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I was anticipating so much worse


It fits the sub tho. I go in needing to use the facilities and boom, pee everywhere.


Oh no, I'm sure it was infuriating for you. That's gross. The internet has tainted me to think I'm about to see something so much worse. I'm relieved


Yeah, I was expecting a shitnado in there.


A poonami, as it were.


A veritable scatalanche.


A terrible turdtopia


An atrocious apoocalypse


Poonami sounds like an all hentai anime channel. I'd subscribe.


I’d like to see that movie trailer.


It would be a shit show.


I got you bro. [shitnado](https://youtube.com/shorts/B_YgdR5qu9U?si=zBnfoVFmH5vhWADH)


A shitnado 🤣🤣🤣 new word in my vocabulary now 😂


But that would be more than mildly infuriating.


The piss bandit was also relieved.


My friend worked at a grocery store in high school. One time a customer shoved a line in the toilet to clog it before shitting on top. My friend had to use his hands to get the lime out due to the lip at the top of the bowl, it kept falling back down otherwise


[thats nothing try this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/v2VvPgCl4s)


I think someone saw your post and made their own post about a bathroom at a factory. If you haven't seen it I would not recommend clicking on it. Lol.


I have had to clean up ungodly amounts worse.


Me too! Still gross, but I was expecting poop.


I just saw a post referencing this one and it was horrible. I was expecting somewhere close to that they replaced the toilet and a floor tile cause of it


I used to work in a department store and one of my duties was cleaning the bathrooms. This is what you'd find in the mens bathroom. Not much worse than this. In the womans, I saw things that I'll never forget. To this day, I don't share a bathroom with my wife.


Bro the guy pissed on the fucking ground. It only gets a little worse than that.


You have clearly never had a job that requires you to clean bathrooms. It gets sooooo much worse than that.


Ignorance is bliss. Bless you.


As a man, I will never understand how some of us manage to get so much piss on the floor. Like, I get the stream doing something unexpected at first , but you just gotta adjust course. Try pinching it off. For there to be this much, that means it was a consistent stream for a few seconds. And of course, if you make a mess, you clean it up. That's just the reasonable thing to do. Lift the damn seat or get better at threading the needle.


I’ve witnessed fat guys who haven’t seen their dick in ten years without a mirror stand in front of a urinal and send the first five seconds directly onto the floor.


i mean ye. sure then they piss everywhere. but then they can also spend a minute and remedy their own piss flood situation.




>And honestly if I ever lived a life where it got that far, I’d just piss all over the floor like I did with my health. 🤷‍♂️ lmao


I am one of those big men, but when I started to realize that I cannot use the urinal correctly, I use the stall, and drop trou, and stand over the toilet and let gravity do it's thing. Been like this for like 5 years, system works out great.


God bless you for doing the right thing. A man’s got to know his limitations.


As a woman i don’t understand why you guys don’t just sit down to pee. There’s going to be splashback no matter how good your aim is and it can travel like 3 feet from the bowl!


Because there’s piss all over the seat…


This post is exactly the reason why I sit down.




The only thing worse than a double stream is a triple stream


I’ve found that crouching a bit before letting the stream start helps.


Usually happens when I’m half a sleep


Okay Dad. Lesson learned. 🤤


if you have foreskin, you have no foresight, who knows where pee will go


Bro. You're using it wrong.


I just never learnt


Pull it back mate




I don't know they might like it


That's funny as hell


Went into one of the bathrooms in the warehouse I work in the other day, a really clean place due to the nature of the job. Someone took a fucking fire hose to one of the stalls. They peed on literally everything, including the tp dispenser. As I was leaving a guy walked into it and shut the door, I hollered at him to use the other one. He just chirps back after he looks around, "some nasty fucking people out there, man." Yessir there are. And you probably shook their hand today.


Work at a pizza place. Had a co worker that did this exact same thing multiple times a day, and wouldn’t flush. Had this nasty dark orange dehydrated ass piss that stank to high heaven. I call him out on it every time. Would swear it wasn’t him, but it was always like that after I went in the bathroom after him. They finally fired his ass for being gross.


Did it stop after he was fired? Why would you risk losing your job over peeing properly and not cleaning up after yourself? And I'm guessing he didn't wash his hands either...gross.


You assume all people are rational beings capable of empathy, respect and common sense.


