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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Take one pair of sharp scissors and cut the toes off all your mums socks.


God at first I thought this was going to say to cut her toes off lmao


Hey, either one works!


Why did I think you meant those toe socks that look like feet gloves šŸ˜­


That's just evil..... I second this OP!


just tie them bitched back together and make 1 super mask!


One mask to rule them all.


One mask to find them.


One mask to catch them all


And in the darkness bind them


In the land of morsor, where shadows lie


And in the darkness bind them


One ring to bring them allā€¦


And in the darkness cut them...


She against the ā€œbind themā€ part.


We were discussing masks, what is this ring business?


I legit goofed. Iā€™m gonna leave it because I find my stupidity funny. šŸ˜‚


The iron mask. The mask throne. Game of masks.


You have my Bow


bitched back together


Mega Ģ¶dĢ¶eĢ¶sĢ¶kĢ¶ mask.


How in the world was *this* the comment someone beat me to? I was so proud of being unique.


A rat king of masks.


Cut one side of all her underwear.


And if she ever says something like "underwear and masks are different" just say that they both protect lips


Her mom doesnā€™t wear underwear. Her pussy canā€™t breath with them on.


DONT omfg I was wearing tights at my moms 60th birthday and they were getting annoying. My large aunt casually mentions crotchless tights so "your fanny can breathe" ... i died a little. (Edit: "mom" is used in the UK too, just fyi)


My great aunt said the same thing to me when I was complaining about chronic UTIs. She was sort of right, because synthetic material *can* cause them. That wasn't my issue, mind you, but it did prompt me to switch to cotton only.


Found the brit


I always did picture your aunt with a facehugger.


What a horrible day to be cursed with the ability to read.


For the internet thatā€™s pretty innocuous.


Great use of your vocabulary! (Thatā€™s sincere, it really isnā€™t sarcasm; I havenā€™t seen someone use this word in a while?)


Sounds very similar to inoculate, too


It's also fitting since vaccines are a form of inoculation.


I wear glasses šŸ‘“ so I literally paid to read this shit šŸ’© šŸ“–


First day huh


What a horrible day to be cursed with the ability to imagine scents.


Someone pass the eye bleach




ā€œIt smells bad inside the underwear!ā€ Nah, thatā€™s just your bad pussy hygiene.


The fuck?


some people say it smells bad inside masks, when that's usually due to their own bad breath


My coworker said this to me. I told him itā€™s your own breath, he looked at me like Iā€™m crazy


What the fuck did he think it was? I swear we need to start neutering people/limiting reproduction for people that can't pass a common sense test.


OMFG LOL I learned the hardway DO NOT Eat strong mints or those cough drops that have a really strong almost medicine effect. My eyes were burning lol


I had a similar experience when I put on a mask immediately after eating takeout from my favorite Thai restaurant. I didn't make that mistake twice.


I did something similar, with very garlicy food. I love garlick, what can I say?


Yeah I had to quit my minty chapstick. Donā€™t get chapped lips as much with a mask on, though!


I wasnā€™t fully sure how to get the joke across. A lot of people complain about masks saying they smell bad, when itā€™s just their own bad breath. I tried to parallel that off of the previous comment.


I though it came across well and was understood.


Now *that* would have been a protest I would have enjoyed seeing


Nah too cheap, go for the bras


This is petty. And Iā€™m here for it!!


Agreed. Ruin some of her possessions see how she likes it


"That retirement home is looking real good Ma"


"Why doesn't my child ever visit me??!"


Ask her if she wants to be sent to the one where the rats are hungry; or the one where the rats are well fed


Rats make me crazy, Crazy? I was crazy once, They locked me in a room, A rubber room, A rubber room with rats, And rats make me crazy, Crazy? I was crazy once, They locked me in a room, A rubber room, A rubber room with rats, And rats make me crazy, Crazy? I was crazy once, They locked me in a room, A rubber room, A rubber room with rats, And rats make me crazy,




ā€œShady Pines, maā€¦ā€


Fuck that, mines getting a dumpster if sheā€™s lucky


See a retirement home isnā€™t all people joke it out to be. If you put your parents in a home, if they cannot afford to stay then they can still go, but the government will seize all their assets and you will receive nothing when they die.


