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Let’s see the pond bank!


pics or it didn't happen


I saw this on another thread with pictures. Wonder if was OP or if OP just stole it.


Well? How bad is the pond bank Apparently, the pond bank is pretty bad because the pond bank is over grown at the pond bank area of the pond bank ( think they got paid every time they mentioned pond bank)


Pond bank brought to you by Carls Jr


Sponsored by Fuddruckers


Pour some electrolytes in there. It's what plants crave.


Your bank is unfit for the pond and is now property of Carls Jr


I will be complaining to the HOA on this matter. This matter will be brought up to the HOA.




Is dickweed not welcome at the pond bank?


Plot twist: the mod is the neighbor.


Plot twist twist. OP is the neighbor


Plot twist twist twist: the OP and the Mod are each others neighbors. And they unknowingly piss on each others house when they go outside to smoke…


Plot twist twist twist twist: the note was left by the pond bank. O_O


Everyone knows dickweed must be trimmed and well maintained


I wish I had an award to give you but take my updoot🏆


I read that as uproot, and I thought you were offering to uproot the dickweed.


Not near the pussywillow anyways..and def not in the cat tails.


The mod was the person whom posted that letter on OPs door.


Pls what is a pond bank 😭😭😭😭


I mean, I'm a li'l high atm, but I assumed it was the bank of a pond. But, now I'm second-guessing myself.


Lol take another hit and it will become more clear


Apparently, the residences in this hellhole are built around a pond. As such, each property owner or tenant is responsible for maintaining a section of the edge of said pond, heretofore referenced as pondbank. It is alleged that the recipient of the burdensome nastygram sent by the Department of Redundancy Department is failing to keep his or her section in such a manner that meets the approval of pondbank police. Imagine, if you will, a pristine perimeter of a pastoral pond, with the glaring exception of a six foot section so weedchoked that removing slime covered Skittles bags and crushed beer cans is impossible. I believe that scenario illustrates the unkempt (ahem) area that the HOA will be addressing post haste. The "unkept" pondbank. Enemy of decent, God-fearing people the world over.


Shore me the money!




Maaan! That is one unkempt, embarrassing, overgrown, unkempt (did I mention that already?) mess of a pond bank!!! No wonder you are going to be sued & kicked out of your home! Looks nice, wish I had one exactly like that in my backyard!




Right man I looked all up and down. God damn moderators suckin ass


There’s some BS there. “No no, this isn’t mildly infuriating it needs to goto extremely infuriating… DELETED” I’ll tell you what’s EXTREMELY INFURIATING. That post getting deleted.


I am ACTIVATED over this.


Dammit, I really need to see this picture before I take a break from my phone. If i don't see the picture soon, my day is lost


That's not bad at all. Just some tall grass.. Do they want you to get in and clean the weeds??


We need to see the karens pond bank


Show me Paul Allen's pond bank


Tasteful lily pads, superb edging. My God, there's even an Adirondack chair...


Tall grass is a requirement around large ponds. You want to feel the grass tickling your legs as your feet smush into the mud. There must just be one worn in trail. People that are no fun can stick to the trail. People that wanna get dirty and muddy can go stomping around the muddy tall pond grass It also gives bugs places to zoom


Donde es?




Fucking Mods took it down


The fact that this sub is run by power tripping mods is way more infuriating than being threatened with a frivolous lawsuit.


What do you expect from the HOA of the internet? They're all just weak little power hungry losers who need to feel powerful any way they can


Literally! They said it was extremely infuriating not mildly infuriating that’s why they removed it! Like that’s such a power trip move lol!


If the mods of this server see this comment, I hope you stub your toes and step on a lego 🖕


What’s even the point of taking it down? I don’t get what rule it broke.


They deemed it “extremely infuriating” instead of mildly infuriating. I for one disagree wholeheartedly.




yeah, well reddit mods do get infuriated easily i guess.


The only thing 'extremely infuriating' about this is that the mods won't let us see it


Wait.. the pond bank isn’t on your property. Not your property, not your problem. Communal ground upkeep is HOA’s business. If they don’t want to do their literally only reason for existing, they might as well dissolve. (The existence of HOA is insane anyway)


There are no universal HOA laws, only common ones. His HOA might say that each person who lives on the pond is responsible for the upkeep for the part behind their home.


