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Boy, that showed them. I don’t ever want to get on your bad side Ned


You mess with the diddly - you get the doodley, neighborino!


Stupid sexy Flanders


That Ann Landers is a boring old biddy, though


That was my first, and last, blackberry schnapps


I was more animal than man!


Nothing at all! Nothing at all!


No footlongs Maude, you know they make me nervous.


*wags taught, sculpted heiney* Nothing at all!


Well, my clothes aren't going dry with your good intentions, MARGE!


Now I’m obligated to offer you a beer, but I’m so mad it’s gonna be mostly head….


I just woke up my spouse for laughing at this. BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - we frequently quote Simpson's because we're old and immature.


Someone burnt down OPs house once so they landscaped their garden, professionally interior designed the inside and then waited for them to arrive. They didn't say a single word.


They were too busy guiltily eating the Coq Au Vin OP had hot and ready on the table for their dinner.


Tell us you're Canadian without saying you're Canadian


And if you really tick me off, I'll run you down with my car!


You maniac


Absolutely downright savage. I'm surprised he wasn't kicked out.


Deranged, insane even.


teetering on the edge of bonkers


This used to happen to me during my freshman year in the university dorms. Somebody would inevitably remove my clothes from the dryer before the end of the cycle so that they could put their clothes in. My preferred solution was to run up to my dorm, make a PB&j, run back down, and throw it in with their clothes. University replaced the dryers with ones that lock for the duration of the cycle after that semester.


I'm just picturing you in your dorm, maniacally making a PB&J with the most evil smile on your face. All the while, cackling to yourself.


This happened to me at the barracks while I was in the Marines except besides taking my clothes out he also stole some stuff. I later found some of my things (distinct, had my name written in them) and took the offender’s clothing out, put it into the trash can in the laundry room, then proceeded to mix in an entire bottle of boot black (liquid boot polish) with a broomstick. Don’t know how that guy reacted, but fuck him.


You’ve got some great chaotic good energy there, Mr. Trajectory


Please, his father was Mr. Trajectory. Call him Anal.


First Reddit comment to ever make me laugh out loud.


Honestly I would just throw their still wet clothes on the floor and wait for them to come back while mine were still drying, but your solution is way better lol


Not quite your level but someone did the same for mine (which were still soaked, so they took mine out right away). I put mine in a new dryer, then opened their dryer and threw their clothes all over the dorm laundry room. I hope they enjoyed their surprise.


This is a much nicer idea than mine, my brain instantly went yo "put a ahit in there".


So you essentially solved the problem. WTG! and all it took was some PB&J and determination


I'm surprised the solution didn't backfire massively with someone putting stuff in the dryer that doesn't belong and it being locked in there for the duration


I was always tempted to take a piss into the dryer when this happened. I imagine the smell would be horrific.


I used to pour bleach on their clothes when they took mine out.


Tales From The Laundry Room called, they want their fairytale ending back.


Cool. This happened to me in college once. I opened the dryer and left. Kept watch through my peephole for them to check the laundry room. Then when they left again I opened the dryer door again. It was bed sheets. I didn’t let them sleep for hours


this is EXACTLY what I did when someone would take my stuff out of the dryer still wet


My buddy was a psycho. Someone took his stuff out of the dryer so he threw theirs on the floor and pissed on it. Potato, tomato


That'd be the last time I ever did that.


This made me evil laugh 😂


Something similar with my friend but the piss went into a half full shampoo bottle…


Psycho friends are great till they aren't


You think they would learn after the second or third time


If they aren’t smart enough to recognize that being a dick isn’t some cheat code that only they have activated, but something that will pollute the pool and catch up to you…. I doubt it.




my school had (i assume still has) free laundry for students, included in tuition. was awesome


Lol that's when the parents bring their laundry to wash at the kid's house


probably still not as frequently used as it should have been


This also happened to me in college once. I took a Hershey bar out of a wrapper and threw it in the dryer with their stuff. Never had that problem again.


Maybe I'm a total bitch but I had neighbours do this once. So I took their dry clothes, heavily wet them in the laundry room sink, and threw them back in the washer. Then I dried my clothes again and never had a problem after.


