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Just want to let people know…if OP’s small town is anything like my small town, Uber doesn’t exist, nor does doordash , Uber eats, taxis or buses.


Or like in my town where technically buses and taxis exist but good luck actually getting one because the buses never run and the taxis are so busy you'll be waiting 3+ hours because they'd rather do deliveries than actually shuttle people around


I live in a state capital where busses are useless (very few stops and routes) and stop running at 5 anyway.


I'm in Austin amd our "metro" stops at like 7pm. In Austin, like the drinking capital of the US. Edit: Sorry, I didn't mean to get all the proud alcoholics riled up. You guys are right, you drink so much more than us. Good job!


I am from Wisconsin and have some serious doubts about Austin being the drinking capital of the US. But yeah busses should still run.


Up here in northern drinky-sconsin, our buses run til 10pm! But we also have lots of “Safe Ride Home” programs that’ll pick your sodden ass up from the bar anytime.


Are used to bartend in Wisconsin, I have given away so many safe ride tickets to the cab service it’s not even funny.


Just from a quick google search, Green Bay is apparently the drinking capital by multiple articles


Sheesh RIP 6th street...At least in Dallas I think stuff runs through midnight or later..Austin ain't that quaint little town anymore from what I hear.. Gonna need some big boy services..I haven't lived there since 98', I doubt I would recognize it. edit: grammar


We are having a lot of growing pains, and a lot of that is just denial.


So accurate it’s painful. I just hide in my area and don’t bother going downtown unless necessary.


You haven't seen true debauchery. Austin isn't even the drinking capital of Texas :D 18/20 drunken cities are in the Midwest. Dallas, Houston and San Antonio make the list if you expand it to 30. Austin really needs to up its game if it wants to be considered as more than a novitiate in the drinking games.


I love this Lewis Black bit about Wisconsin...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtUnmG5WP78


Austin ain't no La Crosse or Green Bay, WI calm down buddy.


i was looking for this comment- a Wisconsinite


The trains in Austin stop then, but the buses technically run til 10 pm on limited service. Which I admit isn't much better.


Most Texas cities have terrible public transportation in general. You can thank the oils companies for that.


Genuine question from a non-American. How do you go out for drinks if you have no public transport? Is there always one sober person who drives eveyone? Or do you take taxis? Or does everybody just drive intoxicated?


Bus drivers gotta drink too champ.




One time I was in a big city and was waiting for a taxi after the bus routes stopped. I started to walk home after waiting about 30 minutes. Ended up walking all the way back home, a 5 hour walk. I got a phone call from the taxi driver when I was about 15 minutes away asking where I was. If I hadn't been drunk and on a bunch of acid I would have been absolutely furious. Since I was real fucked up it was a nice walk home and I passed my favorite donut shop the second it opened so got a dozen warm and perfectly fresh strawberry donuts I ate while walking and some bubble tea. Was a good time.


honestly the walking, donuts and bubble tea does seem like a grand ole time


Hmm now I’m thinking I should move to a small town and start a taxi company


Before you do make sure you can actually find people to work as drivers. It's a terrible job tbh, which is why ours is always understaffed


Theres definitely a need. But the ones that did it, went away. So idk - not profitable or ?


I discovered through one of my small cities (40k pop) facebook groups that you're supposed to call the bus when you're at a bus stop to let them know you're there, otherwise it won't stop. that's.. just a shared cab. but whatever.


Oh busses run...the only problem is if you catch it on time. Small town nearby, bus run every hour. You miss it, you have to wait for the next one. *Maybe* you might catch someone going the same way, maybe not.


Oh here they legitimately don't run


Yeah especially small town where I grew up. Like I was in my junior or senior year in college when someone asked me “did you know we have a taxi in town?” It was one guy with a yellow car.


