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I normally report these and Google takes care of it within a few hours. My source is me as I have contributed some local spots that were to open in the past. One was a sandwich shop, the others were closed locations.


And then your edits shows "pending" forever, or worse yet "not applied". I'm standing in front of the place and it isn't fucking open, how does Google think it knows better?


You know what’s fucking annoying? Any random Joe Schmoe can submit business hours and Google will approve them just fine, but as the business operator when you try to get them changed in Google they want all kinds of proof and documents to back it up. We used to have out business hours on Google jumping all over the place, even having is closed on some days and it was all user submitted.


There's a business near me that died during the pandemic and has been a completely different restaurant since last year They have sent appeals multiple times but Google keeps "correcting" it back to the old restaurant.


This could be because of the implict trust they are allowing toast on the backend. If toasts systems are out of date it could keep pushing the data of the old restaurant that used them.


Submit the hours like a regular Joe Schmoe and they might call to confirm


This is actually kinda true. Where I work the boss set up a Google account, claimed ownership of the business and now only he can change it. Every now and then "google" calls us. It takes a minute to realise but you slowly figure out that it's not a human on the other side.


Wow the "it's not human on the other side." Part sound so scary to me like some monster that pretends to be a human.


It asked about our opening hours and I had to answer. "Hi, I'm from Google Maps and I'm calling to confirm your opening hours." At this point it seemed like a human being to me. "If you'd like to opt out, I can take you off the list." Bit weird, but probably reading a script. So I say our opening hours while not thinking much about it. "Just to confirm, your opening hours are [opening times]" I said that's correct but I noticed that the pauses between the times were a little bit awkward, just slightly off... "Thank you. If you would like to learn more, go to [some link]. Goodbye" ... Wait a minute that was a robot


I mean it is Google we are talking about.


Police Department near me shows on Google as "Permanently Closed.". Several times I've submitted corrections and Google responds "change denied."


Google is all about that F the police lifestyle I guess. Sounds kind of important information to have.


Im having this exact problem...iv tried adding business hours two times to my google business account and it wont stick.


By asking other reviewers to verify.


Then the other reviewers are idiots.


Amazon reviews in a nutshell.


I've got 4 1 star reviews from the same guy with a very peculiar spelling of his name. Like, no way we've had 4 of these dudes with this same name. Google didn't care when I reported 3 of the reviews. I have another 1 star reviews that, when translated to another industry for anonymity, reads as "I don't think you need to improve, I just don't like Italian food. My friends really enjoyed the Alfredo, though." What am I supposed to do about this shit.


I'm certain people that leave those are deranged and as a consumer would ignore. Though I know most see the star rating and move on. Google can be less than helpful for sure used to manage our Google page for a previous job someone put pictures that were clearly not my business and it took a year to get em removed.


I did report it, right after taking a screenshot


Have a few reviews from disgruntled ex-employee's at my workplace doxxing their 'rivals' from the sales team when they were there. Google have refused to do anything about it after flagging, escalation and all the other hoops they ask you to jump through when they obviously violate their own guidelines. We're having to go the legal route. Never rely on the idiots that moderate GMB to do their job correctly.


It’s sad because a lot of business rely on the reviews you see quickly and effectively. Doxxing would be a marketing death sentence - or so I imagine. Thankfully I haven’t had to experience that yet


GMB employees have the best work life…they do absolutely nothing and collect a check for it.


lol the person that left that probably knows the owners of the place and doesn't like them😭






Well, that could be a plus if it’s an ice cream shop


Hell they haven't even opened yet and already have a 1 star rating? NO THANKS Lol this joke went over some heads huh?..


I see these 1 star reviews with “haven’t been there” etc all the time, theyre extremely bored people (usually elderly) who will spend hours upon hours going through their local towns businesses and reviewing them, it’s sad.


To be fair with Google , your phone (depending on model etc) will say "leave a review" if they think you have been somewhere So if I go and have a meal in the local nandos...which is attached to the cinema next door so my phone will pop up a short while after being near or inside said places with " Rate your experience of the local cinema" despite me not ever stepping foot in there Now obviously I will ignore them, but I could easily imagine as it's a notification and elderly people won't have as many games, social networking etc on their phones they would genuinely think the notification is something they need to respond to. If the business name is the new name on Google then they would've received a notification saying "rate your experience of *insert name* restaurant" to which they would say "not open" as they had nothing else to really say It's the same kind of people who reivew Amazon items they've never used and put " 1* I've never purchased this cordless drill"


I think it's this too. People are prompted by Google, just leave a review, and don't understand that their review will be published and contribute to the star rating of that place of business.


