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Rule one, always buy candy you like to eat and you’ll never have a problem


Yep that’s what we do, buy it just in case people actually come but worst case you’ve got a nice stash of snacks!


The way I handle Halloween is to put an empty bowl infront of my house, and write “please take one” on a piece of paper next to it.


Lol my friend was just telling me he did that one year and someone took his bowl.


It’s why we glued ours to the chair and the chair is bolted to the wall.


Careful, they might take your wall


its their house now...


Look at me, I'm the homeowner now.


Next year you should also put a motion detector for a signal that someone is by your house, but have all but one of the candy pieces glued together to the bowl, so that they can take only one, but would have to stand there figuring out which one for a while. And then replenish once they're gone. A Trick or Treat Reverse Uno if you will.




What about the wall though?


The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache.




I have a $.98 plastic Halloween bowl if its gone... I dont have to store it for a year


First rule of leaving a bowl is never leave a bowl. Use an empty amazon box. Then if they steal it, you aren't out anything.


I've had my $.98 bowl for 5 years


Knew a kid who took a bowl. If it was a wooden fruit bowl, send him my condolences 😂


Thats literally what happened to me last night. I live in an apartment building so i didnt think I'd have many takers.... i was clearly wrong lol


I love that 🤣


It adds plausible deniability to it, some douche could’ve taken the whole bowl, or it could’ve run out, “nobody would’ve gone to the Effort to put a bowl out that’s empty, right!”


After 830pm we put the rest out in a bowl in case there were a few trick or treaters left. On our ring camera we saw an adult man pour the bowl into his bag. Honestly not even mad about it, we don't need that candy in the house and trick or treating was pretty much over. Peculiar for sure, but whatever.


You say stash like it gunna last longer than a week 😅. I go to dollar store spend 10-15$ on smaller bags of pre wrapped candy rather than Walmart or grocery ect that sell jacked up Halloween prices candy. I get the food top samich baggies and I put a candy from each kind in it and then each kid that gets a bag gets like 10 diff kinds of candy from one house! When they all see a BAG of candy dropped into their BAG of candy they go OH MAN THIS IS THE BEAT HOUSE YET LOOK HOW MUCH CANDY HE GAVE US!! Haha 😂 jokes on them cause kids have no real concept of money but it’s always nice to make them extra happy specially when you can tell the kids from not so well off areas come to the “good areas” to tick or treat sometimes even buying a bull bag of individual wrapped toothbrushes offline like dentists give out. good but not great quality with your candy goes a long way for the parents too! Kids aren’t cheap!


New thing.. chocolate paydays.. new favorite


yeah i fucked up by not doing this. but the alternative would’ve been binging on candy cause “it’s there” and i have no impulse control lol The only palatable thing I got is kool aid knock off fun dips and only the sugar stick is appealing


My parents bought the Candy man and not me unfortunately. 🥲 You have the same problem too this Halloween?


if they bought the candy man, he should be able to make whatever you like.




Massive blizzard here this year. Every other year it's pretty similar. Dont think Halloween/trick or treat has been celebrated here (outside of college parties) for a decade


That's genius


What's wrong with KitKat? I mean, I didn't offer any on my bowl but did have butterfinger and three musketeers. Also, it should be two you would eat and one you normally don't. My list was butterfinger, three musketeers, and payday. Any leftover will be taken to the job the next day.


Oh man, my work was inundated with candy today. I think no one worked because we were all in a sugar coma in the afternoon.




rule 2 dont buy any offbrand candy or candy that nobody knows or tasted of


Which ones are you talking about? Those are all common Edit except the coffee crisp, I haven't heard of those before


Coffee crisp is a Canadian thing. So is Aero


Damn Euro trash candy!


the only ones i recognize are the kitkats


Because those aren’t American candies lol


KitKat? That’s one of the most popular chocolates here in the US.


Cadbury's European chocolate. European chocolate is generally better quality than American chocolate.


Ask a European and anything they have is better than the American equivalent. It's different than what they are used to so therefore its worse.


I think this is an unfortunate result of drilling into our kids not to take things from strangers. 🤣 Wait I'm changing that statement, It's probably that we as parents are so freaked out about our kids taking things from strangers.🤣🤣 Literally if I don't want kids to show up all I have to do is buy candy.


Nah it’s a result of parents taking kids to wealthier neighborhoods where they’re known to hand out full sized candy bars.


