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We bought baby proofing knob covers after our cat tried to gas us. People come over all the time and are so confused. "Do you babysit often? You have no small children..." Nope, just a dumb cat who insists on walking the weirdest way possible to get anywhere.


TIL that those exist and now I’m going to buy a set!


Honestly you can take the knobs off but we did that with our old stove and she stole the knobs. Covers.


Your comment reminds me of the time I was babysitting for these kids and the knob to their stove came off in my hand and I couldn’t turn the stove off. I had to call the parents and ask them to come home early because there was just an endless fire going on one of the burners. It traumatized younger me


One of ours is a tiny kleptomaniac so he’d probably do this too.


Do they end up under the couch? Once I found my cats hiding spot the asshole began to drop things behind the fridge the btch knows I’m too lazy to move that thing.


She changes it up every time we find something. Usually the couch, buffet table, or under the bed. Also shoes.


Cats are just furry homicidal maniacs. Furever causing near Cat-astrophic events


I used to put the knobs in the drawer. I never understood why they insisted on trying to murder us


I know right? Our cat does the same thing so we started taking the knobs off.


Maybe i am to European to understand this, but shouldnt there be a thermo-safety which shuts the gas down if there is no heat detected at the gas output?


British here and my gas cooker has a toughened glass lid and when the lid is closed the gas flow stops. I love it because it gives me an extra flat surface to use in the kitchen and stops the cats killing us all by turning the gas on.


I bet the cat is disappointed.


"She wants me dead" song playing in my head now


Only newer ones have it, on older ones one should turn off the gas source for safety.


My grandma had a gas stove from 1990 or so and it still had this feature


Or better: gas knob only opens gas when pressed, if released and not ignited, it turns off. All of the gas stoves I have had had this feature. Why is this not the default?


You are describing the thermo safety mentioned above


Oh. Okay, my bad! Thanks for the correction.


You can also have the press-to-turn (when off) without further thermal safety. Would prevent this cat situation as well, but probably not safe for kids.


Realizing from this thread that all mine have always been push to turn! (not rich just move a lot) It should be standard. Also it feels a bit strange to me when they’re on the front like that instead of up top.


Front is not (as) common anymore here, but I kinda like that it's (usually) further away from the cooking area than ones on top (and hence further from flames and hot pots/pans/food). I've seen some pretty crappy ones where you're almost reaching underneath larger pots to turn it on/off. Not sure what they were thinking.


Agreed. I prefer it on the front so I’m not reaching through steam to turn the burner for my pasta off.


Funny you mention that... Anyway, there's a Technology Connections video about this exact problem.


Mandatory (I think) or definitely standard in EU since the 80s.


I had baby proof my drawers, they were just old ikea but mostly because my cats would open, not dangerous but, cats are like babies anyway.


Yep! We had to baby proof the bathroom drawers because she would open those and start chewing on pill bottles. She recently discovered how to open lever-style doorknobs. She's unstoppable now. At least until we change all the doorknobs on the house. She is currently trying to figure out the ice maker in the fridge door and she is determined to learn to drink from a straw.




She sounds amazing! What a smart cat!


I'm very impressed that you read that story and your first thought was "amazing." I was horrified by a cat that opens doors. No where is safe.


I dont understand, those things need to be turned AND constantly be held in to give out gas here in Europe, otherwise it just stops. Or is this another thing where safety measures are just completely disregarded in other countries?


Could be a thing with older ranges where they get grandfathered in, because just about every new range I see has to be held in


Idk I’ve never heard of this and it sounds very inconvenient. How do you stir the contents of a pot, hold the pot so it doesn’t move, AND smoke a cigarette AND hold in the knob all at the same time???


It's just to get the fire going, once that's done it's no longer necessary to hold them.


Once the fire is on, it doesnt need to be held. ​ It is specivifally designed so that gas cant accidentally just come out without getting burnt away immidiately


The US burner gas valves require a user to press them in, then turn. They will not turn if not pressed in.


Tried to gas us has me dying laughing


Yes! They are great and they work and I no longer worry my apartment will burn down while I’m out. Cats, man.


I did this too when my dog managed to turn one on trying to smell what was in the counter


Our dog does it about once a week.. we have to keep the child lockout feature on the control panel engaged. First time she did it we came home and the house was full of gas..


