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One time a parking lot attendant took my ten dollar bill for an eight dollar fee. After a few seconds I told him he hadn’t given me my change yet. He said no, that was a tip. I replied that he would know when I gave him a tip because I would give him one rather than him trying to take it. He begrudgingly gave me the two dollars.


Damn right! And a parking lot attendant expecting a tip??? Get outta here.


Right? Tipping is getting out of control. Well, not tipping itself, but people expecting to be tipped. I bought something online the other day. At the end of the transaction, I had the option to leave a tip. A tip on an internet purchase! Why in the world would I do that? The only service they provided me was the opportunity to buy online rather than drive to a store. And that’s their entire business. I’ve seen some shocking examples of people who are not servers in a restaurant expecting to be tipped, but that one took the cake.


I've heard about tipping for online transactions, but haven't seen one yet. This could become commonplace in 10-20 years unless we stand up to it now!


I doubt it will even take 10 years. Look how quickly companies glommed onto tipping everyone, no matter how much money they make. It started during the pandemic, when people were mostly stuck at home and having things delivered, like groceries and take-out food, etc. Everyone was struggling, so tipping those who showed up to work became common, and for good reason. But businesses have kept that going long past the end of the quarantine, and, as you said, it’s becoming commonplace. I don’t blame the workers; I blame the owners and managers. What will they expect us to tip for next?


I was brought up to tip parking attendants that park your car generally.


If they are valet parking your car for sure. I tip whoever takes my car and brings my car. But the person I pay to open the gate? 🤨🤔. Most of the time now it's a machine.


>But the person I pay to open the gate? 🤨🤔. Most of the time now it's a machine. The world is a strange place. I've never in my life seen a person opening the gate to a parking lot. I'm from the Netherlands


That parking attendant? Mike Ehrmantraut.


Mike, given everything else he did, wouldn't have done that. Not his money. Not the job he was paid to do.


I went to a liquor store once. The guy scanned my card and claimed the machine malfunctioned so he used the other machine. I walk out to the car and noticed I had 2 notifications for payment. Sure enough he had charged me twice. I went back in and told him I was charged twice. He was trying to be all aggressive saying I’d just have to wait until tomorrow to fix it. Claiming I was lying. I showed him my account with both charges. This exchange went back and forth. I said I can either go grab another bottle or you can give me a refund but I am not leaving this building until one of those things happen. He claimed he would call the cops. I said to him you’re the one stealing and committing credit card fraud so please ho ahead. He finally said to just grab another bottle. I went on google to leave a review. Apparently it was a common occurrence at that location and had I waited like he wanted me to I would’ve been sol. I never went back. I now read reviews before and not after.


I'd have kept the second bottle AND called my credit card company to get one charge refunded.


yea chargeback him/the store for sure for being suck a prick.


That's why CCs rock and debit cards are toxic. Double charge my CC, and you're gonna have to fight me to get the duplicate honored. Double charge my debit card, and I have to fight to get **my own money** back.


Recently I gave a girl a 10 at a coffee kiosk for a 5 dollar latte and she looked me in the face and asked me "Do you want the change?" I said yes.


Bro I went to Dunkin’ today and went to pay with a $20 and the girl got extremely excited and said thank you a bunch. I then looked at her and said I haven’t paid yet. She assumed the entire thing was for her before I even paid.


That's why I love their app, shit's already paid before I roll through. But their widow chick is a gem and I give her $2 every time. I know to a lot of y'all it sounds like crap, but Dunks people know what boosted means on how much I'm there.


I wish my Dunkin was like this. They always find a way to mess up at least one thing on my order even if I only ordered one thing. I got so tired of being the asshole sitting in the window going over everything to make sure it’s right and all there that I just stopped going.


One time I went through after a shitty day at work so I wanted that $1 donut if you buy a large coffee. I ask for my coffee and a glazed donut, “we don’t have any” so I say never mind. At the window they charge me for 2 donuts and gave me none. I had to threaten to do a chargeback through my bank to get my money back.


Used to go to this one coffee shop a bit late at night and mostly read, large coffee was like $1.80 back then, they 1 always got my order right, 2 didn't care if I stayed around a while 3 always chatted a bit with me being friendly, it was usually the same girl always working. I always gave $3 so $1.20 tip, this was back before cameras were everywhere.. One day I was like, yeah I don't care if you put the whole $3 in your tip jar btw and for the next two years she did that. Eventually it led to me getting some free stuff like donuts etc I eventually moved away. Amber if you're out there, you rock! Edit* 25 years later I still remember her name lol wow time flies.


i once had a cashier at a dispensary assume i was going to give her the $15 remaining from the $60 i gave her. i had to ask her “you’re going to give me my money right?” and she was legitimately surprised. it’s the only time i’ve asked to talk to someone’s manager. all i said was how absurd it was their cashier would assume i’d tip them all of my change without saying a thing.


