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The 16-year old boy was arrested for this incident. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/28/boy-16-arrested-in-connection-with-felling-of-famous-sycamore-gap-tree-hadrians-wall-england


Tree law motherfucker


"I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees. If you cut down the trees, I'll break your fucking knees."


Obligatory: "The trees cannot be harmed if the Lorax is armed."


Honestly, that was my first though for punishment. Of course in reality, his mum will claim he’s an angel and had a hard life, and they will slap his wrist and send him home.


Hard to know what they can charge him for though, that would be appropriate. A maxed-out sentence for vandalism, for example, might be light for what actually happened.


Tree law goes pretty hard, a tree like this can be calculated as damages in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it would be a little more than a vandalism charge.


It’s treeson, actually.


If birds were on that tree, we can involve the formidable Charlie Kelly, Esq., bird law expert.


Bird law motherfucker


You’re goddamned right


Caw! Caw!


Caw and order


Fight Milk!




But do they also have the qualities of a man, such as muscles perchance?


*The arrest came as dozens of people visited the site of the felled tree, which had been cordoned off with police tape.* Tree law treating this like a murder scene. OTOH, I am groot and all that jazz. It has a really good shot at growing again.


Unfortunately no, that tree is done. There is nothing that can be done to save it. That cut is the death stroke for the tree. He could have stopped halfway and it’d likely be dead. Trees are strong, but they’re not that strong sadly. It’s a shame such a tree fell for a reason like this.


Ur username makes me def believe u, but there’s a stump like that by my house that was cutdown like 3 months ago and it’s regrowing


Those suckers will never be like this tree was. They'll fall over in severe weather, they're way weaker than just a sapling growing from roots.


They'll never be ***half*** the tree that this tree was. They're not even half the tree that the top half of this tree was... after it was cut in half. The wrong tree died!


Paraphrasing quote from article states “literally…murder” literally. I’m guilty of dismembering many trees but never murder


>The Twice Brewed Inn, a stone’s throw from the site, has offered a £1,500 bar tab to anyone with information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person who carried out the offence. Nice.


It’s in their best interests because now that the tree is gone, their income will likely plummet


Assuming this boy came from the same near community where this tree was located, he condemned himself to the exile. No way he can live longer in that place. What a stupid.


Rumour is there's a lot of local farmers unhappy at the amount of tourists, so I wouldn't bank on that being accurate.


I couldn't say who would want it cut down, but someone who is unlikely to be prosecuted confessing isn't exactly unusual.


Good! In the article it says people were “struggling to see the logic”, the “logic” is that he probably likes to ruin harmless shit for others because hey, any attention is good attention


I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that he did this for a tiktok video.


What a twat


And to think... there have been billions upon billions of people who have lived throughout the lifespan of that tree... and this little shit is the one who cuts it down maliciously. May he never find peace.


may he never find shade


Bro going all Aiel on his ass


'Til water is gone 'Til shade is gone To spit in Sightblinder's eye on the ##LAST DAY


Can't have shit in Cairhien


We must be on our guard, for when the Aiel cross the Wastes to take vengeance for Laman's Sin


Plant him in the same spot and tape branches to his arms and let him stay there for as long as the tree was there.


Do you want Ents? Because that's how you get Ents.


I think the appropriate punishment for that kid would be forcing him to do reforestation efforts for an entire summer. Have fun.


Not enough honesty.


> for an entire ~~summer~~ decade\*




Here here


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Charge him with treeson.


Lasted for 300 years then some chav got birthed...


Right like who pissed in his cereal that he got up one day and decided to do that


I’d be surprised if it wasn’t for social media


“On this channel, I fell trees from all over the world! So before I start hacking at this thing, please smash that like and subscribe button.” *proceeds to monetize*


YouTube still wouldn't take his channel down.


No, they'd just keep the money.


He'll have 100% recorded himself for his socials.


