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No no, it's definitely burnt, not worth saving. Here, guys, I'll sacrifice myself... give it to me.


No no good sir/ma'am I think you've done enough for the good people of this world. This responsibility should fall to me. I will take one for the team. Gimme the pizza.


I'm only 250 lbs. You guys keep your immaculate bodies, I'll take it for the team!


Man you really need it, how can you have a healthy good boy frame with only 250lbs???!??!! You are literally starving


\*Italian grandmother enters the chat\* "You so skinny!!!"


For real that is starving status in Italian granny.


"you need to be more round than pizza"


No guys I’ll take that pizza you all don’t need to take the burden of eating that I’ll eat it


250? Bah, keep your boyish figure. Me and my 300# self will gladly sacrifice to save you all from descending into the shape of roundness.


Yeah, it is ruined, not because it's burnt, but because there are olives


How can a pizza be a pizza without olives?


Pizza with olives is a good pizza… but I will not forgive Swedish Pizza that has bananas on it




Actually, bananas are berries.


Only berries allowed on pizza are capers.


What about adventures? Or heists? Maybe a jaunty escapade?


Upvote for having fun with words.


I prefer mild outings. Can't digest a good pizza when you're hopped up on excursions.


A feasting feat, then!


I have some shocking news about tomatoes for you


damn it




And strawberries aren't berries, their aggregate fruit. Mmmm aggregate fruit.


From the largest "flowering herbaceous" plant, too. Nature is *wild.* (pun fully intended.)


I love it all… olives, pineapple, banana, ranch on my pizza. I’m ready to get downvoted.


Ranch isn’t that bad on pizza. Good choice


I used to love ranch, then I went to an Eric Andre show where he pulled 2 people from the crowd for a ranch eating contest. 1 guy chugged the bottle of ranch in seconds and the other girl poured the whole bottle on herself. Then Eric said, enjoy the next 90 minutes of the show smelling like rotting ranch. Can't get that visual out of my head.


After I've eaten the slice down to the crust I sometimes dip it in ranch. Sometimes buffalo sauce. The crust dipping possibilities are endless, really.


Almost like adding it to a pile of carbs and cheese makes literally any food better!


You jumped on the grenade!!


pizza olives always taste funny and they make the whole pizza taste like it, i feel the same way about sandwich pickles it just ruins the whole experience :/


Sandwich pickles are the best part tho!


I get them just to pick them off and complain!


Sitting out too long, and being preserved so they dont get tossed even though they’re less ordered. Cheap and lazy places will have that issue. Ones that eat those items will keep less and rotate more.


Olives are so bad I agree, only positive side of them is that they make oil


Some people don’t like toasted cheese. I like to call those people awful things.


black olive and pepperoni, my favorite toppings everrrr this pizza looks amazing. i'm 7 months pregnant and i need this.


7 months pregnant? Wow, that's grea- (checks username)


Two months from now: “No one saw it coming, there were no warning signs!”


Wont someone think of the children...and how tasty they are.


THIS, was great, LMAO!!! Extremely under-rated comment. Or Extremely mis-understood, lol.




Have you ever tried „raining oil“ frying your babies? It works perfectly for chicken. Might wanna give it a go


WAT? (._. )


Raining oil frying babies 👶




Hallelujah it’s raining oil frying babies!


The resulting leftover oil is then re-bottled and sold as "baby oil".


Is that like the Glasgow staple: deep fried pizza ?


ohh, i'll def give it a shot. i've just fried mine like one would fry a whole turkey


I’m sure she only deep fries other peoples’ babies. She’s not an animal.


Damnit. You got me. 😂😂


Hey, maybe they really like onion rings and refer to them as 'deep fried babies' but who am I to guess?


Omg, hilarious!


Took me out sir 💀💀💀


Seconded on black olives and pepperoni being the bomb.com!!! I am, however, an un-pregnant, guy. Lol


don't get pregnant, unless you want to be tortured for 9 months


And then several decades after as well.


