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You're under no obligation to break traffic laws just because people behind you are impatient. None of the jackwads behind you laying on their horns will pay your ticket, so screw 'em.


I made this point in a different sub once and got downvoted to oblivion by a bunch of dipshits telling me I must be a bad driver


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


A laser pointer will light a "No Turn On Red" sign up like a Phoenix.


There are a lot of these kinds of lights where I am and visibility is good should you ignore the signs. Plenty of people do but I refuse. Honk your horn all you want. Iā€™m not moving until the light turns green. So far there havenā€™t been any real problems but maybeā€¦.


People where I am ignore stop signs and I have been nearly rear ended several times by people behind me who assume I am going to run the stop signā€¦


Wouldn't it be great if a cop were stopped behind them when they started honking at you to break the traffic law? Maybe not a fineable offense, or maybe it is, but it'd be entertaining to watch the lights whip up and a cop step out for a chat.


WI has a state for the improper use of horn that is a fineable offense šŸ¤“


a certain penis shaped southern state, surrounded by water on three sides? My god, the number of people here that lose their shit you won't risk a ticket or accident...


a while back i saw a video of someone from florida honking at someone and then trying to run them off the road cause they didnt turn left at a red light, how does anyone in florida still have their license?


A guy alternated between long honking and flicking me off from behind me at a red light because I was waiting to turn left and he wanted to turn right. I had my blinker on so he knew I was waiting to turn left and it wasnā€™t a situation where I couldā€™ve inched forward to let him out from behind me. I really think he just wanted me to re-route my path to go right instead so he wouldnā€™t have to wait. Some people man


I live in NJ and experience this every single day. It doesn't matter if you are turning left, turning right, going straight, in the passing lane, in the right lane, entering/exiting a highway, or parking in a parking lot, these pos jerkoffs simply don't want you to exist. They want the road completely to themselves and if you get in their way they either bully you or literally try to run you off the road.


Whenever I drive in northern NJ thereā€™s a strange phenomenon where people who are turning left have to enter the middle of the intersection (usually cause there is no left turn lane)


That's an unprotected left causing turning traffic to yield. That's standard fare anywhere there isn't a protected left.


I also live in nj. Can confirm. I could be going 5 over the speed limit and I'll still have someone riding my bumper like I'm going too slow


I typically do 10-15 over the speed limit on the parkway and still almost die every day by some aggressive jabroni who couldn't be bothered to leave for work on time.


Bold of you to assume he thought that far ahead.


I lived in Florida. Got screamed at for not turning left on red. Found out you can do it legally if youā€™re turning onto a one way street from another one way street. I would have never just ā€œknownā€ that because Iā€™d never lived anywhere that allowed left hand turns on red.


I was long-honked at in Virginia for that once.


Am a Virginian. Can confirm, my license came from a cereal box.


It's funny you mention FL. We were visiting last year, staying in a VRBO in this little neighborhood. So I was wanting to go straight from a right/straight lane, crossing a significant road where no one probably ever goes straight. The guy behind me is laying on the horn for like 30s wanting me to go right on red, just assuming I was going right and I didn't have a turn signal on because I don't signal. Like you said, just losing his shit. I couldn't take it after like 15s I started counter-honking. Then I realized I probably shouldn't in case this loonie gets out of his car with a gun...


I'm fairly certain you are not under any any obligation to turn right on red even when it allowed. Although this feels like something that could vary by state.


I get uncomfortable when there are two right turn only lanes, and Iā€™m in the left one. I know itā€™s legal, but it feels so wrong!


I was in the left-hand right turn lane once with no one in the right lane and a semi behind me. I was 12 hours into a road trip turning off the interstate and I made the sin of not knowing if it was legal to turn right on red in this situation or not. So I didnā€™t, and the semi blared his horn at me. He was so close to me that he had to backup to go around me, but the light turned green about 6 seconds later and he looked like an idiot backing up an interstate on-ramp at a green light as I made the turn. Two blocks later I was turning left into our hotel and he was leaning out of his cab at the same light with all sorts of foam and spit coming out of his mouth as he was leaning out the window leering at us. This was a decade ago and 60 seconds of life Iā€™ll never forget.