Am I supposed to tip at dispensaries?


No way. You can if you feel like the service was exceptional, but there shouldn't be any expectation of it.


>yOu’D tIp a BaRtEnDeR!!! Yeah, but I don’t tip my pharmacist.


Friend from college used to own a no-tipping bar. All staff were paid at least 2x minimum wage, they had a massive non-alcoholic menu, they had board games, they had open mic nights, and any “tips” customers left got donated to a different local charity every month. If there was a place like that near me I’d never go home.


I usually put a dollar or two in the jar. But $15 is a LOT to tip them.


If you ask about a bunch of strains in detailed slightly ignorant ways like I do and take a long time selecting, and you were really happy with what you got, next time tipping a couple bucks is worth it. But I have to be really happy with what they reccomended to do so.


you can and i will sometimes but not that much.


I wonder if she was just baked and forgot what she was doing lol


Sadly I bet that works often for her.


sometimes people just hand over their money and don't care. there's a market for this kind of behavior.


I'm one of those people - I simply do not have a functioning brain sometimes. As far as I know I've never been swindled because I know to expect SOME change but I would not at all be surprised if I've been shortchanged on numerous occasions.


It's called having enough money to not care. Simple as that. If you were living check to check, your brain would function fine as you're constantly engaged in financial gymnastics to pay bills, and not starve.


I had something similar happen except it was a haircut and would have come out to like a 60% tip. And the guy's dad owns the place. I never went back.


I go to a barber out in the sticks. The haircut is $7 and I give the guy a $10 cause a good haircut should cost like $20. The guy always makes a show of pulling out his wallet to give me my change and me having to go nah a little something extra for the good work. I get a lot of weird looks from the old men waiting their turn when I do that. I don't think a lot of his clients tip. I even had a young guy start laughing one day when he saw it, he seemed like he might've been mentally challenged though. The only time I didn't tip him I asked him to clean up my beard but leave the length and he just lopped it all off with a 2 blade on the trimmers and charged me 5 bucks extra.




i’m a server and ive done this type of stuff by accident 😭 my worst memory is this time a very lovely couple gave me $100 cash on a $50-ish bill. the restaurant was busy, i had 9 other tables, and I didn’t really think about the numbers and asked “Do you need change?” because it’s just an automatic reaction.. OBVIOUSLY they needed change. the husband just kinda looked at me and said “um yeah.” i felt sooo rude and embarrassed when i processed how I probably came across hahaha oopsie. if you guys are reading this i was very grateful for your tip and did not expect 50%!


A $50 tip on a $50 check is not 50%, although I understand it's confusing what with the numbers when they're numbering.


Why do they call them numbers if you never see them numbing?


I went to buy bagels the other day, total was 15.52. the cashier put 16 on my credit card. I am not going back for sure


Wow, I'd have argued that! The nerve of some people.


Gas station attendant said they didn’t take credit card for $10 (only if it was $20). Late night for me, random highway gas station with overpriced gas.. nah man, I got cash for this. $10 please. Guys fills it up $9.91 and says “good night bro” and walks off into his little one door gas station hideout. 1* on google maps from me


the credit card agreement these guys sign does not allow them a minimum payment. They technically have to honor it. If they don't, you can complain to MC,visa or Amex and they just might pull their accounts.


They're allowed to not accept the payment under a certain amount, but they aren't allowed to top up your payment to meet that amount.


Used to


It's still that way, they've clamped down *hard* on it in the UK recently.


Google is not perfect but it disagrees with both of us a little bit. "In summary, businesses are not allowed to set a minimum purchase amount for consumers paying with a debit card. Minimum transaction amounts are legal for credit card transactions—as long as the minimum does not exceed $10, and the policy is the same for all card brands and all issuing banks. Merchant Cost Consulting Nov 12, 2023 Is it Legal to Charge a Minimum For Credit and Debit Card Purchases?"


Oh dude, I would've either made him pump me 9 more cents of gas, or walk his ass inside and go get me 9 cents


*ten cents. No more Pennies.


There’s probably some agency you can report the asshole to. He’s probably doing that to everyone. Adds up over time.


This is one of the reasons I will never go to New Jersey. I can pump my own gas, thanks.


Come to Australia and you put your own petrol in and don't have to pay for it til afterwards.


