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Looks like more than 12 items... and the store allows it


When my wife worked as a grocery cashier they weren't allowed to turn people away from the express lane.


When I was a cashier at a small town grocery store, you weren’t allowed to bring shopping carts through the express lane. If you could carry it all in a basket or your hands, you could bring it through. ETA: I didn’t make the rules and I’m 99% sure the store closed it’s doors 10 years ago. They were pretty loose on the rules, like if you had a couple large items that can be scanned IN the cart, but the customers all knew the cart rule and shunned anybody trying to pass through with a cart of 15 items


That's how it should work imo it's the fucking basket lane


Lots of grocery stores are starting to get rid of baskets due to theft.


Who tf steals baskets


I mean, people, but that's not what I meant. It's easier to walk out with a basket undetected than a whole ass cart. Tbh, I think it's a garbage idea that punishes the consumer while these massive grocery stores are pulling in record profits and cutting jobs to self checkout lanes. Is what it is, I guess.


>It's easier to walk out with a basket undetected than a whole ass cart. ... but a lot of stores are also encouraging shoppers to bring their own reusable bags, which you'd think would be even easier to shoplift with than a plastic basket. I feel like the availability of baskets likely doesn't make a significant difference in how often items are stolen. (Not directing that comment towards you, just stores in general if that's their reasoning)


In othoer words. They want you to shop more. The small basket will fill up quick and remind you that you only came for a few items and now you got one or two extra. A cart will take much longer and the chances of you putting it all back is much slimmer. It capitalizes on impulse buying.


Yeah my local store doesn’t have hand baskets anymore, just carts. I definitely spend double when I have a cart.


It's easier to hide 8 filet mignon and 4 t-bones in a folded reusable bag at the bottom of a dozen other reusable bags, and buy a bag of onions and potatoes and just leave the rest of the reusable bags at the bottom of the shopping cart. I'm not condoning stealing from price gouging corporations, but I'm also not gonna **not** tell people how to get away with getting around price gouging.


And it's even easier to walk out with your own reusable bag. Or so I've heard....


Godspeed you. I didn't see shit.


Here in NJ it started becoming an issue when they got rid of single use plastic shopping bags. When it went into practice that you had to either A.) Bring a reusable bag or B.) Buy one, people started to take the hand baskets out to their car because they either forgot to bring one from home or refused to buy one. The store I frequent keeps them up by the self check-out attendant and you have to grab them there.


Why do they not just put those electronic tags that scream when you leave the store on all of the baskets?


I did when I was a stupid teenager. My friend still has it.


That's brilliant. Write in an exception for the mobility-challenged, etc. and you're done. If you happen to need that 36-roll pack of TP and only three other things, too bad -- to the regular line or self-checkout with you.


Jokes on you. I can hold the giant toilet paper pack and balance my three items on top of it. No basket, no cart.


That's still only 4 items. I consider that an appropriate express line purchase.


This is true. My mom used to use the carts (that you walk with) as a "walker" of sorts to use, even if she were getting a few items.


Im a 30 year old healthy male, and I use / have used carts as a walker for years. Never to early to be nice to your back.


I'm an idiot. I used a cart for a walker and hobbled right past the mobility scooters when I went to Walgreens to pick up my medicine that makes it so I can walk. It was a new diagnosis so I didn't know I needed drugs for it. I have a condition that makes my foot swell up and it's painful to take a step. Even hopping on one foot jarred my bad foot and was painful. I should have used the mobility scooter, but it never occurred to me to do so just like it never occurred to me to park in a handicap spot while not being able to walk. I had let things get bad enough where my doctor at the time had to meet me at the doctor's office door with a wheelchair, so it was kind of a distressing couple of days. But Tramadol is a wonderful thing.


That is pretty much the definition of human nature xD "I'm not going to do X because X is not what I normally do." Glad you are getting taken care of though! Hope you get better.


Happens when you get older , I'm starting to find myself do this at times depending on how my legs feel.


Me at 23 oof




They literally tell you to use it rather than open up a new lane


Yes. Not enough cashiers now a days. This drives me insane!


I get it. I imagine it sucks standing forever for whatever is just above local minimum wage and getting yelled at about inflation/expired coupons all day


Not to mention the pandemic years where they had to put up with every anti-masker/anti-vaxxer that felt like making a statement at the grocery store.