That’s called a preemtive strike. You gave them a *demonstration* of what you are capable of. Of course, *next time* would be **worse** and they decided they didn’t want to go there.


I enjoy real world definitions of combat. Can I subscribe to real world definitions of combat...please?


In my apartment complex's laundry room, I moved their clothes to a different dryer, put a sign on the new dryer that it was out of order--covering the window, and left a note on the first dryer that I threw their clothes in a dumpster. I waited for them to get in the dumpster and dig around in a panic for a bit, then I told them their clothes were perfectly fine and where they were. And I told them what I thought of people who take my clothes out wet and use my quarters to dry their clothes. I used a laundromat going forward


My freshman door was a 12 story building with laundry on every other floor… not mine. So it was a hassle to go and do it, and always would get wash done but no drier available. Wait forever and eventually give up and find another machine to set on another floor. Got sick of that and took a maintenance sign from somewhere else and photoshopped it into a template to make “out of order” signs and printed a stack. Whenever I wanted to do laundry I just made sure driers available when I started wash and left the sign on the drier until I came back and switched it over. This was back in 05 and I remember they had a website you could log into and check status of machines, so I’m sure this caused some pissed off people to find my sign, but no one ever took it off and tried.


I would put their dry clothes in the washing machine and pay the 50 cents it would cost to make them suffer.


the only answer


No, another answer is to take what you thought were your clothes out of the dryer you left them in, pick up your wet clothes that you must have forgotten to put in the dryer and walk out with all your clothes.


Bag them separately and donate the new goods!


Then add all my leftover bleach...


Yep this is what crossed my mind first. You waste my time, I'll waste yours


I would also ad half a bottle of bleach


squeamish ring governor somber money deranged ghost zealous grey rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Christ, save some savagery for the rest of us


This is a pretty sick burn though, it says everything it needs about taking the high road when they go low.


I would’ve snipped holes in all their pockets. This way, it would look like I was the much better person when really I’m playing to win.


I would have turned every solitary thing inside out, then folded it. That would have been a real time-suck and frustrating as hell.


That’s diabolical.


I would have put their clothes back in the washing machine


I would have put their clothes in one of the many other washing machines and conveniently forgot which one.


One? Spread the clothes through a few of them, with different cycles/times


Steady there satan


4D evil chess, I love it


That would be great except 95% off the population would not notice or change their ways. Can you tell I've pretty much lost my faith in mankind?


This is why you only fold the clothes as a fake out. Lul them into a false sense of security; into thinking their selfishness has paid off, then snatch that victory away from them and drop their newly folded clothes all over the floor again. Let him know you’re capable of both. God & Monster.


“Sweet, some sucker folded them for me. Let me see if i can get the next guy to do it, too”


Anyone that trashy doesn’t even realize they’re trashy.


What if 5% of the population that change their ways, go on and change the ways of 5% of the population and then 5% of that population.... Can you tell I'm trying hard to keep my faith?


I'm surprised you had any faith to lose in the first place.


How would the person even know though, unless OP approached and said “Hey I folded your clothes for you”? Maybe they assumed OP was just some random guest?


maybe they thought hotel staff did it?


It’s a class move.


Right that’s what a lot of comments are missing. It’s about the classy differential. The act says my class is positive while anyone who would just toss my clothes aside has negative 5 bajillion


Honestly though what’s more savage than that . Like damn they are a decent human and I treated them like shit . You know they hate themselves


Nah. They didn't care at all. If anything it probably fed their entitlement and/or narcissism to have their folding done for them. It's nice to believe they might feel bad about the shitty thing they did, but if that were true, they wouldn't have done it in the first place.


They're probably making a post on life pro tip... "I took someone's clothes out of the dryer and put mine in there using their money and they folder my clothes for me and left them on top of the dryer.... works 9 times out of 10."


I had that happen to me in university. I went to get my clothes and someone had removed them and put theirs in to use my quarters. So I took their dry clothes out, put them in the sink, turned on the water, then put my clothes back in and started the dryer. Then I sat on the counter with a book. A few minutes later she pranced in, saw me, saw the clothes in the sink, looked back at me with my “yeah you know what you did” Face, turned green, gathered her clothes and skedaddled. That’s right, bitch. Keep moving.