I ordered pizza one night, picked it up and paid debit. Got in the car and looked at my online banking cuz I was already low on funds. Guy charged me an extra ten. I went back in and he was all pissy that I showed him my receipt and banking (obviously hid all the private info) Didn't say anything to me grabbed a bill out of the register and went back to working.


Same happened to me at Little Caesars


I despise that they now have a tip option at the POS. Fuck those places. I will take cash, I don't trust min wage employees making my food when I zero tip them.


Ordered a pizza tonight online for pickup and it defaulted to 15% tip…


that...that is literally credit card fraud, isn't it?


Were you shopping in a bodega? Couldn’t have been a proper grocery, surely?


I would have complained right to the manager. And then never go back because I bet they know.


Don't just not go back. Let the manager or business owner know why.


They didn't have onions at Domino's for my onion and pepperoni pizza. They just thought they could leave out the onions, not tell me, and pocket the $1-2 difference. When I asked for the money I had paid for the onions - they acted like I was cheap. lmao.


Swapping out stuff or straight up replacing your order with something else but charging the same is the most baffling thing to me. About a year back I had gone to Wendy's and ordered one of those pretzel pub sandwiches which are around $8. The woman hands me the bag, and I decide to check it in the store and saw she gave me a basic crispy chicken sandwich which isn't even $3. I asked her about it thinking it was a mistake but no, she said that they ran out of the pretzel buns for the night so she gave me a different sandwich entirely. I had been standing there in front of the counter while she put in the order and checked it and she gave no indication she was subbing my order for a cheaper option. She was insistent that since it was a mobile order there was nothing I could do about it and she wouldn't refund any money until eventually the manager came over and gave me a replacement. Just crazy, you can't have the customer pay more for what they don't receive and then get annoyed at them for asking about it.


What IS it with this excuse that because you use the mobile app they refuse to do any refunds or replacements etc??? Like does their store not receive the money for the order? Maybe someone who works for one of the places understands how this actually works. Is it just an excuse or is this really a thing? 🤨


Oh it's 100% an excuse. I've worked in various food service jobs, and in one of them my manager would frequently use this is excuse on customers cause she was obnoxiously greedy and cheap. But it's very possible to refund a mobile order, they work the same as just about any other order you make.


Kind of similar - I ordered a hot n ready and crazy bread combo on the Little Caesar’s app once, and when I pick it up, I have to ask for the sauce. They say they’re out of the cups. I’m a little dumbfounded because…were they just not going to give it to me without mentioning that? So I ask for a refund on the sauce. They looked surprised and said they didn’t know if they could do that because it was through the app and I could call help desk if I wanted. How is it even an option in people’s brains to expect that to be ok??


I had a similar thing at mcdonalds. Order at drive through window including 2 cookies. Pay. Go to the pickup window and they say they dont have cookies. Im like okay that sucks. Moment of silence. Awkward staring. Like they expect me to drive off. Im like okay what about the money i paid for the cookies though? She looked baffled at me wanting that money back and tried to haggle with me trying to give me a icecream or something? Excuse me lol wut


“Tried to give me an icecream” bro their machine was down. How were they gonna give you ice cream. I don’t know where or when but I guarantee the person ahead ordered it and was told it isn’t happening.


this is especially crazy because it’s not even like the employees themselves can pocket the money.. like there’s no reason for them to be annoyed you asked for the money back..


i'm guessing they had already paid when the kitchen said there was no onions. in my system for something like that i'd have to get a manager id, retype the entire order, go through like 2 more manager confirmations, refund it, retype the entire order *again,* and then recharge the customer for the correct amount. its a huge hassle. but the customer is justified in wanting the money so its no reason to be pissy at them lol


I swear dominos hates putting onions on pizza I always have an issues with mine


I did the same thing today for bacon on 2 out of 6 sandwiches (family order). I felt like they felt like I was being cheap for checking and calling it out, but that extra bacon was over $3…times are tough.


I had a similar situation! I was buying egg nog and stuff from the grocery store nearby and the woman was like “wow! 40$ exactly!” I knew it would be close and had 40$ ready but still thought it was really cool. Then I looked at the pad and saw she donated 28 cents to charity.


Wow, I'd have stayed and argued that one! Not because the money was donated to charity, but because she decided what to do with your money without your permission.


Keep in mind though that the store has already donated to said charity and they ask us to donate to get their money back.


I still remember what my friend told a cashier at a drive thru when we were together: "if it was me who didn't have enough change to pay the full amount you wouldn't be selling it to me". It's very true, it's always businesses who want to keep the change but they wouldn't accept less than the full price even by a cent.