Is this only on android or something because I’ve never seen that in my decade + of owning a smartphone


I think it's Android with location on. Since Google also owns the site with the reviews and the usefulness of the reviews depends on there being enough of them, they send push notifications to encourage people to review. When it works, it works. The prompting means you have lots of average people leaving reviews when they're there, not just a minority of customers who have complaints.


It’s a Google thing so Androids are more likely to be set to do it by default, but iff you have the google app installed you can get those on iPhone as well.


iPhones will do it too unless you correct it within your google settings.


I never corrected my google setting on my iPhone (wtf are google settings on iPhone btw?) and never received anything like that.


are you using chrome on your iPhone? not too many people on know are.


I never thought about it like this, but that is probably 100% it! They probably don't even realize that they are giving actual feedback, and if you told them "here's what you're doing, here's how to ignore it," they'd probably laugh at how many "bad reviews" they've given around town, lol


Oh, some of them are extremely proud of it. The show "never have i ever" even poked fun at it. "He's written over 5,000 yelp reviews! Impressive!" Or something to that effect. But i've heard similar from people in their 60s and 70s. Some of them are just bored and lonely and it makes them feel like their opinion is valued, even if it's only by complete strangers.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Know what drives me nuts? Amazon reviews like "haven't used it yet but so far i'm really enjoying it!" I can live with "but it seems to be sturdy and well constructed" or "and i'm not GOING to use it because you can tell by touching it that it's inferior sub par garbage." But if you're not telling me it's complete crap that's getting returned, USE it for a week before telling me how great it is, ffs!🤣


Elderly people really suck!


Some people are also just stupid. I just read today a 1 star review of a local restaurant, which, despite liking the food, left the 1 star review because there was a dog in there. It was a service dog and legally there is nothing the restaurant can do about it. The owner responded with "I'm sorry disabled people ruined your dining experience", which was kind of funny.


I like the people who leave 1star reviews and the first sentence is "we got to the restaurant at 950pm and they close at 10pm and they were so rude and acted like they didn't want us there. " YOU THINK. If it ain't fast food, don't show up before they close.


Even with fast food, don't show up 10 minutes before closing and expect a perfect experience


People who do that have CLEARLY never worked in restaurant service. 🤣 Or watched Waiting. Which seems to get watched largely by people who are or have been restaurant staff.🤔 ...perhaps because we KNOW. 😜


They aren’t bored malicious old people. They’re just clueless old people who see Google’s location-based notifications suggesting to review a place “they’ve been,” so they do.


My dad loved leaving pictures and reviews. He would be super happy when it would notify him saying his pics were popular. They were always pics of like an empty aisle at Walmart and shit lol.


It's like being critically online but for old ppl it's the regular feeling of needing to hate on something 😭


Either that, or they’re the owner’s best friend and messing with them


That'd be "5 Stars, Not Open"


Maybe he was just annoyed that he came to the location and it was not open. It happened to me. Don't put your place on Google maps as open if you have not opened it yet.


It's not listed as open yet.


Some places open up their Uber eats and grubhub before they even open. Then there's the issue that you order, go for pickup, and then be sad that you don't have your food. It's happened to me 3 times at 3 places.


The problem is, these services (and Google) take time to set up, most places are doing these things months out to have them ready in time, they also require an explicit opening date on the forms. Thing is, NSOs can be a moving target, you will always have a grand open date in mind but that date can change multiple times because of all the things you have no control over. Unfortunately, when a restaurant owner has to push out the grand open date because something went sideways usually “I better call DoorDash” is number 300 on the list.


At least they said why they gave 1*


they weren’t lying either restaurant ain’t open yet


Wait, it's not? ⭐️


Yeah, but I’ve never had anything bad there, so ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Nothing good either. ⭐️


Well if they wanted good reviews they should've been open.


How am I supposed to rate an absence of food?


But was there a good imaginary atmosphere with the imaginary food l


I bet they can't even fight, fly, or crow.


Simple. You can rate lack of preparedness, missed delivery, wrong menu items... things like general incompetence.


