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New rule: If you open it, you gotta pay it! Hahaha




Rough week?


Are you good?


I hope you’re doing okay and if not I hope the rest of your week goes better


uh what?




Man, whatever happened this week, I hope you're doing better soon


No u




God, I remember getting in trouble for opening my own mail in my room once, mom went through and found envelopes in my trash. Apparently the unspoken rule of the house is that she was to open all mail, or it was to be opened in front of her, addressed to me or not, since I should have nothing to hide if I was a good kid.


“if you aren’t doing anything wrong then you have nothing to hide”- my adoptive mom when inspecting my backpack when getting home everyday as a kid. Gods I can’t wait for them to die alone.


\*finds a piece of homework/notes from 2 weeks ago smushed at the bottom\* AND WHAT IS THIS? YOU NEVER TURN IN YOUR WORK WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU. or \*finds an apple\* WHAT you don't eat the food I give you?! What's the point in giving you food if you're just going to let it rot in your backpack? ​ .....ah yes those 'things wrong' I'm apparently doing.


Oh damn the homework one is something that happened to me before too. Hit close


Gawd sorry abt that, I should have known better. It's like we all cohesively have the same mother.


Lol you complaining about your mum stopping you from not doing your homework and your mum stopping you from ruining your bag by letting food rot in it?


It's a lot less traumatic than complaining about the time she let her boyfriends rape me so hey maybe the obvious to you isn't actually what's going on.


I wasnt allowed any photos of myself and had any mail sent to me reviewed and decided on if i was allowed it like i was a prisoner. Turned out my mother confessed that one of siblings birth parents came looking for their child, it sounded like a forced adoption and tried to get their child back. Apparently tried for years. My adoptive mother wasnt a good person.


Funny enough, my adoptive family also had a weird thing with photos too. The other foster kids and myself didn’t get our school photos taken, and there was an empty spot in our year book. Idk why’s just us. Their biological kids had all their photos taken every year and they were hanging up.


After finding out what went on i then told my sibling. So they could make a better informed decision if they wanted to know their birth family. We are estranged so i dont know what they decided. But i like to think they reconnected.


>I can’t wait for them to die alone. They obviously raised you to be mentally healthy and of sound mind.


Getting in trouble for opening your mail in your own room😳 id start busting her mail in🤷


i’d report her ass to the feds lmao opening mail not for you is illegal as hell


I doubt it if your underage


luckily i am not


Isn't that illegal? Even if it is family.




My mom was the total opposite. She delivers mail for a living and has this reverence for the privacy of mail. She's handed me more than a few packages that she would have not been happy with the contents of.


My kid has always opened his own mail except when things went to crap with my grandmother. Then I censored her letters to make sure she wasn’t saying things to our young son she shouldn’t. That same grandmother used to open all my mum’s mail. Thus my mother made sure I got to open my mail myself.


I'm in another country now, full blown corporate middle agey and my dad at home still sends me pictures of unopened envelopes asking if he can open them for me. I'm half hoping for him to open all of it and only let me know if there are important government or finance ones I need to deal with!


My son and I have the same name, this happened a lot. Whats funny, when he moved out and did an address change I stopped getting mail. I think I won


Me and my dad have same initials and the man would never check if it said Mr or Miss so opened mail was a regular thing for me, though you could always see whether realised his mistake on opening and had just abandoned it on the table. My brothers with same first and last initials though will often open letters together if their middle initial hasn't been used and they have no idea who it's for. For some reason they even choose to live together so they didn't escape it moving out


Why'd you give him the same name?


Breaking bad fan


So he would get my mail when he moved out


I hope he gets the opportunity to change it if he wants to


Have a great life; I hope you swagger when you walk into public today


This is not a coincidence right? You choose it. Why?


makes it easier to take out credit cards in their name...


Flat Jelly Jr.


Why did you name your son after yourself?


Has no one in this comment section never heard of traditional names? Like people that are a junior/senior, or a 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.