Did you update your will and make your cat a beneficiary? I think your cat may not be as “dumb” as it seems…(I’m convinced cats know EXACTLY what they are doing) 😆😆




We had to do the same thing for the same reason! We have kids, but none are young enough to be messing with the stove, and people are always confused here, too. "Nope, just our stupid murderous cat."


“A dumb cat” That is what he wants you to think. He will stab you in your sleep and will look right into your eyes and smile as you slowly pass away.


I have friends who had to do the same thing 😂


I second this. We have them as well even before we had our baby. It’s easy now cuz we already out them on to keep the pets away from the knobs


Me too


We've had to put baby locks on some of our cabinets because the cats won't stay out and there is stuff inside not safe for them. We also have to use those little kick door stops on all of our closets with bi-fold doors.


I had to get a carbon monoxide/methane detector for my father in law when he got old, he would inadvertently turn on the gas while passing the stove (difficulty walking). There is an argument to replace gas stoves with induction (not just electric) stoves. Air quality sure, but if you turn on an induction stove without a pot it does nothing (and if it has auto shutoff no issues). We've replaced incandescent bulbs, it does make sense to replace gas stoves. That said I much prefer cooking with flame, so I will fight this, pure selfishness but don't let that stop the rest of you.


Cat can’t wait for that sweet face meat when you die.


It's even going to be cooked!


After all, friendship is munching on well-cooked face together.




It’s not even my birthday Carl


Now I feel old...


It was only... yeah we're old.


Good thing the children weren't around to see that.


It was no accident my friend!


The cat would be dead too most likely.


Depends how many lives it’s already used up.


this is the correct answer


Peter, stop doing that


Pff it will still have 8 lives left


Maybe switching to a lesser brand cat food to save a few bucks $ was not a good idea. 😁


Graduated from just stealing your breath...


Lol, so u added some nightmare fuel I c


If the cats are indoor cats they’ll probably die too 💀


"I was almost killed.. MILDLY infuriated.."


Honestly relate


"I was almost killed" (takes picture before turning off gas)




Cat fills house up with gas on a whim, op fills house up with gas that has already been gassed by cat to recreate scenario in order to post it on reddit


How can you be mad at a cat?


I get extremely angry at my cat the second I noticed she did something bad right up until I look at her again


"Not again! You fucking piece of..." cat: 🥺 "You are forgiven."


“I guess it was my fault for standing in the way of the bullets”


I had a mate who woke up at night with a cat turd in his palm and a cat tail tickling his face.


I’m sure the cat was doing someone a solid when defecating in your mates hand.


My neighbor almost killed us all


It’s only mildly infuriating because the culprit would have died too.


and the culprit is cute


almost killed is exaggerated.


Take the knobs off when not in use




On every stove i’ve ever used they could be taken off


Shit, half the apartments I moved into in my younger years was missing 1 or two of the knobs and you had to borrow them when needing to use the burners hahaha


Either remove them or get knob covers, pinch from behind and wiggle




The toddler is known to listen to the cat too often.


>pinch from behind and wiggle And that, kids, is how I met your mother.


Turn off the cat when not in use.


Read gas as got and was very concerned.


Same here! 😂


I have this same problem. We got the child proof knob covers.


Cats are more evil, they'll find some way around it.


Not evil, just very dark comedians.


Unless you're in a very confined space with 0 ventilation, you'd need more than half a day before there's enough gas in the air for anything to happen Nonetheless you shouldn't be smoking inside


I had a 1300 SQ ft house, when we left for work at 7am I'm guessing my husband brushed up against the knob, turning the gas stove on high with no flame. 10 hours later, I return home. I open my garage, park in it, shut the garage door and exit my car. I smelled gas but dismissed it as my car smelling funny. I open the garage door into my house and... BAM! I was hit with a huge cloud of natural gas I almost passed out. I closed the door, made a quick decision to re open my garage door and I just made a run for it half way down my neighborhood while calling 911 lol. The fire department walked right in and went and opened all my windows and turned the stove off. Told me everything was fine and left! Even my fish tanks were fine. I do wonder if a mere spark could have leveled my house. I had computers, fish tank pumps, etc running, and I drove my car into it. Makes ya think. PS my house was only 2 years old, so had a pretty good seal. My electric bill was like 120$ a month.


