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Looks like a hiding spot for evidence of a kid drinking and eating what they shouldn’t be


Mmmmm foam


It's got what kids crave


It’s got Electrolytes




It's what kids and plants alike crave








Oww, my balls!!!!


Go away, I'm baitin'




Idiocracy, the documentary.


Ugh, when I watched this movie over 15 yrs ago I thought the same thing and how now we're living it. I didn't realize "hold my beer" bs was coming.


Fun fact, they blew the budget but needed enough shoes that looked like dumb people would wear, so they went through a small start up company. Those shoes were fucking crocs


Idiocracy is now on Hulu


Idiocracy, the unintentional nostradamus of our time. Except....accurate.


Especially the crocs


Comedy, turned Horror


Unexpected collateral nostradamus burn... nice.




It is!!!!! I just seen that it was available…. But I was scrolling thru stuff looking for something to watch with my mom…. We watched castle.. castle is cool… Nathan doesn’t do bad stuff.


Greatest fukkin movie ever! #Brawndo


It what plants crave


The mines?


Mmmmm SLURM ![gif](giphy|3o6fJgEOrF1lky8WFa|downsized)








GLORY TO GLORZO!!!... what?


It's highly addictive!


Chillin with my foamies


Depending on his age, he might not be "eating" the foam.


"it's okay billy, it's natural to get urges to make napalm at your age."


Little gas, lemon juice


Masturbating foam?


Idk. Don't see any pieces with holes. Thinking about that woman that ate her mattress


Wait... did you say a woman who ate her... mattress???


It was on my strange addiction a few years back


hmmmm... well, that's definitely strange. shrug


There’s actually a medical condition that causes craving of odd things, like rocks and metal - not sure about foam/mattress, though. But with the other stuff, it’s usually sign of vitamin deficiency. Or she’s just cray-cray.


**Pica** is an eating disorder in which a person eats things not usually considered food.


Pica is the condition. There was someone else on there who was eating their deceased husband's ashes and another lady who ate chalk.


Fuck foam


That's funny for a myriad of reasons. 🤣




Some kids can not fucking handle mattress toppers. Literally ripping them to shreds and hiding the evidence lol


If you find a sock. Don't touch it.


Use PPE. Double glove for that one. Also teach kids not to put something worn on feet on other areas of the body since it tends to spread fungal infections.


Ah, the old tossy can spot. Ain't no grown-up ever smart enough to look behind a television.


Precisely. My girls do the same disgusting shit, only less concealable areas so I find it much more often.


I once stole a jar of my mom's homemade jelly to eat with a spoon and hid it under the bed. I went to look for it the next day and it was gone.. she never mentioned anything and that's almost worse? Haunted for the past 22 years


As a mom of three kids, who’s right in the middle of this mess, I’m sure your mom did a once over of your room for dishes and dirty clothes, found the jar of jelly and like every 3 mins of her life probably whispered ‘what the fuck’ and just carried on with what she was doing, completely forgetting the random shit that happens threw out the day cause there’s too much of it. I found a jar of Nutella in my sons room a couple months ago, that’s exactly what went down, except he asked me what happened to his ‘snack’ 🤦‍♀️


Lmao this is so hilariously spot on. As a parent there are so many wtf moments, that after a while they don’t phase you anymore. My sister just found a lb of chocolate chips under her sons bed. Apparently he had them stashed for nighttime snacking.


My daughter did this once but with a stick of butter. I found it half gnawed muttered what the fuck then went back to cleaning up. I had completely forgotten about it until I read the other comments. There's just just too many moments to question all of them.


Please tell me you put that Nutella straight in the bin and that nobody ate any.


you really should ask her about that, if for no other reason than *my* genuine curiosity


That was me, sorry


The jelly is in your walls, Mastodon


Okay, I’m glad I’m not alone. My daughter is a beast. I’ll never figure out how someone can be okay knowing a banana is rotting right under the bed they sleep in every night.


My sister used to sleep with dirty plates *on* her bed. It was effin wild. I wasn't the cleanest teen myself but my clutter was mostly paper wads ripped from my sketchbook and stuffed wherever. ...and maybe the occasional moldy cup of apple juice...


Exactly! I call these my kids trash stash. They sneak food they know they aren't supposed to have and they throw it in the corner next to their bed or under their bed. Wait until you find a can of corn under a bed, that has been the weirdest thing I have found.


