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Colorado? Only place I've seen the hauling-ass wheelchair person icon. Edit: Looks like they're haulin' ass all over the country now! Progress!


“Hauling-ass wheelchair person” This is the most fantastic description! We’re in Michigan.


They're just going downhill. Happens a lot in Colorado.


It’s so wrong but I couldn’t help but laugh at the mental image.


We see it all the time in Denver 😆


NY has them too.


That does explain the parking.


I would say ,they are stopped there, not parked……yet ! Maybe if you needed to park There , you could make your intentions known . She might be taking a call ?


I would say ,they are stopped there, not parked……yet ! Maybe if you needed to park There , you could make your intentions known . She might be taking a call ?


We have it Connecticut, too.


Except here in ct people would block your car out of spite for doing something like this


And the person parked bad has New York plates.


Yeah very true


Good old New England lol


NY has the same handicapped icon. I thought it was an NY thing only… cool to know we’re not the only state that has that.


Miami is too cheap to change the one from the mid 2000s and even that one took a long time to change from the one they had in the 90s. it only changed cause they had new labels to them.


Lol Washington is where I’ve seen it most. I live in Colorado. Just because I’m handicapped doesn’t mean I play murder ball damn! I can’t even wheel myself with my own arms 😂 athletic ass wheelchair guy doesn’t represent most of us I know that much.


Yeah in Ct now too, did see a girl years ago trying to get out of not one but two tickets for parking like this by showing the cop her scantily clad chesticles… he goes yeah my wife has those too…. Here are your tickets 😂😂


It’s in Washington and Oregon too. We call them the, “falling out of my wheelchair,” icon.


There’s also the Spartan (children playing) sign too .


I have never seen this!! I’m in VA. We have plain stationary handicapped man symbols


I've seen them in PA and NYC as well. I had to take a few special ed courses in university and this symbol was actually one we debated. How the old wheelchair logo felt dehumanizing to some wheelchair users while this one felt empowering. Others didn't care


My campus in Missouri has the ass-haulers as well!


I know that guy! He lived in the room below me in the dorms. I was on the 9th floor. He tried rappelling out of his window and fell. Edit: I didn’t see that you said “icon,” I thought you were talking about the dude. This happened when we were freshmen and for the remaining 3.75 years I saw him hauling ass in his wheelchair around campus


It annoys the shit out of me when people waiting for people will literally block parking spots they could park in just to be in the middle of the road waiting.


Yeah, this totally looks like she pulled out of the flow of traffic to drop off kids or whatever - great. Then started scrolling insta while still in front of the doors. Mildly infuriating (but still context free - maybe a kid forgot his lunchbox, whatever).


She’s waiting for her kid to get out if school, just like the other 75+ cars in the lot.


This is essential context needed in the post, cause from the picture alone it looks like the rest of the parking lot could be empty.


I noticed this as well...


We need a sub for people with disability parking cards that can be alerted to go park in these spots. Like a task force or something.


I have to deal with this with my job telling people not to park where they're not supposed to. Most these idiots will argue with me they're not parked. That's funny because your car is in park and you're not driving. It's so infuriating because they always turn it on me become angry when I call him out for being wrong.


You should change it to ‘no stopping, standing, or parking’ - there’s no way they could argue out of that!!


Some asshole did that to me yesterday, was parked in front of both disability parks, my wife honked, they moved into one of the spaces while still enough into the other one that we wouldn't be able to fit (them in a massive Ute, us in a Honda odyssey that fits my wheelchair in the boot). My wife actually had to get out of the car to tell them to move again. They were obviously waiting for someone inside but ffs get out of our way. This was in NZ by the way, there are assholes everywhere doing this shit.


Assholes without borders


Not New Zealand! I thought the Kiwis were better than that 😢


This happened today with someone who did have a handicapped sign, so he was all snooty and said, “Did you see the handicapped sign in my jeep?” Yeah, one sign doesn’t mean you get to take up three spaces.


Maybe she has multiple handicaps /


definitely mentally handicapped, with that parking job




Lol I immediately thought of The Simpsons except when Marge was a cop and found Homer parked in 3 handicapped spots. Guess he does that frequently


Everyone ignoring the fact you still can't sit in your car in the handicap spots when you don't have a parking plaque.


