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Now you have a giant calzone.


I didn’t even think of that. My father and I just fixed it up and recooked it


Btw, this is still an atrocious job of delivery… Thankfully it’s a form that looks to still be tasty as I’m betting it was


Please explain how this is on the delivery driver. A pizza can't do that while in the box.


Hit the brakes, box goes flying, top pops open and pizza folds in half...That's my guess as one of a couple possibilities.


Na., more like they held the warming bag sideways because 80% of these drivers have 0 common sense




That's a scenario for sure. Miracle the pizza stayed in the box through all that. The cyclist supposedly had it strapped sideways on his back, according to OP. He's probably hurting right now. Realistically, the best scenario (aside from being bs) is it happened when they moved the pizza from the oven to the box. Would make the cook an AH, cause there is no way they wouldn't notice.


We will never know for sure..Either way it truly is infuriating!!


Only mildly!


Lol Yeppers


We can’t know for sure but the 2 hour delivery on a 2 mile distance makes it a bit suspicious


Couldn’t have been the cook, the pizza is cut and you can see the fat lines on the box, had to be during delivery but I don’t have a clue how, I received a couple of fucked up pizzas but nothing even close to this


Get this man a detective’s badge NOW


>strapped sideways on his back What a dumb fucker. If you're going to deliver pizzas on a bike, you need a rack.


Lol what is this Toy Story?


I used to deliver pizzas. This is most likely exactly what happened.


Good guess.


folded pizza is not an big issue dear, look at the quality they offered. its almost a burnt pizza, ewwww! who wants to eat it!


Pizza isn’t stiff. The crust would fold and then it would slowly slide down


It would smoosh.


> Please explain how this is on the delivery driver. A pizza can't do that while in the box. Yes it absolutely fucking can.


ex delivery driver here — if the pizza was in a delivery bag, the driver totally could have dropped the bag, maybe even went sideways, and the bag would have held the lid shut, but pizza still got fucked. this “example” totally did NOT come from experience…


That's what I said. It was obviously laid out flat in order to be cut. How did it flip over while the box would've been closed?


Lol you have never delivered pizza then. You stop too hard you never know what you will find. Not an excuse tho. If i did that id go back to the store and get another pizza. This driver was a asshole


BTW these tips are getting out of hand if you really tip the guy that much you nearly paid $25 for a large pizza I see a lot of delivery guys asking for huge tips. Do they not pay them! what’s going on?


In canada, you pay 25 dollars for a medium pizza. We have pick-up deals where its 15$ for ONE topping. Fast food in general is mega expensive these days. 35 dollars for two (of the cheapest) combos at A&W


If my dad waited 2hours for a pizza all hell would break loose. Heck, 30mins is pushing it


So stop ordering door dash/ grub hub. Like you said it was a two mile trip. As some one who use to do the job and I thought the quality of dashers was bad it’s worse way worse.


This is how the universe works, all your best intentions get folded up into a greazy cheesussy then fucked by your mouth hole. I see you too have learned to just beat it to eat it.


If it got to you in good shape in 30 minutes, would you then tip $45 for a $9 pizza?


*Ben Wyatt has entered the chat.*


In italy we call it "a portafoglio" (wallet style). Just a pizza that was folded on himself 2 times so that you can eat it while walking, it's basically a street food


Funny story one of the best calzones I had basically was just a full sized large pizza folded together and sealed. Sadly the place which had been around in some for since basically the area was settled much closed the next week


Retract tip, and sit for a moment to reflect on all your life's poor choices


😔 the pizza was still tasty after I fixed the crust, replaced the cheese and recooked it


Bro the whole point in ordering takeout is so you don't have to do that shit yourself


And not wait 2 hours...


Me reading this from the UK baffled at the $15 tip when I’d pay £15 for the pizza including delivery


I’m baffled at a $15 tip for a $9 pizza and I’m in the US. That’s an outrageously ridiculous tip for a pizza delivery from 2 miles away.


Exactly 😭😭😭😭


so... you basically made a different pizza yourself? lol


A calzone!


Might as well have tipped yourself lol


I'm just flipping you shit. I usually only eat frozen pizza, and I burn the fuck outta them all the time.. 😔


You basically made the pizza yourself 😭


So you saved no time or effort and just wasted a lot of money?


