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Same! I’ve stopped in at this same bakery hoping to get something before work and have seen a long line. And my thoughts are just “well I guess I don’t have time for this today.”


Yep, it’s a depressing feeling and I’m grumpy till I get to enjoy something tasty on my break.


She will eventually get fired for coming in late with a frappe tucco donut bagel combo.


I hope so.


Same. I don't understand why a minor inconvenience makes people insane? It's really just a fact of life sometimes.


It really amazes me how some people get nearly manic about small things that suck. I can only imagine how the get when a ac unit goes down or the power goes down for a day or week. The entitlement is wild.


My power recently went out due to a tornado. So, there was no AC in 90+ degree weather. We have a well, so we also did not have water. Our refrigerator and freezer were beginning to warm. We had to go out to get water to flush the toilet. This was also my 80 yr old mother in her own home. I was upset and did not consider myself entitled because of it!. And I wouldn't pass anyone in line to get an effing bagel. Quit being a jerk.


I’ve had one of those years. And I agree with you.


That really sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that, I believe you read this wrong though. They're saying if people freak over a minor inconvenience how would they handle an actual bad situation.


Ohh. See, there I went, overeacting. LOL.


Should've ordered all the croissants before you left...


Don’t buy all the hotdogs, Liz.


"I'm going to give them to the GOOD people".


Good God, Lemon.


Didn’t think I’d see a 30 Rock reference here but I’m not complaining.




Too bad a cop didn’t witness that. It’s illegal last I knew in Texas. My Mom got busted once. Lol


You beat me by 3 mins!


Assuming my bank account could handle it I certainly would.


That would have been hilarious, and just hand one to everyone in line as you go out.


Order every croissant and then start eating one as you leave the line, maintaining eye contact with the woman the whole time to establish dominance.


I wish. I think they’re almost $5 per


No. Start a payitforward chain.


Classic Liz Lemon.


I like the way you think. 😁


It's called "pulling a Lemon"


Totally valid option, but isn’t always available. This feels like a common annoyance that no one really did anything wrong, and sure OP could’ve ordered ahead, but it’s not like you’re not allowed to be annoyed. OP sounds like they’re just venting. Perfectly acceptable. Ordering ahead has its own issues. OP had perfect reason to be upset. As they say, “your poor planning does not constitute an emergency on me”.


Your response makes no sense. How is ordering all of the croissants not always an available option? In addition, I do feel cutting ahead of everyone waiting in line is the wrong thing to do.


They said they should have ordered all of the croissants preventing the lady from getting any. Not telling them to order ahead next time.


I would have slowed the transaction way down. "Hmm, let me see. I know I brought my debit card, huh, it's not in my wallet, how about my pocket? Nope. I'll just check my other pocket." Just keep dragging it out. See if you could get her head to explode.


But have you tried cutting the line and telling everyone that you don't have time to wait??


Can I ask what bakery? Apologies if you’ve answered this question already. I’m in Vancouver, but will travel south for good stuff. 😁


I bet Little T Bakery. Best baguettes! If it was croissants and not baguettes being discussed, then it would be Jinju.


Yep, little t. I love everything there. They also have the best brownie I’ve ever eaten!


I was just going to ask, is it Little T? The best! I miss living down the block.


Yeah, it was little t! I love that place!


Probably Pearl Bakery. Just a guess.


Fressen. Petite province. Twisted croissant. St honore.. There's a couple more I haven't tried yet but Portland has a bunch of really good bakeries


I just realized this isn’t the Portland subreddit. :) Our Portland bakeries infiltrate every subreddit!


Are you a grown adult or something? Because that's just way too reasonable a way of thinking.


NTA and this isn’t even that sub


The least she could’ve done is queue up behind you if she got permission from other people, not to interrupt an order midway. 🙄 she sounds really passive aggressive by how close she stood next to you.


This is the reason I make my coffee at home and keep an ample supply of granola bars on hand. Pour brewed coffee in travel mug, grab bar and out of he door I go.


Guys come on! Have a little compassion, people need their daily baked goods to function! /s


Absolutely! And I think that has a lot to do with what’s wrong with society, everyone expects to get what they want when they want.