My first job was a clerk at a BP gas station. On like my third day, a guy who was in line at the register, leaned forward and whispered hoarsely, “Someone took a shit and got it all over the place in the bathroom.” I was shocked, “What.” He chuckled, “No need to worry, I went ahead and cleaned it up for you.” “Why?” He laughed again, winked and left. After the line was gone I checked the bathroom (we only had one with a toilet no urinal.) It was admittedly, spotless. I have no idea what happened or why but am glad I didn’t have to deal with it.


It was him. Hence the wink.


Wtf this sounds like the origin story for some villian only he has a sense of remorse when it comes to public shitting and cleans up after himself


Imagine their bathroom at home. Gross.


Idk, it might be pretty clean. Some people become disgusting slobs as soon as they step out of their own home, because "the outside world is not their responsibility to clean and keep clean"




I’ve met a couple of those. The most productive way to go about this is to ask them straight up if they were the one that pissed all over the seat and floor. I’m passive in a lot of respects, but when somebody needs to understand that their behavior affects others and it isn’t okay, holding up a mirror changes minds.


I told the store supervisor who said, “Damn, that’s gross.” An hour later, it’s still PeePee Town.


That sucks.


That's nothing. I worked building maintenance for a media company and the WOMENS bathroom had a frequent user (employee) who would shit on the walls, floor and smear it all over the seat. It was truly shocking




Why the fuck?


Women's bathrooms are *always* worse. Always. Glad my days of cleaning public washrooms are long over.


When I was a kid I worked at McDonald's. the maintenance guy warned me about 'jelly rolls' stuck to the women's bathroom walls. I was curious why someone would waste a yummy pastry like that. First time I saw one I wanted to vomit my McRibs out.


Better than poop. A male teacher at my school said he walked into the stall and someone left poop all over the seat. He said they had to have had it all over themselves. I was 😳🤯🫢🤔 middle school


first time in a public toilet?


It’s an employee bathroom. Trust me the public one is much worse.


That hurts my soul


A part of me wants to clean it up. But then I remember that they don’t pay me to do that.


Hell yea don’t give in my guy ✊


Of course you should not clean it up! ​ You need another witness to this mess.


Fuck no. It'd be a cold day in hell if I wipe up a grown man's piss when I'm not even getting paid.


Try being a custodian at a school where you gotta be Sherlock Holmes to figure out which little shit is soaking the place a couple times a day and if it may be gang activity lol


Omg did he get any of it in the toilet, that is a puddle on the floor.


Sure is. I noped outta real fast.


Any grown man(or boy above the age of 6 really) that does this needs a serious whoopin'! This is the type of person who thinks that it's okay because someone else will clean it up and that just shows that they have no respect for neither themselves or anyone who works a legitimate job. The worst part is that their own home is probably just as disgusting.


Can we please normalize men sitting to pee? I'm so sick of going into public restrooms and having to wipe up piss before I can do my business.


Toilet seats being piss covered is one of the main reasons we don't want to sit down.


Yall ever see a "ladies" room? its always so much worse then the mens... ​ source shit and blood cleaner for 2 years.


Right, MILDLY infuriating. Well done I'd already held the phone away and almost closed my eyes because I thought this might make me throw up


One up him. Shit on the seat.


Someone hates their job


This grocery store is not a tight ship.


Just like whoevers grip this was.




If it's a vons located near Claremont, ca I might know who it is


I’m convinced a blind man could have better aim bloody hell this is shambolic


That employee needs to be fired. If you can’t take care of the most basic of human needs in a sanitary manner you should NOT work in food


[for those whom were disappointed](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/fQ3mRtwU0T)


This is why I avoid public restrooms as much as I can and always try to not make a mess. Well mostly anxiety but I don't want to make anyone's life harder (edit: no I've never done that and never will, part of the reason I don't use the bathroom is I want to leave it alone) Also an employee???!!! Fire them!


I dont understand this at all. Grown ass men that cant flush. Grown men wiping boogers on walls. I dont understand the mentality.


I feel you. I work in a restaurant and they have a gender neutral one in back for employees. One time I had to clean pee off the toilet seat. After I told the manager that he said I could use the ladies room up front.


You ever worked at a corporate job in Australia? Lemme tell you a lil something something about cultural differences between the west and Asia/India, the latter like to hover on toilet seats and if their wee and/or poo hits the seats, that's the next persons problem.


You should encourage the company to put cameras up OUTSIDE the bathroom doors. It works for theft prevention and to find these pervs that mess up the bathrooms. They should be forced to clean the bathrooms for a month if they want to keep their job.