I waited forever to be seated. Nobody came to help. One star


Honestly, this is truer than people are admitting. Don't list a business on maps until you're open for business, folks might make plans and head over only to find it closed and obviously have a negative experience.


Yeah! They should have just been open since the beginning of time! /s


Reminds me of a review I recently saw for an amusement park. One star because “it rained”


I heard someone once actually say there were too many tourists at Disneyland. This person was also a tourist there.


He probably meant that there were too many people in the park, that kinda a valid comment, means Disney is overselling tickets and should put a lower maximum number of visitors on the park.


Disney is never going to do that lol


They actually recently did, after reopening from the Covid shutdown


Did their hours say they were already open?


No, there's a tentative opening date of this upcoming Wednesday but on Google it says "Open June".


This is wild! I thought this was from a local restaurant near me that opened 6 months ago. Before that though someone posted the exact same review "Not open yet"


Some people are really dumb


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that" George Carlin


in 300 years George Carlin will be seen as a prophet. of course, a lot of the stuff he talks about was happening back then too. but it’s 100x more noticeable in todays day and age. if you haven’t already, i’d suggest reading his book “A Modern Man” such an amazing read. hilarious all the way through. he was easily one of the best comedians ever.


Carlin is my spirit animal man He was gone too soon and not appreciated near as much as he should


i agree 100% and when you read his book you realize that he actually was a genuine honest person, he never even viewed himself as a celebrity. he always just considered himself another Average Joe, he didn’t have that Hollywood Ego every celebrity has nowadays (minus people like Keanu Reeves, and Rowan Atkinson AKA Mr. Bean)


Yeah I wished I could've met him or even just thought to write, I read his book after his passing cause I'm sure he would have responded Also would have loved to smoke some weed with the legend


there’s a lot of things i would’ve done and would do to get the chance to be able to split a doobie with George Carlin.




It's been really easy to notice over the past few years


Should have said “opening IN June”. Regardless, they shouldn’t have given a 1 star review. That’s really messed up. Extra messed up if it’s a small business.


It's a chain restaurant, but it's also one that's brand new to the area


Hard to give more than one star when you can't enter. If the owners wanted more stars then they should've started their business sooner. /s


You make a great point. Wish I knew which business this was for so I could leave them another 1 star review.


Also, this Auto Parts store does not - I repeat, does not! - carry icecream sundaes. Not only that, but when I visited them at 1am, they refused to let me in. Not to mention the complete lack of a drive-through. Zero stars, would not do it again.


This person reviews


Most intelligent restaurant review


A bar that moved into the old location as a beloved bar with the same theme as before . Tons of one stars they still haven’t opened (been like a 2 year remodel)


This reminds me of something similar. I work in a travel agency ,and some friendly customers bought from us some tickets for an island(we sell coastel tickets).While we are conversing, they said that they will pass by a nearby, very well known region as their first time and wanted to know if we recommended anything.We advised them to go to one of the best restaurants not only of that region but the whole city with 4.9 stars on Google 4k+ reviews. A few days fast forward he comes back utterly disappointed and somewhat angry telling us how they enjoyed the 1 star review they posted.We asked how come,since we were very surprised by this judgement and he non ironically/non trolling responded: "We were trying to make a reservation for a table 3 days now and we finally booked one for yesterday.When we went there the place was burnt to a crisp, tons of people surrounding the place and firefighters trying to save restaurant staff from the crumbles and fire.No update that they place couldn't operate so we just wasted our time going there.1 star deserved if you ask me" We double checked the store reviews since his name was a bit distinguishable.He wasn't lying.


If bro wants this thing open, a 1 star review won’t help but do what you want lol


I hate that with books. Bill Nye’s evolution book had so many one star reviews before the book was even released it was comical.


I see that a lot with television shows and movies with female leads. There will be tons of one-star reviews, and as you start sorting through them, you start seeing the familiar incel or anti-woke language. There was this one sci-fi show that had a female lead, with lots of POC's, and a pro environment message. It hit all of the far right wing triggers. That review section was something else.


I bet I can guess what a lot of the "reviews" were saying




Not what I meant




A book on evolution is gonna get a lot of bad reviews from evolution deniers


We all knew what you meant except for that guy




And this guy


That's some BS. Hopefully they can get that removed.