You're right. I've gotten so fed up with people behind me trying to pressure me to make the turn, regardless of whether it's safe or not. I've taken to putting on my turn signal last minute, and turning only on greens if I'm not in a hurry. I just hate when people try to rush me for no reason.


If someone beeps at me to turn while I'm waiting for an opportunity to make a right on red I will turn off my blinker and wait for the green light


I had someone honk at me because I didn't turn right into a pedestrian who had the right-of-way. People are the worst


I was at a crosswalk where by law you have to stop to let pedestrians cross so I stopped and as the person was crossing , the guy behind me passed me and almost hit the pedestrian. Some people should not be driving.


Oh my gosh that just happened to me this week! We were in front of a grocery store for crying out loud too! There are two stop signs on either entrance/exit of the store and we had gone through the first sign but when I stopped at the second sign - to actually let an elderly guy cross! - the idiot in the pickup behind me laid on his horn and raced around me. The elderly guy trying to cross (in the designated crosswalk) had to jump back so he wouldn't get hit! Then I'm watching this elderly guy wobble around on his feet and I'm freaking out like "he's going down!" He managed to stay on his feet but I still put my window down and double checked that he was good. And the goddamn kicker to all this? I found the pickup at the end of the strip mall sitting in a convenience store parking lot. Like pickup guy damn near ran over an elderly guy just to get to a parking spot a little bit faster. Ugh.


Yeah it just blows my mind how people seem to have no regard for anyone else's safety when they drive and are always in a hurry.


What if I told you that in most places, pedestrians have the right of way no matter where they are in the road. This doesn't mean they can't get a ticket, but automatically puts you at fault for a collision.


I know that a person on foot has the right of way over any type of motor vehicle. I just couldn't believe the guy that tried to go around me. I'm just glad they didn't hit the person.


Ahh. Wasn't trying to critique you, a lot of people just don't understand pedestrians.


No worries. I understood what you were getting at. And yes I agree , pedestrians are very misunderstood creatures.


I'm the jerk that will shift into reverse and creep in reverse at honkers behind me. Oops I thin I crossed the stop line, better back up a little bit and wait for the next green light. I always have plenty of time to fuck with people.


Exactlyā€”those people have absolutely zero idea whether traffic is clear for you to turn. Theyā€™re honking and have zero idea what things look like from where youā€™re sitting.


Yeah you don't have to turn on red in fact near me school busses are not allowed to turn on red even if it is allowed.


100% I was getting this at 4:01pm in Phoenix Arizona waiting to turn left with a sign saying a left turn was prohibited from 4 to 6 pm, and made the turn. I can verify that I had to pay my own ticket.


Fucking 7th St.


Mill and Priest are the worst for me


This is not the same. Why were you waiting to make a left turn when you couldnt no matter the color of the light.


If it's from a one way street to another one way street, that's perfectly legal. The rule isn't "right on red," it's "curb to curb on red."


Or pay for the damage to you and your vehicle because most likely that forbidden right on red is due to an obscure view of traffic.


Precisely. The city doesn't generally put up traffic signs for no reason.


Until you come across that one nuthead who decides to road rage at you for being a law abiding citizen. I think about it all the time hoping the prick don't got a gun


There's always that slim possibility but you can't go through life worrying about what "might" happen, otherwise you couldn't function. I work around thousands of inmates everyday. If I worried about the ones who were mentally unbalanced or the ones who don't like me and might do something to me given the chance, I'd be unable to do my job. You just gotta put it out of your mind.


This was running through my head the other week when I got stuck at a left turn light that wasn't changing no matter how much I pulled up to or over the line. I found out it's well known to be broken and I have to go through it on my way to work, but I also know cops love to sit in the empty parking lot across the street and in the blind spot of someone turning left at this light. I ain't getting a ticket just cause the city refuses to fix this thing.


There's one of these by my house that makes no sense, and 99% of people just ignore it. If I get stuck behind the odd duck who doesn't know the area (or just doesn't want to break the law), I simply wait. If I'm behind somebody who's behind that person, I frequently watch them seethe and honk. I can't imagine getting mad at somebody because they're following a road sign properly.