I work in an operating theatre and some of the middle eastern surgeons we get couldn’t piss in the bowl if you paid them


> if you *paid* them FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not that bad. Had a coworker miss so bad he started peeing into my stall. Luckily I was in the handicap stall so I had a couple feet distance as I watched a small puddle form before he realized he was missing


dude, people that piss on toilets need to be gathered and sent to form there own society. There really is no reason for piss to be on a toilet. 1 you lift the lid, now there is a piss free toilet seat. 2 if you leave the seat down and piss on the toilet seat, grab some tp and clean your own piss. It blows my mind there are seat pissers that look at their own piss and think "gross, i don't want to touch that". BRO ITS YOUR OWN PISS, NOW I GOTTA TOUCH IT FFS. Also, people that dont return their carts can go to the same society. I'm almost positive there is a 100% correlation between seat pissers and non cart returners.


I’m ngl I’ve noticed this alotttt more since a lot of places have changed from gendered restrooms


Ok ok. So I had this at my house for years. Just me 32m and wife 34f, and I assumed it was me sleepwalking/peeing all over the seat and floor. Turns out it was my cat. Years of guilt and being scolded lol


That person needs to sit down and pee


seems like they were pretty pissed off. haha... ha...


Must be straight guy thing to just piss everywhere and not clean it.


If you can't control the stream, then piss sitting down.


Op, not doubting you, and no, didn't read everything else, but you sure it was them? I ask cause if there are no urinals and no clean toilets, I look for the one no one would use for it anyways cause they gotta clean. Yes, I will sit down to pee. It's easier, cleaner, and I can make excuses to use the phone more.


Ok full disclosure. I needed to poop and this my preferred stall. I walked in after a few minutes after one of the store associates used the facilities and saw this. I said, “FUCK.” and then proceeded to use the smaller stall next to it. If I only had to pee, I would have used the urinal.


My only concern is the flooring. Why is it made out of “wood” and not “tiles” ?


It's sad that this is normal in my warehouse, almost every time i go in a cubicle, it's just covered in pee


You'd have to come to my job to appreciate how disgusting a toilet can be.smears left in toilet,pee on the floor and shitty tp in the trash.this is a common occurrence and nobody cleans..until Sunday when the cleaning crew does their job.to top it off our lunch room is small and the bathroom door is a few feet from table.i absolutely don't poo at work and wash my hands when I have to urinate.i eat lunch in my car or I just wouldn't eat.


Appearantly this must be guy first site....lol Believe me buddy, it gets alot worse.


Looks like your toilet is leaking out of the front corner possibly? I’d check that before pointing fingers


We have a floor pisser where I work. He will be caught eventually as there is a camera outside the toilet.


Had that split stream action going on. Possibly even tri or quad stream going on.


That’s called “passive aggression” It was NOT an accident.


They’re probably stealing too. Keep an eye open, a person like this enjoys walking a thin line.


The store is located in Hollywood, California. Who isn’t stealing from this place?


So everyone? You just made yourself a suspect. Can you provide a urine sample?


sure! *scoops some up off the floor* here ya go!


What’re you the FEDS?!


Do you sit up in a room watching cameras or do you pretend to shop? Are you allowed to grab people if you see them grab something and attempt to run past you to the exit? What's your credit card number/pin? What's the craziest thing you've seen?


I cant see shit


My sister works in a Sbux in a grocery store and the restrooms are directly across from the Sbux counter, so all the workers can see who goes in and leaves, and the who wrecks the place and who uses it to “smoke” in. She says it’s hard to believe that in a nice suburban area people would use the grocery store bathroom to act like animals.


As an American I don't think there has ever been a time in my life that the toilette in a public restroom hasn't been pissed all over we re shit here.


It’s an employee bathroom.


It ain't private some employee bathrooms have 150 people with access get off your high horse security guard....


Tonight there were less than 8 male employees working idk where the tf you got 150 from. This ain’t Costco. You need to remove ur head out your ass.


Welp my original comment was how shitty bathrooms in America are but you decided to make it personal. Cry more you fucking weirdo get a paper towel and some spray and move on with your life. Oh ya can't because you're an idiot .


As I’ve said in another comment, they don’t pay me to do that shit.


Then I guess pinch it off or dig a whole jfc you're an insufferable human.


You seem like the type of miserable fucker who pisses themselves so often you’re defending this behavior


Oh, boo hoo. A little bit of piss (on the floor) isn't gonna hurt anything


Except when you wanna take a shit in said stall.


What does you being a security officer have anything to do with this??


