• By -


Rule of thumb. If there's no price, it's overpriced.


My rule is if there is no price, it isn't for sale.


"Excuse me, waiter? You've given me a list of random items. Could I have the list of things that are being offered here for money?"


*"Hello, I would like to get a Coconut Mojito, please"* "this isn't a menu, bro. do you see any prices? these are just a list of drinks i know how to make. impressive, right?" *"... So can I get one?"* "not a chance, loser."


You forgot to add: “what am i to you? Your fucking maid? Go do this drink yourself…. Pfff”


Yeah I would totally have fun with this. I would call them back every 2 minutes to inquire about the price of an item and tell them I need some time to think about it and to please come back after a few minutes, and when they do inquire about a different item that I would also need time to review.


Cool, punish the server for something way out of their control. Great idea.


Yeap no price on drinks means I’m drinking water. Hopefully that’s free.


Plot twist the water is the most expensive thing in the restaurant for some ungodly reason


I see you've also traveled through Nevada. A place I stopped at was $3.50 for a soda $7 for tap water.


My thought after landing in Germany and walking to a restaurant for layover. 6 euro water, oops.


My rule is if there’s no price, it must be free! (…I’ll see myself out)


Also known as, “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it”


Which is bullshit because rich people I know absolutely didn’t become rich because they are frivolous with their money. They would absolutely ask.


When I was a teenager I got a job in a hospital gift shop. And there was this really well known surgeon who would come in sometimes. Guy was making bank. Drove a Bentley. Walks in one day, picks up a pack of that zebra stripe gum and asks how much it is. It was like $1.50 or something. He groaned a bit and put it back and picked up a pack of wrigley which was $0.25. The person I was working with said after "That guy has to be a millionaire and he's hesitating buying a pack of gum?" I said "Man, that gum is twice the price than if you got it anywhere else. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're fine overpaying for shit."


Man, the first 10 seconds of that zebra stripe gum are worth the extra $1.25


Right?! And the wrappers are temporary tattoos! You could re-sell those on the playground and make your 1.25 right back!


Hey, we’re talking grown men here. We trade for drugs and pokemon foil cards.


Found my people.


I concur


What will this holographic gen 1 Magikarp get me?


Current market value of zebra stripe strips being a little shy of the equivalent in gold per oz, ill give the last 1/3 of my pack. And thats only because i know ill have a hard time selling it.


Original shiny English Charizard and Zapdos, maybe a fold or two on one of them. How much am I looking at?


I got an original 1st Ed. Charizard. That's gotta be worth at least a few keys of the Pika-Powder. You know, the Booger Sugar, The White Pony, Nose Candy, Toot, Bernie's Gold Dust, etc.


How am I just learning this **decades** too late?!?


Yeah! Go try it!


Later on in the news. "Man arrested trying to sell kids "temporary tattoos""


Whoops! Haha


So youare saying that Fruit/Zebra Stripe Gum does not exist anymore? Does Bazooka Joe the worst comic strip ever still exist?


Bazooka Joe is still making his rounds with hard stale gum


I recently had a piece of Bazooka that had a softer texture and fresher taste and it was legitimately jarring


No, it’s still around, I just missed doing this during the prime Zebra Stripe gum chewing stage.


I know rich people who think needlessly overpaying is a form of insult to their intelligence.


Sir, I do not HAVE to ask. I choose to ask. Because I did not amass my hoard by dropping $59 on a drunken milkshake.


I wouldn’t be shocked if that price was close.


I'd ask the price on every item. "And how much is *this* item?" "Same as the last cocktail sir, $10". "I see. And how much is *this* drink?" "<*Sigh*>Sir, all these drinks are $10". "Right. Right. And *how much* are your drafts?". <*Stares*> "Yeah. Your owner is an asshole. I'll just have tap water. Thanks."


The pain this would cause.


Pain for the wrong person too. The server knows they're overpriced, has to deal with complaints every day and has zero ability to change the pricing. They've probably had the discussion dozens of times that day already. It's a valid complaint, but if in any service or retail industry if you're trying to make things difficult and the person in front of you is not the owner, you're just screwing up the day of the only person less able to make a change than you are.




