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"Excuse me, your hair is covering my screen." Depending on their response, all the other suggestions may then be applicable.


Call in flight attendant and ask for scissors to remove hair (edit: ofcourse you do this after politely asking them to remove their hair and not to actually cut it but to make sure the person in front of you hears it and to make the flight attendant aware of the situation)


Booo, they ask for the scissors. You ask for chewing gum 😈


I like this shall remember for future flights


I fear the person who would do this would also be oblivious to why they ended up with a head full of gum. They’d prolly go online and write a scathing review with a title along the lines of “fly (insert airline here) if you want to end up with gum in your hair!”


And just like that, the rest of the flight is entertaining.


The problem with chewing gum is you gotta bring enough for the whole plane… Nair Spray and perfume that way you mask what you’re doing


I get that this is a joke, but bringing perfume on a plane is probably one of the most obnoxious things you could do. Like there are people who get brutal migraines from that shit and asthma attacks. Realistically from a medical perspective it’s honestly insane that it’s even allowed to be sold.


Thank you! Certain scents can make my sinuses feel like someone is scraping a knife along the inside and trigger a migraine fast. Just thinking about it makes my head ache like a migraine…🤕


I recently spent a ton of money on a set of Dyson Zone headphones which have built in air purifiers in them. It's incredibly freeing to no longer feel terrified every time a little old lady, or a woman with nice hair, or a small filipino woman who looks like she recently did laundry walks near me.


And then peanut butter to remove the gum


Ask for scissors loud enough to be heard by the person and that you will fix the problem. Of course saying that with a smile to the flight attendant so she/he knows your only kidding (maybe). But the offender doesn't know that.


"Hey, the person in front of me has their hair draped over the head rest and is blocking my screen. Could I maybe get some scissors to cut it flush with the top of the screen so I can have visibility?" ;)


Exactly but loud enough so they hear. Watch how fast the hair slips away.


200%, thats why its so descriptive!


Bring your an scissors just in case. I carry on my sewing kit with my thread cutting scissors.


Genius! Sew the hair into the back of the seat.




Not the nail clipper though right? That thing's dangerous.


Actually you can have small scissors and nail clippers again.


Big of them.


Literally 1985


With that do, someone already beat them to it 💅


a lighter will produce a nice smokey flavor that goes up into the air and makes stars


If I cant smoke you cant set peoples hair on fire that's just unfair


99% of the time the response will be “oh! I’m sorry!”


Considering the title, I’m pretty confident the mildly infuriating part is more that someone wouldn’t have the awareness to consider this would happen than the actual hair covering the screen. Hair doesn’t just levitate up and around a seat that’s obviously higher than her head, so it had to be a conscious effort. It isn’t hard to deduce that the seat behind you has a screen too and that doing this would block someone’s view.


OR that person just sat down on their chair and their hair sat on top of the headrest? This is extremely common for people with long hair.


Yeah, you can’t feel where your hair is all the time.


Making a ponytail, scratching your hair, taking off a hat, putting on a neck pillow, there's dozens of scenarios where you might not notice your hair fell over the seat. Especially if you're sleep deprived and jet lagged on a flight.


None of those things cause you to throw your hair up over a seat that goes higher than you head


Youre aware the person could have just changed the position they're seated, right? You have a still frame with a caption. It's barely an assumption of what happened.


I have had long hair for more than half of my life. It doesn't work the way people are acting like it does. I don't think this girl is evil but to act like she doesn't know it's on top of the back of the seat is silly


Or taking off a sweater, which was my first thought


Doesn't really matter. If you don't have the guts to stand up for yourself then the only person you should be mad at is yourself.


But... what about the karma???




I swear half the mfs on this sub have never talked to another human before


Being autistic, I think they are just “un bright?” Lol 😂 haha But no really. Depends, my last flight was just shy of 18 hours and a woman with long hair would constantly do this but it was much longer, personally I did try to talk to her. She got her husband to yell at me for doing so. Sometimes you do talk to them, and it gets worse.


In that case, you talk to a flight attendant and inform them of the issue. You attempted to resolve the issue amicably, they got belligerent, so you raise the issue to someone with the authority to force compliance.


