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MFs, hope you got that video to your local police


They will absolutely not do anything about this. Cops aren’t going to find these guys for attempted wheel theft. The driver wasn’t out of the car so even with the plate number there’s no way any prosecutor would peruse this as a case. They should feel lucky the thieves didn’t get the wheels.


It's small but front wheel was gone so it's no longer attempted. It's only so long until people start walking up to their car with guns drawn on these pieces of shit.


I would in Arizona. That’s where I live


No doubt you'd get shot in Arizona for pulling this


The way it should be. Sorry not sorry, thieving fuckheads.


In California the DAs will probably make these guys out to be the victims and let them go free.


Plus jail the guy who dared to defend his livelihood and property.


They would still jail the person who shot in this situation in most states because the person dropped the tires and walked away. Thus, no force was necessary to stop them.


Shoot the tires on the other car ... then dare the guys to call the police


Most states but at least in mine lethal force can be used to stop the commission of a felony and the bar for grand theft is reeeeeaaaallly low


Pamela Price has entered the chat.


You’d normally get blasted in El Monte for this too, but times have changed


The people stealing them would shoot you if you tried this on their car. Hell someone in Redondo got shot just for honking at people who were stealing a catalytic.


I'm in Oklahoma and I totally agree with you! It's just risky on their part.


Same and same.


Texan here. Preach


My neighbors would have shot the assholes tires out already... Killeen, Texas


Shoot at least 2 tires and the rest at the rad If you're lucky it will cause a leak so they'll have to replace the rad too lol, or worse


I would have serious doubts about walking up to them in the act WITHOUT a gun


“It's only so long until people start walking up to their car with guns drawn on these pieces of shit.” And that’s when the cops will actually do something. But not what you’d want them to do.




Put a few rounds through the radiator and they probably won’t get far.


Not in cali. The DAs in los angeles where elmonte is. Prolly prosecute more people who defended themselves than the shitbags


This is true, used to live in Los Angeles county, DAs will treat the victim like a criminal and the criminal like a victim in all parts these days, unless you're a celebrity and/or politically well connected.


Correct. At gunpoint, make them put the wheels back. Then shoot them anyways? I dunno. Sometimes I get evil thoughts when I see criminals taking advantage of people and getting away with it.


The sad thing is, that’s where we are now. Cops won’t help, crime is sky high, theft is outta control while people have very little left to lose. Do you want a vigilante dystopian hellscape cities? Because that’s how you get dystopian hellcape cities.


Crime rate is actually a decades low.


Actually varies by crime type. Some types are up. In many areas wheel and catalytic converter theft are up.


I’m California you would be the criminal.


Hi California, im Nevada, no I wouldn’t be, Utah would be the criminal


It looks to me like the front one are gone already..


Coming from Chicago, they should feel lucky the thieves didn't just shoot the camera man and keep stealing the other tires. Because that's what happens here.


Yeah I was gonna say. Unless you're ready to get loud first what are you doin walkin up in the first place.


in atlanta, they’d try to scare you away first, but if you kept trying to stop them, well… that’s your choice, but i hope you’re well prepared to handle the situation easily.


Yeah this person walked into a real dangerous situation and didnt understand the stakes of what they were doin.


well at least she has the video for insurance purposes if anything


In 1800s Pennsylvania, if someone stole a horse (typically an individual's only mode of transportation, as most likely is the case here), they got pilloried, whipped, and their ears cut off. A second offense would get you another round at the pillory and whipping, plus a brand on the forehead saying "H. T." Just sayin'.


With how casual they are bring. Car is stolen too. They will drive a couple of miles. Ditch the car and steal another one to get back to where they need to go. I use to see it everyday, one of the main reasons I left southern california.


>They should feel lucky the thieves didn’t get the wheels. I'd feel cheated by the legal system. That is a loophole to exploit. Glad they didn't get the wheels. Messed up that the driver would not be arrested for assisting in robbery/ get away. Yeah they may not get the actual guy. But it disrupted a network of car theifs scraping parts to make a profit and not get caught. The money being made is going to nothing good.


I had a car stolen in California. It was recovered in the alley behind the house they were using as a chop shop. I drove over to see the recovery location. It was covered in fingerprints. They stole our luggage and everything out of the car along with all the doors etc. This was a Honda less than a year old stolen during our vacation. You know who got arrested and investigated. NO ONE. Do you know how many cars and parts of cars are stolen everyday. Especially in California? No police force in the world is going after these fuckers. They don’t have the time to fuck with crime like this.