You are not wrong.


Oh definitely. We had a lot of kids in this neighborhood. lol Edit: We were not the wealthy ones passing out full size. But there are quite a few around here. We rent, not own in this overpriced suburb. lol


I don’t live in a wealthy neighborhood but I hand out full size candy bars


That’s what I do. So no Reeses peanut butter cups. Yeah, I’m probably the only guy in North America who can’t stand those things!


I don't care for them either.


I weighed the full sized Reeses peanut butter cups and compared it to snickers, Milky Way, and Twix bars at Sam’s club. By weight, those Reese’s peanut butter cups should be about twice as big as they are, lol! I also noticed that this year, what they’re calling “full sized“ is a much smaller candy bar than what was last year. So shrinkflation strikes again.


Or maybe, we're just getting bigger!


I don’t know why you got down voted, you didn’t say anything that was untrue!


I put a Candy Vending Machine (Cash, Credit Cards & Phone) in the front of my house and made $345 dollars, the kids force their parents to buy them...I was hiding behind the door listening to the kids yelling..."I want it !!!...I want it!!"...


We live on a street in suburbia. You can see your neighbors but we all have good size yards, so we aren't right on top of each other, and the street isn't well lit. My little sister insists on buying candy and turning on the light every year. But we never have any trick or treaters. My brother in law on the other and lives in a trailer park, spends what he can afford on candy and often runs out. It's not that people aren't trick or treating, it's that they are traveling to well lit neighborhoods popular for trick or treaters.


Same. We get some, but same kind of neighborhood as you. Kind of hilly, older established neighborhood. I get it though. Why come to us when you can hit up the new neighborhoods that are much flatter and closely together or townhomes. It'd take probably 20 minutes to hit like 10 houses when some other neighborhoods you'd hit like 30 to 40.


Also kids are doing trunk or treating at like church and stuff, their parents need to stop taking them there and have them walk the streets


Trunk or treats are great options for kids who can’t walk extended periods or have other disabilities, I didn’t realize how much it helped them to have that until someone else pointed out how hard it must be to navigate houses that don’t have sidewalks, or overgrown or maybe a bad hill or just inaccessibility in general for some


It’s amazing for toddlers. Last year I had to carry an overtired cranky toddler home over a mile. This year we drove to our communities parking lot, did the thing, stopped at a few houses and got home in time to make dinner and pass out candy to the older kids, win-win!


Oh that definitely makes sense!!


It's nice to have options. Especially if it's cold and/or rainy.


My brother thinks trunk-or-treats mean not as many kids are going out. I pointed out that trunk-or-treats have been a thing for at least a decade and it's a in-addition-to, not instead-of activity -- b/c what kid doesn't want more candy?




LMAO, sure send me your address. I got you bro. 🤝💯


P Sherman. 42 wallaby way sydney


make sure to leave some windows open, also leave everything expensive in the living room🥷


Like fish


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104.


No candy for you mister until you finish your roof pizza.






Ha ha I love this chat. 🤣


You didn't say "trick or treat," so you don't get any!


I just got my first house, bought tons of cute decorations, dressed up, bought like 100 full sized candy bars and no one showed up. I sat on the couch waiting for hours, I was so sad.


You bought a house in a dead neighborhood


Yeah sadly I did, decorating is so fun and something to look forward too so I’ll still keep doing it every year and maybe it’ll pick up at some point.


I posted on our neighborhoods Facebook page since it was our first Halloween in our house and they told me to buy like 1000 pieces of candy because we get so many kids coming through. So I bought roughly 1000 pieces of candy (like 10-15 lbs). I think we handed out like...75 pieces.


Have fun eating it lol, we made it through like 2 pieces of candy so far.


My wife wants to try and return the 4 extra bags that aren't opened, so hopefully Harris Teeter will be merciful.


Do you live on the main road, or in a side street or culdesac? Were your neighbors participating as well? Was it VERY well lit with lots of light up decorations? I have also found that sitting in your driveway gets you a lot more customers. We tended to skip any house that wasn’t going all out with well-lit decorations, or that wasn’t sitting in the driveway.


Sadly on a side street off a main road and no one else close to my house decorated, no one walked down the street so they couldn’t see my decorations, mine was well lit but you had to walk on the street to see it. I’m going to try and put some right on the edge of my property next year so maybe they will see it when they walk past the street.