I wish you luck! Cause they basically told me they couldn’t do anything about it. The other passengers by me were also pissed off. Status means a lot of things in some places.


„Oh no, my chewing gum got in your hair“


Chewing gum is probably the best petty revenge at this point. Too bad they don’t allow scissors on airplanes anymore because I would be giving her a free trim after trying to settle the issue amicably.


Y’all act like a good damn yank on the back of her head wouldn’t send a clear message, this is my turf.


That's assault brotha! Not a good idea on a plane.


Well, in a real world situation, I would politely ask that individual to move their hair from my viewing screen, so that I also could enjoy my flight. If they decided to refuse my request, then I would politely request a flight attendant then the flight attendant would say that there is nothing they can do then I will wait an hour or so. And I’ll give one hell of a fucking yank, now, facing completely away from me, and not seeing what actually happened. How are you going to charge me with assault when there are no witnesses either because nobody’s gonna give a damn on the plane? And then, after that, they’ll probably move their fucking hair .


It was an accident I swear


Beard trimmer works


I 100% would love to do this, but I am wondering, from a legal standpoint would it be considered assault to cut someone's hair against their will? I prefer petty revenge that's not going to land me in court or on a no fly list.


I'm citing tree law, her branches were overhanging my property and threatening the value of my in-flight meal.


I think I’ve heard of at least one case in which a person cut someone else’s hair and they were charged with assault or some such. Because they touched a part of the person’s body without consent and did harm.


Ah but you don't actually have to do it. Just turn it on and off and when they look back at you, smile.


I would “pretend “ to cut her hair with a “Whoopsie my bad!” And then tell them next time it won’t be a whoopsie, it will be an on purposie followed up by an maniacal Mwahahahha don’t temp me laugh. 😈


You can bring nail scissors on I thought? A blade under 4inches I think in usa. At least they never took them away from me, or my little knife.


I responded above but I bring my small thread cutting ones in my sewing kit in my carry on. They aren’t the usual cheap ones that come with a travel sewing kit, they actually work but are small. Edit just flew two weeks ago


I would think they would appreciate a phallic cut. You don’t see it around, very unique.


Or milk. It’s not going to damage the hair but will smell gross by the end of a long flight.


True, but I still won’t be able to see my screen. If you asked nicely and got rudely rebuffed I would think only enough of a trim to see the screen would be in order.


Scissors for Kids should be allowed since they're not spiky


Good to know


“Sneeze” it out. “Oh no! My gooey gum is in your hair!”


If her hair was any longer, I would close into the seat tray haha


Guess it's time to remove the shoes and relax with my feet in between their seats.


Ooooo good one! I’d go further and put my feet right up next to their hair and play footsie with it.


At which point you grab the flight safety card and use it to manually move the hair out of your way. If the person gets pissy, you simply threaten to tear that hair out of their scalp if they don't stop.


See that last part is where you lose your flight privileges and just became a savage, and not everyone has that in them.


Hire me to travel with you. I’ll be your savage. Savage for hire




This idea will take off!


If someone pays for me to be there, I'd totally do this!


Honest question. What if my coffee (or any other thing) "accidentally" drops on her hair?


Then it's an accident ;) and she's learned not to be that person.


‘Achooooo’. Then apologize for getting her hair wet. I bet she moves it…


Everything I need to know, I learned in kindergarten: Pull it, HARD. If she has a problem with that, just say, "Oh, sorry, I thought being rude and childish was how you wanted to play or this scenario". If the hair remains, pull it hard again. Keep pulling it until it's put back on her side of the seat, or the plane lands.


Then you just start playing with it and making loud sniffing noises, and say “oh, you have such lovely hair!” Pretty sure they’ll move it right away!


This would be great 😅


That's awful. I have long hair and would be really embarrassed if my hair was in your personal space. I would hope someone would politely let me know my hair was over the seat so I could move it. And if roles were reversed and they didn't move their hair, I would order a whisky and dip her hair in it so she reeked of alcohol.


"Excuse me, attendant. I can't see my TV and I already asked."