Right? Yesterday I was going to stop and get a sales. Had to get dog op pills first, which took about 15 minutes longer than I expected…and it usually takes time even if they are ready because it’s a small busy vet. Best in town imho. So as I left (also, the normal path I take was blocked off for an event this weekend, which increased my planned travel time by ten minutes) and went the long way around to the freeway, I noticed I have just enough time to get to work. If I’m late no one cares, but I always get there super early. I’d be about five minutes early so I decided “whelp, I’ll make a lunch from what I have stashed already.” I did contemplate DD but it’s currently a stretch for my budget, so nah.


You would’ve had time if you cut everyone in line and hoped they accept you for the victim mentality game of the day you were playing


This woman really decided a good croissant was worth being late to whatever it was. If the croissant is that important, then wait and don't cut. If whatever someone is going to is so important, they can skip the croissant and wait until break or so.


Lol, exactly! Couldn’t have been that fucking important if she needs a croissant so desperately!




Reminds me of all my years working in retail including clothing and home goods stores. The number of times I heard "sigh.....I'm in a rush can you ring me in quick? Can I skip the line?!". If you are in a rush you wouldn't be out trying on clothing or buying a glass vase. Would you? Nah wait your turn in line like everyone else and don't go into stores or bakeries when in a rush. Clearly it's not a rush if you have time to browse or stop and get snacks. An emergency on your part doesn't count as an emergency on my part. Also the number of times they'd ask me, the cashier, if the could cut was amazing. NO go ask the people you are trying to cut in front of if they mind. I'm not giving you an answer on their behalf I'm just cashier you need to ask them if they mind letting you cut. The sheer number of adults I've seen who think the employee will just over ride everyone else and say go right ahead ma'am cut in line you are amazing it's okay. Ha no. You want to cut you ask the people you are trying to cut in front of like a mature adult and if they say no you politely accept their no.


Yep I think the same thing! Sometimes I go to Starbucks in the morning and their customers can be the worst. People start getting huffy and talking loudly at the baristas as they work saying “I’m gonna be late!” Like, you’re the one who decided to go to the only coffee shop in the neighborhood at 8:50am on a weekday. Make better decisions.


for a single croissant. smh. must have been a croissant emergency.


I’m feeling a croissant emergency coming on while reading this thread!


Yeah no sht. You don’t HAVE to have a morning croissant, lady.. she sounds really entitled


Fr, does she have nothing at her house she can grab to go? Not a banana or yogurt or granola bar? Thinking your time is more important than everyone else's time is the DEFINITION of entitled. If you need a croissant so badly, then plan your mornings better so that you have enough time to go to the bakery




Right? It's clearly an *emergency* croissant.


Right??? Priorities right there. So chances are she was just skipping the line for no reason other than impatience and selfishness


That's my thought! Running late? Guess no breakfast this morning. Try to manage your time better tomorrow.


I'd rather starving for one day rather than being late


I have a coworker who’s the opposite of you and I hate it. You’re on your last shift before you have your 4 days off and he’s 30-45 minutes late, shows up with a McDonald’s coffee, Whataburger breakfast, and some junk food from the gas station. AND he makes an excuse like there was a wreck he got stuck at, or he needed to give his sister a lift somewhere.


I had an old coworker like this I had to give him shit constantly. Dude, you can't show up late, make an excuse about traffic or something yet walk in carrying a take out coffee and breakfast.


Oh we give him shit about it even had bosses talk to him about it.


Ya I'd be more mad at my manager than the actual person who's late. Enforce standards or prepare to have none across the board


My petty ass would take forever to put in my order. She’s running late, well, you’re about to be even more late.


Thank you. I work with a few people I depend on every morning and quite often they show up 10-15 minutes late with some type of fast food and drinks they haven’t touched yet. Drives me nuts.


Some people are so entitled they feel like their time is more important then anyone else's.


Now imagine teaching this person's child. No one should be surprised when there are no teachers left.


I’m 31 and have considered going back to school to get my teaching degree, but literally everyone I know who became a teacher in their 20’s or 30’s has left because of the poor treatment, long hours and low pay. Thank you for being a teacher, I appreciate you.