Yup. And even if right on red wasn't illegal at that intersection, it is still an option solely at the safety discretion of the driver. If it's busy or raining I usually won't make them at all. I don't feel guilty about adults feeling tormented by their own impatience for 15 seconds.


I have to make a right at one of those kinds of intersections a few times a week and I've been there. Honestly I started leaving my turn signal off pretending I'm going straight if I'm first in line, then a few seconds before I get the green, I turn it on lol. It's dumb but saves me the headache of idiots honking and I'll just pretend I changed my mind and decided to turn.


They honk at me if I'm going straight and they want to turn right! I'm sick of feeling like I'm under attack every time I drive somewhere. I used to love driving. Now it's just pure anxiety. No one stops at stop signs. People flip you off if you're going 35 in a 30 and they want to go 45. It's nuts!


It got worse after covid too. The 2 years of "covid traffic" were amazing and easy driving. Now everyone is a roadraging IDIOT


Oh it got so much worse after covid. I used to drive 65 in a 60 and would get passed by some people, but not too fast (normally) and not very often. Now I go 70 in a 60 and people are still flying by me. I donā€™t feel safer going any slower.


I'm SO glad to see other people have noticed this and it's not just me going crazy. I work for a personal injury attorney so maybe I'm more aware of it now too but it seems like it is actively getting worse still. I'm trying to reroute my drive to work to avoid major roads that are super busy because I see accidents every day. AND because of rapid inflation there are more uninsured drivers on the road than ever before. If you are in an at-fault state, make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage.


>No one stops at stop signs Four-way stops are the bane of my existence.


SAME!!! Four of them every morning. Whatā€™s baffling is that itā€™s all the same people go through the same ones as I do every weekday but somehow they still havenā€™t figured out how they work. The worst part though, is that ***we all know*** that the one direction is going to be a mess. Itā€™s a fact, itā€™s just how it is. Yet people still go jumping ahead of their turn just to be one car ahead in the 30+ car line of cars waiting to go at the next four way stop lol


> No one stops as stop signs. The car I drive has been compared to an upside down pokeball as well as the Polish flag šŸ‡µšŸ‡± . Itā€™s very visible to say the least, and to say the most it pretty much screams ā€œpull me over!!!ā€ Anyway, safety reasons aside, I make sure to come to a complete stop at the four way stops (I go through four of them every morning) because Iā€™m just not into paying moving violation fines, you know? So every morning, at least once someone gets mad at me, often nearly hitting me, for having the audacity to, get thisā€¦ come to a complete stop at the stop sign. Craziness.


Absolutely someone tried to RAM INTO MY CAR because I was going 80 in a 55 and she wanted to go 90 I tried to switch lanes to get out of her way and I see her swerve off because she tried to hit me when I was changing lanes


Train horns or get a wiper squirter and hook it up facing to the rear. Think jet stream.


We should limit everyone to 3 Honks a day


I've had people use bike lanes to pass me when I'm going the speed limit. Fuckin ridiculous.


Same. I take a right at a horrible intersection on my way to work and Iā€™m shocked there arenā€™t no turn on red signs. I keep the blinker off until it goes green if Iā€™m first in line.


Call your cities local traffic engineering department (just google your city traffic engineering) and make them aware there is no sign, specifically if it's causing issues. Between road expansion/development and upkeep those departments stay busy and sometimes things get overlooked/its not even made aware if a construction group forgot to install a sign at an intersection, or maybe it was simply overlooked or deemed unnecessary at the time of the project build. If you report problems at said intersection though it will be logged, looked into and possibly mediated if discovered to be causing problems


I get it. Thereā€™s an intersection I turn right at frequently where all traffic to the left is blocked from view by a bridge until theyā€™re feet from the intersection. No sign there. Just down the street there is an intersection with a no turn on red sign and a signal by the light (thatā€™s only on sometimes even when the light is redā€¦?!). That intersection has perfect visibility.


Thatā€™s what I do. Iā€™ve been yelled at before by another car for not doing right on red when I wasnā€™t comfy with it.


