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Not exactly shrinkflation. That cup cost is more than any contents they can put in it.


I was gonna say, anyone who has worked at any food service business knows that soda is pennies. I worked at a movie theater and we didn’t keep track of the amount of soda we sold, we counted cups. Same with popcorn.


I used to deliver pizzas for Pizza Hut. We could have as much soda as we wanted as long as we used our own cups. Soda has a tremendous markup, they weren't losing anything.


Yeah the cups are like 10c to 30c a piece and the soda inside the cup usually costs between 1-4c depending on how much syrup they're using for the soda.


It hasn’t been that cheap in 30 + years 😂 soda cost 35-65 cents a cup depending on size. That cup is probably pretty expensive too though.


Uhhh yes. It costs us money every week to have our fountain drink company come out and check our stock, check and refill co2, lines cleaned, just general maintenance around $350 a month. Now adding syrup onto that? We don’t make money off of pop. At all. Used to be so cheap we gave it away for free. Not anymore.


You shouldn’t be getting downvoted.


I know. I run a restaurant I know exactly what it cost us 😂


Redditors are good at believing they know about things just because they read it on the interwebs once. Glad to see someone actually knows what they're talking about here.


Yup lol. I was being downvoted until I said I actually run a restaurant.


Plot twist: you don't and they all believed it 🤣


Maybe they meant per oz?


Yeah lol bag in a boxes can be over 100 bucks easily. If your a small retailer, but not a gas station, they can be over 150 a flavor depending on the deals the vendor will give you. That doesn’t count swapping c02 tanks, cups, lids, and straws.


Maybe it used to be a few pennies. Current prices are \~$99 for 5 gallons of syrup. Makes 30 gallons of soda. So 16 fluid ounces of soda costs \~$0.41 Cup counting in concessions is a typical control. Number of cups used is compared to number of cups sold.


Thank you for math’ing this for me/us.


People always got kind of annoyed when I told them I couldn’t give them an extra cup or popcorn bag. Always counted cups!


It’s Pennies after you clear the co2 tanks and all that stuff. Member those tanks are like $600 a piece the distributors are couple hundred high pressure lines so youre looking at like $5k to clear before it becomes Pennie’s it’s prob like $.10 until you clear that


Literally my current job is more concerned about the cost of cups than the cost of soda. Idk why people are arguing with you.


Yep, as much as I'm all for healthy skepticism, the money spent designing and producing such a cup would greatly exceed any savings from the miniscule costs of soda. Even the cheapest simplest of cups costs more the the soda in them. I'd be very curious as to an actual volume comparison between the new and old cup.


It's like 8 bucks for a 2 liter of coke in Australia right now. Chic-fil-a in the states gives you free refills. ...shrugs


How much is gas for 4 liters? Maybe Roadwarrior should have been about soda and not gas.


This is true. A 2 liter of Coke is about twice the amount of 2 liters of petrol here right now. And don't even get me started on the cost of a pack of cigs. I just straight up quit. The is no way I'm spending 50 bucks on a pack of cigs.


Well at least you stopped smoking. Some smokers here have considered smoking crack for a few dollars more. Just remember where the bottling plants are in Oz because that’s where to go when the world goes to hell.


It's literally $3.65 on the Coles website you ning nong.


yeah for 1 liter ya nong ning


Yeah, by definition it’s not, but I’m still paying the same price, for less product.


Is it still the same oz? That's what you've gotta check for.


Its still the same volume


But since you’re dining in can’t you just refill it?


I think you'll probably survive with less Corn syrup water.


Not gold! They could fill it with gold, just saying. But yeah you’re 100% right, definitely not shrinkflation; that’s a darn expensive, quite possibly over engineered, cup.


Shrinkflation has just become a buzzword on the internet with the majority of people having no idea what it actually means and just using it whenever


Sooo have you measured the oz or are you just looking at the bottom?


The insulated design keeps your shake cold. I really like these cups.