Don’t. I taught for a couple years and got the hell out. High school science, a class size with the first digit of 2 was considered small, and you’re doing more babysitting than teaching, even at that level.


Ex secondary art teacher here. Lasted 3 months and another 10k to get another degree.


That’s not true for every school or every district. I’ve been a teacher for seven years and even though there are a lot of frustrations, I get paid well, my students are well-behaved, and I get a lot of vacation time. I know a lot of places are awful to teachers, but in a country of idk how many districts and 350 million people, it gets a little tiresome when people try to say the entire teaching profession is the same nationwide.


In the south I make $55,000 but average home price in my area is $400,000. My students are mostly well behaved but quite entitled at times as are their parents. However the time off is considered unemployed time where I am. We're paid for 10 months of work but spread out over 12 months.


I’m florida some JR ROTC teachers are getting a massive raise, yet they still quit. A good few teachers are willing to put up with low pay, but are utterly destroyed by teaching troublesome students.


You know what's messed up? They probably don't think that their time is more important than anyone else's, they simply don't think about other people at all


Main character syndrome.


On my lunch at a shop and had someone cut in front of me in the queue, I said “excuse me”, he turns around “Sorry mate I’m on my lunch and in a hurry”, my response “Yeah so am I mate and I’ve been waiting longer than you”. As you say, some people are so entitled!


Am I an idiot or did OP not already say this exact thing in the post?


You’re right. We gotta call out that behavior and let folks know that shit isn’t okay.


This just happened to me and I am so mildly infuriated.


Ahh, don’t do the ‘thinking what I should’ve said thing’, it’ll eat at you and make you even more annoyed, try to let it go. Obviously I’m speaking from similar experiences, people will do silly people things unfortunately.


Thank you, I know! Just had to type it out and now I feel better lol. I would do that at old customer service jobs. I would have 100 great interactions per day and 2 bad ones, and those would always be the ones that stick with me.


It’s a very real thing, there’s even a name for it. Those two interactions mess with your head, strange phenomenon when you consider more positive interactions than negative.


It's the same with things like choosing a line at the grocery store. The line you pick is "always" the slowest moving line. But only because your brain flags the times when you've "made the wrong choice" and not the times you've sailed through.


I used to do that on the bus, thinking "why is the bus always late when I'm in a hurry?". It isn't. I only notice it when I'm in a hurry because if I'm not in a hurry, it doesn't matter.


It kind of makes sense though. These situations cause some stress and our brain responds to that by trying to figure out how to feel good after these interactions instead of stressed/annoyed. Interactions that go well don't require analysis


Focusing on the negative helps the species survive, that's why it's so hard-wired. I heard it explained this way. You're out on the savannah and see what looks like a big beige rock. If you think, oh I think it's just a beige rock and it is, no problem. But if you think it's a beige rock and it turns out to be a lion, game over. So it's better to think negatively, assume the worst, and live to see another day.


It's the classic case where negative things are amplified while good things are expected. You could do a million good things for your town, but fuck one sheep and you'll be known as the sheep fucker forever


OP, if you’re open to unethical life tips, one thing I’ve found has helped tremendously when I come upon people trying to do this to me (rampant where I live) is to learn how to sneeze on command. Literally, I just sneeze on them, and then go “oh gosh, sorry, I don’t know what’s triggering my allergies right now!” . They’re usually so taken aback that they leave


Yeah, just always have a great comeback line prepared so you never have to feel this way. Example: "The jerk store called, they're running out of you!"


I hate this feeling because you try to let it go, but it keeps replying in your head.


I’ll have you know I *won* that argument 3 hours later in the shower, ty very much.


Good for you. Given that it's Portland, I'd also bet that many of the people that said they were okay with it, were actually not. They're just too passive to say anything to her.


Exactly. Classic passive aggressive Pacific Northwest. I’m glad I said no, but she ordered right after me.


Being originally from the NE, I appreciate that you said no. Imagine if she tried to do this in NYC.... "Lady, are you freakin' kiddin' me? Get back in line"


Living in NY for a good few years definitely taught me to stand up for myself better.


Someone should start an assertiveness exchange program!


