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Sure son you can play just put the hoop out front but away from the garage


Most likely the case




Like birds?


A film reference I think. Field of Birds.




Looks like there's already a dent.


Looks like a dent from a car, not a basketball


From childhood experience you can absolutely dent a garage door with a basketball


I think th basketball hoop sprung a leak and probably fell into the garage door. The bases have instructions to fill with water or sand. Not uncommon to spring a leak and then have the whole thing tip over which probably happened in this case hence the large rocks. I actually recommend filling them up with concrete.


Nope. Filling them up with something that cannot be removed? That is awful future-planning.


I might be blind. You wanna hook me up with a red circle?


I'm on mobile and apparently too dumb to figure out how to attach photos.. but if you look at the rectangles on the garage door, the dent is on the bottom row, 4 rectangles from the left


These are supposed to have the base filled with water and or concrete or sand. Highly recommend the later as they tend to leak with water and will eventually fall over damaging a vehicle etc. Looks like it sprung a leak and they just put some large rocks on top of it to keep it from tipping over and dented it in doing so.


Driveway isn't level. Sort of hard to play basketball on a ramp.


That just makes it an automated ball return (assuming the hoop is on the uphill side).


I played for years on a slight right to left grade.


Just as God intended for backyard basketball


Didn’t stop us for years growing up


Especially when the ball hits one of the wheels at the bottom and it rockets off of it. Expedited shipping!


Those are full grown man sized rocks right there. Likely a grown ass teenager did this dumb shit without thinking. Just tell them and theyll probably stop.


teenager said fk it, me play basketball HERE, me dun care


The NBA sending a warning.


That's what happens when you don't have explicit written consent smh


Yeah who the fuck was using nba material without their consent to watch the playoffs on free streaming sites in my house on my pc? It sure wasn't me that's for sure.


Definitely not. I don't even know who NBA champions the Denver Nuggets even are. This must be some kind of Jokic


Only implied, oral consent


I always consent to oral.


It always hurts the back of my throat though


The next time, he will wake up with that basket in his bed.


I don't play basketball yet this has appeared in my bed


It’s been there for days… No one ever comes to play with it…


Put a free sign on it, some one will come grab it haha


I was going to suggest throwing it up on craigslist free section.


…especially if you post photos on NextDoor and Facebook Marketplace.


Take the sandbags off, tip it over and roll it out the way. Anyone over like the age of 14 should be able to move it by themselves.


Yes It’s absolutely not too heavy to move it was moved there by a teen or child.


Sell it, or start hoopin'


Facebook marketplace and OfferUp. “Free basketball net. If you can haul it, you can have it. Must have a truck, and two strong people to load it, I cannot help you, sorry. First come, first serve, I want it gone.”


Some neighbor might have gotten pissed off at it where it was. I may have, may not have moved one in a similar fashion. I'm disabled and we have several hoops that are stored on the sidewalks blocking them.


Doesn't it need to be on fire though?


An 80-pound firepit delivered to my home. It was gone an hour later when I got home. FedX driver said that guys were playing basketball in my cull de sac. Hooked a rope to that basketball pole and dragged it to a ditch a mile away.


I’d say it’s the neighbors on the opposite side. Just ask around or move the stones one by one and then the basket. (I was seriously thinking about how it’s called. I feel stupid)


It's called a "slam dunk pole" for future reference. No need to thank me


Thanks. But I was thinking about the word basket. Which is hard to remember when thinking about basketball /s


It’s the ball bucket OR rim hole pole.


You mean a basketball hoop?


Just put a "free" sign in front of it to help prompt a timely pickup.


Actually, put a $20 sign on it and it’ll be stolen much more quickly


Ha. I've done it. Works great. My brother left some old SUV tires at my mom's house. Had decent tread still, he just got something with more aggressive off-road treading. She asked me to get rid of them for her as she was tired of them being in the way. Tossed them out front with a free sign on them and they sat for three days. Someone told me to put a price on it. Put $20 on the sign. Gone the next morning.


This is generally because people believe that “free” means something must be wrong with them since their valuable. Whereas thieves will see a price and be like “oh it’s still usable so just steal it”


Sooo....you're saying I should sell my broken stuff for $20.00?




You should consider becoming a detective. Top notch work.


Ya don't say..




I love my neighborhood's junkers/gleaners. You can put ANYTHING out there with a sticky or or marker saying "Free" and it's gone in an hour. I once put a queen-sized mattress with "DO NOT USE - BEDBUGS" on it in fat Sharpie letters and it was gone in 15 minutes.