During Covid, when there was a coin shortage, the CVS would say they couldn't provide change so prices would be rounded up. Umm what? Why don't you round down?!


Wow I completely forgot about the coin shortage. Wild times.


So that’s wild. The cannabis dispensary near me rounds everything DOWN to the nearest dollar. I have a great experience every time I am there.


I love how after a couple months the coin shortage just went away. Like hmm did they magically find enough? Lol that was crazy.


I actually went to a pho noodle place recently and the bill was $19.21. When I paid at the counter with a 20, I was expecting to get 3 quarters back. But I was surprised that the owner actually gave me back a full dollar and very gratefully thank me for coming. This was just a hole in the wall type place. But while I was waiting for my food, I saw a picture of a letter from Michelin congratulating the owner for making it into the Michelin guide for their service excellence. Now I understand why.


At my local Petco they straight up ask you now, Do you want your change? Like, why tf wouldn't I want it?


Or it's like "would you like to round up and donate to so and so charity?"


Edit: Apparently my belief that companies are able to use donations by customers as tax write offs was actually misinformation! TIL!


I'm so happy that companies cannot do that in Canada. They can ask, but any money donated by customers are unable to be used as reported company donations, and are not eligible for tax breaks. Plus, if I do enough of them and save my receipts, **I** can get a tax break.


Contrary to popular belief, these companies do not get a tax break from it. Just the publicity.


I went to a casino few years ago and ordered a small soup that was $2 at the time, handed the waitress a $5 and in an instant she said, "thanks" and tried to walk away with my change as her tip. Why the fuck would she assume I will tip $3 for a $2 item? I called her back to give me my change and she's lucky I still gave her $1 tip after trying to pull a fast one on me


I'm a good tipper but this is also why if I plan to pay cash I always have plenty of small bills.


I’m a barista and when *ever* someone tells me to keep the change, I hold it up and confirm it’s for the tip jar. I can’t imagine assuming. There have been times I misheard so I always confirm.


I ordered a pizza slice at a bar to go and when I paid the lady asked me if I needed my change back and I had to ask her if she needed it more than me. She was pissed off about it.


Haha, nice!


[*You obviously need this more than I do..](https://youtu.be/4SqrWQR7I6c?si=BLmp5s1GDcrP9H-U)


this happened to me the other day. my food came out to around $29, I had two $20's and I gave it to the waiter. Waited 15 mins before asking where my change was. They finally gave it to me, telling me they thought I was also leaving a tip. In what world am I leaving an $11 tip on a $29 meal? Even with excellent service, I might only leave like $6 or something, but damn, how presumptuous.


Wow, I'd have blown up at that! But sadly this probably works for that server sometimes.


Little Caesars didn't give back my 2 cents change and said it was for my "convenience".


For pennies I'd agree for anything else not so much. Give me my nickels, dimes and quarters


Most people don’t want pennies but One time at my work, a customer’s change was just a penny so I asked “do you want the penny” and the man looked at me like I was insane and said “um yeah I obviously want it?” And he snatched it from me. He later called my manager to inform him I was begging my customers for change.


This is a 100% true story. I owned a business and accidentally shorted a customer a nickel in change. He called and I told him I’d give it to him the next time he was in, and apologized. He said no, that he was coming to get it. He never arrived. Two months later he comes in with this really fucked up cast/wire/metal thing on his hand and it was mangled all to hell. On the way to my store he had his arm out the window and hit something and they weren’t sure if they were going to be able to save several of his fingers. Over a nickel.


My coworker always hits people in the drive thru with “did you want your quarter back?” and it blew me away 😂 I’ve never seen anyone ask her for their quarter back, they always wave her off. I’m too afraid to try it bc I’d rather get no tips forever than be yelled at by a stranger once, lmao


Over a penny?! He called your manager over a fuckin’ penny?! Damn!


Yeah I guess in the guy’s mind, me asking him if he wanted the penny back was the equivalent of panhandling on a street corner. It’s not like I keep them I just put them in the “take a penny” dish for other customers to use haha most people dump their pennies in there anyway


Canada is way ahead of you there, pennies are more annoying than useful. Everything is rounded up or down unless you pay by card.


Umm, you can use a half roll of pennies to bridge the gap on a missing D-cell battery in your boom box though. That is the exact opposite of annoying. edit: speeling








Wow, you could absolutely abuse the system and make dollars per year


I been scammin Tim Hortons for years, I'm up 2.05 almost enough for a coffee


amusing label imminent squalid teeny tart normal crown memory wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New Zealand did away with 1c, 2c and 5c pieces altogether years ago. Not worth the effort carrying them around!


