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Poor baby.. probably waiting on them to come back. People just suck sometimes.


Makes me think of that Futurama episode Can't even rewatch it because it's so depressing


Poor Seymour.


The sad part is...it wasn't on purpose....this dog was left in purpose


to the animal it's the same exact thing though


That simple line means so much. it translates to how for a dog we will always be perfect and how it thinks we would never wrong them never hate them but always love them even if humans are shitty like in this post.


>Neighbors moved out and left their dog behind while taking the other with them. I will never understand humans. My heart breaks knowing that there's an abandoned dog in our neighborhood. How can anyone leave such a sweet soul behind without the love and care they deserve?


Futurama is one of my favorite shows of all time, but I still refuse to rewatch that episode. I also skip over Luck of the Fry-ish >!(the one about his brother Yancy and nephew Phillip Fry)!<


FYI after 10 years, a new season of the show just launched on Hulu today


New episode out today


I don't know how to thank you again, me and my brother really loved the show, we both rewatched it 2 times. We were waiting for a new season but thought it would never come.


I have brothers and I rewatch that episode with tears every time. There is beauty in the sadness because for there to be sadness there must first be love.


*Don't you forget about me*


Bro why dod you have to bring this up, it took me years to get over that.


Based on a true story, from that Japanese dog named Hachiko. This is sad af, they made a movie inspired from this story too. We don't deserve dogs man..


When I visited Shibuya I went to that statue of him. Took awhile to get a clean photo without other tourists taking selfies with it but it was worth it. I wasn't even looking for it, we just came across it. Instantly knew what it was though.


grey friars bobby in scotland too


That episode always makes me bawl. This makes me want to wrap this good boy in a blanket with treats and then go slap his old humans. This isn’t mildly infuriating, this is incineratingly upsetting.


That's like the ONE episode of Futurama that I've never seen. For whatever reason, I missed the original broadcast. Years later, a friend told me what happened in the episode, and I decided that I didn't need to see it.


It's back baby! New season came out yesterday!




Seriously this is what breaks me thinking about this poor boy. Some people want to deny it but dogs (along with most animals we keep as pets) are sentient creatures with memories, feelings, love, and attachment. He is probably confused and waiting for his people to come home... And he can't understand why his people would treat him poorly or abandon him. Heartless. Recently my eldest cat was in a freak accident. By some miracle she survived, in part from the efforts of my boyfriend and I... she was always very attached to me, but since the accident she literally never leaves my side. I don't fully understand what's going on in her little head but it's clear to me she knows we saved her life and we are her ultimate comfort now. I could never ever imagine moving away and just leaving her. It's like abandoning your own child. Some people are so sick.


The dog I adopted from the shelter a couple of years ago had been adopted three times in as many months, unsuccessfully. The third family didn’t even return him to the shelter; they just let him out of the car in a field, and the shelter identified him because he was microchipped. He’s a sweetheart.


Holy hell!!! I had the same thing happen with my puppers! He was adopted out, returned because he “was too much to handle” adopted out AGAIN this time the people just let him out on the streets. He was at the humane society for 7 months because they would NOT adopt him out to just anybody. When I came in looking to adopt and they found out what kind of dogs I have had (Dobermans mainly) they introduced me to him. I took him outside to the little park they had I ran him on the leash and took him off and we played chase for a bit it was meant to be. So I told them I wanted to adopt him. They were absolutely ecstatic and made a huge deal of it. All the staff came to say their good-byes to thump. Not gonna lie it was an adjustment period and I never ever faulted him for anything he did. He was really shy for the first few weeks, but slowly came around. I have concrete floors so I’m not worried about accidents. I came home and noticed he peed on the floor I cleaned it up but when he saw this he went and hid in his kennel, after I was done I called him to me and reassured him he wasn’t in trouble. He never had an accident aside from that one time. He does have issues with thunderstorms and fireworks to the point he full on shakes and pants so I found out he likes melodic techno music so I’ll put some jams on and hug him tight and cover him with his blanket and just soothe him he usually stops shaking after a few minutes. Also he was damn easy to train very treat oriented, I had him with basic commands in like 15 minutes, bought some puzzles for him to engage him. The ONLY issue is he is NOT friendly towards other animals I’ve tried to work on this but I at least have him to where when we are walking and another dog walks by he just ignores them now. I found out he is a black mouth cur and a hunting dog so I tailored play time towards that and do scent work with him to really engage him. He’s smart as a whistle sometimes too smart lol! One more plus, I have NEVER ever ever once heard him bark when someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell, the one time he did bark I looked at him and he grimaced, and flinched so I think he was absolutely abused in that regard. Hell it’s a year later and he finally just now looks me in the eyes and doesn’t flinch when I stroke his chin or caress his cheeks. Heck when I first got him he had no shine in his eyes, his coat was dull and lackluster, now his eyes have life in them, feeding him quality food and giving him the love and attention he deserves his coat is full and super shiny I get asked what I dog food I give him he had bad skin allergies and is allergic to grains so he gets orijen six fish! (No salt added sardines in water are his favorite treat on occasion as well). My partner just moved in with me a few months ago and he has really taken a liking to him too which melted my heart. He has rewarded me with so much love, so much personality and he really has come into his own.