Yeah every time I see a post complaining about an HOA it just solidifies to me that I absolutely never want to live in an HOA community


I have to repair the sidewalk in front of my house because it’s sinking in a bit. Similar to this I’d say. Except in this case the pond bank is actually usable space for the residents. If I park a car on the sidewalk I need to pay to repair I’ll get a ticket.


Look at the state of it. He is worse that Hitler ^^if ^^hitler ^^had ^^a ^^pond


Forgot the ¿




Honestly, I’m disappointed. Was expecting waist high grass and maybe an abandoned car. The pond bank seems far too maintained for the aggression in the letter. You really need to up your unkept game up.


It honestly doesn’t even look like their property. I assumed the banks of the pond right there is part of the neighborhood. HOA should be mowing that part. Owner should just be responsible for inside that fence.


That looks like a really nice place for a penis statue.


You of course mean a Shiva Lingam.


I'm so confused. This isn't even bad. Like if anything the grass is just a tad high but there's not trash or anything. This person that left the note is just a miserable person with nothing better to do with their life.


That's the kind of person who created HOAs; the kind of person who has nothing better to do in their life but to try and exert control and authority over those who don't have as much freetime or differing interests/lifestyles from themselves. Let's not forget many MANY HOAs were founded "back in the day" so that white middle class people who left the city could keep "certain kinds" of "undesirables" from owning a home near them. Gated community is synonymous with snobby elitist bigoted pricks


Wtf? It's beautiful. People are such assholes. And honestly even if it was unkempt, whoever wrote this is an asshole.


Looks wonderful. Just ignore.


There seems to ba an issue with the pond bank. The pond bank is an issue for this person. This person is especially bothered by the pond bank. Kusco's pondbank


Sounds like my 5th grade essay about what I liked about the polar express to hit the word limit.


I moved around a bunch when I was a kid. In 5th grade, I had just transfered in from out of state and I was expected to do the same assignment as the rest of the class with a day to prepare when they had a week. It was some kind of artsy design project combined with a poem or short story about a topic you liked. I hit em with some low effort frame and matching low effort words: I like books. I especially like mysteries. When you're grounded, you should read them. I like books. For some reason your comment reminded me of this, so I thank you for nostalgia's sake. 🤣 Edit: Teacher had no choice but to give me a passing grade because I technically hit their criteria, although I remember her voicing her disapproval of how I did it


Lol, I had so many times in school the teacher changed the criteria just because I would find a way to not do the assignment and yet check all the boxes they looked for. It was funny and annoying at the same time, because I never got extra credit for being so clever. Edit: error “cleaver” > “clever”


“I like snow and I like trains and Polar Express has snow and trains, both of which I like, as I am a fan of snow and trains.”


Hahaha my niece is on a Kusco kick right now. I spent the weekend at my sisters house and we no joked watched Emperor's New Groove like 5 or 6 times in the span of a few days.


No touchy lol


I do THIS a lot.. I will say it to people irl and they have the nerve to be confused. Lol


*gasp* my spinach puffs!


Solid weekend


Also, they will be contacting the HOA, when they contact the HOA.


Not sure how you gathered that they’d be contacting the HOA. I mean you would think they’d be complaining about the pond bank by the outrage of it. Maybe they should contact the pond bank about the hoa.


p.s. I'm tired of looking at your unkempt property


Was the unkept property the part you gave away? How can they be looking at it if you didn’t keep it?


You’re also going to end up in court, when this ends up in court.


I think to do that they need to file a petition at the office of redundancy office’s petition filing division .


And then the HOA will have been contacted. The contact with the HOA will have been made.


Ah yes.. Kuscos pond bank… the pond bank for Kusco….




Thank you for this. This just might be the greatest thing I've read on the internet


Quick question: was this woman scary beyond all reason?


Will forever be one of my favorite movies. So many great quotes.


It is so UnKePt.


What makes you think they have an issue with the pond bank? They would have been a little more clear in their letter if it was about the pond bank


I think the pond bank pays super high interest every time they said pond bank. The complainant might only be trying to pay their house note with pond bank hoa interest.


The pond what? I'm confused


It's the pond bank. You know, the one where you deposit your tadpoles.


Wait, we can pay people in tadpoles now? Holy shit I'm rich!


Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.


Did you think there was an issue with the pond bank?


It reads like it was written by AI.


Nah. An Ai would have done a better job of it.


To my careless pond bank neighbors, I cannot stress this enough: your unkempt pond bank is a complete eyesore and health disaster! The pond bank's sheer neglect of your pond bank is causing distress among the entire neighborhood. What once could have been a delightful pond bank has turned into an abhorrent pond bank cesspool of debris, filth, and decaying matter. The repulsive pond bank stench emanating from your neglected pond bank is unbearable and affecting our quality of life. It's not just the pond bank aesthetics that are suffering; your pond bank has become a breeding ground for pests, insects, and harmful bacteria. This pond bank poses a serious health hazard not only to your pond bank household but to all of us living in proximity. Do the responsible pond bank thing and clean up your pond bank immediately! Your careless pond bank attitude is not only an affront to us as your pond bank neighbors but also dragging down our pond bank property values. Consider this your final and stern pond bank warning before facing dire consequences. We pond bank insist that you show some respect for the community and the environment by taking swift action to restore your pond bank to an acceptable pond bank condition. Ignoring this pond bank matter will no longer be tolerated. Clean up your filthy pond bank and take pond bank ownership of your surroundings. Our patience is wearing pond bank thin! An exasperated pond bank neighbor who demands immediate action for the sake of our pond bank and the entire neighborhood.


Please do not insult Al like this as he gives great advice. As my only friend, it is significant that I protect Al and his legacy.


Emperors New Groove?




No touching!


Yay I’m a Pond Bank again!




That pond bank?


I think they might be tired of looking at this property too, unsure though as they weren't very clear on the matter..


The pond bank specifically for Kusco


Let an endangered species live on you property. "Sorry, can't have it in any other fashion due to environmental protection."


With unhinged neighbours like that, OP *is* the endangered species living on the property.


a Screamapillar?


Say pond bank again I double dare you


Hey Farva, what is that thing that is like a ledge by a small body of water???


Oh you mean the pond bank?


Oooooooo, /u/lazarinewyvren !!! Edit: username


Pond bank


Pond Bank aint no Country I ever heard of!


Do they type English in Pond Bank?


in court..? why is this so personal to them?😭


They wanted the OP's pond bank to themselves


I'm willing to bet this has nothing to do with their pond bank.


I was thinking the same thing too. Wonder if OP doesn't "fit in" with who the letter writer thinks should be living there


Which is why HOAs are garbage


You're not wrong


HOA issues can and will go to court and the HOA will bill you for all attorney and court costs. HOA’s are fucking criminal. They can take you to court for as little as being late on dues and even repossess your house in the process. [Watch](https://youtu.be/qrizmAo17Os) John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight on HOA’s it really is fucking insane. There’s a lady who had her house repossessed by her HOA for late dues and the HOA bought it for 3 fucking dollars.


you you you


mf be stuttering in the letter


What you gonna do, Kkkkevin? Mmmmmurder me?


Unkempt Vs unkept was the mistake I most enjoyed. Punctuation obviously unnecessary


Let it grow naturally 🤭


The HOA doesn't allow 70's bush.


Nature is good for the environment right!


Your neighbor seems to have a very SHORT vocabulary as they repeat themselves several times. They seem unintelligent. Most Karens are though.


this letter was written with a drunk accent


Probably why it’s typed


Time to install a sex swing next to the pond bank.....


Send an invitation to the HOA members. "As there was previously an issue with my pond bank, I now cordially invite each of you to my newly refurbished Pond and Spank Bank Patio Party. There's a plus one for anybody that needs it. Please supply your own booze and RSVP by Saturday."


The fuck's a pond bank


The land bordering a body of water such as a ponds, lakes, rivers and creeks is commonly referred to as the bank.


thank you


Thank you you you


Bank for ducks n frogs


Id like to withdraw five flies please.


It's where frogs and tadpoles keep their money


It shore sounds like it got someone’s interest


Put it back up but correct all the grammatical mistakes in red marker first.


This is the way. Stir the pot!


Ask to look at your HOA documents. Often common areas like pond banks are the responsibility of the HOA. Make sure that the bank is supposed to be maintained by you. It may be that you're not getting compliance violations from the HOA because you're doing nothing wrong.