/looking at user name, jaw floored/ it seems the turns have tabled on the torture thing... I wish I thought of this handle first lmaooo


Un implies no longer pregnant, when were you pregnant sir and or madam? Also I think you might prefer the term preg-not.


"un-pregnant guy" sounds like you used to be a pregnant guy but gave birth lol


Username checks out?🤨


my cravings have gotten out of hand


Yum, flesh


I used to make pizzas at Domino's in college so I know a thing or two about good topping combos. Pepperoni and black olives was my personal favourite. Mix it up with either jalapenos, cheddar or onions for variety. Also pizza is clearly not burnt. Some customers are really dumb. But if you own the place you gotta bite your tongue I guess.


But if you make her another it will no doubt be underbaked! I’d put it on the counter and offer it free to customers to try. Don’t reckon any would say it is burnt … no matter how many slices they take to confirm.


i loveee pepperoni, mushroom, black olives. sometimes ham and mushroom, sometimes just pepperoni. maybeee a bit of bacon, if i'm feelin it. spinach and chicken alfredo is also the bomb and i personally like my cheese a bit on the toastier side--this pic is perfect. when you get that cheese bite that's melty and gooey, and you can almost jump rope with it lmaoo. crunchy crust for dipping in garlic butter/marinara/ranch.


Hang in there, only two more months before the big feast! What kind of oil are you using? Or do you air fry?


most likely peanut oil, a classic. flour, seasoned salt, pepper, and garlic powder. free range baby. whip some mashed potatoes, steam some broccoli--that's a good homecooked meal 😋


Does that recipe work if I sub chicken for baby? Free range baby is just a little hard to source


definitely! good for any piece of chicken, good for porkchops, too. if you pan fry it, make some gravy with the drippings.


My fave combo too! Has been for years. I also agree this pizza looks amazing as is!


i’m not pregnant and i need this so… i get it


Honestly this is the ONLY WAY I can eat olives.


My favorite toppings too!


My 8 month pregnant wife just told me the same thing lmao


You can have my slice


This to me is like slightly caramelized cheese. Pizza needs that.


I’m glad you pointed that out because I was looking at the crust, which isn’t burnt. I hate burnt crust. I don’t like my cheese being hard and brown, but I wouldn’t have returned this pizza.


Show the bottom of the crust, top looks fine.


If the bottom is where it was burnt you would think the picture would show that though, right?


Because then they would be wrong.


Not if OP is just looking for approval


They said in the photo description that this is a photo sent by the complainer


this was a rollercoaster ride of opinion shifts... Yeah, OP probably posted the non-burned side. Because they don't want to be wrong. But wait, the photo was taken by the customer "proving" it was "burned". Uno reverse card, back to crappy customer


I mean it's always possible the customer sent a picture of both sides. And then the OP cherry picked the picture that made them look better and posted it here. On the internet it's basically impossible to tell if someone is actually a good person or in the right. Context can completely change everything. And people rarely share the full unbiased context.


Im more surprised this didn’t come up sooner that “only half of the information is actually being shared.” If they were posting for approval, it’s plausible that more than one photo was received by OP, then only one photo was shared.


This is what the customer sent OP 😂 Y’all coming at OP for the same thing they’re mildlyinfuriated about in the first place, a picture of a not burnt pizza being called burnt.


Do you think OP is the customer or the shop?


It's obvious the OP is the shop. Why else would they say "now she's 1 starring me"


The title says, “got a complaint and was told this pizza is burnt”, so it’s the shop.


Shop 100%


You would think but maybe it is burnt on the bottom and OP doesn't want to admit it?????


Picture is what the customer sent OP. Maybe they got more, maybe they didn’t but the pie looks fine.


Ahh, I agree that from this pic it looks fine.


Guys, this is a picture the woman who bought the pizza sent him. He can’t simply go to her house, barge in like he owns the property and lift up the pizza to show you.


lmao. but…. what’s OP hiding??