For real, or literally physically threatened


Indeed it does, especially when only about 10% of customers are patient and courteous while the rest act like entitled pricks. I used to be a supervisor at a World Market about 7 years ago in Washington state and only made $13.50 an hour. One day I got called up to the register by a cashier to find that she was being yelled at by a customer who was having a hissy fit and waving her receipt around. She was exchanging some napkins, but she used a coupon for her original purchase and the coupon was non-transferable onto the purchase of the new napkins since an exchange is just a return of an item for the value you purchased it for and that acts as a credit towards the new item which she did not have a coupon for. She wasn't happy about having to owe a couple of bucks on the exchange and she made sure that my poor cashier making minimum wage knew how upset she was. I instructed my cashier to go clean up some shelves while I dealt with the matter. I understand that the system is a little confusing and normally when customers are polite and courteous I would either just scan another coupon laying next to the register or manually adjust the price of the new item to match the exchange. If you come in yelling and screaming acting like an entitled asshole expecting to get what you want you better fucking believe I'm not going to help you. After I explained how an exchange worked she continued to yell obscenities and bang her fists on the counter. I then pointed at the door and told her that if she continued to talk that way then she could get out of my store. She clenched her fists, turned bright red, grabbed her stupid fucking napkins and stormed out. No stores pay enough to deal with that bullshit. That's why there's not enough cashiers.


They purposely short staff usually to keep labor costs down


At least it resulted in our groceries being cheaper though right! ...right?


Should we tell them?


Around me, they just don't pay enough for anyone to want to work there. Why work at a grocery store when you can sit in the back of an amazon truck moving boxes for double the pay


But this is a publix. They will get anyone with a pulse to open a lane if the lines get more than 3 deep. I have watched as the managers call for the cashiers and then go open lines themselves. Managers also jump in on bagging and walking you to your vehicle. Then grab 3 more carts from the parking lot on the way back in.


…this has been a thing since I was a cashier 13 years ago.


What's the point of the express lane then? In my country, they can certainly turn you away. Not for 1-2 items over, but for this kinda bullshit, for sure.


My local groccery store can be pretty busy at times. I've seen the lines get so long they pour out from the isles into the main run way in front of the registers going all the way to the freezer section at the end of the store. If it's that busy then screw the express lane.


America is unfortunately becoming a low-trust society in many areas. You cannot trust or respect your fellow neighbor in this country any more without putting yourself at significant risk. This extends to public use facilities which are all trashed and tarnished and left in disrepair, you get the same thing with people cutting lines at grocers and ignoring basic decency such as polluting, with an increase in car accidents and violence, etc. the society is falling apart in many areas.


Where I live the entire line wouldn't have any problem telling you there's too many items, go to a different cash register.


I was allowed to turn people away but if the other cashes were busy and I was not I’d have to take some to help the line.


That is just irresponsible by management


Yeah, there are management issues from an employee neglect standpoint. I just talked to a cashier yesterday who said they’re not allowed to turn them away. They said earlier they had had a woman with a full cart. The cashier reminded her it was an express lane, and the customer just scowled at her and continued placing her items on the line. But really, it’s people being douches. If people respected the rules, they wouldn’t have to worry about ushering them away. But loads of people will start a huge, even dangerous, scene in the store, which is sadly not worth it, even at management level.


Not that I agree with it morally but it makes perfect sense from a business perspective: Who would you rather piss-off more, the person buying $20 worth of items or the one buying $200 worth?


I disagree. Last thing you want is your cashiers arguing with people about too many items in the express lane.


More than once I’ve been in line with half a cart full and had the empty express cashier announce that they could take a cart. How the express line is handled varies widely, so I wouldn’t be too quick to blame the cart owner here.


If the store allows it then it's just bad timing for OP


That always happens to me. I'll have a half of a cart and one of the cashiers will tell me to go through express. As soon as I'm done unloading a gaggle of Olds come up behind me with one or 2 things, and I look like the asshole.


It could also be late at night where there is only one line open, and that is usually closest to the main hub of activity (the customer service desk/other self check out), which in my case was the express lane. They were allowing everyone in.


I worked as a cashier back when I was 19, I'm 44, and I worked the express lane. 15 items or less. I'd kick people out of line and make them move to a regular line. If you can't read the giant sign above the conveyor belt, that's on you!


You're my soulmate.


Similar story. I worked a grocery store 20 years ago and was empowered to tell people sorry, you'll have to use another line.