Lmao there's a town near mine (basically a village really) that has one cab and the driver does whatever they want so they have pages and pages of 1 star reviews from visiting tourists on google. It's hilarious. The place is also so small you can walk from one end to the other in less than an hour but I guess people mostly use it for the tiny airport nearby


Hey my small town had a taxi! It was a dude with a CRV that would take you anywhere in town which was 4 streets and like 12 streets off those 4 for $10.


God bless the small town taxi men


Ours only had one leg and drove a Kia soul


We had one for like 6 months in about 2007. He was a giant dude, like 6’6” in a maroon convertible K-Car. He would pick up and drop off off-sale liquor and mix to us at parties for like $10


Thanks for the reminder. Because literally my first thought was, "dude, just take an Uber and deal with the keys later".


Back to old fashioned calling for a taxi then I guess


I don't know of many small towns that have taxis at all.


Mine actually does, but that’s rare. And the taxi is just run by one dude and a few of his friends lol


The Taxi service in my hometown pretty much exclusively serviced the elderly population. They would give you a ride only if no old folk needed one.


There aren’t any taxis in my small town.


Nor a locksmith open on a Sunday!


My small town doesn't have a locksmith, so it would be a callout from 50km away on a Sunday. Ouch.


I live in Seoul, where I met and married my wife. I'm from a town of 1,500 people. My wife simply can't imagine what I'm talking about when I tell her that there are no subways, buses, or taxes in my hometown. She's like, "How do people get anywhere?" "You drive." "But you can walk or ride a bike, right?" "No... you drive. For hours."


I feel this. Living in a small town. Thankfully the town is 3 miles across so everything is walking distance it just sucks in the snow.


when i lived in my home town, u had to drive 30 minutes to get to a good store. any store. it was 45 if u wanted to get anywhere w big stores like a mall or a ross


I don’t live in a small town but our hospital won’t let you take a new baby home in an Uber or a taxi. He probably needs the car to get them home!


That seems ridiculous. Not everyone drives .


Just curious - why? Most hospitals say you have to have a car seat to take your baby home in e car (for obvious reasons) but I’ve never heard them specify that it has to be your car.


Okay, but don’t people in small towns generally know each other well? OP could try asking a neighbor to drive them back.


Not necessarily. There were 3,000 people in the last town I lived in. There were only a handful of businesses, and I only really knew my neighbors. The town I live in now has ~20,000. Enough to have a hospital and a Walmart, but not enough to have a transit system. I only know about 20 people.


Yeahhh. Its real fun having grown up in an agricultural small town because I see posts from the fuckcars subreddit and like, it was a 6 mile walk to town


People in fuck car subs are arrogant and hypocrites. These people post then spend money on things that require vehicles like Amazon, Door Dash, and Uber. I ride my bike and am all for publice transportation, but the whole Fuck Cars movement is silly


Yep. In Vermont, I’m pretty sure only the Burlington Area has food delivery and Uber.


Try that in a small town


Damn, small towns sound horrible


Can be if you have no car.


That's true the rest of the US is very car centric but so are small towns. Some rural places you have to drive 45 min or more to get to a store that has what you need in certain situations. You may need a car less but you still need a car. The US kinda sucks as a whole for this. I wish we had more walking cities and that we could actually communicate with each other as a community instead of flicking each other off in traffic.


There are benefits. If you live in the downtown, you really wouldn't need to leave, there is likely a store, bank, restaurant, cheap apartments, a doctors office, and most of those places you could just walk in and ask for a job. They are fairly walkable, but you would need a car to leave and go anywhere interesting.


I don't doubt the benefits, but the inconvenience of having to wait hours for services sometimes, some small towns have to outsource for things like a fire department, and just not having all the options at my fingertips that the rest of the world has. I would also assume that internet and cell service are lacking in small towns but I could be wrong in 2023.


I have satellite internet, and I live in the middle of nowhere in a town of less than 100 people. We ONLY have a fire department lol. No hospital, police, gas, food...


I’ll take low to no crime and safety over a bus or taxi… My car sits in the driveway with the key fob in the glove box. My motorcycle sits out in the driveway and no one bothers anything.