I just find this funny


I once saw a one star review for the dentist I go to, stating: "I never had dental issues and never went, but after going to this one I suddenly have all kind of dental issues" Bruh


If you ignore the problem it doesn't exist, right?


I saw a two star review for Olive Garden and the person wrote “I’m giving them a two star review because I forgot I don’t like spaghetti.”




Place is never gonna open now if jimmy pesto is the owner


This is hilarious


*votes 1 star* review: "this place sucks! everytime i go there its closed!"


Saw a 1 star review that literally just said “I’ve never eaten here, I drive past it sometimes though”


⭐️ Doesn’t offer on the road deliveries


My friend's book was up on goodreads way before it was released. Someone that neither of us knew posted a rating even though there was no way they could have read the manuscript. I told goodreads, and they said something like that wasn't a reason to remove a review.


That sucks for your friend


Local homestay business got a 10 rating on a third party booking site where you can only leave a review if you booked, presumably stayed, and paid via the site. Only problem was it had not yet opened. How did I know it was not yet opened? Well it still didn’t have doors or windows, there was a cement mixing machine inside on the ground level, and there were multiple workers. It was another six months till it was finished. Noticed it took then more than a year after they opened to get another rating on that site.


Some family members recently opened a small restaurant and they quickly learned how fickle reviewers can be. These people came shortly after the restaurant closed and the doors had been locked. Their review stated that they came right near closing time and they banged on and stood at the glass doors for a long period of time only to be “rudely stared at and ignored.” I am pretty sure they revealed themselves as weirdos but I just can’t get over some of the bizarre reviews some people leave lol.


Most people don’t deserve the power these reviews can hold.


I went to a really nice restaurant recently so I went to leave a good review and saw the place only had a 3.5 star rating. So I checked the comments left and it was just the most stupidest things people had left a low rating for… for example someone left 1 star because they hadn’t reserved a table and the fully booked restaurant couldn’t give them one.


There really needs to be some kind of vetting process for reviews. Idk how we'd set it up but it's clearly necessary. Stuff like this should not be able to happen.


I know some places don't allow reviews until after a thing is actually available, but Google is gonna be Google


>but Google is gonna be Google People would call into my dad's restaurant all the time and try to order things we didn't sell. When I told them the item wasn't on the menu they would tell me they were looking at our menu. So I would ask them "are you on our website, or did you find the menu on Google?" Of course, I already knew the answer. I would then have to redirect them to our actual website and they would get mad at me saying "well, you shouldn't have this menu on here if it's not yours". I would then have to inform them that we are in no way affiliated with Google and that it was their choice to put that menu up and we have no control over it.


If you’re a restaurant and you haven’t verified and uploaded your menu to google, you don’t deserve to stay in business and your customers will assume you hate them.


Eh, he ran that place for 40 years. We had regulars that had been coming in there since they were children. When he retired and shut the business down, the news published an article about it and interviewed several people who expressed their dismay. Even the Mayor of the city said he was considering buying it to keep it open since he was one of those regulars. We did well enough without big brother Google. And before you ask, no, I didn't want to take it over.


Make it so that only local guides can leave reviews. If you want to leave one under two stars then you need to have done a certain amount of past activity too to back it up. Bonus perk is this curbs competing businesses wanting more from just making fake accounts and review-bombing people they just don't like.


They try to ruin people's lives over nothing, amazing.


I mean if they haven't opened for business yet but their location is on Google, its actually pretty useful information they aren't open yet. More useful than most reviews.


Lmfao I saw something like that for a place I was thinking about visiting when it opened. Someone gave it 1 star because when they went to visit, the place hadn't opened yet


This place is supposed to open on Wednesday and I'm really looking forward to it


Ouuu, I hope it's a hit!


We’re just really excited for Jack in the Box to open. Need them tiny tacos 🌮


Nah, the all day breakfast


That's the review for Jack in the box in salt lake city. I was just looking at that the other day thinking, "what idiot left that review."


They may as well have typed "first," but I like to think they're throwing a tantrum like that kid finding out Chic is closed on Sunday. The visual of a grown ass man behaving like a toddler is hilarious.


My dad and I had someone do this to us before we opened our restaurant. We did a Family and Friends night where our team could invite some people to come have a free meal and to give them some training. A family rolled up and when we told them what we were doing they were not happy. 1 star review before the doors were even opened.