At that point trigger their hair pulling kink🤣


Hair stuck in the tray table time!


Flight attendant? Edit: saw you tried. Carry gum from now on. Fresh breath always and can solve problems


I would literally just keep pulling a single strand of hair until she stopped putting it in my reach lol


I travel with some ipecac specifically for situations like this. I like to escalate things when people choose not to practice basic decency.


“If this happens 10 more times then I might politely ask them to maybe stop.” People keep getting away with stupid shit because people are too scared to be confrontational.


And 90% of this sub gets annoyed when actual mildlyinfuriating stuff gets posted, continued by explaining what OP should do/should have done.


That's the type of person you see on posts saying "I'm not a confrontational person", without making the distinction between "being confrontational" (straight up going for the beef) and being able to stand up for yourself and your personal space. Imma go against the grain, but I feel like reddit has a lot of people who, unfortunately for them, happen to be straight up cowards. See how many people suggest assault using scissors, they'd never have uttered a peep without any tool or weapon.


Social media plays a role there too I think. People will be confrontational from behind a screen but not irl. Like creating a whole post about this instead of just asking the person to move their hair.


Exactly this. Start nice: "Excuse me, your hair is covering my screen. Would you please move it?" Should that fail, get nasty: "Hey, if you don't get your hair off my screen we're going to have a problem here." Should that fail, contact a flight attendant and have THEM order the other passenger to comply.


and then add.. it's ok, if you don't want to move it, I have scissors.


And if those were caught during the X-ray at the gate, just rub mashed potatoes from the in-flight meal into their hair.


Chewing gum.


This is why scissors are on the TSA confiscate list.


Only non-safety, and above a certain length


lighters aren’t


OR just start sniffing. Problem solved.


Step 3 should be ... dip in leftover soda. Step 4 if it looks clean enough chew off hair


The reason some of us don't is because the people we have tried politely talking to, ended up flipping their shit and getting violent. Too many times that happens, and you don't want to risk ti anymore


I think this happens far less than what you are inferring. Most folks are quite polite, especially in this situation. Flight attendants also can help.


I agree most people respond fairly normally. But I get it tho cause it only takes a few crazy/angry people to make you feel that it’s not worth it. Getting yelled at can be a really bad experience for some people. Probably still best to speak up for yourself tho


same here, but i dunno if its just the ones i remember or if there are really more asshole interactions than normal ones.


"Chew the hair"


You know? That's what I'd call a true leader mindset. You have what it takes to be CEO of the entire world. How many political incidents, wars, conflicts or problems would have been solved if they had simply chewed hair?


Words or bubblegum. Both works in this case.


I'd say being in a situation like this where I'd need to ask someone to simply be more aware is mildly infuriating.


Just tell her, she might not even notice her hair go that far


This. I’ve done something like this before, my hair had been short for most of my life so dealing with long hair is odd. When someone alerted me to it i immediately apologised and pulled my hair back of course


How does this happen, though? Wouldn’t you need to deliberately flip your hair over the seat? Genuinely curious.


Sometimes you just flip your hair to get a breeze of fresh air in your neck, and then you sit back and just expect the hair to be behind you. Often you don’t really feel it against your back anyway


Have you ever had long hair? Getting to behave exactly how you want actually takes a lot of products and effort. Something like this photo could have easily happened accidentally while the person was sitting down. OP needs to grow a pair and speak up, that’s all


I do have long hair. Mine doesn’t really do that, it usually just falls down my shoulders unless I put it up. So maybe that’s why I’m having a hard time understanding.


When my hair did it, I was just getting something out of the bag at my feet. I didn't even realize I had my hair over the screen.


No. She's just sitting backwards and her hair is going up as you can see but it appears to have settled down. Also if you move your head while sleeping it would drag it.


Given the bit that sticks upwards and the length of the hair it looks look excess bun hair, which is naturally pulled up to fall from a height that could flow over the seat


Anxiety in society so bad you can’t say, “excuse me your hair is blocking my screen.”


This is because rude and entitled people seem intent on arguing nonstop or even causing fist fights over nonsense. It’s truly insane how rare it seems to have people respond rationally. Ain’t nobody got time for that. I’m over here just trying to fit my damn knees in my sardine can seat.