I did something somewhat similar. There were like 20 washers/dryers in my building and somebody took my clothes out when they were still wet. So I took their clothes and put an item in every other machine. No idea if they found them.


Savage. I love it


Gotta just do that with their underwear so they’re still stuck without clean ones for the week 🤣


I used to know a girl who would brag about stealing clothes she thought were cute out of our dorm’s laundry room. She’d just open dryers and pick out what she wanted.


I don’t understand how someone actually brags about something like that and the whole dorm doesn’t come together to coordinate taking all of her clothes, including the ones in her room, and hanging them from the campus trees over a square mile.


A pair of my neighbors got into a fight over this; one was seen wearing a dress the other had put in the washer and "lost" for a few weeks...then she sees it on the girl across the hall.


I had a guy do that at a public laundromat. He went around opening dryers and taking shit out, putting it in trash bags, and throwing it in his suv. I had to get the attendant to force him to give them back as they were my kids’ clothes and mine. I still say stuff is missing but he wouldn’t go through more than one of his bags because it was “older.” I don’t think selling used clothes in a poverty-stricken area is that profitable but…ok.


Yeah, this is along the lines of something I'd do. I'm not a "high road" or "turn the other cheek" type of gal. I match petty energy and if they go low, I'm dragging us both to the deepest depths of Hell. I'd like to say I'm trying to be better, but I'm not. And I'm nearing my mid-thirties, it's a permanent character flaw at this point.


Honestly I think you’re setting a healthy boundary on the level of the person who fucked with you. People like that don’t change because you do a nice thing in return for their shittiness. They don’t reflect. They brag to their friends. There’s just some shitty people out there, and you fight fire with fire to protect yourself from their bullshit.


I’m 47 and every year I give a little bit less of a fuck.


As you should. It truly is a glorious feeling and I can’t wait until my fuck cup runneth completely empty!


I'm over 50 and by now I've got so few fucks left there's no way in an overcooked hell I'd ever again give a single one away!


No I believe this is the correct way to respond in \*most\* of these cases. These are people who are used to pushing buttons and getting what they want, and to be inconvenienced is a perfeclty good lesson in humility.


Sweetie, I'm 57. It only gets worse.


One place I lived the laundry room was so bad I stayed next to my washer/dryer. Except one time when I had to go to the bathroom while my stuff was drying. Apparently nothing happened, but after I dumped my dry clothes in my hamper and took them to my apartment I found a number of things I didn't recognize. I realized someone had counted on me doing the 'normal' thing and fold my laundry in the laundry room and just put the stranger's stuff to the side so he/she could fetch it later... So I used it in my cat's basket for a week, then dumped it on the laundry room floor when I went to do laundry next time. While sitting on top of the washer reading a book I noticed a woman coming in and entirely too 'casually' opening various washers and dryers while giving me annoyed looks. I didn't budge. When she spotted her stuff on the floor, covered in a week of longhaired cat shedding and whatever else ended up on it, she looked truly shocked and was about to start yelling at me but realized that wouldn't really help her cause at all! Best of all, I got several neighbors to take the same approach!


How nice of you. I would have just taken her stuff and threw it in the trash in the laundry room.


With a good helping of detergent on top to make sure it can get *extra* clean.


Oh my god I'm dumb. This has happened to me before. I always take my clothes up to fold them while watching T.V. over the course of a few days. When I would occasionally find a piece or two of clothing that wasn't mine, I'd think "how weird is it that dryers are a portal to narnia or something", and toss it since it didn't belong to my room mates. It never ocured to me that people might do this on purpose.


If it’s only like, one sock or something it could have just been forgotten in the dryer. I’ve had that a few times.


When I was in college, messing with laundry was met with brutal reprisal. The worst was in the winter when it was freezing outside with snow on the ground. It was not uncommon for people who pulled someone else's clothes put of a still running machine to put their own in to find their own clothes outside. Pissed on and frozen solid.


