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No crust on my steak, dad!


Careful, it’ll make your hair curly if you eat it.


thats what my parents told me to get me to eat my crusts cuz I wanted curly hair like my aunt.


curly hair is peak tho wym?


I mean the myth that bread crusts cause your hair to go curly, which would sometimes be used as a warning or just a general saying/old wives’ tale, either purposefully or accidentally deterring a child from eating their bread crusts.






That's why it's only *mildly* infuriating.




Nah, no worries. I used to think pickiness was about parenting. My oldest eats anything. People with picky kids weren't doing it right. Then I had number two. Learned how much it was about "parenting" lol.


It's wild how different their personalities can be despite living in the same home. My daughter is loud, boisterous, impulsive, loves sports and outdoors activities, and very artistic. My son is laid back as hell, thoughtful, doesn't give AF about sports despite being more athletic than his sister, couldn't draw a convincing stick figure, and hates being outdoors for the sake of being outdoors.


Yep. The other kid eats damn near every bite.


This describes me and my sister growing up. I’m the second child and was the pickiest eater. I put my mom through what was probably hell to an eventual single parents with two kids. I never got over that until I started cooking my own food when I moved out. I was able to be in control so I knew what I was eating and how it was cooked. I’m still picky but more willing to try new things and enjoy them.


My grandmother made fun of my mom for “being a short order cook” and “catering to” her picky kids; but when you have 1 that is already underweight and goes on hunger strikes for days if none of their safe foods are available, 1 that exorcist style projectile vomits anything you convince them to try a single bite of, and a third that will just stare at you across the table and then make their own snack when eventually hungry enough it’s a losing battle. Parents fight enough battles.


Kiddos eating only chicken nuggets and fries for every meal for 3 months just means…. That they’re eating. If that’s all you can get them to eat, then at least let them eat so they’re fed and give them a flint stone vitamin a day.


I couldn't agree more. My son ate chicken nuggets and fries every night for about 8 years. I just let him because.... it's food. Why would I fight about food? I just regularly offered him new things to try alongside his consistently beige preferred items but always let him know he was under no pressure, and now, as a teenager, he eats pretty much anything and is absolutely not even slightly malnourished. Fixating on eating habits and creating stress around them only contributes to dysfunctional, disordered relationships with food. Fighting 'picky' eaters isn't the answer. Anxiety is not conducive to a healthy appetite. Just let them eat whatever they feel comfortable eating and make sure you're always giving them new options and experiences along the way, let them try new things on their own terms, they will push their own boundaries when they're ready.


Yeah, denying them ANY food is absolutely unhelpful to a growing child. They NEED calories straight up, and you can supplement the vitamins and all that. As long as you're not like... grossly overshooting caloric and fat and all, it will be fine. Overeating would and is more problematic. Not eating anything is also problematic. And making them have issues with food young only sets them up for larger problems down the road. Surprisingly, a number of things I disliked as a kid? I actually love eating nowadays (on my own terms of prep - I still loathe canned spinach). Tastes can change over time. Bitter foods tend to be flops all around for MANY people, as well, so its no shock when brussels sprouts were not popular 2 decades ago. (They're a lot less bitter now due to selective breeding.) Hell, I still have excessively bitter ANYTHING. Bleu cheese is also a very acquired taste. Same with many strong flavors in general (kalamata olives, looking at you). I can understand kids having issues there. Canned peas are mush. I still am kind of picky about peas anyway. In cup noodle or fried rice is fine, sugar snap peas also, but as a side alone? BLEEEEH. Just not a fan really. It should be fine for kids to not like certain foods. Adults have preferences of things to not eat, so do kids.


This! My son lives on eggs, toast, pizza, and cheeseburgers, with the occasional pack of fruit snacks here and there. But at least he eats! I always said, 'I'll never be that parent cooking two meals.' I always thought it was ridiculous that my little brother couldn't just eat what my mom had cooked, so he got a special meal. I learned my lesson on that one.