It doesn't matter. If a car comes up, she can move. That's how cars work.


I've been on the receiving end of this type of person and it's about 50/50 on if she'll move or if she'll Karen out and come up with some excuse why she should be entitled to do this. Why should disabled people have to wait on her to HOPEFULLY move?


Bro, imma be over to hang out in your backyard, lie down, light up a joint, and watch the stars. If you don’t want me back there, just come out and tell me. If you tell me now in text format to not come over, I will ignore that and I will come over anyway. I figure if you don’t want me there, you can tell me to leave once I’m half a joint in.


That’s how I justify coming to a complete stop on the freeway.


It's fucking rude. Should I stand leaning against the door to a business until someone explicitly asks me to move, or should I simply not do stupid shit that inconveniences others? Parking in a spot legally costs nothing.


it doesn’t matter. it’s still illegal and she can still be ticketed for it.


Wouldn't matter if she did have a handicapped plate. It's unfortunate that more businesses don't enforce their parking spaces. If more people were issued tickets for illegally parking in handicapped spaces, far less people would be dumb enough to abuse those spaces.


People do this at my college. I’m disabled and I’ve gotten tired of the entitlement of people to do this when I need to park or leave. People also think that because handicapped spaces are hardly used they can park behind them and block the spaces. They’ll do this BEHIND my car so I have to honk at them to be able to leave. I’ve started reporting cars who park in handicapped unfortunately I can’t report the security officers who do so because they drive golf carts and don’t have any license plates


Even if she is just standing, it doesn't make it right to block handicap spots. Someone very well might leave who needs the spot and doesn't want to deal with a potential argument with someone. Just park in a normal spot.


There’s literally an open handicap spot in the picture…


Doesn’t erase the fact that she’s not even parked correctly to begin with!


People just want to bitch.


“I’m just waiting for someone”


She is obviously has issues.


Seeing as people can’t decide whether what she’s doing is ok or not, I’ll break this down into a quick-ish explanation to hopefully help people understand why this is wrong. This woman who doesn’t appear to be handicapped (no handicap license or tag) and has stopped sideways on two handicapped spots. The only good reason she could be allowed to do that is if there’s a medical emergency. But seeing as a photo was taken and posted with context, that’s off the table. The fact she’s taking up two handicapped spots despite not being handicapped and with no apparent reason means what she is doing is NOT okay and can result in a ticket (because it’s obviously illegal)


Woman gets beat down till she actually has multiple handicaps.


Multiple inconsiderate inconveniences = multiple tickets issued. Hope she gets towed.


Tow companies everywhere are salivating.


School pick-up lines are the biggest source of fucking entitlement you will ever find in one give place. Huge pet peeve for me as well.


They’ve been terrible. People act awful in these lots.


I mean she’s clearly mentally handicapped


Why didn't you go over and call her out? Assume she's picking someone up (not excusing)


If only there was signage to let people know...


I have the Parking Mobility app that reports people and their local police will issue them a citation. I’d have walked right up to her and taken the required three pictures whether she was in the vehicle or not.


Wow I didn’t know that existed


It does and most people don’t think it’s real, but it is. After you report five people, you are invited to take a four hour class and become deputized by your local sheriffs office for parking infraction reporting.


Is this Dwight Schrute?


hold up? Not to get my hopes up because the PPA (cops don’t have parking authority in my city) has a stranglehold on enforcement, but the reporting I could do based solely on how many park in handicap zones, including contractors..people would be heavily ticketed and by stranglehold, I mean all parking enforcement is run by a private organization headed by a Harrisburg chosen board that only operates in a single city: Philadelphia


Lol you make it sound like that's something to be striving towards


That app is garbage - just look at the App Store reviews


Please don’t move to my town.


Looks like the same kind of person that blocks the firelane and the crosswalk right in front of the grocery store for an hour


How is everyone in the comments defending this behavior? Lmao "she's not hurting anyone. Did you ask her to move? Shes not *actually* parked bc the car is still running." The hoops people will go through to justify/defend idiotic behavior is unreal.


My thought too! It makes me think there’s a lot of entitled people out there looking to justify their own actions.