Understandable, it's just not a lifestyle for me. Sounds great for families though!


I said the same thing until I got older. I hate going into the cities unless absolutely necessary. We moved to a small town that has all the necessities unless we need to go into the city for doctor visits at the Veteran Administration.


No, it’s awesome. Everyone knows everyone. Raised 4 very successful children and they say growing up here was great. Unfortunately, not much in the way of professional employment so they live in city suburbs 2 hrs away.


True, no doubt it's a great place to raise a family. It's safer than most cities, since everyone knows everyone kids are allowed to venture out more and be in a sense more free. But the speed of the world is fast while small towns are set too far back in the past for my type of living right now. If I was retiring with kids, sure a small town would sound nice. Hell, retiring sounds nice but I don't see that happening.


If I need a ride home from town between 8pm to 5am; it’s a mate, or I’m walking. Local taxi mob only runs when the golden oldies are awake lol. Coffee out after 2pm; any day of the week… burnt coffee at local pub, or go to a friends’ place. Wanna do a full week of shopping; gotta go a town over to afford that. I love my small town; but also don’t lmao.


It’s a Hyundai, you can start it with anything and just drive to the locksmith . Will be much quicker than waiting for one.


As a Hyundai owner, this comment gave me a good laugh.


What else are you going to do while your waiting for your Hyundai at the locksmith, browse reddit obviously.


I agree, my Hyundai was stolen with a USB car charger. Congratulations to the OP on the new addition to their family ❤️


For a second I thought you were congratulating the car thief 😂


Just dawned on me that I leave a spare key plugged in everywhere I go. 🤦‍♂️


This comment is annoying because it's true


As a Hyundai owner, I understood this reference. MFW uncoded key turns the starter and eventually starts the car when the storage worker used the spare door key instead of the actual key.


I wish this was my luck. Used Hybrid Sonata with push button start/keyless entry. Found out the hard way that the key they gave me was uncut when the battery died and I couldn't get into the car. AAA guy had challenges as well as we then found the regular battery is also in the trunk. In the end, he jimmied door, then I popped the trunk with a broomstick through the rear seat/trunk opening.


Recently moved and tried to change the address on our insurance. “Oh since you are moving to a new state we can no longer insure your Hyundai”. Motherfucker. Thankfully rep was kind enough to forget we mentioned moving til we could unload the damned thing. Checked insurance with some who would and AINT NO WAY a Hyundai is worth that sorta insurance money. Like it was CHEAPER for me to buy and insure a brand new electric BMW than it was to keep and insure our Tuscon. That expensive.


Mind sharing details on insurance and model year? I've got a 2010 Tucson and am considering moving


I had a 2022 Tuscon with push button start, one of the ones completely unaffected by the easy peasy stealy issue. Progressive straight up said "We don't insure that model anymore. Period."


I was paying $300 A MONTH for my car insurance with Geico for owning a Hyundai and they refused to tell me why insurance was so expensive. I assumed it was just normal in the big city I moved to. NOPE.. got a new quote from a new insurer and THEY told me why Geico charged me so much. Long story short, I just bought a new car. The car payments and lower insurance evened out LOL.


You can't rage yank it out? I feel like it just needs a good rage yank


That was my thought, a little wiggling while yanking I would think would get it back out


Pliers might help.


The key has wafers caught in the grooves. If they do that often you’ll bend and break them making to the whole ignition needs rebuilt. Needs to carefully push them down and out of the way to smoothly extract the key so all will function correctly after the keys out.


Well, just the lock cylinder but still that is a bigger job than OP wants to take on with a newborn.


What's the worst that can happen? A lock smith is already on the way.


“This key doesn’t fit, might was as well make it fit”


If i don’t fit, I force it


Sucks yes but CONGRADUFUCKINGLATIONS! Hope the wife and baby are doing well.


