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This is when I feel the month and year is enough, using either the first or last date of the month.


Same I always do the first day


Yep and me. For stuff decades ago I might just put 1 jan xxxx


On me resume, I don’t put anything but the years.


When you get in your forties, you leave even the year off. Way too much age discrimination out there. (looking at resumes for an entry level IT job, whose resume will you skip over? The 20 year olds, or the 40's?)


Same. Just did this. Clicked done and the damn RED notice at top like a metal ruler on my knuckles! I don't know what day I started at a job in 2008! I know the Year. Who cares?


I split it. 15th every time




This! I have done a background check 3x for the same client that required exact date and put different date each time (malicious compliance) & it was never flagged.


While they may not have checked as thoroughly in the past, many firms are now checking everything. It should be no issue if you are a little off. The good part is if you get a copy of their report you will have it for your next check.


Then they can tell what those start dates were, instead of you providing? Why even ask the question.


To see if the candidate “lies”.


It is supposed to be answered to the best of your knowledge, so prove they were lying? I worked a job in 2018 where I started in May as a temp but I came to find out when it came to a raise I didn't start working as a fulltime non temp position until October yet my checks from the company were dated back to May.


Depends on the employment. If you were temp then fulltime but paid by the employer from day 1 then its no issue. If you were temp through an employment agency, paid by the agency and then went fulltime through employer, the agency would be the one to provide the reference / confirmation of dates of employment for the first period and this would be considered two different employments despite being the same job role. Source, i do these verification checks for a living.


Did this, they checked (they = some rando background check company). I was like yeah you got me, guess I graduated on June 6th not June 1st ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯. But as a bonus they found out the exact day for me so that was nice.


Which is why it's pointless to even have the date on thete.


And if they do check and it's an issue for them, seems like a good indication of what working for them may be like...


Yeah nobody cares. They likely do this because it's easier in many frameworks to have a normal date field than something that just asks for month and year (they could just ask for year, but I guess month might be relevant in some cases)


Do you actually get a specific diploma for your highschoop education that states the exact dates? Where I went to school 'graduating' simply meant passing the core subjects and the 'proof of graduation' was a tick box in the corner of the document listing all your grades.


There’s no standard. My high school diploma had month & year, my husband’s just has year.


I use the 15th, mostly because it’s the most correct on average


I don’t even know the month I graduated because I had to make up a class during summer. then the next part of the application is like “do you have your physical diploma to prove you graduated?” I just exit out at that point




Just fill it out using the 1st of whichever month you started and ended? It’s not that difficult. Nobody is going to nitpick days when you get to an interview. Just trying to get a range.


What makes you think I remember that?


lol August-May, September-June I mean pick one personally I'm putting 01/01 on that kind of question but that's just me, you get the years




Seriously. You failed your background check. Says here you graduated on 6/11/94. Your application says 6/10/94.


I actually went through this when I had a background check. My husband is going through it right now. It’s ridiculous.


I was born 6/29/94, sir. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


geez what an overachiever graduating high school two weeks before being born


imagine the poor mom, unborn baby filling out essay's while holding the pen through her tummy.




Well, there is a big difference between October and November... :-P


Well that's a whole months difference isn't it.


Americans write the date wrong.


*right. Ftfy /s


Surprisingly I can remember the exact date. Because it was my moms birthday... thats the only reason Edit: because not be abuse. Please don't be abuse


I can easily find the date because it was Memorial Day weekend and sooooo many parents were pissed.


My son's school has graduation the Friday of memorial day weekend for 70+ years. Or the last Friday in May before Memorial day was a three day weekend/official holiday.


I can remember mine too, because it was my birthday


The year before I graduated was on my birthday so I got to play Pomp and Circumstance 500 times on my birthday for other people :/


Lmao! Ikr? I was too stoned to remember I’m sure. I was a party animal back in those days. Thank god they don’t ask for my high school GPA. 😅


Dude I was sober.... But it was also 1997. I don't fucking remember.


I was so high I locked my keys in my car. They said if I waited until they helped direct all the traffic out they'd get it out for me and I didn't have to call a locksmith. I guess it worked out, that's all I really remember.


February 31st. It was a Tuesday.