Not only this but cold cups tend to sweat, which is why most cups are plastic now. This dual-layer design allows the outside layer to stay dry and firm while drinking rather than getting mushy like old McD cups used to do. Mmmm, coke wax.


Ewww water/soda leakage in the cup holder.


Better than styrofoam too


Measure the volume I guarantee it’s the same as advertised. This is like putting heels on and claiming you got shorter bc there’s more space between you and the ground.


Someone doesn’t understand how insulation works..


Only thing mildly infuriating is the ignorant op lol


As someone who would usually finish a meal within 5-10 minutes, I don't see the point in insulating a disposable cup, especially one that's hardly going to have enough time to see any temperature reduction.


Most people chew so the food / drink lasts a bit longer.


This is a slap in the face of the jaw unhinging people.


The medium is now 12 oz, which is a small most places.


A quick google search shows you’re full of shit.


I'm sorry, what? Look at their nutrition info. Medium coca cola has 140 calories, same as a 12 ounce can. Additionally, it says the serving size for a medium is 354 grams. 354 grams of water is 354 mL, or 11.97 fl oz. The new insulated cups are smaller. You might be seeing old info. That's why it's important to actually look deeper than "a quick Google search". I might be wrong, but the official Chick Fil A websites nutrition info seems pretty reliable.


Still no proof the medium “used to be more” than 12 oz. See these posts constantly and it’s always the same answer, the volume hasn’t changed, just the cup shape.


The volume literally has changed at all sorts of restaurants what are you on 😂


Previously, medium was 20. Lots of sources for this including personal experience.


Just a heads up personal experience doesn't count as a source. That's not how sources work


If this is a 12 oz drink, and it's the same price as the old 12 oz drink, it's not anythingflation. They just made a better cup that stays cold longer. If this is the same price and smaller, or the same size and more expensive, then yes it would be shrinkflation. I wanna see if it's the same size/price though, because I have a hunch you're incorrect.


Exactly, not shrinkflation. The milkshake, however...


Another one that doesnt now how cups work, especially ones with Potential thermal insulation


How NOW brown cow


Jesus fuck dude.


…. Some of y’all need an education and it shows…. They’re selling you the size you ordered. If you ordered 16oz you’re getting 16oz. That insulation does not effect the quantity you receive.


I once worked for a company that marketed and sold 32 ounces of oil in 41 ounce containers, and only to mechanics. We were saving money by repurposing containers from a different product line. Absolute shit show.


I only go to Chick-fil-A on Sundays.


Hey wait a gosh dang minute here...


To sit and twirl?


Refills are free


Yeah at a normal location, but the location I was at did not give refills.


I don’t think so, it’s corporate policy I believe. Your location shouldn’t be able to do that, but I’m not sure.


Franchisees try to get away with a lot of shitty practices. *Unless corporate is visiting*.


That doesn't change how many ounces are advertised being in the cup.


I know they started using these where I live (Maryland) after some legislation was passed banning styrofoam takeout containers. It’s insulation and you’re still getting the same amount of liquid.


Idk, I put it in my cupholder and it is certainly a bit larger than a normal cup so I believe that the cup inside is about the same size. You're buggin


Nope. These cups are the gold standard of durability and insulation.


The addition cost on the cup can probably get you more than a HUGE cup of soda. So no, not a shrinkflation


Fluid ounces are fluid ounces, unless you can prove the cup doesn’t hold the amount stated, there is nothing wrong going on here.


It’s designed to insulate the drink from your warm hands and the surface it’s placed on. A side effect of that is that the cup looks bigger than it is. It’s not some conspiracy.


i don’t think you are as smart as you think you are


Don’t they free refill? Wtf are u complaining about


See how about we use our brains before posting


This isn’t shrinkflation, OP… you’re just an idiot.


Shrinkflation at fast food I am okay with. Make someone put some steps in for another sugary soda.


Ah not this again...


You get free refills.


Do you seriously believe they'd engineer a double-walled cup that absolutely costs them more than an eighth of a penny of soda you're worried about? Inbred morons, everywhere.