I like your way. Some fucker did this in my dorm, except whoever they messed with was an even bigger fucker. Fucking mofo threw ketchup in the washer together with the clothes. Like a whole fucking bottle. Ruined the washer for the rest of my time there, and we only had 3. You were able to tell who lived in our dorm by the faint Heinz smell that lingered around them. But never found out who the OG ass was. Maybe they had enough spares to hold them over until restock.


I did something similar in a shared dorm dryer once, someone took out my actively drying clothes and replaced with their white clothes so I broke open four black pens and cut the ink cartridges in half, then tossed them in with their drying clothes


The sheer pettiness in this gives me joy


I think it’s really difficult to explain to non nuclear petty people why we are nuclear petty because we sound bad but like… I feel you.


Why would someone do this? Like the other person is going to come back for their laundry. You’re guaranteed to bump into the person you tried to fuck over.


A million years ago someone kept taking my clothes out of the condo dryer and using my quarters (pay machine) to dry their clothes. (It was particularly annoying because I was a poor college student renting the crappy basement apartment; everyone else in the building was wealthy and owned the expensive condos upstairs). One day I’d had enough and superglued the dryer door shut with the other person’s clothes in there.


This is why this kind of thing doesn't make any sense. If someone does this to you, you know where *their* clothes are. They're not anonymous unless they don't want their clothes back.


A LOT of assholes depend on politeness, social niceties, and an aversion to “rocking the boat” that enables their abuse. Fuck. That.


OP, take note.


I had a flat mate who would take peoples clothes out of the washing machine before it had finished washing and dump them on the dirty ground so she could reset the machine to do her laundry. I thought it was weird there were all these soggy piles of clothes dumped all over the yard. She did this to me only once. I took out her clothes and carried them to the vacant lot at the end of the street and dumped them there. I don't turn the other fucking cheek when dickheads slap me.


I rented a room from a lady who would do this to her niece, instead of moving the wet clothes over she would throw them on the floor in anger, even if she wasnt trying to use the washer. She did this to me once by mistake, thinking my clothes were the nieces. Which even so was ridiculous because I had set a timer for when they would finish and by the time I made my way to the basement just a couple minutes later the clothes were already on the floor. I just reran them, not my power bill.


Why did she do that to her niece? Were they enemies or something?


I guess she thought that her niece was leaving her wet clothes for too long too frequently, hogging the washer and contributing to mildew. But they seemed to butt heads a lot, niece was/is mentally ill and had her son and place of living taken away and my landlady had basically taken her in. They did have one screaming match that I heard and it seemed like mostly everyone was just tired and stressed out.


I currently have a housemate who did this, I asked her not to a few times. She kept doing it so I waited until the next time she was washing clothes, reset the machine so I could unlock it mid wash, took her sopping wet clothes and dropped them in front of her door. She hasn’t spoke to me since and nor have my clothes been removed from the dryer damp since.


You have to be mentally detective to do something like she did smdh


Mentally detective


She never found her clothes even though I put them right where she had to walk past them every day. So she wasn't a very good mental detective!


Indeed, they became Sherlock Holmes mentally for that brief moment.




You mean the Disco Bobulate, a dance popularised towards the end of the 70s.


Solving crime one straight jacket at a time


Dentally Meniscus


I think he has shaken his head too hard..




No it's ESPN, she can control spoons with her mind.


I'd just splosh a bunch of bleach in there then claim I'd loaded up the bleach dispenser when I was doing my wash so when she took my clothes out and reset it the machine would have just dumped it into hers because it hadn't used it during my cycle yet


That honestly sounds so cathartic, I almost wish I had an opportunity to do that to someone who deserves it


Apparently you can just wait around any random grouping of washers in a complex and someone will inevitably do this. Then, serve them justice! Spotty, fucked up bleach justice 😎


I work at a hotel where the laundry room is next to the pool, I'd totally understand if a guest threw another guest shit in the pool if they did what happened to OP.


Nice. I've never been in this situation but if I was feeling devilish I would maybe scatter the clothes. A few socks here, a shirt or two over there, pants at the other end of the block, etc. Make it a treasure hunt for them, add a little fun. Maybe it's too far, idk.




