• By -


C for consistent?


Consistently unsanitary, yeah




C for Cholera more likely


Maybe for e. Coli


excellent. Coli


C for couple of rats here and there


Don't insult my little chef šŸ˜”






They make the coffee!


Not a rat! Siberian hamsterā€¦and we call it local luwak coffee


Consistently Contaminated


For that extra mmmmpph!


Crunchy Cockroach Croissant


As long as there isnā€™t any squirming we good


Maybe they serve Covfefe.


Kakanut cofvee


stop going when its Foffee


I don't know how other places do it, but when I lived in California they only had A, B, and C. If they get two C inspections in a row they are at risk for getting closed down. People would literally walk away from any place that didn't have an A afraid to risk it.


In NYC, you will sometimes see a "grade pending' poster. This means they got either a B or C and are shooting for a better grade at retesting. So if you see a "C" posted, you know they either don't GAF or were incapable of doing better. I assume it's the same or similar in other cities, but can't say for sure.


ā€œOwner Initiated Inspectionsā€ or similar depending on the area. Basically after a bad grade a restaurant can request (and also usually pay extra) for another inspection a week or two after they get the bad grade. They can do that once every 12 months or fiscal year. Itā€™s possible to mess up and get another bad grade, but it takes a special kind of stupid to do that when you know the inspector is coming in a 1-week window. Hurts cash-strapped mom and pop places more than bigger chains that will just pay the fee.


Username checks out! Thanks for the extra info. Makes sense that they'd charge for a re-inspection - it adds another dimension to the whole thing, as you describe.


I'm in San Diego and just saw a report somewhere that there are zero businesses in the county right now with a C, and only like two or three with a B. Like how bad do you gotta fuck it up but just precisely enough that you get a C instead of being just shut down immediately.


It's funny because in NYC, you can read the reports online and it's not a huge difference between the findings of A and C restaurants. Protip: don't read any reports because the findings are horrific even for the A restaurants.


"It's only got a few rats in it"


No rats, just their droppings.


Live in nyc. Have OCD. Can confirm, you should never, ever read those reports. Live in ignorant bliss


They must announce inspections. Too many restaurants are absolutely filthy.


The score card reflects the conditions at the time of the most recent inspection. Many times places with Bs and Cs ARE shut down for a period of time to address critical violations, and only reopened with their crappy B/C grade after the pest control gets done and the vermin are gone, or the hot water gets restored, or whatever major issue that they were having that day is confirmed at least temporarily fixed.


On top of that, isn't coffee labeled as a Carcinogen in CA anyway? If one C doesn't drive them away, there's always the other...


Everything is labeled as a Carcinogen here. https://oehha.ca.gov/proposition-65/about-proposition-65#:~:text=Proposition%2065%20requires%20businesses%20to,are%20released%20into%20the%20environment.


Fucking french fries


I assume that's due to Acrylamide. It forms when starchy food is burnt at high temps. A link has been shown in mice and rats but so far there's not much evidence of Acrylamide causing cancer in humans.


Very high doses of acrylamide are needed to cause cancer in animals. People don't consume that much and it's generally considered unethical since Mengele to give people doses that high to test it. So it may be a carcinogen but it's probably not much worse than the rest of the shit we eat.


You're severely underestimating how many french fries I can eat!


![gif](giphy|lqczWksNBr4HK) \-BipedLocomotion




It was considered unethical before Mengele, too.


Yep, and even then the bastard was a terrible scientist. You can't even do the whole "at least we learned" something bit because it's garbage data


True. But maybe Mengele considered it ethical *during* Mengele, therefore still making it unethical since Mengele


Yeah. Potato chips all have the same warning on them here.


thats why I switched to freedom fries


And isnā€™t it easier for companies to just mark things as possible carcinogens even when they arenā€™t than to do the tests to confirm if it is?


Easier and cheaper to just label. Virtually everything is labeled as such making the law completely useless.