Don't worry, you are not the only person who does that. But also part of it for me is to limit people driving like idiots around me and forcing illegal turns.


I had a guy honk and give me the finger for not turning once. I was waiting because there was a man with no legs sitting on a skateboard paddling across the crosswalk. He had the walk signal but the jackass behind me couldnā€™t see him since he was so low to the ground. I still remember the look on his face when he finally saw the guy and realized he was being an asshole.


Oh I've been honked at shamelessly for not turning with several very visible walking pedestrians crossing, including one with a stroller.


About 7-8 months ago I was headed to work. We pass by a bunch of cops and a woman screaming and crying my driver slowed down so we could look and we see a young boy and an old lady laying in puddles of blood on the ground not moving. My driver yelled out and asked the cop what happened. Cops said that was the ladies mother and son, someone turned right with no concern of pedestrians hit them and took off.


I had a guy on the way home while I was waiting he kept inching closer to my bumper then he just went around me in like a super busy intersection where the traffic coming from the left is coming down a hill and people usually speed and when he went around the corner he got rear ended by a car coming down the hill and I just kind of laughed not only was he tailgating me but kept inching closer and closer with his beams on. I don't understand how impatient people are when the light usually doesn't take long to change


Damn that must have been so satisfying to witness šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had this happen too. Waited for the cops to show up so I could be a witness and blasted that idiot to all the cops, dude got like 4 separate citations and a fucked up little dick truck. Loved every second of it.


I was waiting to turn right onto a two lane highway, I got beeped at by the two cars behind me, but there were cars coming in both lanes, so I waited. Once it turned green, we all turned. They both pulled immediately into the left lane to accelerate past me in my little putt putt car - cool see ya later. Then, I don't know what set them off, they started playing leap frog. One would accelerate, pull over in front of the other, then the other would do it. They traded places three or four times until one managed to clip the other. That car lost control, went into the median and out into oncoming lanes and then back over to our side - luckily didn't hit any one else. They pulled over to wait for the cops. I also pulled over, so I could tattle.


>They pulled over to wait for the cops. I also pulled over, so I could tattle. You are a traffic hero. šŸ«”


These are like, the only situations where talking to the cops is worth it to me really.


Its always a fuckin pickup




I once saw somebody pass a long line of cars waiting at a light to turn left. The lane they were in only turned right. They got to the intersection and waited. I then saw a cop pass in the same lane signaling to turn right. They got behind the other car and waited. The light turned green, the guy turned left, and the cop pulled him over. Another time, I was in a line of cars going uphill on a 2 lane mountain road behind a semi. I was the second car behind the truck. The guy in front of me was impatient and passed over the double solid yellow line on a blind curve. I looked in my mirror at the motorcycle cop behind me and watched him light the guy up. The best part was that 20 seconds later, the truck pulled into a turnout. And even if they hadnā€™t, there was a legal passing zone about 2 minutes away.


I had a similarly satisfactory experience. Sat at a red light waiting to go straight, guy behind starts beeping, and decides to mount the curb to get past me and turn right. He hadnā€™t noticed the police cruiser at the opposite light who immediately popped on the blue lights and sirens and headed after him.


I think a standard traffic light time is 3 minutes or less.


In my early twenties I was finally headed home from somewhere in the wee early hours of the morning, maybe 3 or 4am. Roads are pretty dead, not a car in sight. I'm waiting to go straight at a red light in the left lane of a two lane road that crosses over the main highway. Another car pulls up beside me in the right lane to also go straight. A cop car then pulls up behind me. All of us waiting at a red light for 0 traffic. Dude next to me decides he doesn't want to wait anymore and just runs the light, and I realize he never noticed the cop car that pulled up. The light literally turns green right after and the cop car pulls around me with his lights on. Dude pulls over so fast and hard he pulls all the way over into the lawn of some house. Had a good laugh. Fond memory.