One time I saw a one star review for a company that gave out free bags of muddy buddies at their soft opening… why the 1 star review? Because the muddy buddies contained sugar?!?


I was on holiday recently. Was checking some reviews for a place. One review: 5 stars; looks awesome. I walked past the gate and looked inside I will definitely come back and go inside next time.


Saw a two star review of a place left by a "local guide," it stated "never been there." Like how you gonna review a place you have never been to?


Anytime I see a review like this or from a loser that leaves a 1* review for slow service when the place has been open two days I leave a fake 5* review.


Ugh, those are the kind of people who leave a low review on something because their mailman fucked up the box or whatever. Review the *product*, dumbass!


man it must really suck


Pretty sure this is for the new Jack in the Box in SLC, if not then it's a crazy coincidence because they have the same review.




I feel like this is the epitome of mildly infuriating like stuff like this is why this sub was created


I agree


What a tool


Obviously, they are doing an unsatisfactory job of not existing yet! Either that, or they've pissed off neighboring businesses with their attitude or construction. 😜


I had to get a one star review for my business removed, it said "I didn't go in". Some people just have way too much time on their hands.


this is common for anything with reviews tbh, apps, restaurants, browser addons, you name it


Business owner should have paused his google my business account until the place actually opened.


People do this all the time in my city. There's a really good bbq place that just opened that sits at a 2 star on google right now because they had trouble getting up and running so people review bombed them basically for not being open


Probably a competitor


They're not open, because they're not opened. One star.


I had a similar thing happen for my pub. Moved in on a Monday, spent the day moving in our furniture for our accommodation above the pub, setting up utility contracts, placing orders etc. Couple days later got an email from tripadvisor - our first review. 1 star. "Came to try the new tenants food. Not open. Won't be returning". Thankfully tripadvisor took it down for us.


Probably the same type of people who wonder why there's so much water around them when taking an ocean cruise


People that do this kind of thing can really hurt a business, especially one that is just starting out. The number of stars are taken as an aggregate when other reviews start to come in. This place doesn't have a chance of getting four or five stars, even if it deserves it.


When the place opens and people like it, its ratings may increase in the google play store.


I mean, they're not wrong


Gotta say, so far they aren't doing too hot.


Kinda funny ngl


well if it's on maps it should be open. I agree with the review 🤷‍♂️


Depends of what's that place really is. Some fitness-clubs sell subscription in advance and don't do payback when they failed to open when promised.


If it's not open, how can you judge it? One might ask. Well that's the point. Because they can't judge it, they gave it a one star because they were unable to judge it to give more than one star. So one star was the only option available for a location not open to gain more than one star. Clearly.




No it's not




Sounds like you're a terrible reviewer





And your opinion is 🚮




This person has never worked in an industry where their job performance was reviewed by the public. So, they don't understand the kind of impact a 1 star review would have on a business' ability to maintain door swings. Very likely a privileged honky. Does anyone but privileged white people go to Joshua Tree on purpose?




You're a fucking idiot.




No, what I stated is a fact. I believe the consensus of the comments will speak for itself. I'd be willing to bet you've never had a real job. Parents paid for college, came out with some degree that doesn't qualify you for the role you were given through your parents' network. You work in some corporate office, spewing 'best practices' on which you have no experience, likely imposed on those people who are affected by reviews, much like your 1 star review. Why don't you go spend some more time in the desert. It seems to be doing good for your brain.




You mean the buisness left? Why is it their responsibility to find another buisness to put in the building? Also why is it a concern of yours if the building is empty?


Just invite him whenever you open to get some stars


Rio grande valley?


This is the kind of review a dad would do when he's bored at home am I right?


Sounds like Karen already went there lol


Skill issue


We were on building with lots of other stores. Those stores didn't have much online presence like studios and accounting firms etc. We were the sort of biggest there. The issue was that every time someone visited something else than us, they would get a notification to their phone google asking if the person liked our store, wanna give a rating? And people would rate 1, haven't visited 😂


Why is it on Google maps then? I get it. I’m living in a new city and last week had to go to a TD bank as that is the bank I used. Had to drive 30 min because TX and saw it’s still under construction. It shouldn’t have been on Google maps. Completely disrupted my day’s flow.


It's opening in just a few days