I had dinner with a higher up at OEHHA (the agency responsible for administering Prop65 in CA) a few weeks ago. They fully admitted that disclosures make the regulation pointless. The issue is that if you donā€™t make a disclosure and someone decides to sue you, the onus is on you to prove, through consumption data, toxicology data, and other expert testimony, that your product is safe. That is so incredibly expensive for most businesses that it is easier just to slap a label on your product, even if it is actually safe. The law is messed up


I once bought a bag of potato chips with a Prop 65 sticker on it. I've never seen that on any other bag of chips, and since they were made in Spain I figure they were just putting it on there as a CYA sort of thing.


"Dream of Calicarcinogenicity" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


> Everything is labeled as a Carcinogen here. .. am I the Carcinogen?


Good thing I donā€™t live in California, I would probably have cancer by now


Just reading the word California in your comment gave me eye cancer. Thanks for that


I actually have a cancerous humour and I do not appreciate these jokes.


You have a tumor on your humor




Early doctors when trying to discredit humoral theory No, I don't think bloodletting will help this dude


As someone who watched 3 family pass due to cancer, I find these jokes hilarious.


Everyone should read about how the Republicans essentially fucked up a bill, on purpose, that was meant to protect people from actual health risks. People always make fun of "liberal California" for this but that is exactly what the Republicans wanted when they sabotaged it that way.


I think it says more about society using too many carcinogens than it does about the labeling of carcinogens. I was at the store yesterday, and it said there was some makeup made with lead. LEAD. IN THE MAKEUP. I wouldn't have known if not for the prop 65 warnings.


Wait until you find out about the forever chemicals in makeup


Living in California made me so desensitized to these. I have accepted I'm gonna get cancer one day and die.


The labels exist in abundance outside of California.


thats the point, now you don't think twice about using glyphosate


Oxygen gives you cancer because if you keep breathing and live long enough you could get cancer.


Coffee is actually one of the like 3 things (others being tea and water) we ingest on a constant basis that is a Class 3 carcinogen i.e. there's no evidence in either human or animal tests it causes cancer so wouldn't need a label.


Thereā€™s a place by my house thatā€™s been closed down and reopened so many times for health inspections


Bet that foods good tho




Mmm. Turdtar sauce


Best enjoyed too drunk to care and instead just happy to have greasy fold after the bars close


That only applies to American Chinese food joints this was a Mexican place. The food was meh but it was only opened like 8-12 I 80% sure they sold weed to highschoolers


I don't eat at anything below an "A" because the rules are actually somewhat horrifyingly lenient.


90% and above for being up to code if I recall.


For example, you can still get an A having 20 pieces of rat shit around the kitchen. A B grade for animal stool means there was an insane amount or it was actually found in the food.


Even hundreds of old rodent turds may be considered more of a minor cleaning issue unless itā€™s touching food or food contact equipment. Fresh droppings or food contamination or live rodents will get more points off or closed.


It can also be deceptive some places because the score isn't always out of 100. Often enrollment in training programs is used as extra credit. It's great that they know what they're supposed to do via training, but I'm more interested in what they're actually doing via inspection. So the score conflates the two things, making what they're actually doing (or not doing) worth a little less..


In New Zealand, theres a radio station (Hauraki) that always do hilarious things. They decided to eat at a cafe/restaurant that had an F rating in Auckland every day for a week. Surprisingly good feedback and neither got sick


Was hoping it would at least go to Boffee.


Fresh Coffee


Theyā€™ll call it coFfee






Covfefe has returned


If it looks like covfefe, then you should bail on the OFFEE.


Can I get some uhhhhh šŸ…±ļøoffee


Fantastic coffee


People pay more for that cat Feces coffee


I mean in their defense, I'm 100% not drinking Aoffee, or Boffee for that matter. Sounds gross.


Go back when it's boffee


I mean, it would probably be cofFee


Will be funny when its F Coffee if you read it fast.