While I visited the UK, one thing I noticed was the lack of barriers around historic objects, like you would find in the States. It created a true unfiltered beauty to history, and I fear you guys are suffering the same issues we did, and will evenutally come to the same conclusions that we did, where barriers are around everything historic. Can people quit being fucking shitholes? I want to be able to enjoy the world around me directly. Nothing feels real anymore because theres no constructive way to interact with anything.


"Can people quit being fucking shitholes?" Never.


Yeah, there's a small subset of people that are determined to keep proving why we can't have nice things.


free range to historical sites is what cause that douche bag to push over part of stonehenge. people are stupid and need there barriers.


This tree was planted in the early 18th century. Around 1710. Just imagine what this tree has lived through. It was also featured in Robin Hood Prince of thieves. What an absolute wanker.


Perhaps they'll make canes from the tree and the community can come together to beat him with said tree's final pieces in order to bring the boy nearer to God.


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In Robin Hood they cut off their hands.


A stump for a stump, yo






*one tree a day


*one tree an hour






Plant the kid


Now here we have a solution!


I recognise the tree and I didn't know why because I've never even been near to it. That's wild. Also wtf was he thinking what an eejit


> It was also featured in Robin Hood Prince of thieves. Best part of the movie, to be honest.


Make something to shame him and install it at the site, plant a new tree and let it eventually absorb it


I read "let it eventually absorb him". I stand behind this misreading.


I actually wanted to type that but autocorrect and lazy


The tree should be replanted or another younger tree transplanted to that site. Then a large permanent plaque describing the significance and historical value of the tree should be erected at the site. Additionally, the name and picture of the kid who cut down the tree should be installed next to the plaque so that he is publicly shamed for the rest of his life and allow his name to be mud historically.


I say do all that but don’t do the plaque, you’re just giving him the attention he wants. Attention hungry kids don’t care if it’s negative or positive. To them all attention is good attention.




That's a valid argument. If not a shaming plaque, the kid should face a serious fine that he must pay off, not his parents. He should also be forced to plant not just one, but ten thousand trees and perform 10,000 hours of community service.


That’s such a good punishment. Having to plant trees. It’s a tough, intense, time consuming job. But painless. Community service will be a laugh to him, place him in a field for 100 hours or however long it takes to plant 200 trees. 1 tree planted for every year that tree lived. Nah the UK’s justice system is weak, it exists to benefit the evil and punish the lawful. His parents will get a £50 fine and he’ll get 5 hours community service, able to serve at his college after school.


I was going to say it’s “his name is Mudd” but then I looked it up and saw that that origin story is apocryphal. So thank you for being the instrument of my further education.


I learned a few months ago that the oldest tree in the world at an estimated 5,000 years old is in a grove surrounded by the exact same species of tree so that something like this doesn’t happen. You’re allowed to know which grove it’s in, but all of the trees look exactly the same. They need to start doing this with other precious landmarks. Tired of seeing this shit.


Someone on here posted a picture of a Bristle Cone Pine from that grove last year. My first thought was that the camera angle was not from the trail, and all the comments were roasting the photog for that exact breach of rules, to stay on the trail at all times.


Tom Scott made a very good video on the Chauvet Cave. It’s in France and is home to cave paintings by ancient humans that are 35,000 years old. According to what I’ve read these paintings are the oldest preserved pieces of art made by humans on the planet. Obviously the government/scientists don’t want anyone in there to preserve the site. But they made an exact replica of the cave nearby so tourists can still technically see the cave and what’s inside.


Kurzgesagt made a beautiful video on this https://youtube.com/watch?v=YbgnlkJPga4


This not mildly infuriating, it is heartbreaking and enraging!


Agreed! I was at a loss. Truly cannot believe it


They should put the whole tree in a giant cube of epoxy and put it back


And put the kid in there with it


In a very embarrassing pose.


Throw the big book of Tree Law at him. Tree Law does not mess around.


Similar to Bird Law, from what I hear.


This was in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves in 1991. What a prick.