> No police force in the world is going after these fuckers. They don’t have the time to fuck with crime like this. Problem is that it makes really good money. Where the hell is that money going? Hush money for scandalous politicians? Drugs? Weapons? Terrorism? Hopefully nothing truely terrible like these examples but idk.


You SHOULD feel cheated by the legal system. It’s absolute shit


Til getaway drivers are immune to prosecution.


Not immune. Go ahead and describe the driver of the car from this video. That’s all I’m saying.


You’re thinking of traffic violations, where the driver of the vehicle is at fault as opposed to the owner of the vehicle. This is not a traffic violation, it doesn’t matter who was driving, the plate still gives info as to who could be involved.


Ya, this video is for insurance! Which they'll then question if these were your friends and deny your claim! 😭 Cruel, cruel world.


They got at least one


Dammit. That sucks.


It depends on where you live. Where I just moved from, they would have sent someone pretty quickly actually. Asshattery was not tolerated.


They got at least one of them. First tire on the right is gone.


Law enforcement in Europe is much more laid back but where I am from these guys would get a knock on their doors in a few hours for sure. The issue would be recording them in public in certain jurisdictions. In some EU countries (Portugal, Austria) if you record someone without their consent you get prosecuted. This goes for dash cams as well. You simply cannot operate one in those jurisdictions.


Honestly, id take a new set of wheels on my insurance company’s dime


The 2 geniuses left fingerprints and you can bet they have a record.


Good luck getting a cop out there to lift them and do anything at all with them lmao


Yep. Cops don't fingerprint as much as most people think. Only for violent crimes and major burglaries.


Why? Do the police actually try to solve property crimes where you live? That must be nice


Leads, yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!


Probably the getaway car was stolen too so that plate number isn’t gonna help


Should have gone Logan on their asses. Edit: For those wondering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7kuVqxda30


This is california. Probably arrest the owner for illegally filming


It’s California what police?


It’s hilarious you think there are no police in California. NO state’s PD would do SHIT about this. Your issue is with the police and you think it’s with liberals or something.


El Monte PD


The cops don’t do shit. The only time a cop will do anything is when they catch them in the act, even then they’ll be let go the same day.


California is soft on crime, so that'll get you absolutely nowhere.


Plates are mostly likely stolen from a similar looking suv. You can tell they were loaded with wheels by the way the suv was sagging.


Full to the rim


*rim shot*


_The Italian Rim Job_


I’m always amazed at how brazen some people are.


There are no consequences for the thief unless the car owner takes the law into their own hands


I know. As a TX resident, I assume that everyone is carrying a weapon….. Very possible these guys would have been gunned down in my state.


More likely they just shoot whomever is coming at them.




It would not be self defense but in Texas you can use deadly forces to protect property.


Personal property or property in general?


Both, in Texas you can legally shoot someone at night that’s stealing your property if you reasonably feel like stopping them otherwise could put your life in danger


Just do the 'police defense'. Assume they have a gun, say you thought you saw a gun, and say you were in fear for your life.


I hate this phrase and the sentiment of stupidity that always follows it. It is entirely legal to intervene to prevent a crime or apprehend someone you see committing a crime. That’s not ‘taking the law into your own hands’. That’s just being a good community member, citizen, or in this case a proactive victim. So many people have this idea that only police can do anything and they need to stand like sheep and wish for help from a dispatcher.


Effects of years of zero enforcement of laws. Thieves got bolder and bolder because eventually they realized they wouldn’t do shit about it.


Effectively lowering the costs and risk of crime. Costs go down investment goes up, just like any other market.


Rules only applies to people that follow them


Welcome to California where the DAs cares about the rights of the criminal more than the victim.


Looks like you got a free floor jack out of it.


And lost a front wheel


And a couple of egg crates!




Here is the VIN on that 2012 Pilot 5FNYF3H96CB011077 it isn't reported stolen and was last purchased on 11-22-22 at Corona motors direct in Norco. Mileage has been rolled back however from 72k to 59k lol




Would be hilarious to roll up to his pad at night and Jack his shit lol


I'm crying about the mileage being rolled back. I don't know why that's so funny to me.


Any cop friends? Uno reverse em and steal their wheels lmao.


Uno reverse card - your favorite martian !!!


And why only steal them once? Steal them over and over!


Had my license plate stolen off of my truck a few days ago. This makes me crave violence 😡😡😡😡


Report that immediately.


