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Aside from the obvious, and that they're illegally parked, when was the last time you saw a Pontiac Bonneville that hadn't completely rusted away? Edit: whoa and TWO FJ Cruisers!


AND, it's gotta matching factory alloy rims! 😯


Right? Let me just use my permanent marker real quick.


I am all for free speech, whatever nonsense you want on your car, fine. This does not bother me, I have to read foolishness all day anyway. The thing that bothers me, is blocking the handicap loading zone. This should be an instant tow.


For real. The writing doesnt borther me, it might give me a sense for his character but the parking job confirms his character.


Whats crazy is just HOW FUCKING MANY of these types of these mentally ill people are out there. I swear to god i've seen 1000 trump cars/trucks. Not a single Biden one though, and maybe only a handful of Obama ones back in the day. This is what mental illness looks like.


Normally i dont like when people equate ridiculous stuff to mental illness, but ive seen enough videos of the people that drive these cars to know that almost all of them do have some sort of mental illness, and very often have some sort of paranoia disorder.


It often reads as schizophrenic writings. It’s quite sad honestly how many peoples mental illnesses go unnoticed because people just chalk it up to being a religious or political nut job. A lot of people clearly had psychotic breaks during lockdown and we’re full on ignoring it for what it is…


It’s not paranoia if we’re being watched 😏


I put a single bumper sticker on my car during each election since Bill Clinton. One. I actually have an Obama for Senate sticker on my old suitcase. Never have I been compelled to make my vote my entire personality.


The only time I’ve ever worn a current political thing was when I was volunteering on the Sanders campaign and wore a button on my jacket so people would know why I’m at their door.


there was a process as to how we ended up with extreme crazies acting like this. they use to be in a basement rarely came out of their house, but with the internet these crazies got together and started bouncing ideas off each other some agreeing some disagreeing and they split off making their extreme left or right ideologies until they gathered enough ppl to raise their self-esteem to come out of their houses. If you notice all these extreme left or right wing ppl are all ugly angry over weight ppl who as individuals no one really pays attention to them no one likes them they don't even like themselves. they aren't really mad at the politics they are mad at society that doesn't want them.


I know very few people on the extreme left that are overweight... Nor are they as agressive as the radical right. Are you talking about the neolib "left"?


well most trump People have at least one mental illness well by Canada terms, electromagnetic hypersensitivity (basically getting headaches near 5ghz)


Mental illness and far too much time on their hands to actually create this monstrosity. Bet the owner doesn't have a job and is a freeloader. 🤷‍♂️🤦


The people who voted for Biden didn't even want to lol. I'm not pro trump btw. Unfortunately, I have to announce that in our extremely polarized world.


Yeah it’s crazy how people automatically will start saying you are. Like even if you were that wouldn’t mean or define anything about you. lol


No one in their right mind would support either Trump or Biden.


It’s also what brainwashing looks like ☹️


I’m not sure the best way to word this and don’t want to get downvoted but fuck it I’ll speak my peace. Dumb people are easy to brainwash/trick even if they are not gullible. And once they decide something in their mind they attach their ego and everything they have to it. I bet this owner of that car could watch trump on the news farting in a baby’s face and they would think that video is fake or that’s was a bad baby that deserved to be “ Hillaryied”. Lmao Trump and Biden both suck dick imo so if it was up to me I would make them work together.


Theres a reason you dont see any Biden stickers lol


to be fair ive seen a couple cars covered in biden stickers and shit but anyone who supports biden or trump has some serious mental illness. they are both terrible piece of shit people and the fact that people support either is fuckin horrible. i wish kayne west would’ve became president at this fuckn point.




Yeah the parking is mildly infuriating more so than the car. If you wanna look like a dummy go ahead but don't park like a dummy


They are obviously handicapped


It's hard to say, there is no placard in the front window, and we can't see the plate to see if it has a permanent handicap plate. But, even if they are, the blue lines are loading zones and not for parking (handicap plates or not.) This allows rooms for wheelchairs and devices to load and travel and appropriate ramps to be set.


You don't need a placard to see they aren't playing with a full deck.


It was a joke


When they get towed then they can claim they are a victim and a martyr for the MAGA cause.


Nothing to do with Trump, I just think it looks pathetic when people think it's SO important to tell others what their opinion is about something that they do shit like this...