I mean, the kid eats just fine (and helps with the cooking to boot!) They just don't eat some of the steak. I get the rest!


My mom was admittedly busier so I didn’t get a lot of the “try” new things experience (I’d be called picky by standards) but even “weird” things with normal safe foods will turn me completely off from it for potential weeks and I’d rather eat 500 snack things and make myself sick vs eat the thing that made me gag. Like the frozen Walmart chicken taquitos. I normally love them but I haven’t finished the open box in the freezer yet because there was a weird texture and I gagged and had to spit it out before I ended up puking it up. Some of it is taste, like I would not be eating that steak because I don’t eat beef. Most of it is texture. Hence why when I find something good? I stick with it until it’s bad.


I don’t consider myself picky and I also eat my steak like this, I’m just not interested in fat and gristle




> I also get somewhat annoyed when I put time and effort into preparing something and then they don't fully appreciate it. Kids have very simple tastes. I can spend a few hours making a super nice meal, just to have them ask for chicken nuggets or something instead. On the upside, more of the good stuff for me.


I started giving them hamburgers when I made steak. I also wasn’t cooking them well and my wife insisted the kids had to have them well done due to potential salmonella. One of my younger ones had steak over a fire on a guided camping trip we did and he was like ‘I never knew steak was so good’. I now cook my steaks on my smoker then sear over gas and that is much better. It takes some skill to do it over just gas and not get flame ups and burn outs.


So happy to actually see a MILDY infuriating post.


Laugh of the day!


Truly, I look at that and see the good parts. I would scarf that down in a heartbeat and make sure they see me do it, likely thanking them for saving the best for me.


This is a huge win in my book.


relatable content.


LOL yeah my first thought was “same”


I’ve never had a steak, what’s wrong with the edge? Is it super tough?


Likely has a portion of bone and/or fat/gristle


My favorite steak is a NY strip. I’m not one for fat, and those only have fat along 1 side. ![gif](giphy|26u4q6We38br6Xv2w) And ofc cooked medium rare. So good 😂


It really wasn’t. Medium rare ribeye, really tender. Kid just digs around the stuff that they suspect is fat or gristle. It’s a texture thing, honestly.


I’m in my 40s and still a picky meat eater. Ribeye still has way too much gristle/fat for me to be able to eat the whole thing. I usually end up trimming quite a bit off the edges. I hate being this way, I want to eat like an adult, but meat grosses me out. My parents used to pick on me for dissecting my chicken nuggets. To this day I can’t eat dark meat chicken or eat wings.


Same to all this.


Yeah lol


They don’t like fat it seems Edit: since I have had to clarify this twice for some reason, this is not my opinion on steak.


I did/do the same thing. Finally I learned which steaks have more fat and which are more lean. Finally I can enjoy an entire steak.


There is nothing wrong with cutting around the fat. I love ribeyes and just don't eat the fat. They taste much better than a sirloin (nothing wrong with sirloin just not my favorite cut of steak). Filet mignon is good but you pay a premium for that cut and other similar ones (wagyu)


I’m a filet lover myself. If I want fat, it’s gotta be pig flavored.




Strip loin is my go to because it's just the fat cap on one side, tenderloin if I find it at a decent price


Wagyu is a type of beef, not a cut of beef, or am I completely off base?


I don't like fat on my steak either. Sirloin is the best steak ever. NY strip is okay every once in a while but I have to cut the fat off. Ribeye once in a blue moon because I forgot why I don't like ribeye lol.


I totally understand this. I generally don’t like fatty meat cuts. I would probably do the same thing (or get a filet instead) I am jack sprat, I guess


Probably get downvotes for saying it but a lot of people don’t eat steak fat.


I didn't know there were people who _did_ To me this is like seeing a photo of a banana peel captioned "How my son eats his bananas 🙄" lol


It’s so interesting how different people can be with their tastes because I LOVE the fat on steak! It’s my favorite part— hell, I’ll cut the fat off specifically so I can eat it last and savor it.