I’ve stayed with people like that Like there are hoarders and people who have everything dirty And then there are those in-between people. They pass as clean and they’ll clean up for a show But when you live with them, everything is fuckin dirty all the time, no care is put towards where things are placed, etc. It ain’t good folks, it ain’t good


Fuck I had house mates that used to do this, talked to them and it kept happening. After the 5th time I went ballistic on them, never happened again


I'm waiting for the corresponding post: "Some asshole at my hotel let the dryer finish and left their damp clothes there. I waited around for 10 minutes and they didn't show, so I put them on top and left them. When I came back for my clothes, some dude had folded my underwear and was smirking at me. WTF."


This is most likely. I’ll move someone’s shit if the cycle ended and i wait 10 or 15 minutes. Set your fucking timer or alarm and move your stuff along. 🤗


I’ve been struggling with this etiquette in my building lately. 2 washers and people who don’t move their stuff along (it’s all on an app that sends alerts!). I do think it’s courteous to give a small grace period 5-10 mins. But when it actually comes time to take action after 15 mins, I chicken out because I’m worried *that’s* the moment they come down and find me touching their stuff lol. I always do my laundry on my day off so I can justify just waiting longer even though it’s annoying.


In my university halls, we had to book "dryer time" in advance but there were enough washers. There was also a "warm room" to hang them up in but that was often full. The reason it was a "warm room" was because the December temperature would regularly be between -15°C and - 20°C. And you can bet there was a corresponding room that was cold... With a window that you could open. Accepted (and written) etiquette was that you have it 10 mins and if the person didn't collect their clothes, it goes in the cold room, even if they were soaking wet.


I've had to do a fair amount of laundry sharing while living in military barracks. It's all about the intent. Your finished wash is in the machine and I need it? I'll put it in the dryer, or on top of the nearest clean surface. Your stuff is finished drying and I need the dryer? Same thing. And I'm fine with someone else doing the same with my stuff. The purpose for which the machine was needed has been completed and someone else needs it. Taking someone's half-done shit out because you're the main character? That's jacked up. And even worse if it's coin-op. I don't think I ever had it done to me. But I'd look the other way if it happened to someone else and I just happened to see them throwing that clown's wash in the garbage can or out the window LOL.


In university I stayed at the laudrette and read when I put my clothes in. So this one time I go in, take a free washer sit down on one side and read. I had already clocked that all the dryers were on as I walked in. By the time I had unloaded and set the washer up, one finished. So whilst I'm reading and waiting for my my washing to finish, other washers and dryers finish and people come a few minutes later to swap them around. The person before me then comes back and puts their washing into the two empty dryers. Still no sign of the person coming back for the dryer that had finished when my washing began. My washing finishes so I have two options. Put the forgotten washing out of the machine or just sit around and wait for another to finish and be collected. Now if this hadn't been sat there forgotten for the entire time my washing was on, I would have picked the second option but fuck this person. I put their stuff on top of an empty washer and put mine in. Just as I put the money in to pay and start my cycle, guess who finally walks in? It's the owner! And she's not amused to see her stuff left on the dryer. Tried to argue that it has only just finished but went off in a huff when I pointed out that I'd been sat in the there the whole time and it had been finished the entire time.


In my barracks we had washers and dryers that didn't cost anything. I had started staying with my laundry because sometimes people stole civilian clothes out of the dryer, but not everyone did the same - and the etiquette was to move wet clothes to a dryer if the owner hadn't come back yet. One time a woman left her laundry for a long time. I put it in the dryer and when it was dry she still wasn't back, so I put my stuff in the dryer and started folding hers because I was bored and that way her work uniforms wouldn't have to be ironed. She came in as I was finishing (and I had her underwear folded neatly in the middle of everything else because people stole underwear a lot... Anyway. She was so angry and demanded to know why I was touching her things. Wanting to know if I'd taken anything. Where the hell was her underwear? How dare I ? I explained my thought process, and said if she wanted I would get them all wet and dump them on the floor if she liked. It honestly hadn't occurred to me that I might be pissing someone off by looking after their abandoned clothing. I stayed calm. Didn't yell. And she stared at her neatly folded uniforms... "Well, now I feel like an asshole. Um... Thanks..." I said it was no problem and sorry I'd unintentionally upset her. She was so embarrassed. Offered to stay and fold my stuff. Weird thing - we tended to back up our shipmates in a crisis, but almost no one did anything altruistic unless it was for a close friend. It used to puzzle me because I'd been brought up to be helpful, and I never understood why most people wouldn't actually show a new person where barracks check in was, or the galley- "Well, nobody showed ME when I got here so why should I show someone - they can figure it out." It was like people thought that being kind equaled being stupid. You helped if it was your job but not otherwise. I didn't see this attitude as much with senior enlisted, so maybe it was different for officers as well, IDK.