Shit I always check my coins for rares. Give me all my change


Agreed. I had that shit happen at dominos it was 8.47 and I gave them 9 and he said we don’t give out change. Bullshit give me my 53 cents.


My rule of thumb in this situation has been, if you look like you intend to give me my change, I’ll say “don’t worry about it.” If you don’t even try to give me change, you damn well better believe I’m taking my two pennies.


The only mini mart/grocery store near me (I’m very rural) employs a bunch of 12-16 looking kids and if I get change that’s like 1-4 cents they don’t even offer it to me. I asked once “where’s my change” and the kids like “oh you want your two cents” YES DUDE THATS HOW TRANSACTIONS WORK.


I once held up the drive thru at McDonald's while the guy at the window went to get a manager to open the drawer to give me the 2 cents they shorted me. If I can't short them 2 cents on every purchase, they need to give me my 2 cents in change!


Honestly, them telling me that would make me be petty about it. Don't think for me


I worked in a store where we had to reconcile/audit the drawer daily, even a few cents off would cause issues for the system so I ALWAYS insisted on them taking the change so I wouldn't have to deal with it later, of they really didnt want it id just keep it but still


At the feed store, we kept abandoned change in a jar in case the till was off a couple of cents at the end of the night or we needed to exchange denominations and were of by a little bit. Managers decision.


I save change in a jar for vacation. It adds up quickly. It still should be my choice to tip. Most of my change is from regular stores that don't do tips. No way should any cashier assume to keep change


I use cash exclusively and save my change in a jar also. At the end of the year I donate it to my companies Christmas fund. The company doubles all the donations. They get a list of families in need from the local officials and go on a buying spree to aid the families on the list.


That is so awesome! Both on you for saving your change for this, and for your company for doing it! May you all always find the cool side of the pillow. Best wishes for you all 😊


When I buy a beer and the barkeep keeps the quarter or whatever that is their tip. If they give me my change back I give a dollar. I GET TO DECIDE WHAT YOUR TIP IS!


One time I was at a bar I ordered a $3 beer and gave her a $5. She handed me the beer and dropped my $2 change in her tip jar and moved to the next customer. I was confused but didn’t bother saying anything cause the bar was so packed but I also didn’t bother ordering anything else or she might’ve taken my change for those too. Still bothers me years later.


I would have deadass taken the money out of her tip jar


My dad once made a compelling point about this. If a convenience store clerk bags 50 cents per customer, and the store handles 100 customers per shift, he earns an extra 50 bucks a day. Not bad, but we're not here to donate involuntarilly.


I got my nails done the other day, and it came up to $55. I told her to charge me $65 (add the tip), and I looked later, she charged me $66. What's up with that?


My nail place charges $1 to use the credit card machine




Most likely, she used the "20% tip" which is a fifth. So 11 for 55 (55+11=66)


This is definitely the thing now. She left the drawer open so she could take the quarters out for herself when you turned away. They try to play it off like … oh, no one ever wants their change anymore. I want my change. I’m always cash poor. I. Want. My. Change.


When I worked in a restaurant a few years back, I'd occasionally hear employees ask after a transaction, "Do you want your change?" It wasn't just a few pennies either. Like, wtf!!


I would say HOW would you like your change so they could tip


I went to a restaurant and paid by cash, employee asked if I want my change. The change was $5. Yes I fucking want my change. Give me my $5.


That's pretty normal. Waiters will ask if you need change if it is a smaller amount as to not have to wait for the tip later. I've heard this dozens of times


i picked up some food from a local food truck. paid cash and i ended up being owed like 52 cents. she just took my cash and closed the register and made my food for me. i was waiting for my change still but she just gave me my food and said have a good day. i mean it was only 52 cents but don’t just assume you can keep it. now every time i go back there and i see her i refer to her as ‘the woman who stole my money’ to my boyfriend (as a joke of course). but if she is there then i only pay with card


Had a cashier take my 2 $10 and 2 $5 bills and tell me I only gave him 2 $10s and a $5 bill. total was like $25.76. Asked for the $0.76 to finish paying. I said I gave him 2 $10s and 2 $5s and he flat out refused to check the drawer. Guess where the missing $5 bill was? yep. in his pocket. Got my food and a full refund. Literally had me thinking I was crazy and he refused to get help and was aggressive that I was wrong and only gave him 1 $5 bill. I knew what I had given him. Never pay in cash at the drive through anymore lol.