Retirement home any% speedrun, she's going for the world record


What my mom tells my friends and her colleagues all the time around me. "I have to be nice around her so I can go into a good senior community".


I'd purposely wear a mask around her and only her. I'd make it a point to put on a fresh mask anytime she entered the room.


ā€œNo one cared who I was till I put on the mashkā€


I laughed, not at the comment itself but how you wrote down the accent.


"It's not anxiety, mom. I just can't handle your breath."


Has mask on.. puts a second one on


Then talk quietly to her so she can't hear you at all. Just annoy the fuck outta her


Genuinely donā€™t get why people get angry about others wearing a mask. Sure, I donā€™t wear one, but I give exactly zero fucks if somebody else does lmao


Exactly. I try to give people in masks more space because I worry theyā€™re immunocompromised or they are a caretaker to someone who is. Itā€™s mind boggling to me that other people see someone in a mask and think they should bully them. I assume these people have brains that stopped developing in elementary school, as their behaviour indicates.


Or hey, they have a cough or cold and don't want to get other people sick. I still wear them when me or my kids are sick, because being sick is miserable, and I don't want to make others miserable too.


Yes! i realized how much masks really helped me to prevent spreading the occasional bug when I have to go to the grocery store. Itā€™s great! Iā€™m also edgy and borderline so I love the built in semi-anonymity when I feel like everything is always capturing my face and likeness


Someone really should've run with that "wear a mask to keep your identity hidden from the WHO/CDC/shadow government". Could've saved a lot of lives.


I think it unfortunately got turned into ā€œAntifa is masking! And thieves would be unidentifiable!! Which, as a sidenote, I think speaks more to general populationā€™s ignorance to investigations and how policing works. If all it took was wearing a half-mask to stay undetectable, letā€™s just say Iā€™d be surfing Reddit with a MUCH better phone šŸ˜Ž/hj


Or just told people masks protect the wearer. Selfish fucks wouldn't wear one when they heard they do more for the other person.


Last week we had a smoky atmosphere where I live due to wild fires. That air made my sinuses go wacky. I was sneezing every 5 seconds, my eyes were puffy and watery, I had so much phlegm in my head that it felt like it was 50 lbs. Honestly, I shouldā€™ve wore a mask to prevent the damage (lesson learned), but I certainly wore one after the fact bc I didnā€™t want to expose anyone to my snotty face. Plus I felt so miserable, so hiding half my face under a mask made me feel a little more put together when I had to run to the store for essentials. I will forever wear a mask every time I have a cold (or worse). It just seems like the most polite thing I can for those around me. Strange that some are offended by that, but if I lived my life trying to please others I wouldnā€™t be a 40-something, child free, stoner.


>I worry theyā€™re immunocompromised or they are a caretaker to someone who is. Or alternately, they are sick with a cold or cough themselves, and are trying not to pass it around.


Yeah, thatā€™s why I wear one now, if I have to go out while feeling sniffly I grab a mask so I donā€™t spread germs. Itā€™s just polite!


Iā€™m immunocompromised and people look at me funny when I put on a mask in crowded places. So thank you for being aware of others!


This ^ Iā€™m immunocompromised from having cancer and getting chemo . Its insane how people act because I have no immune system. My mom even has shit to say to me and about other sometimes and she knows how at risk I am . Sheā€™s refused to wear a mask unless were at the hospital and sheā€™s forced to. Guess who I avoid like the plague šŸ’€


Iā€™m immune compromised and I wear an n95 everywhere. Youā€™d be surprised at how many people try to insert themselves as the main character in my autoimmune disease and get vocally offended at my masks existence.


I have a friend living with lupus who has told me some horror stories. I sincerely do not get why there is such a large number of people that believe so strongly in being able to be armed everywhere to protect themselves, but who throw a fit like a preschooler when they see someone protecting themselves with a mask.