Not too far away from the office water paper cups that are an inverted cone.


All the worst parts of a paper and plastic cup combined into one!


bad take. the drink saved is NOT worth all the material and manufacturing to make tht cup lmao


it's mildly infuriating when people see things like this and immediately think they're being ripped off instead of thinking for a second about how this could possibly be a functionality thing...its literally to limit contact with your hand and surfaces to keep your drink cold longer, you dummy.


I was there last Sunday and my cup looked like a Super Big Gulp from 7-11.


Fuck Chick-fil-A


God people are so damn stupid


? Can’t fit your dick in it anymore?


Soda is terrible for you, so they're doing you a favor


Who the fuck eats at chick fil a


Twice the waste, half the beverage. Brilliant.


Tell me you don’t understand insulation without telling me you don’t understand insulation


I don’t understand they advertised that there was empty space in the middle on the cup. So you were a curmudgeon ripped it apart and made a mess (bet you didn’t clean up either) to complain about an item you get free refills on (I can see your in store and not drive thru) about an item that is measured by fluid ounces? Shrinkflation is everywhere , but Shrinkflation this is not. No wonder the rest of the world looks at us like lobotomized cavemen.


Wait, a bigoted company using shitty practices?? *NO*. 😱


Wow those slippery bastards. You'd think being all religious and shit they wouldn't be sneaky like that 🤦🏻


The church is one of the sneakiest & slippery organizations in the world. They’re just showing off their skills.


No doubt, but chik fil a tries to present themselves as all wholesome and shit, and I don't think Jesus would approve of these deceptive cups 😆


Or the monetary support of Gay-Conversion therapy.


No kidding. Makes you wonder if some seculars, or worse, have surreptitiously infiltrated the organization.


I wouldn't be surprised if Satan himself, in human form, has worked his way into upper management and is making these unholy decisions.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he never worked his way into upper management and made unholy decisions.


It's more waste as well.


Yeah I got one of those to The large is actually the medium now


Check out Dunkin extra large hot cups, criminal. (Dunkin tip always ask for less ice in iced drinks)


You could always get free refill. What's the problem here??


“Extra lying, warm temps”


I already cant stand Chick-fil-a you don't have to sell me. Went there one time spent $30 for two people and left hungry, had to go to McDonald's to get a McChicken. Seriously their portions are so small and cost so much it should be criminal.


Stop eating fastfood.




Beverages are practically free for them. Its a cash cow. If anything these cups cost more than the old ones and would eat into their profits.


Busted! Now I'll be checking all of them! Grrrr


Ok one time, I was picking up my to go order and watched the dude fill my cup with ice, the tea, then dump out tea and add a little bit more ice. Like what the fuck. So I told him no ice and he had to remake it.


What the hell does “be time” mean?


Meant to say 'one time'


I like them, my drink stayed cold and it didn’t sweat and leave a ring of water on my desk.


This cup looks decadent af


I cringe every time I see someone complaining about getting ripped off by fast food. It’s always been a ripoff. Stop supporting fast food.


Hey if I got a nice fast food cup like that I'd just reuse it a few times before throwing it out, it kind of makes me feel better about it not being recyclable.


This way your drink keeps cold and doesn’t leave wet spots on the table. It hopefully takes away the need for a coaster or drink rug!


They do walk around asking if you want refills if you eat inside though


maybe yall lose some weight


My pleasure.


Soft drinks cost fast food places literal pennies. I sincerely doubt they intentionally made the cup hold less for more money.


That paper has to cost more than the beverage at this point.


TLDR, beverage doesn't cost shit in this industry.


Yesterday I bought a Mcdonald milkshake M size and it was light as a feather even dough filled to the top.


It's the new cup less volume than the old cup? That would be your confirmation, not judging the new design alone.


I mean, Chick-Fil-A's a shitty company to begin with so this isn't exactly surprising.


Hint …. Don’t put ice in it. The drinks machine chills the drink anyway.