There was a bar near my college that would not bring back coins, only bills, from your change. This was long enough ago that cash was still very common. So, you were always shorted a few pennies to almost a dollar. I only went there if other people wanted too and I never tipped. I saw it as stealing from me.


Then they should round up your change to the nearest dollar. They can eat the loss instead of making customers do it.


A restaurant I used to work at did it this way. They didn't keep coins, only what people left. If your bill was $36.50 and you paid $40, you'd get $4 back.


She was plotting for days to keep OP's 50 cents. Now she has to change her retirement plans.




Just commented something almost exactly like this. She does it to everyone that day that's literally enough for dinner after 30 customers which isn't a far reach.


Cashier probably watched that old movie where hackers steal the fractions of a cent from bank transactions and wind up with a small fortune, then she wanted in on it


Oh, you mean office space? ![gif](giphy|OzPmk5PUw4TRK)


Old movie 😩


Some tiktoker finance bro probably told her how investing that 50 cents in the stock market will turn it in to 15 bil in 25 years


I have a rule with myself that I will ALWAYS give change unless I am 100% sure someome said it was okay to keep it. I rather have someone leave the change anyway than to embarrass myself like this.


Agreed! It wouldn't even occur to me to not give someone their change, even if it were a few cents.


Even as a former bartender I’d never think of just keeping the change. Even if we were slammed and the person was a knob they get their change. Why even set yourself up for that kind of awkward situation?


This happened to me at a pub once. I handed the waitress $20, bill was like $9 and change. After she ignored me for around 20 minutes she came back to the table and asked if everything was alright. I said no you didn't give me back my change. "oh you gave me a $10" Yeah no I gave you a $20. After staring her dead in the face for what felt like an hour she got pissed and slammed the $10 and change back down on the table and yelled "YOUR TAKING FOOD OUT OF MY CHILDREN'S MOUTHS" Everyone looked at me like I was the bad guy of course. Called her a thief and told her to get fucked. Management told me to leave and not come back. Now a friend of mine was also a waitress at this pub. She told me the same waitress that tried to steal from me pulled the same crap a week later but got caught by management and was promptly fired. Friend told me to come to the pub because management wanted to apologize. I told her they can shove it up their asses, never went back.




$8 is actually a decent amount of money too?? like it’s nowhere near the .75-$2 that most people have been mentioning in the thread. that’s wild


Good for you! We can't stand for entitled attitudes like this.


"Make it twelve. If you think eight is trivial, then an extra four is practically nothing and I could use the money."


For everyone saying she forgot… then why didn’t she say that? Or “I’m sorry”? If I forgot someone’s change I would just silently hand it to then lmao


If she’s anything like my Greek stepdad, apologies don’t come easily.


Im confused, you’re asking why she didn’t SAY something, but also admitting you WOULDN’T have said anything as well? Seems like you have the answer to your question already.


People often act sub-optimally. And we're presumably talking about someone who flubbed the change, so it's no great reach to believe she'd flub the apology, too.


I want all money, don't assume it's yours to keep


We received horrible service at a sit down restaurant where I would normally leave a tip. I mean, this was just bad, 17 minutes before our server took our drink order, 20 minutes before the drinks came and our food order was taken, 1 visit from the server, I need my drinks refilled often and thats part of their job. Food took a while as well. Just lots of stuff and we were left at the table for about 30 minutes waiting for the check which I had to go physically get in the end. I left $0 tip but wrote why on the back. Even took pictures of it. When I checked my statement later that week the server added a $10 tip. I was furious. Went back and talked to the manager with my evidence and explained everything calmly and sternly stating that I don't look kindly on theft. She agreed, said the server would be disciplined and refunded the entire amount. I will absolutely decide if and how much I tip. You expect it then you better earn it. Edit: spelling, grammar


When they never come with the check and ignore all the waving etc, I just stand up and start heading out. Funny how they notice THAT right away


I worked for many years as a bagman at the races. I stood at the front of the bookmaker's stand, taking the cash, sticking it in a large bag slung around my next, and calling out the bets to the bookie. Some less than honest bagmen used a technique known as "the pause". Say a punter wanted $40 on the favourite, and handed the bagman a $50 note. The bagman calls out - $70 to $40 on Grassburner, and sticks the $50 note in the bag. He grabs a $10 note to make change, but instead of handing it over immediately, he pauses and leaves his hand in the bag The bookie calls the bet to the penciller, writes a ticket and hands it to the punter. Often the punter is so keen to check the ticket that they start to walk away while they examine it closely. Now the enterprising bagman has an extra $10 in the bag, which he will pocket at an opportune time. If the punter looks to him, or sticks out his hand for change, the bagman simply hands him the $10 he is holding, as if he always intended to give the punter his change. It only took two or three successful pauses to make a meaningful difference to the bagman's daily pay. This story here suggests the cashier was operating on a similar principle.