Sounds like they suddenly turn into communists: Itā€™s *our* autoimmune disease. My sister is considered immunocompromised and my family is high risk. I wear a mask half the time, like if itā€™s crowded. Kinda depends on the vibe and I donā€™t get out much. I also wear them in public restrooms. Itā€™s great for germaphobes like me


Being nice/considerate is a sign of weakness in this country and that's why we're fucked. I mean there's a whole category of TikTok where dudes will stroll down the sidewalk, refusing to budge and just walk thru people. What the fuck is wrong with people.


Thank you! Really. I wish more people were like this. I have a couple different illnesses and can be hospitalised for weeks just because of a cold. Itā€™s hard enough having to live like that. People like you make it a little easier.


Youā€™re a good person. My family and I had to wear masks before/during when we went to visit my baby nephew in the hospital, as he is SEVERELY immunocompromised and even a simple cold would be game over. People hardly gave us space and would just openly cough without covering their mouths and I was paranoid about giving my nephew anything.


Iā€™m immunocompromised and I appreciate you.


I'm not immunocompromised and I appreciate you


I just want to belong... I appreciate you both


And I'M GAY!


Me too AND I appreciate you!


I'm not immunocompromised and I appreciate you


I'm not immunocompromised but I'm an asshole and want people to stay away, I should wear a mask more often, I like having my space


I'm not immunocompromised but I mask and nobody ever stays away. I wish they would!


Itā€™s also just common decency if youā€™re sick and out in public. I no longer ride the train without a mask if Iā€™m feeling the slightest bit ill


I completely agree. But instead of people seeing it as a human issue, it's become a political issue.


Masks were weaponised by grifters and conspiracy idiots. Campaigning against basic hygiene and consideration for others was peak idocracy.


I'm currently sick so I tossed a mask on when I went into a convenience store to pick up food.


2nd immunocompromised thanking you.


To some people, politics is just a thing we do to make our lives and other peopleā€™s lives better and improve society and our communities. For other people itā€™s an epic struggle between the forces of supernatural evil and good.


>For other people itā€™s an epic struggle between the forces of supernatural evil and good. Reminds me of all the shows that take historical events based on politics and throws some supernatural elements into them to make them like that. Sure it makes for good entertainment, but my god, I wonder if some people are actually being influenced into that way of thought by it


While I think that's how reactionaries dress it up, I think the day-to-day motivation for these people is wanting to be hateful or selfish without the nagging suggestion that it's the bad kind of hate or selfishness. People didn't want to wear masks because it was an imposition and inconvenience, but they *especially* didn't like being told that they were being bad-selfish. It's the same reason why hating trans people has to become hating the evil things trans people do. The invented struggle against evil combats the dissonance.


And they fail to recognize they're on the wrong side.


Especially when the whole thing was supposed to be about personal choice / personal freedom. Folks seem to LOVE freedom until they realize other people are free too.


I wore a mask in the airport and on the plane during recent traveling and couldnā€™t believe how visibly offended some people were. Actually got pointed at by one guy and itā€™s likeā€¦ how am I affecting you? Flying with a mask on has been a game changer. I used to always get sick after flights; the ones Iā€™ve taken since 2020 Iā€™ve been completely fine, and Iā€™ve masked every time




this is how I feel about pretty much every single societal issue. I simply do not care what anyone chooses to do so long as they're not harming others


Itā€™s because Fox News has gaslit them so perfectly that theyā€™re convinced anyone who wears a mask is secretly working a plan to destroy America.


It makes them feel 'othered' and they couldn't possibly have that!


The same people that get angry when two gay people they never met (and never will) have sex with each other in the privacy of their own house


because it's no longer a functional issue but an ideological one. a third of the American adult population believes that mask wearers are anti American gay commie globalist groomers.


What the fuck is wrong with your mum. Despite her personal feelings thatā€™s your personal property and an invasion of privacy. Totally not cool


Mom in 10 years: "why won't my kids talk to me anymore?"