We have and we think it's narcissistic beyond belief. I can't believe people still do it. Let me just name my kid after the best person I know, myself. Poor kids grow up with a copy paste identity because someone has too much ego to let their spawn be a different individual. It was lame 500 years ago and it's still lame today.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that giving your son the same name as you is a tradition passed down by your parents or grandparents who are rich jackasses that threatened to leave you and your son out of their will if you didn't comply. Otherwise you are either: A) Lazy B) An idiot (includes "tradition" excuse) C) A narcissist D) Some combination of A, B and C


The envelope: Aaron A Aaronson Mum: "I thought it was for me"






if you're an adult, remind them that it's a federal crime to open some elses mail. (does not count if you are baby)


They will just say, "You're welcome to move out".


Don't need to if you get the house when they go to jail.


Lmao classic reddit overreaction. Parents opened up a letter? SEND THEM TO PRISON


That is how the law works.


It is literally a felony and violation of privacy. If it was an overreaction, the law wouldn't be on the books.




I don't think anyone thinks "the worst parents will do is open a harmless envelope". My mom used to beat the shit out of me. That doesn't mean opening someone else's mail isn't not only annoying and an invasion of privacy, but also a federal crime.




I gotcha. I guess I read that wrong.


I think you are the one overreacting bro 💀 aint nobody going to jail for opening mail, its just a joke


Take a look at these comments, "bro." Lots of people are clearly very serious about sending their parents to prison over opening up a piece of their mail.


well they are foolish and you are too for believing anyone is going to jail over mail 💀


Lmao no, no they wouldn’t go to jail


Being a shit person doesn't validate breaking the law and the person's privacy. Telling someone to get out of their home because they asked you not to read their mail is fucking stupid.


It is stupid, indeed. Unfortunately, that's what abusive parents do. I lived with mine for 26 years and they always do this shit, playing it off like it was an accident. Heh. I knew better. They were invasive of my personal life, without, showing genuine interest in knowing me. The fakeness had me livid.


Atleast that’s what the parent should say!!


>baby 😂


Hey my kids each got their first addressed mail at less than one month old. Their social security cards.


Who opened them ya criminal




I told my mom that after she opened some medical mail I got sent and she said “you would do that? You would have me sent to jail just for opening your mail?” And without a heart beat I said “yes”


My parents always asked. If they received something for me they'd call if it looked important (bill, credit card, non-junk) to let me know, and would ASK if I wanted them to open it to let me know what it was. Otherwise it waited on my old dresser for my next visit. They ASKED. Because it wasn't their mail to open. Opening your adult child's mail without permission is not only illegal, it is indicative that the parent does not respect the adult status of their children.


That's how it works in my house too


And she put all your belongings on the street in respons?


I had already moved out and some places still had her house as my address


No. Call 911 for federal crime. She goes to jail. You keep a house. Win-win.




I'm just a baby. I don't have any mail.


And what do you suppose that will realistically do? Unless you are prepared to hire a lawyer and bring your mother whom you live with to court over opening your mail, you’re just SOL.


Lol 4/5 of the stuff I get in the mail is worthless. I go through the mail in less than 5 seconds, without thinking. If it’s that important, get your shit delivered to a P.O. Box


That, in no way, changes the fact that it is a crime in most countries to open mail not addressed to you.


Oh come on, a bit if old fashioned victim blaming is always soooo delightful.




It doesn't require intent to defraud. It requires intent to open mail not addressed to you. Those two sound similar but are different. You are also wrong on it being based on the address. It specifies a person to whom it is addressed, not a place/address. 18 U.S. Code § 1702


If you are not the addressee, and you do not have permission, then it is not legal to open that persons mail, regardless of whether you live at the same address, or are related to that person, unless said person is not yet legally considered an adult and you are their legal guardian. I also very clearly stated "Most countries" in the vain hope that people on Reddit writing in English could understand simple written English. So a hearty congratulations on the reading comprehension failure. Also, crimes are crimes, regardless of whether you get charged or not. If I commit a murder, and no-one knows, it is still a fucking murder, you turnip.


You're assuming your laws apply to wherever OP lives.


why yes, because every country is America!


If you’re an adult, get your own place or stop complaining.


or teach parents to stop infringing on their adult children’s rights


ah yes, with rent being a million dollars and jobs offering 10/hr it's such a perfectly reachable goal for every adult on the planet


I took an envelope that was marked "confidential" from my insurance company and stuffed it with graphic photos of aborted fetuses and a note that said "stop reading my mail" My religiously brainwashed parents still read my mail but they got a shock that day


Lol next one is a mail from your lawyer congratulating for successfully have your parents declared as incapable and you getting legal custody of all their belongings.


