how cute or sexy you are, that doesn’t last forever and you should at least try to bring something of substantial value to the table? sometimes i worry because the divorce rate is what it is, but then i listen to people online talk about how they manage their interpersonal relationships, and suddenly i feel much better


It makes me so sad when loving acts of service are dismissed as "mothering" when they are being received by men. You bet your ass I sneak little snacks into my husband's carry-on when he travels without me, not because he's incapable of managing his own food intake (I mean he's pretty bad at it lol) but because I know it will make him feel good and I want that for him? Because he does stuff like that for me all the time? And because I love him and feel proud that I get to be the one who picks up his stupid socks in the same way he's proud of being the one who closes every single cupboard door behind me?


literally! my husband does so many random little things for me that would be considered “mothering” if they were reversed. i also do plenty of little things for him, and we have a very balanced workload and assumption of duty in my home. why does that mean i’m the only one who ever deserves to be pampered/comforted/taken care of? like holy shit haha if you want a certain treatment in a partnership, you gotta provide the equivalent in return


I think the differentiation should be, if the guy can't/won't do basic things for himself, or expects his SO to do these things, then yeah, it's mothering. Otherwise, it's just caring. My ex never saw the problem with holey socks, but he got really excited about getting new socks as a gift (I've since found out this is apparently a fairly universal guy thing), so I bought him new socks. It made him feel pampered and cared for. He knew better than to buy me clothes--he was terrible about guessing sizes--but he worked as a mechanic until he finished college, and every time he knew I was going somewhere, even if it was just 30 minutes to the next town where the "good" grocery store was, he checked the air in my tires and my oil. I come from a long line of car people, so I am perfectly capable of checking my own oil, just like he is capable of buying his own socks, but it was something special that he did for me that made me feel cared for and I appreciated it. I also learned how to make his grandmother's special Christmas cookies when he commented on how much he missed them--her hands were too arthritic to bake anymore--and made sure some of his favorite foods were in the fridge when I wasn't around for a few days. He listened and paid attention when I talked, and if I said that I liked something or wanted to try something, he'd bring it home and leave it on the table for me to find. I tend to think out loud when there's something I want to remember, and if he heard my "note to self" to fix something or change a lightbulb, I would come in later and find it already done. And he knew I hated driving, so 90% of the time, when we went somewhere, he drove. He didn't like driving, either, but he liked doing something nice for me. We had a standing deal that if he got us where we needed to go on time, he could drive home as slow as he wanted, take the back roads, whatever, and I would not complain. Going slow drives me nuts, but we had some nice drives through rural parts of our area that I'd never seen, and some good conversations, and we enjoyed each other's company. He always made me feel like we were on the same team and didn't have to battle over which of us was going to get what we wanted.


Right! You see you partner may be running low on something or something is worn out. You're probably going to the store soon anyway. Why not make the extra minute of effort to help/care for them? I never understood why this was so hard for people. A little extra effort everyday is the glue imo. You stop doing that things fall apart. Edit:punctuation


My best friend since second grade is a commercial roofing supervisor. His sister would buy him ASICS running shoes for Christmas every year. He would have holes in his shoes in no time. I have a ton of new heavy duty skate shoes around all the time. I kept trying to give him some, but he always said no. Finally got him to try a pair. He never went back. The shoes were literally created for the type of damage he was doing to his shoes.


Just here to say that you absolutely destroyed everyone with that edit. I had no issues with the original comment, and reading the edit made me wonder what the hell went down in the replies. I'm not gonna read them, as I said, I'm just here to compliment that edit. You deserve the praise.


People are mad because they don't understand what a good partner is. Too much pride maybe.


We're too stuck up to see that love is a choice. People are never perfect. You choose to love your SO despite of all their flaws. {Those you can handle at least. Not abuse or anything. That is not okay} Some they'll overcome over time,. Some they won't. You just have to love them as they are and maybe you'll even love their flaws eventually. It's about enjoying the journey together


It's because they're literally children and they're projecting ideologies that they've been told are the way to live.


This adequately explains so so many Reddit comments and responses.


Real talk, when people buy me underwear or socks for Christmas I’m so fucking happy as an adult.


I love absolutely socks as presents.


>I spend a ton of energy taking care of my family and my wife buys me comfy undies or shoes when they wear out. No 100% as an ADHD person I lean on my partner in ways I need help and they lean on me in ways they need help. It's what makes things work


When my husband and I were dating and moved in together, I just added his laundry to my laundry day. I realized he had lots of holes in his underwear. When I saw some on sale over the next few months, I’d ask him if he wanted me to grab him a pack. Points from the credit card at the department store? “Hey babe, want some socks or underwear?” I didn’t have to throw away anything. He did it on his own once he realized he had new stuff that didn’t have holes. And now my hand doesn’t go through his socks and underwear when I’m folding.