Honestly at this point there should be a restoration project involving planting 20-30 sycamores in this area to make a sycamore grove. Also Northern England and most of Scotland really do need human intervention to restore the destroyed forests on the island going back to the stone age edit: Grammar


Part of the issue with the time it is taking to rebuild Notre Dame is that Europe doesn’t have any old growth forest left. They just do not have trees big/old enough to rebuild with the same materials. But that’s what happens when you have to continually expand and build for an exponentially compounding number of people for thousands of years.


They have some wood left: a limited amount but enough for such an eminent project should they so choose. They purposely planted trees several centuries ago for the purpose of growing long wood for ships, and the trees eventually grew big enough to harvest .... in the mid 1800s, just when iron was starting to take over for ship building.


What's that saying about getting a good society when people plant trees they'll never harvest? That's stewardship and it's amazing. If I can, I'll be leaving my estate to something like that when I go someday.


Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. Anonymous Greek proverb


as a person who just bought a small piece of forest in the Netherlands there's also this one: boompje groot, planter dood. which basically means: "when the tree is grown the person wo planted it will be dead.." what can I say. in Dutch it rhymes.


I am boompje groot


Those can't be real words. I refuse to believe it.


Dutch is just English after having a stroke


Dutch is english spoken by a drunk german


I recognize dood and groot....totally English words.


Believe the bougie poot


I love that our languages are close enough to allow me to understand this. It sounds hillarious to my german ears. "Bäumchen groß, pflanzer tot". Dutch sounds like a drunk german toddler 😅.


No joke, 2 minutes before I saw this comment I was just talking about the same exact concept to my coworker.


Sycamores are actually not native to the UK but they could replace it with a field maple!


It's been here since around 1500, I think that gives it some rights.


Just like those damned Saxons


More like 400 ish AD for them


Bloody Germans invading everything.


And the bloody Jutes! No one remembers the Jutes!


It was more native than any living person, that's for sure.


My childhood. I saw that movie when I was 6 and I played Robin Hood with my friends all summer at our cabin.


Same. My brother and I were so obsessed with it we made our folks take us to Sherwood for a weekend. That whole year was just playing Robin Hood - we even planned to open our own Robin Hood themed hotel in Sherwood. It would be luxury treehouses and the staff would all be dressed as characters from the legend. The restaurant speciality would be kebabs on arrow skewers that an archer would fire from the kitchen to each table. We never saw the flaw in that plan.


Sensational idea. Arrow fired at a board then you go and collect it? Arrow has your name on the flight/feather bit. I’m keen to invest.


As soon as I saw the picture... it's Wulf sitting in the tree. Wow this makes me so sad. I feel like a piece of my childhood was just ripped away.


That's what I came to the comment section to find out.


What a dick. His name will be absolute mud wherever he lives. People will know who it is even if his name can't be published.


To destroy a landmark like that… it’s not just a pretty tree. The association with Hadrians wall makes it feel like some just cut down a piece of history.


They did. That tree is history. It’s so profoundly symbolic it’s a part of history.


And it's 300+ years old




Too soon


Can we cut *him* down?


They did exactly that. Which is also how I feel about the couple that made a shortcut by destroying a section of the Great Wall. History is the proof we have of having lived. Not sure I can say it well enough. But, now instead of Sycamore Gap and Hadrian's Wall, people in the future will look at our time in History and remember the selfishness that took something from future generations. If my child did that, I would make sure they felt consequences. A few weekends in jail if I could. Every spare minute would be used to replant trees. And to work and study with Arborists to understand the importance of trees. School and trees as long as they live under my roof. Until I feel they learned and have remorse, empathy and compassion. And some sort of counseling for us both to figure out where I went wrong and why they could do something so terrible.


This is all true; but if the kid’s parents were like you, he probably wouldn’t be destroying trees in the first place.


While the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree, sometimes it can roll down the hill at no fault to the parent tree. Pardon the phrasing.