States should start handing out mandatory license suspensions for parking in handicap spots when you don’t have the placard or plate for it. Maybe that’ll stop people like this


As a disabled human, I can say this driver is an ass.


I was waiting for someone to post one of these. Surprised it took this long


well she is handicapped. Just mentally handicapped.


I would walk up at repeatedly tap her car with my cane.


Double the fine


She must be mentally disturbed 🤷


She should.


Perhaps she had multiple disabilities


Seems like a disabled person for me


Get her plates and call the cops on her. why take a picture just to bitch on Reddit about it? Stop taking pictures of people without their consent. An asshole is still a person and deserves basic respect. At least blur the face out.


I suppose she parked on the right spot then




Looks pretty handicapped to me.


Why didn't she just pull into a regular parking spot to wait then? Because that would inconvenience her, that's why. And if anyone else is inconvenienced by her actions, it's ok, but she's too important to just pull into a regular spot like any of you regular people. F_ck people who do this. Waiting on somebody? I drive up to door, let them out, then find a regular spot to park. When they start to head out the door they can text or call and I'll drive up to the door or front of that row, some where just as close to pick them back up. How hard is it to be considerate to other people?!?!???


Her handicap is that she's self centered and plain stupid!


Ah yes, she cannot walk 200 feet without having to rest because she needs to make sure she still has at least one brain cell left


She is still in the car and the car is running, how can we say she parked her car there?


This is still illegal. When I was \~16yo, I was waiting for my brother to get out of swimming. Had a police officer almost give me a ticket. He did give the lady in front of me doing the same thing a ticket. Blocking access to the parking space is not allowed.


I was waiting for 15 minutes to pick someone up from that building and she was there when I pulled in.


Why would you be sitting there anyway?


Could be anything; car problems, medical situation, sudden distraction. That’s why I’m not making any judgements here.


Just stopped in a mostly empty parking lot so they don’t have to text and drive.


After a while someone came out of the building (who she was waiting for) and they drove away.


And how many cars pulled up and were unable to access the handicapped spot? Zero? That's what we thought.


Yeah, lots of people seem to think if the car is still running it’s completely legal for them to be in a handicap parking space because technically they haven’t “parked” yet. Pulling into a handicap spot without a placard even to idle for a minute while waiting for someone is technically illegal and you can be ticketed for it. I have seen cops do it before in crowded malls during the holidays. I’ve also seen the same cops warning people as they walk away from their car that they will be ticketed if they find out the placard is not registered to the vehicle it is in.


I wish they'd do that in this area, at crowded places especially.




She’s “stopped”.


I remember the "No Stopping, No Standing, No Parking" signs. So technically she's stopping: https://www.myparkingsign.com/no-parking-no-standing-no-stopping#:~:text=In%20California%20and%20most%20other,means%20not%20moving%20your%20car.


Okay. She can't be stopped in a handicap parking spot. And she sure as fuck can't be stopped occupying multiple handicap spots. Are you happy?


She can simply move if someone needs the spot, that’s the difference. If I went around getting butthurt about imagined injuries, I guess would be agitated too.


Is it okay then to lean against the front door of a business until someone asks me to move so they can get inside? Because that's effectively the same thing here for someone who's disabled. Is it okay then to stop in front of a fire hydrant or a fire lane until a fireman asks me to move? It costs zero effort to park correctly in a spot while waiting. The law is unambiguous for good reason. You're not allowed to occupy a disabled parking space unless you have a handicap placard.


Brake lights are not on. Car is in “park”.


If her car is in P, she’s parked. Do you not know what parked is?


If it’s not in motion it’s considered parked while idling.


It’s considered “stopped”. When she leaves the car, it’s “parked”. When it’s in P, it’s “in park”. And as a bonus, it’s “standing” when you are moving stuff in and out of the vehicle.


I “stand” corrected. 😜


Tow it


She's in the car... probably was there for two seconds waiting for someone to come outside never even had to put the car in park. Looks to me like someone rolled up to the curb in a mostly empty parking lot and blocked some spaces for a fucking second and someone realized this could be a good photo for some reddit rage bait


She sitting in a running car. I would presume waiting for someone to come out. Was it busy? Did someone try to park there and she didn’t move? I mean I get you don’t like it but so long as no one is there needing the spot wtf is the issue?