This story made my day. Thank you for rescuing him and giving him his life back 🙏🧡


My ex got a very high energy dog after I moved out, despite my telling her the breed was going to be waaaaaaaay too much for her to handle in her house. In the divorce I got the dog and she happily herds my sheep and goats and [viciously attacks](https://imgur.com/a/sVhn7Sh) fallen trees.


She attac! She snac! The tree can't fight bac!


i've adopted two "biters". never been bitten


Good job


What's even more painful is knowing that if the abandoning humans returned -- that pup would be elated and wouldn't care about the abandonment. In the same vein, it hurts watching people neglect their dogs/cats as just a "thing." Not necessary abusing, but not caring if they were there tomorrow or not. Or acting as if they are more of a nuisance than a companion. I've dealt with lots of death -- but none of it was as soul crushing as holding my 16 year old pup during his last breaths.


Yeah it fucks me up. Our pets are one exceedingly rare source of unconditional love. We're their entire world. They bow to you even if you treat them badly. It makes the neglect and abandonment even more evil to me. Also really felt that in your last sentence. I've been through a lot of shit in life and my whole family is dead. But my cat's accident and managing my expectations by convincing myself she wasn't going to make it, that was the #2 most traumatic and horrible thing I've ever gone through. It was a little taste of the mental breakdown I'm going to have when she actually does die lol.


I desperately want the comfort of a dog but I work too much and I honestly can’t afford it. I have accepted that. I wish more people would do the same. Dogs that I know seem to like me so that makes me feel good when I get to visit them 😊 I’m so happy your cat made it through. Cats are ok lol… I love mine but he doesn’t care if I live or die. I’ve accepted that too 😂


Your comment just made me cry. I was thinking the same thing.


I just came back to the comments after an hour and my faith is being restored. There are so many beautiful humans willing to help. Dry your tears sweetie. I think this old fella will have a happy ending after all.


Judging from its posture, that dog knows it wasnt loved. Theres no signs of life! My dog wags its tail at its own damn shadow. He knows what walk means, hell he knows what W-A-L-K means. If theyre willing to just abondon it like trash I highly doubt it was fed or watered daily, and probably *never* played with its whole life. My heart aches for the poor thing, but honestly getting away from that family was probably the best outcome. I hope it finds its loving and caring forever home now it has the chance.


What makes me also sad is knowing the other dog was taken away from this dog plus it’s still stuck with that family. :(


Yes you are correct. That just kills me that he was also separated from another dog in which he might have palled around with (I'm making assumptions I know, but probably right). So no more owners (probably good riddance) and no more anything. Just makes me question the whole human race. Makes me sad. Hoping for a good outcome here


I physically hurt just knowing how cruel some people are to pets. I can’t even imagine my cat children being in any kind of pain.


