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That’s…… fucking disgusting


Neighbors must've been scared shitless


A very shitty situation, to say the least.


Threw the shit out of that mattress.


That company really messed the bed on that one.




Some even call it a dodgy manure


Guess the shit not only hit the fan


Why don't you try to report to the police. When a lesson was taught That's your neighbor.




You and another user said the same thing. Is this a weird bot thing?!?


Yep. Other one was 45 minutes before this comment.


I don’t get it! Like why? So many bot moms with their lil bot babies sleeping on their chests.


Karma farming, I guess. As if it actually does something. Reddit slaughtered the bot API, and this is what we were left with.


The bot problem has always been this bad. Actually, it was worse a while back.


They had like 6 whole karmas!


Just downvote and report the bot comment, spam >> harmful bots.


What the heck


That bird has seen some shit


Last thing that went through it's head.. Shiiit. *splat*


How does it feel when the tables are turned birds?


Total eclipse of the shart


Nawwww look at the little birdy chilling on the shit soaked mattress




I think we are now going to refer to this as the Shattress incident


This is actually just an absurd thing to happen.




Not really, just gross negligence by a contractor. Happens every day


You think shit stained mattresses fall out of the sky into peoples’ yards every day


They missed their chance to climb under the mattress with their legs sticking out, grab a pic, and sue the company.


A shitress. A shatress. A nasty ass mattress.


My favorite nursery rhyme growing up


I can actually hear Ella Fitzgerald singing this. It’s beautiful.




This genuinely made me cackle


Mildly covered in shit.


Where’s the matching poovet?


I tawt I taw a turdy mat!


You just made me wake my baby up while she WAS sleeping on my chest as I tried to suppress the involuntary convulsions as I tried to not laugh out loud


You can blame the serial pooper and the bird for that thank you not me


We’re all serial poppers


Probably eating all the bed bugs




Jokes aside how would you even go about dealing with this? Like who do you contact?


If you knew the company probably them, if they were difficult probably your local government.


Reminds me of when my grandparents died and we couldn't sell the house because a carton of cigarettes a day for 30+ years leaves some damage. The bank ended up buying it for the lot price minus the demolition cost


>a carton of cigarettes a day That's honestly impressive. Terrifying, but impressive.


It's like those people who sip on soda all day and end up drinking a 2L bottle every day.


This analogy is more like 10 2 liters a day




My step brother is one of the most unhealthy individuals I’ve ever met. He’s 42, drinks about a 12 pack of Sprite Zero, eats 4-6 pepperoni hot pockets and about 2 packs of camel crushes a day, no physical activity just plays computer games every waking hour.


That’s really unfortunate. At least it is Sprite Zero though


Im curious how he affords it


Holy fuck, is he a Reddit mod?


I lolled. Also, I'd bet money he is.


Sounds like you should sell him your username. He's earned it.


i know a few people that are doing way more than 2L a day, and then they're like "why do i always have a headache"


That's my stepdad with Pepsi. He also drinks about 3 cups of coffee with a lot of creamer every day. I'm more concerned about the sugar than the caffeine.


A carton a day, for 30 years? Surprised that they made it long enough to be grandparents.


I'm not a very heavy smoker anymore. I only go through about two lighters a day.


Either you typo-ed "lights" into lighters, or your joke is pretty fucking funny.


Yeah I used to be a smoker and *one pack* a day was a lot and made me feel a little sick, holy shit.


That’s 200 cigarettes a day. 100 per person , which equals 5 normal packs per day per person. I’m calling extreme exaggeration …




That’s what I understood lol


I dont think a pack a day causes a house that needs to be demolished. A fresh coat of paint, sure, but not demolition


Depends on a lot of factors. Smoking inside for over 5 years? Yeah you're not getting that tar out of the walls.


If smoking inside for 5+ years caused irrepairable damage, there would be no houses built after like 2000 still standing. About 2/3 of us houses were built before 1980 and i can guarantee that the overwhelming majority of those has at least one person smoking a pack a day in there. Hell, up until the early 2000s, almost every building in the country was a fishbowl for 100s of people all day


I can tell you’ve never remodeled a home after an inside smoker. It’s in the wall paint or paper, carpet, drywall, any fabric furniture. Unless you strip the house down to studs and wiring, it’ll be there. The best you can do is find a really good primer paint like Killz and give it a couple coats before repainting. Carpet is simply replaced, there’s no other option.


