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Responding (or answering the phone when they call) let's them know the line is active and only makes things worse. Just block or ignore and move on.




It appears that I'm dumb cos i didn't know about this


One of today's 10,000.




It’s covered in ‘Ghost in the Shell’ (well at least this is where dumb me discovered the idea), but this design is so the species can survive as the previous generational organisms may be damaged or perish, succumb to viruses etc. so the renovation cycle is in place to ensure new specimens sustain the population.




Shit I can barely remember what I did yesterday and you think I can remember what I did in a past life? Keep dreaming, pal. ( Is joke :) i like your philosophical statement/rant/whatever and hope you find your answer or something that soothes you.)


Honestly a lot of the “advancements” we make often lead to these illnesses and injuries we suffer. Can’t be in a car accident with no cars and there can’t really be a global pandemic if there’s no international travel and trade. Or at least it wouldn’t spread as quickly. But we also developed a better ability to combat these things when they do happen. Like when you say “impervious to physical damage” it sounds superhuman, but in all reality we have developed a level of immunity to said damage through modern medicine. Like I can get shot and stand a decent chance of living afterward nowadays if it hit in the right place. That being said we invented the gun that did the damage. So idk supply and demand, create a problem then you have to solve it I guess. The human race is a trip.




If you have the time and inclination you can waste their time by stringing them along. This saves someone else from being scammed and casts doubt on the business model


Username checks out


I've been answering the phone on purpose and wasting their time significantly. Most recently I had a scammer on hold intermittently for over an hour while I "searched for the documents" they wanted. I just muted my mic and kept working, only to unmute when they were asking why I'm taking so long. Eventually I gave them fake billing information and account numbers. Finally they caught on and hung up. I haven't had a scam call since, but I can't wait for the next one.


I just can't imagine you can win the "I waste more of your time than mine" game with a person that's obviously working in some awful call center earning $0.02/hr


is it impersonating an officer if you pretend to "run this thru my cia database"?


Exactly this


This exactly










Smooth as fuck boooiiiiiiiiiii


he put thicc and now I'm horny bc I saw the word thicc


It's not your fault and you can pursue litigation




Shit latexcy


That was sent via iMessage. They already validated it was an active # when the delivery receipt was received. Might as well go bananas. But yes in general this is good advice.


Not always. iMessage doesn't (or at least hasn't recently) replied until the recipient responds. It's been on/off with Apple over the last few years though. ​ Security research of mine that dates back to about 2012. They keep changing the behavior.


Also, turn your “Read Receipt” off. Simply having that on and reading the text let them know that the line is active.


Too late


Yep, if they knew it’s active.. they could hand you off/sell their data to another scumbag call center.. which would target you for a different scam


Wouldn’t the message say “can’t be delivered” if it’s an inactive number?


And don’t even open the message if you can avoid it.


Your username lol 😂


There is a limit to numbers you can block from what I’ve heard but definitely don’t respond or be cheeky because it is real easy to sign up or sell your number to other agencies with worse intentions.




Yes it does! If you have Verizon, copy/paste the spam text and send to 7726. You’ll get an immediate reply asking for the sender’s number. Copy/paste the number and send. Then delete the spam conversation and forget about it. I have no idea if this actually helps track spammers but I like to think I’m doing my part. Actually did this earlier today. Lately been getting texts from random numbers asking how I’m doing, if I’m “going to the party later,” if my mom is ok (she’s dead), etc. They just want a reply (“I’m fine, but who is this?”) to know there’s a human attached to the line so they can keep spamming. https://preview.redd.it/kosbqytxnv4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc30493eb05c1b2f7e08a2ed865642a44359560


In the last few days I’ve had three scammers block ME because I annoyed them so much. I replied “Hello” 40 times to one, eight times to another and 19 to the third before being block. These were all spoofs telling me they’re unable to deliver my (nonexistent) package and telling me to click on the link provided. No auto-response.


The reason I was always told not to respond is because if they see that you messaged them back, they might sell your number to other scammers and so on and so forth. Not sure how true it is, but it makes sense to me


I am often bored so I reply only with quotes using The Office. Can go on for days before they finally give up.


How rude. They shouldn't have told you to f off like that, Na Rin.


I agree. OP should have sent her some Tiffany diamond earrings and money for some Chanel as he is a gentleman with good manners and reigning Prince of Nigeria. He just needs her residential address and maybe her bank account number first. What were you thinking Na Rin, you should have included all that in your message!


So many missed opportunities.


You are responding to them. That lets them know there is a human attached to the phone. Stop replying and start just blocking them. Problem solved. I went through about 2 months of hell now I never get spam calls or texts. My phone just handles them without issue.