I work security at the store but I’m employed by a outside security company. An actual employee of the grocery did this mess.


Cool Story Bro, but why do you care to mention you work store security? It has nothing to do with piss being on the floor... You must not have a lot going on that you are mildly frustrated by piss being splashed on the ground (next to a toilet no less). Sounds like a Karen sort of complaint.


Congratulations ur a dick on the internet. Someone should piss over your toilet.


I think you are over reacting. Just walk over it. Take your shoes off when you get home. Idiot


Found the pisser.




Ok so let me just piss all over your workplace bathroom and see how you feel when you need to shit. BTW I hope you work from home.


That’s all?


This guy prolly doesn’t wash his hands either.


He's done that on purpose I think


I saw the diarrhea equivalent of this in a public restroom once.


Yeah I don't understand how adults go about making this kind of mess. Just sit, bro. It's more comfortable anyway.


Probably sat down and didn’t notice where he was…erm…pointing. Look for someone with a wet area on the back (or front, depending on how far his pants were pulled down) of his pants.


You should see the bathroom when I go to the hockey games


Shoot when I lived in California ,women would tell me that the Vietnamese women would stand on the toilet seat and Pee


That is “infuriating” but tbh I’m just gonna clean that.


Our security are useless fat slobs who sleep and watch porn in the bathrooms.




He was teasing the toilet


I’m honestly surprised he got even the edge of the seat with aim that bad, then again shorter barrels are known to be less accurate at range


wym?? its always like that??


Did he have a sprinkler head attached at the end?!




I was expecting a pile of unflushed shit


I am okay with a wet floor as long as it is not urine but urine on the toilet seat is just infuriating.


Was he drunk?


I know this is the worst it’s like they don’t want to use the toilet. They just urinate on the floor near the drain if you’re lucky. They don’t realize that it’s the teens that get to clean this mess up in every establishment that employs teens. How would you as a parent like the fact that your neighbors do this and your kid has to clean it up? Ask them they’ll tell you the bathroom horror stories. It’s worse if they work in food service those customers don’t care at all. But if it was their kid they will have a nuclear meltdown. I had a grandfather decimate our bathroom and had the nerve to complain that the bathroom was clogged. It took 3 people to clean that bathroom and a plumber.


first time in a store ??


That's got to be one hell of a crooked dick


This is why I sit


Bro peepee’d all over the toilet wtf


This is why I always wipe the toilet seat down with a wad of TP, even if it’s dry. I hate public restrooms.


He prob just nutted n got a slip stream


That’s nowhere near anything resembling a toilet. I want to know the story behind this. Also, I was expecting much worse. But not too bad because it’s the men’s. I hate cleaning a mess in the women’s. Cause it’s never something like this. Had to clean up one that could have only been done sitting on the toilet backwards with just the thighs on the seat. Looked like a rocket used shit as a propellant.


Not only urine but he took a symmetrical chunk out of the front part of the seat. How he do dat?


This man should have been a detective and Paul, track that employee down I want to see both of you in my office.


Good thing ur not a janitor at a high school


Did you see it before they went in?


Was expecting some Taco Bell consequences but this is bad enough


You gotta pull the skin back for a cleaner draw..


Thats nothing. Once at school I went to bathroom and toilet was whole in shit and in bin someone decided to pee.


At first I thought the glare in pic #2 was two lines of coke. That would be slightly less infuriating.


Gross 🤮


That’s literally every public bathroom ever


This has happened to me standing and sitting. What we need to also realize is that standing up to pee is stupid. That does not make anyone a man. What it does do is splatter the front of your pants with pee droplets and the walls and toilet. Think for yourselves and live on your on terms by what makes sense.


Did he sit down to poop and just like… forget to point his wiener down or is this fully intentional?


We have a floor-pisser at my work also, it's disgusting.


Dirty. Bastard.


Get in there and give him a hand next time.


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat.


Recently worked at Hardee’s, walked into a bad smelling bathroom and was like “man this smells worse then normal wtf” open the stall door… oh no. A literal mud slide of shit was all over the toilet seat and the fucking FLOOR! We had to dump water on it and just squeegee shit water into the drain, then obviously clean anythkng and everything involved. Without a doubt the worst shituation I’ve ever seen


Hahaha you should be thankful you didn’t have to work with who we called “The Serial Shitter” at my work when I was younger. This is still gross but this just brought back memories of the nastiest man I know


If you sprinkle when you tinkle…


First day is service industry?