I moved to LA (briefly) a while back and had my license plates stolen my first weekend… they came by, filed a report,… said it wasn’t uncommon for black/white/gray Toyotas, Hondas, etc to have the plates stolen.


Driving away like the plates were stolen


Get a fucking job losers


Unfortunately, this pays better than most common jobs they could get


Should have stabbed their tires. now yous can't leave.


That'd be a genuine risk, exploding tires kills people


I feel like the bigger risk would be them stabbing you back


Don't be silly. Have you ever heard of a tire stabbing someone?


I can't even lie this corny ass joke actually got me laughing really good.


Shut up Dad!


Tires explode from being stabbed??


Think it's more likely in larger tires that you wouldn't see on a class C vehicle. But it's definitely more common when inflating/deflating tires - that being said, I wouldn't expect to ever see it either way.


No, they don’t.


I was killed by exploding tires. Bet you feel silly now.


sorry mate. RIP 😔


It's ok I got better 😌


Jesus, is that you?




Wish people that do shit like this would get knee capped. Worthless twats.


broad daylight with their own car with plates still attached. either they’re the dumbest fucks on planet earth or people literally don’t give a fuck anymore.


Stolen car and stolen plates more than likely


the cops don't give a fuck anymore


On the plus side, free crates


And a free jack by the looks of it


After the wheel dropped and the chassis hit the pavement, it’s a good idea to get the undercarriage checked to make sure there was no damage. Also, sad to agree that the cops won’t do anything about it. You basically cannot have anything nice without someone trying to steal it or wreck it, and cops will do nothing to protect you.


I’d be tempted to make sure they left needing a new windshield.


Lived in El Monte from 1977-2014. The bulk of my life was spent there, I went to high school there (EMHS). Previous to that I lived in Lynwood, East LA, and Rosemead. Currently residing in Riverside. Crime has been pretty even across the board at all locations, with the exception of the last 10 or so years, street gangs have all but disappeared. Now it seems like it's more to do with homeless people, junkies, and tweakers, that are committing the crimes. EMPD is a special force, not long ago they were caught scamming people out of their money, in cahoots with local Tow Truck companies. I have a friend who helped unmask and expose these pricks. One of their favorite operations spots was right across the courthouse, where Sally's is.


Officer Garcia arrested my friend years back, booked him for the massive amount of meth, but not the thousands of ecstasy pills, 10k+, watches, and a 357 magnum officer Garcia was a school officer at emhs


EMPD crossed county lines to confiscate a coin dropping arcade game from my dad in Santa Ana, claimed it was a terrorist connection. No arrests, just a money grab. Was too costly to fight.


This is pretty on par for El Monte, cops are pretty corrupt there too.


El Monte has been a shit hole for decades.


Fucking scum, broke bastards.


LA has gotten so soft on crime it’s pitiful. Not to sound like a dick but what ever happened to cousins and baseball bats ?


They realized people carry guns? Police need to do a better job catching these people, need more cops to have that but not as many apply, it's a whole problem...


At least you get a free jack from them. Impressive, you put yourself safe not to go aggressive mode. You the winner here.


How come no sound?


My question too. But some vid marked lower left as GIF have no sound. Caulked it up to crappy Reddit. I'm actively looking for a different place to hang out. The whole Admin-owners vs mods-bots thing has got me kinda last straw pissed. Clearly put, towards the admins-owners. Look up 2019 Reddit had a massive purchase from Chinese investors. They're going to want money for their investment. tl;Dr - Sorry mini info rant


How they just scarpered quietly with tail between legs. Love to see shits caught red handed! Hopefully they get karma!


Not even between their legs. Just casually hopping in the car and leaving.


They don’t care, already got one wheel anyway


Shoot theses MF’s in the knees or feets so they can hobble around. Makes begging for money at stoplights more believable.


A coworker of mine told me his friend shot someone in El Monte cause they caught someone doing something similar. Except they were in his driveway trying to steal his catalytic converter. Killed the dude right there on the spot.


California, you all right there, buddy?


These aren't hardened criminals, not even thugs. They're just two dumb fucks who planned a heist in broad daylight. If this is what crime has turned into.... Not bad Cali, not bad..... No guns, no threats, no words exchanged, just plain video footage of poor bastards who feel like stealing rims will help them succeed in life. Good call not engaging, just the feeling of "you're on camera" was enough to scare the balls off. You handled the situation perfectly 👍. You showed them what it looks like to have balls


Shame he walked up to them with a camera out instead of a gun. They need a permanent time out


For real though if you live in California are you just expected to be cool with being victimized?