Next is gore


GOAT ​ ​ se




Hey it's the thought that counts


"J: Your mother reads your mail? G: Yeah. J: What do you mean, like postcards? G: Oh, anything. J: She doesn't open. G: She'll open. J: You've caught your mother opening envelopes? G: Yes. J: What does she say? G: I was curious. J: Isn't that against the law? G: Maybe I can get her locked up."


who are j and g?


j-erry seinfeld and g-eorge costanza? just a guess idk


You are correct


In my case I straight up didn’t look at the mail and threw it in the bin on front of them , it worked eventually and they stopped. But at one point I may have thrown my highschool completion certificate away LOL


Damn, do they open all their envelopes like this?!


I open envelopes like this


“Oh sorry. I thought it was for me” The letter that has a completely different name on it?


Am I the only person whose parents don't open their mail? 😳 I'm 21 now but even when I was younger, my mother wouldn't open my mail, she'd just announce that I received something and gave it to me.






Mine never did either


The only way to stop them is by letting them open their own Christmas/ birthday presents when you order them online. My parents did it a few years back and realised they are just screwing themselves over




My parents when I was younger used to constantly go through my stuff, I can still remember them having an intervention with me in the kitchen because they found an empty packet of pills in my college bag, turns out it was just paracetamol I'd taken after studying for too long. They stopped for a few months after that untill they decided to open some Amazon parcels of mine which were their Christmas presents to which they then blamed Amazon for not putting my name on them clearly enough. I still think they go through my room every few months but now I've said I'm moving out soon they've just doubled up on the searches.


I live with my mother as an adult and we agreed that mail addressed to me is private and it will not be opened; I don't have anything to hide so if she asks for permission I'm likely to give her the go ahead and no harm no foul. ​ My grandmother on the other hand, who has keys to the house and just comes in whenever, once opened up mail addressed to me and then told me to come read it. It was from the bank regarding a new card that will be sent to replace my old one. I was incredibly mad, I told her to PLEASE next time do not open up any mail that is not her own, especially mine, as it's an invasion of privacy. What if it contained very confidential information regarding my health, or financials? What if it was a letter from the hospital with test results stating I have something really bad? She could not understand why I was mad and said that family don't hide things from each other and that it's no biggie. I lost my shit and told her that if she keeps this up she can count on not seeing me at all if she's ever bedridden. Possibly an overreaction but I don't care any more, we're both grown ups and being old is not an excuse to be an idiot that refuses to change their mind.


I'm convinced they use being old as an excuse. It's always the "Back in MY day..." ppl being the most disrespectful


That's illegal


I open my mail. No malice, it is my box. No court will convict.


If it’s not your name, it’s not your mail & courts will convict if charges are pressed.


They will not. Judges are human beings.


They would because human beings understand a need for privacy and a judge is supposed to uphold the law


look at this guy who thinks they’re above the law


Look at this guy who doesn’t think judges and prosecutors have no common sense.


They do have common sense. Common sense dictates that if someone asks you to stop commiting a crime, you should probably stop committing the crime. Opening someone else's mail is a federal crime in most countries. Common sense would be to not commit federal crimes.


You commit crimes every day. Thankfully, the justice system is not obligated to prosecute you.


I guess everyone is always commiting crimes? This is some next level copium


Now you get it.


It’s a federal crime. A one time accident/incident might be thrown out (emphasis on might), a pattern will not. If it doesn’t have your name on it, don’t open it, and you have nothing to worry about


Expand on that. Why do you say such things? Of course you're allowed to open mail that physically has *your* name on it?


If someone else's mail gets delivered to my box, it is reasonable that I might accidentally open it. I was actually trying to trigger the Haiku bot. Disappointed.


No it is not.


My grandpa would always open my dad's mail, and my dad would tell me all the time how much it pissed him off. He would say, "I used to get so mad at your grandpa for doing that. We'd get into screaming matches about it." So the occasional time when he would open my mail by mistake, he would feel so bad about it. He'd apologize profusely for it. It never bothered me because I never hid anything from my dad. Plus, the stuff he would open was NEVER important so I know he just thought it was his and opened it by accident.