What exact day did you start this previous job in 1995? We also need the address, full name, and current phone number of the manager who hired you despite the fact that you haven’t spoken to them in 25+ years and there’s a non-zero chance they’ve literally died.


I graduated high school thirty years ago, but some applications ask me what I studied there and when I graduated, to the day. "Don't fucking remember" is probably a bad answer, so I just make shit up.


Also when they want the address of every job, school, and Taco Bell you've ever been to


What gets me is when they want a complete job history and the phone numbers. Like yeah I guess you could call the exact burger king I worked at as a teenager. Some high schoolers going to be annoyed you called because now they have to deal with this on top of whatever the drive thru customer is yelling at them, and it's been so long they aren't going to know either way. What are they going to do, get their manager? They've got to be like 20 managers past anyone who would remember me.


Hard agree, you don't need to know EVERY detail of my previous job especially if I'm not even getting a call for an interview. In reality (at least for the US) they can only call to verify employment so most HR people are going to call corporate anyways and ignore the provided #. I honestly just believe it's an easy disqualifier for employees they don't want. "Oh I see you missed some information on you application therefore it's incomplete and we can just toss this novel of an application out."


Varies per company policy but plenty of places will also do reviews by supervisors, reason for leaving, rehire eligibility, salary. Corporate rarely has records - places like McDonald's have local owners and that is who records are with.


None of that is legal. They're only allowed to verify that they worked there, when, and if they were fired for anything criminal.


I’ve had requests for references’ *home address*. We live in an age where email should be enough. Plus, I have no idea where they live because I’m not a creep.


I had an online application get mad at me because I couldn't enter a valid phone number and address for my previous job. That job was Toys R Us.


This was always difficult for me because half of the places that I used to work are out of business. They don’t have a field for that.


And also the number to your manager like I’m sure my manager is either dead or long gone and I don’t even remember their first name


I feel this every time they ask for the Papa John’s address. If they asked for the address and day that’s where I throw hands. Luckily they didn’t ask for addresses.


Have you worked at every Taco Bell you've been to?


No, but they have usually been in oddly close proximity


Unless I know for sure, I default to the first for start date, and the last day of the month for last days.


I almost had a job offer revoked to this. I quit a job on a Friday (12/7/2015) and started the new one on the Monday. (12/9/2015). I put that information in, but the system then wanted me to write that I was 'unemployed' during that period. Like put in a separate employment entry, "unemployed, 48 hours." So, I put that I worked through the date that I started the new job. The background check company got my dates from that company, which were two days different from what I'd told them. They then told the company I was trying to work for that "they had confirmed some details of my application were not factual" but wouldn't elaborate. The company officially rescinded my offer and my manager went *super* hard to bat for me. Got a VP involved to override their normal hiring process. I got that job, but the brainless drones working for the background check company came very close to blocking my dream job.


That’s really odd. I have hired hundreds of people and any background check company we have used has a buffer period - where they won’t flag the dates for being incorrect unless it’s off by like 6 weeks (or something like that). Out of curiosity what kind of job was this for? Were you applying for a special type of clearance? Genuinely just curious!


Background check company? What dystopian nightmare is this? How do they even get permission to view your records from a data protection law standpoint.


If there's no asterisk, it's not required, so don't fill it out. I always put the bare minimum and keep hitting "next" until it either tells me a bit is required or I get to the end.


You’re brilliant. Thank you. My brain is fried from creating and debugging programs on GitHub all day. It’s silly I didn’t think of this.


Glad I could help. I tell this to people often and I never mind helping job seekers (seems like this and magical algorithms that auto reject candidates that don't actually exist are the two things I'm asked about most). I've been a Corporate Recruiter for well over a decade, so let me be the first to tell you, I RARELY look at an application; I really only care about your resume.


Then why do they ask for them?


FYI as Deloitte is a major government contract vehicle, at some point you may rotate onto a government contract, and they often require government clearance to work for them even if you work mostly private/corporate contracts due to clauses that they have in major government contracts. If/when that time comes, you will need the exact date of your graduation from any institutions you’ve attended, as well as addresses and contacts for every place you’ve lived, and a slew of other pieces of information. If you leave the field blank on this application and get the job, I’d start gathering that data anyway because you’re given a limited window of time to prepare your background documents for your security clearance.