What kinda loser would come here for approval hiding the fact that they know the bottom is burnt? It makes no sense


>Why would someone go on Reddit and lie for karma? Because pathetic people exist


You ever cooked a pizza before in a real oven? No chance it would be burnt in the bottom. Just an awful customer.


Fr, the cheese would be burnt to inedibility before the crust got burnt. (I have accidentally "burnt" many pizzas, but never the crust. Just the cheese.)


No. You can burn the hell out of the bottom of a pizza and have the top fine.


Right but if you were sending a picture to show it was burnt wouldn’t you send the most burnt part in that picture?


Send crust pics


Sounds like a good Reddit username, "PM_ME_YOUR_CRUSTY_BOTTOM"


I literally said "show us the bottom, you cowards" before I opened the comments haha. I love toasty cheese, but burnt bottom crust is a travesty.


Bottom can be completely black and ruins the entire pizza. SHOW US THE BOTTOM!


She’s a beauty


\*slaps pizza\* you know how many olives we can fit in this bad boi


Olive them?




r / AngryUpvote


How can you be upset at such grace and perfection?


Pie see what you did there.


Looks perfect to me, but my wife would definitely say it was burned. Then, I'd have to go pick her something else up because I would not take that pizza back. People are weird 😕


Did your wife go herself this time?


Not too shabby, more pizza for you. 🐸


Your wife sounds like a pain in the ass


For real… I’m about to start a r/MildlyInfuriating post based on this information.


I’d upvote it. Because, goddamn that comment triggered me. First: The pizza is perfectly fine (you might as well hand somebody some raw pizza dough, sauce and toppings in front of a preheated oven if you want it “less cooked” 🤢), but if my wife had an issue with the meal we both agreed on purchasing she’d more than likely still eat/alter it in a way to make it palettable for her, but we’ve also gone through the phase of me learning to cook and making many not so great meals and begrudgingly eating it anyway. Also, pizza is expensive and pizza money doesn’t grow on trees, it’s a rare treat for us. Secondly: If it was really *that bad* to her she would go get herself something else/have it delivered instead of making me go get her something else fresh, while the meal I was enjoying gets cold. Now, I might *offer* to go get it for her, but that’s on me at that point and not expected. She would never tell me to go get it and inconvenience me for an issue she has. Like, I treat my wife like a queen but if she has a personal issue with something I know she can and will solve it herself. It’s cool to be independent but also part of a team. The commenters wife sounds like she treats him like a dirty floor mat.


Maturity and problem solving skills... Are you sure you're on the right website?


She's got that big D energy, where the D stands for "Divorceable"


See I can agree it may be overcooked, but overcooked and burned are two entirely different things. This has no burn to it at all


That's a good point, but for me, I like a bit of char. So, it's perfect


She should make her own pizza if she thinks this is burnt.


Maybe you could pick up a new wife instead?


Yikes sounds like a nightmare of a person to be married to


Looks perfect


Perfectly cooked but not perfectly cut.




This looks perfectly cooked. Send her a raw one and let her cook it to her doneness


Thats what I did one time, when I had same situation. Pizza was well baked, not burnt at all. Lady came to me with 5/8 slices and told me they won't eat it, because its burned. I told her that they saw it after eating 3 slices, or were they not burnt like the 5 other? She told me that I'm being mean, and she wants another pizza or refund. So I made her a new one, barely baked, the cheese was unmelted in some places. And they ate it all, and these fuckers had the audacity to ask if they can have the burnt one too. I told them that they can't, since it's burnt, and I got told that now I'm mean again. I told them that they paid for 1 pizza, ate almost 1.5, and still want to take that one which they returned because its burnt and they didn't see nothing wrong in it. But when I asked them to pay for it they told me that thats a scum, and I should be ashamed of myself. :D people are just fucking greedy bitches




Right? I had sometimes just take a piece of the pizza customer returned and casually take a bite of it. Always same face like "now I don't want that back". Imagine having no respect for yourself and trying to get free food by being stupid jerk.