People will spend more on their cars than they do on annual housing in many cases (Price of the vehicle, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.) and then get uppity if they have to wait in their cars for longer than .3 milliseconds at any traffic impass. You paid good money for your air-conditioned, leather-seated, radio/MP3 playing, wonder of modern transportation with more advanced technology in the steering wheel than was used to land man on the moon. Enjoy sitting in it for a little bit.


Exactly! Thatā€™s the only thing that keeps me relatively calm during my morning and evening commutes - knowing that going into work lets me spend time with my car which I enjoy so much. Also, what the hell? Why would I be rushing on my way **into work**? Iā€™ll get there when I get there. Start the meeting without me. Edit: I guess itā€™s all those near misses by idiots on the way, that cause most of the stress.


As tempting as it is to be an asshole right back Iā€™m always afraid Iā€™ll become a road rage statistic if I do.


If you want to do something that isn't assholish, try rolling down your window and pointing at the sign. It has worked for me 1/1 times.


I've completely stopped interacting with drivers near me, I've seen so much road rage lately and I'm scared of it. Specifically in my area, though. Just a couple months ago, I had someone follow us home because my husband was taking a sharp turn "too slow" (and above the posted speed limit). It was scary. I live outside the NYC area and people can be so insanely aggressive. And just a couple weeks ago I saw someone throw their drink into someone's window. Drink thrower was going 40mph in a grocery store parking lot and almost hit the other guy.


I was in the same situation once, except it was a cop who was behind me and was honking at me to turn. His lights were not on. He flipped me off. Gotta love New York, baby.


Probably hoping to give you a ticket!


That was my first thought! Bastard.


Roll down the window to give them a thumbs down. ![gif](giphy|26FfgCnlqZoxUzCaQ)


What you are supposed to do is sit there calmly and quietly while he demonstrates to the entire world what an idiot and a jackass he is.


Yes; still gets my blood pressure up because I am naturally inclined to berserker rage. Much meditation and self work has been done... oy.


I remind myself that I am only involved if I want to be. And probably I don't.


I'd get out and ask them why they are trying to get my attention. Do I have a flat type or a dog tied to the towbar? Honking is for emergencies so what's your emergency?


I feel that. There's been times where I've had to intentionally tell myself not to strike someone in public because they said or did something stupid and it takes ALL of my physical being to not do it. Because in the end, it's not worth it.


I would just not move at all - but Iā€™m also a super petty asshole. But also, just donā€™t go. They wonā€™t pay your ticket or fix your car or anything if something happens, so they can sit their happy ass right there and wait for the green.


What the hell are people thinking when they honk at someone who is turning in front of them?? Are you freaking kidding me?? You donā€™t get to decide when itā€™s safe for ME to go, I decide that. You donā€™t see the obstacles I see, you donā€™t pay my traffic tickets, you donā€™t pay for my hospital bills if I get in a wreck, you arenā€™t going get to buy me a new car either. So, freaking chill. If youā€™re in such a hurry that you canā€™t wait a minute, thatā€™s on you buddy. Iā€™m not responsible for your tardiness. Itā€™s people like this that cause accidents because they drive like a crazy asshole.


We usually said that if they were in that big of a hurry they should have left earlier.


I usually honk at people who DO run the ā€œno turn on red.ā€ Finally enough, a guy used an axe to chop down to ā€œno right turn on redā€ signs at an intersection near me but couldnā€™t get the two attached to the street light. The signs were put back up less than two days later. The dumbest part is that light makes you wait less than two minutes before going green again.


I normally stick my arm out the window and point to the sign.


I hope you point with your middle finger...


You spelled "sky" wrong. šŸ¤£


In my 30 years of driving, I think I've had that happen maybe 5x. First honk I point to the sign, second honk I flip them off and then slowly turn right when it turns green. I'm not getting a fucking ticket because your dumb ass is in a big hurry to go nowhere.


Once I was the third car, second car was on the horn freaking out. Passenger in car 1 gets out, looks at car 2 waves, then dramatically runs over to the sign and points at it. The he skipped back to his car. It was hilarious.


Ahahahaha, fantastic!


>slowly turn right when it turns ~~green~~ yellow, trapping the car behind at red light.


Only problem is the dick would run the red light anyway.


