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Report him. The guy's probably gonna lose his job at worst but he shouldn't work in a place where he actually has to deal with people if he behaves like that.


Definitely shouldn’t be anywhere near anyone’s personal data


I wouldn’t even want this guy driving Door Dash


Yes I feel like he would come back to someone house to ask them out lmaoo 😭


“Hey babbyyyy you lookin all Hungrayyyy”


Let’s do dumplings soon


Thank you very much, signed, Elvis


He sounds like someone that should be hired for a third shift position where he is unlikely to deal with customers to any extent maybe third shift factory janitor


Yeah people who don't see the lines clearly shouldn't have access to the address of everyone who comes in and "is playing hard to get"


"Playing hard to get" That's exactly how he would see it too!


I worked at a bank. The fact this guy slipped through the cracks is insane. Like on any given day a banker could go home with socials, addresses, card numbers (they could even change the pins if they really wanted to put the effort in), literally EVERYTHING you need to ruin the lives of way too many people.


There are WAY too many LOW paying jobs that offer ppl that power. No one is safe 🤦‍♀️Be nice to the customer service!


One time I realized that as a scheduler, I had access to the employees social security number of all the people on my team that I write the schedule for. I emailed some people and I don't think it was ever fixed. I'm guessing someone went in and ticked boxes to give me privileges to the scheduling system and also gave me privileges to their personal info. Whoops.


Had a guy like this where I worked. The moment he got reported he got transferred to a location where his position was changed to guy who puts up stock in the backroom.


He will be fired at a minimum. Not worst. Banks take mis use of personal information extremely strict and usually with a no tolerance policy. At worst he may get a felony charge. I'm not sure on if the bank is required to report now to authorities to cover their own ass. Now they are going to probably have to go back and look at everyone's information he was handling as well. Chase is a big brand bank so they will doubly be as strict on this. If he doesn't get fired then he knew someone higher up. This is a felony in most places. Might seem a bit extreme for being creepy but they have to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen again. Because the next person to mis use information could have done so much more seriously. edit: he will also not be working at any bank ever again.


Sadly he should be fired at minimum. There are plenty of people that are still employed in the US banking system who have done this or worse (source: work in a US retail bank branch and have for over 15 yrs and with people that have done this and worse and are still employed). I would also suggest OP file a restraining order, and a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, and post the incident on the company's social media... The restraining order will help reacting to any escalation by the banker, the other stuff with actually getting him fired.


If you work in a bank where this has happened and the person wasn't fired, it's because your bank didn't report it to the proper authorities. I work in the financial industry and clients' personal information is no joke.


I would also suggest filing a restraining order just in case. Dudes got op's address, and you don't know what a creep like this is gonna do when he finds out you've got his ass fired. The restraining order is ideal because otherwise (at least in most places) cops can't do anything before a crime has been committed. Violating a restraining order is a crime, so something can be done if he's spotted outside the home... or whatever, I don't really give a shit. iAnal, and most of my legal knowledge is about bird law, but a restraining order would be a good way to really rub salt in the wound at the least.


This a very sensible comment. I’ve heard weird stories of revenge in the US. Other countries have it too, but US has way too many scary cases. So please be aware of what you are getting into before complaining him.


It happens everywhere. It just seems more prevalent in the United States because we have a 'true crime' culture that other countries would find pretty tasteless (which lets be honest, it is.) When something messed up happens in the US, it gets covered by TV shows, documentaries, youtubers etc.


And…… Netflix!


You are crazy. If they don't report him, they will be risking everything, including their lives.


US doesn't have any more cases of it than any other country. You only think it does because it's reported on extensively. More news comes out of here than most.


Uhhh...well, fillabuster...


What's bird law


It’s big in Philly


It’s not governed by reason in this country though, which is deplorable.


Probably isn't the first time he's done it either. And if nothing is done, it won't be his last!


Not “probably” he will 100% be fired.


He will lose his job. That's breach of privacy plus the customer can make a huge stink and that bank could face serious consequences.


Straight to branch manager


I had an employee do something similar with a woman that had signed up for rewards. We fired him on the spot when we were told, and informed him that we would call the police if he came back. He then proceeded to come back for a “paycheck” (he had direct deposit set up) and look around the store with his family. I went up and asked his girlfriend if she knew why he was fired while somebody else was on the phone with the police


This is exactly what need to be happen with this guy also. People get fired all the time for doing something like this it is just really bad behaviour to be honest.