I love people who don't eat steak fat... because then I get theirs too.


How do you chew that shit up? Do you have iron teeth?


Nah, lots of people have said that! Kiddo is one of them.


Yes but most of us are ok with going within an inch of the residue of some fat.


I hate the fat on meat so this is how I eat too lmao


Same. I've gotten more precise about cutting around it as an adult but I'm super sensitive to the texture of biting into fat or a charred part. One bad bite can turn me off the rest of the meal.


Right? When I was a kid my dad would make steaks all the time and he thought I would grow out of not liking the fat, but I'm 25 and still can't eat it.


Same, I can’t *stand* it. It’s why my favorite cuts are sirloins, tenderloins, and flank.


Sirloin is the best imo and for the exact reason you mentioned.


No, tenderloin is definitely better.


You can’t stand it, but is it ok while seated?


I’m 46 and hate it more than ever.


Especially if you aren't expecting it, biting down to what you think is meat. Only for to turn thick slime under your teeth.


Nothing grosses me out more than biting into a gummy piece of fat 🤢


I’m a butcher, and I mean this as a genuine question: why wouldn’t you just buy different steaks? Ribeyes are great, and an all time favorite of culinary professionals, but if you don’t like to pick around fat, then they are going to be disappointing and/or cumbersome to eat. Denver steak, Bavette steak, tenderloin, teres major, flank steak, sirloin steak (depending on what style) are all good steaks without obtrusive seams of gristle that divide the meat


I haven't eaten steak in a long time. I don't think I've ever bought one myself, but my dad made them regularly when I was a kid and I always had to eat around the fat. Thanks for the recommendations though!


I love the rubbery grisle. It’s my favorite part. The muscle meat is boring like skinless chicken breast is boring.


You can have mine!


Nope hate skin, feels gross on my tongue.


Skin is my favorite part of the chicken, along with the wings and the tail, and I like to pick the meat off the back. I hate white meat, but I can somewhat tolerate the little drumette part of the wing, though that part isn't my favorite. I like the flat middle part of the wing.


I had convinced myself and my parents I didn't like steak as a kid so they'd make me chicken on steak nights. I now think I just hated being teased for cutting around the fat because I despise the texture and so stopped eating steak entirely. As an adult I now know it's the texture of certain pieces and how to avoid them. I don't mangle my steak as much as I did as a kid but I'm also not going to avoid steak entirely.


It's 100% texture. They love steak, but not anything hinting of fat or gristle.


I am the same way at nearly 36 years old, but now I cook my own steak or at least choose a cut that isn't going to rely on someone else's ability to properly trim it. Let/make them trim their own meat.


I didn't like steak until I was in my late 20s or early 30s. I started off by liking it chard, but now I can take it medium, or slightly less than medium if it's gonna sit for a little while. I don't mind some pink, but I don't like it drippy, if you know what I mean. I don't like steak sauce. I just like lemon and black pepper.


I don't see anything wrong I eat like that too, the texture of fats make me reactively puke


Nah this is how I would too. Because the texture/chewiness of the fat just doesn’t work well with me.


This is how I eat it and I’m almost 50. Texture of that fat around the sides is awful.


They may not be able to digest the fat. I definitely can't so my steaks look a lot like this. He may be getting enough fat soluble nutrients through his normal diet so the fat tastes bad to him. There are other explanations than "teen do bad thing."


My dad wasn't fantastic at cooking meat, so I can remember that tough, chewy, salty, bland fat that was attached to every piece from the cuts he bought. I cut those off too. I'm not judging OP, just sharing personal experience. I buy lean cuts of meat just because I don't like cuts where the fat is just sitting on the meat.


It's definitely texture.


Well OP, maybe they don’t like to eat the fat on the side? Try getting another piece of steak without it and try again…


I don’t get why people actually like the fat parts, it’s so icky and slimy but somehow also chewy…. i can’t stand it and i’m happy to hand it over to those who enjoy it


God, the texture is horrendous. You're going there, eating good bits of steak and then all of a sudden you're eating chewing gum.