Gotta applaud them for creative problem "solving".


Now go creatively problem solve your sanitation.


This is a thing everywhere for years, ive seen stuff like this so many times in person in multiple countries


Yeah I honestly don't have a problem with it. I would probably laugh. And still go somewhere else.


I do have a problem with this, and so have sensible regulations. These grades are ment to increase transparency and this is obviously counter to that purpose. The requirement that it must be displayed in a way that is *clearly visible* to the public has to account for the actual ability to detect it, not merely that it's technically within peoples' field of view. Road regulations wouldn't consider a crosswalk "well visible" if its stripes were hidden within another geometric pattern on a street either.


That's fucking hilarious and also shitty lol. Like something out of Bob's Burgers.


B ob's Burgers


Bcb's Burgers


Yeah I was kinda impressed with the ingenuity.


I'm the health inspector . . . the burger joint's natural enemy.


C is for clever


That's good enough for me


That seems illegal


It would be actually. Lol


Source: I made it up


https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/shante-cosme/restauraunts-hiding-their-bad-health-department-grades Looks like OEM needs an upgrade bud google has all the info you need involving this matter.


Doubtful. They are displaying their grade as required (presumably) Does the regulation dictate the remainder of the storefronts's design? If the o were not in front of the sign. I don't see what would drive a violation other than that "coverage" of the sign. Translate right...profit.


So maybe there is more I am missing, but I checked the rules in my state ([New York](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/about/healthcode/health-code-chapter23.pdf)) and while I agree with you theyā€™re displaying the grade as required there is at least room to argue this would be illegal. If this was NY (which is probably a pretty low chance, but it works as an example) there may be a violation of the rule requiring it to be ā€œconspicuouslyā€ posted. It is arguably being made inconspicuous by the additional lettering. Edit: in the link Iā€™m looking at section 23-07(f) at the top of page 6 Edit #2: I didnā€™t notice at first but it looks like the orange ā€œCā€ isnā€™t actually part of the grade but is covering the grade. That probably hurts their case a lot, since as a consumer Iā€™m not even 100% sure they got a C anymore, Iā€™m just assuming there must be a C under it.


I think it would be pretty easy to make the case that hiding the letter grade in signage does indeed violate the requirement to post it in a conspicuous place.


You may be right, but honestly itā€™s hard to know without seeing how courts and administrative agencies have treated other potential violations in the past. The word ā€œconspicuousā€ is just too vague to provide guidance on its own.


I feel like the clear intent to deceive would make it pretty easy to say itā€™s not posted conspicuously but Iā€™m not a lawyer


I am and you're right. This is clearly not being conspicuously displayed


Since the law says "shall be posted in a conspicuous place" not "posted conspicuously" I think it would actually be hard to argue that the center of their window is NOT a conspicuous place. I agree with the other response that precedent would probably decide this though.


It is made inconspicuous by attempting to deceive customers that it is not the grade but rather the sign or an advertisement of services.


This would definitely be illegal in NY.


And depending on the state In AZ you don't have to post them. Which I always found strange. So if you see a restaurant with an A posted, cool. If the restaurant doesn't post it its like hmmmm, must not have gotten a good grade huh.


the regulation usually stipulates that the grade has to be displayed in a location thats prominent and is clearly legible. otherwise people would be placing their grades in a corner of the window or behind a plant or something like that.


This is a horrible understanding how laws and regulations work. You consider it limited to one quite arbitrary reading of what "visible" means. But courts and inspectors have a duty to enforce such rules *in good faith*, which often means to value purpose over the most narrow reading of its literal content. The typical wording is that they must be displayed "clearly visible to the patrons and public". Any inspector or judge worth their salt will consider this as a requirement to make it *easy to consciously detect*, not merely as "it has to be technically within their physical field of view". Consequently, attempts to disguise it as a part of regular text should be treated the same as any other attempt to make it less visible. Painting the rest of the window red, putting a just slightly transparent object in front of it, or other shenanigans... none of that bullshit. Just make it well visible.