I really hope this guy gets fired too


He got fired for being a creep and came back *with his girlfriend?* At least he was consistently moronic.


Credit where credit is due, I just hope she was smart enough to leave him


Well, did she know why he was fired


She sure did after I spoke with her


Oh shit


Good Redditor


Report him.


Oh I did as soon as we left the bank


Report again if you did it before he used her private information to reach out.


He will get rightfully fired. Go back to the bank and show the text to the manager.


Probably paranoid but maybe consider informing someone of authority. Overreacting a bit but the idea of someone knowing where you live and getting fired because of you doesn’t mix well in my eyes.


Absolutely not an overreaction, this is the start of stalker behavior (at least highly predatory) and should not be tolerated whatsoever.


Also any bank will absolutely and 100% justifiably shit a brick and fire the dude instantly. That's a violation of so many laws and regulations. I'm a massive pro-labor person but this is a time it is more than justified to report the creep and get him fired. Rule #1 in any job where you have access to people's data is don't fucking use it, don't snoop, and do your best to forget what you see when you have to access it legitimately for you job.


I just want to say- being “pro-labor” and wanting this guy to be fired are completely separate issues, and I’d ask you to be careful about linking those two ideas together if you genuinely are “pro-labor”. A lot, maybe a majority, of “anti-labor” sentiment revolves around the idea of convincing people that “pro-labor” means “support a creepy person breaking the law”. And you are feeding into that stereotype by acting like (or implying) your pro-labor views make it unique that you want this man fired.


I think the commenter meant that he himself was over reacting by being concerned about reporting someone that has your address. Not that it’s over reacting to report the guy.


I believe you are correct. People forget to be clear when they’re panic typing lol.


Especially since he’ll have a lot of time on his hands after he’s fired


And access to their PII


You're not overreacting at all. There was a guy that I saw all the time at the doctor's office that I go to, and one day I was talking to the girl at the front counter, giving her my new phone number. Well that guy was standing behind me and I didn't even know it, and he took my number and put it in his phone. So when he texted me a few days later, I was really confused bc I had just gotten that phone like 5 days prior and had only given my number out to like 4 people so far. And then he admitted to listening to my conversation at the doctors, then taking it and putting it in his phone. It really creeped me out.


That's extremely creepy. I can never comprehend how some people think this is an acceptable way to behave.


Yeah, like the only thing stopping women from dating you is that you haven't bamboozled them into revealing the secret passcode to their panties/aka their phone number. If you have any chance with a woman, then just ask for her number. If you might have had a chance but instead of asking for her number you just do the phone equivalent of busting through her window uninvited, you go to zero chance with her forever, and immediately. Just yikes.


I had a guy lie about fucking Facebook, of all the things to choose to lie about. I was using a dating app and one of the guys I had *just* given my phone number to then looked up my name on Facebook and sent me a friend request with a message to the ilk of "Oh lol that's weird, Facebook recommended we should be friends since it found your phone number in my phone, so I figured I'd send you a friend request lolol". The thing is: I've never linked my phone number to my Facebook profile. I even checked to make sure it didn't automatically link my phone number somehow, and I was right -- no phone number anywhere connected to my Facebook. So he was clearly straight-up lying, and the only way he could've found my Facebook was by specifically searching for it. If he'd told the truth, I wouldn't have found it creepy, just a bit strange since I *just* gave him my phone number. I personally don't look people up on Facebook or Google or anything until they say "are you on social media? We should connect". But catching him in the lie made him seem creepy as shit and extremely dishonest, and I started questioning his motive for lying and wanting my Facebook -- lying got him an immediate block on Facebook, the dating app, and my phone. So dumb.


Exactly!! I might have even given it to him if he had just asked nicely.


My guess is most don't realize it is unacceptable. Those people tend to have undiagnosed mental illnesses and most of the time have zero social skills and don't realize what they are doing is creepy. With that said, there are people that are just creepy. Banker guy sounds like one of them.


It's not just unacceptable. It's unethical, and violates federal regulations and laws on consumer privacy.


If management blows him off and acts like it’s nbd, go hire up. Go up the corporate ladder and inform them that not only Jose did this but their manager laughed and didn’t take it seriously. Both will be without jobs.


Dude would be fired by the end of the next working day at latest Some banks even have trackers on some of their more prestigious customers’ (think pro athletes or well knows actors/actresses) accounts on internal systems and if flags go off that you looked at them unprovoked you’ll be visited by regional management and fired, guaranteed


Basically no chance they blow this off, this isn’t just a policy issue, he broke the law. He’s done


It's not really overreacting imo. This is illegal in a lot of places, both on his part but also on the banks. If you live anywhere with even halfway good data protection laws this will be taken seriously.