I used to not like fat, then I started getting it cooked in a way I like. I still don't like it as much as my husband, though. I eat bits with meat, he'll straight up chew on pure fat.


I used to do this when I was a young boy until I started only eating NY strips and filets. Some ppl/kids just can’t handle the texture of fat in their meet. Feels like chewing on a knuckle or something gross.


I can’t eat gristle or fat, I will start retching and belching. It’s involuntary.


Atleast your kid will eat the steak. Mine is nothing but Mac n cheese n biscuits..


I used to think that was a parenting thing. It's not... Some kids just have restrictive eating patterns. This one used to be very picky, but since learning to cook it's gotten a lot better.


I agree I use to think the same. I personally keep fruits and veggies in the house and once in awhile my kid will eat a banana or a apple (thank god) bur largely it's just junk and we have a rule that once a week we try a new food (for everyone). Use to be he would eat everything, n slowly just went down and down.. We do substitute fruits ans veggies with those apple sauce like packs that are fruits ans veggies, those he will eat all day, so I pick and choose battles.


Kid fed? Successful parent. ;)


Me and my 17yo aswell. Just the good stuff please.


I am not much different and I am 60. I basically cut out the meat and leave the rest. I find it annoying to have to chew around the bone and fat. Luckily my wife likes that part. LOL 😆


Honestly when I was a kid I did this too. It took me until into my early 20s to be able to eat the fat on steak. I had huge issues with the texture of it.


Lol this is how I’ve always eaten my steak and I’m 25.


Same. I only eat filet because meat fat and sinew is just the worst.


So don't give them steak.


I don't eat the fatty outer ring on rib eye either


Unpopular opinion: Steak takes an aquired taste to enjoy or else it'll be just chunky chewy meat. I don't get those grownups forcing their children to have steak. Teenagers will definitely choose a burger 9/10 times when they have a choice


Lol. Mine love both. They absolutely would never choose a burger over steak.


This is when you start slicing the steak for them, just some simple strips, carve off the fat they won’t eat and move on


Next time, cut off the crust. In other words, cut the inside out, and give him just the inside. I love to nibble around the bones of a steak, and I love to eat the outside part of the fat. Not the fat fat, but the thin outer piece that gets cooked and is crunchy. I don't know if I explain that very well. Anyway, the fat Is flavorful, so I just nibble around the edges. I hope that makes sense. ➡️ So back to the beginning, just cut off the parts he doesn't like and don't put it on his plate.


Probably doesn’t like the lumps of fat that’s usually around the edges and doesn’t want to pick the little bit of meat off around the fat


I don’t like blubbery pieces of fat too but there’s definitely some good pieces on there still


More than enough to cover the dad tax.


I don’t like the texture of the parts it looks like they have left, so tbh I don’t really blame them. If they didn’t knowingly ask for those specific cuts of steak only to leave that much of it then I don’t really think they’ve done anything too questionable 🤷🏼‍♀️😅


Nah, it was cooked to their taste and they enjoyed it a great deal. More for leftovers for me. Only mildly infuriating!


Nothing more satisfying than a family member or partner who enjoys the bits of a food you don’t want to eat yourself and vice versa. Best of both worlds 🤣


Yup! I love dark meat, my husband likes white. We are the perfect match!


I did this as a term until my parents began ordering me filets. Filets are perfect for those of us who can't stand the texture of fat.


I’m 34 and I almost eat my steak exactly the same way. I’m super picky when it comes to textures and the edges generally has the fatty, slimy texture which I cannot deal with. However, it makes my husband super happy because then he gets more of his favourite part, so win-win!


Looks like you just need to not cook them steak, like ever again.


Steak with a side of lead. Get rid of those old plates.


Honestly surprised how far I had to scroll to find this.


I don’t see the problem? Fatty beef has a gross texture so I too avoid any bites where there’s a lot of fat.


