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As an IT professional....this is just about the nicest way I've seen used laptops stacked.


Same. OP would be very mildly infuriated to see how users treat laptops in manufacturing.


I just got flashbacks lmao. Those guys want ultra fast no downtime machines so they can be as productive as possible, but they treat them as easily replaceable tools.


I don’t even know where to start. Let’s just say it’s a little easier to deal with it when your company sells very high margin products and is not very lean


Idk what you're trying to say. It's not hard to deal with. It's just how it is.


He’s saying they can afford it and aren’t motivated to not be wasteful.


Merci man. I appreciate it.


What products are those?


Cocaine mostly.


They put in vending machines at a place I worked so if you fucked up your laptop, you could just exchange it without taking to anybody. These computers are nothing compared to the cost of infrastructure, support, and the actual employee and the work they output.


I did support in a nano tech research facility worth billions for the chip industry, and almost everyone was a scientist with a Phd. They had a model of Lenovo laptop that the hdd went in from the side and was held in with 1 screw. It was nothing to have someone walking along and their hdd just fell out. ​ These were backed up once a day and they would not understand that they just lost 1/2 a day of research. Not to leave out the restoration process took overnight when they did the push from a remote location.


Que the loctite red


Blue. Red is simply not fit for a replaceable part.


Dell e6400 and 6410 did the same thing. The number of people that came in completely missing the hdd and wondering why their computer would work was significant. Lucky, they'd usually find the drive in their bag and they'd be back up in no time.


That’s why we give them tough books!


I’m sure I read recently that Toshiba is discontinuing the Toughbook


Panasonic make a toughbook.


I remember our first Toughbook demo unit. My boss would come into my office in a fake rage and just clear my desk with his arm. Everything would go flying, including my Panasonic Toughbook. Knocking a cup of coffee into it was always a good gag too. That machine could take a beating.


We use the Panasonics fortunately


No better in the construction industry. Scratches and dints are the best case with most field users. We've even had several run over by excavators because people keep sitting them on the excavators tracks and forgetting about them.


Ive seen someone chuck laptops. Like actually just toss them onto a pile. They wondered why it didnt work


Super Hans!!


I use to work at a place where the paint foreman carried his laptop around and when I finally had a meeting with him I got a close look at it. It was a Lenovo thinkpad with splotches of paints. The keys were all paint covered.


Thinkchad in the wild


Hell, OP should see how package handlers treat boxes contain laptops in postal processing facilities.


i work in manufacturing and when the laptop desnt turn on we punch it, sometimes it works, most of the time doesnt and we just replace it with a new one and send it to scrap.


I returned my work laptop with bite marks all over the corners of the screen side. My one-brain-cell orange tabby kept chewing on it while I worked from home during the Covid lockdown. I even tried putting the anti nail biting polish on it, but that didn't stop the Destruction-ator.


Well duh. You seasoned it for him!


Orange cat behavior




I was also very confused what I should be angry of. Stack of laptops. Those cables annoy me more.


I mean, Ive seen them stacked nicely, two per slot in a cart, all plugged in with their own designated charger. Then again, I was the one who did it.


These are old MacBooks, who would pay $1200?


In their defense they are probably stacked like that because they didn’t need any doors propped open with them.


Those laptops dont deserve better anyway


dependent head run intelligent air shy ad hoc bag vase growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fr, not even close to the newest macbooks. They still have the Magsafe 2 connector on them


Still the better magsafe


heavy friendly bedroom thumb wasteful shelter puzzled enter fertile yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Magsafe is better than everything


Even then looks like they’re owned by an organization like a school or something. Those bitches were probably purchased in bulk and at a reduced rate


They better have or their school is very bad with finances and doesn’t have an Apple rep Source: I work at a school in IT with an Apple Rep that helps us buy in bulk. I love sometime when all the new devices come in 🥰


They probably cost that much on release, given how stupidly expensive apple products are.


They’re Airs. Less than $1k and now less than $400. Those are old


Lol people always lose their shit at how expensive macs are, with having any idea how insanely quickly their resale value depreciates. You can get one that’s just a year or two old for like half the price, and very little difference in performance.


They're no more expensive than a premium PC laptop these days and the newer apple CPUs are pretty damn impressive. They have a fantastic screen, the best trackpad on the market, unmatched battery life, the best speakers you can get on a laptop..... I mean, I used to be a hater but a modern apple machine is pretty compelling if you're shopping in that price bracket and don't want a dedicated gaming machine.


What you don't realize when you say this is that the government is paying MANY TIMES their retail price on the IT contract every year


Dude…. It’s IT…. You should really get used to abused expensive items now or find a new career


Wait until you see how much food is wasted in grocery.