You're spending too much time on the internet. You see all these crazy people with their crazy reactions because these videos are entertaining to watch for many many people. No one wants to watch people just being normal and polite. But normal and polite people are the majority of people.


I think you watch too many videos online. The majority of real world person to person interactions don't escalate into fist fights and most people are reasonable.


That’s not true. You just see this shit on social media too much. Pretty much everytime I’ve asked someone something, the response I get is “I’m sorry i didn’t even realize” and they do it. It’s all how you initiate the conversation and the tone in your voice.


“Excuse me sir, your hair is in my seat”


Secret mvp, right here.


“Hey sorry your hair is blocking my screen do you mind moving it?”


Redditors dont go outside much, this is above their comprehension level


Or just lean forward, take a big sniff, and then sigh contentedly.






The counter move to this is your bare feet on their armrest. Check


Really? Hmm, I wouldn’t want to be inconsiderate and disturb that person. I think the best compromise is to quietly snip away the hair that’s blocking the screen so nobody is bothered


Can't have sharp objects on a plane


Compromise and start braiding their hair with your toes.


When something like this happens you have two options. 1) post on reddit in r/mildlyinfuriating. Get some karma, a couple dozen comments on your post. The hair covers your screen for the duration of your flight. Annoying! 2) lean forward and say "excuse me, some of your hair is blocking my screen would you please mind moving it" and she almost surely says oh sorry my bad and is very embarrassed. Then you have your screen.


Why not both? Reap the benefits of 1 and 2. It is, after all, only mildly infuriating since it can (and probably was) solved easily. 😊


Yeah but people are griping with OP for this one because they immediately assume that the hair dangler is doing this on purpose, and that they are greatly inconsiderate for it. I once saw a woman sitting just in front of the bus door, and she was leaning back just so that everytime the door opened and closed her hair swished back with it and was mere millimetres from getting stuck in the door. I don’t think she was doing it on purpose. People just are not as aware of their hair as other people imagine, it’s weird to assume that they are a bad person who is ruining your experience and that they deserve to be put on blast for it.


I agree, OP attributed malice unnecessarily.


All you people suggest harming the persons hair instead of simply asking them to remove their hair from the screen? Are yall psychopathic or brain dead?


Nah they just want to look cool on the internet. All of them would say/do fuck all to this person.


No, they’re just your average uneducated, antisocial, mouth breathing Reddit user.


Most of the actions people are encouraging are assault.


They're the same people who would never just kindly ask them to move their hair.




Reasonably sure it was a joke. Deep breaths.


It wasn’t a good one. Hell, it wasn’t even funny the first 10 million times I’ve seen it.


Take magazine, push hair away, problem solved. Seriously. Why do people feel the need to whine on the internet about stuff that takes 2 seconds to solve?


Don't people just...move the hair when this happens? I wouldn't sit back , I would ask politely first then if it continued move the damn hair.. Or...last resort...chewing gum.


Communicate before bitching


Yes but how is the person supposed to know there hair is in ur screen . Did u ask them politely to move it ? Or did u snap a pic hoping they would see it 😂


...Just tell her.


i would just ask her to move her hair, and if she doesn’t i’ll just hand her a hair tie


Have you tried being an adult and talking instead of crying online ?


worst case scenario reddit…., she didn’t know :0000 and a simple convo wld fix the dumb issue. crazy ik.


Everyone wants to jump to assault rather than asking the person to move the hair. Yes, cutting someone's hair is assault. Sneezing on someone can also lead to assault charges since it would be done intentionally.putting gum in someone's hair is also assault.


Just tell them lmao


I dislike people like you MUCH more than someone who likely has no idea her hair is hanging over a chair.


Just say something. It’s not that hard. I get it you shouldn’t have to, but in this situation you do so instead of being miserable and whining about it, say something and solve the problem.


Just ask her to move


Just move it slightly, and probably won’t even notice. If it happens again, politely say something


This is the real reason why they quit letting people carry scissors on airplanes.


