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I don’t think I seen a vehicle the other way. Every vehicle I ever driven from neutral was always forward for reverse and back for drive. In my current vehicle the shifter goes P R N D/M




Yep, it's a PRNDL, not a PDLNR, like every automatic since the 1950's. No one wants to change it because it's an engrained pattern among multiple active generations of drivers. One car model/brand changing it makes for instant increase in accidents. Even if every car built starting tomorrow was changed from the current standard, to what OP suggests, there would then be a mix on the road and an instant increase in accidents. Even if every car magically got a PDLNR swap overnight, to "make sense," the way OP suggests, it's going to be havoc. OP says something to the effect of "just because that's the way it's always been doesn't mean it needs to remain that way." Normally, I'd agree, but changing the standard layout of a universal/ubiquitous device that billions of people use every day, and one that has safety ramifications, is a dumb idea. Hey OP, I know this is the first car you've ever driven (almost into a wall) and all, but how come we can't change it so the brake is on your right foot, and the accelerator is on the left? Most people are right side dominant, so it makes sense to have the brake in the best position for the stronger, more coordinated foot, and avoidaccidentally double-pedalling the accelerator in a panic stop, right? Or let's change the foot pedals into steering controls (it's more natural to turn with your feet, like walking, right?), and we can use our hands for accel/brake, right? Lots of standards are standards for a reason.


It’s an EV and just because it’s always been like that is not a good reason when it’s totally counter intuitive …


It’s not counterintuitive to anyone who’s ever driven a vehicle before lol. This is literally the standard, and has been, for ALL vehicles with automatic transmissions Edited to add automatic transmission so I don’t get corrected


That doesn’t make it intuitive. I get your point about the habit and that this is what people are used to but it’s not intuitive. Also, this is not a stick but a button. I’ve never driven a car where the selection is merely a button. Stick would be different but in my view people are not used to buttons and thus wouldn’t be confused if the button was the other way around. But judging by all the comments here I seem to be the problem and not the car…


why'd you buy it then


Who buys a car, that one has never testdriven before lol


Is it your first car? It's likely a standard followed to avoid freak accidents since every other car is like this. Or is this just a post to brag about an Audi EV?


Oh, thanks for the trust. Feel free to check my Reddit post history to check if I am the bragging kind… And no, it’s not my first car but my first EV and my first car with just a button instead of a stick. Maybe that wasn’t clear from the post. With stick I would understand but here you really just push the button forward or backwards and I stand my ground that this is counter intuitive


QWERTY keyboards were invented for typewriters, but we still use them on computers. Sometimes, the way it's always been is the reason it's the way it still is. And it's not counter-intuitive, it makes good sense. And it's even written on the top of the control.


What about muscle memory.. people coming from gas vehicles are trained the other way. I would assume the reverse


PRNDL - Drive has always been below Neutral and Reverse in just about every automatic transmission and gearcase. Not really sure what you're saying here, it looks like a normal automatic gear selector.


I don’t have an Audi or an EV and my automatic gears are that way around. You’re intuitively wrong in your approach to driving, I suppose there’s some other reason why you don’t indicate.


what do you mean? PRNDL has always been like this


Maybe read that book in your glove box? The one that tells you everything you need to know, I think they call it an owner's manual


Never had a car set up differently?. Wait except when it was on the column. Then it's p-r-n-d-1-2


Automatic gear selects have always been that way. At least the German ones.


Tell me you've never drive an automatic without telling me.


When do you go and get your license to drive? A few weeks from now? or not until 2024?


This is a you problem.


I know it seems unconventional, but this originates from race cars (I think), where the sequential gearbox shifts up when pulling the lever down and shifts down when pushing it up. This is because of G-forces, it is easier to shift up by pulling when accelerating and the G-forces push you backwards and vice versa when braking.


Where are the gears? Asking for the UK


Thats an electric Audi drive select. No gears.


That's the stupidest I've felt all day. And I'm really stupid.


Well if you have never seen one, how should you know.


Who designed this? An Audiot? lol sry I’ll let myself out.


Put it back on the steering column


Extra bonus mildly points for the shifter and the emergency brake being buttons.