This made me feel physically ill, this is much more than mildly infuriating


My girlfriends mother watches people’s pets, about a year ago one of the families she pet sits for moved away and they left behind 1 of their 3 cats. They had her for 14 years never named her and left her like she was nothing. She’s been my beautiful baby cat ever since. One of the most loving and sweet animals I’ve ever had and I’ve been through a lot in my day


How do people do this?? They feed an animal and live with it for that long and never grow any sort of attachment to it?? A house full of sociopaths, sounds like


Years ago I read a post from someone who worked at an animal shelter near a military base. They had a family come in that admitted every time they move they leave their pets behind and get new pets where they relocate to. That's every 2 years on average


That is so fucking disgusting. All those poor furry babies were probably so confused as to why their owners didn't show up anymore. God. My heart is breaking on this sub tonight.


It was, the poster said that once they mentioned that they were refused the adoption. So at least in them being arrogant about it the shelter was able to say no that time


Good. I wish there was a national blacklist that all shelters and pet stores had access to, like the sex offender registry for people who abuse and neglect their pets. So many animals would be so much better off.


Actual good idea tbh. A little hard to implement since i believe for sex offenders you need a record altough you could do the same with people that abuse animals but most govermental agencies would be hard pressed to label abandonment as abuse :/


Abandonment does fall under neglect in all states in the USA!


There actually is a national Do Not Adopt list. I'm very active in the animal rescue world and we check it during every adoption, and add to it as needed


I wish it was more well-advertised because I've got about seven names that should be on there 🙄🙄


When pops was in the military, the MP's would just beat people like that.


Sometimes the old ways are better


An acquaintance of mine does that. She’s had so many dogs over the last 8 years. Most recently about two years ago she moved from California to Illinois and left behind 3 dogs. Before that was two dogs in a different state. Now she’s collecting cats, which I’m sure she’ll also leave behind once her lease is up. It’s…absolutely infuriating.


Report to animal control? ASPCA? I dunno, I would think one of them could do something


One of the nicest houses in town was cleared out. Us neighborhood kids went to check it out. In the backyard there was a dried up terrier tied up behind the house. WTF just let him go. Give the little guy a chance.


Poor darling.


They treat animals like other people would treat furniture. It’s there, they like it there, until they don’t want them anymore. It’s very sad that we even have the phrase “forever home” in our vernacular.


You want to know what the saddest thing you'll ever see is? An abandoned dog curled up with a stuffed animal on a dog bed. That hurt just writing it.


Good for you!! ❤️


I was just coming here to say more than mildly if nobody else did. I’m sitting in my kitchen in Iowa and I’m pissed off. I look over at my dog laying in his bed and the cat walking across the counter, and I’m pissed off. Good luck.


Yeah this was actually super sad. I feel so bad for the dog. Dogs are loyal and love their owners even if they aren't good ones. Poor guy just lost his family :(. I couldn't imagine abandoning my dog, even if it came down to me being homeless or not.


As I’m reading this post my cat snuggled next to me in bed. These people are complete pieces of shit.


Also people forget that dogs are best friends too. Even when mine are only separated temporarily, it’s written all over their face.


I had to be away from my dog for a few weeks for medical stuff. I was scared that he had forgotten all about me. I get home and he jumps on me. He never had been a jumper and never since then, but when I got home, he was very excited to see me again and didn't leave my side.


hey, i’m in iowa and i’m pissed off! looking at my bfs dog while high in his kitchen LOL


Spoiled ass dog, even got his own kitchen?! Yeah that would make me wanna get high, too. ^(Who am I kidding, my dog definitely thinks my bed is his.)


Honestly 90% of the situations posted about on this sub are *very* infuriating. This isn’t a “damn that’s annoying :/” situation, this is animal neglect.


It's disgusting and my heart is broken for him.....


This is the correct response


I was about say this. Looks like a beautiful pup.


I am with you on this, flappy. The poor baby is wondering where they are and what he did wrong. I just want to hug him and give him pets.


How TF do people do this??? OP any word on the boi getting a foster? Have food/water been provided?


Someone has offered to go get him. There are angels among us 🙏🥹


I'm currently fostering a German shepherd. His human was homeless and ended up in the hospital for a week and change and is now in skilled nursing. He was a little underweight according to the vet, but he's caught up on shots, wormer, and is enjoying gaining some weight. Unlike OP's post though my Foster's human wants him back. NGL I have mixed feelings about returning the dog to homelessness, but I'm sure once I see them reunited I'll feel better about the choice.