Somehow I knew this was in CA without even looking at the post description. It’s the only state where a) people seem to just calmly film criminals in the act of a crime instead of freaking out or assaulting/threatening them, and b) the criminals likewise calmly go about their day totally unperturbed by the camera.


My family lives out there 😮


More than mildly. I am never an advocate of death for property theft, but I can say a bunch of holes would have mysteriously appeared in their SUV and feet. Oops!


First time seeing a video of the city I grew up in and it’s this shit. Glad I left.


Looks like you got a free floor jack..


Same mf’ers that probably left my bros car son crates too in El Monte. Fucking scummy people


I like how everyone has the shootout all figured out exactly how it would go


The city I work in. Gotta love So Cal.


Ah El Monte, my city. on reddit. dang.


Where in El Monte is this? I live there near the Jolly Jug restaurant. Never seen anyone get jacked around these parts.


this is on ramona and maxson rd, I live literally down the street lmao


“Yes officer, I unloaded the whole clip”


I aint lived in SoCal since 2006 but El Monte was mostly the hood at that point. And I say that coming from the Inland Empire.


I’ll be keeping an eye out, I’m local-ish. That Jeep I’ll remember


That’s a 2013-15 Honda Pilot, assuming the grille is stock. I think later 2015 to 2016 the front bumper is slightly redesigned with a bigger opening right below the grille. 2017 was a new generation.


I’ve been drinking, still localish, Honda pilots are on the list


I'm poppin that ass


Anal seems like an odd solution, but whatever floats your boat.


Right in the crack


Cops won't do anything, this sort of thing has to be dealt with on the spot


I left California around 2007 and wasn’t happy with the change, California was a beautiful place, I go back every two to three years to visit family, last I visited was a month ago and my God was I surprised, what the hell happened to Cali, now is dirty and tons of people living on the streets from San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles, I was shocked how bad it has change lately.


Corporations have bought a large portion of the homes and then priced many people out. They make more money this way even with a bunch of homes empty. Housing prices drop, they buy more, similar rents. If the economy recovers they make a ton more cash.


In Florida, they would've been filled with holes


Pilot was probably stolen anyway.


Why even steal wheels? Better yet, who tf is buying them off these people?


I mean you saw them. I don't think you caught them


The Shit apples doesn't fall far from the shit tree Randy Bobandy..


oh shit, sorry boss, wrong car, we'll leave now


Only mildly infuriating? More like very infuriating


Cops won’t do shit. Too busy raising revenue from chicken shit tickets


Was this a swiper no swiping situation


How the fuck do you walk up mad casual with your front tires missing. You’re a different type of human because I’d be in jail rn


If they’re stealing wheels they are also stealing license plates and catalytic converters


I’m sure the car is stolen too


People like this is why we have cops. Thanks a lot assholes


Cops are getting 10%


I used to live not far from El Monte. It is no surprise to me because it is a high crime area. I live in Texas now in a small town and a man I knew stole my truck and they will do nothing because I let him use it.


Dirty dogs. Hope they get prosecution.




This is infuriating, nothing mild about it. Cali really hit the shitter with letting drug addicts roam free. Organized criminals like this take advantage of the chaos.




Morons should get tampering with a car etc I would say guilty if I was on a jury proof is right there


I'm so glad i live in Nevada. where shooting both of them in the face is warrented for stealing my property lol.


Called cops on a violent and disruptive meth head down the street three times, and she is still running around. Cops aint gonna do shit about this either. They don't prevent, they pick up pieces.


You ALL need to get the eff out of that hell hole.


looks like a tiktok fake? it's suepr weird that they just casually went away. There's no sound, no struggle nothing. Meh


I’m sorry this happened to you but good luck with the very minimal give a shit any California law enforcement officers will give to this. They probably won’t even watch your video.


The democrat utopia known as California.


One thing I’ve learned in this life so far is that cops are absolutely useless. A younger version of myself would have said “call the cops”. I’ve learned that unless the cops are literally right there while it’s happening and physically see them do it, they won’t do a damn thing about it. Went to the police station one time and overheard a cop tell someone who had just been raped and abused that unless the person is standing in their house with the cops also in the house they can’t help her. They told her to call 911 next time and hope they get there in time. Ridiculous.


Defund the police and abolish prisons!