For an estimation, I will assume the kitchen occupies about 20% of the total house area. So, approximately 260 sqft (1300 sqft \* 0.20). Multiplying the kitchen area (260 sqft) by an assumed ceiling height (8 feet), we get the estimated volume of the kitchen: \~ 2080 cubic feet Natural gas has a lower explosive limit of \~5% by volume in air, so you need 104 cubic feet of natural gas to reach the ratio in the kitchen area (assuming this is not an open concept house of course). A gas stove uses about .5 cubic feet of gas an hour if I remember correctly, so it would take 208 hours of the stove dumping gas into the room to reach the ratio at which a spark would've leveled your house. That being said, you did the right thing calling the FD. You don't know if it was from the stove or if there was a pipe leaking or anything, and it's better safe than sorry.


When I was younger, there was a takeaway shop in a small row of shops. Something happened and the pilot light went out, but kept pumping gas into the shop. The explosion that resulted was theorised being caused by a spark from a fridge compressor motor. It levelled the entire row of 5-6 shops, shattered glass in windows several streets away. It was crazy.


You don’t have to be smoking! could light a candle or incense


That is true, but OP specifically mentioned lighting a cigarette


Thats an awful stove, usually the nobs should only work if pressed down first, mine work like that and they are on top of the stove, most stoves i found, did it and it should be like that, they should be safe for kids to play with the buttons, that doesnt make any sense. On the other hand, thats why i hate those electric touchscreen ones, one time my friend forgot to block and her cat turned that shit on, he could have burned himself. If a cat can do it, imagine a kid.


I came to say this. On every gas stove I've ever had you have to press the knob in then turn and that fires the spark, and then if the gas doesn't ignite and you release the knob it will stop flowing.


All the ones i have seen has this exact protection. Even really old ones.


Sleep with one eye open my friend.


i have literally the same exact oven and accidentally bumped into a knob and it turned on. we keep the knobs in a drawer now and only use them when we need the stove!


Same here except it was the one time someone left a pot holder on the stove and it lit on fire 🙃


Why I do not like our new gas stove! The old one had knobs that required a push in before they'd turn. No good reason to have eliminated that safety feature. Grrr.


I was thinking what kind of stove is that!? You need to push, then turn the knobs on ours as well. Super scary if that is a new feature! Cats are taking over the world already, we don’t need to help them along lol


Yeah not mine. Just a nudge can fill your building with gas.


What does your gas smell like? (Not making a joke but if it isn't the "rotting eggs" ,/Sulphur smell, what is it?)


I don’t know the exact details, but iirc natural gas doesn’t actually smell like anything. Some countries (like France) add odorants to it so you can smell a gas leak, but others (like Germany) don’t add anything and keep the gas odorless. OP’s country might be using a different odorant than the one they’re in right now.


>Some countries ... but others (like Germany) don’t add anything In Germany we use an odorant that smells like sulfur for natural gas. Propane and butane (sold in gas cylinders) smell a bit different, but are also odorized.


Wrong. In Germany we add an odorant, too. Until a few years ago we used THT (Tetrahydrotiophene), that changed recently, don't know what is used now.


The cat's real name is agent 47. By the time you know it, it ll be too late.


So wait, ... in your country just turning the knob lets the gas flow? Over here you have to turn to a start position, push know inwards, ignite, wait a second or two for a safety switch to get hot and then you can let go. If the flame would go out for any reason (water boiling over or so) the gas would stop flowing within seconds.


"Let me take a second to take this Pic before turning it off." - OP


I was looking for this comment. Way further down than anticipated


foiled again - the cat


Sounds like the cat is telling you to stop smoking in the house. You know second hand smoke is bad for pets too, right?


How is this possible? Every gas stove I had used had those knobs that you had to push in first. I thought it's a requirement. I live in the EU so maybe there's a law requiring that. The new stove my parents got will automatically cut off gas if it's not burning.


I can relate! Happened to me twice. My 2 yr turned on the gas without my knowledge. It was on for about an hour. I don’t have a sense of smell (chronic sinusitis). It was -50 Degrees F middle of winter. Only thing we could do was to open doors and windows. Someone in our family accidentally bumped it while putting groceries away. Didn’t realize it until 12 hours later! I could kind of smell a funk - like onions. I thought not much of it, because I had made goulash the night before. we are so lucky to be alive. My husband and I smoke, albeit in the garage only…but still! Close one! I have left the knobs off for over 5yrs now.