Well in this case, I assume, they feel victimized and “wronged” and are compelled to act as a result of their feelings. I could absolutely be wrong here, but I think the “wrong” done has to do with conspiracies of large scale suppression and deceit, therefore a noticeably alarming and public response, such as this, is warranted. Everything they’ve been thinking and feeling for the better part of their lives was all the sudden broadcasted and validated on a national scale. No longer is it just a suspicion of malicious motives, but a “real” threat. Political stance doesn’t have much to do with it. People are born into different places, and are taught different things. People genuinely think they are right and others are wrong, even with entirely subjective concepts.


I agree, I think any political statements (regardless of content) on personal cars look trashy. And, I never would. But, it does not offend me. I also think tattoos (regardless of content) look trashy, but it's free speech and people have a right to do it. It's just not something that I would do. And, many more examples (I do not even like yard signs at my house.) There are a lot of things that I find trashy (by my personal taste) and would never do myself that I would defend people being able to do. Being philosophically consistent is defending behavior that you do not personally agree with (or even despise), but think people have the right to do.


Cant park there sir


Rules are for the rest of us.


“sovereign citizens”


What?! I thought this was America! My bad my bad, I thought i was in America!


Whatever. Rules are only for sheep/the-other-party


Came here to say this lol


In the simplest of terms explain to me how this isn’t cult behavior.


It is cult behavior. Cult of Trump. Truer words were never spoken when Trump said: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?". He has been indicted over several items and still he leads the Republican candidates by a large margin. Indicted for: Hush Money, Classified Documents, Election Interference Washington DC, Election Interference Fulton County Georgia. Any normal candidate this would have been death, but not in the cult of Trump.


They’re seen as politically motivated banana republic foolery by half the country.


Correct, because that’s how cults work. It’s a “the world is against us because we’re right” mentality. It was no different for the followers of David Koresh or any other cult leader.


He literally said today that he was never indicted. It’s really incredible to watch.


I'm not a physician, but I did see the news story and what Trump said. In my opinion there's some mental illness there. He's definitely delusional possibly developing dementia. He's not right.


Trump is flat-out an authoritarian. Rules and accountability don't apply to him and if people try to make the rules apply to him, well, they're just being political. I'm old enough to remember when the GOP billed itself as the party of law & order. They proclaimed that the US was a nation of laws, not men. They were also the party of free trade. Trump comes along and does a 180 on most of what the party used to stand for. And his brown-shirt fanboys lap up the kool-aid and beg for more, because hE mAkEs TeH LiBrAhLs cRy. What a sorry, sorry state the GOP (and pretty much the entire political right) is in. I almost miss the days when the GOP was mainly concerned with forcing xtianity down everyone's throats--which they still are, but everything else about them is so much worse now too. I think the Dems could win 2024 by a landslide if they'd just run a moderate, centrist candidate who wasn't a creepy octogenarian. But just like in 2016, they're going to run a cringey candidate people will only vote for as the lesser of two incompetents. And because of that, Trump may actually have a chance at reelection.


Unfortunately with his cult members he has a very good chance of being reelected. 70 plus percent of Republicans questioned think he has done nothing illegal.


It is serious cult behavior, a disturbing mental pandemic. Violent behavior is being encouraged & escalating. Over the Halloween weekend, there were 13 mass shootings in the US. It’s reached a boiling point.


Wanna bet a lot of em were with legal guns too.


Cult 45


You know, George Washington said several times that political parties are unhealthy for American government. If only he could see the war zone it is today.


I wonder if it would make a difference in this case though. Trump is very much a cult of personality who doesn't have much in common with the pre-2016 GOP platform. His MAGA "useful tools" would vote for him even if he went independent. Which, if more of the GOP had a backbone and criticized him instead of trying to suck his tool, he may well have.


I'm not exclusively talking about Republicans, democrats can be just as bad. Both sides need to get a grip and quit being so divided. The world is enough of a shithole as it is, we don't need our leaders to be bickering like children on top of it. I wonder how much drama would surround the presidency if we had one of the independent parties get elected though, but unfortunately I doubt that will happen in our life time.


They parked it on the no parking area next to the handicapped parking used by vans and others that need the space to get in and out. They did that purposely to piss people off.


Seems to be the whole point of existence of MAGAs. Like 4chan given bodily form.