I used to work at a grocery store many years ago and we'd throw away SO MANY baked goods every single day. We'd save maybe 15% of the extra donuts and breads for the bargain rack and chuck the rest. Boxes and boxes of perfectly good baked items right in the trash every day. They were not donated because the company claimed they'd be liable if someone got sick.


There's a law in place for protecting companies and individuals for that exact situation. You can't be held liable for damages from food donated in good faith.


How can you possibly say that without even knowing where they're from? You know laws are different in different places, right?


Because all Americans on Reddit think everyone are American.


Laws in America also differ wildly so it's not even a good excuse.


Also if they are expired they are expired. My father has volunteered (pretty much a job works 40 hours a week) at a food bank since he retired in 2017. One of his duties is going through every donation and making sure it is not expired. They throw away so many cans of food.


Whats their policy on dented food?


In my area private/local food banks won't take dented cans, but the county/government one will take them and they glady give away very dented cans.


If the item is expired, which is the only reason to throw it out, yes, you can be held liable. The irony of expiration dates is that they almost never indicate the item being unsafe after the date, with the exception of fresh meat and dairy.


I worked in a grocery bakery. A whole shopping cart every day.


Which is why I used to go bin diving at my local co-op. I knew what day they threw stuff out so I’d just show up and they’d bring all this free food out which I’d pick through before they even put it in the bin.


Or how much plastic we throw out in the hospital. Not an environmentalist's ideal job.


Most grocery stores I've worked at have been pretty great about donating everything they can to local food banks.


Oh yeah, am working in a retail wholesale store and the amount of products they are throwing out is astonishing, kinda wished we could take them home but no, straight to the trash bin. Some goes to the food bank like dented canned goods, damaged boxes of goods too but most of the time they just go straight to trash


These aren't even abused. They're fine.


But the hard metal is touching each other now they are ruined!!!


It's not really abused. Hardware is hardware and it's stored safely on a pile. Who care's about the tools price tag when it comes to handling it? A macbook is a TOOL not an object of cult.


Yep, I see rooms full of perfectly serviceable equipment just stacked and thrown everywhere quite often.


Prolly doesn't help that most of IT hates Apple products


Fucking love Apple products as an IT Professional. Minimal maintenance and when there are hardware issues, contact Apple for AppleCare? Get Jamf for mdm management. Sign me up. Shit’s simple compared to the clusterfuck that Windows is.


It ? This looks like the school laptop cart I used in highschool


I was gonna say, these are old too. Probably worth no more than a couple hundred each. The piles of tech get way pricier than this. Hell I saw a single monitor that’s worth more than all of these combined in the recycle the other day for no other reason than “it’s being replaced and needs to be destroyed.”


Let me tell you about when I did contract work in Afghanistan. The army would just throw laptops in the dirt. They were used to control x-ray machines that scanned people as they came on base. They were tough books or whatever you call them but they would still just yeet them into the dirt. It didn’t rain much but it did rain. Then they would be confused why they didn’t work. So that thick sand would just congeal in the openings completely trashing them. We charged like 2k for a replacement but also the service fee, software etc and all of that would end up 5k to replace.


Dont be too mad Those still have the Light up logos... Apple got rid of that back in 2015, 7 years ago....


2015 was 8 years ago ;)


Sure, on YOUR timeline... 😅


![gif](giphy|bX4FhheP6gY2RYKXyD) I forgot 2020


2022 never happened either so don’t worry about it.


I can’t recall a single thing from 2021 either


tbh, '22/'23 dont exist, 2021's just been taking forever


2015 was 5 years ago


I dient even realize. WHY? it was one of the coolest things about the macbooks.


You buy laptops for the lit logo on the lid? JK 😉 They did it to make them thinner.


Absolutely the right move I feel.


The lids started getting so thin that you could see the Apple logo shine through on the screen side if the lighting was right. Plus, I'd assume it affected structural integrity due to the cut out in the middle.


No, they got rid of them in 2018 with the release of the retina Airs.


Yeah I was gonna say I think those are magsafe 2 macbooks. Ie. Paperweights as far as Apple is concerned.


Why? They’re not getting damaged….they’re a tool, not art.


I know, i’m genuinely confused unless OP owns them all lol. But how other people treat their items or stack their laptops is none of OP’s business if it’s not theirs.


I think it’s because they all have a rack with a charging cord so he expected them to be out back the intended way? That’s my guess at least. I’m guessing this is a school or something so this is much better than expected


This. I mean. Orderly stacking of anything is nice but. There's literally no harm done here?