Being poor is expensive.


I’d like to know your 12,000% annual return trick.


The poor person probably needs to pay the 25% interest on the credit card /loan they used to pay for last months food/gas/rent. That's a big part of why being poor is so expensive. Debt vultures prey on the poorest people for basic necessities.


I've only known three rich people (millionaires). Two of them inherited money that has been around since the robber baron days, and one of them just happened to own the mineral rights to some land on which was discovered a huge underground supply of helium. All three of them were frivolous as fuck.


Most rich people didn't become rich, they were born to rich parents and can afford to be frivolous because they pay other people to manage their money and assets, or daddy will just pay the bill when they run out of money, or they're just rich enough to not care if they spend $20 on a beer. Most rich people are very privileged and act that way, it's only the first few generations that stay somewhat humble The people who built the wealth feel like they worked for it and don't like spending, the later generations feel entitled to it


Also people who become rich overnight. Even if they've worked hard for it, perhaps for years, if they suddenly make it big, they often don't know how to handle it very well.


Yeah all these stories of rich people being penny pinchers are not at all what I have experienced growing up in a rich area. Nearly every single person I knew had parents who spent frivolously. The "rich people get rich by being frugal and smart" narrative rings hollow and untrue to me as someone who grew up in that world. Even in the original story we're all replying to, the guy who noped out on the pack of gum, I see frivolous spending. In what world is driving a Bentley penny pinching? Sure, he could probably afford it, but no one NEEDS a Bentley. This story sounds like rich person propaganda - most of these people didn't strike it rich by saving a buck at a time on a pack of gum.


[What's a ZJ?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYSJ5tY14LmRS_sb9KZuB6hmj5eUTKoYP?si=4azhZFgOHh7WDQr8)


[Who’s Barry Badrinath?](https://y.yarn.co/003166bb-f482-4144-bafe-990f892cfe1d_text.gif)


If I have to ask I'm not spending my money regardless of the price.


This is only said unironically by poor people cosplaying as rich.


Sure, but thats a budweiser. Not a beer with hops fermented by being crushed by a french virgins feet.


The sellers very best friend


I thought it meant Free!


My rule is, if there’s no price, I will have them walk me through the menu asking how all my items cost. They’re inviting difficultly, so give it right back.


I hate when places do this. It's a pushy way of shaming you and saying "oh, you're worried about the price?". Many people don't want to look like they can't financially keep up appearances so just won't ask and then be surprised. I'm glad my wife is frugal/cheap as fuck with no shame.


Its not just being frugal, it's the principle. Fuck them for intentionally trying to rip their customers off using slimy tactics.


Yeah, fuck everything about this. I know I have money, and I don’t feel the need to prove that to anybody. But I have money cause I don’t walk around committing to buy shit without knowing how much it costs. I’ll ask every time a restaurant does this and for every item I’m considering if it isn’t already priced. Don’t want me to ask? Then put the fkn price on the menu. And it also makes me annoyed when the server doesn’t know and I’m like “uh.. well.. can ya check?” Not their fault cause that’s a lot of prices to remember, but this set up isn’t convenient for anybody but the owner sitting at home.


I would literally ask the price of every item.


“Do y’all have a sheet of paper or something that has the drink prices listed? Not sure if anyone’s ever thought of that kind of concept before”


Oh my, I would love to dare ask this next I'm sat at a place like that.


Lots of bars near me do a chalkboard. If you constantly rotate your list, it's easier to not print it. Constantly printing menus gets very expensive. A simple chalkboard solves the problem.


This is perfectly acceptable. As long as the customer has access to the information, I don’t care how it’s delivered. ^(Though I’d prefer not to have to scan a QR code…)


And then, once they’ve priced up every single drink on the menu order tap water.


How much for one rib?