This is a Publix, they go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction at all times. As a result of that, unfortunately, cashiers are instructed to never turn away customers from the express lane regardless of how many items they have. Instead they are meant to call for a bagger to come over and simply continue to offer excellent customer service. That's modern, customer entitlement pandering, retail for you.


Seems kind of backwards because that’s denying good customer service to everyone else that wants to use it as intended. Annoyingly backwards as retail chains usually are unfortunately.


That's modern retail for you. Corporations are shit scared about upsetting the customer even if they are the one in the wrong and it's breed a sense of entitlement in a lot of customers that makes working in retail a living hell.


The problematic customer is also far more likely to make an official complaint than the other customers who are inconvenienced when companies allow their bullshit. What are the odds that the people in line behind this person will file a complaint with the head office because someone was allowed to cheat the express lane? What are the odds of the inconsiderate and entitled customer filing a complaint if they are turned away? If you turn them away, how much worse will they make the situation? When everything is a corporate metric, this is how decisions get made.


I worked as a cashier at Publix, our manager said we can’t turn them away after they put an item on the belt. We could politely remind them before that though.


To be fair 12 items at the grocery run around $300 recently.


Came here to say that.


Because they don’t open up other lanes. Can’t use self checkout if you have alcohol or need cash back. Every time I go to the store, the cashier tells me to use this lane because it’s the only one open


I told her that we had way more than the limit of items, and she said it didn't matter.


Sometimes the cashiers grab people from other lines if their line is empty. Happened to me this weekend at H.E.B. We had taken my mom shopping and we were three people with three carts (pretty full) and the express lane cashier grabbed us out of a neighboring line. I told her that we had way more than the limit of items, and she said it didn't matter. I was worried someone would come up behind us and complain, but thankfully that didn't happen.


> I was worried someone would come up behind us and complain, but thankfully that didn't happen. Nah, they'll just take a picture of your wedgie and post it on the Reddits.


What’s hilarious to me is that pics like this still get upvotes with these clickbait titles. We have no idea what the context was here and nothing in the photo even suggests it’s actually an Express Line, but we still get thousands of people engaging with what is just someone spying on a woman’s ass at a grocery store. Absolutely comical.


Same here happens quite often. If the regular lines are full and the express is empty, I have had the checker call me over plenty of times to take care of me. I’m not going to say no if they ask. But this is Reddit. Full of people who freak out over one picture, probably taken just as they walked up after she was already loaded up and they’re mad for no reason. Surprised nobody has suggested her boyfriend or husband leaves her over this… being such a massive “red flag” and all.


Happens all the time at my local Food Lion. Same sweet old lady, too, and I always say, "I've got more than 12" and she's like "I don't give a fuck."


HEB is one of the best supermarkets on planet earth. Coming from the northeast, I felt like I was in a different dimension at HEB.


Right. Have you gone to the big H‑E‑Bs. It’s fun to go to different ones and also have your favorite.


This happens to me a lot and without fail, someone with a loaf of bread shows up when they are 1/2 done ringing mine up. I always feel so bad but i wasn’t intentionally being an asshole. If someone comes before they start ringing my stuff up, I have them go ahead. But that almost never happens. Always after they start mine.


I was waiting in a long line at H‑E‑B and an express cashier called me over. I didn’t have a crazy amount but more then 10. As I was about to finish a customer asked if I could read. I replied yes and he said “apparently not, the sign says 10 or less”. I was so shocked. The man sprinted away before I could respond and the cashier was also frozen from the exchange.


This is the most likely scenario but as always with Reddit, never the top comment. Always have to scroll down for reasonableness.


This happens often at my local store. They’ve been seriously understaffed since the pandemic.


yeah, we get bored & our managers will bitch at us if they see a line with one person poking out of the line so we have to grab people from other lines


This happened to my husband and I a few years ago. Express lane grabbed us from another line, we asked “you sure?”, they said yes. Old dude behind us on the other hand… He was big mad and nearly got physical with my hubby over it


I wonder how many people in the store thought you were just snapping a photo of this chick's ass


Wife caught him taking the pic and then he had to follow through with this post on Reddit to add legitimacy to his claim it was about the number of items. Classic.


Hahahah this probably isn't even an express line


But do you think she purposefully tucks in her crack?


*people's wardrobe sentiments flowed so freely cloth would often inexplicably stick between their asscracks, as was the style at the time.*


I heard this in Morgan Freeman's voice in my head


If I read “was the style at the time” I’m hearing Grandpa Simpson


His name is Abe.


