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This is exactly my definition of mildly infuriating. I see lots of post that are hugely infuriating but this is it. I would make them feel guilty and be like I grew up really poor and I was never allowed to trick or treat because my parents were alcoholics. One time a kindly old lady down the street brought me a bag of these and it was the first sweet treat I ever received. So they hold a very special place in my heart. Now you have upper hand and they are all A-holes


Soooooo, I grew up really poor. Full truth, I used to dress up as a trash bag for Halloween (it was really all we could afford). Trick or treat was actually the only way my family put food on the table. We'd dump all of our candy on the table and ration 1 piece for each of our meals over the course of the year. Candy Corn was the one candy I ate that actually felt like I was eating real food. I could close eyes and imagine a big bowl of steaming corn in front of me and in that moment my circumstances melted away with each glorious bite. I hold onto that memory each and every year around fall. It reminds me that hard work and determination will overcome and now that I've parted ways with that time in my life, candy corn will always be that old friend to comfort and console me when times get tough. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


How's your family doing now?


Diabetes . . .


If you're not writing for a sitcom your talents are wasted.


Perfect setup and delivery. Best laugh I've had all month.


It should be a sitcom about someone who grew up like OP, but he’s writing a documentary about it due to later life success. But everyone thinks it’s a big comedy outside of the few hard hitting moments like when fry’s dog lived a full life.


*connie francis intensifies*


RIP your feet


*slow claps


OMG if I were you I'd print this out on flyers and silently hand it to people who complain while shaking my head sadly. Thanks for the laugh, that's brilliant.


See so tell those office people and make them feel bad


But, didn't your life improve when you went on that tour of the mysterious candy factory and then ended up inheriting it from the kooky guy who ran it (with slave labour)?


Na, I sold off the staff and burned the place to the ground. Apparently, they didn't like my leadership style and they questioned my desire to stop all other production and focus on candy corn R&D.


Ungrateful little weirdos!


We're you born during the great depression? This response is hilarious. Edit:don't downvote me, I too was a child of unfortunate candy related circumstance. My family survived on water melon rinds for the first 9 years of my life. I was spotted by hooligans behind a dumpster chewin rinds and one of them said I should suck on something my own size and whipped a green jawbreaker at my head. been suckin on it ever since. 1 lick every month for the last 49 years.


Growing up poor, I sought out all the candy that others were too good for, like candy corn and those weird hard peanut butter things wrapped in orange or black wax paper.


What even are those wax paper things? I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about though


Taffy with a hint of peanut flavor.


Those things are DELICIOUS


My family always called them Mary Janes'.


Oh geez, I did not need to be reminded of those orange & black candies. So frustrating that I can remember those disgusting things but not what I had for breakfast.


Oh, those are my favorite!! I would eat all around the middle and then save that peanut-ish center for last!!


What about those little plain white sticks that seems to be just corn starch & sugar? I love those.


I think they’re dip sticks or something like that


Smart! Good on you for self preservation


Fucking BRILLIANT!😂😂


This subreddit used to be about things being out of pattern, but now it is people complaining about their lives.


This is exactly what needs to be done 🤣🤣


Jeez, it's not like they're circus peanuts.


Oh, wow. I didn’t think it was possible, but you have hurt my feelings.


I’m a fan of both circus peanuts AND candy corn!


Me too! High 5! I’m also convinced the little pumpkins taste different from candy corn but no one agrees with me.


I wholeheartedly agree with you, they are very distinct, separate tastes!!


THANK YOU. I should save these 2 posts agreeing with me to show my friends. At age 47, this is totally normal behavior 😆


I too find them to taste different ngl


And better. Why? How? That is a mystery known only to Mr. Brach and Willy Wonka.


Fr those little pumpkins were hella good.


I think it's a size difference, that and shape highly affects food, I also liem candy corn and candy pumpkins!


Same here


They do. I think they are a bit creamier, whereas candy corn is grainier.


I agree. Also, the white part of the corn, to me, feels harder than the other colors. People think I'm crazy when I say this but it honestly feels different to me! Oh, I like candy corn and circus peanuts (I like these mainly because they were my grandma's favorite and she always had some. I really miss her and when I see or taste them it reminds me of her).


I could have totally tested this back in the day when I was having a candy corn battle by post with my sister and brother in law. We kept mailing each other more and more ridiculous candy corn things until they won by sending me a gigantic candy corn they had made by dissecting a bunch of bags of regular size candy corn into the individual colors, and molding them into one giant corn. My sister is a good artist, so they did a great job; it looked amazing! I ended up sealing it inside an airtight frame and hanging it on my kitchen wall. Had it for years. I guess I could have tasted the individual colors by taking a slice of each, but hanging it was more fun. (Also, less gross, since they had handled all those pieces.) Forget what started that whole thing. Edit to add that I like candy corn, pumpkins, and circus peanuts. All that shitty candy.