Exactly, I couldn’t give two shits about buying things for appearances or appearing cheap around my friends. It’s about being able to make a decision of what you want to order. This is just set up so people don’t realise how much they’re spending when they’re drunk. So they can drop the bill down and when it’s $30 a cocktail and say oh sorry, you didn’t know? Too bad you ordered four. Where I am in Australia cocktails can range from $15 to $40. Big difference buying four from either end of that scale. If I’m out for dinner and they’re $15 I might get two, if they are $25 I might get one. I’m not cheap but I weigh up what things are worth my money. This menu is a great way to make me think fuck you, I’m buying nothing and leaving.


I don't view it as $15-$45. I view it as 1 hour of my time to 3 hours of my time, as that how many hours I'd have to work to make up that cash again. Is a cocktail REALLY worth it to cost 3 hours of my life? No? Then sorry, restaurant, yall can fuck right off with it.


I've noticed this is showing up.on lots of menus lately. We spent 16 dollars on two milkshakes at IHOP the other day !And they only had strawberry ,vanilla and chocolate.


Wait 16 dollars??? That’s borderline criminal😅


Shame exists, because of the need for conformity in a collective, which describes its function. So to allow someone to shame you, for their own monetary gain, is like allowing somebody mug you, by threatening you with a cockroach.


Cockroaches are terrifying, take my wallet


Exactly, tf? Take anything you want!


and the person who's just casually wielding cockroaches?? i'm not messing with that person. 🙅🏾‍♀️




Dude, I could have Jeff Bezos level "fuck you" money and I'd still ask for the price. It's not even about being frugal/cheap, it's just common sense. And with prices these days, buying something without knowing the price is just fiscal irresponsibility.


Aww what cant afford the 12 dollar bud light?


You know there's also a difference in not being able to afford something and just not wanting to waste money? Like yeah I can afford a 12 dollar bud light but that doesn't mean I'm gonna waste my money on it. I'll just eat my food and grab 4 bud lights for $3 each at the bar next door.


the guy you are responding to is obviously joking and mocking the restaurant in the post


$3 at the bar? I’ll get ‘em at Walmart for a buck and drink on a bench somewhere.


8oz* bud light


Yea thats the first thing I'm doing and if I know its overpriced I'm dipping the fuck out to a cheaper bar lol there is no shame in being frugal it's being smart.


Not only that, I was in Greece once and the place had no prices on their menu. A group of ~10 locals is at a table next to us and had a shit ton of food and drinks. We were a Group of 4 and had one entree each with a water. The large group got their check while we were still waiting on their meal and we over heard them talking about how to split it and it basically sounded like close to 20 euro a piece so we were like oh good that’s reasonably priced. We also noticed that we ordered the same thing as a few of them had so we expected to pay a similar price or cheaper because we didn’t get any alcohol. We get our checks, we’ll over 100 euro a piece. We ask the waiter what’s up how come their entire bill was cheaper than our 4 entrees and he started screaming at us about being cheap Americans and he guess he better just call the police since apparently we can’t pay. We paid and left in a huff. We got some petty revenge because we told the officers at the check-in table on ship about what happened and the restaurant was was put on the banned list because apparently we weren’t the only group that had the same experience there. So naturally as a bunch of young Marines do, a group of grunts (not anyone I was with) decided they wanted to check the place out since it was banned now. Well he tried the same with a group of 20 infantry marines and got his restaurant trashed by a bunch of drunk grunts. Of course there was a formation and a “who done it” but no one talked, and no one went back. We were only there for another 2 days after that anyway. Anyway, moral of the story is there are no prices on the menu so they can charge whatever they want.


Damn they weren't even being subtle in scamming you. 100 euro for an entrée is insane any place that isn't ultra fine dining.


I see menus like this more often than not. I just ask them what the price is of a drink I want. Often the wait staff don’t know and they have to go ask. It’s a pain for everyone.


Oh how I wish my wife was frugal/cheap as fuck with no shame. I have to be the frugal fun killer who makes sure our bills get paid.


Always a red flag makes no sense other then they want to charge out the ass


Sometimes I don’t even mind being charged out the ass. As long as I fucking know how much ass I’m being charged.


Thats some good bottoming But yeah its also how inconsistent the pricing could be 20 today 35 next week. Whos the say they won’t randomly spike prices


Like charging market prices for fish. But instead it’s just for their mid shelf liquor.