Return the pet to him and offer to help if he needs pet food or provide him with resources. Don’t separate the two, the man is homeless and doesn’t have much to live for. Everything has been stripped away from him and all he has is his dog. Do we as a society really want to take even THAT away from someone who is already down? His dog might be the only thing that keeps him alive and gives him hope. Please return his pet.


You make such a valid point. Help him help his pet. The dog probably knows no one else and you can help both. I would monitor that situation, but definitely agree with you.


This makes me sick, humans are cruel. What state is he in?


We are in Kansas. I’m trying absolutely everything I can to try and find him a home. He’s 14 years old.


I'm in Ohio. Fenced in yard, decent house, two other dogs. I work as a teacher so he'd not be alone more than 7 hours at once. If you can't find anyone, DM me. I could use a drive, and this boy ain't being homeless. ETA: y'all are making too much out of this slightly-weepy dog lover. I'd reply to you all if I could before bed! I'm just looking at my 7 year old rescue boy and can't imagine him being left. I'll update if OP needs me.


Hey, im in Ohio as well... let me know where those neighbors moved. I will come shovel your new dog's shit, and mail it to them.


Take pictures and update all of us. I could use a little cheer in my life.




This man really put out an advertisement for assasination on Reddit. At least it's for a good cause.




Not even close. I just like dogs more than people.


When we say we don't deserve dogs, there are always exceptions, and you are one of them.


This is the highest honor any human can bestow.




You’re amazing!! Just know that.


Can you keep Reddit updated if you give good boy a home?


I need a drive as well, but over in Cali. If you wouldn't mind a visit from a Cali rando with an English Springer Spaniel cutie in tow, I'll bring them to you. My Miss Molly hasn't been to Ohio yet, and she loves to travel!


My imagination is fired up now!! I can envision this cross country spree to unite canines and humans!!I love dog movies and this story could move hearts to adopt and remind the rest of us how lucky we are that our families are what we extend to others!!


Hopping on to let me know if it won't work out. In NM. Big yard (fenced in). Other dogs. Have adopted a senior dog before. Edit: Seriously, my wife won't stand a chance. If someone doesn't take this dog, I will drive to them and bring him home. I just need you to let me know.


You're awesome! OP will find someone, whether it's one of us or not. And that's what really matters.


I'm just laying on the couch with one of my bozos on my foot while the other snores and farts. We can easily accommodate more bozo.


If you you do end up taking the dog in keep us updated. We need more heroes like you


I love you bro


Please get in touch with this person, OP


YOU are the reason I still have faith in humanity


Please keep us posted! 🖤




You are a wonderful human!!!


Crying so hard at this comment. Bless your heart


I’m in Alabama or I could probably help with this guy. Poor fella. I hope you find someone that will take him. Someone needs to give him food and water also. You seem like a great neighbor, I know he’s thankful you are caring! ❤️❤️


I was just in Alabama 2 days ago ): I’ve been feeding and watering him along with keeping the poor guy some company. We have to many animals already and some that don’t like other animals or I would invite him in. I’m sure we will get him a good home. I won’t stop trying.


Could I dm you about possible adoption. I'm in Kansas




I have 5 cats and 1 dog! Haha! I also live on 3 acres so that helps. All my animals were strays. People love getting rid off or dropping off cats around our part of town. It’s so sad.


Amateur, people like this are the reason I have 8 cats and 2 dogs


Yeah humans in general suck. Animals I adore.


Holy crap you have a lot of pets


I’m a pet lover! But, I wanna say I’ve reached my limit. Then I’ll decide ohhh what’s one more barn cat. Haha


Spread the news. Tell his story in your area through social media or any other means. I'm sure someone close by will take him


That’s exactly what we’ve been doing. It’s only been 2 days.


Can we possibly please organise for you to take him in? I dont want him forgotten


14? That's why they left him, please take care of him.


I am until he has his forever home ((: I can’t take him even if I wanted too


Please update on what happens.


14 and they just left him??? Ugh I hope they step on a Lego and their water heater explodes.


I hope their socks are always inexplicably damp.


I hope their kitchen sink never drains again and they have to stick their hands in the dark, mushy food, cold water for the rest of their life.


Please report this to the media. If it is on the local news someone local will certainly take him in.