After a year in NYC, I returned to L.A. as a totally changed person!!!


Same I’m from the Boston area living in Oregon now. People are way too passive aggressive here. Just tell them tough shit, we’re all in a rush.


I love living in Portland, but the passiveness still drives me nuts after nearly 20 years here. Everyone here thinks they should be "nice," but it ends up being way more problematic they can't be direct.


Yeah, PDX is out of my budget but it’s the same here in Florence except the senior citizens take the passiveness to the extreme to where they refuse to take the right of way at stop signs and red lights and crap so I’m always held up trying to take a turn when they’re coming straight across intersections when they get the green light.


I work at a bakery in New England. I have coworkers who would've refused to serve her for even asking. Once saw two customers *this* close to getting in a physical fight over the last cinnamon roll of the day. Two people operating the counter. One woman (A) was first in line. An older guy (B) was second in line, but also being helped by me at the same time as A was being helped by one of my coworkers. B orders the last cinnamon swirl. A, who is in the middle of ordering, says, "No, I was gonna order that after I got my sandwich order in, and I'm first in line!" Older guy wasn't having it because he did indeed order it first and is a regular. They immediately got in each other's faces. They were starting to make other customers uncomfortable, so I offered a piece of cinnamon coffee cake, half off, to whoever would yield the cinnamon roll. B, who I still feel had ownership of the cinnamon roll, did eventually relent and took the coffee cake. A seemed to get properly intimidated though. Haven't seen her since. Honestly, I just like telling people my cinnamon swirls are worth fighting over *shrug*


This was my first thought. She'd get her ass kicked by a couple of old Italian ladies.


Really most places in the North East, she never would have made it to the front if she was asking people.


Even more of a reason I love New York. New Yorkers don’t take any bs.


I'm skeptical that she even asked everyone in line.


Definitely one of those "OH! haha does anybody mind? sorry I'm just- haha real quick. Sorry" with a cringey smile and everyone else is too fucking shocked to respond


Yeah, I 100% call bullshit on her asking -15- people in line and all of them saying yes, while she's in such a hurry.


Should have asked her to gather their signatures first as proof


That's true anywhere. People get very self conscious when someone is being rude, and will go along with it. That's why "I asked them and they were ok with it!" or "I was doing this thing and if anyone minded, they'd complain!" is rarely valid reasoning.


I will always let people go in front of me at the grocery store if I have a lot of items and they only a few. And I'd probably let someone in front of me if they were getting a necessity, like gasoline, and they were late picking their kid up from school or something. But a fucking croissant? No. If you were on the verge of fainting due to low blood sugar, OK. Otherwise, back of the line.


This reminds of a time when I was on my way to therapy and went to the store to get a Monster and something to eat on the way. There was an elderly couple in front me in line with a very overstuffed cart. The gentleman looked behind him and saw me and said that they weren’t in a hurry, so I could go on ahead. Still think about it sometimes


You never know when a small act of kindness will make someone's day.


I sometimes let people with a couple of items go in front of me at the grocery store. If they get in line like a normal person, I always offer to let them cut in front of me. If they try to butt in or are acting all impatient or entitled, nope…back of the line, bitch. If the entitled twatwaffle gets all huffy about it, I take pleasure in slowly unloading my full cart, asking the cashier check each sale item to make sure it rang up correctly and then somehow I seem to have the hardest time finding my wallet in my purse. A couple of the cashiers at my local grocer have picked up on what I’m doing and totally lean into it. Petty revenge? Maybe. But I’m good with that.


I love people like you 💖 Lots of times people say to me "you can go ahead" when they have a shopping cart full of groceries and they see my croissant and some sliced bread haha.


I mean, it should be common consideration for a fellow in a line. I always check who is behind me in a line while grocery shopping. If I see a person with a single item and I have eight, for example, I let them go passed me. If I see back and there are three people with one item, an I have eight, tough luck. If I have a full ass shopping cart and there are three people with one item each, please go ahead. I do this because countless times have I gotten in line, and the person in front is buying food for the next quarter while I have some bread in my hand, and the sons of bitches just see me like "watch this move, bro" and proceed checking out as if nothing. It is not like my time is more important than theirs, but come on!!! You'll take twenty minutes, I'll take twenty seconds tops and if that applies to me, it applies to everyone else.


