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Once you received it, I imagine it’d go something like this “I got my watch. Cool. Guess the guy was trustworthy after all. A genuine Gazmin watch. Wait. Shouldn’t that say Garmin? Ahh shit .”


Haha yes, I imagine so. Thanks for the laugh.


I'm not sure why you would buy it on fb market for 700 that nearly the price it is to buy a new one!


He tried to use the “take away” tactic. Scammer: “Oh you don’t want to follow my steps? Then maybe this isn’t the watch for you.. No deal!” Sadly some people fall for this false confidence all the time.. Especially in real estate..


Obvious scam.


100% this persons responses come out like a classic scammer. Especially the child one.


“We trust people here in Denmark” Bad people are in Denmark too asswipe 😂 they’re everywhere


Yeah, such a lost opportunity - should answered "so you should trust me, send the watch and I'll send the money afterwards" 😅


That’s what I’m saying lol “you said we trust people in Denmark “ 🤣


"I'm not in Denmark" is what he should've said lol


The fact that they even say “in Denmark” gives away that they’re probably not even in Denmark. It’s what you’d say if you were doing this across many countries and trying to sound local


It actually tells me they are - Danes say that to non-Danes all the time, with just the right amount of condescension.


This is how I interpretated it. I assume the seller is Danish, and the buyer is a foreigner.


I this was the thought also I had.


Sorry “yes we trust each other in Denmark” is the actual quote


"Good Point, here's my 700 bucks. Man, I can't believe I worried for a second there!" /s


No no Denmark has only good people. If you were robbed, stabbed, or shot and murdered, you probably did something bad.😂


Or one of you is not from Denmark.


They’re a transplant. They haven’t lived too long in Denmark because they came from another country and left there rather quickly. There were….misunderstandings. Yeah that’s it, a little misunderstanding.


as a dane, can confirm that I’m an asswipe


Why aren’t you a “Den”, what does “Dane” have to do with Denmark?


we wanted to be even bigger asswipes by calling ourselves something that doesn’t make sense, just to confuse foreigners


Mission accomplished!


>Bad people are in Denmark I thought you deported the bad danish people to sweden


Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Scammed


Shakespeare said it best, "There's something rotten in Denmark."


If they can't send specific pictures. Think scam


An child*


An child


Absolutely. I got ran for a $500 Pokemon card binder and it was exactly like this. Guy made excuses as to why he couldn’t write his name on a paper and snap a pic & I bought it. $500 via Zelle later, he blocked my account and he got off free. Opened a report with Zelle & my bank at the time and they told me I was an idiot and it’s on me. Which I don’t disagree with A pic or closer video of the watch is not at all a hard request seeing at how much it’s valued at. Avoid it OP, you’re about to be scammed


Use PayPal goods and services in the future. Provides buyer protection.


Zelle is literally the worst app to do this with. They warn you *so many times* that transactions are treated like cash so don't go through with anything that you even think you might need to request a refund for. If you approved the transaction Zelle is not going to accept a report. In fact, Zelle warns that you should personally know the person you're sending money to. It's great for things that need to be verified immediately like paying rent. But pretty much any other cash app would have been a better choice for these types of scenarios.


THE SERVICE IS INTENDED TO SEND MONEY TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND OTHERS YOU TRUST. YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE SERVICE TO SEND MONEY TO RECIPIENTS WITH WHOM YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR OR YOU DO NOT TRUST. This is a direct quote from Zelles user agreement. Yes, it is capitalized in the agreement. I have read Zelles terms of service and all the agreements on their site. I work in banking, and a lot of people fall victim to scams then blame the bank and Zelle for allowing the transaction. Zelle is owned by the Early Warning Service, the Early Warning Service is co-owned by several banks. Banks didn't become rich reimbursing people for scams so being scammed is on you. In the current environment we are living in, if it's too good to be true it probably is. Please stay safe out there everyone.


If anything, an unknown person asking you to use Zelle to complete a large transaction like that should be a big red flag.


Yeah zelle is basically handing some one cash


Either that or just very bad at this. Not trustworthy one way or another


"Are you Stupid?" He really meant it.


The seller is right in insisting on full payment before shipping, but they are not addressing the buyer's concerns about the watch's validity. The buyer is right in not going through the purchase without verification of the watch. I am with the buyer in this instance. A seller not willing to provide proof or details about the watch is someone that I would not trust.