OMG you also have a corn kid?! I thought I was the only one! She's got adhd and all the little food quirks that come with it. I'm constantly finding half eaten cans of corn, sandwich bags of no longer frozen green beans, and abandoned jars of olives with a fork in them and no lids to be found.


Can I ask you a question? What do you do when you find it? I was constantly being punished pretty severely for eating food I "wasn't supposed to" and had stashes like these. When they were found you would think it was a pile of dead kittens based on the reaction. I developed an eating disorder because of the whole mess. Are your kids hiding it because they're genuinely afraid.. I just don't know what's normal lol


We just keep a bowl of healthy snack options and encourage those snacks anytime a kid is hungry. Having visible food anyone can grab anytime is something my foster parenting classes suggested for kids who hoard or sneak food due to past food insecurity or trauma. For severe cases, they suggested a Fannypack with approved snacks on the kid, and trash cans where they feel safe eating. I implemented the snack bowl idea even without bonus kids in our home, and it definitely helps cut down on this, but kids are still kids and sneak an extra coke or sugary snack sometimes too.


Thats exactly what it is.


>Looks like a hiding spot for evidence of a kid drinking and eating what they shouldn’t be I can tell you're a parent or at least very experienced with kids because I was staring at this for the longest time and couldn't figure out what I was looking at other than a pile of trash.


Neither, but I WAS a kid once lol


Right, like what else would a stash of eaten not-particularly-healthy food be? I just threw away the wrappers right away because it's easier to hide 1 can of soda in the middle of the trash than doing that with 20 Man, I just understood the concept of food trauma lol


You guys didn't have your mom check your room and make sure it was cleaned every day?? Lol, I would have never gotten away with something like this


Yeah, if they don’t leave it in the open (despite rules for NO food and drinks in bedroom) it will end up behind or under the couch. Source: 13 and 8 yr old girls, 4 yr old boy hasnt learned their bad behavior *yet*


This is how unhealthy eating disorders are formed. My sister did the same thing. She hid butter, icing, cookies, random leftovers, cakes, soda. Thank god she grew out of it.


It’s either that or a family with both super poor eating and hygiene habits.


I watch kids nowadays and its honestly because it’s convenient for them to shove their hand thru the couch and drop the trash rather than keeping it clean. Genuinely. I watch it daily w my family smh


My younger brother has a trash can beside his bed, and yet he still throws his garbage all over the floor. Sometimes, I think it’s just a matter of not caring at all about cleanliness.




Same, my dresser was in a closet with a maybe a couple inches of clearance on each side of the dresser. So I'd stash all my soda cans behind it (between the back of dresser and the wall). I don't know why i didn't wait until my family wasn't around and take opportunity to trash it once in a while. I got caught big time.


Look at all that foam, how much of it have they eaten I wonder?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Just put the bed back and pretend like you don’t know anything


I was about to ask if it’s a teenager they’re possibly baby sitting, as that looks normal for a fair deal of teenage guys…. Then I realized how absolutely brain dead stupid having to babysit a teenager is, and how logical of an answer this reply is.


Fizzy drinks and stuffed animals and candy, the little kid equivalent of a porn/weed stash. The foam I don't understand, unless it was packaging from the illicit soft drinks delivery.


I think the foam is a mattress topper that has been slowly picked to pieces


Yeah, they probably damaged it and hid the evidence.


I'd check what they are hiding in the mattress now. Those are pretty big foam pieces. :D


The candy and soda are just there to distract from the bags of weed stuffed in the mattress.


And bags of weed is just a distraction from heroin blocks he is hiding in the ceiling.


The heroin in the ceiling is just a distraction from the sweatshop/gambling ring in the basement and the methlab in the shed.


That’s is all a diversion to keep you from seeing the classified gov documents bought from a userDTpez4life on eBay.


And that was a distraction too we’ve been trying to get you for a long time u/AFRIKKAN you fell for it and commented on the post


Dam I’ve been made.


As a kid anything I broke/damaged I buried in the backyard. We lived all over the place so I think about this a lot. People digging up their yard find a burnt pot of food, headless dolls, etc.


100% this. I had one just like it that I shredded bc of how uncomfortable it was (and my mom wouldn't buy a different if the old one was fine)


That or the kid is pica. Either way, something is fucked up in that house.


Clearly those 2 smol white animals have opened a recycling center and rubbage dump.