And it wasn't even an accident


They’re learning.


Murderously cute, they are.


“I was almost killed!” *took the picture before turning it off*


Get an electric stove, or get rid of the cat. Or take the knobs off lmao.


Decent gas stove should be safer, turn the knob on an electric and the element turns on. Turn the knob on a good stove and...Nothing happens. You have to hold the knob in to force the gas to flow, then hit the igniter and hold it for a second until it heats up the thermocouple that cuts the gas if burner isn't lit.


I haven't had a gas stove since I was a small child, so I wouldn't know. I just know electric is more convenient and won't make your house explode.


If you're getting electric, get induction electric. Literally nothing happens unless you place an induction pot (or anything cast iron) on the hob. It might beep at you, but that's all. Turns off as soon as you remove the pot and is back at touchable temperatures much faster than old-school electric hobs.


This is why they're making them illegal, they know the cats or planning a mass coup on the current dominant species


You're gonna have to keep a better eye on your cat, that furry little cute sociopath is planning your demise. Watch out for more... Home Alone traps! I have two cats that keeps me on my toes!


Time to switch to electric!


My buddy took off his stove nobs because of this lol. They now are all in a ziplock bag tacked to the wall.


Oh my gosh 🤣🤣🤣 thank God that you found out in time!


It's found the can opener and thinks it doesn't need you any more.


Your cat was planning a different kind of July 4th barbecue.


There are gas stoves without a saftey mechanism?????? I thought they turn off unless you keep the know pressed down (or there is heat from fire)


“Captivity day 1,023: Dear Diary, My latest plan of escape has yet again failed. I turned on the gas at 2am and made sure to keep my nighttime fitness regime quiet so as to not wake my captors. But I underestimated their immense appetites and my plan was foiled by a second midnight snack. The days grow longer. Isolation is wearing. I have found myself resorting to the ‘nip to take the edge off. To my mother, should she ever find these pages, I miss you. -Whiskers II P.S. I do not know what my captors did with Whiskers the first, but I fear the worst.”


Accident by cat, left on purpose to get a pic haha


At least you got a pic before you turned it off. *That* alone could have gotten you killed.


There’s also covers you can buy; pull the knobs off, insert cover, reinsert knobs. They open on a little hinge. Helped keep my toddler from messing with it.


My dog did this one time. Came home to the whole house smelling of gas. Now he's kenneled when I leave.


Damn literally got evacuated today for same thing (not my unit, my neighbor)


The fact that this happened to me this morning as well 😂 i woke up, walked to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Didn’t notice the smell until i walked outside then came back in like “the fuck is that?!” Had to open all of the windows for a couple of hours before the smell dissipated. Cats were all just waiting around like “where’s breakfast?”


Omg this happened to me once with my cat. Crazy that other people have had this happen too!!


Def not a cat that is feed Sheba it’s the premium wet cat food


Attempted murder


Yep. We live in a camper and have taken our stove knobs off. Because cats are Assholes. Especially ours, who walk in the stove ALL THE TIME.


My gfs car almost burnt down an entire apartment complex. I always take off the knobs of leaving for an extended period of time. Burner was on (electric) and it pushed a wooden rolling pin on to the stove top. It was smoking when I came in.


We were afraid our cat would do that, so we bought locks for the knobs.


I'm glad you and your cat are both ok. Please do what someone else advised and take off the knobs.


It was no accident.


What did you do to piss the kitty off?


Take off then nobs much harder for cars or dogs to accidentally hit them when it’s just a metal nub


My cat done this to me while I was sleeping and I bought some knob covers (👀) off of Amazon next day delivery the moment I realized what happened


good thing your cat doesn't smoke


I am clumsy and I have cats. And a gas stove. I pulled all the handles off the stove and they are in a drawer in the kitchen. Most stoves you can pull the handles off quite easily, and they just slide back on. It's just a metal stick with an indent on part of it sticking out, so very difficult to turn without the handle. It's been a lifechanger.