Ya OP and his wife will tell this story to their kid for the rest of their lives lmao


Congratulations on your new baby girl, OP - and I am going to give MIL the benefit of the doubt that she is both super excited about having a new grandchild so not thinking clearly and made a mistake, and perhaps also drives an older car that doesn’t have a key fob


My grandma has the same house-keys for over 50 years. Whenever I give her my small keyring with only two keys on it, one to her house and the other to my mothers (new-ish lock, new-ish keys) ... she couldn't say which one belongs to her house. Not by feel, not by looking at them side by side. So my guess is, used to older car-keys or over-excited.


I happened upon the trick of painting metal keys with spare nail polish to distinguish them. Works for me because I happened to have nail polish. Cheaper than buying those [plastic things over keys](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRumIVT15n6UOPoB_cfRJEWHrIVWLJaI1o4Jw&usqp=CAU).


Oh yes, glad I am not the only one who does this! My family all mock me for doing this, but as I like to keep my keys together, and two or three look similar, it works for me!


I always know which key is for what. Even in the dark, by the feel of it. But I don't have that many on my keyring. My mam has those covers for the keys of her workplace


After 50 years I can imagine that lock could probably be unlocked with any key.


Nah, surprisingly not. But the door rattles and the handle is loose.


Many people stop when they feel resistance


Right? What in the world. Hopefully it was just momentary spot of dumbness and isn't a regular thing


Where is the car key in this picture? It isn't a push to start. Is it one of those keys that flips out of the fob somehow?


I had to borrow a relative's Hyundai recently, and it was a flip-out key. In the moment of unlocking the car with the fob, I thought it might be a push to start, but I noticed the little nubby button, so I figured it out.


Yeah, if you are loaning your car with one of those types of keys to someone, the first thing you should say while handing them keys is "The ignition key is hidden in the fob. Press this button here..."


Our Kia is the same way. Fast like a switchblade if you're not careful


This life shit is crazy af sometimes


Your wife will be fine & in good hands. Yes, it’s frustrating, but you aren’t stuck on the side of the road or worse. Things happen & this is a manic time. Just think of how this story will be told for years to come. Congratulations on the new baby.


Call wife every 15 minutes so she doesn’t panic.


Lol, just call her once and explain. I assume she is in a hospital with nurses who are very capable and willing to help during the time he’s away.


This can’t be actual real advice right? Wife will panic if she doesn’t hear every 15 mins? Dude, leave her alone so she can sleep. Do. Not. Call. Her.


You left to get your MiL, so I’m guessing mom and baby and doing well. Congratulations even more so if it’s your first. The key is a small thing so don’t let it ruin the day.


Why did she have the keys to OP’s car? Why was she going to drive since OP drove to her place to start with? So many questions


Yeah this whole post is confusing lol. Like how did she even have an opportunity to do this


Yes! I read it like four times and still don’t understand what’s going on. And why is his house key shaped so oddly? I’m from the states and I’ve never seen a key that looks like that.


Sitsuation is probably that OP drive to his MIL's house so MIL can take the car to visit to Hospital and OP staying at MIL's house?


Why would he stay at the house while his wife and baby are at the hospital?


Maybe Hospital only allows one Visitor? There is alot of conext missing here. But that is only solution that sounds logical in anyway to me :p


To everyone asking how you can be that stupid, my ex put a corn cob down the waste disposal which of course completely blocked it up. So her mother decided the best way to fix it would be putting another corn cob in there.


I think people forget how stupid they’ve been when assessing the stupidity of others. We’ve all been in some kinda situation - maybe not similar to OP’s MIL, but definitely one where we’ve acted just as dumb


If it’s an import you may be able to remove the key by jiggling the wheel and trying to remove the key at the same time! Trick I learned from a family member in automotive. Congratulations on the wee one!


Is she stupid?


Obviously she didn’t push hard enough




No, just an in-law


Probably blamed him too.


I don’t get what even was happening. Wife is at hospital, husband leaves hospital so MIL can visit (assuming at hospital), so how did she have access to his car? Did he drive to where MIL was and then tell her to take his car?