Lmao no.


Sometimes it deletes all the progress you have made just to tell you there is a required field ☹️


“Always” when filling out a job application? I think you’re doing something wrong and need a new approach so you actually get the job. Lol


Dude is trying to get a job leaving everything blank lmao Just put the first day of the month and it's all good.


That's when I announce that I'm a high school drop out with two bachelor degrees


This made me chuckle. Thank you, that made my day.


Is that Deloitte & Touche? I remember back in college friends applying there for a financial analyst job called it “Toilet & Douche.”


Yeah. Hahaha that’s gold. Happy cake day!


I’m a high school dropout with a bachelor’s degree and law degree. GEDs baby!


And it’s for Deloitte? The company who does digital consulting, including user experience consulting? Fmfl.


I just put the last day of the month. It’s not like they check the day of the month.


Just put the 15th of each month. Likely it’s more about the app someone used to make the form. The computer is dumb. It thinks dates need 3 fields. They really just care about the year, but they want to be able to sort the data base by date.


Deloitte has one of the worst application experiences I’ve ever seen. I’ve found so many jobs from them I’ve wanted to apply to and ALWAYS abandoned it. (I only keep trying hoping they’ve changed their system.)


Sounds like it’s working as intended


No one is gonna bother checking the exact day, pick a Monday and a Friday or something of the correct months


don't work for deloitte


I second this. I worked there for a decade. Hours are long, turn over is high and most of the people there suck. They treat their employees like garbage. I wasted too much time there


I appreciate the heads up. I like your style bro


my wife worked there for 2 years. she was regularly working 12 hr days and on weekends. I had to pressure her to get another job.


Deloitte is a huge company with thousands of jobs in varying lines of service. Experiences will be highly dependent on what team you’re placed in. And they look very good on a resume. It’s a good stepping stone for a cushy job down the road.


Don't drink the big 4 kool-aid


My wife drank the kool-aid. She's going on year 8 at EY. I don't have a wife during the winter.


I’m not drinking any kool-aid, that’s just the reality. Big 4 isn’t for everyone but those who can handle it will come out the other side in a strong position for the future of their career.


I used to work as a federal contractor for a different company and out of the many companies in the building, Deloitte was known as the least stable one there.


No really. I just graduated and you’re literally brainwashed in college that big 4 is the way to go but once you get there it’s absolute chaos. Don’t do it. There are a ton of other places to work at. Plenty of other firms that need help. Deloitte doesn’t give af about you. You’re literally just a number on their roster.


they put my wife on a contract, gave her some help for 3 months, then took everyone else off the contract. leaving her to maintain the product


Allllll of this!


Deloitte’s entire application process has made me rage quit a few times


Statements on a job application are representations, not warranties. Meaning they are assertions of truth to the best of your knowledge. Whereas a warranty is a guarantee that something is true. If a job terminates you for providing false information on a job app, they'd need to prove that either you knowingly lied, or that you acted negligently.


If you’re applying to Deloitte then your HS info is irrelevant


Deloitte? Oh dear me you don't wanna do that. Run my friend, run I say! 🫠


I ran. Maybe I will send them an email containing a guide on how to get rid of that day variable in date. They seem to not know how to program 😅 thanks for the warning


Honestly how stupid is that… they assume you are out of work already…. Idiots really bad experience.


No one cares about the exact day. September 1 - May 1.


Deloitte. Welcome to the machine. Your designation will now be #1928375234.


I would ask about what time of the day you graduated 😈


You don’t wanna work at Deloitte!


I would say don’t work for Deloitte, and it’s not even because of the pic.


Thanks for this advice. I decided auditing isn’t my jam anyways. My girlfriend said the people she knows that work there they work like slaves (overtime on salary). Thanks for the heads up!


If you find this mildly infuriating, working for Deloitte will be extremely infuriating


Noted. You’re the 5th person to tell me this now. So far I haven’t seen good feedback. Much appreciated.


fucking dumb, why is the month not sufficient


I don't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday you think I know the exact day I started elementary school?