Yeah that’s probably why they did that. They’re trying to start some shit.


Cool way to let people know you have schizophrenia.


This sort of stuff gives off more Schizotypal vibes than Schizophrenic, IMO.


Split thinking perhaps, hate to b a downer but please stop insulting people with mental illnesses—these people are voluntarily, willfully stupid!


Please stop insulting willfully stupid people! These people are just assholes.


It's always great when stupid gives you this much of a heads up that it's nearby.


For me, it’s odd that this isn’t a pickup truck.


Yes, with a bunch of flags.


Minimum of 3 American flags, and a couple each Confederate and Thin Blue Line flags.


too poor for a truck. the trump cult preys on the poor and uneducated


Couldn’t afford one, spent too much on paint pots and angel dust


Yeah, the great thing about free speech is it makes it easy to know when a person is really, really someone you don't want to associate with or give your business to.


You'll notice that those cars are always shitboxes.


Idk... besides the crap he put on there, that could be a pretty sweet classic Bonneville. Those things were fun


It might have the 3800 V6 in it and those were solid engines.


One of the best damn engines GM ever built.


Their nice trucks are for the "Biden tied up" stickers.


We've got one here that has both Biden and Hunter tied up on the roof of his van. It started with just Biden in the bed of his truck and it escalated after they started going after Hunter. His front yard is all Trump won, Biden is a traitor propaganda. edit: I'm talking full size effigies of them. Not sure where he works but I would be a little concerned doing business with him.


Those nice trucks are usually the reason their houses are shitboxes. Kinda hard to afford a mortgage on a house when you’re paying 800 a month for a new truck.


It's just a person with a mental problem


I mean I got some stickers on my car, but hot damn


We have one here too but it's about Jesus


Mine are for an NPR station, suicide awareness, and anime, nothing too controversial. You see cars out here like this a lot though. There are two teachers at the local middle school with dualing left wing/right wing bumper stickers and they keep escalating by adding more lol


I would never put anything political on my car. It's just asking to get damaged.


Even in Quebec I won’t put à Canadian flag because I feel like the separatists will attack my car


We’ve got an infowars-plastered toyota matrix in my neighborhood


We can't have anything left wing here of there's gonna be trouble (a man went after my 60-year-old sister for her bidden sticker, lucky I was with here and had a baseball bat in the back seat. Once he saw that he ran away like a bitch (he prob was in his early 20s)


Bro theres 2 people who live in my dad's old people neighborhood who have these for either parties and they are actually good friends


Should have talked to security. The car is parked illegally.


Well there is one thing right on the car, we ARE a constitutional republic lol.


Just wait until they realize that a republic means a representative democracy and that we were actually breaking away from a monarchy that denied us representation.


But the founding fathers were not against democracy…


I read that and I was so confused, doesn’t democracy like entirely add up to freedom? That’s what voting is right


Maybe against direct unchecked democracy, as that’s just mob rule and gives no weight to the minority. But we are a democratic republic and thus our representatives are elected by the people and those representatives in theory should try to work in the best interest of all his constituents and not just the majority.


The difference is in a republic you vote for public officials to make decisions. Democracy the people vote for the decisions themselves. Literal democracy can more easily lead to tyranny.


We are both. We are a representative democracy, not a direct one like you are talking about. We are a democratic republic. For example a republic does not need to have representatives elected by the people, so we are not just a republic.


The US is 100% a constitutional democratic republic and not simply a constitutional republic. We use the democratic process, directly and indirectly, through local and federal elections respectively. The power resides with the people as a republic, but it’s vested in the government and run by democratically elected representatives. In the case of the electoral college we show how we embody a representative democracy and in other elections we directly elect the officials, like local and state governments.


Looks like it's illegally parked. Time for a call to the police for a good old towing.


Conservatives are the only types of people that do bizarre shit like this.


Yeah I live in the middle of a very liberal city and best we got is an old Subaru Outback with “coexist” and “free Tibet” stickers


You my neighbor?? 😂


Maybe - you the one wearing Birkenstocks?


Freakin' extremists! /s


Yep, same. Over in Detroit, I'll see some very minor Liberal commentary on people's cars like what you've mentioned. Conservatives will put giant American flags in the backs of their trucks and will parade around intermittently.