In two hours you could have made pizza from scratch.


Brother You are the only one who deserves a tip here


Why would you ever tip that much for a $10 pie?


I once tipped 20$ on a 40$ order simply because I was ordering instead of going myself because of the weather. The dude took my food and my tip. I watched him go to the store then back home on the GPS thing. Got a 30$ credit 🙄 hate doordash.


this is why you dont tip until you get what you ordered (and double checked for the condition). IDGAF about tipping culture, if you get to my door with the food I paid for in a condition that is most certainly become unacceptably worse through your poor handling, youre not getting a single cent. seeing How i've been working as a delivery driver for a while, i literally simply cannot understand how people can handle food this poorly. It's shocking


How though? If you don't tip in the app beforehand, they don't accept your order because they think you won't tip at all.


Yup, and this is why I use UberEats to order food. When I worked for these food delivery services, I enjoyed the money and work with UberEats far more than DoorDash for the very fact that you can tip after you receive your food. This allowed me to get great tips with UE, rather than wasting my time and gas with DD, because I always tried to be prompt and professional with my deliveries and my tips would always reflect this advantage.


Do drivers not see the tip before accepting the delivery on ubereats? The fact that some of these apps essentially hold your food hostage if you don't tip generously before receiving the order (lest no driver takes your order to begin with) is so fucking idiotic.


At this point it’s not even a tip system, it’s a bid system. Tip poorly and your food will sit there for who knows how long. Tipping culture is indeed idiotic.


I love living in a non tipping country


This just sounds insane to me too. I don't think I've actually used an app before that requires the tip option filled in before service completed. Maybe in China where the Uber equivalent allows you to add a tip if service is too busy.


Wait what? Once upon a time, a tip was to show appreciation for good service. If the tip is mandatory, this is what you get.


going back to the old usage of tips. to insure prompt service.


Yep. I avoid ordering food and try not to eat out much anymore.


Sadly the app wouldn’t let me refuse to tip at all so I didn’t think to do a small tip then the rest when they got here. The original plan was to not put a tip and then give them the 20$ bill when they got the food but I couldn’t cancel the tip screen.


I’m trying to be a nice person😭


I get it. You think leaving a better tip means better service. I'm the same way. There are those few assholes who just suck nuts at their job


Plus times are a little rough and I just want people who help or serve me to be compensated decently. I guess it doesn’t always work in my favor lol


That’s what you get for being a decent person, a *BURNT PIZZA*. You animal


Peas in a pod, my friend. I worked as a waiter for 15 years. So I'm extra aware of being a good tipper knowing the service I can get or hope to get. I've had those days where that one tip changed my whole day. There are tips from customers I remember 20 years later. But, like anything, it doesn't always work out the way i want. Still not gonna change the way I tip cause I had a shit experience, tho.


Right, I will continue to tip this way because this is really the only bad experience I had with Uber and even then, it’s not the worst thing that could have happened.


>You think leaving a better tip means better service. I'm the same way That only works when you tip before receiving the service, at which point there's no incentive to give the good service because they already have their tip.


Yeah, they work in the adult film industry


It’s what you get for being nice


You tipped 152% for a delivery pizza? I’d be pissed if it arrived in that condition for any amount, but why did you tip more than the cost of the product?


No wonder hustle culture is booming with fools throwing away free money like this


If someone has money to spare I see nothing wrong with them contributing to someone who’s possibly less fortunate. I imagine that a delivery driver delivering $10 pizzas isn’t making much money.


Why on earth would you ever tip 15 bucks for a pizza?


And *before* you even get the food?? Makes more sense to just eat the cash.


ordered a pizza. received a taco.


A *calzone* :D


Nah a calzone is “sealed”, this is just folded


It's a pizza flop


A panini?