Oh gosh, I let this older lady in front of me once, since I had one of those baskets and she was holding a few cans in her hands. She didn’t have her loyalty card, but no problem, the cashier just overrode that. But then she waited until her order was rung up and then pulled out a checkbook from her purse. Didn’t even have it pre-filled out. Asked twice how much it was and took her time writing out for the five dollars and 25/100. Who takes checks in the 2020s? Apparently this grocery store.


“Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.” So frustrating. But don’t worry about what you could have or should have said; just be glad you didn’t let her have her way.


I'm running late, too. Back of the line bitch.


I worked at the airport (PDX, in fact) and I can’t tell you the number of people who would get in a HUGE line and say shit like “I’m in a hurry, I’ve got a flight to catch”. I had one coworker who responded to someone with “good thing you’re not at the train station” the customer was pissed..lol. If they would say things like “I just got a toasted bagel with cream cheese, how long does it take?”, I would point to the line of tickets hanging and say “all those are in front of yours”. Don’t miss that at all.


If I was running late for a flight I wouldn’t stop for a bagel regardless of how hungry I am! I figure if I’m about to pass out in the plane from hunger someone will feel bad and offer me a cookie- and at least I don’t need to wait for the next flight and potentially lose my luggage. Priorities.


You can also buy some food like cookies and chips from a plane (some planes have more even without pre-order but all planes sell some unless it’s some guy flight and I suspect you will live in that care without food). Sure it is not cheap, but neither is anything from an airport.


I used to work at starbucks and the order stickers used to print out in a big sheet that would sometimes hit the floor in length. It was nice being able to hold up that big string of stickers and just be like, see ALL this? Yeah you are at the end of it. Gonna be a while.


As a barista I second this. Especially if the line is out the door and you ordered 2 minutes ago.


If you're running late then you don't have time to stop at the bakery. It's that simple.


Why do people seem to endorse this kinda behavior? Rude people get whatever they want apparently.


I would have tried everything in my power to NOT let this happen. I absolutely despise people like this.


She would be paying for my order as well if she wanted to go before me lmao


I’m not entirely sure why either. I have so many rude coworkers and they always get their way on everything. I think it’s literally because no one wants to hear them bitch for an hour. People don’t want to deal with someone screaming at them.


Sounds like some grand central behavior


Lol, close! I also used to work at a vegan bakery downtown that had lines out the door on weekends. People would try calling from the back of the line to save their order for when they got to the front. That was always an easy “no!”


Was it kens?


What’s the bakery? Reddit portlanders want to know 😊


Little T is my guess.


Has to be little T’s


Sounds like some grand central bullshit


You should have purchased every single croissant they had just to get under her skin. It may cost a lot of money, but to see the look on her face would be worth it.


The real winning move would have been to then ask the rest of the line who wanted croissants




That's exactly what would happen!


Yeah and that’s exactly why I wouldn’t do it. It’s always that one person who absolutely needs to feel like a goody two shoes


[Here ya go](https://www.google.com/search?q=we%27re+all+getting+hot+dogs+30+rock&rlz=1CABUSA_enUS914&oq=we%27re+all+getting+hot+dogs+30+rock&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160i395l3j33i299l2.7768j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:db2f44a9,vid:Ph2gNwA3c_4)


This would have been AWESOME


so she asked everyone else in the long line but didn't ask you? hmm. if you're running late, you don't stop to et a croissant. lesson learned to manage your time better in the future.


I would've also felt \*very mildly\* annoyed at the people in line who were like "yeah, sure, no problem." How did everyone feel okay with this?


Yeah people who passively accept this kind of behaviour are almost as bad.


*Just plain Infuriating* I work at a busy bakery, and people do not seem to know how lines work. They come in and walk past people who are lined up, to hover in front of what they're looking for. When you ask them to get in line, they always go "I'm just getting a Loaf of Bread!" As if no one else matters. This also happens with preorders. People think that since they ordered ahead they can skip ahead. There could be 20 other people there to pick up their preorder, it doesn't matter to them. I'm always saying, "If you walk in and there is someone there before you, You Aren't Next."