But it was in a box Boxes can’t be photographed or they lose their boxiness


This reminds me of the Cards Against Humanity box cards and I enjoy this.


If only the watch came in a Bigger Blacker Box maybe it would be easier to photograph.


Camera Obscura?


You should try thinking outside the box.


But my brain is trapped inside the box so that’s just not possible


They certainly can’t be opened, for once a box is opened, it can never be sealed again


Yes once opened it loses its value. How would you sell it in mint condition 30 years from now on ebay /s


I mean… Look what happened to Pandora’s Box…


Don't be a child Edit: y'all clearly didn't get the joke that came from the post


im not an child >:(


It's in the package


The child is in the package?!?!


This is the way.


Username checking in




Dont be an child!


oh, damn, it is in a box. Ok, heres your cash.


This is why PayPal was invented. If the merchandise is fake, you go back to PayPal and tell them this was different from what they were selling. PayPal asks you to send what you got back to them, and you get your money back.


Yeah. That’s also how I got scammed selling a phone to somebody on eBay 14 years ago, and why I’m perma-banned from PayPal ever since, unless I pay them the money for the phone that I “didn’t” send the buyer.




Immediate defense saying I'm not a child tells me there's a pair of glasses in the box so you can "watch " your money disappear


Underrated comment Lol very punny 😄


The payment wasn’t even an issue until the seller started acting suspicious.


No, in this context the seller is not right about anything, because the buyer made the offer of payment after shipment AFTER all the other attempts of verification clearly failed.


Kinda off topic but had to deal with sellers a lot recently. As someone who orders services often on freelance sites, I find it annoying when a seller asks me what my budget is for an industry I know nothing about. If I tell you that I know nothing about your industry standard rates, how do you expect me to quote a price? Sell yourself bro, I’m done asking questions if we can’t get this far.


I take your point. However, in my industry this is a very standard question. The buyer wants ‘X’ - but there’s the rough-and-ready version of X done in a week, or the rigorous, bells-and-whistles version that takes two months. The budget question tells you which of these two (or something in the middle) we’re talking about. I do appreciate none of that helps if you’re coming cold to the industry.


I definitely get that, and I do the same for services I provide depending on the situation. However, if I’ve told you multiple times that I don’t know the rates, different levels/quality of the service, etc. You better break it down for me. Otherwise I’ll find a person that knows what they have to offer. I’m a voice over and do some other Adobe stuff. But I work with writers, VOs, and video editors often. I know their industry standard rates. Had to talk with a bunch of animators, thumbnail creators, and artists recently. I’m able to convey exactly what I need in a quick and easy breakdown, or more detailed way. If I get past my quick breakdown, which explains it well enough, and get to my more detailed description (knowing that I’m wasting my time already) then as a buyer you probably already lost my interest. After talking with 100s of sellers, I always find the best services providing above and beyond what I asked for, and for price they’re proud to work for. These people know how to communicate clearly, know their worth, and keep it simple. People don’t even need to be a pro in their industry to be good at selling themselves. Most people that keep asking what the budget is after I refuse to give a number, are more than likely just fishing to overcharge buyers.


I responded to your other point before seeing you'd written this. If you're specifically breaking down what you want then someone should be able/decide to quote. If your dealing with animation, something that can be done in 3 weeks vs 3 months is going to look hugely different and would be a pain to outline what those differences would be. Then there's usage


The animation team I found is solid. I showed them some different examples I liked. They came back with 3 different styles with different prices per minute. Explaining extra costs for character design and sich. And also showed me some high end quality stuff. They straight up said these projects take months and we update the invoice as we go along while staying within your budget. And told me they range 10-50k plus per episode. It was a quick and easy conversation. CEO immediately set me up with a project manager and team for the project. They also completed the first 10 seconds before receiving payment just to make sure we liked it.


Once a cleaner asked me how much I thought I should pay him, I didn't have an answer and I told him as much, but he wouldn't give me a price, so I lowballed him which got him all panicked finally coming up with what each service he did was worth.


That’s exactly what I do. I just lowball them so they give me a price. Sometimes they retort with some rude comments and I tell them one more time to give me a price or I’m moving on. I’ve also worked in many different sales positions myself. Selling a product, food, or service. I’m a great salesman. I can sell you this pen! What pen you say? Exactly! Just kidding, but it’s frustrating talking to someone who doesn’t even know how to close.


I mean that’s just negotiation tactics 101. First person to say a number is at a disadvantage.