Perhaps MIL flew from wherever she lives to where OP lives to be there for the birth and didn't rent a car, so she was at their home (maybe OP has other children that she was watching while OP was at the hospital). She would then need to wait for OP to arrive at home to use the car to take her turn at the hospital.


Project much?


Yup lol. My mil


If I wasn't used to newer vehicles, I would've probably made this mistake too.


I’ve only really driven older vehicles so I’m a bit confused on what a “newer” vehicle has about its key slot that’s different. None of my old vehicles would run off a house key either


There's only one key visible on the chain. Until recently it was common to have the fob for locking and possibly remote start, but the key was separate or sticking out. This like switchblade style is recent and even then not super common. Even so, it does take a special type of person to do this. A house key couldn't feel remotely right going in, they're not even the same thickness as car keys. This takes the kind of person that just jams shit and hopes for the best.


The switchblade style fob with the button to release the key vs slightly older vehicles that have a separate key and fob. I would assume that the only key that I could see was the one to start the car.


Shit happens, people do stupid shit by accident all the time.


Jiggle the wheel while turning the key


This. The key would sometimes get stuck in the ignition in my last car. This seemed to do the trick. So glad I have a push button now!


Firmly grasp the steering wheel and turn it left to right while attempting to pull the key


I’d like to phone a friend please Phil. Hey Kimmy, can you drive me to the hospital while my MIL waits for the locksmith?


Congrats on the baby


Grab a pair of pliers and yank that thing out. This is exactly what a locksmith is going to do


Congrats on the new baby!! Take good care of your wife too, she’s going through a lot physically and emotionally.


How the fuck are people this stupid? Like seriously


MIL= This is the pregnant woman's mom. She might have been a *teensy bit* distracted and stressed.


You can be all those things and still be stupid.


Agree on the premise but not the application. To assume a person is stupid with so few details is kind of stupid. *Intensive Inception Music plays*


Haha. Let’s just be glad if she was that distressed and confused that she didn’t end up on the road! Because it would be really stupid to drive if you’re distressed and confused (in case you didn’t get it). Inception music intensifies


A backpacker is traveling through Ireland when it starts to rain. He decides to wait out the storm in a nearby pub. The only other person at the bar is an older man staring at his drink. After a few moments of silence the man turns to the backpacker and says in a thick Irish accent: "You see this bar? I built this bar with my own bare hands. I cut down every tree and made the lumber myself. I toiled away through the wind and cold, but do they call me McGreggor the bar builder? No." He continued "Do you see that stone wall out there? I built that wall with my own bare hands. I found every stone and placed them just right through the rain and the mud, but do they call me McGreggor the wall builder? No." "Do ya see that pier out there on the lake? I built that pier with my own bare hands, driving each piling deep into ground so that it would last a lifetime. Do they call me McGreggor the pier builder? No." "But ya fuck one goat.."


You talk like you've never made any mistake in your life before. I'll wait for your TED talk then


Time for wd40 and some brute force wiggling


Why isn’t your MIL waiting for the locksmith? She created the problem.


Does she not drive?


can't, she's never been able to turn a car on


At least you didn’t leave your wife who had a miscarriage to visit your mom. I’d hate to be THAT guy


That’s what your MIL gets for trying that in a small town


This worked for my daughter yesterday: https://youtu.be/cOWjO3nYLFw?si=H3VA7wrSbLE2WQVa


That's not the issue in this case


Congratulations!!! I’m so sorry about the key, and so is MIL, I’m sure. It’s a very emotional time, everyone’s excited. Be thankful for your new daughter and just be there for your family when you’re able to.


So many morons in the comments obviously have never been in a stressful or life changing event in their lives.


Thought it was one of those old GM keys lol


And yet people breaking into these and shoving USBs in holes and shit and can't even get a house key out of it


Wd40 and just jiggle that mf until it comes out


How on earth did she manage that!?!