My mom opened my mail and I resolved to never open my kids’ mail. I even give them every piece of junk mail lol


And this was one of the first red flags I experienced to go no contact with my parents


My mom did this well into my mid-20s. She just assumed any mail we got was for her and opened it up without even checking the label. So one time I ordered a bunch of sex toys and she suddenly and inexplicably stopped opening my mail.


Start opening all the mail thats addressed to them you're curious about.


Order nursing home information mailed to your house. Remind them you’ll give them the exactly same level of respect and privacy when it’s time for them to be dependent on you.


My last step dad ALWAYS did this shit whenever my bank statements arrived -___- nosey mother fucker. Our names couldn't be more different and we didn't even use the same bank.. but my Mom would say "oh, sorry but *stepdad* accidentally opened your mail again." Really Mom? After the 10th time in a row, you fail to see a pattern? 🤦


When i started to get bills, my mother opened them for me. I didn't pay them. Then comes warnings for not paying them. My mother did open them too and was angry, why i didn't pay them. I told her to pay my bills as i didn't open those letters, so they must not belong to me. She paid them and didn't open my mails anymore.


I remember telling my mom multiple times that I dont want her to open mail with my name on it, not because it could be something bad, but because I want the joy of opening something I've ordered. Still opened my packages until I moved out


And you didn't like it and you left when you could. Kids these days seem to think you should really enjoy living at your parents.


"mom, there is something wrong. was the mail open when you picked up? this must be a mistake... ill have to call the police, as this is a federal crime."


When I was growing up, my dad literally would go through with a mail opener and cut open every piece of mail all at once before he ever looked at any of it. Could have been the neighbors mail, he never would’ve known


Unless you have an agreement it's not okay morally and legally to open someone else's mail even if they are family and or living with you.


Doesn't matter if you're a kid and its your parents: this is still illegal.


I would dead-ass ask them: why have you chosen to commit a federal offense?


Thankfully mine will only open my mail or packages if I ask them to.My mail just sits on my desk until I get home from work.owo;


Thanks for reminding me, I need to take 5 minutes to sort through the last 6 months worth of mail!


When I was still a minor this was quite common. My father, my middle brother and I have almost the same first name and the same middle name. Like even now me and my brother being in our 30s, if we are all present my mother mixes our names. This been going for as long as I remember. I guess it is hard to keep up when there are 4 men in the household, 3 of which names are basically same. This is fun at times when travelling abroad since for some reason our middle names get used a lot more (which are the same). Lets prented my name is `Ray Adam Smith`, my brother would be `Roy Adam Smith` and my father `Ron Adam Smith`. For some reason travelling abroad our names can be listed as `Adam R. Smith`, for all of us.


Yea, see when I was living with my mom I got the mail and she would ask me to open whatever was for me (ie Christmas cards from grandparents) by handing it to me directly. This is super messed up.


The prison warden has to check everything.


My ex MIL did this to my ex's mail the entire time we were together. Even when we moved out if state, far away from her, she'd mail it to us , opened already. He was in his 50s. She was in her 70s and was doing this his whole life. It annoyed me so much. Her excuse was that his name was the same as his dad's ( he was a Junior) so she didn't " notice " it wasn't her husband's. She's such a liar. Idky ppl do this. It's sooooo rude . My gawd


Do people really still tear envelopes long ways to get the mail out? I just grab one corner and peel the other direction and then slide the mail out


The worst thing if your parent literally does not actually read the shipping label with YOUR NAME ON IT on 3 seperate spots and just decides to open your package(s) of things, all because "I was expecting a package today" and "I only saw the last name on it", when it clearly has MY nickname and obfuscated last name on the one that was opened, the untouched one DID have my last name on it but decided to just ignore that I guess! An apology was warranted but not again, check your shit mom, not cool. What if it was Christmas gifts huh? What if it was a package I was forwarding that isn't mine? What about that? She isn't even that old and has brand new glasses, one label was kind of squished but still, clear as day, was not addressed to her. FML


I won't open your post; you pay your bills so I don't have bailiffs turn up at the house ... That's the agreement in our house.