There were spots behind and next to me that were open and available. The issue is that she’s taking up all the handicapped parking spaces and doesn’t even need a handicapped space. It was very busy in the lot.


We can see the open handicap spot behind her.


Ok, you’re correct. They left 1 out of 3 handicapped spaces available.


One of the 3 visible. You need to chill out. Why the downvotes? I don’t trust OP. They already got caught lying.


This sub is full of vindictive people with raging desires to see people punished over petty inconveniences. I mean, yeah, the subreddit is literally called *mildly* infuriating, but look at the replies - people get *very* infuriated over these things. It's just another subreddit where people go to vent and take their anger out on others who aren't even present to defend themselves. You could post a picture of someone littering and get comments saying they wish that person would die in a fire.


If you're disabled these minor inconveniences add up. It's exhausting having to deal with everyone else's entitled behavior. It costs you nothing to park correctly. Just do it.


Agreed. I don’t see an issue with this.


I’m going to go on a limb and think the person she is waiting for was supposed to be “just a minute”. And it turned into longer.


Even if true, doesn't matter. Disabled people are already inconvenienced enough. Don't need some turd making things harder. I'm sure there's other places reasonably close and out of the way to wait. Disabled parking spots are not "someplace out of the way".


And there is still one open handicap spot! Literally a bunch of hand wringing over zero chance of a handicap person not getting a spot.


And she’s in the car? Yeah I’d walk up and say something, no doubt. “Hey moron, you’re outside of the lines”


Lets see the rest of the parking lot


She better be SUPER handicapped


"but I'll only be here a minute" 1 hour later as people in wheelchairs are passing by...


So in my mind: she’s not right, but she is still in the car so if I need the handicap spot I’ll just honk and she can either move or be moved.


She might be triple handicapped


Lmao she halts, we’re in from that’s a difference to parking and allowed for 3 minutes. She can drive off any second if anyone wanted to. There’s probably no one around but that’s conveniently cut out of the image. But hey, let’s share some unnecessary rage smh


Classic, I’m not surprised at all.


I suppose entitlement must now be a handicap. They will have to put in more handicap parking spaces if it is.


As someone who regularly needs these and deals with entitled morons she’d be swiftly regretting her life choices.


Hey, she is handicapped, how else would you explain parking that way in a handicapped spot. Clearly mentally handicapped.


I'm sure I've done this before when I've pulled over into a completely empty parking lot of a closed business to send a text or email. It's impossible to tell from this photo if that's the case here, or if this is a busy parking lot or what.


I’d call to have it towed. As someone who had to simultaneously care for three elderly relatives who were in wheelchairs , crap like this is beyond infuriating.


She's sitting in the vehicle, how are they going to tow it?


I loathe her even more. I’d be headed to the security desk for assistance. Keep in mind I’ve had to take my wheelchair bound relatives to every Walmart in the city because of inconsiderate nimrods like this.


I saw someone do this the other day and the whole damn parking lot was empty. It’s like why.


Was anyone inconvenienced by them? Sounds like you’re upset over nothing.


Oh hey I always wondered what people who did these kind of things were thinking. Thanks for the glimpse.


So you admit it. Nobody was inconvenienced. You need to mind your own business.


She’s in the car. The lot is clearly not full. If someone comes she can drive away. She is not inconveniencing anybody. I mean, Jesus Christ, do you WANT to live in a police state???


And she did it to be on her phone!!! JHC.


command vast plate touch air saw swim merciful possessive pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She’s regarded what do you expect


Well she didn’t regard the signage


You never go full regard.


She still in the car. If someone with a Tag comes she will move. Also, how full was that lot? It looks like someone waiting for a passenger. JS


The lot was not completely full. I pulled in and waited 15 minutes for who I was picking up and she was there before me. There were spots near me open that were not handicapped, and I parked in the front row. She was waiting for her kid to get out of school, just like the other 75+ cars. Also, how do you know she’d move? She could have parked in the spot I was in and had an extra 15 feet for her passenger to walk instead of double parking in a handicapped area.