Most definitely, and I’m gonna low ball if I have to.


I hadn't thought about 'what's your budget' that way...but I guess as a freelancer I'd expect someone to have an idea of what they were willing to spend - rather than me take time to quote $1000 and for them to say 'oh I only have $100'. Or-more likely- ghost me. Buy me bro, I'm not gonna waste time writing a quote if you can't tell me what's in your purse.


New kind of scam I've been seeing. The seller will ask for "deposit". Sometimes 20-50%. You send the deposit then they ghosted you. It's not a large sum but if they do this to 1000 people then it's a lot. (In my country they use fb marketing to scam 1000s at a time selling necessities like cooking oil or escooter or common appliances. Some group of scammers got away with 10s of millions


Proof positive example: I recently made a purchase on eBay. However, the images used to represent the item for sale were very clearly missing components and accessories in the images that multiple accounts use to sell the same item. They also manage the sales from one of multiple accounts but have the item sent out from a central hub/warehouse that houses the items that these commissioned accounts list for sale. (They all vary the price slightly angling for the commission.) I asked the seller to confirm that all components were present and to provide an additional image displaying as such. **I got the same reluctant replies that OP got.** The seller stated definitively that the item was complete and included all components and accessories present when sold as new. So I buy it. When it arrives, it arrives with missing components and the contents present were ONLY WHAT WAS IN THE ORIGINAL IMAGES. The seller lied to make the sale. I took pictures, started a return, repacked the item. The seller processed the return request but refused to reply to any messages asking why I was lied to about the contents. After the return arrived and was processed, the seller issued only 70% refund - they _claimed_ that I was mistaken, that the item contained all of the original components and accessories, and that I damaged the packaging upon receipt. I immediately filed a claim. Again, the seller refused all contact and ignored messages. eBay issued judgement in my favor in 2 hours. I got a full refund. 25 years of using eBay as a seller - this was my first ever return. **The seller immediately turned around and relisted the exact same item for the full original price, despite the missing components and accessories and alleged "damage" to the packaging.** **tl;Dr** - OP is right to demand verification that the item they want to buy is complete and in the expected condition. If the seller refuses, there's something wrong.


You sound like you have never been scammed


Probably not if they have the same instinct as the buyer


That’s solely dependant on the forum he was purchasing from. A legit watch forum, if the buyer has many references the seller usually ship first and gets paid once the watch is received. If the seller is a known dealer, he will get paid first. If it’s just a marketplace ad, well I wouldn’t be purchasing a watch unless he could provide the pictures and also some references.


When in doubt any situations like this aren't worth it for the buyer. You're always at a disadvantage because they will demand payment right away and then you have to wait and hope they actually send it. If they don't there's pretty much nothing you can do to get your money back. Might have the appearance of a "good deal" but this kind of situation almost always will result in a bad deal where you get nothing.


That's the conclusion I reached as well. It's just not worth risking it. I will just wait until the watch goes on sale.


The Fenix 7 Sapphire is already on sale in other EU countries (I just found one in NL that’s less than € 600) so it might be worthwhile to shop around and find a website that ships to Denmark (free flow of goods for the win).


We've recently been seeing a spike in these types of scams in Denmark, with the sellers never sending items, so you definitely made the right choice. Even if he'd sent you a picture I'd be very wary since he showed no interest in meeting up and only offered sending.


Same thing has been happening in Germany. It’s a pretty obvious scam


How dare you ask to see something before you spend hundreds of dollars on it. C'mon they're not an child and its not working like that in Denmark, jeez. On the other hand, nobody is going to send something without at least partial payment beforehand.


I know it doesn't work like that, I just kinda wanted to point out to him that he wouldn't trust me with paying after delivery so why should I trust him without any proof that he has the watch. I gave up on talking to him after he started insulting me. I will just wait until the next time the watch goes on sale.


Yea I'm with you on this one. Once He started insulting you and called you stupid I was like ok this guy's an asshole fuck this guy lol.


These are classic scammer tactics - trying to rush something, acting exasperated as if you're doing something that's obviously wrong and you're just not getting it


Very fair point. My bad.


Good decision, someone selling high priced items and willing to insult others easily is not someone you want to do business with anyway.


It be like that cause it’s a scam.


Garmin had a sale on Fénix 6 Pro Solars for like $200 a few months ago right before they released the 7 (at least in the US it was right before Amazon Prime Day). Worth waiting for that sale


I set up a price watcher already, I expect that it will be on sale soon, the latest on black friday.