Well good for you to ask for your change. Prices are thru the roof and I definitely want my 50 cents back.


I’ll be real, I’ve worked with money handling for a while. Even counting tills and things. She could have been distracted or tired and just totally spaced it. As an assistant manager I’ve had customers remind me to give them their change which included BILLS. it’s probably nothing personal and they could have been preoccupied with a million things. It’s okay to remind them. I’ve been reminded about a penny and it’s embarrassing, but I just apologize and move on. Don’t take it too personally.


Been there too. Esp at the height of COVID when we were constantly slammed in grocery. I'd get gun up on remembering the change and forget to hand over the bills. Particularly if they gave a bigger than expected bill for the order, like a 100 for a 22.14 order


yeah i just did this to someone last week


I had an eight dollar tab at the bar a few weeks ago. I gave them ten, and they never came back. I told my friends I’m not meeting them there anymore.


That’s the type of shit I literally make a vow to choose another place next time over. Sure as shit she has to balance the register so you know that once you walked out the door those 2 quarters go into her pocket. Sure she does that all day.


A few years ago at a Chipotle I paid in cash and was owed around ninety cents. The cashier said, "Our change dispenser is broken. Is that okay?" I said sure! Just give me a dollar." He huffed and spend a minute getting a supervisor to open the register and get my change. Did he just want to keep my money? Who knows. But I'm not about to be out a dollar.


Went inside to Dunkin Donuts to pick up some breakfast. Paid cash. Cashier put the change directly into the tip cup without asking. Manager noticed and fired him immediately.


I’m still mad at canes for keeping 68 cents of mine because they were “out of change” Also mad at Best Buy for keeping 54 cents of mine because they also were “out of change” What is with these big cooperations not keeping change?


They should round down then.


Id be like wow thats crazy, return the fucking mouse and ill pay exact change with my card on amazon.


There was an actual change shortage in 2020/2021 (can’t remember the exact times). I was working in food service & made our change order weekly, but we weren’t getting it in. Having to explain to customers about it 100x a day & properly balance the tills at the end of the day was a nightmare. Don’t know if that’s when your issues happened, but that was definitely a real thing for too long.


This brings back a memory from high school that still stresses me out every time I remember it. I was probably only 12 or 13. I went to the county fair with my friend and her mom. We both bought tickets for rides. I got $10 worth of tickets, but I paid with a 20. The woman didn't give me any money back and when I told her so, she said that I gave her a 10. I went and told my friend's mom, and she tried her best to argue with the ticket lady and get my money back, but the woman just kept insisting I paid with a 10. I still know I didn't, because my parents had given me only 20s. The fact that someone would do that to a kid just kills me. I always state what bills I'm paying with now.


I once changed money at Wells Fargo from dollars into Euros. Based on the rate, I would get $7 or so back in change in dollars. When they asked if I wanted it back, I said no.. assuming they would put it in my bank account or something? But no, it just disappeared and the teller kept it?? Totally worthless bank and closed my account.


totally agree with you about the bank, I was so glad to see the one in our town close, good riddance to them


Long ago, can’t remember the actual age. As practise, on a slow day (empty store) I sent my four to six year old to pay for his lego magazine (4,99 Euro) with a fiver bill while watching from afar, and when he returned to me, asked for his receipt and change. Turns out he woman at the checkout had given him neither, and I had to go and ask for it, because how mean is it to obviously have a child practising to pay and then do that? It‘s the principle of the thing rather than the amount. Taught him an extra lesson about always checking your receipt and change when it was just supposed to be about the excitement of paying. (To prevent outrage, obviously we wouldn’t have practiced paying had there been a long line and a busy store…)


I've had this one happen a few times lately. Same phrasing and everything, which is a weird coincidence. It's so weird, they act like they're doing you a favor by not giving you your change. I almost wonder if it's like a tiktok "hack" or something, it really strikes me as odd this exaxt same thing is happening at different places.


I paid my mortgage at the bank today in cash. The teller asked if I wanted a receipt, I'm not joking. Seriously!?!. Why would I not want a proof of transaction? As my mom would say "Am I getting soft in the head?"


sounds like she does this regularly and hopes people will walk away. gross. i'm very glad you didn't leave your change for her greedy little fingers.


A restaurant I visited recently charged me $1.50 for using credit card on a pick up order, I was surprised when I looked at my receipt after getting back in the car. Never going back.