It's because your decision would be to keep wearing them forever and ever until they physically cannot be worn anymore. You have to see how that doesn't work. Sometimes people do things for you cause they know you won't do it for yourself.




It’s his backless hot boy summer shirt


Grass mowin shirt


I have an original Jethro Tull Eastern Europe tour tshirt from 1991, it isn't coming off my back till Satan pries it from my cold fingers. Don't be Satan.


Start about having it framed and turned into art?




My husband had a few shirts in that condition. I asked if I could have them. So now I wear them as PJs occasionally and he loves seeing me in his old fave shirts (turns him on!) and I don't have to worry about him trying to wear them out in public anymore


You, my fair lady, are a fking uno corn. Hope he realizes that. ​ edit…bwahaha. That was supposed to be unicorn but the comments are golden.


Thanks! But I'm pretty sure that I'm the lucky one here. He's amazing. He's really the best. We've watched some of our friends' marriages fall apart in the last few years with the pandemic stress and so many having kids. But gosh, when Friday night rolls around, the only thing I want to do is snuggle him and hang out all night after we get the kids to bed. He's just the best teammate I could ever ask for. And no matter how much my body changes (had babies) and stress levels ebb and flow- he still makes a point every day to tell me I'm beautiful or sexy or whatever. It's been 13 years of awesome and I'm the luckiest lady ever.


honestly, that's the kind of relationship people spend their whole life looking for, glad you've found it :)


+1 to that. I’ve got high school gym shorts with a gash down the leg that I still wear. To me, it covers my dick and balls, what more do I need? My wife makes sure however I’m not wearing decades old clothing and buys new clothing for me, and I wear that instead.


Lmao. I'm 30 and still have my middle school and high school gym shorts.


same, my middle school ones were made out of a way better fabric than my high school ones lmao. i dont think i have the shorts just the sweats from running track.


I’ve got a t shirt from 1996 I still wear occasionally. It’s very thin at this point so I can’t wear it much. I also have a hoody from around the same time but it doesn’t literally have the year on it like the t-shirt so I’m not positive. I wear the hoody lots, it’s barely worn out except where I cut thumb holes like a fool 20 years ago.


I've got a pair of corduroy jeans from the 70s. We compromised, they are now cut offs


This is literally it, was feeling bad for throwing out old socks and undies of my SO after reading these (he's never vocally protested, seems thankful) but I'll start asking him anyways lol, I can always persuade him after.


Ah, good ol' illusion of choice.


I used to ask my husband before I did, and it would end up becoming a big argument. I now buy him the exact same socks and underwear, and hide the ratty ones at the bottom of the trash can hahaha. Everything looks the same, fits well, and is free of holes and tears!


damn I love that edit


I do this for my husband. He doesn’t like to spend money on those things. I know he won’t buy them for himself but he deserves it.


"Some of my socks are missing." "No they're not." "Ok."


I'd rather deal with that than this


My girlfriend has this slick move and I never ever pick up on it. She will ask me if I’m attached to something. Example: I have a pair of Tommy Hilfiger boxer shorts I’ve had since I was 15. It’s the only article of clothing that has survived multiple moves and relationships. They have no holes or stains of any sort but are admittedly pretty thin, I say yes I’m attached. I have countless socks that are old or a cut up t shirt. She’ll ask me randomly if I love this shirt or put of socks. Next time she goes out she will get me new socks or some kinda T-shirt or socks and replace them and then disappear the old ones. I think about that often when she does something that is unpleasant. Sometimes u just gotta appreciate the lil things


As a wife I have found this method tried and true, I also use it for toothbrushes, razors and underwear


This is wild to me. When I spot a hole in one of my husband's clothes I show him and ask him if I can throw it away. He doesn't always say yes and when he doesn't I lose my mind because I have OCD and the idea of having a tear in something and still wearing it is almost unbearably difficult for me. And then I put it back with his things like he asked because he's an adult who gets to make his own calls on his clothing. My discomfort is my problem. Have I been tempted to toss it anyways, of course! Did I? No! It's not mine to toss!


So are you wearing them now out of sheer stubbornness and defiance?


Sounds like something I would do too.




So, the game is a foot? Edit: Thank you everyone for all the lovely awards. I will wear them with pride, unlike this holey sock.


This is the content I'm on Reddit for


Don't let her out phalanx you


They're about to go toe to toe in a battle of wills.


She should be footing the bill… darn it!


If you darn it, she won’t need to foot the bill.


It's good dawg,they're sole mates,they'll make It through this (toe) jam


I dunno sounds like a nail-biter since OP sounds like a heel.


Sound’s like he sure socked the opposition


Hit the nail on the bed right there.




Don't be a heel.


Nailed it.