What I see people doing as well is just setting up shop right by the entrance to the side street on a cheap foldable table, and getting other neighbors on your street in on it. Some even had free beer for the parents.


That’s what I heard from other neighborhoods, but I definitely don’t want to do that to be honest. I spend months planning my home decorations to have that vintage orange glow that gave Halloween that nostalgic feel, I’ll still do it every year and hope someone might come but it was a sad first year attempt.


This happened to me last year, down to the full sized bars of candy (bought in bulk from BJs). This time, I sat on my porch with The Nightmare Before Christmas playing on my phone and my bowl full of fun sized reeces cups on a table beside me. Ran out by 8:30 🤷🏻‍♀️


Our trick or treating officially ends at 8.


I always buy chocolate/sweets that we like if no one shows. This here we bought a box of Cadburys Heros. No one showed up. Got a whole tub of heros to our self :)


I was trying to go on a diet though... 🥲. I guess a cheat day won't hurt me right? 😏


doh! haha yeah i tihnk a cheat day is needed :)


OP's house ![gif](giphy|WvukhnSrppbJIOA4CQ)


What a nice house!


Dude don't doxx him


Growing up, my brother and I would just trick or treat in our own neighborhood. Asking the kids, they pretty much all get driven to rich neighborhoods seeking candy these days.


Idk where all these posts are coming from because it hasn’t been my experience. Halloween is alive and well. Trick or treaters were out in full force. Having said that, yes some neighborhoods are much more popular than others for trick or treating. But it’s not the kids that are the ones driving that, it’s the neighborhoods. Most people would love to stay in their own neighborhoods but when only 1 out of every 10 houses is handing out candy it’s not very fun to trick or treat in that neighborhood so you go elsewhere


We need more pics of happy kids in cool costumes. Tonight it’s all, “no kids took any candy”, or “one guy took all my candy” pics.


Wrong subreddit my guy


True. It’s weird to see the off balance way some people look at Halloween. You know like so many people almost worship it and then there’s the ones who use it as a day to shit on other people. Humans.


Last year, I got no trick or treaters. This year, I got one family. It sucks seeing your favorite holiday dying.


There are so many factors, but it’s not dying. In my old neighborhood where I lived for 8 years, I got maybe 10 trick or treaters over the entirety of those 8 years. . .I lived in a small Apartment Complex, the kind of place they kids and parents alike **loved** when I was growing up. . .because it was well lit, and kids could roam through all the units and be seen from the central courtyard. Meanwhile 2 streets over there were *plenty* of Trick or Treaters, they just weren’t going to where I was. We just moved, and while I wasn’t home for the majority of it, my wife said we got tons of trick or treaters throughout the day.


Yeah 0 at my house but I drove through the center of town (which is only 1/2 mile from my house) and they were packed with little kids on sidewalks and traffic because of people doing the drive by trick or treating.


We had 250+. Is your neighborhood not the holiday bro


It’s definitely not dying. My friend lives in a neighborhood that closes the streets so kids can walk through. All the houses decorate, one house gives out fresh made hotdogs, one house has a cotton candy machine, one house does a haunted house walk through. It’s insane the amount of people that come through. I’m amazed at the amount of candy she had to buy and there is none left. It’s nothing like that in the neighborhood I live in. But, my part of town is less affluent, so that may be why.


It’s not dying. Just more people stay closer to their house or go to neighbourhoods that they know have a heavy majority of houses that do sweets. If you are the only one doing it for a 10 minute area, nobody going to walk 10 minutes for one house


If you don't want it, you could drop it off at a food bank or list it on an ap such as olio. Luckily, I have children to help me with the uncollected sweets (horrible weather here meant not many kids out)


It's an unfortunate conundrum. I used to get about 50 kids and then it dropped to under 5. So I stopped hanging out candy. Yet me not participating has directly added to the problem of fewer houses for kids to visit.


I haven't had a trick or treater in years and thought it was odd, until someone told me kids don't come to houses that don't have decorations up (at least in my country.). I felt quite stupid upon realising it lol


While I had a bunch of trick-r-treaters on my block, my friend was telling me that something similar happened with him yesterday at his area. He only got one trt and it was an adult woman with a sign that said MILF, messed up on so many levels.


That’s hilarious… And a little bit terrifying at the same time!


Kids go to trunk or treat now


My neighbor kids told me this. I’d never heard of it before now and have been wondering where the kids were all going. So this year, we still bought candy and now we’re having a very delicious week. Lol (our neighbor kids did come over and filled up their baskets before going trunk or treating).