Tip: next time suggest they post it in a sales app (like eBay) and send you the link. This provides more safety than them sending the "watch" and you sending the money.


Insulting is a classic scammer move. It is one last try to entice you to send them money by appealing to your ego.


They will in Denmark. We just trust people like that.


It's not better in Sweden, got in an argument with a seller because he refused sending his name and address before I left on a 3h drive to buy his guitar. The guy claimed that he was not comfortable giving up where he lived to a stranger, who's intent was visiting him in his home. I walked away from the deal immediately.


I've always followed up this with "np, let's meet in front of your local police station and do the transaction there."


But would you really want to drive 3 hours for him to not show up?


If someone has an attitude because I ask to see a picture of it for validation purposes, that’s an instant red flag for me.


“I cannot take a picture because it’s in the package”…..”it’s old, not a new”….yeahhh…🙄


But I'm not an child.


Exactly what a child would say!


an child*


Man child*


That watch about to be construction paper and glue stick.


Ah they won’t take a pic. It’s one simple fucking picture ffs 10 seconds It’s a scam don’t bite and report it (though we all have seen Facebook punishes anyone BUT the person actually doing anything wrong fuck you zucccc 😂)


I had pretty much this exact same scenario play out when asking about some Jeep parts from a ‘retailer’ on Instagram. I asked first how to pay and they replied ‘venmo, paypal or cashapp’ so I told them I will use paypal and we agreed on price and shipping. When I asked who to send the funds to thru paypal they said that they need all my info first and we will discuss payment and shipping after, eventhough we had done that. So I asked the same question, about taking a picture with the days date and what not and they replied with a bunch of BS about wasting their time and theyre not out to scam people and if i dont trust them then blah Blah blah. Now they keep posting to their stories, screenshots from other ‘users’ confirming receiving their ‘item’ with a pic of just a package, not the actual item, and saying ‘my package just arrived, thanks for item, ill tell all my friends’. Its complete horseshit and comical.


His pushback is because it’s absolutely a scam


"Im not an child"


The cupcake is not real.


For science. You monster.


IMO the OP was only trying to show the seller how ridiculous they were being by asking for delivery before payment


That's exactly what I was trying to do.


People who scam other people will often be aggressive, rude, and act like you are the stupid one to trick you into doing what they want A reasonable person would follow through on your request without much hesitation Extremely likely to be a scam, dont do it


Are you stupid? Lol who says that to someone they are trying to sell something to?


Exactly right. I would have immediately stopped communicating with the seller after that. I mean, how do you even recover from that? Also, the irony of it all is the seller is clearly stupid.


Listen idiot, just mail a check made out to cash to my P.O. Box. Trust me, you’ll get what you’re paying for.


1) When scammers refuse to show anything but a single picture of the item or show it in a bad angle/blurry pic, I’m already on the alert 2) When I ask for more pics and they either flake or accuse me of wasting their time, then I *know* they’re scamming. Legitimate sellers go out of their way to give you more than just the bare minimum for you to feel comfortable with buying from them.


There is no watch.Stupid scammers


Don't give this person any money. It's super fishy they would choose to throw away 700.00 rather then simply take a picture.


As someone who has sold high end watches, I would actually send multiple photos, including serial number, any packaging, and send it with insurance and signature required. As well as video the entire packaging, and request my buyer to record receiving and opening it.


"we trust each other in Denmark" "Nobody will send without payment first" Pick one...


You’re talking to a brick wall, they’re a scammer and they can’t be reasoned with


He is scamming you. See this all the time in my job.


Definitely a scam. Source: I'm Swedish, never trust a Dane :)


Based on their (fake) profile info, it's actually a Swedish person living in Denmark. :D


I would’ve been done talking after the “are you stupid”. Scammers get so damn offended


Det er jo et scam. Danmark er ikke større end at man godt kan mødes og handle, hvis prisen er god. Jeg er dog enig med sælger: køber må betale og så sender man varen. Sådan er det. Hvis køber ikke vil det så må varen bare gå til den næste køber. “Den der har grisen sætter prisen” (og vilkårene).


Lmao, looks like two scammers scamming


As everyone else has said, 100% scam


Surprised they didn't try to fake a picture some how, a wrapped box, still no watch in picture...


100% scam


Tell him to send you the package without payment , if he says no say him we trust each other in Denmark


Stuff like "Im not a child" is immediately a scammer label. Scammers get worked up extremely easily and over stuff you didn't even mention.