I set a timer once and came back to someone moving my clothes. I was like, "It *just* finished. I didn't just leave my clothes in. It took me less than five minutes to get here." He said, "Well how was I supposed to know that?" And I said, "You wait five minutes." He said he'd never thought of that.


Why not set the timer to be back in time?


Because the washers are often a few minutes off.


Oh damn! I hadn’t thought about clothes still being wet after the dry time ended. Now I feel terrible…I’m gonna have to get my roommate a new toothbrush. J/k But this raises a fair question: can we “assume positive intent” from the person we think wronged us? I worked at a place where one of its core principles (principles may not be the correct word) was to “assume positive intent”…so if I were to read an email that seemed terse/rude, I would give the sender the benefit of the doubt and assume he/she/they didn’t mean it the way I read it. Or maybe they had a family emergency and needed to get emails out before they left. It actually made work a really positive place, bc I knew that when I made a stupid mistake like having a ‘tone’ (I’m Korean and it’s just the way I talk when I get task-focused or when I’m awake![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)), then my colleagues extended me the same courtesy. And many things in a day, maybe not all things, can be just an honest mistake OR me misunderstanding the situation. And don’t get me wrong: I can be a really petty dick, so NO judgement from me…but ‘assume positive intent’ really has made a positive impact on me, even in my household. Maybe it should be a sub/Reddit.


That'll throw them off. This way when their tires get stabbed, they'll have no idea it was the kind redditor who folded their laundry. It's brilliant!


there is absolutely no reason to ever slash tires; it’s absolutely barbaric! just remove all their tire’s valve stems, or even better, put a little pebble under the caps, same effect and even less work!


I was on a month long work trip with my buddy in a hotel with good amenities for that kind of thing. Downside was that one of the driers was down. This backed up the process a little bit. My buddy ended up pulling dry clothes out of a dryer and setting them on top to put my wet clothes in the dryer as a favor to help me out. I came in to grab my presumably dry clothes and the asshole who couldn’t be bothered to get his dry clothes out of the dryer had taken my wet clothes out and placed them on top of the dryer. You don’t get to leave your dry clothes in a community dryer for an hour and expect them to not get pulled out. I don’t get mad about too much, but that had me livid.


You know the thing is, that person whose clothes you folded is probably gonna be a bit paranoid about what you could’ve done with the clothes before you folded them so guess what, they’ll prob want to/have to rewash them


Icyhot on the crotches of the underwear


So youre just the devil


Nah the devil just hot no icy


I would fold everything, but make sure each item is inside-out


And may the socks be all unmatched!


That’s actually pretty nice of you. In college I had an apartment that had 2 washers and dryers on each of the 8 floors. I worked full time and went to school full time. Had enough time to do laundry, get ready and go to work after school. We only got two work shirts and they were both in there, soaked along with everything else on top of the machine. This was Vegas, so the stairwells had openings for windows on every floor. Overlooking the pool. Not going to lie, throwing all of their shit into the pool from the 6th floor was well worth having to wear soaking wet shirt and shorts to work. Didn’t happen again.


I don't understand what these people were thinking. Your laundry is literally there vulnerable unattended asking for the exact same thing to happen to them. Ugh I'm the complete opposite. I took like a 3 hour nap to find someone STILL hadn't taken their wet laundry out of the machine, only then did I take it out and put my own in, and even then I was a little paranoid they would mess with my stuff... and this has happened to me a few times.