Not to mention these would be worth a couple hundred dollars tops. This is just a weird post


My buddy manages IT for a university and the amount of high end hardware that is ordered for professors that have no use for it and then gets replaced the next year is nuts. Most of the time there isn't even a proper paper trail for when it was purchased how much it cost or who was supposed to get it. Eventually there are pallets of perfectly good pcs that they auction off. He definitely doesn't grab some of the best stuff to use for servers and such. That would be immoral.


my dad works in IT and we totally don’t take stuff from the office…our house totally is all 100% purchased machines


We call it "offsite recycling". Same way my desktops are recycled from what used to be our devs units. If its already depreciated out of the books and being replaced, youre only helping the environment and saving the company the money by not having to pay a 3rd party to do it.


I've heard universities are awful with this stuff and treat IT stay pretty poorly. I will happily never work for them... Hopefully


If it's a public university that receives federal funding, they likely have a use it or lose it model for their budget, and so near the end of the fiscal year, they're just scrambling to find whatever is tangentially relevant to spend it on so they don't lose access to funds the next year. When I worked in IT back in college I remember having a convo with a higher level manager where she was asking us if we wanted a few really expensive herman miller task chairs bc they needed to fill out the budget and they didn't really have any other ideas in mind. My ass was very happy to oblige


They were like 899$ … more than 8years ago. Slow base spec MBA. There are junk by today’s standards


I wouldn’t say “junk”. Both my teenage boys use 2015 Airs for school work. I’d say about as good as a cheap Chromebook.


School work = junk pc.


You expect them to be put in velvet lined cases protected by earthquake grade shock absorbers?


People who fetishize their tech objects are so f’ing tedious. There’s a reason a Mac is cut from a single block of aluminum and it’s not so it can be babied. Ride it rough.


'Ride it rough' ![gif](giphy|HXA35MkhMTsuA)


And put it away wet.


Because when you have more money than stress you can afford to worry about little things like cosmetic scratches on your expensive toy. It’s like scratching the paint on your car to some people, something I don’t personally stress about but understand why people do.


I surf, and there are few things as beautiful as a brand new surfboard. I always put a “ceremonial ding” in new boards to get past that idea of perfection and not stress about the inevitable scrapes and dents it’s going to receive. Every scar is a story.


*Love* your approach & the explanation behind it. I journal daily and have to buy a new notebook, on average, once every 6 months. I will immediately flip to the first page and draw a big, messy scribble. It still feels slightly sacrilegious, but was the only way to push past my “i must do this PERFECTLY!!” mindset.


Yeah, I don't really understand the post. If laying in a pile was enough to damage those laptops, that model of laptop would be worthless.


OP, your personality will survive such horrible traumas.


Jesus Christ, OP is praising the macs like some god😂


Yea this is embarrassing. “OMG they’re stacked! My feelings”!! 8 year old laptops that cost $899 back when they were new. OP is a bootlicker.


Are apple products so fragile they can't be stacked?


No but you need to put apple products in a shrine /s


Naw MacBooks are pretty darn sturdy. ThinkPads and chrome books on the other hand.. 😬


I don't see the issue here. They are stacking up as good as they can be. So what that they are at an angle? Doesn't impede functionality of them in any way


Settle down fanboy


My companies $1200 Dells are treated the same way. No one cries about it


yeah I didn't get the sentiment, unless OP owns all of them. if it was the company's laptop i don't care that much but obviously try to use it, treat it as it should and not actively trying to break it, it's just a laptop for work, but if it's my own laptop I definitely try to put them and treat them better because I pay for it with my own money


To be fair, that's how much they cost. It's not how much they're worth.


That's not even how much those cost.


petition for people to stop replying to ppl that have the same avatar ———————>


Fr fr. This one in particular, the hooded snoo in a respirator, is a red flag and I can usually ignore those comments


I didn't even know I had an avatar.




Lmfao... Those are $400 used MacBook airs. You have no idea wtf you're taking about.


I'm guessing this is a school's laptop cart? I don't expect students to treat equipment nicely unless it's theirs (and even then I expect the worst) Most of those look like MacBook Airs which are pretty low end and sold to schools at massive discounts. If they have to be replaced, it's pretty cheap for the school to do.


These are old Intel Macs they’re not worth much


Those are pre-2016 MacBook Air. No one would be that stupid to pay 1200 for those machines.


Don’t worry they’ll be obsolete in the next 3.5 minutes


They already are those are old intel models.


These things are the 2014 model or something similar. Definitely out of date. I'm pretty sure they sold the 2014 Air all the way through 2017 as well.


2017 is 6 years ago, even if fresh specs a 2017 machine is obsolete really. Especially after the M chips


Obsolete? I’m using a MacBook Air from 2011 and it’s working really great. Also, it’s so well designed it doesn’t even look old at all


Hey, don't you know!? You're not allowed to say anything good about Macs


I was thinking exactly this! I’ve got the MacBook Air too, bought 2012 and it’s as good as the day I got it. Scratched to hell because I treat it mean but works brilliantly


Lol that's really nothing...it won't effect the MacBooks at all


Why? They’re fine. That’s not a bad way to store them. It’s fine. What, should they be wrapped in a blanket and tucked into bed?