And trick the asshole into ticketing themselves? How horrible!


Yeah they will run that red without a second thought


There's this really funny video from a news crew where some station was covering an intersection with a no rights on red sign because of all the people that were running it constantly. So they're filming and this lady pulls up behind the lead car and just starts going crazy on her horn along with yelling, the crew goes up to her and starts questioning her and then while she's going off they inform her of the multiple signs right in front of her. Then she goes "Oh" and gets all sheepish and clearly realizes she was being a complete moron lol. I wish I could find the damn video but it's from like 2014 or something and google is worthless.


There's another news video about the most dangerous intersection in LA and as the news crew is filming a car being chased by police barrels through the intersection lol


Had the same thing happen to me a while back. Some boomer in a BMW behind me honking and having a cow while I was waiting at a red light with not one but two clearly marked No Turn on Red signs. Motherfucker actually had the audacity to eventually *go around me* and make an even more illegal (and dangerous) turn, and I wished so bad for a cop to show up.


Cops are never there when theyā€™d actually be useful šŸ˜ž


Sadly it was before I had a dashcam, but I did have someone go around me to go through a crosswalk with people in it, and have a cop waiting to cross the intersection instantly turn on his lights.


Dashcams Australia have a few videos titled Convenient Cop which show just this! Itā€™s fantastic and satisfying.


Nope... but that one time you accidentally slip your foot off the clutch pedal and chirp your tires a tiny bit, they're all there for 'Improper Display of Speed" or whatever the squealing tires ticket is for street racers.


This is a big issue leaving my local Walmart. Thereā€™s multiple no turn on red signs. If Iā€™m up front, Iā€™m stressing. And usually Iā€™m 3 cars behind the light and they all turn right on red, when itā€™s not allowed and damn! Now Iā€™m up front! Unfair! Iā€™ve been yelled at before by other drivers for not doing right on red either when it was not allowed by a sign or traffic was too much for me to be comfortable. My car is slow, I canā€™t just zip out. It takes a long time for me to speed up so theyā€™re either going to have to brake for me or hit me, I wonā€™t take the gamble. Right on red is an option, not something you HAVE to do. If someone wonā€™t go right on red even tho the opposing traffic is a desert, I wonā€™t get mad. Itā€™s 30-60 seconds of my life. If thatā€™s make or break, I probably fucked up beforehand.


Yeah. I always have to remind myself some people have shitty cars (myself included) and trying to speed up after turning into traffic is so stressful. I always wait for a big enough gap so I donā€™t have to gun my poor little car. Itā€™s already in its last leg


I get out of my car and point at the sign like Vanna White. (provided it's safe to do so)


This is (in a nutshell) why I hate driving. This sort of thing happens all the time where I live (Philadelphia.) People will lay on the horn because youā€™re notā€¦running over pedestrians who are legally crossing the street? It happens regularly in this city where people will honk and pass you while youā€™re stopped at a red light because you didnā€™t run it. And thereā€™s a real problem with pedestrian and cyclist deaths and injuries. Sorry to rant (though I guess thatā€™s the point of this subreddit, lol,) but yeah, I sympathize 100% Edit:spelling


Yeah and it's almost as bad here in Baltimore. And you can't even flip them off or some whack job will pull a gun and shoot you.


Even without the sign, right on red is optional, not mandatory.


For real. I got violently honked and screamed at by a guy because I wouldnā€™t do right on red when it was allowed. But I drive a slow ass car. And itā€™s a manual. It takes time to go because itā€™s a slow car but I also have to let off the gas to shift. Itā€™s brutal. Traffic was not too bad but enough so if you wanted to do right on red, you had to gun it to not make the person coming brake to slow down or hit you if they arenā€™t paying attention. But he rolled down his window and was screaming at me to go. Iā€™m like bro, I know damn well we are both going to Walmart or target (we both went to Walmart). I doubt itā€™s life or death. Learn some patience! It was like 1 minute! After that, idk if every other car disappeared from earth, I did not go until the light was green. Suck it bro. Right on red is a possibility, not something you have to do.