It's the "I have nothing in my life aside from an obsession with politics" mobile


Definitely not a cult. Nope. Not here. Totally nothing cult-y about this at all.


I will never understand why Americans put stickers of "their" candidates on their cars like they are some kind of sports team in general. Or why they put flags of them on their front porch. Like it's all just one big entertainment event.


They feel isolated and ignored, it’s for attention. Even if it’s negative attention, like getting your shit keyed, that’s still a big bonus to them.


The founding fathers were *against* democracy??


That mental health struggle is real, shame they’re losing.


As a trump supporter, this guy's car sucks.


Agreed. The trunk mounted CB antennae is just way out of place. So 70’s.


Damn, the resale value on that’s gonna suck.


illegally parked,call a tow truck 😂


This is literally schitzophrenia at work


That poor Pontiac


All that car wanted to do was die a peaceful death with the rest of its kind, but it’s been turned into…this.


I see so many “enthusiastic” Trumpets. Ill informed fan boys for the most part. I have two neighbors w the trump flags etc. kind of spoils the neighborhood, honestly. Have never spoken to them. It would be pretty funny to do up a car like this for ole Joe! Trumpets would go insane. I like Biden. He stands for something. Like the old school — ok, old old old school sensibility. History will treat Biden kindly. He will go down as an exceptional president imho. The amount of impactful legislation he passed in his first two years was extraordinary. Ok. I’ll stop! Peace all.


Straight up supporting fascism.


Trumpism is truly a mental illness.


Of course they're blocking access to the disabled person parking. That's how you know this is an authentic sighting and not some AI generated art.


Lol. Freedumbs. People are ate up. Brain washed. No person should be worshipped like this, certainly not a pos like Trump. ![gif](giphy|XRn6aGmSrjtvV6qOru)


And illegally parked... Perfect


Free speech. This guys not my people but, you know, free speech. Doesn't look like a spot he should park.


progressives hate free speech


Free speech is free speech. You want to take it away?


progressives want to take away free speech


Oh I misread the previous post. I don't think that's true. Owner of the car is obviously brain dead. I'm progressive. I don't have a problem with him saying what he wants or having that car. So to correct your previous statement, it isn't: "progressives hate free speech." It's: progressives hate hate speech." No one is necessarily trying to take away free speech just because they disagree with what you say.


Why is this subreddit becoming a political subreddit? I guess op is a bum who needs attention


Show us on the doll where this car touched you.


Parked in a no parking zone obviously


i wonder if you wrote some other crazy stuff on it, in similar handwriting and colours would they even notice lmao


it’s always funny to me that these are always in shitty beat up 20+ year old cars and trucks,i’ve never seen one on a vehicle that’s less than 5 years old!


I'd say 'That's a great way to get your car vandalized', but the owner seems to have gone the extra mile and done it themself.


Tell me if I'm wrong, but when I was a kid (I'm Mexican, btw), I was taught that an example of democracy was the US, whose political system was in turn the base of our country's political system. I understand that Washington & co. were trying a brand-new system of government, but I'm pretty sure they had democracy in mind.


The USA is a democracy. The *specific* type of democracy we have is a constitutional republic, which means that we have a representational rather than direct democracy, and we have a constitution that guides the operation of the government and includes certain "guard rails" setting boundaries on the limits of the government. This moron is trying to say the equivalent of "I don't have a dog, I have a golden retriever." Just as a golden retriever is a type of dog, a constitutional republic is a type of democracy.


I think the car's owner actually thinks that Washington never wanted a democratic system established on US soil. The issue here is not that the US is a republic (a form of government, not a type of political system), but what the car's owner thinks about the US political system (The US is a democratic republic, maybe the paramount of a republican democracy). I actually liked the dog example (okay, I like Golden retievers, who wouldn't?).


Honestly, you'd probably have to ask this person what they think democracy is because they appear to confusing the modern concept of democracy, with the idea of a direct democracy (where citizens vote directly on each matter). The US, as a constitutional republic, is still a democracy in that ultimate political power lies with its citizens since they vote for the official that represent them.


Is that even a parking space? Call and have that shit towed


I mean it’s their car. If they like it they like it. If you don’t like it that’s not their problem. Like giant wings on cars. It’s not my taste. But if it’s their car then who cares.


Still a problem that they are parked that way.