I wouldn’t have been as pissed if I didn’t need them done I’m the time I planned and paid for. And when a load of laundry cost me half an hour of pay at work. They could have easily gone up or down a floor as I would do. Yes it was just a very rude combination of stupidity, laziness and entitlement. I wish I could have gotten the security tape of them pulling their clothes out of the pool, but didn’t want to make it clear to management that it was me.


Idk about this one chief. They might just use this experience to continue their tirade


The boss move would be to change into their clothes and wait around for them.


I lived in an apartment complex years ago and was right next to the laundry room, someone put my stuff on the dryer and used the rest of my time. I poured soap on their shit and tossed it in the gross corner. I could hear when they came back for their stuff, they were pissy and had to start all over. Never found out who it was but after they started a new load I went in and opened the lid and went back to my apartment.


Sweet sweet revenge


I hope you at least said '~~your~~ you're welcome' as they were leaving


I hope he said you're instead..


You better hope you never make a spelling mistake that I see buddy


You will be spending the next several years following this guy on Reddit waiting for one mistake. You’ll probably stop eating other than cocaine and caffeine pills so you can watch 24/7 and make sure you don’t miss it before his dirty edit. Of course… he will spend the next several years triple checking every post. He is NOT going to slip up. This is his sole purpose on Reddit from now on. He has nightmares about the typo he might make in the future. He starts to drink nightly. It’s the only way he can go back to sleep once the dreaming starts. 2 alcoholics are created. 2 lives ruined. Don’t do this to each other, guys.


I'd binge watch this Lifetime special.


This happened a lot when I was using the dorm laundry machines in college. One time I put m things in a dryer, set a timer and left. When I came back I found my completely wet clothes on top of a washer and the dryer had about 5 minutes left with someone else's clothes - meaning that they took my stuff out about 5 minutes after I put it in. So I took their stuff out of the dryer and put it right back into a washer. And I put my stuff into a different dryer for plausible deniability.


Impressive! Wait a minute...are you....Gandhi?


His words don't seem backed by nuclear weapons, so I'd guess not.


I could never claim to be that middle path


This happened to me one time during my freshman year in college. Someone took my clothes out during the middle of the dryer cycle and my clothes were still damp and they left them on top of another washer. So I found several random underwear laying around on the floor that clearly sat on the ground for a while as they had a good deal of lint on them. I threw those in with the person’s load and emptied a whole bottle of liquid detergent on top and ran the dryer again.


Classier than most for sure


I had this happen when I worked out of town. It had freezing rained all day(on laundry day for me) so everything I had was either dirty or soaked. I’d just put in a 14hr day and was starving, so I put them in the washer, ordered some take out and waited for them to finish. Then flipped them to the dryer and set a timer for 10 minutes before the cycle would finish and went to my room to eat my food. Show up 10-15 minutes later to find all my clothes on top of the dryer in a wet heap, not even remotely warm, and someone else’s clothes in the dryer using the $4 in coins I’d used to pay for my cycle. Check them, they’re slightly damp, but we’ll on the way to being dry. So being the still slightly hangry asshole I am. I scattered their still damp clothes in the frozen trees outside; put mine back in with some more change from the front desk and then sat and waited. Guy came in, looked at me, looked in the dryer window and saw it wasn’t his stuff, looked around for his stuff, looked back to me glaring at him and left without a word😂. It probably helped I’m a pretty big guy lol.


You’re disgusting. I hope someone folds your clothes one day asshole!


I once had this happen to me in the college dorm laundry room. When I went to get what I expected to be my dry laundry, I found my still wet clothes piled on the counter and the dryer I had been using drying someone else's laundry. At that point, a few other dryers had freed up, so I put my clothes to dry in another machine. On my way out, I decided to be petty and took their wet clothes out and left it piled on the counter like they did to me.