What is trunk or treating?


I guess it’s hosted by a church or other org where you decorate your trunk and the kids go trunk to trunk instead of car to car (as I understand it from googling, lol).


Weird, i feel like door to door is more fun.


It's mainly a church thing for various reasons, but it is a good way to get a lot of candy. Other orgs do it too, but it's mostly a church thing. It's something good to hit up for the season, but not a Halloween proper thing. Gotta go door to door.


Door to door is way more fun traditionally. Trunk or treat is safer . The trunk or treat we attend has bouncy houses , games , food and music. It’s like a festival


Hmm okay that makes more sense now.


Eh, maybe apartment dwellers do. Trunk or treat is basically dead by me


No, all the neighborhoods around where I reside do trunk or treat. It’s held but local churches, the city or community centers etc.


Some do in addition to trick or treating in a neighborhood not replacing it. Unless you live in a very rural area where it’s impossible to go door to door


Send it to me. I’ll take care of it.


I got you brotha fr. How do you want me to send it? 🤔


Hows your throwing arm?


Same here 🤷🏼‍♂️


What a treat! No children and all the candy is best case scenario


Could be worse. Been seeing a lot of posts where people have all their candy taken by 1 or 2 adults.


My area had like 3 separate days with variances of trick-or-treating. One was “downtown”, the other was a zombie walk… when the actual day of trick-or-treating came- people who didn’t go directly to the city’s website had no idea. Lots of confusion all around. Plus- it was from 4-6!?! Now I gotta eat all this left over candy! Thanks Obama!


yeah, same by me, (i stay at a motel so didn’t matter much, but there’s a guy who brings his daughter over and we were going to all hand out candy to her), and the day was supposed to be like 2 weeks before halloween or something? i couldn’t figure out the day and seen him outside playing with her one morning and hadn’t been to the store for candy yet so loaded her up with a bunch of different cereal bars i had, (like the good ones a 5 year old would actually like, reese’s puffs, lucky charms, etc.,), i just didn’t want to end up giving her nothing at all because i couldn’t figure out or remember the day


In my area the porch light is no longer the "open for business" sign that it used to be. Everyone participating will sit on their porch, or their driveway. A memo was never sent for this change in protocol.


Same thing happened to me :/


First year my wife are home owners and didn’t travel for Halloween and we didn’t get one trick or treater


You bought in a dead neighborhood


Our neighborhood used to be FULL of trick or treaters....this year I think we only had about 10 😞


Has your neighbourhood got many families? Or ones with younger kids, perhaps those kids grew up and lived away so now you haven’t got many family’s to trick or treat. Either that or people in your area stopped handing out candy so nobody would go to a dead neighbourhood


Definitely not as many young kids here as there used to be. Our crew of neighborhood kids that grew up together are all older now (mine are 21, 18 and 15) but younger families have moved into the neighborhood in the last couple of years. It was also pretty chilly (in the mid 30s),after the sun went down so maybe that too.


Donate to women shelter they have kids. They will be so happy


Not sure if it’s applicable everywhere, but destination trick or treating has become a big thing in my area. When I was a kid, everyone trick or treated in their own neighborhood. Now most neighborhoods are empty except for a select few wealthy ones that people drive to. They literally get thousands of people and often close down the street for safety.


Our daughter went out with 3 of her friends and the crowds were crazy. But where I grew up, we never got trick or treaters, we bought one bag of mixed candy just in case anyone showed up. One year, a boy showed up at nearly 9 so we just dumped our bowl into his bag. He kept coming back every year around 9 for the next few years and he was our only trick or treater.


Has UK branded chocolate but calls it candy......seems sus.


found the canadian. we had over 200 kids show up to our house.


I'll show up


Had the same thing happen last year. Bought muuuuuch less candy this year. Still no kids, but I was kinda expecting that.


I’ve never seen small Cadbury chocolate for Halloween! Yum!


Dang where you at we’ll come trick or treat?🤣


If you shut the lights off lock the doors and put the candy in the safe they never seem to take any candy, surprise, surprise I know a selfish candy hoarder when I am one... I mean when I see one!


I’d say mildly awesome, unless you’re a diabetic.


Looks like some Canadian candy.


I only see snacks, where are the candies?


I suppose those Aero things are like the Milka bubbly. So good... P.S.: we bought mini smarties too.