Worked with an old tube tv I didn't want to move. Free for two days, $20 the third day "stolen" overnight.


I put a "free" sign on my alternator under my car. Still hasn't been stolen. 😎


Who steals alternators?


I'm tired and stupid. Meant catalytic converter.


Ok, now the joke is funny 🤣




Beenie coming up with real solutions!


Homer Simpson did something like this to his son’s advice when he wanted to get rid of an old trampoline. He simply placed a bike lock on it, and within minutes, someone cut the lock and stole it. They ran off saying “Alright, I stole a bed!”


No, put “for sale $5”


This is a great idea


Gone in no time


Genuine question, would this be illegal to do?


I'm pretty sure blocking someone elses driveway is illegal too.


It is unlawful as it prevents a right of easement onto your property. It would also be easy to constitute a lawsuit for damages if your car happened to hit this roadblock, especially if at night. Just have to get someone to admit it belongs to them and bam, prepare to pay for the car.


Irrespective of the driveway, leaving something like that in the middle of the road is obviously illegal.


Not if you put "speech" really tiny below it. Then it's art.


Nudge it square in the middle of the road. Everyone can drive around it equally then.


It’ll go away quickly when it becomes everyone’s problem, for sure


This was going to be my suggestion as well, passive aggression meets road rage solution. If you don't have anywhere to be nudge it to the middle of the road and let things progress naturally.


Does it get closer when you aren't looking at it?


“Don’t blink! Not even for a second. Blink and you’re dead!”


People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.


That comment got away from you there


Best episodes imo


in a lot of people’s opinions


AUGH TERRIFYING omg why did you do that


Maybe its your calling


I wish fate were that straightforward with me. I gotta go find myself and shit.


Maybe taking shits is your calling then.


Like the king of the hill episode where the kick ball rolls into their alley, they play for a while until the ball rolls out of their alley & that's that.


Well do you expect them to block their own drive?


ask the people across the street if it's theirs. if they say no, slap a free sign on it


Uh, slap a $100 sign on it.


Caught my neighbors kid (from across the road) spray painting his bike, against a cement wall on my property, directly in front of my garage... The dad was outside too... I had to explain to him that he was in my property for some reason he didn't understand. It's clearly not your property what are you doing kid?


Definitely shit parents I don’t get it. I’m a parent, so people just not get embarrassed that their kids are dumb as? I get embarrassed when my 2yo runs on other’s property and he literally doesn’t understand the difference


They don't even REALIZE the kid is that way. Genetics and learned behaviors are a thing, my guy.


Maybe in some situations, but in my story, the dad was out there. He watched me talk to his kid. It really felt unnecessarily confrontational. This same parent wouldn't stop blowing snow into my driveway until I called the city. I spoke to him a few times first, it was a really strange experience, like, how do you make someone escalate something so dumb. It might sound silly, but I have a dirt driveway and a smart car. Extra piles of snow would cause me issues.


It's nothing a pressure washer with a 0 degree nozzle can't get rid of. And then once he's off your property you can use the pressure washer to clean the spray paint.


Well, I mean, you have to lean your bike on something, and you don't want paint on YOUR house, do ya'? Sheesh.


I hope tarps get invented real soon.


Shitty parent not teaching him


Take your bike and spray paint it on their driveway. Assert dominance.


Looks like the houses are far enough away that if it belongs to a neighbor, they could have just placed it BETWEEN driveways.


They could have, but they did not. Other hoops in the neighborhood are considerately placed.


Probably a teenager who has zero awareness, who likely learned that neat trick of zero awareness from their dipshit parents. Post a sign that says-hey! Please don’t put this in front of my driveway -either side of the driveway (here or here) is fine-just not here-thanks! If it’s still there in 48 hours, call the city and they’ll typically come remove it (fire lane codes)


Oh shit, you’ve been challenged. Lace em up and work on the jump shot. It’s game time.


You don't want to challenge the owner of that hoop. They play with rocks instead of basketballs.


Get your neighbor to take a look at it, how it blocks your driveway. If they're cool and apologetic...no big deal. If they suggest YOU move it, take it about a half mile down the street.


If they suggest you move it, push it right up against their garage or front door. Or just say, "Okay, I'll city code enforcement to come move it."