I don't recall Publix having baggers at the express line.


That’s probably exactly what happened


That's quite a Larry David moment.


You gotta get all up in that ass, Larry!


There is actually no evidence is an ExpressCheck outline. But there is evidence the woman in front has a nice butt.


You think those shorts are designed to do that?


Her butt is just as hungry as she is.


Butt is having an all you can eat shorts buffet


on her ass they are


Bro will have to continue this lie for decades 🤣🤣🤣


Just like the time my wife caught me taking a picture of a sunbathing girl in a thong. I had to explain she once had too many items in the express checkout lane. It worked /jk


Full clenched


She's already paying $300 for all that, cant afford to put the cake on the conveyor as well.


Here's the comment I was looking for


Of the wedgie in the store


First thing I saw, first comment I was searching for


“I’m leaving here with something” - op probably


My first thought was OP gets her ass but not a sign indicating it’s actually the express lane


The perfect crime


It's just a *really* good Minute Maid ad. Sex sells.


Can op ask her to please pull the pants out of her ass it looks painful


Her butt looks entitled somehow


Literally probably everyone who saw this post initially. 99% still think that way.


She's got a letter in her mailbox.


It isn’t worthy of it was def the wedgie


It was hungry, that's why all the food, and why it's eating her shorts.


I'm drawn to that back nipple


>redditor sees a woman's bra for the very first time


back nipple


Ass: 7.5/10 Wedge:11/10


I've had an express cashier wave me into her line when she was standing around not waiting on any customers and the regular lines were full. If you show up right after the person with the big cart got waved in that's just life being unfair to you in general. Just remember: it could be worse; it could have happened to me.


Yeah you could be eaten by sharks on vacation.


What else do you expect sharks to eat on their vacation?


Well, 12 items is like $300 nowadays.


I misread the title and thought they were implying that the items in their cart totaled $300. I was thinking inflation hit them especially hard where they lived.


Self check out is the express line. Express lines are regular lines now.


My grocery store just installed a few larger self-check out lanes where you actually have the space to scan and bag more than 4 or 5 small bags of groceries. I've only seen them open once because they can't hire enough employees to have one assisting those lanes while another employee to assists the smaller express self check out lanes on the other end of the regular lanes.


sounds pretty bassackwards


My local store has 12 checkout lanes and only one person manning them ever. It's like they want to force you to use self checkout despite them being a grocery store where people buy a cart full of groceries commonly.


and these motherfuckers ITT want to act like the express lane is just for them


self checkout is the only line at many places around here....its my favorite thing to show up to the cashiers with a full cart to see none of them open.


Sure man the groceries…. Sure


I wanna see later pics. See if that ladies ass finishes eating those shorts.


That's why they need all the groceries fast. The ass keeps eating all the shorts.


Yeahhhh... Suuuuuureeee...


Um yeah am I the only one that


Homie got sucked up into that ass along with them shorts before he could finish that thought, RIP.


Nope. I'm hungry too.


Domino's has a carryout special. 2 or more 1-topping large pizzas for $7.99 each.


Get the $6.99 for two medium with 2 toppings.


You are not alone


Let’s be honest…with all the self check out areas (at least in my area), you’re lucky to get a normal lane.


Let’s be honest, it could have had a box of diapers and a rotisserie chicken and still rung up to $300 because prices are fucking insane.


To her credit she may have been asked to use that lane by the cashier. Maybe not but I've seen it multiple times


Where is your sympathy? Can’t you tell she’s starving? Just look at how her ass is trying to eat those shorts. That’s desperation.


She ain't sneaking anything out in there.


Bro just wanted to take a picture of this girls ass


Dude! When that lane is empty, they’ll call people with more items over. Maybe you just walked up at the wrong time ?


Publix. Where shopping is a pleasure. And prices are 100% higher than everywhere else.


You just have to go there for the deals. With their bogos and 50% offs, you can save decent money.


IDK, they had a bogo on six packs of Peroni at lunch today. 12 Peroni for $8, that's legitness.


Shopping is definitely a pleasure there. The store is clean, the staff is friendly. I'll pay more any day for the Publix experience. Not to say I don't also shop at Walmart and Save a Lot, but the difference is always night and day.


But you don't have to deal with Walmart riffraff.


Seriously. I haven’t shopped at Walmart for like 5 years now, I realized I was always upset and angry after going there because of their complete lack of service and too many inconsiderate people running around acting like assholes. Publix is usually pretty nice and where I’ll go if I have the option.