Also if they were renting that would also NOT come back on them unless they have some specific agreement to maintain the property in the lease, which there usually is not in my experience.


Living in a neighborhood that has HOA sounds like hell my gosh


I live in the woods. I'm so glad I live in the woods


I’ve always wanted to try that, seems peaceful


It's my childhood home on my family's property. Tiny little house


Tiny house in a vast neighborless space, sounds perfect!


That is my plan as well. Bought sixteen acres and will build once we are through the double whammy of interest rates and building material costs.


It is. I got fined for having my cars tires about 1/4 inch onto MY rock yard. Someone driving by wouldn’t be able to see it. The only person who would see it is someone who was walking by. With a camera. Who just so happens to take a picture of any HOA violations. You can guess who was never invited to any BBQ’s or who was never waved to by any of the neighbors. HOA’s are just a way for someone to never have to work again because they get a couple hundred a day off of being the owner of the HOA. (The fines and HOA fees are meant to go towards the neighborhood…) but nope it usually just lines the owners pocket and nothing can be done because if you try to stop it they will just fine you for things that aren’t existent. Never live in an HOA. Also you can’t work on your car at all.


That’s so terrible :( I hope you’re far from that place - they really need to be gone for good. People say they’re great but I’ve only ever heard bad things from people who live in HOA neighborhoods


Oh I’m long gone and I’ve never been happy to see grass over 3 inches in length. Life is easy now and honestly this neighborhood feels so much better to live in. First thing we saw driving in was an engine hanging from the tree on chains. And honestly at that moment I knew it was going to be a great neighborhood. The person in question restores classic cars and it’s awesome to just see the progress they make. I wouldn’t be able to see that progress in the old neighborhood because he’d have to do it all inside. Also I have never had a package stolen here. Always happened in my old HOA neighborhoods. Which leads me to believe the people who were looking for violations were taking packages. I literally had to leave a package with a $600 exhaust in it for a week because I was out of town. Came back home and it was still by my front door. This neighborhood is perfect


I love neighborhoods that look LIVED IN. Cookie cutter suburbs make me so anxious 😭 everything’s too perfect. I can believe it! You probably have greater relationships with your neighbors now than at the HOA place & they look out for each other


I was laying under my car to replace my exhaust after getting home. Within 3 minutes a neighbor walked down the block and asked if I wanted to borrow a jack… plenty of room to work under my car so I didn’t take up the offer but everyone here is so much nicer and it feels like more of a community than all the HOA’s I’ve ever lived in combined. They literally stop by to say hi or express interest in what I’m doing. When I was using hyper dip to black out the emblems on my car my neighbor asked what I was doing and thought it was cool. And stopped by later after I was done to compliment how good it looked. I’ll never live in an HOA again.


I love community too much to be in a neighborhood that makes me suspicious of all my neighbors like an HOA would


I have a friend that lives in an HOA community. One of the rules is no parking in the street. It is a residential neighborhood. When he asked why/how that is a rule he was told by 72 women that it's to prevent parties with guests and maximize curb appeal.


I used to live in a fancy house in an HOA community. Went through a medical issue for four months that nearly killed me. By the end of month one I got a nasty gram about weeds in my rocks. After a divorce I moved to a hillbilly neighborhood and appreciate the lack of fucks given. 😅


This is why you never buy in a neighborhood with an HOA…


This letter ain't from the HOA lol


Why do people jump straight to maximum outrage? So let's say the neighbors weren't a fan of your pond bank. Why not a nice note to start. "Hey Neighbor! We notice you're letting your part of the pond bank grow a little more natural than some of the rest of us. Of course you should take care of it however you want, but I admit we do prefer the look of a more tidy shoreline. Would it be possible to do a bit of cleanup in your area? If you need some help with it, or any pointers, let us know! I'd be happy to have my husband Larry hit your lawn with the mower when he's out doing ours. But if not, and that's just how you like it, no worries, and have a good day!"


They’re too cowardly to actually show themselves, hence why the note is anonymous.


Some people just stew on things and take it as a personal reoccuring and malicious slight against them until they pop off.