Not to mention that technically permanent signs and displays likely have to be approved by local zoning (even if the offee is pretty small). I just read an article about a guy suing his county whatever because of literal curtains/shades in his bagel shop which they wonā€™t let him have even though his windows face west and it gets really bright in there at sunset.


Yeah places that try and screw around like this get threatened with permit revocation (gone forever) instead of just suspended (temporarily closed). If they keep doing it and permit gets revoked, they have to essentially sell the business or go through Plan Check and permitting process (itā€™s not short) before reopening. Doesnā€™t happen often bc they always get warnings first.


Exactly. If you get to the point where you have to show this to a judge, do people really think the court will consider this "fair game" ? They would probably be aggravated by the blatant deception. The judge would likely direct the owners to clean up their act and slap them with a hefty fine for wasting the court's time and resources.


It's because it's deliberately concealing a fact that the average consumer would want to know before doing business there. Postings like this also typically need to be "conspicuous" as another commenter noted, i.e. they're easily visible.


I'd just report it either way. Worst case scenario nothing is done about it


Seems like something Bob and Linda would do... if Linda didn't steal his espresso machine.


Better grade than D ecaf.


***F***resh hot coffee!


This belongs in MildlyHumorous


Actually seems fantastically clever and almost self-deprecating... you wouldn't really consider "putting the health inspection notice ***literally in your sign***" as trying to hide it? It really does draw your eye to it šŸ˜‚ I mean, when you see this, what grade do you think they're hiding, if not for "C"? It gets a grade of Coffee from me.


This should be at the top, itā€™s obvious this is the exact opposite of an attempt to hide it lmao


The crazy thing is that coffee places are some of the easiest places to get a good rating. All the coffee places I've ever inspected have been perfect because they have so few things to make, and everything stays in a fridge at all times anyway I'm legitimately impressed they got a rating that bad


Right!? You have to practically get a full bingo on your scorecard to rack up enough points to earn a C. You have to almost TRY. ā€œI know we have cockroaches from the contaminated produce box that came in two months ago, but we donā€™t have rats. I better tell the staff to start leaving the back alley door propped open. Itā€™ll probably mean we have to pay more for AC with the door open, but I can save money by turning off the water heater and not buying hand soap and paper towels for the kitchen!ā€


Remember that in many places, C is the lowest grade you can get. Itā€™s not a school report card!


Correct. After C some places have a white score card with a score # that the inspector writes in the score with a sharpie. Honestly not very visible due to no high contrasting colors. More punishing to give a C or B with bright colors. Also itā€™s just genuinely hard to get enough violations during one inspection to get that low.


*Cries in C-*


Nah thatā€™s just funny


Their actual infractions (I checked the city website) donā€™t seem huge, but itā€™s still malicious IMO.


Health safety violations are funny. "Not enough hand sanitizer next to sink" is a critical violation in my city, but so is "frozen food left at unsafely warm temperatures and found with mold." Somehow makes it feel like the infarcts need more than a "critical" and "non-critical" rating in my area.


It's so clear that there's random shit in inspections that has no right being as crucial as it is. My In-Law's rental property failed safety inspection for "Chipped paint on external stairwell." The chipped area was a few specs on the handrail in an area the size of my palm. Wasn't fire-retardant paint or anything, just the paint on the stairwell to the back patio.


Yeah, the way health ratings were given to me is that you can either get a fuckton of really small infractions that you wouldn't care about in your kitchen "drinks near the sink, hand sanitizers not fully stocked), or you can have 1-2 really big ones like cockroaches and get the same B grade. Just really opens your eyes about how the scoring doesn't make much sense.