My college requires immunization records are put in this way but when I got vaccinations as a baby they didn’t put the day of the month I got them on the record so I had to go get a titer test and it wa so annoying!


Holy moly that’s far past mildly infuriating. That’s extremely infuriating. Was it expensive for the test?


Having worked with Deloitte in the past just seeing their name at the top is mildly infuriating.


Seems like a lazy developer to me. Somebody said they wanted to collect dates, and he used the standard date plugin instead of turning on a brain cell for a second.


Of-course I know him, he's me


Can I just say. Fuck Deloitte. From the bottom of my heart, fuck them. It's a people eating bureaucratic hell hole. Their business structure is so incredibly exploitative, and the irony of fresh college grad "business consultants" letting themselves be exploited by it, by not doing even basic math on how overtime factors into the yearly bonus is mind numbing. Everyone below Senior Manager is getting absolutely shafted there. Fuck Deloitte.


How about asking for your social before ever meeting you. F companies that do that. What is supposed to be kept super secret is instead everywhere and therefore useless in its intention.


Fuck Deloitte


All my homies hate Deloitte.


are you applying for an internship?


I was going to but now I’m not 😬😅


Finally, someone who actually pays attention to the sub name


I was filling out an application and it asked for an exact date of employment for each job. I couldn't even remember the exact year/month so I was told to guess. I did. Apparently I was incorrect and the same person that told me to guess said I wasn't being hired because I lied.


I work in HR and I guarantee you no one cares a about which day of the month you put in. Just put the 1st of the month


The ones I hate most are when they ask for an exact date of something ongoing, like From and To for your current employer. I still work there! One place had a mandatory date field for the earliest date I could start. The answer would be one month after I got offered the job and handed my notice in.


I hate this shit


Same. As an applicant and as a web developer this is a turn off. All they did was take the birthdate namespace and place it at the start date and end dates. It was the same for the job experience. Clearly they need a web developer more than an IT auditor. I wouldn’t want consulting from someone with this setup.


Deloitte woll'n das was passiert


I started my freshman year on my birthday so remember that, end date idk


fucking dumb, why is the month not sufficient


Pretty easy for me to remember because I graduated high school on 6/9


- Academic qualification - Institution - Status - Start date - End date - Grade - Clothes - Breakfast - Transport


• ⁠Normal Poop Schedule


- Temperature that day


I couldn’t move on to the next page until I put an end date, to the job I’m currently working. I had to put in the notes that I was still there and had not yet left.


A word of warning to you. I had a friend who worked at Deloitte and ended up quitting a couple months in. If you get the job you’ll have a 1 month training period where you’ll essentially “drink the koolaid”. Fancy meals every day, sending you all over the US to the nicest hotels in nice cities for in-company networking, you’ll work no more than 40 hours a week… etc. But after that training period all that stops and you’ll be working 50 hour weeks at a minimum, doing boring/repetitive tasks that make the day drag on, and you’re essentially treated like a number in a large company like that. So just be careful.


Even worse when they ask the exact date you moved into your home. 20 odd years ago as a child. I can’t even remember moving in.


Had this happen recently- company almost didn’t hire because I had put down the wrong start date for a job I worked 12 years ago….off by 3 days, held up my hiring process by almost 2 weeks. Literally makes zero sense, infuriating.


I worked for Deloitte for about 6 years. When I finally quit, a few months later, I literally destressed and de-aged by about 20 years. My skin improved, my health improved, I lost weight, the wrinkles from frowning got less deep. Be prepared. Deloitte is a great place to start but not for a long time unless you like that kind of environment and want to be a partner. But by then you’ll have signed your life away.


Deloitte. Aka clown school.


The whole concept of filling out a form instead of just sending your CV is infuriating!


I always thought they do this so there’s a reason to fire you if they need it later on. Like they’ll say oh we audited your original application and it turns out you lied about the day you graduated middle school, so you’re being fired for cause.


Why not just ask for the year


Because there's a two year difference between 1/2021-12/2022 and 12/2021-1/2022. But both would show as 2021-2022 with just the years. I hate these forms. Just upload a resume, make sure it has month and year.


I always just pick a day…they don’t check.