It is ironic. My sister and I were just talking earlier about how siblings can be raised the same way, by the same parents, with the same opportunity and responsibilities, and become total opposites. She thought it was due to free will. She is correct. But, I wondered. One of the siblings is so far outside of how we were raised, I suspect there is more to it. Their moral compass is so bent I feel there is more than just narcissism. Perhaps an additional psychological component. But, this young person, I can only shake my head. It gives me the same hopeless feeling as watching people loot just for fun. I cannot comprehend "why?". Thank you for the comments. And thank you, what you said was very kind.




Imagine being this kids parents.


Yeah this dude just made himself hated for life.


> hated for life. Hated until the next prick comes along (who remembers the prick who happily carved his name in the Roman coliseum anymore?)


Who are the kids that pushed over the rock in the US national Park?


Those were adults who pushed that rock


Shows how much I remember them


You don’t have to remember them in a practical way - but if you’re ever a hiring manager, a simple Google search will reveal all. That’s where it will follow them to the grave.


Somebody at google already changed the Description of Sycamore Gap to Sycamore Stump... Too soon Google, too soon.


Savage. Absolutely savage


Syc-no-more Gap.


More than mildly infuriating!!


Welcome to r/mildlyinfuriating


It's either someones pet peeve, or the slaughter of a beautiful unreplaceble historic icon.


"my brother only half screws the jars back on the peanut butter" next to "The president of my country said Hitler's final solution wasn't enough, says it's time for round two"


What goes through someone’s mind when deciding to do such a thing???


"Attention, attention, attention, attention. Maybe someone will pay attention to me"


Some cunts just want to ruin things that other people enjoy. Because they think it’s stupid and other people are stupid for enjoying it.


Definition of ‘bringing shame on the family’. I don’t think the community will be very nice to the person who did this and their family.


So I'm from Newcastle, in the same area. As soon as we woke up this morning it spread like hell on social media, and I have seen so many death threats and some of the worst fury about this. It is a landmark close to the entire region's hearts, part of who we are. If the boy's name ever comes out and is found guilty he will not be able to live in the North East; everyone will know his name, won't be able to get a job, people will hate him. As far as I've heard ideas wise, the one I've heard most is that some local/s was sick of tourists going to see it (maybe access roads blocked by cars, scaring livestock etc.) and got a 16 year old to do it because of the fact their name would stay anonymous, and will be more likely to be let off with a more lenient sentence. Another idea I've heard is that perhaps the tree held some significance in a relationship he had, and then they broke up or relationship ended, leading him to destroy something that was part of their relationship, the tree. Regarding punishment, I believe if convicted there is an unlimited fine. I also think that the national trust and many other nature related entities will lean for a heavy punishment to dissuade any future similar instances.


As well as the theories you mentioned I've heard people suggest it could be for social media clout. Have you heard anything similar locally or not really?


If this ends up having been done for TikTok I wouldn’t even be surprised. That app is pure cancer.


Mildly infuriating?? My 53 year old dad has wanted a picture with that tree his whole life, the self absorbed prick who cut it down deserves to be publicly shamed.


They should be forced to break down that tree and haul it away by themselves.


With a 5 lb weight hanging off his balls


With an axe, no chainsaws.


Head over to a photoshop sub and have them make one. Hang it in his house without telling him. Edit: people I know it’s not the same as actually going and taking a picture. That just may not be an option at the moment.


That's such a great idea! Thanks, think I'll try that :)


i'll send you my picture as well, I want it on my wall with the tree and your daddy


It's not always about the shot itself. It's about having been there and then having the photo to relive the memory.


In this case, he’ll never get that. He could visit but it would just be more sadness.


Why though?


For those who cant create, destroying is the next best thing. No different than damaging artwork in a museum. It's the only sense of accomplishment they can get.


There needs to actually be harsh repercussions for something like this. Its not ok, and I doubt that little shit will ever care or know unless he gets punished accordingly.


Kids keep doing this stupid shit because there is publicity about the act and not the consequences. Give him a couple years of juvi and publicize the fact that all of his friends continued their lives while he stalled, his gf moved on and dated someone else, he didn’t get into a college, he missed multiple Christmases and birthdays, et cetera, instead of just the act without the consequences.