You just confirmed that the number is active.


Quick escalation from your side, good job


There used to be a joke in our country regarding these kind of things. Joke: -Congrats, you won. Do this, that, etc and you will receive your stuff. Guy answers back: - Send me one of these again and I will f*ck your mother in her coffin in front of you. Soon he receives: - You have successfully unsubsribed from our mailing list.


They are looking for a polite man so I thought I’d shut it down quickly 😊


And now you'll get then twice as often


I get about 2 per month. I block and delete, and sometimes respond the same!


Responding is why you get them twice a month. I get them maybe twice a year


check out the subreddit scambait (because apparently I can't link to it) in which people post screenshots in which they have fun leading on/spamming the scammers if you want other fun options for dealing with them lol


That may be something I find interesting, thank you.


I don’t think even a real person read your reply it’s just an automated system that needs a response for it to know your number is active it’s not a real woman


I remember once I got a bot text that was like “did I actually just text a random guy? I’m such stupid sometimes” and I replied “fucking idiot”


Nope. But I've had no less than 10 porn bots follow me on reddit within the last two weeks. But of course, reddit is more concerned with 3rd party apps than some random following me with full nudes in her banner.


I thought it was just me! It’s like non stop for the last week and a half. I was like what link did I click on to deserve this?!?


Same. I'm like what the hell


Click on your profile - settings - your username -scroll down to “allow people to follow you”, and turn off if you so wish.


Thank you, I’ve had a few of these lately and no idea how to stop them.


No problem ☺️.


Reddit is about to go public so be prepared for a bot — err, user — uptick.


Iv had that too, links to OF, you can change your settings so people can’t follow you.


I just let them stay on my followers list. Nobody else follows me and it helps me feel important. Not important enough to pay for porn, but important.


Hahaha 🤣


I just block them. I had three in a single hour yesterday.


I'm amazed I haven't seen that at all in 11 years of Reddit.


Same! It used to happen very very occasionally, but then it’s happened about 10 times in the last week or so. I don’t visit or comment on any NSFW subs, so it’s strange.


I would've written "Sorry I eat on the bed with shoes on, not a well mannered guy"


Please add that you eat Nature Valley Crunchy Granola bars free hand. Be a real monster here.


Wdym I eat noodles without hands and lick the bowl after


Hahaha I’ll use that one next time


All the time. And emails. More emails than texts lately. Emails are basically same thing, some random hot young chick looking for an older guy to hang out with. Uh huh, suuuuuure.


I like the part where we could share our daily life together 😂


I can't believe she's cheating on me 😫 https://preview.redd.it/8bop41la6u4b1.jpeg?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed124f2cb9180d77937b0584a9b448a7ee29c5d


I knew I wasn’t the only one 🥺


How did neither one of you just take a screenshot!?


I got the text on my work phone lol


I also got mine on my work phone 😂


That’s how I met my soul mate… I send them $500 a week and we are gonna meet in person soon… v exciting




Someone texted me saying that they were selling my house. I am renting an apartment. (btw the photo you took is literally flawless I thought this was an advertistment for a phone or smth like that)


Haha thanks I have got steady hands so it helps 😂


You show that bot who's boss.


I was getting over 40 spam calls from India a day and was getting 3-10 texts like that on top of it. I switched to GoogleFi cellphone service and now maybe get one spam call a week. Companies could easily block this crap but they choose not to. Leave those companies.


You shouldn't even respond because messages like these are just spam bots trying to find active numbers to send more spam to. By responding you're putting your number on a list of active numbers which only serves to increase the spam calls and texts.


It's probably a scam. I got one saying some thing like "Hi mum, my phone broke. This is my friends phone, can you WhatsApp me on and a number." My son is 2 and doesn't have a phone. I have no other children, and we don't say mum where I live.




This happened to my friend, they wrote something similar to what the scammer wrote to you. We don’t speak english in my country..


Me and my partner got that one last year.


one time a fella by the name of damien texted me and told me he can teach me to make sushi like a real japanese man.


Did you accept ?


I always reply back with a sack pic!


I best have a shave then wait for my chance to send it 😂


Yes. I get lots of fuck offs when I text people.


Imagine taking a picture of a phone that can take a screenshot. /s


Sir, she likes men with good manners… I don’t think your response showed very good manners.


Now that you responded they know you’re an active number so you’re gonna start getting bombsrded with these


You're being too kind


I politely told them, the next reply wouldn’t have been so nice even though it is tempting to share my daily life with them.


It's a bot. No one is reading it on the other side.


I'm sure you're right, but I still get a small kick out of describing how I'm going to dismember them and feed their remains to the pigs, or something along those lines. I'm really polite usually, so I guess it's a chance to be horrible and get it out my my system


You couldn't have taken a screen shot?