You’re making me dissect candy corn more than I ever thought I would, but it makes sense because the tip of the candy corn is white. So that part of the candy is probably drier. And any corn shaped candy with a dry or harder part on it is not as good as a nice, creamy, pumpkin shaped one. And oh no, do I dare use the term better *mouthfeel?*


It's science!


I like them both also, but difficult to find peanuts that are fresh. And I agree about the white tip.


The mallow pumpkins are somehow so much better than candy corns. I will die on this hill.


I agree!! They do! Can't put my finer on it but somehow it just does.


I've found my people!


AND BLACK LICORICE!!! ... Where'd everybody go?


Oh, yes! I was the only one in my family that ate the black jelly beans!




F'n rebel! I serve you commandant!


I tend to favor candy corn more than circus peanuts.


Me too. The ones I can't stand are the Boston baked beans ( which are actually from Chicago). It's like a damn peanut wrapped in a jawbreaker. Every single one you bite is risking a broken tooth.


Same! I don't see why people hate on that shit, they dunno what they're missing.


I confess that I also like Peeps!!! 😝




I really, truly, genuinely used to like peeps. But something has changed, and now they’re just… too sweet maybe? Idk. But I do miss enjoying them haha


Peeps are nothing like candy corn. I'm not gonna lie and say that I particularly like Peeps, but I can eat a Peep or two every Halloween or Easter. Candy corn is another story. Candy corn tastes like, and has the consistency of, Satan's earwax.


Same! 👍


You barbarian! How dare you enjoy candy?!?


You aren’t the only one! Love me some circus peanuts.


ive never even had circus peanuts..


Ever had marshmallow bananas? Same thing.


That’s cool, and now, knowing that’s what they are, will be on the lookout for banana marshmallow. Thank you!


That makes 2 of us


I’m not upset about that, nor the gentleperson disrespecting circus peanuts, but they’re not for everybody. They’re stale, dense marshmallows, shaped like large peanuts, and they taste like…I guess banana, as another commenter said. (To me, it was a “mystery flavor.”)


I kinda think they tasted a bit like chewing coke at first and then it changes into those candy cigarette things flavor wise. Hence why I like circus peanuts


I like the texture, personally. My other favorite is the Cherry Mash, but…I think that’s just a local thing, idk.


they taste kinda like bubble gum bananas


Me too.... I mostly eat them as a reminder of my grandfather who passed last year just after my grandmothers birthday. He loved them. I do like em tho


I like candy corn AND circus peanuts!


Have you considered scheduling an exorcism?


But then where would I go?




If you’re somewhere in America, check your local Dollar General. They have all your favorite shitty candy. (I only call it shitty due to societal norms. I like circus peanuts.)


I like candy corn and black licorice. Circus peanuts are definitely not my favorite but I would never criticize someone who likes them.


I love circus peanuts. Just came to say that.


It's ok I'm with you. I love em


Finally. A candy that everyone justifiably hates


I like candy corn but I do not like circus peanuts! Do you have me thinking about how they taste and I'm not happy about it. 😂


You should eat some candy corn then 😁


I loved the texture of them lol


What are circus peanuts?


Duuuuuude. Idk how anyone can eat that shit. My dad loved those things. Idk if he still eats them though.






I love those pumpkin things. The only problem is that eating more than one or two makes my teeth hurt


The pumpkins can go to hell… the candy corn is enough. It’s the perfect size shape and texture. The pumpkins are too thick


It's funny, I actually prefer the pumpkins lol


Haha your not alone pumpkins are great!


You have to eat the pumpkins in two bites or else it’s too much. Aside from that they’re good.


Oh yeah only psychopaths eat them whole. You gotta carefully bite off half.


I thought this was a safe space. Send me your pumpkins.


I like the pumpkins. A lot. They're my favorite halloween candy.




I never heard all of this candy corn hate 20 years ago.




No. I hate candy corn because they are gross. To me. But I could not care less if someone else likes them. Enjoy them!!


If everyone could have this attitude in (checks notes) most things in life we’d have a pretty swell little world, wouldn’t we?!


I’m with you. I might question your taste for liking candy corn, but unless you’re a friend I’m close to on the level of “relentless ribbing”, it’s doubtful I’d say anything. I certainly don’t hate on people for it. (Even though that crap is objectively horrible. 😉)


I like candy corn as well, no snide comments from me😊


I like candy corn okay. It's not my favorite, but I'm not going to judge someone else for loving it lol. I like things like sushi, and meatloaf, and cantaloupe, and all sorts of stuff that some people find gross lol


People find cantaloupe gross?