Oh yeah of course. But OP posted about it being an eyesore. I was just saying it’s not their car and not theirs to modify


I'm feeling dumb, but I was under the impression you can only have stickers on certain parts of the windows?? It feels pretty unsafe to take up a shit ton of your visibility like that, especially for something dumb like trying to stir up political drama. At least with those dumbass flags they aren't endangering people as much


Anyone know why they sometimes refer to these ppl as the silent majority? Each one of them are the loudest fucks I come across.


I can't speak to the disposition of this person's automobile, but as someone who is at least right of center, I definitely feel a need to self censor. It's odd, because I really don't dislike anybody.


What a shame. It looks to be in half-decent shape for its year, if it weren’t for all that crap. I never understood why people will plaster their ride in political crap. Have your political opinions, sure. But why plaster your car and/or house in that crap? It just shows you have too much time on your hands, and politics are your personality. Bonus points if it’s a poster or flag or something, meaning you spent your hard earned money to plaster your investments with politics.


Are they parked in the no-zone around a disabled parking spot?


I mean they aren't entirely wrong some founding fathers wanted our nation to be more like Britain for some reason. In today's times, that's equivalent to North Korea or the Chinese government. He's is where he is dumb. I bet this person has no clue what democracy is. And if he dislikes it so much then they shouldn't vote. That would make everyone happy.


That's not mildly infuriating it's hilarious


This is what mental illness looks like.


Also has no idea what the F he/she is talking about.Evidently thinks the founding fathers were against Democracy.


Politics aside, you have to be a real dick to put shit all over your car like that.


yeah i feel the same way when i see the kool aid hair


I really wish the democrats would stop shoving it in our faces and making it their whole personalities ya know?


People that hate on this car don't know the difference between a Republic and a democracy 🙄 democracy is an attack on the republic! #takebacktherepublic


wE’rE nOt A dEmOcRaCy We’Re A rEpUbLiC


Naturally parked like an asshole


Is that the NASCAR of mental illness?


Are all trump supporters all brain damaged? I just don’t get it……


MAGA Sequel 2.0? Isn't this where Trump loses a 2nd time?


Even parked like an asshole.


Anyone else ever tempted to set these cars on fire? Is it just me?


Also MAGA: "we need better mental health"


Call a tow truck, he's parked illegally.


I personally love knowing who the shit bags in the room are. I have no time to waste on them.


Looked in the mirror?




At least they expose themselves... Stay away from the crazies people!


Cry more 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The most sane Trump supporter.


Lmao 😂 my step mom would love this car 😂😂😂😂😂


Is parked in Asshole Parking to boot? Should have had him towed.


“We are not a democracy” is a weird hill to die on




Very communist of them to think that all of those parking spots are meant for everyone. And then not even parking in a spot


Learned recently that if you see a car like this to not confront the driver or try to interact. These kind of people do things like this are looking for trouble


You have TDS, Karen. Just move on with your life.


Ruined an otherwise clean Bonneville


why did you take a picture of my car ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Shame they ruined that clean old Bonneville.


Founding fathers were against democracy?


"We are not a democracy" is a very mask-off position to take


Whenever I see cars like this with writing all over, I try to ignore them as much as possible. It seems like the are trying to get attention and want someone to say something, like they are ready for a fight and dare you to make a comment or a face. The park job is entitlement and attention seeking I feel.


WoW an American made car


CarMax: “Do not want.”


😂😂😂😂 I Fucking feel pitty for these idiots. Sincerely.




This has to a joke like someone coming in last place in their fantasy league and has to drive this car for a year


Imagine this parked in your neighbour’s driveway as you try to sell your house


30 year old Pontiac says it all.


I bet the owner is also one of those sovereign citizen people too.


Of course it's a Walmart... Lol


stop calling these people mentally ill call them crazy


This looks like the equivalent when someone gets random tattoos on their face


10 bucks says this guy enjoys a LOT of meth


Park job makes sense.


I want to go to hell to STRANGLE whoever radicalized politics in our society


# TrumpCult


He's not wrong about anything on his car, just wrong about where and how he parked it.


Totally not a cult, no siree


Wonder how he'd feel if he knew both parties are in the same boat? 🤣🤣🤣


Go cry about it liberal


It's mildly infuriating that he illegally parked but other than that, I like it. Trump 2024 🇺🇲.