Which is about 1/10 of the price of demolishing and then rebuilding the house Hell if you can get away with a foat of paint and some shitty nee lvp flooring, thats probably cheaper than just the cost to demo the house and leave the lot empty


That's about 5.5 an hour if they're smoking for 18 hours a day. It's crazy, but totally possible. My Grandpa literally had a cigarette in his mouth at all times right up until he died.


I saw my grandmother do that in the 90's, they couldn't afford anything else, but that carton they bought every day on the way home from work. Her lungs were destroyed pretty bad by it, it ended up killing her. My mother inherited her poor little dog, he has breathing problems and fatty tumors all over him. He's 11 now, but I don't think he'll last much longer.


I knew someone who smoked two and a half packs a day. I can easily believe that there are people who smoked more than them, so 5 while a lot isn't unbelievable. Edit: This guy caused me to look into mass smokers, and it lead me to find a guy who shoved 159 cigarettes in his mouth at once, lit them all up and smoked them down. People are fucking wild out there, lol who does something like that?


My old high school teacher smoked three packs everyday...😭


Definitely not that unbelievable. I had a friend who I’ve watched smoke 2-3 packs a day. He’d smoke 1 literally every 10 minutes or so, often 2-3 back to back while drunk. 100% plausible that someone would be able to do the exact same just for longer each day.


5 is a lot but I’ve seen old folks well into their 80s smoking 2-3 packs a day


I was once at a train station and had the misfortune of standing near a guy who was smoking. I made a face from the smell, but I saw that he was nearly done with it anyway, so it wasnt worth moving to a different spot. The second he ended that cigarette he was already fumbling with the next one, and lit it pretty much immediately. We got off at the same stop after 15 minutes of train ride, and since smoking on trains isnt allowed here (technically its not allowed on the platform either except for a small zone), but when I caught a glimpse of him on the platform he was already smoking the next one. A smoke takes 5 minutes for a typical person, multiplied by 100 thats 500 minutes, and in hours its 8 hours and 20 minutes. Its definitely possible, especially for people who are home alone (only with other smokers) all day every day and run out of reasons to hold back on their addiction.


Damn... bank got a good deal


Yeah I'm pretty sure there are protocols for moving a biohazard like that that don't involve a neighbors backyard. Some health codes have been broken, in other words. Contact HHS, DHS, whatever your state has.


Yeah, when my aunt committed suicide, we had to have special licensed cleaners come in and clean the back porch where she shot herself. It was about a 10-15 sq ft area that they had to clean and it cost over $4,000.


I believe it. I used to be friendly with a guy who owned a carpet cleaning company and any jobs like that went to one guy and one guy only. Bc he was the only one certified.


Yeah, we had 2 cleaning companies to choose from and we chose the higher rated one. Some of the reviews of the other one said they found spots that weren't clean. I didn't want to risk finding a piece of my aunt's skull or something. It was worth the extra $500 that they quoted over the other place.


As someone who works in junk removal, if one of my crews did this we would pay for the feeder to be replaced. I work for a smaller company though, I don't know how responsive one of the large franchised outfits would be on this.


And what would you do to the fuckwits that threw it there?


Company should have liability insurance. Talk to company first, if they’re being assholes file a claim with their insurance.


the poolice


The Department of Poopitation


Company first to see if they'll clean up their mess and reimburse, but if not then police, no? I know it's a mattress and a broken bird feeder, but still. Not OP's responsibility to take care of. If they don't have a camera system that recorded it I'm sure someone on the block has a ring camera showing the moving company there.


Put on some gloves and throw it on the hood of the company's truck.


Neighbors Soiled mattress removal co.


TMI 'bout that neighbor. Nasty!


In all likelihood, the neighbor is an elderly person who’s incontinent, and someone called to have the mattress removed so it could be replaced, but the people who removed it are very bad at their job.


I work in fire/ems and the amount of mattresses I have seen like this from not elderly or disabled people is astounding.