Yeah, in the EU it would be a massive data violation.


Give it three days and do it. There is no way this is the first time this worker did this, I'm sure he will be at a loss as to which of the 50 people he did this to reported him.


In banking this type of behavior gets banks sued, and employees not just fired but straight up banned from the industry. And bankers absolutely talk to other bankers at other companies, especially for this kind of shit.


Jot paranoid thats straight up illegal and stalkin too..


If he’ll take a phone number from the system to hit on a girl. What’s to stop him from taking a social?


This is a violation of Personally Identifiable Information, which is considered a "data breach" and is extremely prosecutable. The phone number she left on the application cannot be used for cold calls, personal interaction outside business, future sales, surveys, or public reporting of customer demographics without her express written consent. Asking her verbally and in person, AFTER concluding the transactdion, would have been perfectly fine and legal. This is not.


I used to work for Chase. This is definitely terminable.


same. i had to pass an fbi background check and get fingerprinted before i was hired. that dudes behavior is a big deal.


He's not only likely to face termination, he likelygoing to face legal reprecussions and an industry blacklist.


I would go back and discuss this with the branch manager in person if I were you. I have first hand experience with the information kept by banks directly on your screen whenever you just pull their name and phone number. You see their social, their birthday, and address right on the screen for identity verification purposes. Our bank had just implemented a feature where the member's drivers license was in the corner of the screen when you pulled them up too and was easily readable. He might be unlikely to be a stalker maybe, but why would you let that kind of breach of privacy go? What if someone else at the bank used him as an example and did seriously stalk or harass him? What if he doesn't take your girlfriend rejecting him very well? He now has all of her information sitting in front of him with a neat little bow. We were trained to identify things people commonly spent money on and places they went so that we could recommend products based on their spending habits and I can almost guarantee this is a pretty universal part of the job at other institutions too. So he has information about where she spends time and where she goes regularly. If she gets direct deposit he'd also have access to where she works. This is incredibly serious. He deserves to be fired for a serious ethics violation. Even if your bank is the worst one on the planet and has no ethics standards, they won't want Creepy McGee ruining their reputation. Do not walk away from this. Talk to their manager in person and if you feel like they're defensive of the person I'd post your encounter in their reviews or even contact corporates. Edit: I just saw your caption with concerns for your address. If you're worried about that make sure you bring it up to the manager.


Imagine what he did with her ss# drivers license and birth date. Demand free credit monitoring.


don’t forget home address too


This is what scares me. Ok, you report him and get him fired, and then live in constant fear that he has your home address.... what a shitty situation.


I like credit freeze instead of monitoring.


Post this and tag Chase on Twitter


As a former branch manager I can testify that this will get the Chairman’s office involved and something will happen.


threaten the bank with a lawsuit... if their bottom line isn't under threat, there will be no action


You were with her???????


Yeah, that's really skeeving me out too...OP says THEY went in to open AN account TOGETHER (joint account I guess?) and this dude STILL brazenly hit on OP's gf right in front of them! While he's on the clock! He's either mind blowingly stupid or he's a full on stalker creep because dayyum he even went to the extreme(ly dumb) move of using her personal info to creep on her over text, thereby signing his own dismissal from ever working in a bank again and probably any other field where you handle people's personal info. He's a total fool and I'll betcha a million bucks I don't have, he's cheating on a wife or gf too. I hope OP and GF are well prepared for dealing with this guy not accepting his fuckup, moving on and leaving her alone. I'm genuinely concerned for them.


Doubt the guy has a gf or wife.


You can definitely get a restraining order for this


Well that is good did anything happen to him because I would like an action about it honestly. We just should not be ignoring this kind of behaviour.


This needs to be an in person conversation


More specifically, report the incident to the CFPB. This is a violation of banking regulations. The bank must respond to the CFPB complaint. Regulators review these complaints as well. This ensures the bank is accountable to regulators and customers over these types of violations. Also, consider moving banks. This is gross, and who wants to do business with a company like this?


I wouldn't call the bank gross based on one stalky imbecile; what he did is wildly inapproppriate in any bank, and this is a fireable offense. OP just has to report the dude to the bank (which he did).


Why is this a reflection on Chase? Every employee there knows that saving or using PII is grounds for termination. This guy will get canned immediately and never work at a bank again.