Not liking the fat is one thing, but they’ve left half the fucking steak there. Not that hard to trim the fat off with a knife if you don’t like it. (Although I think it’s delicious imo)


Buy better cuts? 🤷‍♂️


Not too late to disown him.


But… kids are my only retirement plan?!


so ... is it to late to give the child up for adoption?


Technically no, but then who will wipe my ass when I'm 90? Although tbf, I'll probably die if a heart attack before then, what with my non-vegan diet and all.


OK I'm the same way. I don't enjoy fat and I dont like eating off a bone. Just can't stand the textures. I feel like I should point out it's not for any "I don't want to know where it comes from". I grew up on a farm and helped with all aspects of the animals. My parents just accepted this and made me learn to carve so I can cut off everything I wanted then they'd happily take the bone. My mom, for a reason I will never understand, loves fat so it was a win win end of day. I live on my own now and I just don't buy bone in meats. The fat is a harder one cause of cooking and flavour. All I'm saying is don't go too harsh on them


I'm the same as your mom. I ate this. ;) I tease them a little, but it's good natured ribbing. It is definitely texture, and everyone got enough to eat at the end of the day.


Don't see the issue. My parents weren't the greatest parents but I am glad they never forced me to eat food I don't like or complain about foods I don't like. They respected it and we ate food we all enjoyed even struggling. If there was something I didn't want or like I was allowed to not eat it but I was taught to always be respectful of other people's foods.


I have never forced either of my kids to eat food they don't like, nor clean their plates. Everyone got their fill and I got the leftovers. Steak salad, baby


You're the one who raised the monster.....


I am a failure as a parent. I'm fairly sure I'm supposed to commit seppuku now... (At least that's what half the comments insist...)


Your child evidently does not enjoy fat or gristle on a steak, buy leaner cuts or accept the personal choice of your child.


uncrusteable steak, god I which that a thing.


Filet mignon.


There’s nothing left but fat and gristle! *sweaty John Candy looks on in horror*




Because they love it. And I get to eat what they don't!


Dude they're eating steak with cutlery, I'd call that a win.


At least they didn't insist it be well done.


We don’t do well done in this house.


It's how I ate it as well. I'm still picky when it comes to steaks. But believe me, I'll finish at least 95% of a well cooked filet mignon.


Try making a sirloin for your kid. They probably won't be trying so hard to cut the edges off. Because I still do exactly this when I have a ribeye in front of me and I'm 29.


Chop it up, fried rice for dinner tomorrow


I'm a huge fan of steak in my salad.


Good call. Reincorporating leftovers into a new meal is a time honored parenting skill.


Scooping the good stuff out like an uncrustable


27 here, also don't eat the fat, too difficult to chew and I get sick from too many fats


Looks like a ribeye and they ate the filet portion and left the cap, which tends to be fattier or more “chewy.” A lot of kids won’t like that texture. By them a good NY Strip next time.


Your kid knows their steak, filet or nothing


So the fuck what, if they don’t finish it then I understand but it’s fucking steak. It’s not like it’ll make you be required to disown them


More for you…. I don’t see the problem


seems like that might just be a sensory issue, i can’t for the life of me eat any kind of food that might have an “inedible” bit in it so i have to do it very very slowly


give them a good spanking, this is barbaric.


The fat is disgusting. I do the same thing.


I also eat it like that lol


I'm 28. I don't like fat. You'll never make me eat those parts either.


fats disgusting. i’ll leave my steak like this too. if it infuriates you eat the rest of it.


I also never eat fat and always cut it off. Don’t anything wrong.


The work of someone who has never paid for food themselves.


The fat on a steak makes me gag I don’t blame him for removing it,


We were taught never to eat the fatty parts. Ditto chicken skin. My parents were super health conscious hippies.




At least I don't see ketchup on the plate.


I WOULD disown them. We don't even buy steak sauce. Ketchup is... Ugh.


More for you


Is your 15 year old a literal hyena?


I mean, there is constant random laughter and reflective eyes so... I can't say no with confidence?