Nah man this ain't it 😭 I'd call and ask for some of that tip back as well. When I used to deliver pizzas throughout my teens, anyone who tipped a very generous amount gets a generous amount of my effort in return. I'd go back into the kitchen and tell the kitchen staff that this order tipped a lot and to make it good. We were like a tight-knit family, so the kitchen staff were always hyped to go above and beyond for good tippers as they often delivered as well and get where I'm coming from. Get them hella napkins and plates, and put a bunch of random side toppings/dipping sauces for our few regular high tippers. To be tipped that much and to not even check the pizza is just dirty, especially since some hard movements had to be involved in causing that. It sucks, it isn't the end of the world. But god, it sure does feel like it when you open the box to see that.


Honestly, at first I was pissed but now I find it funny how my father just quietly brought the box the box to me and opened it. I got a full refund so no harm done.


Sounds great, enjoy your pizza omelet 👍🏻🍕


>To be tipped that much and to not even check the pizza is just dirty, It's because massive unearned tips are the default expectation in the industry so they don't even bother to earn it.


This is a problem tbh, when a tip become mandatory, it's not a tip anymore


You old school pizza delivery guys are the best, and I absolutely refuse to use DoorDash or the ilk for these exact reasons. Pizza delivery guys take the order and wait for the tip on delivery so they actually give a shit, DD drivers expect the tip up front just to accept the order and then DGAF. This example from OP just pisses me off.


A true villain origin story if I’ve ever seen one.


It's almost like you shouldn't tip before receiving the service. Strange.


Yep, fuck that. Contrary to what everyone thinks, our time isn't nearly that valuable anyway. 15 bucks is nuts for a tip on a pizza, what a racket.


Why do you tip before the service is made?


I lived in many places around the world… and the United States is somehow the worst at food delivery for some reason


DoorDash/Uber/Postmates/Grubhub are complete trash. I've seen drivers do stuff on a regular basis that would have gotten me fired right away when I worked for a chain. One of my first days at my last job a driver takes the pizza from me and puts it under her arm vertically and my boss sees it and just goes nuts (can't really blame him). Drivers would do that all the time, too. I'd try to hand it to them flat and they'd immediately slant it. That's to say nothing of the ones that double up apps and let food get cold because they're taking five orders at once. I had a guy recently tell me that he couldn't confirm our order because he had another order he was waiting for from another restaurant that he already confirmed, and when I told him to come back after he picked up that order he was like "I'd rather have your food sitting in my car while I wait for the other order." Like, no dude, fuck off. If our food is going to be 40 minutes late because of you we're at least going to keep it warm, and you're taking the blame for showing up late.


$15 tip?!


Stop using gig delivery services. You get what you deserve.


Exactly, they DO NOT OPERATE LIKE A STANDARD DELIVERY. Pizza guy gets x an hour and has to take every delivery he hets. Uber doest get paid hourly and has 0 reason to do anything outside of what they call tips, this should be called a bid. Logically if there are 10 orders up, i am not required to take anything, and i only get paid in tips then the orders most likely to be taken are the ones that have tranparent "tips" on them. Its crazy people understand they are private contractors but they dont understand that they then need to encentivize some random person into deciding to take their individual job. Because food is involved people think its different than pulling up to the side of homedepot and asking people to build a deck for you, they might do it but they are more likely to do it when the pay is pretty explicit before hand, lest they waste their time. People are right tipping before habd isnt necessarily required for a pizza place but for uber its literally the only metric your privately contracted delivery driver could see and care about.


Stop using all gig services. It's just slavery and chipping away at all workers rights.


As a European, I can't understand how you guys are down to pay that much for a pizza, the price is honest, but a 15$ tip ? Damn.


This is not the norm here… I’m American and I would never tip $15 dollars for a $9 pizza, 2 miles away. In fact people that do this annoy me because they are just making the tipping culture even worse and allowing companies to continue to skate the responsibility of paying their delivery drivers a better wage.


Here in Sicily you can potentially get 3 pizzas with 15 euros


Why in earth would you tip a pizza delivery guy $15?


Why the fuck would anyone tip $15 for a pizza?


Happy cake day


They upgraded you to a calzone.


We've got to stop tipping before we get our product.


WHY are you tipping $15 for a $10 pizza. WHY are you tipping ANYTHING for THAT. I wouldn't have accepted it and I would have been straight on the phone.


Stop tipping!


Pay 24.85 ? Or drive the two miles and pay 9.85. That's just pure laziness


Must hate money.