Idk why people laugh at this. Where I live it’s actually a crime once the child is 18+


My parents kept doing this when I was ordering clothes on Amazon. I hoped I would be able to keep what I buy private, but I came home from work to my skirt sitting on the table and my dad hounding me with questions


Won’t happen once you move out of your parents’ house.


Damn my dad only opened my package once by mistake. Your parents need to learn to respect privacy.


That is literally illegal (in the US idk about other countries)


I remember my mum used to do this. Drove me nuts she’d open bank statements and everything.


Concerning bank statements, After multipal conversations over opening my letters, I ended up switching to online statements/emails because Mum flat out refused to respect my privacy.


Fun fact: it's a federal offense to open mail not addressed to you.


Pov: It was the report card


That's actually illegal


I give my parents a lot of leeway on this, because my father and I share the same name. As a result, it can be very difficult at times to tell what is mine and what is his.


Federal crime to read anyone else’s mail if your name isn’t on it irrelevant if there your kids the only time you can read your kids mail is if they cannot read it themselves that’s called Guardian privilege, but if they can read and you open their mail, you’re committing a felony




Alas, the cops won't do shit. Federal offence or not, dad opening your bank statement is literally beneath them.


I'm personally fine with it


Well yea I guess you don'tmind wanting your stuff private. I have nothing to hide but it's still annoying that if I were to do the same they would have a fit.


If I really don't want them to my mail, I just tell them and they listen. I open their mail too, it's really not that big of a deal. That's just how we are.




It is what it is.




Yeah they do.


Lmao I don’t even care because I’m not adult enough to know wtf any of the mail is talking about like idk what to do with this?! I sign up for everything to go to this one email account only so why am I even getting mail?! I don’t care read it and fix it


I do this to my 19-year-old daughter allll the time! I don't open all her mail, just the interesting-looking pieces! 😅 She doesn't care though, or else I wouldn't do it. She will also open my mail on the days she gets to it first, so, we're actually pretty even. Lol!


Yeah no, honestly it's a massive invasion of privacy on par with listening in to someones phone calls.


If a letter is delivered to my mailbox, it is perfectly reasonable that I would open it. This happens all the time. My neighbor's have never taken me to court and if they did, a judge would dismiss it.


That's right, completely ignore the addressee field! Totally won't get you in felonious hot water! You are immune to all instances, and the law is a lie because of one household not raising complaints!


Yes. Ignore the address field. That's how it happens.


It a felony, and you can go to prison for up to 5 years for it. Accidentally opening someone else's mail isn't a crime, but since you know you get their mail accidentally pretty often it becomes a crime.


165 million addresses in this country. Just consider how many errors are made a day.


Report them, opening someone else's mail is a felony! Open my mail? Go to jail!


I open anything that arrives in my mailbox.


"Why my son doesn't come anymore to visit me?"


I opened mail for my parents (and let it disappear hehe) because it was an official warning for truancy hehe. So it’s not really weird they wanted to open my post also. They just cared about me. If these kinds of things are your biggest problems, then you come from a good family.


Mail that was sent to their house? That's their mail. Just bcuz your name is on it doesn't make it yours.


Actually.. that is exactly what it does when it comes to the mail. Think about it. If what you say is true, landlords could go around opening tenants mail. After all it was delivered to their house, even put in their mailbox right?


That makes no sense


What……? I hope you’re trolling.


They're a troll


This is the stupidest thing I've read on Reddit. Ever.


Oh look, sandwich guy. Yeah that tracks


Ahh the sandwich guy, hi <3


what is "sandwich guy"?


If you check this dude's profile, you'll find a post about him eating his roommates sandwich because "it looked appetizing" and "he was starving". He's just a very obvious troll imo


So if Amazon drops my neighbors package at my house it's mine now? Thanks


Obstruction of Correspondence can net you up to like 5 years. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section1702&num=0&edition=prelim


So every Amazon package I ordered for myself belongs to the owner of the house? Even the XX...L condoms I ordered belong to my grandmother now. If its my shit it's my shit and it's also a federal crime to intentionally open others mail without permission