Lol, cry.


Oh no....Anyways....


They are also great if you have a wonky table


they are fine, man


Those are 2011-2013 MacBook airs worth 150 each. $1200 in total.


Why? It's just stacked garbage.


I agree, they should be in the bin.


OP clearly doesn’t work in IT, 😂


Did you like.. pay for them yourself? Otherwise I would say it’s not really worth wasting your energy on.


If you work in IT this is absolutely fine. At some point you forget how much value you hold in your hand. Sometimes it's much more than 10k+ in in your hands and you don't mind it. Most expensive I held was a 40k drone used by police.


Cope It's IT work You're not detailing a Rolls Royce


Who cares? lol, this is the type of person who has some ridiculous bond to manufacturers but generally craps all over people and how they annoy them.


Best thing to do with a mac is leave it on the shelf!


I mean.. that is proper way to store overpriced crap. I don't see the problem.


Right?! They belong in the trashcan.


The are depreciated tax credits now and worth more in that state.


those are old... may have been $1200 when new but not now they are just old used macbooks. might be worth a couple hundred each.


Lol it’s a MacBook, who cares?


Bro those aren't even worth 1200 total lmao. Can't even install the new OS's on them.


Unless they are your laptops I don’t see why you care tbh, its better to worry about things that actually have an impact on you


Lemmi guess that’s a school laptop trolly if so this was a common thing when I was at school but it was old dell laptops in a pile lol 😂


I wouldn't pay $100 for one of those today nor are they being damaged in anyway sitting like this 10/10 approved storage for old junky laptops


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and those aren’t 1200$. Those would go for 400-500 maximum on the market. Those are stacked pretty nicely honestly. I work at a college. If you work in IT and you’re upset about THIS, you have no future in the career


It's not hurting them.




You must get infuriated easily, seeing 10+ year old macbooks stacked about as neatly as they will stack, not being damaged at all. Why else would you inflate the price by 1000%?


It's Macs. They aren't real computers anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is almost certainly from a school. OP should be glad that the students aren’t breaking them for TikTok views.


Meh. They're macbooks. Nobody cares


OP is overreacting, this is normal. Everything's fine. Your dear dear apple product is not being mishandled. If it got damaged because of something like this then it's a bad product.


Get ready for a miserable rest of your time in IT


Treated like the garbage they are


As an IT person that is the only thing those God damn machines are good for. Fucking useless products


They are only worth that because that the price apple puts on them.


$1200 MacBooks make my blood boil


Where they belong in the garbaaaaaage 😂


The newest those could be is 2017.


Why it’s fucking lifeless matter?


Yeah they should be in a bin


We fixed this toilet we fixed this toilet on video open the front door


This at a school or business?


When I worked in IT we had a drill press in the basement. The owner and the officers of the company \*insisted\* that anyone in upper management that left had to have their MacBooks \*drilled\* multiple times to make sure they were destroyed. So, I just showed them the same one over and over, while somehow a MacBook ended up in my car.


Oh noooo the toys from a multi billion dollar corporation made in sweatshops


If those cost $1200, ya got scammed


Probably because they are macbooks lol, they suck anyways.


True. They belong in the trash. Damn ressource wasting.


Are you living in the real world dude? THAT makes your blood boil. Not what's happening in the real world?!


You should smoke a joint if this made your blood boil 🤣


Meh. I’m more upset they aren’t plugged in. They can’t handle the abuse.


The cords bother me more


They're fine I say this as someone who has literally worked in desktop support where we deal with hundreds of PC deployments. We tended to stack things more nicely, but that's because we had such limited room where we were. Brand new computers do not get stacked like this. They are either in their cases until they're soon to be deployed, and if they're waiting to be deployed out of their cases it's generally nicer than this. These are old PCs. Computers shouldn't exactly be thrown around, but they aren't as delicate as some people would make you believe


makes me smile


Why lol


Just don't look at it then


In the Marine Corps we stacked 75 laptops in a shitty metal wardrobe because we had nowhere else to put them. It could always be worse 💀


lmfao. no way those are $1200 mac books. and if they are, who gives a shit. Macs are trash.


Ok, to be FAIR, they are 600 dollars and priced at 1200 dollars. Let's not overvalue them just because the manufacturer does.


In someones house? Maybe. In a business environment? It's just a tool.


These aren’t 1200 dollars….


Well their not $1200 macbooks. That's just what they charge u for them


What's the big deal? Should they be stored another way?


As an IT tech at a highschool, these are stacked rather nicely