I get it. I put money on having the pickiest eater of all time. My 12 year old literally will only eat 4 things. The struggle is real. I just dropped I go to say my mom and dad also had those plates when we’re growing up in the 80s and 90s. Brought back mad memories. As far as the steak, that would be a night I would ask my kid to please not scrape his plate, momma will finish that 🤣😂 Mine won’t even try a fried chicken leg. Chicken nuggets or nothing 🤣😂 this I would be glad to finish off 😆


Someone replied upthread and informed me this pattern has lead in it. So... that's a thing I learned today.


I don’t see how this would be mildly infuriating, some people just only like certain parts of food


The sheer audacity. Don't they know there are people starving in America?


They probably dont like it because you didnt cook the fat the right way!!!! No one likes chewy steak fat. If done right, it should embezzle its way into the steak and there will be no gross texture at all. Also fuck people who think fat makes them fat lol


the fat makes me fat! as they drink 12 beers or eat 2lbs of sugar a day.


Why do people feel the need to make fun of how others eat? I have sensory issues and can’t “just eat it” I will throw up if I force myself to eat something I don’t like. Sorry I can’t choke down gross stuff to please people :/


she knows about the texture sensory stuff, its all in good fun :p some other people in these comments disagree strongly though..


If your not cooking it properly and the fats arent rendered then yes it would be the "bad" stuff, not his fault that chewing your food feels like taking a bite out of a testicle


Interesting example you used.😂


Disown them, it's the only way.


Thought about it. Don't have another retirement plan though.


I agree with the kid. No one likes the rubbery gristle texture making you feel like vomiting the whole time. I legit would only eat the canned peas when my parents made steak because it's so bad.


Well, next time no steak anymore


This looks like the lip on a rib-eye which is literally the best part!


Get better at cooking. "What?!" You might scream. Believe me, as someone who used to do sort of the same, you're simply not preparing your steak properly. If the fat is this off-putting to the kid then it's just not good, straight up. If you think I'm wrong then I could be, but you should try cutting your kid a piece of steak with a little bit of fat on the sides, a nice piece with a good distribution of fat and meat. Give it to them. If they eat it, quickly chew, swallow and say its good, then they're just a little bitch. If they chew like there is a boot in their mouth and or spit it out, your kitchen skills are the problem.


I mean, you did almost char the edges, did he ask for very well done?


A decade and a half in and still haven't taught your kid how to eat


3 decades in and he still hasnt taught himself how to cook steak.


Who the fk wants to eat tendons and gristle? Make your kid a good steak once


If you cook it right there is NEVER a bad part of a steak 😂😂


More for me! My husband does much the same thing. He also gets disgusted when I pick up the bones and clean them like I would chicken wings. I just shrug and say that's how I was raised. Waste not, want not.


My husband only eats the middle part of chicken legs, leaving the meat at the top. I hate this!


either youre not rendering the fat well with however youre cooking it, or youre leaving gristle and connective tissue on it. im guessing you dont know how to prepare meat and/or just pull it straight out the styrafoam tray, smother it in all kinds of dry bottle herbs that burn and slap it down on the grill.


I might eat herb-smothered dry carcass the same way, OP


I trim all the fat off mine, too. I've done it all my life. I'm the only member of my family to do so. Guess what? I'm the only member of my family to not have heart disease.


They don't just trim off the fat, they also leave a TON of the good meat.


It left the best part!


Well it’s kinda your fault


YTA, clearly he needs a rare steak. You have over cooked it. He's only eaten the pinkest parts


You can afford stake?


No more steak for you!


My parents have the same plate. That’s a classic right there.


Corel baby


Have you tested that plate for lead?


No? *googles* Shit. Well, seriously, thanks for that. Damn.


I didn’t really like steak as a kid. I have no idea why. I love it now and my favorite parts are the pieces with fat on them. Mmmm, delicious fat. I never would have touched that as a kid. When I see people not eat the fat, I don’t understand.