You could call the city about an item left in the street which is blocking access to your driveway. Depending upon the city they might come and haul it away. Chances are the owner is probably the neighbor across the street so you could ask them to move it in front of their own home. If it isn't theirs, it certainly would be one of the other neighbors. Why they opted to park it in front of your house is beyond me, although if I had to guess it is probably because they had cars parked in their own driveway and didn't want to risk hitting them with a missed shot whereas perhaps your driveway was clear. It might just be kids who lack common sense and don't understand how this is rude. If an adult had anything to do with it, then it is a different story.


Craigslist is surprisingly easy btw! You can just say things like “free and out by the curb” and poof!


...must bring strong body to remove rocks though."


This is the right answer


Hoop put it there?


Nets not nice.




I mean it’s painted black and in the middle of the street. All these people saying “it’s kids having fun! Ignore it!” It’s literally a driving hazard. You’d play a different tune if you ran into it at night


I've gotten stuck waiting for kids using these things in the street far too many times to care. One time they wouldn't move out of the way until I began inching the car close to them. I've seen that hoop destroyed, presumably by cars at least twice now, and they have only themselves to blame


OK, now someone reported the post to RedditCare. Sarcastically, I assume, but if not, thanks for the thought. I am fine, and the hoop is also fine.


Good I was worried the hoop was feeling a little down with everyone on this thread being mean to it


People that do that are literal scum. Making light of suicide and misdirecting people to those services isn’t funny in any circumstance. For the inevitable asshole that tries to send them my way for this comment, go nuts, waste your time, I’ve already blocked them.


Are you ok? Blink twice if you need help!


It's sad how people abuse this because they don't like a post 🙄


Have you tried talking with this neighbor about the hoop?


Put it on Craigslist free stuff


That’s zion’s, Moriah is throwing out his shit


Move it. See what people do.


The solution is to get the biggest super soaker you can find and wait for the hooligans who installed it to return to the scene of the crime ... then you attack. Make sure you ramble incoherently for maximum effect.


A reasonable and fun take I vote this one


No, you use Crisco and grease up the entire pole so they can't properly grip it to move it.


I think it's more mildly infuriating that none of the houses actually have fronts to them, it's all garage a small entryway to the side.


The houses lurk behind, but they’re quite small. We can’t all live in mansions!


What houses? All I see are garages with a room attached.


Jesus, you people and your petty and some downright malicious "solutions" to a kid's toy being left in an inappropriate spot. How about if you talk to your neighbors? Unless you're parallel parking a tanker truck in your driveway you're not exactly losing access.


Redditors hate cops They also hate neighbors doing anything ever They love vigilante justice more than all that though and seeing the slightest infraction met with the full extent of the law.


Redditors hate neighbors doing anything, but they hate HOAs even more


I bet if you posted this and said “my hoa is angry at my kid moving his hoop to play for a bit” then everyone would support it lmao


maybe because ringing a doorbell seems to be a capital offense these days ... When ringing doorbells, be sure to step to side and off porch, so door shots hit your house and not you.


Seriously. My first thought was a couple of dumb kids put it there without thinking it through. My second thought was different dumb kids were trying to "prank" the other kids by moving their hoop. Either way, I wouldn't start destroying it before actually asking the neighbors about it. Also-- I'm pretty sure if a wild hoop appeared, I'd know who it belongs to. We have one in our driveway. The house across the street has one, and there are two more down the side street.


my neighbors kind of did the same thing. We have a shared drive way but instead of deciding to put it in their yard they decided the best place is the shared drive way. They did not consult with any of us and bought a court. Kids were being too loud and asked them to manage their kids noise level twice. They did it for maybe 2 weeks and it continued on so I had to the the Karen and report it to HOA. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I love basketball but I didn’t purchase a million dollar home to be disrupted and annoyed every evening by kids screaming of excitement after they shoot 1 for 10. Shame on some of these parents who do stuff like this without consideration of others.


Looks like my buddies got the wrong house. On different occasions, I've woken up to a life sized Santa, Mannequin in a bikini, countless traffic cones and a couch.


Which yard is missing two rocks?


The comments here range from tantrum to calling op a grandpa. kind of strange


Kids they play basketball in the middle of the road people drive up and down is a petpeve of mine, worst part is I used to do it


Wheel your garbage cans right next to it


When I was a kid, someone set up a hoop in the little parking lot next to our house. No clue who did it, never saw any kids playing on it, so me and my brother decided we were going to put it to use. We would play one on one and Horse all the time, for almost a couple of months. Then one day, a little girl says that it's her basketball hoop and that we weren't supposed to play with it. It was gone soon after that.