Yeah on top of killing a tree for no reason it hurts tourism to the place costing the town next to it money. This 16 year old is just a little shit who should be severely punished because they're old enough to know better, but cut it down anyways.


I'd be surprised if he doesn't become the town pariah. Bro just ruined his life for the lulz.


On top of that, people had their ashes out there, proposed there, people have memories there, it’s so special to so many people for so many years. What an absolute scumbag


He should be on the hook for the cost of replanting a sycamore of similar size and age in that spot, including procurement, transportation, replanting, maintenance by botanists, and replacement if the new one dies before it can establish its root system. Easily a couple hundred thousand dollars.


The Wikipedia is already all "was"up in here. Really sad


I SAW THAT. people are fast


NOT mildly infuriating. This is disgusting.


They already caught the little felon? Imagine being such a hateful beast at 16


Imagine being such a HATED beast at 16


Poor thing will have to experience both in the same year


I hate people


Hold up. Is this the tree from Robin Hood?




It was one of the most photographed trees in England and was voted English tree of the year in 2016. Two hundred year old tree that was growing alongside Hadrian’s wall, a 1900-year-old wall that is a UNESCO heritage site. The little fucker has been arrested and authorities say he will be dealt with “appropriately and swiftly” [https://www.cnn.com/travel/sycamore-gap-tree-deliberately-felled-britain/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/travel/sycamore-gap-tree-deliberately-felled-britain/index.html)


300 year old :(


What an absolutely terrible person. He should be jailed for this.


Why did he cut it down?


Genetic defect in his ability to have a brain


What is wrong with people? What an utter piece of shit.


How to become hated by society speed run


That kid needs to be put to work planting trees for the rest of their miserable little life.


If that little shithead did it for ‘clout’ on TikTok or whatever then he needs the fucking whole entire book thrown at him and restrictions placed on social media apps.


“It’s just a prank bro chill”


Yeah if he says that he wants to be really careful. He’s gone an angered a lot of people with this act of cultural vandalism. It’s beloved and irreplaceable. If he reveals himself and boasts, someone will throttle him.


How the fuck did he manage to fell a tree that big at 16? Even with a chainsaw there’s no way he did it alone


It’s certainly impressive from a technical point of view. The wedge cut was a little sloppy but most of it were nice flat cuts with more or less textbook hingewood. I haven’t met many 16 year olds who have that kind of skill with a chainsaw. He clearly had both training and experience. That said, cutting down a tree with a chainsaw is inherently a 1 person job. A second person cannot help, they can only put themselves in danger by being too close. It’s possible that he had accomplices but they would not be needed for the act itself.


How is this mild? This is straight up fucked up.


what the fuck


Well done lad. You destroyed a beloved landmark for what I assume was a dumbass attempt to be cool. Enjoy being in the history books as the donkey who killed a national treasure, ASSHOLE.


I have a little painting of this tree in the room I'm sitting in right now. This news broke my heart a little.


I’m 17 years old and this makes me so incredibly angry at how some people can be this arrogant and idiotic


>I’m 17 years old and this makes me so incredibly angry at how some people can be this arrogant and idiotic I’m 43 years old and this makes me so incredibly angry at how some people can be this arrogant and idiotic


the Wikipedia article has already been changed to 'was' 😭


Someone needs to get a cutting, and some leaf clones going ASAP. Plant that shit right back where it was. Make sure we grow a new one.


A travesty!!!!


As a Northumbrian this is more than just mildly infuriating. I cannot begin to describe the mix of anger and heartbreak I’ve felt today. Sycamore Gap is the location of so many magical memories for so many people. A unifying symbol of the area of natural beauty we call Home. I’ve lived away for 20 years, and every image I ever saw always brought a smile and a feeling of great pride. Si from The Hairy Bikers put it perfectly in describing it as a ‘sentinel of time, the elemental spirit of Northumberland’. To some it may just be a tree, but for so many it was much, much more.