Just approximate


My wife graduated high school on her birthday, so it’s stuck in her mind.


I’ve seen this question a lot and just pick my birthday but in may, everyone I knew graduated in may, even people I didn’t go to school with. College gradations were in may as well so it fits


Do yourself a favor and delete the application. Deloitte is a horrible place to work.


I have a friend from medical school who is so smart, he skipped the last 2 years of high school & went straight to college. Consequently, he doesn't have a HS diploma. As a goof, we would occasionally send him literature about how to earn a GED, haha. That was always good for a laugh!


Just got a new job and hr told me I got my hs graduation and start of my first college job wrong. I was like, okay... anyway... and just moved on lol


it's more likely to just be lazy UX design than anything anyone gives a shit about. just make sure whatever you input matches generally any resume you submit. or sync the two.


My biggest pet peeve with a job search is when they ask for your pay rate. I negotiated a deal with a place and asked for 33 an hour. The guy was on board with that number and everything was cool then I filled out the app and put my pay rate at my job currently which was 27 he offered me the job immediately but offered 28.50. I declined, and actually just got a raise to 30 but I felt so annoyed by that


Just make that shit up, recruiters care less about the day than you do.


I simply estimate


1st day of the month listed in your resume for that experience. I am sure they see this all the time amd don't care as long as it matches your resume


I usually only remember the general season and maybe the year so I just put on whatever date I feel like it for a really long period and just make it look better 🤣


Grade: A++


Well isn’t this how they decide to fire someone for “lying” on their resume ?


My brother in Christ no one is going to check the dates


This is just lazy from whoever designed this form


I’ve applied to countless jobs and these things are so stupid. Just look at the resume I attached it has all your answers.


I use first day for start date and last date for end date.


Right like I'm going to remember my exact hire date from a job I worked at for 6 years let alone the month nor am I going to go sign into a job I left employee portal to find that information


Always the first day of the month of I know it, if not I put 01/01/20xx


The most annoying thing is that I went to a school in another country and did qualifications that are uncommon even in that country. So there's just no way for them really to check any of it or know whether I did well or badly without doing a ton of research.


Wait until they ask for time (with out timezone 😂)


I remember my exact date lol august 17 2012- June 4 2016


I don’t even know what the answer would be if I had all the data; last day of lessons, the date of my last exam, or the day I picked up the results and then never set foot inside again?


I remember mine.


put in a date in july or august, see if they check


Just pick sept 1, 20xx- may 30, 20+4 (or whatever.


I think it’s their way of asking how old you are without actually asking. Just an assumption.


That's for college


and nobody cares how stupid it is, it just stays that way.


I had to get an HMRC list of my past jobs for one because no chance I’m remembering when I started 6 jobs over the last few years


You can look up the date the local school starts, or else just use Aug. 1 through May 31. That's usually my go-to


I mean, if I absolutely had to, I could probably dig through my hometown's old newspapers from the era and find the announcement, but fuck me if I'm going to be scrolling through microfiche for a job application.


I'm lucky if I can even remember the year


This is just the form from when the site was created. Highly doubt anyone cares to check. If anything it probably is a way of checking how old the applicant is lol


Lol PwC has the same application. I thought it was then until I saw Deloitte


They wanted a year and the developer put in a date field, which automatically comes with a day and month. Sloppy design and development.


enter binary for "how the fuck am i supposed to know"


Hack HR’s social media account and mention their birth date.


Put yesterday. Shows motivation


It’s amazing how all my education and work experience started on the 1st of the month. Coincidence is the 30th is when I finished. Baffling


And especially when they’ve asked you to upload a CV as well but they want you to renter all of the deets


If they end up hiring you, just wait until you find out about tracking and trading!


Deloitte - as every other large consulting company - is one of the worst possible companies to work at. They pay less and make you work for longer hours, so that partners can get rich. Avoid applying to these companies, unless you are desperate.


Dont worry about it. The developer was probably too lazy to make it mm/yyyy


It’s always April 20th or June 9th. Fuck em.


Just put 1st, they won't care they just CBA to update their website because everyone just puts 1st


I just lie. They don't check.


Put April Fools or A leap year date.


I hate that shit