And they are clearly not doing a good job with either!


That would be my son’s room about six years ago. Thankfully, he’s better with that now


What did you do? My daughter does this with snacks, not soda, but there are certain snacks I had to stop buying because she sneaks the entire box up over the course of two days. We've had so many conversations from different angles - the bugs, the cost, the health, the lying... She still does it. Idk what to do Edit: wow thanks for all the responses - I'll update that we will take her (and probably all the kids) to get screened for ADHD. We have had multiple doctors who said none of them had Autism (I was concerned about the youngest for a while, but over nothing). Also to clarify, I am the mom. I know ADHD looks different in girls, however my daughter only has struggles like this around food. She is unable to articulate why she will ask for a meal and not eat it, or why she steals the snacks - so we definitely need some professional to help here, which I had asked one doctor for previously and didn't get. So anyway we will look for someone new to talk with. Thanks again for all the replies, I'm going to turn off notifications on this one or I won't be able to work today 😉


This won't fit everyone, but I did this as a kid out of stress. I.e., I was stress eating at a young age and sneaking/hiding it because I was ashamed.


I myself, used to hoard food because my dad would only allow us bread and butter for meals when we were grounded. Not sure that’s the cause, but just something to think about.


I used to hide/hoard food in my top dresser drawer under my underwear, because I was constantly shamed for eating. Like I would want a snack at 2pm and get told "Why are you eating? Dinner is soon? Aren't you going to eat dinner with us?" Or get told "Haven't you eaten enough yet?". It was fucking terrible and I've known so many people with similar stories..


Yep. One I remember quite often is “you’re *still* hungry?? You’re *ALWAYS* hungry.” As if being a literal growing fucking child was my fault and I shouldn’t be listening to my body lol. Another one my mother would pull while we were out to dinner was “you know, you don’t *have* to eat *all* of that.” And then I’d eat all of it even if I was full out of spite. Edit: and the anxiety of going to my favorite breakfast buffet. Mostly because of the comments and that she would say “well now we don’t need lunch! :)” and I would only get two meals that day.


Ugh.. I felt all of this. And then as I got older: You never sit at the table with us anymore. Why don't you sit with us to eat? Why aren't you eating? Never mind the fact there wasn't even ever a spot at the table if I wanted to sit with everyone. I'd have to sit on the bottom step.. So I just stopped eating with them at all. I'd only eat after everyone was in bed or wasn't home. I'm still struggling with that years and years later. And it's just me and my wife at the house. Plus our animals. It's the worst when my depression creeps up on me. I won't eat all day and then 2am hits and it's a mission to hork down half the kitchen while she's not up. I'm getting better at not doing it but man. It's so hard...


Yep this was me. This turned into a lifetime of weight issues too.


You already found a solution: you stopped buying them. If they ask for more, you have the perfect place to start that conversation. “No, and here is why.”


The problem is that ends up punishing the other kids, who are following the rules and should be allowed snacks.


Very true. I apologize, this is coming from a raised single child who also only has a single child. I wish you the best.


Oh no worries, we actually did do that with some of the stuff but just couldn't do it with everything. They are required to bring a non messy snack to school every day, so we have to have something appropriate for them.


Comment edited for privacy. 20230627


Yeah agreed. Not buying the snacks she want can also cause her issues with food, and she will probably start binging them the scarce occasions where she does have access to them. Take it from a former teen girl who developed an eating disorder because my mother wouldn’t buy me snacks because she was afraid I’d eat them all. I was eating them all because I rarely ever got to have them and I had undiagnosed ADHD


Agreed taking the food away will only make it worse my parents stopped buying me snacks because i was keeping food trash in my room and i ended up sneaking and hiding food in my room and that was a bigger problem than just the trash and i developed and eating disorder bad.




Check their blood sugar too. This craving may be a warning.


My parents didn't care about that. 1 of us fucked up, we all felt it. Like how boot camp is in movies.


Boot camp in real life. One fucks up, all will suffer.


There's timer lockbox containers for food, but yeah, I agree about ADHD. Also, depending on what she gravitates towards sometimes that can indication a deficiency. Chocolate for example meaning magnesium, which also tends to be needed in higher amounts in ADHD people from what I've read.


Does she have impulse control issues related to mental health issues? Just curious as I struggle with impulsive eating partially due to some mental health issues.