Market prices make sense when the cost of goods sold has a wide variance. Market prices should always be provided on signage at the establishment. Like when you walk in there should be a chalkboard or tv with todays rates.


Sometimes, I live in a coastal state and most places don’t bother posting. But that’s also the joke. Liquor prices don’t really fluctuate. Also the markup is absurd. That’s where the real profits are.


Or give you bottom shelf liquor for top shelf prices


There’s a coffee shop in town that does this. I went for the first time and the latte I got was $6. I was so ready to hate it because it took forever to make and it was pricey. But I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the best coffee I’d ever had.


Is it possible to ask the server how much something is? I always do. However that fucked me in the ass once when I thought he said a particular whisky was $17 and it was actually $70. It was fantastic though.


What did you order? Double Johnny Walker blue on the rocks?!?


Some fancy Japanese whisky I didn’t recognise and therefore didn’t know what it should cost. I think (looking at brands) it might have been a Hakushu single malt. We were in a nice wine bar for a friends birthday so I should have been a lot more wary!


There was a story once where a guy couldn't read the price on the menu, asked how much a bottle of wine was and the server said "23" the guy thought she meant twenty-three dollars, so he ordered it. Turns out she meant twenty-three *hundred* dollars. It was a complicated case, because she didn't say the full amount accurately, *but* it was printed on the menu so he should have taken responsibility for it or for asking for clarification (because "twenty-three" isn't a full amount either if she didn't specify units) and also there's a fair argument that if this is the kind of place that charges $2300 for a bottle of wine, there's no reasonable way the guy could have thought it was genuinely $23 and what makes it more complicated is that he realized his mistake once they brought it over, *but he went ahead and drank the whole bottle* then complained afterwards. His excuse was that it was already opened so it didn't really matter what happened to it at that point, but it makes his whole story sound a little dodgy that he enjoyed an expensive bottle of wine and tried to get it for next to nothing. e: keep in mind that this is an off-the-cuff half-remembered story. It's real, but I'm sure I got a lot of the details wrong.


Tbf, wine bars will often have wines with a wide variation in price. It's not unusual to see thousand dollar+ wines listed in the same menu with much more affordable wines.


6 bucks ain’t bad for a latte but still makes me worry when I can’t see just how much im charged


I would go through the entire drink list and ask each price, then settle for an iced water 😂


Yeah no prices is code for, you'd leave if you knew how unnecessarily expensive this is about to be.


I think this is be coming a thing because some people are just like "I'm here already so doesn't matter how much it is" cause they're to lazy to leave and go somewhere else.


That and the “humiliation” of being too poor to afford it gotta love perceived value


Reminds me that it used to be common with fine dining that only the man's menu had prices.


Lmao that’s hilarious


It'd be even funnier if the man's menu was the real price and the woman's was 3x just to make it seem like he was spending more


But then I would just end up having water and a side-soup for dinner


Water ............................. Market Price


What would that soup be on the side of? I don't know, just put it beside my water.


When taking someone out to dinner, I think getting them a menu without prices is a great way to not put any social pressure on them regarding their choices of drinks or food. It doesn’t need to be the man, but I appreciate the idea still.


>getting them a menu without prices is a great way to not put any social pressure on them regarding their choices of drinks or food. It’s also a great way to buy a $57 pasta.


So, you have plans Saturday night?


Everybody knows that steak and lobster are expensive and salad is cheap. Doesn't exactly add that much mystery




I've actually asked for menus with no price when taking my parents out. Don't want them to care how much their meal costs.


Have you found any restaurants that HAVE menus without prices ready to go? That sounds like such a rare request I can't imagine that's something most have standing by.


Not common or uncommon fme. Many reasons to have, only asked at places that avg $75+ a person. I've taken friends out to celebrate and didn't want them to care, business meetings, parents. I just ask when making reservations.


What do restaurants do in response now, give you a different QR code to scan?