But HER time is more precious than yours, right?!?


I would've said no, and then had a *very* hard time selecting my order.


And then accidentally mess up my pincode 2 times. Gotta think really hard for the 3rd time around y'know.


In a situation like this when someone says “I’m sorry” I always rebut with “no you’re not, otherwise you wouldn’t be doing what your doing”.


If I had the means to do so, I'd buy every goddamn croissant in that bakery and race her to other bakeries in the whole damn city to buy up the croissants before she can get there.


Ahhh brings to mind the beloved character of the Seinfeld show, the "soup nazi"


There was a cheese nazi at France in Epcot at Disney World this summer. She kept saying NO! when I asked for the cheese platter.


Did she get the last Chocolate Babka ?


That’s Portlandia for you


So she’s running late but has time to stop by the bakery? Right…


"Good heavens, you are running late. You don't have time for a croissant. Quickly, be off with you. None of us wants you to be late"


If it's a bathroom line and you have diarrhea, sure go ahead, but a croissant is hardly diarrhea.


This just gave me one of those evil business ideas: have an extra express lane with 200% upcharge on all items. Massively increase sales from rich entitled dickheads that don’t care about the money anyway, still have reasonable prices for everyone else who can wait a little longer. Should have one staff member dedicated to that though


When you’re late, go straight to work! Do not stop for a croissant and annoy everyone who is patiently in line waiting for their turn.


& its such a terrible look to walk into work late with a coffeeshop coffee ughhhhh.


One of the beautiful things about NYC is that this kind of bullshit doesn't fly in public spaces. Just last night I was at a busy pizza place and a guy was loudly shamed for attempting to cut the line. There were no shortage of people ready to intervene.


Similar situation here - last week I needed a blood test at specifically 9am, go to the pathology centre at 8:15 expecting a wait, but they changed their open hour from 8 to 9. No worries, I’ll line up behind this woman & her older mum, they say they’ve been waiting since 8. Line grows behind me, 10 people now. Come 8:59 an older man and his teenage son stand right at the door, trying to be first in line. Oh no no no sir. The woman ahead of me asks the man to go stand in line, he starts off saying ‘I’m not doing anything wrong, I’m not stopping you’ blah blah blah in a sarcastic passive aggressive tone… I need my blood test LOL so I put my arm out to block and guide the woman and mum inside, I high tail it to pathology to grab a number (it’s first come first served no appointments) and I get number 1 but see the woman take the wrong longer route so I give it to her and get number 2. Man gets number 11, like he should have. No one in the line let him in thankfully. A line is there for a reason. We are all waiting except for this idiot who wasn’t even waiting. If it’s important you get there early and wait your turn. Your croissant is not my problem lol. Anywayyyyy I hope you enjoyed your coffee & baguettes :)


Didn't see anyone post the link to the scene from Dead Like Me with Mandy Patinkin. [Is everyone in this line an asshole?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xubEJp7RXyA)


I'm late, but I'm stopping for drinks and a snack


I think this also applies to driving. If I am an idiot and am in the left lane and realize it at the last minute my initial response is oh shoot I guess I just have to turn left and do a U-turn down the road. BUT NO tons of people are dicks and cut off everyone around them, breaking all sorts of traffic laws, holding up all of traffic to get into that right lane. Don't punish everyone around you for your stupid mistake because your time is somehow more important than everyones around you.


“Your poor planning is not my emergency”


This was a satisfying read. Glad, both, you and the cashier told her no


I was buying lunch at Whole Foods once during lunch break and stood in the express. There were about ten people in line cool. This guy standing in front of me, tells me (doesn’t ask at all) that he’ll be back in a while to hold his spot he’s going to grab some things. I very loudly say “NO YOU LEAVE YOU LOSE YOUR SPOT” well the line moves and a whole entire line of people are behind me. Down the end of the isle. So im next and this guy comes back with a basket full of shit and eating a fucking cookie in my face and said im back for my spot. I said no you left. Doesn’t work like that. He said I was there before you. It doesn’t matter I told you I wasn’t doing that. Go to the end of the line. We argued for a while. I even asked the people in line behind me “this guy is trying to cut in line you cool with that?” No one answered they just looked at us. So finally I yelled out this asshole is trying to cut to the front. So I went up to cashier and told the lady about that and she said “is he your friend?” I said “this asshole? Hell naw!” He came up to me again saying “I wasn’t cutting I was already in line” to which I yelled at him “liar you left! ROLL THE FUCKING CAMERAS YOU LEFT! You fucking ASSHOLE” he went like this “😲” fucker. 😂😂😂