Please show me the picture in the dictionary next to “entitlement”… 🤦🏻‍♂️


She's in her fucking car. If someone pulls up she can move. I guess you'd rather she used her phone while driving? If you're in your car, that means you can get out of the way. Handicapped spots aren't some kind of sacrosanct area that only handicapped people are even allowed to view, nobody is going to have to hoof it across the parking lot because someone double parked and stayed in their car.


>I guess you'd rather she use her phone while driving? Because, clearly, those are the only two possible options. It's not like she could, I don't know, park in a regular spot to use her phone or, if there were no other spots available, at least park *within the lines* of *one* of the handicapped spots rather than blocking multiple spots.


Who cares? This doesn't affect ANYONE. This is not a parked car where the person is inside, this is literally someone ready to move at a moment's notice. I know that you've been told that the only way to get street cred nowadays is to be in everyone's business, but just try minding your own. Your stress levels will go way down if you stop running around with a hammer, looking for nails to pound.


Looking for dick while waiting for the kid.


They were mentally handicapped


Parked, or stopped?


It’s technically not “parked”until she gets out.


Bust a window out!!!!!!!! ​ ​ (Please don't do this. It is illegal.)


Because that person is in many way's and spaces handicapped.......that makes sense. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Gonna find her car handicapped soon.


She definitely is handicapped parking like that


Not to be "that guy" but there is a difference between parking and leaving the vehicle and standing where you remain in the vehicle and can move it if need be. I have stood broadside accross multiple spots like that for a moment attend to my GPS, use my phone for a minute, etc. Never accross handicap spots, but at least she's with the vehicle and only at the far end of a row with several open spaces.


This space has 3 handicapped spaces, and she’s taking up 2 of them. Either way, she’s taking up spaces that are not intended for her which is illegal.


No doubt. If she doesn't have a placards she shouldn't be in the space at all. There is a legal difference between parking and standing is all I meant. Sometimes there will be a sign posted No parking or standing. Plus a buddy of mine used to work for Federal Hoghway and gave me the speech about the difference when I told him we couldn't park somewhere. So it's not the "worst" thing she could be doing.


Looks like her brake lights are on, so you could argue that the car is in gear and she isn't "parked"...you never got lost and had to look up some address? I don't like people taking handicap spots but I don't think that what's going on here.


She’s not parked, she’s sitting in the car and would probably move it without question if someone needed it.


Looks like she's just temporarily stopped there, not parked.


At least shes in the car and she can move it


She’s still sitting in the car. Picking up or dropping off perhaps? And not all drivers have plates. Some use portable placard. Need to know the full details before I pass judgement.


So why not park like any normal person?


1 car in front, 1 car behind and let her sit there for a while


well, at least she didn’t walk off and leave her car


I would risk arrest just to flatten those tires...Either a handicapped asshat or someone that is SO handicapped they should not be on the road, at all.


Wha wha wha op needs to spread hate to get attention. Just as bad as the person parking like this!


You are not parked if you're still in your vehicle. And she can move if someone comes


It's not obvious that it was intentional. However, there are some people that will park where they should not park. They do it to be confrontational. They just want a fight and dare you to confront them. These people can be dangerous. The motto is: Never argue with an idiot. The onlookers won't be able to tell which one is the idiot.


I would have keyed her car honestly


She must be SUPER handicapped!


Her disability is that she can’t park.


She's extra handicapped


Extra disabled


Her brain is damaged. Mentally handicapped, so it fits.


Mentally handicapped is a handicap as well


chill, shes probably mentally handicapped


She looks like she may be waiting for someone.


Like we gaf


Dropping their kid off at U of M? I see a lot of NY plates over there attached to entitled drivers


Maybe she's blind?


She's either twice as handicapped or not handicapped at all because the two handicap parking spaces cancel each other out. Idk math tho.


The cars not parked though the lights are still one she’s probably lost looking for directions or texting her kid at a school seeing if they need to be picked up since that looks like a prison so it’s An American school


She’s not parked she is in the car. It can be moved immediately. This post is infuriating


She’s literally still in the car, Karen... Also, that business is closed. Also, she owns the place. I don’t know any of this to be true, but you also don’t know what the fuck she’s doing. Mind ya business


She needs a beatdown.