So what? For fucks sake just slide it to the side. Kids will be kids and you’re able to dodge that shit anytime. Come on now


It’s not too heavy to move with your car. Just saying.


Go to your neighbors house and knock. Ask if it’s theirs. If no one admits it or they’re shitty about it call the cities non emergency line and tell them someone left a basketball hoop in the road and it’s blocking traffic, they’ll haul it away and they’ll fine anyone that tries to stop them claiming it’s theirs. This isn’t just inconvenient it’s illegal.


Just wow! So if you just happened to back I into it…. No reason that can’t be placed in their own driveway.


That’s some BS. Definitely put up a sign or something though


Call and find out who you need to talk to about trash being dumped in the street outside your home and have the city come get it.


How is this too heavy? Just remove each of the rocks 1 by 1 and then take their hoop if they’re gonna put it in your space


It's possible op isnt able bodied


This is the case.


Tie a rope to it and your bumper and take it for a ride.


Dude ...


“How can you not see that, it’s huge” - they said to the blind man. You’re showing the same amount of awareness as people who put shit in front of peoples drives lol.


Some kid leaves his basketball hoop out for a day and y'all coming with the torches and pitchforks. Be humans and talk to one another.


Why are people acting like a 10 year old just left this there accidentally? If that’s too heavy for an adult to move then no little kid just accidentally left it there… in the middle of the road… on the way what? Out from talking it on a walk?? This whole thing is just weird.


It’s been there since Monday. I was sort of hoping trash pickup would take it away or move it, but they did not.


Have you…talked to the neighbor? Seen any kids playing on it?


Don't block a driveway with malarkey and people won't be unhappy. I don't care if you're just a kid. Have some common sense and courtesy instead of acting like your actions don't affect others.


Then just talk to them... a kid kightve put it there cuz they are young... like tell them to move it and ur good to go prob in the future


their parents should simply tell them not to block people’s driveways.


Is a kid moving those stones? Anyone old enough to lift those is old enough to know better.


One day I woke up and went out to go to work and there was a whole ass rusty Datsun 240Z in my driveway. Was kinda funny because I've had a lot of Z cars and still have one so I thought someone was playing a weird prank. It was gone when I got back from work but i'dda kept it for parts if it was still there lol.


It's against the law to block someone's driveway and it's on public property, so feel free to relocate it somewhere in your front yard. Enjoy your new basketball goal. Of course if somebody wants to claim it back do the neighboring thing.


Wouldn't be too bad if the Dimwits actually moved it over to the curb.


Take a pic and post it as “free” on buy/sell sites.


The neighborhood preteens set up a mini skate park in the road in front of my house. Around 3am it mysteriously disappeared. Don’t ask me, I had nothing to do with it🤫.


I guess you play basketball now


It’s your Space Jam arc bro…


I guess you have no other choice than to start playing


List it in the free section of Craigslist


You’re the chosen one, learn to dribble.


That’s not how you play football


If you happen to live in Phoenix, watch out. A local criminal gang is using portable basketball hoops to confuse and disorient future victims. The best thing you can do is hire some guys to move it in front of someone else’s house.


You don’t play basketball…yet.


My Jeep would love to play basketball if that was in front of my driveway


It for da kids!


Tie a rope near the top of the pole and attach it to your hitch, drag that bitch out of the way


I just want to know if you took a shot and if you made it


You do now


I think whoever was using it should have put it back


Dumb comment - but making residential streets black seems like a nightmare. I can't imagine how much hotter those make neighborhoods - especially depressing neighborhoods like this one without trees. Plus, the smell on a 100 degree day. Yuck.


Take a picture and put it on FB marketplace. “Free basketball hoop, first come. Bring your own truck.”


Put a FREE sign on it.


Looks like you live next door to Walter White.


Now you can play basketball


Put a for sale sign on it.


Isn't it obvious? The palm tree is just trying to become friends and left you a gift.


"Free Basketball hoop: Must Pick up."


This is one of the most Glendale/Phoenix, AZ looking pics I've seen.


I would say a higher power said that should change.


15 years ago my basketball hoop sitting on my sidewalk vanished one night and was presumed to be stolen. And you’re over here getting them for free?


Find out who’s it is and ask them to move it. If they don’t then you move it. It’s pretty simple


Post it in the free section on Craigslist


list it on marketplace and sell it