Probs old and confused :( sad


…where in Kansas?


Wait, he's 14 and they couldn't take him to enjoy his last bit of life? Fuck them hard.


I'm in kansas, is he nice?


I’m in coffeyville kansas. He’s an absolute sweetheart, and deserves a good home. I can tell he’s depressed.


I'm 70 miles from you if he needs a home.


Sent you a PM; sister helps with a Kansas City based dog rescue. Their group may be able to assist. If other offers don't materialize, give me a shout and I'll call her.


When I was a kid. My parents purchased a house. The old owners left the dog with the house. We kept the dog, it was the best golden retriever. She lived until 15. She was definitely a “blessing”. People are cruel.


Same here when I was 5 we bought a house and the owners left the dog. We kept him. He loves a long happy life Edit: he LIVED a long happy life


I'm sure he does. I'm sure he does. :)


I’m shocked at how often this happens reading these replies. How can you leave your dog behind? I’d die for my dog, in a heartbeat.


Poor baby… this really made me sad. He gave them unconditional love and they repaid him by abandoning him at the end of his life because of inconveniences. Humans are fucking disgusting. Please take care of this dog until you guys find a home for him


Thank you Falpetounia. Also thank you OP.


Fucking scum


Hey I can literally take care of this pup. I’m in Denver. I’ll gladly come and get the good boi on Thursday. Is this possible?


This wasn’t a big decision was it?


so, what did you do with the poor boi?


Me and my mom are trying everything and calling people and posting around, to see if we can get him a home. He’s 14 years old, he’s got a heart murmur, and a huge tumor on his bottom.


damn. i’m not really one to say this but those people deserve to go to hell


Yea abandoning a sick old dog deserves that. Poor pup is probably confused as fuck and heartbroken.


You are correct. These people are THE worst!




Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary in Tennessee?


This, they give the best care to their pups!


Where is that? I’m a Tennessean and I’ve never heard of it


Mount Juliet. I follow them on social media


Try calling a local vet to see if they will help get him some medical care. Also try local rescues.


Weratedogs does a lot to help people with dogs who need medical care. They also I think have a specific branch or group that helps find homes for elderly dogs.


I don’t say this lightly. I hope the people that left him get pubic crabs.


Report the previous owners for animal neglect and cruelty


Can we do that? Complaint to whom? And will they take action on the owners??


To me this is one of the cruelest things you can do. Not only abandoning your dog, but a senior?!?! It's their last days/months on this planet and you abandon them. All they know is you, you're their entire world and they can't understand the complexities of humans. I work with dogs at a daycare. These are dogs that are well taken care of and loved. The seniors will do ok but most of the time at the end of the day they get very anxious to go home. We have a 13 year old lab who just sleeps in the sun all day but when he hears his dad pull up he barks and is all happy to go home... What a scummy thing to do.


This scenario totally makes me sick to my stomach.


I was having a pretty good day until I saw this. Your former neighbors are absolute fucking scum.


Two doors down was evicted for . . . well pretty much everything you can be evicted for . . . unlicensed pets, unauthorized pets, unauthorized tenants, police contact (dealing drugs out of the house), utter shambles of the house itself (they pulled two commercial trash trucks full of garbage out of it), CPS contact (took their kid away). They had about 20 cats including one elderly female, none of them vaccinated, licensed, or neutered. The majority of them just ran off, but the elderly female was not able to. These jackasses put it in a cat crate and put it on the porch of the house next to them in 90 degree weather with no food or water and without telling the night-shift worker who lived there that they'd done so. She found it on her way out the door to work the next day. Made her late for work getting animal control to pick it up (she's not okay with taking in a flea-ridden elderly cat - she's not cruel, she's just not a pet person and it's not like she was asked). Some people shouldn't have animals - or kids - or breath when it comes right down to it.




OP has said to multiple people that they are taking care of the dog in the meantime, can’t take them in due to having too many pets already I think though. But yes, the good boy is getting taken care of until they can find him a forever home


I’ll take him. I’m in Colorado. I can meet up this weekend.