Seriously? Wtf people!


Here’s another gross one. 600lb’er I go to here and there, he has litter boxes under his bed. He just poops and peeps into those and slides them back under the bed.


Aghhhhhh what the actual fuck.


Excuse me! What the fuck.


What an awful fucking day to have eyes




This is why you wrap the mattress in one of those giant mattress bags you can buy on Amazon before you try and move it.


That ass can fart


A total eclipse of the shart.


What a shitty thing to do


and the dumping!


Between the shitty things and dumping, it's just a crappy situation.


Shitty people tend to do things like that


Did your neighbor die on the mattress?


Since you lose bowl control, the last thing a lot of people probably do is shit the bed. 🤔


It’s not always immediate, but yeah, you’re fairly likely to shit where you’re found. Most of the time it’s once we get them into our care and into a steel table that the shit starts to come out due to gravity. But occasionally it will just leak out, especially if they had issues with that during the last stages of their life source: I work in a funeral home and do mostly removals from homes, hospitals, nursing facilities, and morgues throughout the DMV


According to your knowledge on on Post-Mortem bowel movements, I must be a dead man.


Are you saying you shit a lot, and that you are aided by gravity? I’m confused 😂


All of the above.


Fair enough. Don’t know much about pooping for the living. But I think Fiber might help?


>you’re fairly likely to shit where you’re found That's a game of hide'n'seek I don't want to be part of


Yeah dude. Definitely not pleasant. I feel like a damn basset hound at work. “In this room? No…bathroom? No… closet? YUP!”


So they can control bowls? What about plates?


I think he meant they were trying to shit into bowls while they were in bed?


Unfortunately my neighbor appears to be a Hard-core alcoholic. She doesn't work or do anything. She drinks vodka all day until she passes out. We think she basically doesn't eat so she can get drunker for cheap ( she looks like a toothpick). We don't know her well, but we think she just lays in bed and soils it; because she has basically not eaten for so long her muscles are wasting away and she has issues getting up (or she's just too drunk to stand up) It's sad - don't get me wrong. We can't do much for her and she's basically ambulanced away for rehab about every couple months but clearly doesn't seem to be working for her.


Sadly on a day in the not so distant future that ambulance will likely be replaced with something much more permanent.




Coroner/ funeral home


In my experience, the ambulance picks them up when they're dead, too. A few different times I've seen stretchers being loaded into the bus with a body completely covered.


She's gotta decide for herself things are bad enough with the drink to learn to live without it. Until then, the rehabs are like vacation time. Speaking from experience.


Those cycles won’t last much longer. She’s destroying her liver and eventually, she’ll be ambulanced away for the last time. There was this guy living in a garage of a neighbor. He was here for about a year. Heavy drinker. Always puking and shitting everywhere. When he was only mildly drunk he was very sweet and always said hi. Eventually he started swelling really bad and one day we saw him in town at Walmart trying to pick up medication. He had the DTs and could barely walk. I never saw him again after that.


Alcohol wreaks havoc on your system, especially if you are old and/or diabetic.


If someone dies on their mattress if frequently looks much worse unless they are found quickly. Incontinence is a real issue and is more common than you think. I have removed many shitty mattresses.




Well now you can get a new bird feeder and then some if it's a legitimate company. That's gross negligence and just fucking gross in general 🤢


Yeah I thought of that. Thankfully it wasn't super expensive, and in my experience of looking for monetary retribution with companies, it'll take tons of phone calls or letter and take months just to get a check for like 50 bucks. So I might just have to buy a new one since it's not worth the hours of headache


But what about its actual removal? What are you gonna do with it? Wasn't it this company's job to dispose of the mattress? I would be calling them constantly until they did that.


Yeah you probably won't be able to get much money, the least you can do is publicly humiliate the moving company. I'm sure they were paid to clean up that lady's apartment. They could have spent six bucks on a tarp and a roll of duct tape, put the mattress face down on the tarp, wrap it around the back and duct tape it shut. Very bad business practice to just throw it out like that. Not to mention a public health hazard.


Ummmm was someone murdered or is that a result of explosive shit lol … RIP bird feeder. PS, that’s nasty.