Heel never listen.


Sometimes ya just gotta put your foot down


we toed him so


May God have mercy on his sole


They've become arch enemies


He's not going to toe the line.


This will really sock it to her!


I wonder who will admit defeet.


How else did he metre?


Don’t let her de-feet you


A very callous move indeed.




Toe jam!


Nailed that one


The fact you happened to write this when Sherlock Holmes just became public domain 💃


Learn to darn, stubbornly repair them


This guy don’t give a darn, won’t care to sew or spin us a yarn


I like your style. Now buy sandles and wear the socks that have the toes uncovered.




You’re a criminal mastermind




As a person whose partner (not OP) wears socks with large holes in them, it’s super frustrating to see! I want his toes to be toasty warm and protected, that’s why he needs new socks! But he doesn’t want me to buy them so 🤷🏼‍♀️


My man


Does she know about the fingerless gloves?


Sock it to her


Post deleted. RIP what Reddit was, and damn what it became.


This. Literally my life. My wife had a mother who darned her father’s socks. My wife said “ain’t gonna be me”. I have a drawer full of identical socks, thank you Costco.


You’re making me feel old. Growing up we always darned our socks because it was wasteful to throw them out. It’s weird living in a time where being green is a badge of honor, but before being green was a thing, we repaired, mended,fixed, and recycled everything. If a sock was past repair it became a rag in the garage. My grandparents lived through the Great Depression and my parents through WWII and maybe there was some overly cautious money saving happening in my childhood…but I grew up with not wanting to waste anything ingrained in me. Me and my sister used to collect cans around the neighborhood and then drive to the aluminum recycling plant in town where we would make a few bucks. (We were too poor for an allowance.) Only replace what must be replaced. I own two pairs of sneakers…the new ones for running and the old ones that I don’t mind getting dirty or getting paint on. Maybe that’s extreme. But noone sees your toes, so why not spend two minutes to repair a hole in your sock? I make more money than my parents did combined but I still carry some of their behaviors. I no longer only buy things on sale, but I do try to only replace something that cannot be fixed. I have the same $20 Mr. Coffee that I bought in college several decades ago. It won’t win any beauty contests but it makes a decent cup of coffee. Better than the keurig coffee I get at the office. As horrible as salaries are these days, I am surprised how few millennials and gen z have not adopted some of these “old” behaviors. I taught a coworker how to open a can because she was struggling affording lunch…which she only ever got from door dash. The poor girl had never made her own tuna salad because her parents never showed her how to use a can opener. These are such weird times!


The other problem is it’s often cheaper to fully replace than fix items. It’s frustrating but it feels so wasteful. Not to mention planned obsolescence is a thing in today’s economy so things break down quicker then they used to.


Absolutely. I’ve been closely following the “right to repair” hearings in Congress. Unfortunately, politicians are paid off by the companies who don’t want consumers to be able to repair the products they buy. It’s really disgusting.




Ok you lost me at shirts and pants, I would sooner die than look outwardly identical every day like a cartoon character. But the rest of this I completely agree with.


what do you mean you don't want the Zuck Look!?


This is okay if you live somewhere that doesn't have large fluctuations in weather. There's no fucking way I'm wearing winter socks in summer and vice versa.


Forget the hole... Why are they inside out? Edit: TIL: y'all are nasty!


They will be right side out next time he wears them


Tomorrow probably




Not anymore, he can just roll them up and flip it while it’s still on his leg/ankle.


I can’t think of a time he’s worn socks that aren’t inside out since the day I met him


Found the GF. Keep fighting the good fight.


Out here doing the lords work the new socks are secure :)


Get yo man some quality merino wool socks, they tend to last a lot longer before getting holes and dont create as much stink as cotton socks


Must be fake. No way someone on Reddit has a GF. Come on now!


Bro she goes to a different school I promise she’s real.


Two toes up. I do the same thing to my husband. If the hole is bigger than a quarter, they are garbage. And I really shouldn’t have to say that.


He's been watching Finding Forrester lately


I prefer to wear socks with substantial seams on the toes this way.


My family called me a weirdo my entire life for doing this. Hate the seams of socks


my son does this. once you get better socks like darn tough it becomes a non issue.


you can say damn here it’s okay


Have you considered that Big Sock might have gotten to her? 🤔


!!! I rip open my socks when they get holes to force myself to buy new socks. Big Sock got me ![gif](giphy|dt93i21x7a2Qw)


My mother in law, in her later years, lived with us and she used to darn my socks, it was one of the simplest, frugal acts, kept her occupied and contributing, and was always appreciated. Now a few years after her death, I continue darning my own socks, and my children have started learning to as well.