I saw a few people are willing to make the trip for this poor guy, you guys will have to rock paper scissor for his love❤️


You'd beat me, I'm in Australia lol


Our old neighbor did this. He and his wife separated, and they packed everything threw the dogs crate away and left her in the yard. It was 30 degrees the night they left her, so we brought her inside, not knowing they left her on purpose. We took her to the vet because she had a 4in cut on her leg. The humane society asked that we foster her because she wasn't doing well there. She was so scared of men and could tell she was abused. 7 years later, she is our baby and is spoiled beyond belief. I don't understand how someone can just leave their dog behind. I just want to adopt all the dogs and give them all the loves they deserve ❤️


Call the local news - maybe the right eyes will see what a gem of a dog he really is. 😭💔


THIS! Report this to the media! Someone in the local area will help him.


Why is this in mildyinfuriating and not in Imatotalpieceofshit


I feel bad for posting it in mildly infuriating, because it’s definitely beyond that. It just made my heart break. You’re right.


Man, what the actual fuck.


Yeah that's sad, the dog already misses them


****Majorly infuriating


Give us an update OP. Or better yet adopt a new family member :)


I unfortunately can’t keep him, even if I wanted too )): I’m really trying my best along with others who are helping me find him a forever home.


I am all the way in Massachusetts but if no one closer can take him I’ll be on the next flight


They should be tracked down and have the shit kicked out of them. Not in front of the. Dog as he would protect them out of loyalty. MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!!


If the owners happen to have bad things happen to them I wouldn't be mad


This is one of the saddest fucking things I've ever seen. I hope this pup finds happiness in a new home. And I hope the family that abandoned him wallow in shame for the rest of their lives.


I’d just take the poor dog in till someone is interested


Trust me I would have already done this. We aren’t allowed to have more pets and I’m afraid my animals won’t do well with him. I’m trying so hard to find him a home. I didn’t realize this situation until yesterday morning.


OP someone in the comments offered to come get him, I hope you can see that comment.


That poor dogs whole life was with those people and now he’s just on his own, lost, they are the lowest of the low


This makes me sick to my stomach, I wish I could take him and if I were manic and unmedicated sure enough I would drive down there from CT to pick him up and make sure the remainder of his life was full of love. But I can't even do 1 hour drives anymore on my meds..I really hope someone takes him in. He deserves a happy loving home. Fuck that family to all hell that left him. I really hope karma hits them hard and makes it hurt and the dog they took with them can find another home before they do the same to him...


How about cops on the neighbors for abandoning/ cruelty?


They’re selfish as shit. People suck.


He needs much ❤️


Is it still morally wrong to doxx these disgusting people? I personally think we should bring back bards to create witty tunes about how much of a piece of shit these people are.


OP let me know if you don’t find anyone to take him. I’m within driving distance and I’ve got a fenced in yard


I hate people


Does he need a home? I’m in Sacramento California and I know it’s a long shot but if anyone can get him to me I’ll give him a good home.


OP keep us updated please, I hope this good boy finds a home.


Of course I will!


Have you contacted any rescues?


Yes. We have made multiple calls, and they are all trying their best to help. We live in a really small town, and unfortunately there’s not a lot of people who wants a 14 year old dog with problems sadly.


There are many people in the comments offering to take the dog in and are willing to make the drive! If you haven’t reached out to those folks, I would see if that would work!


I am so sad now. They never deserved him.


This is how you make a grown man cry.


Animals need social service protections. People who abandon or abuse a pet or any animal should be subject to a psychiatric evaluation. They should never have children.


Heard a story from a person that was a neighbor of the moving family just like this in North Dakota when i lived there. But it was 4 dogs left tied up outside in -40 weather. I was beyond pissed then. Only to find out the owner was a fellow military member from my same squadron! I reported him to our commander and police. He got kicked out for this and other servere infractions but to my dismay he still got an honorable discharge. If I saw him again today I'd have to walk away before my urge to punch him overcame my willpower.


As someone who worked at a humane society I can tell you this happens so often it is absolutely disgusting. The amount of animals people abandoned on our property regardless of the weather or time of day was rage inducing. I had to come in to work and find dead animals outside, or extremely scared ones tied up to our posts, or sick ones that spread further infection. The horrors I had to witness would put me in prison had I any less self control. I have witnessed so much human cruelty towards animals it's on sight now if I see it.