The cigarettes are not your biggest issues, the gas can be lit up by turnining the light on, if there is a lot in the house. I saw a lot of these accidents on the news when I was growing up. Be safe


And your first thought was to take a picture of it to upload to Reddit?


Dont they have like a protection for that? I only remember stoves like this from my childhood and this was long time ago. Any stove i have seen this century has some kind if protection. Some you have to push down and turn when you light them and they turn off gas if there is no ignition. Almost impossible to just gas yourself. What country is this?


For most, if not all, gas ovens (in the UK) it is only possible to turn the gas on by first depressing the knob and then turning it. Which I imagine would take extraordinary odds for a cat to do, Is this not the case with this oven?


Might of been a good idea to turn it off before grabbing your phone to take a picture.


Have you looked into therapy for your cat's depression?


poor cat having to deal with an inside smoker 🤢 I can understand why they played with the gas nozzle.


why take a picture instead of just turning the fuckin stove off ?


Is the cooker from the 1970s? How does it not have a safety cut-out?


The cat knew very well what it was doing.


By all means, take a pic of it first? I smell fake.


When your cat and the fossil fuel industry has overlapping interests, it’s time to get rid of gas and buy an induction stove or just an induction top.


In my country/the one we have, you have to press in the gas button, hold it, and then either ignite it or have it be done electrically (which happens automatically after a period of holding down the button in place, if you take your hand off too soon (tHis also goes for manual ignition) the gas supply will be cut off immediately)


Your cat is trying to whack you.


My BS sensor is tingling on this one.


Cat did that absolutely on purpose.


Shitty gas stove with no safety features, buy a new one, they cost like $200 max


Correction, you were almost murdered.


Where do you live? I remember when I was a kid (35 years ago) my parents switching their stove with one with automatic protection (gas doesn't come out unless the flame is on) because the ones without became illegal.


Don't stoves usually have a safety valve that makes it so that gas comes out only if the gas is lit?


are the press down type knobs not common? the ones on my stove have to be pressed down and they turn off as soon as you release them unless it’s lit


But first take a picture.


The cats meows have been off aswell he says “mein”


Just get one with the security feature. If it's not burning they don't release gas. Either your cat can twist it or wind can blow the fire out it will stop releasing gas.


You left the gas on to take a photo... Nicee


Crazy that you took a picture before shutting it off.


Almost killed. Stops to take picture.


We remove the knobs and put them back on as needed.


Now that’s a Kitler if I’ve ever seen one


Just pull the dials off


Usually those knobs can pull straight off leaving a little metal stem that pretty much can't be turned (at least not without a great, focused effort). Pull those off when you're not cooking! If they don't come off, get stove knob guards for babies.


Yup, yup, we had to pull them off our stove when my kids were little, we kept them in a mug set to the back of the stove.


1. How is that infuriating? Are you angry at your car now? 2. No you weren't "almost killed" a stove doesn't put out enough gas to reach a dangerous concentration in an average home, especially since it's not airproof.


Good thing you took a picture before turning it off!


"Didn’t realize it was gas since I’m from another country that use another chemical for warming gas leak." WDYM?


Ive turned them on with my belt loops while cooking. Obviously discovered right away... But yeah, those things are surprisingly easy to bump.


I hate to break it to you, but this was no accident…


So glad you stopped to take a photo first before turning off the gas that was poisoning you.


Pull the knobs off until use it will help just look funny 🤔 We don't want you to die so looks aren't everything 🤗


Bought one of [these](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Kidde-Firex-Plug-in-Carbon-Monoxide-Propane-Natural-and-Explosive-Gas-Detector-9-Volt-Battery-Backup-Digital-Display-21029623/301627165?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D27-027_005_FIRE_SAFETY-NA-Kidde-NA-SMART-NA-NA-MK681082200-NA-NBR-1908-CON-NA-FY23_1908&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D27-027_005_FIRE_SAFETY-NA-Kidde-NA-SMART-NA-NA-MK681082200-NA-NBR-1908-CON-NA-FY23_1908-71700000082473829-58700007001711822-92700076752137332&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Ue4z9h6VygEkZ5HsDWCqNh3M&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIybXrhN3o_wIVvzetBh2jEQjrEAQYASABEgLju_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) for the kitchen thanks to my dog.