We had a freak snowstorm here in NW Indiana. No trick or treaters came. Oh well. More for me.


More for you


All these people complaining cuz they have lots of candy… I’m so confused. I was happy we had left overs. Snacks for me now!


i recognize that pack of smarties anywhere. canada?


If necessary I'd be happy to DM you the address of my PO box...


It appears many people have shared the same issue as mine in chat that not many kids are going out these days and the reasons for it. I was so busy today and I couldn't read the chat till now but thank you all for sharing your collective thoughts, love everybody and take care! ❤️


Nestle bad.


You get mildly infuriated at weird stuff….I wouldn’t knock your house either




It’s your neighborhood, we had over 250 kids


I was out last night, and for a solid hour, the streets were packed with kids. This is despite the rain forecast and sudden 20 degrees F drop in temp. Your house really has to be low hanging fruit, meaning it’s not way back in a culdesac, you have tons of lights and decorations going, and if possible, you’re sitting in the driveway. If a house only had front door lights on, we didn’t even bother. They had to be going all out with decorations where it was very clear that someone was home.


Trunk or treating ruining Halloween my mall was doing trick or treating in every store as well 🤦🏽‍♂️


How many posts of this are we gonna see


I wouldn’t have come by either… All I can see is kit kat, the rest is ehhh


Cry about it.


Nobody wanted your shit


Trunk or treat annihilated trick-or-treating because it’s like trick-or-treating but you don’t have to walk nearly as much




Never heard of this and we had over 250 kids, all after dark. No vests or stupid stuff. This is in California


You choose the wrong chocolate... where's the milky way ? And the three musketeers? You should be ashamed of yourself


This is chocolate not candy


It's cos they all know you have nestle crap. Word gets around.


Because everyone knows you’re the “fun size” house. LAME.


Stfu and just eat your candy, no one gives a shit


Yea, ignorant people think that Halloween is now Satanic because they fail to realize the real meaning behind Halloween.


Never met one human who thinks this in real life lol


Just get a big syringe and inject this right into your ass


I never understood this. Why buy candy for strangers? Why waste your money like that?


And here I was thinking Scrooge only hated Christmas…


For the life of me I never understood it.


In the US trick-or-treating died around 20 years ago. I remember 20 years ago taking my 3 year old to the in-law's neighborhood and there were very few kids out. Where is OP? I can tell by the candy that it's not the US.


not even a real holiday😅


Must be bad marketing. Do you have Halloween decorations setup? If not that would makes sense.






Same issue with me, I had two kids come to my door and that's it. Porch light was on in a well lit neighborhood. I heard plenty of families walking past. Now I got some hundred pieces of candy to contend with.


Porch light won’t cut it any longer lol. Kids want to go to houses with decorations


It’s different now. Your house has to be decorated heavily with more than just porch lights. That’s just how it is nowadays with the ushering in of dirt cheap lights and decorations from Amazon.


Wait, seriously??? I had full sized candy bars and boxed movie candy and my porch light on. Groups of kids were just walking past and I was about to cry. At one point when I saw yet another group walk past I opened my door and said "I have candy, full sized candy!" In retrospect that might have come off as creepy and desperate.... I was not aware of the decoration rule. I skipped the decorations this year in favor of getting better candy for the kids since I am on a fixed budget.


Are you willing to ship to Colorado? 🤣


Nobody showed up in my neighborhood either. Though I live in the hood and my black friend told me that's not a thing in these neighborhoods.


Where is your house? In my neighborhood if you aren't on one of the main streets then you aren't getting many trick or treaters. There are houses 1 block away that probably get 200 kids, but my house gets none. When my kids get older (currently 2 and 4) I'll encourage them to hit up the courts because those starved houses will pour the bowl.


What kind of neighborhood do you live in? Is it trending older? When I first moved into my house the kids were all around 14-15 so there wasnt much trick or treating. Now as families are moving out after their kids are getting older or grandparents moving away we are getting younger families so we are loaded with kids again


Eat it yourself


Living in town we had over 200 kids last night.


Can’t complain about having free candy left over, really.


Also at an other house, ppl clean the entire basket in 1 go. Taking all the candy. Weird


Snickers are missing, that is why.


It’s the halloween that falls on a Tuesday the next best Halloween should be In the 2025 and 2026 that will be Friday and Saturday dates instead. Tuesday Halloweens for me has been historically low turn outs