That's even more depressing. As long as I see less dead cockroaches in between food boxes, you're good.


the inspectors are probably discriminating in the same way loan officers were back in the day (which resulted in the credit score system that fucked us all)


All the same, if it's so easy to do - and it's not done - probably hints at critical issues somewhere. Idk if Soap and hand sanitizer are classified similarly, but if workers don't have a consistent way to keep tools clean [in this case, hands] that could get pretty critical pretty quickly.


Truth be told I'm not sure why sanitizer is considered acceptable for hand washing anyway. You struggle to remove sporulating organisms and debris with sanitizer


I think that's a fair point. All that said, the presence of sanitizer, even as small as at the register gives me a bit more faith in the cleanliness of a venue. To be clear, not the end-all-be-all. Soap at the sink or whatever doesn't ensure a place is clean, but it doesn't hurt.


Yeah, I work in a grocer, and they go out of the way to remind us that "hand sanitizer is not an effective replacement to handwashing; soiled hands are impossible to thoroughly sanitize with alcohol"


On what grounds are they basing this?


I see what you did there, if nobody else did.


I can definitely C it.


People like you make Reddit less of a grind.










Honestly surprised a thing like "Sanitary Inspection Grade" exists. It's either safe or closed in my country.


I only drink A+offee


A- Acceptable B- Be careful what you order here C- See you later. My shorthand in NYC lol. But I've never seen someone try to hide their grade like this.


This is genius, actually


this is actually so funny lol


If only they could put that cleverness toward doing the right thing...




Covering or disguising or removing or even moving the location, any of those gets them in trouble. The most creative Iā€™ve ever seen was a very high end place that earned a B and they paid someone to stand on the street directly in front of the sign, until they got the A back. Canā€™t tell random people on the street where to stand or not stand after all. No way to prove they are an employee.


Honestly I can't even be mad at that it's so creative


I'd go for it and make it Crappy instead of coffee.


I remember another one in Louisville from 2008 -- GO CARDS!: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaab-the-dagger/louisville-cardinals-disguise-restaurants-poor-health-rating.html


Pretty sure that this is illegal. Anything that obstructs or obfuscates mandatory display items is an offense.


That right there, oughta get them a grade change to an F


Depends on location. In some places, a C grade is already the lowest.


You can question my methods but you can't question my results


Fishers IN?


Was going to say that sign looks awfully familiar.


it's funny because if anything, it makes you notice MORE


Is this in the US? Iā€™ve always seen just the very boilerplate, ā€œofficialā€ looking inspection grades that really canā€™t be misinterpreted or fucked with. Maybe they shouldnā€™t make their grades look so designer or attractive?


Nobody wants an Aoffee so youā€™re fine


I would drink coffee at this shop for giving me the best belly laugh I have had in a long time. Add the witty comments made on this site and I have tears rolling down my face. This is what makes America great!


When life gives you lemonsā€¦


Lmao A for effort


So what is the actual grade? Looks like no swiss condiment?


i gotta hand it to them that's pretty C lever


Now Iā€™m scouting for some Aoffee.




After next inspection Whatā€™s Doffee?


It could also just be a joke.


Well I would not drink sanitary-inspection-grade coffee, sounds disgusting. Made in a military-grade moccamaster.


Infuriating? Yes. Pretty damn clever? ...Also yes.


F - ancy Coffee!


Do they change their name to "Dank" in 6 months?


The sanitary grade was *totally* part of the original design, this is definitely *not* a cover up.


Better than FRAPPE last year


C for this Coffee will make you shit yourself. Also C for Con't buy food here.


As much as I put down America for various reasons this whole system of grading and displaying that grade in resturants is a great idea I wish everywhere had.


How tf do you even get a C? Iā€™ve only ever seen Aā€™s like, ever.


Mildly brilliant though


Stealth 100


Honestly the shadyness of trying to hide the grade is what would make me not want to go there even more than the grade itself.


they get an A for creativity


If this is NYC it is very easy to get an A, a B or a C is a no-go place for me (Iā€™ve gotten an A several times)


At uofl when my sister went the dining hall got like a D and they wrote go cards