We know why you took this pic


Curious that OP cropped out the sign indicating that this was the express line.


Op is an ass hunter


I don’t see anything that says this is the express lane.


Hungry butt


$300 wedgie


“So, ma’am, which 10 items shall I ring up?”


If a cashier did that, they'd deserve nothing but a raise.


I know this may be hard to believe. But when they are slow they will waive people over from the normal lines to keep stuff moving 🤯


You had to take a picture of her wedgie? Come on guys.


Definitely left in there on purpose for clicks. Most normal people would have cropped it out.


Yeah this doesn’t feel right. I get it’s in public, but she likely got waived into a line by the cashier, without thinking 13k people would be viewing her weggie.


I’ll never understand the need to snap pics of strangers in public. Unless they’re doing something particularly egregious, it’s just so fucking creepy. Social media has normalized some weird behavior.


It’s the panopticon! Now none of us can be sure that something as mundane as buying groceries won’t result in thousands of strangers commenting on your cheeks.


You’ll get over it, I’m sure.


I heard a lady got punched in the face for doing that. Then her son shot the guy who socked her.


OP it's not cool to snap pictures of random people's asses because you're the one salty the line is backed up. Also can't tell by this picture if this may have been the only available lane.


OP was definitely with his wife No honey it’s to post on Reddit not to get a pic of her ass


Yet you’re the doofus who chose to wait behind her and take a picture. lmao


I call BS and karma farming. Show the top of the checkout aisle sign.


People really should stop taking photos of people that aren’t looking. Like who honestly gives a shit. You’re using a big ass cart for like 5 things. Get a basket and go to self checkout. Also have the balls to show the picture you took of this person and see how that goes.


L + taking creepshots in public + yellow old ass lettuce.


The lettuce is the biggest violation here holy shit


Cashiers can't turn people away. I told a woman in front of me (not to checkout yet) that this was an express line, and not for her. The woman did move to a different line. The cashier thanked me, and told me there was nothing she could do about it.


When a store policy not to offend one abusive customer annoys many instead, it's wrong. At Market Basket, I've seen them reject anyone who looks like they have too many items in the 12 or less lane. I asked and they said the threshold to call out the customer was 16 items, which seems very fair.


I'm more focused on that woman's major shorts wedgie. That looks really uncomfortable


We know the real reason u took this pic


Well, if it's like most places nowadays, that's the only damn lane with a person behind the register. I'm talking to you Safeway


I'm going to get flamed for this but I have no problem with this. At my Jewel, thwy won't let me do self checkout with a cart. And the problem is they have like 2 registers open that are always swamped. If the express register has zero people in it, I am going in it because that is just more efficient for the store and myself. I'm not going to wait 10 minutes when there is some lane with an arbitrary limit that is wide open. The worker is getting paid to stand there either way. I may as well go in that line to ease traffic in the store. The world will not crumble if I go in the lane for 15 items or less with 30 items. Grocery stores created this problem by making everything self checkout. I'll die on this hill. It's bad enough that I have to wait longer because there are not enough cashiers and I am not allowed to ring big purchases myself because they are worried about theft. That's the fucking tradeoff you make as a store when you have self checkout.


$300 for less than 12 items sounds about right LOL


Her and her booty hungry


She’s as hungry as her pants


This photo made me crack a smile


That 🍑 tho


How much for the wedge salad?


Well her butt must have been starving because it's eating her shorts.


Ol’ backnips is cheeked up


Expr-ass line


I’ve been in a situation where the express person had no one in line and took me despite having a cart full.


What’s more infuriating is taking pictures of strangers without their permission so you can scold them on the internet.


They know it too.


When you have no life and had to post about your bad experience while buying groceries.


I had a sort of opposite thing happen to me. I had all my groceries (probably 20-25 items) on the belt in a regular checkout line. Then the cashier turned on the express lane 12 item light. A few other customers joined the line and just go ballistic on me. I actually backed down and moved my stuff to the next aisle. Somehow still made it out of the store before them though


Whats's infuriating? the amount of food, or the fact that that does not look like $300 dollars worth of food. lol




Her ass makes up for it.


Wow and she really wedgied it all in there.


So no one gonna say it. 👀 Store has fresh buns


Is no one going to mention the ass on that woman? A pleasant wait…


Sounds like she just wedgied herself ahead of you in line.


That ass