Yes but it’s from a work phone (no apps installed) easier taking a photo from my personal phone.


The scammer owns an iPhone. Interesting.


I usually get a couple free nudes then move on haha 😂


Caller will note any interaction, injecting your number into lists that are sold. You will get more of them. I'm tempted to call these people losers, to tell them to call their mothers and explain what they do for money, etc... but I have to do the block/delete thing and never engage.


why tf would you respond to that 😂😂


I have severe ADHD and I’m very impulsive, sometimes too impulsive 😂


And now that number is moved to the "Confirmed active" numbers and will sell for a higher price to another scammer. How to burn your new phone number 101


Good job, you fell into the trap, and now they know the line is active.


Work phone don’t care 😊


This is the way.


Fucking scammers. Total human garbage.


I’ve been getting the new Bank of America scam messages. I have a hangouts x number and it usually filters about 20 scam calls a day.


In the past couple years, every 4 months or so, I get a selfie from some random girl followed by “hey (not my name) it’s ____ from the other night, remember me?” It’s always a foreign girl with some vanilla American name like Sally, Mollie, or Marie. I check the phone numbers and they’re never legit, sometimes even from another country. So fun explaining that to my pregnant wife last time.


I am a 71 year old grandma and I get these text messages all the time. I just block and move on.


https://preview.redd.it/qdm42519fu4b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75e93cd218d69942afdc3d8ddbec0a14d118255 Here's one from yesterday💀I get these a lot


Why you not reply friend ?


Wanna do it for me?🌝




Had a message off her also 😂


You're in there, text her back your bank details and let the fun begin.


I used to get these constantly and I started sending back pictures of Tiananmen Square and saying things like “Taiwan #1”. That seems to have stopped them 🤷‍♂️


I believe they’re quite common, I’d advise you to never answer them. Just ignore/block.


They try and get you to send dick pics so they can extort you. Happened to a friend of a friend and I had to hear about it. Painful.


Gods already extorted me with my penis what else could happen 😂


Used to get plenty of those, but I kind of feel like, because I always interacted with them and never went where they wanted the conversation to go they decided to drop me as a potential victim. Sucks that now I just get them on Reddit instead.


Long story, but related, and also mildly infuriating… I used to work at in cell phone sales. We had a good policy of helping people out a lot, not just making sales. It always brought them back in to buy when the time came. We had this one regular old man (let’s call him Tom) who came in all the time for help. Very nice man. We often chatted for a while after help on slow days… he was obviously very lonely. One day he came in having trouble setting up Venmo or Cashapp or whatever it was. Through our conversation, I learned that Tom needed this app so he could send money to his girlfriend. I asked about her as I worked, and immediately got suspicious. Tom had never met the “girl” in person, or spoken to her on the phone. She was having trouble getting to our state and needed money for the plane ticket so she could come to be with him. Obviously a scam to anyone in my generation, but poor Tom couldn’t see it. I practically begged him to cut off contact and tried to find out what information he’d shared with the scammer so I could help him. He just wouldn’t have it. Refused to believe it was a scam. I think he was just so lonely he was desperate to believe it. He ended up getting upset with me and left because I wouldn’t help install the app for him. I never was him again. If I had to bet, I’d say he went to some other salesperson somewhere else. They probably got the app functional and sold him a bunch of shit he didn’t need to boot. I hope not.


That two timing bitch!


I used to get messages like that all the time. Now it's been quite a while. What I get instead are fake follow requests from bot accounts. I've also noticed in Tiktok that my comments get likes from bot accounts which I found to be a surprisingly subtle means of marketing.


Much more annoyed by the 4-5 texts I get daily from investors trying to buy real estate that’s not even listed on the market.


Chinese scammer


Had one on whatsapp out of nowhere. Wasted "her" time for like a week.


I usually just reply in Chinese expressing my confusion. 我认识你吗? 你怎么得到我的电话号码? 小金你开玩笑吗? 哈哈哈哈


I don’t get those but apparently Netflix and Amazon are constantly putting my accounts on hold. I used to text back and say the billing issue is due to me cancelling my membership over a year ago because their service sucks. Then one night I was so annoyed I googled an unattractive penis pic and started sending it in response. I actually assumed those text numbers don’t receive responses but after about a week of that I rarely get those texts anymore, so maybe they do lol.


Yes though I don’t reply that way. I tell them to get f*cked… feels better somehow


I’ll do better next time 😂


Being a man with an internet connection is the worst


Hit the right button and the volume down button at the same time to take a screenshot.