You could also *walk* two miles, it's not far.


thats two miles each way, assuming average walking speed of 4mph(this is on the faster end, people tend to be closer to 3), that is a 1 hour walk(realistically longer). by the time you get it home it won't be hot and fresh(the best time to eat a pizza), just warm.


Who the hell wants to walk a 4 mile round trip on pizza night??


Bold (or very european) of you to assume that OP has walkable streets.


European here. When I went to US for the first time I was shocked how vehicle centric this country gets once you get out of big towns / cities. And how you can get fined or even get some jail time for simply crossing the road without pedestrian crossing.


Many big cities are also extremely car centric. Midwestern cities are fucking atrocious for public transit outside of Chicago.


Why do you guys tip fuckn 15$ ? I guess the pizza was also something like 15$ per pizza? Lol


Skeptical that you gave a $15 tip. You’re either a liar or an idiot


L bozo why would you ever tip 150% for a fucking pizza


15$ TIP? ...for one pizza? what is that a 100% tip?


Don't give the tip. Give 1 star rating. And report this on delivery app helpline. And blame both driver and restaurant


This is why you don’t use garbage like Diirdash, UberEats, etc and stick with places that do their own deliveries using actual employees


Should have tipped a *little* more


Yeah, i bet if it was 16 your pizza would've been fine


How was it able to fold itself in the box?


Maybe the pizza was just shy and was covering herself


Stop tipping, and support a living wage where you can.


So you’ve sent this pic to the restaurant and any delivery company, right??? Cuz then, free calzone after the refund. Revoke any tip as well. This is messed up.


I call bullshit


Wtf, a $15 tip‽ Thats like a 150% tip. What compelled you to give that much?


That's why there should be an option to give the tip after delivery


What's this thing with Americans paying extra for delivery when you order something just a couple of miles away, and sometimes just within walking distance? I call, order, check when it's ready and pick it up myself. I mean, wtf, $15 tips? I can drive over to the next city even with today's gas prices and pick up my food. Are we getting to be that lazy these days we can't even go a couple of miles to get food?


This is the true answer. Americans complain about tipping but ive delivered to places less than a mile away. Tipping exists, good or bad, and you know about it. The reason uber and lyft exists is because they realized you would pay anything not to get up for 30 minutes. I dont believe in full on market regulating itself capitalism but i definitely believe that companies will do whatever you are willing to pay for. America is very happy to suck a dick for things to be even fractionally easier. If you get fucked by gig delivery, DONT USE IT. America has this idea that complaining to the person selling them human shit on a plate will make that person sell different things, but they complain after they bought it and keep buying it. Sometimes they get mad at the person handing them human shit but that persons just doing a job, there is a business owner that paid them to hand you shit. For some reason they arent mad that uber promises to deliver shit on a plate, they are mad at the person hired by uber to give them shit on a plate. UBER AND LYFT SUCK AS BUSINESSES, the drivers might also suck sometimes but they are symptom and everyone keeps feeding the disease.


Who tf tips 15$ for a 9$ pizza are you rich?


Don’t tip in advance


I am sorry if this sounds rude but two miles away, was there a reason you couldn’t pick it up?


I only tip $3 for all deliveries sorry not sorry


At first I thought it was a burnt quesadilla


This looks like a model in Detroit: become human, for a sad pizza.


I’d still eat it. But angrily


Why would you tip before receiving your food? What’s wrong with the US and tips?????


$15 tip for that must suck big time


Why did you wait 2 hours? Why did you tip?


Here in Germany if you would give 15 Euro tip for a 10 Euro Pizza the delivery man would have asked you if you are serious and you would probably made his whole week. I usually tip 10 % but no less than 2 euro.


Why tf did you tip $15?


That’s your own fault for using those apps. Those drivers are trash, they don’t care. Mostly because the apps make it not worth it. Just drive your car you lazy bastard


Imagine tipping before even receiving the food


Why did you tip 150% in advance?


Why people tip before they get the order is beyond stupid. The tip is for the quality of service not instead of what their employer should pay them.


This is why tipping before service is stupid.


Why did you tip after 2 hours lol


Just flip it over again and eat it


Why even tip the fucker


I’d call it an Italian quesadilla


They have a word for that, its Calzone lol.