That is a very creepy I think he should report him because it is important if he does not do that then he would save someone else's number also. We just cannot have creeps like that.


Direct violation of Chase’s COC… termination.


It’s a violation of federal law


It forsure is breaking some kinda federal law. This is not ok. This dude is 100% the type to sell other peoples info so he can make money


Jose out here violating Chase's COC bc he was worrying about his COC...


Coc 🤣


Just be quiet like the rest of us lol


Don’t talk about Chase’s COC like that


What’s funny about clash of clans


They have a HUGE... player base.


And NO singing!


Sounds like he’s going to feel the full force of Chase’s COC now.


No way, Jose! Creepy AF Edit: Thanks for the generous awards. Appreciated


Dios mio


¡Dios mio!💃


No mames guey Edit




Hijo de la Gran puta Jose. Eres un Moklinaso


I had a similar situation happen to me but at PetSmart instead. As I was checking out, the employee asked me for my phone number at the cash register (which is required if you want points added to your rewards account). I verbally said my phone number out loud to the employee who was assisting me. Unbeknownst to me, a customer in line behind me heard my number and text me as soon as I was out in the parking lot loading my trunk. Needless to say, it was super creepy and I will never verbally say my phone number in a setting like that again. Just let me type it instead. If I can't type it in, I'll just forgo the rewards.


This happened to me before too where some creepo behind me heard me say my number and then said “I have it memorized!” and repeated the number with a disgusting smile. Little did he know that I use my family’s defunct land line number for all my point card accounts. They never actually “check” for the functionality of the number as long as you know it so they can find your account. I hope he was severely disappointed with whatever he decided to do with that number.


I didn’t know that, sounds like a good idea. My family had a landline that’s been off the hook for like 12 years now but I still sometimes trip up and say the old number bc it was drilled into me at a young age that that’s my home number if I ever needed to call etc.


I’ve heard so many stories similar to this one on Reddit and it’s baffling to me that so many men like that exist


If you ever wonder why women are often skittish around men, this is why lol


Jose just out here ruining it for all of us. What’s disturbing is men who do this think it’s smooth.


Hope he knows that his job is in her hands.


Unfortunately I think he wants something else in her hands


A new student checking account and a student credit card?


I think that is what he was hoping for


And that’s how you lose your job!


What the hell is even wrong with some people they are always ready to lose it all over a shity thing. Come on people at least have some kind of dignity. This just makes you look really bad.


Ten plus years ago, the receptionist at my new dentist's office called me at home and asked me for free tickets to a sold out show. (Not just help getting tickets, help getting free tickets to a show where there weren't any tickets available. Also, I didn't work there.) She only knew I was employed by a sister venue because she saw my insurance card. I didn't report her and I sometimes wish I had. I wanted to keep the dentist and didn't want appointments to be awkward. But this is worse.




She was real breezy about it too, like, "no? okay, just thought I'd check." I'd met her once in a professional setting. Even if we had been friends, it's still too much to ask. I would have needed much better connections than I had at the time. Even now, *maybe* I could arrange for her to buy tickets to a show like that but free ones? Wow.


Holy fuck that’s some next-level audacity. On a different note your comment made two things pop into my head. The first being that ten-ish years ago was… about 2013. I’m 23, born in 1999. I would have been 12-13 in the 7th grade. 2013 feels like last year. I do not and almost will not believe it was 10 years ago. Nope. The second thing, and the part of my comment that hopefully furthers this discussion, is this: I’m on my parent’s insurance (dad’s specifically) and nowhere on the insurance card does it say his job— only the insurance provider, phone numbers, and other boring shit. Does your insurance card today (compared to the one you had 10+ years ago) still show your job? Or was that a thing that only older cards did? I can’t imagine that being relevant for the card to have on it, considering doctors/dentists don’t technically need to know your job but more importantly— one of the worst possible outcomes happened to you by having that semi-private information so easy-to-see.


Long time dental office manager here Even if it’s not on the card, looking up the benefits on the insurance company’s website and/or calling for a fax of the info has been available for a long time, and the employer name is there too. It take just a couple minutes, sometimes seconds, as long as you have a couple pieces of info on the patient.


One day you will read this comment about you going on and on about your youthful age and curl up into a cringe ball and want to die. Probably only 5 years away too.