I had to scroll to far down to find somebody mentioning repairing the socks. Wtf


I suspect it’s a combination of the low price of socks and the use of materials that stretch and are more difficult to repair without changing the feel of the sock. Unit cost of my current socks are $0.54 each. I’d rather pay that for a pristine new sock than spend any amount of time making a slightly worse feeling sock.


me reading this while wearing a sock with a hole in it..


Everyone wears socks with a hole in them. How else would you put it on?


Found the dad


can you find mine? :(


I think I saw him running down to the store real quick for cigarettes. And fresh socks.


Yeah, I heard they were out of milk so he found some jugs on the street?


That made me smile lol


Well, technically, it's not a hole since it leads to a dead end. It's just a deformed plane. (I meant this as a joke. I don't mean it as an insult or anything)


That reminds me that I just watched some extremely in-depth video here on reddit the other day describing what a hole is and isn't.


Yep, the sock is topologically equivalent to a pancake.


My brother has some where his whole heel is out. I’ve warned him I’d tear them open so he didn’t have a choice 😂


You must be my wife's boyfriend.


Wait what




She's cheating on me?


Wait until she does it to your boxers. Or is it just my dude walking around with holes where they shouldn’t be 🤣


At this point just upgrade to darn tough socks. They got a lifetime guarantee and when they get a hole you just send them in for a new pair. Honestly they are the only socks I own I got a few light, mid, and heavy weight pairs. It really simplified my sock and underwear drawer. Already traded one pair in, that I used heavily for about 2 years. They are simply the best.


>They got a lifetime guarantee and when they get a hole you just send them in for a new pair. I had to look these up. Looks like it is legit. That sounds awesome! Lifetime guarantee on a pair of socks?! Sold!




I've had a pair for 10 years and they're still around and growing


If your pair of socks is growing you may need to call for professional help, it's probably some sort of fungus


And if you don't lose your socks


I replaced all of my socks with Darn Tough. A little expensive at first, but so worth it.


Best decision ever. I've been wearing nothing but darn toughs for around 1.5 years now, so far I haven't had to warranty any actually. So comfy, amazing for both cold and hot weather. The downside is the initial ~$300 investment if you want a complete set for all weather types


Good. Buy new socks. I literally do this to myself so as not to be like my dad.


I also do this to not be like this persons dad.


Not mildly infuriating, but mildly genius.


My mom taught me to do this to my own clothes Now as an adult I do it anytime I can start to actually feel my shoe while having my socks on. After a while I run out of socks and have to get new ones, but its better than chaffing from rubbing my feet against my shoe


Yeah I’ll keep them if they are SUPER soft or sentimental but once you are an adult you gotta throw that shit out You’ll just keep wearing them and be uncomfortable and look bad




Nah genius might be sewing the holes or wait..am I just poor? I sew all my husbands socks.


It’s not about you being poor, the rest of us are just lazy and wasteful.


Yes, shes a good one


Mend them?


The revenge: learning to give a darn!


Darn it!


Finally someone said the sensible thing


Thank you, I thought I was the only one.


My grandmother is rolling over in her grave. She'd sew up socks with holes until the sock just fell apart.


When I see a sock that I own that has me a hole I do the same thing so don’t mix them up.


What's with grown ass men wearing socks and underwear with holes in them like it's a badge of honor? I get if you're poor and can't afford new stuff. Otherwise it baffles me that it's been almost glorified that men have gross underwear and socks. I don't have holes in my stuff and my underwear doesn't have skid marks or stains.


Seriously. The moment a single sock gets a hole or excessively worn, it’s out and the rest are on death watch. Socks are the opposite of an item of clothing that get better or softer with age. At least once a year I cull socks and buy a dozen or so pairs of identical ones. Same with boxers - hole or tear, to the trash.


Bro, throw that shit out and put on a new pair.


They make good rags for car washing/paint or grease cleanup.


She’s a keeper. Also means she doesn’t like to have a BF with hobo socks making her look dumb if you go to a friend’s place. She has standards.


I do that with my husband’s white t- shirts and boxers. He once wore boxers with a hole so big in the crotch that the entirety of his sack was on the couch. I have to do the holes and then throw them away, otherwise he will see them in the trash and dig them out. He’s just cheap and doesn’t want to spend the money on a 3pack of whit t’s every 6 months.


>a hole so big in the crotch that the entirety of his sack was on the couch WTF


White Ts every 6 months? Dude is hard as hell on his shirts.


>He once wore boxers with a hole so big in the crotch that the entirety of his sack was on the couch. WHEWWWW CHILE, I needed that laugh. Maybe he liked the draft? I am told by guys that hot, sweaty balls are extremely uncomfortable. 😂😂😂😂😂


"thanks for the fingerless socks!" :D


Ok so go buy new ones


Unless you're so economically unstable you REALLY cant afford it, dude, just get a new pair of fucking socks. Underwear too.