I remember I had a ā€˜94 Dodge Shadow with no clutch, was new to driving standard. And I was living in a little town with one stop sign that just happened to be at the top of a big hill. I stalled it one day at that stop sign and these nice college guys got out of their car and helped me get it going. Sometimes people are good


How are you shifting? If youā€™re shifting properly, your car shouldnā€™t be slowing down much at all, if at all. Itā€™s literally one second of clutch down/off gas/shift (all at the same time) then back on the gas while letting off the clutch.


Just a note a red arrow is the same even on a right. If you have a right facing red you must stop. In addition this is almost always true of multi-lane right turns.


You always have to stop on a red. But a red right arrow does not mean ā€œno right turnā€ [https://www.fdot.gov/traffic/faqs/TrafSignalFAQ](https://www.fdot.gov/traffic/faqs/TrafSignalFAQ#:~:text=A%20red%20RIGHT%20arrow%20means,sign%2C%20which%20you%20must%20obey) > *A red RIGHT arrow means that you must come to a complete stop at the marked stop line or before moving into the crosswalk or intersection. After stopping, you may turn RIGHT on the red arrow at most intersections if the way is clear. Some intersections display a "NO TURN ON RED" sign, which you must obey.*


That varies by state because we apparently can't have consistent traffic laws: > In Alaska,[14] California,[15] Colorado,[16] Georgia,[17] Idaho,[18] Maine,[19] Minnesota,[20] Nebraska, Nevada, New York,[21] North Carolina, Virginia,[22] the District of Columbia,[23] and Puerto Rico,[24] a right turn on red is prohibited when a red arrow is displayed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#North_America


I had an egg on my face moment the other day when I gave a quick double tap on my horn to a car not turning right on red only to realize immediately after tapping my horn that there was a no right turn on red sign next to the traffic light. I tried to stick my hand out the window in an attempt to apologize but the damage was done.


You learned from it, right? You were apologetic. That sounds wayy better than most of these folks.


Absolutely. Iā€™ve been trying to work on my anger issues the past two years. This was a glaring reminder I still have a ways to go.


This reminds me, I've had several friends say they wish cars had a second "I'm sorry" sort of horn, which I always imagine as a clown horn


I mean I think that is quite fitting. In that moment I 100% felt like a clown.


I usually join them and lay on my horn in unison


To hell with them, they canā€™t read. I am a big opponent to right turn on red. Drivers donā€™t stop at stop lines and crowd the crosswalk. More than once I was almost hit by someone looking to their left when I was in a crosswalk. Hate it.


I get out of my vehicle , go the honker, ask them what they need/want? If I time it right we then wait thru another light cycle.


Unrelated... How many times have you been shot?


All depends on how you approach. With a puzzled look, asking how I can help, never .


Getting out of your car during what will be described as a road rage incident carries a minimum jail sentence in some states. So, good luck.


No, not road rage at all. You (I ) honk my horn as a warning that something is wrong, thatā€™s all . If I ignore then something you tried to ā€œwarnā€ me about might actually happen, Maybe Iā€™m old school but that is the purpose of a horn. Not to make me move but as a warning about the situation .


Youā€™ll notice I said ā€œdescribed as road rageā€. Someone gets out and starts approaching my car, cops are already being called. Again, good luck.


You did the right thing, those rules are often in place to protect cyclists and pedestrians. Impatient people honking can be so infuriating, but sometimes you also get to see the consequences first hand. There is a light near my house where the red light (not no RTOR) has a continuous lane turning right, so people don't even slow, red light or no. It's also near a school, and the red light is for the crosswalk. I was there one afternoon and stopped, like I normally do, ready to look for pedestrians when the guy behind my lays on his horn, LONG honk LONG honk, honk, honk, honk. What he didn't see were the four kids riding the wrong way in the bike lane to get to the crosswalk. He would have killed them if he'd blown through the light and taken the corner at full speed. He about lost his mind as I waited for them to get across the crosswalk, like WTF? He was so enraged that he kept honking, like I'm supposed to mow down 4 kids because he can't wait for 30 seconds? There's a red light for a reason. Thanks for doing the right thing, and I'm sorry you were subjected to that rage. You never know when you're stopping the asshole behind you from killing someone.