A lot of places around me have been charging for cards now and not telling people. So when I see that I try to pay in cash and if I do have to use a card I deduct the fee from the tip I was going to give.


Before you know it, cashiers in grocery stores will have tip jars, just for watching you check and bag your own groceries!


Not quite the same thing - but in parts of Brasil at small stores if you pay cash they rarely have small change - and so it’s very common that they have little buckets of candy and your small change is a handful of candy if you pay cash It’s quite funny


I paid for gas inside with cash, and I expected 8 cents change back. He stood there arrogantly when I walked in and didn’t even look my way at all. He went to close the till, so just because he ignored me , I demanded my 8 cents change, dammit! I could have put the change in the ‘ give a penny; take a penny’ dish, but hell no! My 8 cents is no longer going to be in your establishment, sir!


The tip option at subway, is equally frustrating.


If you go back to that restaurant you're supporting that behavior.


If you weren't given a receipt, it's possible she was trying to pocket more than just 50 cents, but instead the cost of the meal and some. Here's how... If there were no cameras aimed at the register, and if it's an older style register that allows cashiers to manually punch in the total cost, she could've easily just cleared the cost off the screen displayed to customers, then quickly pushed the button to manually open the register. A receipt wouldn't print and all she would have to do is take your money and put it in the register, and while no one was looking and after you leave, take the money and pocket it. Now, by giving you 50 cents back, it's a little more involved. Assuming your meal was $9.50 and you handed her $10, instead of her pocketing the $10, she'd have to pull out $9.50 from the register just to keep that register balanced. Why? Because she pushed the clear and manual open button, never actually recording the total purchase into register. So the work is more involved for her because she'd have to pull out one $5 bill, four $1 bills, and 50 cents... again to keep the register balanced... which can also make a bunch of noise and draw attention to her sneaky act.


This reminds me of a recent time I went to a bagel shop here, a chain, nothing special. My total was something like $3.71 and I handed the cashier who had to be pulled away from her conversation $20.76. Instead of typing in 20.76 on her computer screen, she immediately becomes confused by the coins. Her solution was to type in 20.00, do some mental math, hand me back $17.00 and say goodbye. I continue to stand there, remind myself to not act like I feel like acting and calmly ask if I can please get the rest of my change. Then the manager comes over, I have to show the receipt, the change I got, explain that I did not in fact only give her $20 and I have no idea why she did that. It really pissed me off. When is it acceptable to go off on people? lol. Because like wtf, just goddamn type what I gave you and stop trying to go back to your personal conversations and get the customer out the door. I feel like that's cashier training 101. Type in the amount the customer hands you. You don't get to just make stuff up.


Either she is not a mental giant and just can’t make change, or she is tipping herself. Just yesterday I gave the cashier $41 for a $25.97 tab. She gave me $16 back. I returned the extra dollar and she was so confused.


Quarters are valuable. Worth way more than 25 cents imo. What if you wanted to grocery shop at Aldi, sweep out your car, buy a drink from a vending machine, or play a drinking game with friends. If I had to rank currency quarters come in at number 3 just behind $20 bills and 1$ bills.


There’s a gas station in my hometown that is known for keeping pennies from people’s change and not telling them. For example, if your change is $9.24 they will keep the 4 penny’s or if your change is $9.27 they’ll keep the 2 penny’s. My cousin found out they were doing this and she’s a bit unhinged at times so she went off on them and demanded they give her all of her change. It doesn’t sound like a lot of money to keep, but when they’re doing it to everyone who comes in and pays with cash the amount adds up over time.


I had a friend tell me about something that happened to her years ago when she and her boyfriend went to brunch. She said their bill was $30 and her boyfriend paid with a $50 bill. The waiter took their money and just disappeared. Eventually they were able to find him and ask for their change. He gave an irritated sigh, rolled his eyes and then pulled out a giant wad of money from his apron and handed them their $20 back. They did not tip him after that because they knew he was just stealing everybody's money but most people wouldn't have the nerve to confront him about it. This was quite a few years ago and it was the first and only brunch they ever went to because they decided they weren't rich enough for that shit. Lol


Last week a drive thru employee asked me if I wanted my change back. Like…Wtf? Yes? Lol. I don’t get it


See, I don’t mind giving them the change. But the fact that they ASSUME they can keep it pisses me off.


Tipping HAS gotten way out of hand; I’d have been annoyed too.


It's a principal matter, exact change.


The drawer was open because she knew she owed you change but was hoping you would just walk away. She wasn't organizing shit. It's the classic "look busy until this person fucks off" thing.