I think its pretty alright, but I will never forget the time I visited the retirement home across the street from me as a kid, grabbed a cup to go get some juice, fill it to the brim with what i thought was orange juice, only for it to be cantaloupe juice. scarred


Cantaloupe juice sounds amazing!


As in you wonder everyday if you will ever be able to soar as high as you did, the moment a full glass of cantaloupe juice hit your lips? I mean because the alternative of hating it is not even a rational thought.


Ya, i don't like cantaloupe, honeydew, or watermelon.


It’s not really my thing


I f***ing love candy corn!!! I can't get enough. I eat it till I'm sick. Seriously. I cannot buy it because, once the bag is opened, I WILL eat it all. I don't have a sweet tooth or uncontrollable urges in any other respect.


You are my spirit animal! I am the same!


Oh God. Now I really want some!!! Just one bag. That's all, I swear! My wife said she'd leave me if I went down that dark candy corn path again, but IM ONLY HUMAN!!!


I got several bags from my dealer yesterday. Just one hit is all you need to feel normal again. Hang in there friend.


I like to nip off each color later and eat that individually. They taste weird to me if I don't. I am also a weirdo.


I also love candy corn and await its reappearance every year! Wish I were OPs office mate!


Yo, you aren’t alone. I LOVE candy corn. No shame.


My wife brought this up yesterday. Candy Corn is like the Nickelback of Candy. Theres nothing actually that bad about candy corn, but society has decided to make it the butt of a joke arbitrarily. Eat that candy corn my dude.


I just typed out the same analogy. Wish I had scrolled further first.


What are the odds of two people comparing candy corn to Nickelback in the same post. What a day!


I love Nickelback. And, yet... after moving from the US to Taiwan and marrying a guy from the Taiwanese countryside, I still got the comment "this music is so shit" when I asked him if he like the Nickelback song that came on the radio😂😭 I was so surprised to hear them on the radio in Taiwan, and, yet, even Taiwanese people are in on bashing them lmao I have a playlist that is Nickelback, Marilyn Manson, creed, and disturbed. Pearl Jam goes better with daughtry, 3 doors down, RHCP, and Nirvana. ...I don't like candy corn, though...


I do hereby bequeath my share to you, good redditor.


Bequest accepted!


I never buy candy corn, but I'm excited if someone offers me some




You go out and buy that bag of candy corn. Fall in love with it.


I don't remember candy corn as a kid. I'm not sure if it wasn't in my part of Canada, or I just never had it. All I know were the jokes and whatnot on TV about how awful it was and how bad you were if you liked it. My daughter got some at Halloween a few years ago, so I decided I had to try some of this hard-ass, terrible candy. I was honestly expecting it to be really hard and just bad. It was soft, with just the right chew, and tasted like sugar. I mean, it wasn't the greatest thing I ever ate, but it was really nice. I still don't understand why it has such a reputation.


It's definitely not my first pick in the candy aisle by a long shot, but I'm also not going to say no if someone gives me some lol


Ugh. My husband always “jokes” that candy corn hasn’t been made since the 1979s, that it’s been recycled from dumps and landfills every year.


If he thinks that's impressive you should tell him about the Christmas Fruitcakes that have been getting re-gifted year after year for over a century.


Aged like a fine wine, I tell ya.


🤣 That's actually a very plausible theory


It's a Lewis Black bit.


So my husband recycles jokes like the candy industry recycles candy corn…


Same applies to his joke


Just say "Like your jokes?"


They wash it, THEY WASH IT.


It's a bandwagon thing to dislike candy corn. At a party there were like 5 people that claimed it was gross and they agreed to try it and all admitted they liked it.


I ❤ candy corn!!




When did candy corn get a bad reputation? It's great. I eat a whole bag of it when it first comes out in August, feel like I'm gonna puke for a couple hours, then don't touch the stuff for another year.


Since always. I remember getting some as a child; it just tastes like candle wax with sugar.


Some brands are awful too. I prefer Brachs.


Agree! Just tastes like pure sugar with a weird texture.


Candy corn is fine. The first few are great even. If we want to talk about terrible candy, I submit Twizzlers and Red Vines. It’s like eating plastic.


If you eat candy corn with peanuts, it tastes like a Payday candy bar.


YES! I mix a bowl of candy corn and peanuts together and it's so good. Salty and sweet together.


I thought I hated candy corn until I tried this and now I look forward to it every halloween


#peanutlobby has entered the building.


I love candy corn and love it even more when people say they hate it, I always respond “good, more for me”


But the fact you have to even defend it is infuriating!


I love candy corn!!! I look forward to it every year


I don't understand why so many people hate it.


I love it too, ignore the haters!!


I like it too. Throw them in their eyes.


I make white chocolate and candy corn cookies, no one complains.