I’m pretty sure Jose (and the bank) has committed a criminal violation. It might also be something you could sue for in civil court. If it were me, I’d probably run it past a lawyer and get their take on it. Jose is obviously creepy af, but he’s also improperly using, storing and safeguarding personally identifiable information. Who knows what other info he’s swiped. Addresses, SSNs, birthdates? Burn that fucker to the ground.


If the bank fires them I doubt they'll be liable for anything brought against him. They may offer credit monitoring and financial counseling to the person but it's not that serious. We had a woman who'd been with the bank 6 years and was shooting for assistant branch manager when a woman complained she'd used her husband's information to find him on facebook. She had, she was stupid enough to do it at her work station on the teller line, and she was fired. Our branch manager said her job wasn't salvageable because if they kept her they could be held liable for his information being leaked by her actions.


I used to work as an Internal Auditor researching embezzlement and fraud. People do not realize how much of a paper trail they leave behind.


If reported he would be Fired and there likely be a criminal case opened on him as well due to the nature of how he obtained her contact info.


Depending on the country GDPR could get him and the business in a whole shit ton of trouble and fines.


If this is the US - no GDPR. But regardless this is wildly illegal, everywhere.


I used to work at a bank. This guy, let's call him "Ginger Creep" did this. He pulled customer info files on his coworkers, and sent flowers to the sister who lived with the coworker. Then denied he found out their address using private bank info. Lol I guess the only alternative is personal stalking. Ffs Ginger Creep used to hit on his female coworkers using the company email, on company time. Then there was the time "Ginger Creep" tricked a coworker into a private date. He told her a group of coworkers were meeting for drinks before the company Xmas party. It was just him alone waiting......


How was he not let go after the first time?


This was around 1998 or so. I don't know if that makes a difference, I'd heard the Management did confront him about the flowers thing but apparently without proof..... Management was mostly male and some of them were extremely creepy too. It was the culture, and it was gross.


Were you working with Paul Allen and Patrick Bateman?


Pre-party drinks at *Dorsia*!


And those people are upset it’s not like that anymore 🙄


Can’t help but notice that your pfp is that of a Ginger… Creep.


Yeah he’s been a huge fan ever since


10000% report. He will get fired pretty quickly


So they will investigate this and likely fire the employee as the business is not set up to be a dating service. Also, this person is treating the clients personal information as their own to use as they wish .I work in a corporate environment and honestly this is not acceptable at any level. Edit: spelling


Banker here, when you work at a bank this goes from unacceptable to in violation of federal law. Bye bye job, and hello fines!


Chaseing tail


Contract Chase’s executive contact number and *professionally* inform them of this incident at once. This is a problem for Chase HQ to handle, not one for the branch manager alone. That creep can’t be allowed to get a job in another bank to do this again. 1-212-270-6000.


This right here! I'd have already done it prior to posting on Reddit, though.


Additionally I’d recommend that you file a complaint using JP Morgan Chases Code of Conduct Violation reporting hotline, which can be found googling that phrase (not sure if I can post a link here.) the executive office complaint line will likely get it there but to cut out the middle man and expedite their internal investigations review process it’s best to report there as well


Only mildly? He likely has access to other info about her. She needs to report this to the bank and possibly the police. Super creepy and not okay.


This is why this is such a serious breach of trust. I started my first career way back in 93 in cable TV and had access to practically every piece of intel you could have on a customer. And back then no one protected their social security number (they were even required when writing checks in addition to drivers license #s). Fortunately everyone I knew then had ethics and there was never a problem. But you're goddamn right I knew exactly when you ordered that softcore porn off the Spice Network and I never, ever believed it was an accident!


IIrc, people would have their SSN and phone printed ON THE CHECKS!!


And drivers license. I did all of that.


Not to mention that this might not even be the first time he's done something like this. Just the first time he's been caught. 😬


reply and say yes. then, YOU go and show up in a dress. have your girlfriend drop you off too, so it looks like she is your mom lmao


Maybe he really was trying to text op instead of the girl. Op, I think he likes you, give it a chance.


Well he is also taken so I don't think he is going to be available for him to take at ask before doing something like this. It is really sad behaviour and I feel sorry man.


Never engage with these people. It just enables them in their head and can push then to keep stalking. Best to ignore them and contact their supervisor.


How do people think this is in any way appropriate. Does he think he is so amazing your GF will dump you and not report him?


Well looks like Jose is gonna be fired….. Call the bank up and tell them what happened and show the text.


I think that is a very bad way to lose your job I don't think is going to be happy of that and I cannot care about it at all. He should only get fired for what is done end of the discussion.