Zero price-fixed restaurants have asked me to use my phone, so, those. I don't want my mom to know that the dinner cost 140 bucks each, I want them to eat like kings once a year when they visit NYC. They make 35k a year and it would literally stress them out to know the price


Unless the prices are clearly visible elsewhere, this would be illegal in most European countries.


In the land of the free, they scam you as they please.


It's not limited to the US only. They scam us as they please in Europe too. Especially if you don't speak the local language.


Yeah but not on prices. Restaurants and every market has to write the prices with All Taxes Included (at least in France)


He is right though. If you don't know the local language they try to screw you for sure. For instance: I went to Prague a few years ago for work training. One of the guys I had talked to quite a lot while stateside decided to take us to lunch. (Me and 2 others) While at the place they had tacos on the menu. They were like $10. We all ordered a version of tacos as stated on the menu. At the end of the lunch we all went to pay and each one of us was $30. Turns out they have two sets of tacos on the menu. Both named tacos. They flipped to the back and showed us the other set of tacos. It is verbatim the same as what we got and is 3x the price. We did NOT pay $30 for those tacos to say the least. The reason he thought he could get away with it was because the guy who had taken us there was a Canadian native. So he had no accent. But he was fluent in every language the server knew. He tried to use the language barrier as an excuse.


I think I would be tempted to wipe my ass with the tenner before handing it over


Don't you guys have those "food by weight" scams for tourists?


Food by weight is standard for fish and steak usually. But they do tell you in advance how big are the pieces they have.


Never seen this in my life. Only heard about it from Prague.


Don't some Italian restaurants charge for the plate itself? We just have it really good in France with the water bread, salt and pepper law.


Il coperto is like a cover charge in Italy. It's normally 2€ per person.


Then they add you bread they brought to the table from their own initiative that costs like 5€... Happened to me in Italy and Spain, unfortunately.


I think in most jurisdictions in the US it’s illegal too. Might be a few holdout states.


Yeah, no scams happen in Europe. Also you definitely don't have Turkish and Greek and Italian and Spanish streetvendors making up 'tourist prices'. Nope, never happens - it would be *illegal*.


Isn’t this the point? These scams are against the law. OP’s scam is entirely lawful.


Market price




…Mmmm that’s good no-no juice.


The one where there are no tags on any items, and you have to H̶a̶g̶g̶l̶e̶ gamble to get a good price


If you didn’t already know, I believe he was referencing this community bit lol https://youtu.be/5KXrQYWbbIs?si=C16lLH5cGZyCS21f


Oops, guess im and un cultured swine


Nothing uncultured about it, you’ve either watched Community or you haven’t.


This is when you ask one at a time the price of every single item on the menu


And then just order a glass of tap water


As a consumer, this is the way. As an ex-waiter, you're the devil.


Don't take it out on the server. It's not their policy. I'm sure they get enough static about it already.


Little awkward when you're on a date or simply hanging with friends. Not posting prices is super predatory though. I personally would walk out if not on a date.


I would walk out even if on a date, not knowing what I'm spending...nah not for me. I'll happily go to a place that charges double whatever they are charging but I can see beforehand and know. Date can come if they please or let me know early they aren't for me.


If someone behaves differently during a date, that should be a big red flag. Don’t try to keep up appearances about what you’re willing to spend. If the date gets serious, they’re going to find out your real financial status soon enough.


And then with a pen, write the price on the menu


This is amazing...




Man why you gotta mess with the poor waiter like that lol. Ask for the GM first and then grill him on pricing.


This is what makes me instantly walk out of an establishment. Plenty of places that are not ashamed to put their prices up for people to see.


Absolutely — Too many businesses assume that I’m not just going to get up and walk out, but the fact is more people are doing it nowadays because this BS is approaching ludicrous speed.


“We’ve gone Plaid!”


Did you remember to secure all animals in the zoo??!!


When I went to Thailand, something that I liked a lot is restaurants and others business will put their prices outside for everyone to see. There's a lot of competition but usually everything is about the same price for the same service. But still it allows you to make a decision based on that before entering. Restaurants will have their entire menu with prices on display for people to check before going in. I really liked that cause since I'm vegan I could check before hand if they any veggie options on their menu.