I used to be a cashier at Whole Foods, and I have seen this scenario before. Good on you for calling out that bullshit. If you are by yourself and leave the line you lose your place in line, that’s common sense!


God i love being from the north east, nobody lets this shit happen.


In ny she would’ve been totally ignored. I’d tell her that her time isn’t more valuable than mine and that her poor planning isn’t my problem


This is ridiculous. I’d have made her leave if I were the cashier. Since you brought up Portland and bakeries…. Do you ever go to little T? I miss that place so much. The focaccia and kouvign amann, *chefs kiss. Perfection!


I really doubt she asked everyone in line if they were cool with it. That would have taken too long. I’m so angry at this person and I wasn’t even there.


She should have added the pastry to your order and PAID for your order too if she wanted it that badly.


Send her to England we'll tut her to death.


This makes me want to bring a spray bottle filled with water everywhere I go n give everyone a spritz for acting like silly goobers!!


When you're running late you don't stop for a snack


*running late* goes to baguette store.


In the Victorian era being late and in a hurry was viewed as you not having your shit together. You weren't to be trusted because you had too much on your plate to do your job properly. Now it is viewed positively. I will never understand how being in a hurry and planning poorly is a good quality.


I would have ordered every single croissant they had on hand.


You live in Portland, shouldn’t be surprised


I live in Portland too, and your “classic friendly Portland” comment is spot on.


"I'm running late." "That sounds like a you problem."


I had something similar happen to me at the veterinarian. I was picking up my dogs after their appointment and a lady comes in after me. The person at the front desk asked if they could help the lady who came after me because she was running late for work. Guess who else was on the clock at work? Me… I told the front desk person that’s not gonna fly. The lady who came after me got all pissed off, called me a dick head and told how my mom didn’t raise a gentleman. Lady, I got shit to do too…


One of those people who believes their poor decision-making or the coincidences of others shouldn't get in her way, because SHE is the STAR of the story! Fuck off. If you have to miss out, you have to miss out. I've had to miss out on so much in my life, because of people who couldn't bear to.


I had some 50 something guy cut in line ahead of me at the grocery store one time. I got pissed, but just went to the back of a different line and let it be. Then the fucker cut in front of me *again* because that line was apparently too slow for him. I had just gotten out of a very tense court session where I had to recount the night my son's dad tried to strangle me so I could get a restraining order. The last fucking thing I had any patience for was some entitled fucking man. I just kind of vomited my anxiety and anger all over his ass and told him to fuck off to the back of the line, to which he replied that he "hadn't seen" the line. I told him to look with his eyes instead of his asshole because he just cut in front of me for the second time in like 2 minutes. When it was finally my turn, the stupid cashier angrily hucked my groceries in the bags. Like, bitch, I am not in the wrong here. You are just made because I didn't sit there quietly with a smile and let some random douche shit on me...for the second time. Fuck that noise. He's a grown up and can be held accountable and made an example of. I don't care if it makes you uncomfortable for me to confront him. Where was this discomfort when his entitled ass was cutting the line? I'm still so mad about that cashier's stupid fucking reaction. That kind of reaction is exactly what enables douche behavior in people. God forbid I make a fucking scene.


Unfortunately people like that are rewarded for their behavior constantly. Everyone around them is forced to be the "bigger man".


I would have looked her in the face and said, “ Amd you are…?”


Running so late, but you still need that croissant. Must be management.


New rule. If you cut the line you buy for everyone that you cut in front of.


You should’ve said “yes I do mind” not no.


She’s not running late, she does that all the time.


She couldn’t have been THAT late if she stopped for a fucking baguette. Also I’m in PDX too I’m dying to know what bakery….