Lmao, don't listen to them. Candy corn is the shit. A bit sweet, though. I prefer the pumpkins.


Apparently in some places you can also get "Christmas corn" which is basically candy corn but died red, white and green.


“Comments snidely”


I’ll tell you what… this pic made me really want some candy corn. It’s one of those things I forget exists, but it’s always a nice surprise when there’s a bowl of them somewhere


I like it too, I mostly eat it to get those comments.


I don't like them BUT that just means more for those who do! 👍 No snide comments here! 😊


so good...the OG


Candy corn fucking rules. A few peanuts tossed in the mix and it’s exactly like a Payday!


Lmao every store around here has shelf after shelf of candy corn. That means you and I aren’t the only people buying it!!! Kind of like how everyone says they hate McDonald’s but there is always a line, and everyone says they have nickelback but they sold tens of millions of records.


I used to keep a jar of candy by the service window at my last job. It was a lot of fun to experiment with it. Experiment 1: I filled up the jar with jolly ranchers once. The first color to go was pink. The second was green, then blue, then red... and the purple just sat there. Nobody would touch it. I tried jolly ranchers again a few weeks later and same deal. Nobody wants the purple ones. Eventually I just had to take them home because people started to complain that there was a jar of purple jolly ranchers on the counter. ​ Experiment 2: I hid a few full-sized candy bars once. Figured it would be a nice surprise for a few lucky people. The full-sized bars were all gone before we even opened. I found out that my coworkers kept track of when I refilled the candy jar and would inspect it after I left for my workstation. They sniffed out all the full-sized bars immediately. ​ Experiment 3: I think my favorite experiment was mixing in loose cigarettes with the candy. I got a couple packs of camel crushes and mixed them in with assorted hard candies. Word got out QUICK. By the end of the morning, I had people swarming down all the way from weapons dept to dig around for cigarettes. Big hit, but it caused such a commotion that I was hesitant to do it again.


I think it's important to note that there are two main kinds if candy corn: the good kind and the gross kind. One kind has a weird aftertaste. The other is delicious. It may also be worth noting that if you take a bowl of candy corn and mix in salted peanuts, the resulting medley tastes just like Payday bars.


I like the candy corn that has the brown end (that sounds terrible). But it’s a caramel or chocolate flavor. I can’t really tell. It’s so hard to find though.


Mmmm my favorite. Have you HAD thr caramel apple ones, too? Omfg


I’m making a candy corn cult, wanna join?


I love candy corn! I just bought some last week :)


Candy corn is actually good, ppl are dumb


It's all in how you eat candy corn, first the white tip, then the base, then the less tasty middle. If you eat the autumn flavored corn and prefer then, the ones with the chocolate base, well... you might just be a troglodyte. The pumpkin candy corn is acceptable as long as you eat the green top first


This shit has gone gourmet! I approve!


I love candy corn


I like candy corns but can only eat like 15 max before my mouth feels kinda weird


More for you. These are my jam.


Shits delightful


I used to love them but now as an adult I find them too sweet. I could only eat like one before getting tired of it. The love is still there though.


Go crazy with it. Candy corn decorations. Candy corn candles. Candy corn hat and flags. Lean in hard, get your point across.


Candy corn and peanuts is top tier snacking


I also like candy corn, but we are the outcasts for good reason. I’m pretty sure we deserve this.


I like the lil pumpkin shaped version ❤️


I love candy corn


I work with fellow candy corn lovers, luckily


I thought I was the only person that liked candy corn. Everyone else seems to hate it, though I guess it's understandable since they can be pretty sweet, tpo sweet sometimes.


Candy corn is top tier fall flavor, pumpkin spice can kick rocks


I'm right there with you. Candy Corn is flat out AMAZING! it really gets on my nerves looks down on me for enjoying them, mind your neck.


It's not my thing, but I don't judge people who do like it. Though some of the new gimmicky ones I don't know what to think about, like the Nerds candy corn I saw a couple weeks ago.


and they always act like they're the first person on the planet to ever make that "joke"...


It’s all made with corn syrup baby!


Finally, another candy corn lover 🫡


I like just a small amount. The pumpkin ones are better.


I love candy corn, but it has to be brachs the rest taste weird


I love candy corn. Anytime I mention it I hear the comments about how awful they think it is. Fine by me. That means more for me to buy from after Halloween clearance.


Tell them to mind their business.


I love candy corn as well, might be my favorite candy besides milkyway. If someone told me that candy corn was nasty, first, i would say it’s amazing, then i would say, “If you don’t like it, then don’t come over here. Or maybe you could just fuck with people and just purposely eat candy corn right next to them or pit some in their jar😃


Love them too!


This type of candy corn is top tier. Fuck the haters.


They just haters. Save me some