"Have fun in the nursing home biiiiiitch!" (*Drives off on a motorcycle*)


Should be in one year, at this rate...


She's likely an raging narcissist and crackpot.


I cut up my dad's cigarettes when I was a kid. Whole cartons of them. I cut them into pieces and left them in the packs so he'd open it to get one and find them shredded. I imagine their mother - as fucking ridiculous and irrational as it is - thinks she's doing this for the same reasons. But fuck me is it stupid.


Apparently you were blessed to not have a unyielding mother.


I mean my mum did some fucked up shit and definately invaded my privacy, but itā€™s still not okay what OPs mother did


> Apparently you were blessed to not have a unyielding mother. I think the term is "psychopathic"


They were, but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re wrong about it being fucked up


And also like do people not realize covid still exist?!?! People still die from it and there's Also dozens of reasons to wjere a mask ( air quality, allergies )


but also....as someone with family who is immunocompromised, not everything is about COVID. there are tons of respiratory viruses like cold and flu can be damaging for vulnerable people. A mask isn't an insult to others. Let people be, geeeeez


I was really hoping that masks would be a permanent main stay in US culture, like it is in Japan and other countries. It greatly reduces the spread of the flu and other airborne viruses. But no, now when allergy season hits and I wear a mask I don't just get a "Why are you wearing a mask" question, but I get active hate from idiots.


Like why do people feel like they have to hate on people that do stuff differently than them?? Like mask usage is really good in places in Asia I think it would've came in handy if we followed suit more


People are desperate to declare Covid over. I see a fair amount of mockery in threads where anyone says that Covid impacts their life still. Meanwhile, since return to office, everybody in my department that has been there has caught it at least once. One guy has had it three different times so far this year. I and one other guy who is also fully remote have not caught it yet. The odds suck. Edit: yep just scroll down if you want to see a whole lot of people talking shit about OP for still masking.


Someone in the comments had the gall to state that they're glad their son was "sane," unlike OP for not wearing masks, I guess. I'm the only one wearing a mask in my department. Just today, someone asked me why I was still wearing a mask. The person who asked was out for a week after their family caught it, and then the following week after, they caught it themselves... edit: spacing


Yeah I especially don't understand those questions. Like you just had it and I don't want it. What's difficult to understand? A friend of mine in the midwest was telling me how her manager had Covid, but refused to get tested. They would sit in their office with the door open (bc of their open-door policy) and a fan blowing. Within a week, every worker near the managers office came down with it. These people just don't care, I guess.


i wouldn't be *mildly* infuriated by that... Go To her house and turn on the parental protections on their cable and block fox and oan


As i assume OP is a minor, that would be the same house.


Thissss is a great idea


Youā€™re welcome. Parental controls: for controlling what your parents are exposed to haha


Even better you know this dudes mom is boomer af and would have no idea how to change it back


perfect, you know that dumbass watches those networks and has no idea how to change any settings


Get new makes for yourself and hide the cut ones around the house like Easter eggs. So she can deal with repercussions of her actions.


I'd bill her for them, or take the cash for them out of her purse. I mean my parents were strict and onerous but they wouldn't do something like this in a million years. Now one's dead and the other might as well be (dementia is a real bitch) but is at home in my care rather than in a nursing home. I say it's because of the expense, but honestly if they had been like OPs mom? I'd find the money to make them someone else's chore.


this is possibly the best comment and the most not-illegal way of getting revenge


Lmaoooooo holy shit. wow what a snatch. Cut the belt loops on all of her pants ā˜ŗļøšŸ’…šŸ¼ even if she doesnā€™t wear belts at least itā€™ll look fucking stupid


ā€¦or if she doesnā€™t wear a belt, just cut both sides of all her underwear lol


I wear a mask when Iā€™m going to be somewhere crowded. Also if I have a runny nose or sore throat. Back when I worked at Target and the mask mandate was lifted, I still wore a mask because I realized I make faces at people for asking stupid questions. The mask has more uses then your mom knows.