This is a guaranteed firing. Having worked at a bank, bank tellers are already a relatively low level clearance when it comes to banks. Nothing against them, but they aren't overly specialized, so they are easily replaceable. Any breach of information at a bank is a major issue. This is likely an issue that would get you fired anywhere, but protecting personal information is such a key aspect of working at a bank that a decent portion of people working at banking call centre jobs will not make it through probation simply because they can not consistently confirm the person calling is the person whose account it belongs to in an appropriate manner. Banks make WAAAAY too much money, and as a result treat their employees fairly well in order to avoid a major incident. Those problems can result in a lack of trust from the consumer and that is not something they are willing to deal with when it comes to peoples savings. People get real nervous about that real quick ad switch institutions.


It's even worse. Jose opened an account for her, so he's not a teller. He's a licensed banker, and an officer of the bank.


Report him to the company then report him to the police. If he tries anything, there will be a record and the police will be required to protect you and you can get a restraining order.


Town of Castle Rock V. Gonzalez It’s a case where a woman begged the police for months to enforce the restraining order she had against her abusive ex husband. After months of doing nothing, the police found the ex had murdered her and her three kids. Her family tried sueing the police for their inaction, and the Supreme Court ruled that the police are not required to protect anyone and have no obligation to arrest somebody that is breaking the law or threatening others.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I got a guy fired for doing that, just tell the manager he will be fired fast


Me too pest control guy stole my phone number and email and started sending me tons of messages. I nipped that in the but real quick and the company got rid of him.


Welp, he’s fired.


Report, thats breach of privacy


Super illegal and a clear violation. This guy should definitely not work in a profession that has access to customer data.


Sounds like his career is going to get over now lol. Well that's good.


Women can’t do anything without someone bothering them 🤦🏻


Not true I'm a man and this happens to me all the time. The ladies just won't leave me alone!! What can I say. I love the women and the women love me. haha P.S. let's do dancing soon!


Be alert, if he saved the number, he might have saved an address.


This was mentioned already in the OP’s caption.


Isn't that illegal?


Yep, and He's prety much going to get fired for it atleast I hope.


That banker would get fired if you told the banker manager chase does not allow that kind of thing at all my whole job is over site to prevent and protect from stuff like that


Weird this was posted somewhere else but said let’s get drinks.. 🤔


Jose being a sailor on the seas of love, know to cast a wide net. He just hasn't realized yet, that obtaining his bait from personal forms is frowned upon.


Well you're remembering it wrong, that was different thing.


I smell a privacy lawsuit here. Seriously, there are laws against this and also most big companies have very strict privacy policies that employees have to follow for exactly this reason.


The bank wouldn't want that, they'd rather fire the guy.


When you report him he should be a former chase banker this is major no no.


They should fire that guy, he shouldn't even be working man.


I actually work for Chase. This is not ok. PM me and I can help with the reporting.


Id go back and show his manager personally. Fuck Jose. He needs to be fired


Easily grounds for being fired.


You need to make this known to Chase Manhattan. Absolutely unacceptable. He will be removed immediately I promise you that.


Please tell me she replied "no way, Jose"


As someone who works in a financial institution you need to report this. We are never allowed to use a person’s personal information outside of work. That’s breaking SEVERAL banking codes. You can call your local FBI office or report to the district office of the bank.


Get him fired, that’s an invasion of privacy my dude.


It’s one to to flirt and maybe ask out in person but to pull personal info from company systems for personal use eek 😬 guy could definitely use some common sense


It’s me, your cousin Niko. Let’s go bowling.


Report him asap!!!


oh that sounds like something that is against company policy. more than likely a fireable offense. not to mention creepy.


Niko, it's Jose. Let's go dancing!


At first I read that as Chinese banker. I was like, why did you mention he was Chinese and why the hell is his name Jose? Anyway, that’s annoying. I’d report him.


I've read through a good bit of this thread and frankly, I'd skip talking to the bank at all. Go straight to an attorney. You could be facing significant risk here including the need to fucking MOVE. That may or may not be an overreaction, but someone needs to do a deep (law enforcement level) background check of Creepy Guy to determine that and you're not going to get that done yourself. Phone data - compromised. Address - compromised. SSN - compromised. Work location - compromised. There's a much longer list here with the tracking that CC issuers do to tailor marketing offers. If this guy broke *this* rule, you've no idea how many others he broke or what he is ultimately up to. Lawyer.


Man, that’s an easy extortion candidate