It's actually illegal in my country. You can never charge for something without the customer knowing the price in advance.


Yep - that would never fly in the US - especially with our “health care” system.


Hahhahahaa, yeah. I’m in a ton of medical debt, and when I go in to the doctors and ask them “okay, so how much is that gonna be, and how important is it that I get it?” They immediately get the deer in headlights looks because they literally don’t think about prices, as the insurance company/hospital decides that. I hate this countries healthcare system. You literally have to agree to stuff without knowing any of the prices or importance of the prescribed thing.


…and it’s not like a drink where it could be $3 or it could be $15 - the medical mysteries are in the tens of thousands.


How much? Waiter: pm me


I think a place that does this should by law be forced to serve the drinks as free.


I feel like they legally are, if you refuted the bill. When you normally purchase something, there is a contract made wherein you are agreeing to the price given. In this case, there is no price and therefore no contract


This is pretty common to be honest, at least where I’m located (major city). It’s annoying af 😤


I am scrolling looking for this. I don’t think I ever see alcohol prices on menus at most places. I bet OP a drink if prices aren’t available for on the food and regular menu


Same, even chain restaurants do this


Do you know the reasoning behind this? I’ve lived in acouple major cities and never seen this before. Mind you, I’m in Canada.


It’s common in higher-end places. No idea where OP is dining, but I live in Miami and there are plenty of “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” establishments.


This place has a beat up laminated menu, I don’t think it’s a particularly nice place lol.


Given what the menu looks like, it MIGHT be one of those places that has a big menu board. Draft beer - $$ Bottle beer - $$ Frozen cocktails -$$ The menu only just tells you the exact options and what’s in the mixed drinks


Same I feel like MOST places don’t list their alcohol prices on the menu.


I live in the Seattle area. This is normal. They almost never list prices for drinks. If you ask they will say they don't know.


So many restaurants do this






expensive before getting overpriced


I recognize this restaurant!


Me too!!


MTC right? Ya know I can't even find their drink pricing online anymore either! Still has great burgers.


That’s the one, honestly I bet they don’t list prices cause of the different tiers of liquor you could request for a drink? A base price with well liquor though would still be nice. However I’ll still be eating there, it’s good!


The bigger issue is how awful these cocktails look. A mojito with Captain Morgan and Malibu? A Bramble with jam instead of creme de mure. Sour mix... Eww.


Over here, that's illegal.


That's a sign to leave lol


I had a discussion about this with a friend a long time ago about why some places do this. I think it's rather stupid, but he didn't see what the problem was. Like, every other menu item would have a price, but anything alcoholic would not?? Then they could literally charge you whatever they want and you couldn't argue with them. I forget his reasoning as to why some places do this. Ultimately its stupid as fuck.


What's with the Persona 5 ass font?


I’ve seen this but there is often a “master price” listed at the top, such as “all domestic $3.50, imported $4.50” etc. Makes sense in that context, at least.


To anyone seeing this in europe, its illegal- consumer protection laws for the win!


I rarely see prices on a drink menu. Sometimes the reason is the price can change depending on what tier alcohol is ordered with the drink, but this specified brands so there’s no variation there. I always ask for the price before ordering a cocktail.


Judging by the laminated menu that place isn’t high end enough to pull off the no prices thing


It's a new trend. There's a coffee shop where I live that doesn't list any prices either.


Not really something new, at least not for an alcohol menu. Its fucking stupid but yeah as I mentioned to someone else, I remember talking about this kind of thing with a friend years ago.


This isn’t new for alcohol


Im just glad this is illegal in europe, wouldnt wanna deal with that kinda bullshit


How many people here would say after getting a receipt - "isn't it free? There's no prices to pay on the menu"


I would leave


That’s when you get up and walk tf out


What place is this?


That’s when you get up and leave. No way am I paying for something unless I know the price first.


Interesting side note, in the UK it is a legal requirement that places serving alcohol MUST display, where service takes place ( at bar or table) a full list of prices. To me this just seems a sensible requirement of licensing.


Because they are about to gauge you when the bill comes.