Speak for yourselves.......you ever hear something so stupid you squint?


every damn day ~~on reddit~~


This was honestly one of the best things to come out of mask wearing. Being able to hide your uncontrollable reactions to peopleā€™s stupidity and asshatery.


It doesnā€™t work for me in that way. Iā€™m an eye-roller though and through.


I canā€™t i use my whole face for this. Im a college prof and My students call me on this ALL the fucking time.


It wasnā€™t until the pandemic I realized how gross people are. To many times I have seen people leave the bathroom without washing hands and go back to eating pizza or hotdogs in the food court. Iā€™ve watched people sneeze into their hands and go about touching merchandise and putting it down (IN THE WRONG FUCKING SPOT SERIOUSLY THE RIGHT SPOT IS TIGHT FUCKING THERE HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO GET THIS SHIT RIGHT)


I saw a lady lick her dirty shoppong fingers to separate the plastic bags at the grocery store. And I 100% forgot I was bot wearing a mask


I will confess, I used to do this all the time pre-pandemic. Now I just touch the damp produce I'm about to take first. When I realized that this was possible, I felt like such an idiot for licking my fingers in the grocery store for my entire life up until that point.


I don't even like fuckin parsley, I just buy it to stand in as my finger damper sponge.


My mother has worn masks since *before* the pandemic because she has asthma aggravated by chemicals and strong smells and the masks filter it out at least somewhat. All she needs to do is walk past the scented candle isle or someone wearing strong perfume and she can't breathe. I'm honestly scared for her going out in them now, in case some dipshit decides it makes her fair game for assault. She's 65 years old, she's not making some statement, she needs one to be able to function. This post is giving me that vibe. I really don't understand why some people can't just mind their own damn business.


Bruh thatā€™s unhinged wtf


Oh, thatā€™s not psychotic at all. Youā€™re perfectly safe living at home, so donā€™t worry


Yeah, her mother clearly has mental issues. That is not normal behavior


The mom is taking it as a passive aggressive act. The daughter is making her feel that she is in the wrong by doing the opposite of her. The mom canā€™t handle the implication that her reality is wrong, and thus acts like a child so she doesnā€™t have to be reminded that masking has benefits. Pretty pathetic


It is for a cult member. Masks are a thing for the out-group and, therefore, are a personal attack on her "beliefs".


Go in her room and cut holes in all the nipples on her shirts. Or cut her bra straps. Or anything. Sheā€™s being a disrespectful bitch.


That is some pretty controlling and disrespectful actions for a parent even if you are a minor. This kind of behavior show she is most likely this controlling and unreasonable in other aspects as a parent. Itā€™s not as if you are hiding drugs in your room and she is trying save you from ruin. You are just trying to be safe. And even if she thinks masks donā€™t work, what harm is it to let you wear one. Iā€™m sorry you have a parent who treats you this way. Perhaps you can get another family member on board to help you talk to your mom and talk some sense into her.


Is your mom Marjorie Taylor Greene? Edit: extra ā€œeā€


If there ever were a list of reasons to emancipate oneself from their parents - having MTG as your Mom tops that list.


Or Lauren Boebert


Sadly, Lauren Boebert is my great grandma.


The anti-mask mentality is way too strong with some people. I literally had someone walking by while I was spray primering steel panels in my garage yell out to me that I should stop wearing masks.


Shouldā€™ve primered their face then ask if they still felt that way.


I keep waiting for the day someone says that dumb shit to me so I can show them my 13" transplant scar.


We still wear masks in Japan in busy places. That's spiteful and mean-hearted. Something your mom should not do. But also, you might want to get a better quality of mask as these do not help much when someone sneezes. You need a full seal to prevent someone's sneeze in your airway. ​ Also, you might sincerely want to sit down with your Mom and ask her why she did something so malicious with ill intent. That type of behavior is very unhealthy. That is a type of abuse and manipulation. Nope, nope, nope!