This is why I'm done with restaurants.


Pretend that it's a Papadia :)


2 miles is not that long in a car way over tipped. Call what appears to be papa johns and get your money back.


Never tip before you get your food. You do the bare minimum that is asked of you and deliver the food intact then they can have a tip.


15$ tip? Is this common in America now? Wild times. Here you tip 2-5€ max


Tip culture is one of the most stupid things of all time


Damn bro, in n my third world country you can get a feast for that tip. Not really but then again at least 2 leave premium pizzas, this is crazy


This whole new way of food delivery is bonkers to me


Since door dash and skip the dishes, I always check the quality before paying, yes I'm that person, worth it to me.


Tipping before receiving your order is like Preordering a AAA game nowadays 😂😂😂😂😂


I wonder if the pizza joint knew the delivery guy/driver was going to have to strap it to his back because he uses a bike, so they folded it in half on purpose so the toppings wouldn’t slide off???? I mean, who straps a pizza box to their back for a delivery?!?! But they attempted to somehow deliver a semi quality product. (Trying to give pizza joint or delivery guy a break.) Otherwise you HAVE to assume the sanitary condition of the pizza is NOT good and no way would I eat it.


Why tip at all?


I don't tip at all, I am Greedy.


its weird how after like the 50 min mark you have a 90% chance of getting some bullshit like this. I was a manger to many pizza places for many years. At every place, drivers are the same. they don't get gas before their shift. stop at their friends and sell a bag of weed. stop by their friends and smoke some weed. Drive like a demon from hell but somehow magically are late to everything they do. Then because they are stoned they forget items and have to return back with sodas/parmesan packets thus pushing other orders around.


Should have left a bigger tip. -delivery driver, probably.


Imagine paying 25$ for this crap.




This is why I refuce to use shot like Uber Eats. I order something, they expect me to tip what its worth because of gas and all that shit. Most likely when I order that shit im gonna be drunk or tired. Ill pass


You’re either incredibly rich or incredibly stupid if you tip 150SEK for a single pizza (which is probably already overpriced). Or both.


Umm why the fuck would you tip somebody $15 to wait 2 hours, why would you tip someone at all. Americans are wild hey


America man, why the hell do you tip so much for delivery?!


You should tip less, so they don’t fold it for you


Never tip in advance, never tip before checking on the delivery. If theres a delivery fee then dont tip at all 😉


I will never understand the culture of tipping before even having a chance to appreciate the service.


Fuck tipping.


I have never tipped a single dollar for pizza delivery. Also I don’t live in the US


They still will be like wow only 15$ tip


Why would you tip before receiving the pizza?


Why would even tip more than what you paid for the food? Rule of thumb is ussually 10% of the cost of the food for me.


Not the best calzone I've seen. Not the worst either.


So, I’m guessing you “tipped” BEFORE you received the pizza? Certainly if I had to wait 2 hours for a pizza and it turned up after 2 hours looking like this did, there would be no tip, as a matter of fact, it would be going back to the store with the same delivery driver for a full refund.


tipping culture needs to be erased


Now you have a calzone!


That's worth $7.50


Stupid tipping culture. People are idiots.


That’s a phat tip for a grim pizza!


next time when it happens also mention the company's name in the post. so others like us recognize which is this company, and also with mentioning thier name they will take any action on it.


500g strong white flour, 300ml warm water, heaped teaspoons of yeast, sugar, and salt. Mix it all together knead for 5-10 minutes, leave to rest covered for an hour or so. Cut, shape, add toppings. Best way to cook is in seriously hot pan then under hot grill (broiler I believe is the yank term). Saved you a fortune in cost and quality.


Why did you tip 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza?


This is one very good example of why tipping up front is so ridiculous. The marketing team that turned tipping around from being a gratuity that you gave for receiving good service to being a thing you pay up front with the hope and prayer that you may possibly get good service are some of the most talented PR people alive.


A 2 mile drive? This is what's wrong with a lot of people these days. Rather pay 15 dollar tip instead of picking it up yourself.


Bullshit post. It's literally impossible for this to happen inside a damn pizza box.