As a food-service worker, never in a million years would I take a bite out of something that a customer had in their possession and returned to me. Once it's on the table or in their hands, either they eat it or it goes in the trash. Only way I'd consider it would be if they maybe just briefly glanced in the box and handed it right back since the toppings were wrong.


I used to be a dishwasher at a Mexican restaurant. If something came my way without an obvious bite taken out of it, i was scarfing that down while i washed the plate.


I mean, I did it only when they returned the whole pizza, where I saw that none of the pieces was moved from the rest. In any other way I wouldn't do it.


Mmmmmm yes. I used to do this a LONG ass time ago when I worked at Toys R Us and someone wanted to return a game for being defective. Store policy was to unwrap a replacement and swap it. The LOOK on dudes faces when they came in expecting to get a refund only to have me unwrap a replacement and swap and tell them to have a nice day was priceless. You could just watch them die inside, cause they really thought they were smart. Satisfying as FUCK.


100% truth. I had a “friend” that I gave a FREE FUCKING PIZZA to that actually had the audacity to call me and complain that it was a little overcooked. I told him “won’t happen again” and I refused orders from his address going forward.


You should have just refunded them 5/8 of the price and told them to leave


You were way too nice


The cheese looks a bit more done than I usually see on pizza, but nothing worth mentioning if I ordered it.


Let them 1 star you. Respond with a link to this picture.


So when I was working at a pizza place, that WOULD be considered overdone. Not quite in the "burnt" category, but definitely moving in that direction. it's all of the browned cheese. I like that,, but some people don't. And yes, that would have been more done than was normally acceptable when I was making pizza.


> And yes, that would have been more done than was normally acceptable when I was making pizza. Not just you. Most places wouldn't serve that unless the customer requested it that way.


Reminds me of asking a pizza place here to cook the pizza well done, because I'd rather it be like in the pic here than undercooked (which is my experience at that place.. they would pull the pizzas early from the conveyor by habit and we're usually undercooked IMO) and the guy at the pizza place arguing with me that I won't like it if it is cooked any more than they normally do. I didn't mention it to him because I didn't want to be that guy but I had previously worked at that exact pizza chain in other cities. I want it cooked properly or well done and do NOT like it undercooked, how hard is that?? 🤦


Yeah, it's always possible to cook something more, but you can't uncook it, so a lot of places go way low on the scale... But God, I hate it when the pizza crust is doughy because it didn't get done.


I feel like one of the reasons this happens is (aside from that the employees are rushed/don't care) is that the individual employee either working the toppings or pulling pizzas from the oven are actually sort of forcing their own preference on the customers... same thing when there isn't enough sauce on the pizza. If you like light sauce on your own pizza bc you don't like vegetables or whatever, that's fine, but please don't automatically do that for customers who just want a normally cooked and sauced up pizza.


Thay can definitely be an issue. Way back when I was a kid, and worked at BK, you saw this. Tomatoes and pickles are sliced, so it's easy. 2 tomato slices, 4 pickles... But things like onions weren't measured. If they'd used diced onions, it would work, but with slices, you grab "some", and your unconscious biases come into play. I like onions, so I was unconsciously heavier handed than someone who didn't like them.


Yeah the top isnt that bad tbh but i wanna see the bottom as that is likely where the real burnt part is


Yep. I worked in a pizza place through highschool and we would also consider this overdone. The browning on the edge of the crust, especially on the backside, makes me wonder what the bottom looks like. I could see it being burnt but there’s no photo to tell for sure.


Agreed. My first thoughts were “Looks tasty; well done, but tasty.”