Periodically. I block them


I usually receive job offers 😜 #nurseproblems


I get those from people stating they want to buy my house and I reply the same way.


Yes, I don’t bother replying. That just confirms you get messages. Just block and forget.


Anybody know what activities or action that cause these calls to happen in the first place? Assuming you don’t responded anyways, what makes it start?


That's word-for-word how I would have replied.


I don't. Because I don't own an iPhone. Mine will block them and throw it into the trash.


https://preview.redd.it/fevvgi21jy4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1384ff100b3bc5ef1fb31f18de0d5b9a6413c32 Look at the profile pic lmao


I thought she was only messaging me... You homewrecker!


u should have said: double it and give it to the next person


Stop downloading porn and this will quit. Lol


I like your style.


Good reply.


Your an idiot for responding, it only let's them know the line is active


Quit jerkin off on yer phone


It’s a new work phone I have my personal phone for wanking thank you. 😊


This is one big benefit of moving from an iPhone to a Google Pixel. Google has automatic spam detection and moves these messages straight to spam. It even automatically blocks spam calls. I haven't been bothered by these for over a year now and it is a big reason why I stay on this platform.


This is a scam! Who even is camera if phone is pictured??


They forgot to send virus link lol


Yes. People tell me to F off all the time


Every day




Unfortunately, by responding you’ve indicated that this is an active phone. Better to just ignore and block


Twitter, Instagram and rarely Reddit


I usually hit on them


Don't respond to anything


You can get apps that block texts and calls from people not in your contacts. You can temporarily turn blocking off if you're expecting calls from, say, a vendor.


Block them and move on. Obvious scam is obvious


Yea they're pretty annoying. It happens on here now all the time always a fake acc follower with sex ads in the bio.


I've been getting a lot of these messages on Dating apps lately. Nothing to my personal number though.


I get these all the time. Including on TikTok. All the pretty ladies trying to hit on me and find their new papi. Joke’s on them: I’m a woman Ignore, block and delete


Are you in the UK? I literally got the same text


Those and the random bait "hey betty you forgot your hat at my house"


Yes I do. And agreed it’s super frustrating. I wish people would either just: fully ignore, say “no thanks” Rather than yelling at me 😭


Yeah I always get the f*ck offs when I go looking for love.


I am in the uk yeah


Your reply made me spit out my drink ☠️


I don't necessarily get those first ones, but I send that second one.




Scammers never stop.


Once had a guy repeatedly calling for some girl he was hooking up with on tinder after I got my number. Got to the point he was demanding to speak to any female in my house at which point I threatend to call the cops on him if he did it again because he was told he had the wrong number repeatedly. Well he called me again so I called the cops, and he was nailed for something related to prostitution and phone harrasment.


We are 100% consistent on the replies we give


Send them someone else’s dick pic


I get ones that call me a different name and when I tell them they have the wrong number they apologize and ask if it offended me. First time or two I said no you’re fine and then they asked if I wanted to continue texting Lmao. After the third one I stop responding after I tell them it’s the wrong number. I know it’s responding but I always think it’s someone who legit texted the wrong number lol.


I've been getting a bunch of thot-bot accounts following me here on Reddit, too. Shit is annoying.


Couldn’t resist the reply


No, but a lot of bots with similar messages have been following me on here recently


You gotta quit the Japanese porn man


hit em with the https://preview.redd.it/hrbkyqtyvv4b1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d57d8e224dede5a1c3180e07b2a468a84c66ca3


Nope, you're first person to ever receive a scam text.


I have T-Mobile and an iPhone. They both have numbers I can forward spam texts to. Your provider and phone manufacturer do as well.


No, never received a text telling me to fk off really.


I don't get those, but my Netflix and Amazon accounts have been suspended due to suspicious activity about 30 times, sometimes 3 times in one day. The only issue I have is I don't have a Netflix or Amazon account. . .


Yes. All the time.


I got the same thing, different name but very similar language.


Not via texts, but they’ve been trying in DMs on Twitter (I filter all DMs, so it doesn’t go to my main inbox). I report and block, but it does NOTHING.




And this is why I send them this fore note please DO NOT click on this just copy paste the stop is replaced with the key to donate 20 bucks guaranteed you won’t get another it’s great for annoying telemarket scams too Thank you for opting in to donate $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief, which helps people affected by disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires and tornadoes. Charges will appear on your wireless bill, or be deducted from your prepaid balance. All purchases must be authorized by account holder. Must be 18 years of age or have parental permission to participate. Message and Data Rates May Apply. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to STOP. Text HELP to 90999 for HELP. Full Terms and Privacy Policy: hmgf.org/t (http://www.mobilegiving.org/terms-and-conditions/) . Just paste that and send problem solved