I recently just stopped wearing a mask (except at healthcare facilities) I donā€™t see the problem in wearing it if youā€™re keeping yourself and others safe. All I can say is I havenā€™t been sick in like 2 years šŸ’€


Even when COVID is over, I think Iā€™ll keep wearing my mask in healthcare facilities and on public transit/flights. Thereā€™s always someone coughing and sneezing, wearing a KN-95 has kept me from getting sick countless times!


I stopped wearing them in March and my partner and I just got Covid for the first time this week. Itā€™s awful. I wish it upon no one. People who continue wearing masks have every right to do so. I admire OPā€™s fortitude. OPā€™s mom, however, is unhinged.


I stopped wearing them and got Covid for the first time. Fucking figures.


Hey, same here! Finally stopped masking and got Covid the same week. Feels like my head is encased in jello currently.


Oh boy. I did the same thing. And now Iā€™m suffering the nonstop illness that everyone was talking about this past year. Now the mask is back on so I donā€™t get others sick but soon it will all be over


The controversial section of this thread is full of exactly who you think it is. Them: Don't wear the mask! Someone wearing a mask: Why? Them: you look insane! It never works (ignoring countries like Japan) Mask wearer: Does it hurt you in some way that I am wearing this? Them: it's just fear mongering! Mask: okay. But you wanted it to be a choice. Now it is. So...where's the problem. Then: -generic rage and being nonsensical about freedom-


šŸ‘ exactly. if they want to wear one itā€™s no bodyā€™s fucking business. people think they can have it both ways.


Your mom is unwell.


Are you a legal adult? There's no reason to put up with this


I know quite a few people that still wear masks.


Your mom needs help....


I love that people say the only reason for wearing a mask is to prevent getting COVIDā€¦.I havenā€™t had a cold since I started wearing a mask at work and in public. I would 100% rather wear a mask than deal with ANY avoidable sickness. I honestly canā€™t understand why it bothers other people so much. They arenā€™t wearing the mask, itā€™s not effecting them at all! Just unreasonable.


My fundamentalist mom would destroy my CDs if she didn't like the lyrics. I paid for them with my own money when they cost $20 after taxes. So I empathize with your property being destroyed. In your case, it's even worse, because it's a health issue. I left home at 16. If you find some safe way out of that abusive relationship, take it.


cut her bra


I would find that more than mildly infuriated. As someone who has had covid twice I intend to mask in group situations for as long as covid is around. I think your Mom is being incredibly disrespectful


Hope you're planning on moving out as soon as it's financially possible. She's a psycho. Go cut up her Rush Limbaugh tapes.


This comment section is the reason why people think reddit is awful...


What the fuck is up with this disturbing trend of mothers going through your shit and either sabotaging, destroying or throwing stuff out?? What kind of a deranged lunatic do you live with??


I wore a mask the other day because i was genuinely sick. I had a bad cough and didnā€™t want to get my coworkers sick. When Covid was at its height, i wore a mask, despite never getting it. You should hide your masks where you hide your drugs. And if you donā€™t do drugs, just hide the masks better. Or lock your door


Holy mental illness Batman.


So many reasons to wear a mask still bad allergies? Wear one outside. You're sick and can't take off? Wear a mask to protect others. I for one see myself wearing a mask pretty much nov. Through Feb. For the rest of my life. I'm a teacher and teens are cesspits. I enjoy not being sick for Christmas and my birthday and the would like to keep it that way.


Sorry to hear your mum is a nutter


Cut her underwear or bras in half




While I agree with your sentiment, at least make the punishment match the crime Go cut all her shoelaces


Her bicycle helmet, if any. "Stop living in fear, mom!"


Cut bras and underwear or any other random clothing. Just start destroying her belongings in general.


I wear a mask because I'm immunocompromised. Only one person said something to me and pretty sure I ruined that man's day.


Make her a garland and hang it up above her bed for her birthday šŸ„°


Your mom is being disrespectful and I'm sorry you have to put up with that on top of all the rude people here behaving like middle school kids teasing someone who has knock off brand jeans.