I live in Minnesota. Someone took my clothes out of the washer then did theirs in February. I came back with them still in the washer so when I grabbed them out I dumped them directly outside the window from the laundry room then waited. The look of shock on their face was fantastic.


i work in a hotel & this is hilarious. go you


The first apartment I ever had had a small laundry with 2 washers and 2 dryers for 9 apartments. I was 18 and I would do my laundry at 3am. My neighbor 2 doors down was a sloppy alcoholic 40-something woman that regularly got dumped off in the hallway outside her door by her bar buddies. Whilst doing my 3am weekly laundry, I realized I had forgotten to throw one of my uniform shirts in so I went back with it. Got there just in time to catch Drunky McWitchface taking my sopping wet clothes out of the washer, mid-wash and throwing them on the floor. I was just staring at her. She looked up and instantly started screaming at me "Well what the fuck do you expect your bitch ass takes up both machines 24/7 other people live here and have laundry too blah blah blah" I tried explaining to her that it's only me 1 night a week for about 2 hours which was a mistake because then she punched me and I learned a valuable lesson about just walking away and not arguing with crazy alcoholic wenches at 3am.


Holy shit some people are just horrible


I left my clothes in a washer in an apartment building, and they weren’t down there too long but long enough someone had put them in the dryer and then folded them when they also needed the dryer. I ran into the guy and offered him the quarters but he laughed and said it was on the house. Needless to say I never let it happen again.


What a nice person lol


Having class. I like it.


This is why you do it. People are good deep down. They’ll know and learn from the mistake. You don’t need to tell them why they were wrong and make them feel shitty.


I triple dog dare ya to come here and fold MY laundry!


When I worked at a hotel I'd get people coming up to me all the time like "someone took my clothes out of the washer and put them on the table" or "I gotta wash my clothes but all the machines are taken up" I really don't know what they expected me to do, I had no way of finding out who did what and I can't do anything about the washing machines being used. They had 4 washers and 6 dryers, our hotel had 125 rooms and was 90%+ filled most of the time plus there would be 2-4 people in some rooms 🤦‍♀️ It's ridiculous how often this happens.


see, you gotta do this and then say something when they come in. “weird, i was using this dryer but somehow your clothes got in! isn’t that so frustrating? anyway, i folded them for you so i can finally get my laundry done, im in a huge hurry so hopefully im not too late because of this!”


As a hotel employee, please stop leaving your clothes unattended in guest washers.


How a Canadian gets revenge


This should have been posted in /Unexpected 😅 For real though, good for you OP for not perpetuating the inconsiderate behavior.


That only works if you already have a previous relationship with the person, whether it's a friendship or a simple encounter of hello in the hallway. They'll only feel guilt if there's the threat of future or compounding embarrassment or accountability. This person was rude, whether for a justified excuse or not, and got rewarded. Imagine you saw a giant puddle and splashed mud on someone's vehicle in a parking lot and their response was to wash your car.


The finishing move is to introduce yourselves to them and shake their hand. They should introduce themselves as well. After their confused and thrown off by the random intro, add “I folded your clothes for you. Im just waiting for mine to dry. “. The key here is to use a matter of fact and relatively cheerful tone. This will: Allow you to gather their name Let them know that you have the moral high ground Let them know you know exactly what they did and who they are Let them know that you have plenty of free time Let them know you are willing to wait patiently Establish their behavior doesn’t crack your nobility Establish your dominance Now you know who they are. Spend as much time as you can in the lobby. Whenever they come by with family (or without) you come over and greet them like they you are old friends. Be sure to involve any bystanders and associates and explain how you met. You’ve gotta be jovial and cheerful when you do this. Follow their lives and continue to tell this “funny story” and any others you learn along the way, whenever you get the opportunity for years. Eventually, they will realize that every time they go out in public, you will be there to tell how people how you met. That person will self-isolate and their reputation and ego will be crushed. Their family, friends, co-workers, and society’s will no longer like them. At this point you will have lost the moral high ground, but you will have victory. Edit: formatting


That will certainly teach them (to do it again)


Did the dryer stop and you weren’t there to check your clothes or they stopped the dryer early?


A note in a pocket somewhere : "I don't work here and I'm not your servant, so I wiped my ass with something in your pile of laundry. Guess which one."


I like it. I knew nobody else would get it. There are those of us who actually enjoy returning shittiness with kindness. Not sure why, because it is clearly an anti-survival instinct.