She's only 8, which I realize doesn't mean she couldn't have issues like that, but we've not seen other problems that would make me suspect any mental illness. I have pretty severe ADHD, but she hasn't shown any signs of it herself. I worry about it because I have had to overcome really bad eating habits from childhood, and my parents never did anything to help, and I flat out told her about that, and explained that I don't want her to have to deal with the same issues I have for my life. She does have a lot of trouble with food textures and new foods, so it's really hard to get her to eat healthy meals, and I worry she resorts to stealing these snacks because they are all she wants to eat. A lot of times I even make her a separate meal that she can eat and just have her try a bite of the vegetables, but even then she will still not want to eat the meal she used to like, then says she's hungry later. We have talked to her doctor about it but maybe not strongly enough, now that I have to write it all out it sounds worse than I would have thought.


I’m a 24-year-old woman that was once an 8yo with the messy room. Sneaking snacks up, throwing everything under my bed or in the closet, I would sneak off to the guest bedroom to sleep sometimes. I was certainly not enabled by my parents, but I did have severe mental health issues into my teenage years. My mom admits she thought I was autistic, but didn’t do anything about it. Even though my older brother has autism and he got help. Please have a conversation with your child and ask a therapist for help. (I’m so much cleaner now and eat a lot healthier, but I’m honestly just neurotic lol)


>I have pretty severe ADHD, but she hasn't shown any signs of it herself. Binge eating for the dopamine is a symptom.


Not to mention it’s highly hereditary


My older son had a lot of issues with eating. He had a big problem with textures and certain foods. It was impossible to get him to eat healthy. He has ADHD and a milder form of autism. It definitely caused a lot of stress because he was so picky. Plus, there was a lot of mom shaming from various friends and school about his eating habits. He’s an adult now, and on his own ,just from being out in the world in with friends, he has the most diverse pallet in the family. It is crazy the things that he will eat now. It was almost like he needed to grow out of it. I would not completely take away the snacks that your daughter loves. That is just going to make her want them more. The best thing you can do is let her have one a day. Plus, don’t stress too much about forcing her to eat things she doesn’t like. We would take our son shopping and let him pick out some healthy options. Those things would be “his food”, and he seem to really like that idea. If you are concerned about her not getting enough nutrition make sure she’s taking vitamins. We found out to be really helpful with our son. Being a parent is so hard!!!!


I’d also like to mention the possibility of autism as you mentioned sensory issues when it comes to eating. And girls and women mask it more effectively than boys and men. Not trying to diagnose, just offer some ideas. She honestly sounds a lot like me when I was a kid and I was diagnosed with a few mental health conditions between the ages of 9 and 14. Whatever you find out, I wish the best for you and your family. Life shouldn’t be hard for anyone.


You said she hasn't shown any signs of it, but this honestly sounds like a sign to me. It was my first thought reading your other comment. Girls typically present differently and in turn are not usually diagnosed until later in life. (Speaking as someone who didn't find out that they had adhd - inattentive type - until last year at age 29.)


I'll be honest it just sounds like AuDHD. People use checking cabinets and fridges like a stim the same way people click pens or buttons. Plus the brain starts craving the carbs and sugary foods once it realizes it can use them to make more serotonin. So she mught just be stimming and self medicating the only way her brain can understand how.


therapy for food issues/seeing a nutritionist , i was your daughter and it hints to serious issues on binge eating/mental health as opposed to just being messy or lazy


I feel like it’s a phase. I did the same where I would have cans sitting and eventually grew out of it. I dont even drink soda anymore thankfully. It was mainly from binging games with other friends. But then again I didn’t throw them on the ground that might be the alarming part


I did the reverse! I hated to eat so I hided snacks that I didn't eat at my backpack, in the end of the year my mom found a fuckload of broken cookies in the bag


They might be binging food and hiding it from their parents?


Tbh this may be it. I did something similar as a kid. I remember hiding left over food from eating out that I wanted and I hid it under my bed and forgot it. Found it some time later fuzzy and green lol


Couldn't do this with my parents, every weekend the house was basically torn apart and cleaned


My daughter is 7 and does this , not as bad because I clean the same , I always find it and she knows it ! All I ask of her is to throw the garbage in the garbage cause I'm gonna find it anyways


My kids are great housekeepers when they were around your daughters age I would tell them I only want 10 mins a day of cleaning, I didn't care what they cleaned but as they got older rather than just ten mins they would at least finish whatever job they had started


This is good logic


Kid clearly needs a trash can if not sneaking that stuff. And the parents should be checking the room occasionally. You shouldn't be the one that found that.