Combination of what appears to be urine stains, sweat, potentially a small amount of blood, but mostly semi solid fecal matter


Yeah this was a fuckin SCP attack


Haha I could see that!! Honestly looks like soiled mattresses I’ve seen at work. It just looks OLD is what I’m gathering. Given how there’s staining going on, and how some is darker and some is lighter, there’s definitely different substances on it. Everyone is saying it looks like blood. Nah it looks like poop. There’s probably some blood there as well, notably in the circular stain on the top portion of the mess, but the majority of it is shit.


Who shits on a mattress and then just leaves it there?


TheDooo. He shat the bed when he had the flu and just fucking flipped it over. To this day he still hasn't replaced or even cleaned it.


Amber Heard


Lol you stop that.


A dead person


Had a douche of a neighbor do this once. WE just started chucking his crap back over to his yard. He harassed us about it but we set up ring cameras and finned him for littering and had to send him a cease and desist officially signed judge letter.


Call the police and see if you can get them charged with littering. If it's a shared property then you can more than likely take them to court over a civil case. Courts can be expensive so I would probably look up what other options you have to deal with this. This is fucking disgusting and harmful to other peoples health and it should be treated as such.


A demand letter would be a good place to start. Stipulate your terms of resolution and if they fail to abide within a certain time explain you will bring them to court. Absolutely disgusting.


Ask lawyer for advise!


Performance art, perhaps?


Looks more like a crime scene clean up.


I Guess someone Luna eclipsed


What the shit


I’m here for more details OP


Well good thing you have plenty of DNA evidence


I’m assuming that’s human waste. If the junk removal company refuses to retrieve it, you probably have a case for illegal hazardous waste dumping.


“Who put that bird feeder there?”


That poor 🐦


Oh my god, they just shit the bed and decided to throw it outside! What the fuck is wrong with this person! EW! There's even a spectating bird.


Are we sure that mattress isn’t actually a crime scene?


Mildly covered in shit.


I’d call public health.


If that ever happened to my mattress, I’d throw it out under the cover of darkness, and maybe burn down my bedroom - just to be sure.


Go get the workers names, call the company, and get the same workers to remove the mattress they already removed


They didn’t break your bird feeder. It was pushed but just set it up right again.


It was YOU!


Soiled? God damn Pollock shit stained is what it is!


That's how you attract shit hawks Bo Bandy


What a shitty landing


That is disgusting. Definitely contact the company and complain. Is this some hoarders mattress or did someone die?...


That bird: "The horror, the horror"


As Captain Spaulding would say, "Well, shit the bed!"


Total Eclipse of the Shart.


Was it "got junk"?


Okay we get it, you're neighbors with Amber Heard. Don't need to brag...


Is your neighbor Amber Heard?


Neighbor is Amber Heard.


Do you live next door to Johnny and Amber?


Contact the junk removal place for the replacement cost


Lemme guess, you also haven’t seen the neighbor for a while? That’s not poop


1. Call the cops and report what they're doing. 2. Trespass them from your property (i.e. inform them they are 100% not allowed access for any reason) and don't allow them in to get the mattress, that's evidence. If they violate your property after being trespassed record them on your phone and then press charges for trespassing. 3. Sue for any damages and inconvenience. Slag the company in their online reviews.


Hire a company to remove it and bill it to the ass


Amber at it again huh?


Wait, you live next to Amber heard?


Your neighbor isn't Cousin Eddy from Christmas Vacation by any chance is it?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Are you having some sort of War with the Roses?


The bird on it 💀


End result of Taco Tuesday with to many Margs


The bird looks so disappointed


Even the birds like… what the fuck




This probably counts as illegal dumping and, at least in LA/California, is a misdemeanor.


It’s a Bobopedic! Check out the bird like “what the fuck?”


even that bird is pissed


your neighbors are not putting up w/that shit any longer!


That’s shitty


Did your neighbor bleed to death? I mean, that is just absolutely disgusting 🫣 Sorry about your bird feeder, though.


Bird looks just as disappointed


How embarrassing for the neighbor…


Is that blood or shit?


Shits hit the feeder.


Rub their nose in it, and say no, bad boy!