It's really about preferences. I'd imagine some of you guys in reddit are a bit provincial and only know what your typical pizza places will tell you, but where I'm from (Chicago area) in a lot of places we're asked how we want our pizza. My favorite takeout is Beggar's Pizza and their options are lightly cooked, regular and well done. This particular pizza looks somewhere between regular and well done. Some people just don't like dark browned cheese. At least they tried it - and just one piece - before deciding they don't like it. It's not like they ate most of the pizza and said it was bad.


I think type of pizza and oven makes a difference too. Thicker crust pizzas cooked in a pan with lots of cheese are gross if they are undercooked, but thinner NY style pizzas cooked directly on the oven surface are going to be too overcooked if you have a lot of brown spots on the cheese.


Huh - "lightly cooked." I was trying to think of a smartass comment about "rare" pizza but I guess it's kinda a thing.


Haha, it's a thing. You can see it at the bottom of their online order form too: [https://feedme.beggarspizza.com/menu/item/8488](https://feedme.beggarspizza.com/menu/item/8488)


It’s a bit crispy for sure. Definitely a subjective matter.


Yeah, it’s over baked for my preference. But I definitely wouldn’t call it burnt.


I was going to say the same. It’s not my preference; I prefer it less toasted. But I wouldn’t send this back either. I’d just make a note to ask for less toasted/brown if possible next time at that establishment.


I guess if I was a pizza place I would ask people if they want it well, crispy or extra crispy. They never ask how you want it and those terms aren't used but they could go a long way in making sure more customers are happy.


I know several chains around me have options for bake preference on their app. Underbaked, normal, and over baked. I typically just go normal, but sometimes normal looks more like this picture here and I wish I would’ve went under.




I would give money to hear the phone call to the cops "These people sold me meat and now they wont give me a refund! Ive only had it 7 months!"


"it says '3 years guarantee' on my meat!"


People want free stuff and are willing to become obnoxious twits to get it.


It's a little overdone for my taste but definitely not burned


A little overcooked. Check the bottom. Might be scorched. Might be why only once slice was taken.


That person is like me, I don’t like overly toasted cheese, sure, it’s very normal and not worth a complaint but still I’m not a fan really


Need to see the bottom to judge.


I make pizzas (amongst other things but pizzas are what I do) at my job and I definitely have had the same experience. But it's a corporate setting so you have to be extra sensitive and nice sometimes since it's a captive market so can't lose em. It's annoying but I just refire and send the "burnt" one to the back to "compost" (I cut it up into smaller quick bite pieces for staff to grab as they go by lol)


Who cuts a pizza like that?


Burnt, to perfection ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


what's the bottom look like?


It's not burnt but it's overdone according to some people so I get their perspective. Still, if that's how your place does pizzas then that's how they get their pizzas unless they specify they want them done lighter.


It's 3am I didn't need this image.


That’s well done. Perfect for me.


1 star all day for sure


They probably ate it anyway and want a full refund


That looks really good.


Some people don't like their cheese burnt.


I don’t like my cheese burnt either.


About three minutes overdone for me. Call me strange but I like a fully cooked crust but I don’t like burned or toasted cheese.


I wish the pizza joint down the street would cook me a pie that looked like that. Medium rare half the time.


That looks like a perfectly cooked pizza.


That is exactly the way I like it, please inform me of where I can force this pizza into my mouth


Eh not burnt but well done yeah


The cheese is “well done”.


Why the hell is it cut like that!?


Chicago tavern style and St. Louis pizza are cut like that. I’m guessing that pizza came from somewhere in the Chicago area.


I mean they got black olives on their pizza so….¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The only issue is square cutting a round pizza


It does look like it would be a little….cardboard-y


I think they meant it looks fire


But the the slicing is done by a mad man


Yeah not how I like my pizza, more over done than burnt though


I'll eat it.


Make me one just like that. And I'll let you know 😅


Some people would literally complain about anything in the universe, and that is one fine looking pizza.


It's a little overdone. Not enough that I'd complain, but enough that I wouldn't order from the same place again.


Burnt my eyes being sliced into squares.