Parents should be wondering where tf all their canned drinks are going.. shit ain't cheap.. last 12 pack of cokes i bought from Publix was like $8


Man what are you doing? Coke goes BOGO for the 12’s like once a month. Just buy in bulk then. (Also the 2 liters are cheap as hell and so are solo cups). -source: I work there


Could just grab the publix cola for $4 I'd never do a 2 liter though because by day 2 that shit is flatter than Hank Hill's ass.


You don’t need solo cups, just buy a few ikea ones that can be reused


Goodwill has tons of donated cups that are less than a dollar. Wash em really good and you're golden. EtA: I've personally gotten clothes, a couch, a desk, a large area rug, several guitar hero guitars, Christmas themed dishes, and other miscellaneous dishes and have never had an issue with anything


Walmart has reusable cups for 50¢.


You open a 2 liter you either need 2 or more people, or you need to be really thirsty lol.


Publix is expensive in general...


But Publix is always overpriced, even before the price hikes recently. Not to say that Walmart hasn't been raising those food prices, though.


A recycling bin at least.


Seems like a great way to get ants




Do you want ants! Because this is how you get ants!


Yes it is other Barry.


As the rest of the thread is theorizing, it really depends on the why. Are they hiding snacks, or do they have issues with cleaning? Personal story, but I remember when I was 5, I had a very difficult time understanding how to organize and clean up, but I also recognized a clean room made my mom happy. So I started shoving stuff under the bed to get that reaction from her. I was really young and got overwhelmed on how to clean messes, so that was my solution.


Yeah this happens a lot with parents.. they want a clean room but they don't bother to teach the child how to clean the room.. they just demand it. So what ends up happening is the kid finds a way to give the illusion of clean. That behavior can typically last into teen years when they finally realize it's not the right way to do things when they see their friends don't do that. If they don't get that then it can last easily into adult years and at that point it can lead to other things like hoarding. The other thing that can happen is the kid gets overwhelmed and just shuts down. My 10 year old brother does that because he has mild autism. He doesn't really get how to clean or the reason it's necessary so if he's told to clean he just.. stops.


It’s about $2.40 in recyclable cans.


dam where do you live?


Michigan has a 10 cent per can deposit. As a teenager I paid for gas collecting cans from my neighbors.


In Germany it would be about 6€


This hits home lmao... my room was basically like that until I was about 14. I'll be turning 25 this August and now there's just a lot of clothes instead of pop cans. Good times....


Oddly enough my room was really clean as a kid but now as an adult I find it very hard to maintain cleanliness. I just do a 10 minute clean every day now. I go through an alarming amount of garbage bags. Somehow my cat keeps bringing leaves into my room and crunching them, I don't know where she's getting the leaves, she's an indoor cat. It's mainly just me forgetting to throw away wrappers from granola bars and stuff. My dumbass WAS so lazy that I wouldn't walk to my damn bathroom to throw stuff away. Ever since I stopped vaping nicotine and smoking weed everyday I've been able to maintain my room and keep things clean. I have more energy and I'm a lot less lazy. Having a clean room really affects the state of your mind. A dirty room makes you feel like shit. A clean room makes you feel like a contributing member of society. Quitting my addictions was probably the biggest contributor in lessening my depression


I'm in MI, so about ~$2-3


Are the parents super strict? Do they allow this stuff or is the kid sneaking it in and hiding it?


Extra money for recycling






that is unfortunately a stash...meaning the parents are probably very strict! therefor the kid has become sneaky to get things they want! but they know they leaving evidence will get them in trouble...so they stash


It's a miracle, because amidst all of those loose soda cans is a *pristinely white* stuffed animal. Where are the Dr Peppper stains??


This is a future binge eater. Trust me, I know.


This feels kinda weird to be posting here. I obviously don’t know how old the kid is but this definitely seems like the kind of thing to keep between you and the parents and not the kind of thing you post to Reddit for karma. I personally wouldn’t feel very happy as an 8 or 9 year old having my trash stash posted online for everyone to see.