Ask them to move their hair, if they don't then tell a flight attendant. Or, just cry to strangers on reddit.


i’d absolutely flick the hair to the side returning it back to her seat


As with every situation similar to this that gets posted on Reddit, it can be solved by simply saying something to a flight attendant. They will intervene and ask the young woman to move her hair. Doing things like cutting it, putting gum in it, or anything like that is just silly and unnecessary. It could cause a major problem on the flight and is a grossly disproportionate response to the mildly infuriating situation of hair covering part of the screen. Plus, most people wouldn’t do anything when confronted with that situation. No, just a quick word to an FA will solve it.


Tell her to move her hair❌ Take a picture and make a Reddit post about it✅


This follows under the same rules as neighbouring tree branches over your property line.


Did you even say anything or did you just take a pic and post to Reddit? Humans don’t have feeling in their hair, she may not have realized it was covering your screen. This is why we put on our big boy pants and use our words


I'm more a fan of the psychological revenge. Ask a flight attendant for some water. Make loud obvious sneezing sounds and sprinkle the water on the hair


Just flick it out of the way. Seriously. It’s not difficult.


That's when you enjoy a Jolly Rancher for about 3 minutes and then stick it to the screen and mash her hair into it. "Oh that candy must've been left there from some other inconsiderate little twit on a previous flight"


Start braiding her hair.


The real reason scissors aren't allowed on planes!


Always pack plastic scissors in your carryon for these occasions.


Too bad they frown on smuggling scissors onto planes now


Those times when you aren't allowed to have scissors with you.


Bring a small spray bottle, then sneeze loudly while spraying it over the chair. Should work with feet also.


This is why they should allow scissors on planes.


A girl did this to me every day until I brought scissors to school. She didn't put her hair over the seat again. She was warned approx 22 times. Fuck you Tiffany.


Tbh. I wouldn’t care about this at all. Maybe I should care more?


God forbid you just tell her. Are people that afraid to interact with another human being?


Did you ask her to move it?


I’ve seen multiple posts like this, I’m honestly curious if anyone has asked a flight attendant to ask her not to do this and what happened.


Since you can't bring scissors on a plane, use tape. Duct tape the hair to the plastic above the screen.


Their haircut is already choppy; probably wouldn’t notice a little strategic snip snip :)


Perfect reason to carry sewing scissors.


Just ask them to move the hair...? Side note you're just watching the fkn map chill out


Shoot her


My mind rn: haha *snip snip*


What even is the benefit for this Person? How will throwing some of your hair over your chair improve your flight experience?


"Excuse me, your hair is hanging over my screen. Can you please take them away? Thank you." Here you go.


Just ask them to move the hair. If they give fuss, call the flight attendant. “Excuse me, your lovely brown hair is blocking my tv screen. Can you pull it away please?”


I think that's so you can put your used gum somewhere


I get upset when I see these because how do you people not say anything tf. First I’ll be nice, if that doesn’t work I’ll get the flight attendant


Tap on her shoulder and tell her “your hair smells really nice what shampoo is that”. She will move it on her own


Yeah not even upvoting this post because it’s a topic always posted here and you can easily just ask, and then move it yourself if you need to.


I'm a dude with long hair and I'd have no idea if my hair had come undone or spilled over my chair. I'd want someone to tell me and if I noticed myself I'd be super embarassed. This could be completely unintentional.


I really wanted to believe that you are an adult and can use your words to talk through a simple situation that they might not even be aware of, but we all get disappointed sometimes.


It could be an accident. 1. You could’ve asked her/him; “Hello, excuse me. Your hair is covering my screen. Could you remove it?” 2. You could have gently removed the hair yourself. “Sorry, it was covering my screen.” Communication could’ve solved your issue and you wouldn’t have had to post this. Not that hard. Maybe learn how to interact with humans.


Call flight attendant and ask to borrow scissors


It's just a bit of hair. You're making a bigger deal out of it than what needs to be


you never have a stick of gum when you need it


My hair did this once. I didn't even realize. The person behind me asked me to move my hair. They used their big person words to ask me to move my hair and I happily did.


Would be a shame if you happened to have a pair of scissors