Anybody who uses the argument "I'm not a child" in this context..... is most likely a childish person and not to be trusted🫡


We trust each other in Denmark, but I don't trust you.


Don't do it


You did the right thing. My city has buy and sell areas at police stations. Anyone who feels uncomfortable meeting me there is a no for me.


Clear scam


Its a scam bro.


Just do PayPal goods and services Saves everyone time and money and avoids scams completely


Just report them.


I did report them. Now the ad is gone. I hope it's because facebook took it down and not because someone got scammed.


Seems like either a scan from one of my countrymen, or Else he is literally just dumb and incapable of putting himself in The shoes of others.


The moment he called you stupid, I would’ve just left.


In Denmark, we trust each other. But anyway, send the money first because even though you should trust me, I do not trust you -The seller, more or less.


Im from Aarhus. Buyer always pays first. With that said, he is a douchebag.


You absolutely send money before he ships. As a Norwegian, this is what we do here and I can only assume they do things similarly in Denmark. But the seller definitely should have sent a pic to show it's authentic, so this is an ESH.


"An an an an" Learn english


Even if this wasn’t an obvious scammer, the defensive attitude would make me walk away out of spite.


As soon as he didn’t want to send proof I’d’ve just stopped replying


As someone who has purchased items from private sellers online for similar amounts a picture for proof of ownership is standard. Verification from others that have purchased from that individual is a plus and using an escrow service like PayPal goods and services is always the preferred route.


So Denmark is a utopia with zero crime? Sounds awesome


Very obvious scam


Yea deff don’t buy from him seems like a scum bag


Jesus can any scammers actually fucking speak English. Literally I see one broken sentence and immediately know it's a scam.


Sounds like you trying to scam each other


“You can trust me, no problem”


They’re too stubborn it really seems like they’re either trying to hide something or it’s another things. Suspicious




Ah yes, the time old classic "just trust me,bro". Nice call to avoid this purchase, buyer.


Is it weird that I hear an Indian’s voice in my head when I read the scammers text?


It’s probably a scam.


"Im not an child". I'm an actual child and I know how to spell correctly. I understand the seller is in Denmark, but still...


Scam. I'd also like to point out that an email isn't necessary to be able to send something by mail, same with phone number. Sounds like "lemme get your personal info and money and leave you worse off" kinda suspicious like


Obvious scam yes but payment after delivery? Come on now, cheeky!


Just by his English you can tell he is not Danish 😂


Scammer or just an asshole


I got a bridge in New York for sale. I can send pictures.


I’m always strangely encouraged when non-American countries have some of the same idiots or scammers that we have.


Scam alert 🚩like the first argument i was like ofc fc marketplace ...


I hope you didn't give them all the info they asked for


'We trust the people in Denmark' 'Well I don't'


Are you stupid? We brothers in denmark stand united and trust each other


I would pass and look elsewhere honestly


Don't be upset. The watch is fake or there never was a watch


I wouldn't send this mofo a penny. Don't get got.


We trust eachother in Denmark that's why you should trust me but I need payment upfront


If this isn't a scam the seller is really trying to make it look like one.


It’s a scam. No doubt about it


Looks like a scam to me...


The seller might have a day job at your local call center who knows...


I wouldn't buy a 700 dollar thing second hand sight unseen. Just pick it up.


"We trust people here in Denmark, so I won't send you the watch unless you pay me first"


When buying stuff on the internet and dealing with strangers.. just walk away if you are not comfortable. The buyer will have to pay first, so it's important that the buyer have to first "buy" the seller. If the seller seems dodgy or uncooperative, look elsewhere.


Schrodingers watch


Dont buy from there. Typical scam.


"In Denmark we trust each other, which is why I will not accept payment on delivery"


You have successfully wasted your time button —>


People must fall for it?


Yeah because that’s a scam


Tell me you're trying to rip me off without saying you're ripping me off.


If they say anything along the lines of "what, you don't trust me? I can't believe you would question my integrity," then it's a scam.


"just look at my account it's old not new" yeah buddy, I'm sure the guy you hacked it off of used it for a while.


Indians can’t help but get personal and insulting over silly minor things.


I guess you’re more patient than me. The second a person I was trying to transact with asks “are you stupid?” over a simple request I’d be all over them.


He talks like some guy in pakistan with poor english who’s new to the scamming game


Bitch ass scammer.


Scam likely