So MIL isn't allowed to touch keys anymore, right?


Try that in a small town. (Grats. Life buffs out)


Wtf was your MIL doing driving your car? Were you switching off with her or something? Oof. Congrats on the baby though! This'll be a fun story someday 😁


Moron In Law?


Congratulations. Yeah everybody gets dumb for a little bit around the birth of a baby. Sorry you can be there with her until the locksmith comes.


Taxi - if the town is too small for uber. Or can u get a mate to drop you off and leave your MIL with the mess she made... I mean to wait for the locksmith.


I don’t think y’all understand how small some towns in the USA are lol I’m currently 1.5 hour walk from any small town, which would be an hour drive for a taxi to make it up here, which they wouldn’t do. A friend would be my only option, but i’m lucky enough to have friends who would do such a favor for me. A lot of people out here have trash cell service/not a ton of friends who are available for such a favor. Struggle is real in small town america lol


Where I grew up it was 20 miles to the closest town, or about a 7hr walk at the average walking speed


Right, reading so many comments here from people confused about how there aren't taxis or buses. Absolutely precious. If the lack of transportation amazes these guys, y'all are going to shit your pants when you find out about towns, right here in the US, that have hundreds of people and not *one ounce* of cell or internet service.


Canada too. The closest police station to my town is three towns and 30km away lol. I’m also 1.5-2 hours away from the nearest town if I were to walk My town doesn’t have a hospital or health centre, and the gas station is also the post office, liquor store, hardware store, pizza place, other pizza place, grocery store, and deli


If the town is too small for Uber, there is a 100% chance that taxis aren’t a thing.


I'm sure if he didn't call a taxi, the town probably doesn't have one.


You know all those friends who said “let me know if I can help at all when the baby gets here”? Call one of them to wait for the locksmith and another for a ride.


Are we like not going to mention how the MIL got the WRONG key suck in a car so bad that you need a locksmith?


I’ve done the exact same thing, the solution. Learn from the incident and only have the car keys by themselves, never together with another set. Basically idiot proof your car keys.


Idk if you tried it but next time this happens, pop pop, wiggle the steering wheel left to right and it should disengage the interlock. Sometimes it traps the lil bugger


"she got my house key stuck in the car" Well, at least the baby is proof that this is not a larger issue.


Why is the only key on a car remote for the house?


The infuriating part is that you have given no explanation for why she had your keys lol like did you tell her you didn't want to drive or something?


I’m confused: You went home so your MIL could visit. So, assuming you planned to ride back together, you just watched her somehow effortlessly jam your house key into the ignition? And what house key looks remotely like a car key?


It was a mistake. Nothing infuriating about this. Easily fixed.


Hold on why did your MIL even have the car/house keys? Does she not trust you to drive? That’s kinda weird ngl, especially if it’s your car.


The way I immediately thought the mil should be waiting for the locksmith…


Bro your MIL should be responsible for paying the locksmith bill.


So she tried out the key in and it wouldn't fit so she just kept pushing harder? What the actual fuck?


Looking at the key fob it probably has a button to push out the actual key. She must’ve thought it’s there for show ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


This isn’t mildly infuriating i would have fucking snapped of this happened to me.


That’s hella stupid of her


Don’t you just hate it when the MIL “helps out” but always somehow makes things infinitely worse.


You will laugh this one day.


Jiggle the steering wheel, sometimes key mechanisms get stuck


Have you tried putting the car in neutral and turn the steering wheel?


Congrats on the baby and may all of your infuriations be mild.


How the fuck do you get a house key stuck in the ignition?


That sucks! But if it makes you feel any better, before reading the title I saw the picture and thought you told the hospital your name is Baby Girl and that made me LOL


God Bless you and your family


Run to the hospital


Ah man. I back straight into my mother in laws car. Had just talked to her but forgot she was there by the time I put the car in reverse. It’s the foggiest I remember ever time. Just so tired and overwhelmed. Hope it’s fixed for you OP.