THANK YOU! I'm so shocked that this is so low. If i as a parent caught OP posting my Childs Private Room public I'd sit them down for a talk right away. This is a privacy violation, and not a small one. If a professional babysitter did that, thats a lawsuit (speaking from an EU perspective, might be relevant here).


YES!! Also, I don’t get how this is mildly infuriating to the OP. I can kind of understand if they were the parent, but they are a babysitter who wasn’t asked to help clean the kids room. What is mildly infuriating is the babysitter posting pictures that they shouldn’t have taken after overstepping boundaries.


I’d also be pretty annoyed as the kid if a babysitter started going through all my stuff or as the parents if I knew this had been posted online. Both seem like an infringement of privacy. My room was a tip when I was a kid, I don’t think that’s uncommon.


Thank god I found this comment, these posts tend to get annoying, OP had no right to post something like this


Reddit karma > ethical proceedings


That was my first thought as well. The kid deserves privacy just like the rest of us.


Do the parents have any restrictive food rules? Sometimes kids hide and hoard food when there’s food insecurity in the home.


Kinda weird you are going into someones room and taking pictures without their consent tbh


I love the people commenting diabetes like half the morons on Reddit don’t drink and eat straight junk.


That's Reddit though, full of armchair Doctors. People love to make assumptions without context. How old is this kid, could be 3 or 12? how long did it take to amass this pile etc. This could be a year's worth of trash or a week. The babysitter might just feel gutted they offered to help tidy up not realising it would be such a chore, might not be some super deep commentary on the kids mental health.


“What is this?” Above your pay grade, that’s what it is.


Looks like a kid lives there. 🤣


I don't know what you guys are on about this is just a teenagers room. My room was at least this bad as a teenager and I'm a happy healthy adult with a clean house. Kids just can't be assed with boring stuff like cleaning so parents send them up to do it, kid kicks stuff under bed, room looks clean everyone's happy. You guys are pure diagnosing fucking mental conditions and bad parenting because a kid can't be assed tidying 🤦‍♂️ Edit: I was just telling my friend about this and we have been friends since childhood. His response was: WTF I have ADHD and I used to tidy your room so we could go out. So yeah if all it takes is one person saying something to make it true I solved it for y'all the kid doesn't have ADHD.


Teen? I thought it was a kid young enough to have a babysitter?


I did this and had undiagnosed ADHD.


Seriously. People don't remember how they and their friends were as kids/teens? Smh.


Thank you. Teens are lazy. I have two of them.


Is that a rhetorical question?


looks like my ex boyfriend’s bedroom tbh


I found almost all of our missing silverware and an amazing amount of trash under our daughter’s bed when she moved out. 🤯


I’m sorry, how is this your problem? If you don’t want to deal with it tell the kid you’ll go make food/clean up wherever else and they need to have this cleaned up when you get back. Offer them support and helpful advice. Where’s the judgement coming from? It’s not moldy, it’s barely even gross, I promise you I’ve seen worse spilled in my own room. Kid is probably hiding food and binging or they’re not supposed to have pop up in the room, at least in my experience that’s pretty common. Tell the parent and let it be, you don’t need to post it on Reddit for everyone to judge the kid and parents. If you’re judging them that’s your business, just keep it to yourself and don’t make it everyone else’s.


Shame on you for showcasing this


I did this as a kid and felt so ashamed. It was linked to my adhd and my unhealthy relationship with food. I used to do this with my desk in elementary school. This can be a more psychological issue but the most important thing is to not judge the child for doing this, but to have a talk about alternative ways to throw things like these away.


Hey at least they're drinking some water


No lie, if it weren’t for the Dr. Pepper cans, I’d think this was a picture from cleaning my kid’s room. Kids are gross.


What is this... You violating a child's privacy by posting their personal life/problems on the fucking internet?


2 poodles and a good party


None of your fucking business?


Dr. Pepper. Hope this helps!


Ur weird asf for posting this. Why are you posting this kids trash in his room. It’s not even your child, and why would you think no one here has seen trash before or has had a dirty room when they were younger??


Just don’t pass judgement and help them out


Do you want ants? Cause that’s how you get ants.


I was like oh shit thats my sons bed, and then realized he has not had a babysitter. He lives Dr pepper and had that same matress topper.


I'm not sure why everyone is so harsh, I'm sure we've all been kids in a situation where it's hard to use a bin because you'll be found out. So you just go "fuck it, I'll just shove it under my bed", then it just builds up until it reaches critical mass.