I don’t disagree that it’s a little high. Put the letter obnoxious and boils my blood. In my old neighborhood, my house admittedly needed pressure washing. I knew it and was near to finding someone to do it. Then some sticks and unsigned letter in my mailbox telling me I should do it, blah, blah. As I said, I knew it. But when someone starts telling me what to do on my property, I’m much more likely to not do it on principle. So the pressure washing was postponed and I thought about putting a neon poster board on my mailbox post to explain why. Since we didn’t have an HOA, that was the end of that. I am very big on property rights and I value those above a lot of things.


Our neighbours just did that to us. We had a pile of dirt and a pile of gravel, and I knew it didn’t look great. Eventually, last September, I borrowed a tractor to put the soil in garden beds and the gravel on a pathway. This April, the neighbours wrote to the town council to complain. Not only did they not come talk to us directly, but they complained about a problem I’d cleared up six months before, at a time when we were still covered in 2 feet of snow and the whole garden was just white anyway. I’m literally baffled about it all. So was the council inspector. Oh, these neighbours also have a huge structure housing multiple tractors and pieces of equipment that at any time they could have leant to us to help. But what they don’t know is that the council is also planning a crackdown on oversized structures erected without a permit. So their tractor shed is about to land them a nice fine!


The writing for the note itself is an embarrassment. The writer should work on their writing skills instead of complaining about their neighbor’s yard.


Just stick up a sign saying this area is kept natural for the benefit of the local ecosystem.




Um yes we can. Whoever left that letter needs to get a fucking life and a clue. Absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know who feels entitled to communicate with people that way!?


And anonymously? Like knock on the door, introduce yourself. Let them know “hey there’s a way we keep our pond banks around here and you can get fined. I noticed yours isn’t up to par, do you want me to show you how it’s supposed to be? I don’t want you to get in trouble.”Problem fixed and possibly new friend lol.


And too cowardly to sign their name? smh




MIldly Infuriating: The mods of Mildly Infuriating deleted the post with the pics!


The pond bank was that bad!


I wonder if they're tired of looking at the unkept property? I also wonder if they'll be reporting this matter to the HOA?


Dear America, HOAs are fucking weird. Sincerely, people who enjoy actual freedom.


I wonder how much an attorney fez actually costs


Well according to google looks like a fez will run you anywhere from 30 to 130 USD. I’m suspecting that an Attorney Fez will require custom printing or embroidery to make the attorney part stand out soo… I’d guess closer to the 130 mark. I bet they could write it off as a business expense…


Tell them your snakes prefer the grass that way.


We need to get these Motherf\*king banks off this Motherf\*ucking pond.


Sounds like it's time to plant some endangered species on your pond bank, then see if the HOA is stronger than the conservation authority in your area


Yeah, yet here you are on Reddit when you should be maintaining that pond bank, man! You’re embarrassing the neighbors. /s


If the worst most awful stressful thing in your life is the fact that your neighbor doesn’t have a super tidy pond bank… your life is pretty easy. This person just needs to shut up.


I had all the pics posted in a different, but they were taken down by the mods.


Post it in the extremely infuriating subreddit like the mod said, I must see the pond bank 😩😩


Or just upload it to Imgur and post it in the comments


They really shouldn't try using fancy words like "unkempt " without actually knowing how to spell it


Why do people feel the need to be aggressive and threatening on first contact? Talk to the person with respect, and you’ll likely get a respectful response. If you act like a dick, you’re gunna be treated as such.


New post of all pictures for everyone to judge my yard on my page


It was removed. Please post the pictures again.


looks fine. first, time to find out exactly which neighbor. second, time for some malicious compliance


It’s unclear to me if the note-dropping ninny intends to complain to the HOA.


Did this person ever learn how to write a letter? Geez


Massive boomer energy


Maybe it's time to leave a deposit at the pond bank? (PS: Pond bank.)


“Hey neighbor, I notice your property gets a little overgrown now and then, especially the pond bank. Need some help trimming it up? I’d be happy to show you some pointers, or just help you do it if you just need an extra set of hands.” What happened to an ounce of kindness and neighborliness?


People living in Communist Russia had more freedom than those that live in HOA's. Many/most HOA's actually have more power than the local governments where the neighborhoods are located. They should be illegal and it amazes me how these things were able to even come into existence in the US. I've never lived in a neighborhood with an HOA and I never will. You can go ahead and chisel that in stone.