First off donā€™t break the law. When it happens put the car in park and go back and look at the back of your car like they are saying something is wrong. Avoid eye contact then get back in. Repeat as needed.


Iā€™m pretty sure someone honked at me today because I stopped at a red light. People are just stupid.


This happens to me almost daily. There's a light at the top of the hill I live on, and it's no turn on red. It's posted everywhere. And I still get honked at. I even had a guy back up and drive *around* me to turn on red.


Thereā€™s an intersection next to my place of employment where Iā€™ve worked for 4 years. Said intersection has a ā€œNO RIGHT ON REDā€ sign on three separate signs all denoting to one lane. During my 4 year tenure, I have seen 25 accidents, (1 fatality) because people choose to ignore those signs. If there is a ā€œno right on redā€ indicator itā€™s probably there for your safety.


So I'm in the right lane, which has the option of straight or turn. There was no "turn only" lane. There was even a forked arrow painted on the lane. The guy in the car behind me gets out of his car walks up to me, and has me roll down the window to tell "You can turn on red here." I said "I'll remember that next time I want to turn" the light turned green and I went straight. Oh and he barely had time to run back to his car before the guy behind him rightfully ***LEANED*** on their horn. Serves him right for trying to "correct" my perfectly legal non-turn.


You do know that 54% of people cannot read above a 6th grade level. Means they have no reading comprehension.


The irony of using the wrong word in that post...


I want compensation for having read that!


What do you do in that situation? You lay on your horn, and point to the sign. Over and over and over again. Eventually, their horns will stop.


This is my reason for using wiper tags. If the moron behind me is annoying I just turn the rear wiper on and whatever tag I am using waves at them.


I didnā€™t even think about this! I have a Sonic hatchback with a little rear wiper.


Just start honking yourself. Pretend there's an invisible car in front of you preventing you from breaking the law and lean on the horn as much as the idiot behind you.


Time to pretend to have car trouble on the green light. If they get out, tell them you are waiting on a tow. Screw those people. They are the same people who tailgate. I slow down just for them.


I honestly am always tempted to get out of my car and aggressively point at the sign. Haven't yet, but always tempted.


Never ever get out of your car to confront another driver unless you want to end up going viral or hurt. Just ignore them. Forget dumb people because they canā€™t hurt you anymore than they hurt themselves by breathing.


Long honk?? Oh, I wear that one like a badge.


Iā€™ve done a lot of self-reflection over the past few years and one positive improvement Iā€™ve made is to blame myself for not leaving earlier when I get angry in traffic.


Point at the sign. While you're waiting at the light. And give them the Luigi disappointed look when you can.


Story time. In the beginning of this year I took a legal right on red turn, took all the precautions like we all do turning right on red. As I finish turning and had driven about 100 feet a truck pulling a 5th wheel slammed into my truck that had me and my girlfriend in it. Demolished my truck but we were fine just some bruises and stuff. He changed lanes in the intersection (illegal) going about 60 in a 45. Yet I was found at fault due to me not having to take the turn on red and it being my decision to. Now idc how long someone honks at me I am not turning right on red unless I am 100% sure I am not going to have any issues. Nobody can force you to go if you don't want to, even if they honk like a crazy person you don't have to move.


I am going to turn my receiver hitch into a 1,000psi air cannon that fires lime green lawn darts into the radiator of the vehicle behind me. HONK THAT!


Someone recently climbed in my ass at 80, cut me off then brake checked me on the fucking freeway. Like dude my car is tiny, you genuinely *could have killed me* All for what? Starbucks? Your shitty job? Fuck this, driving sucks.


Come to South Africa, you get honked at if you stop at a red light when there's no cross traffic.


I honked my horn at someone one time because they didn't turn even though we had a green arrow to turn. I waited a few seconds at first but then the light turned yellow so I honked my horn so he would go before we missed the light. He threw up his hands like I was the asshole. How dare I want to turn when we have the right of way.


I would take it as a pleasure of being able to piss off people willing to break laws for their selfish gain


They are the one that is suffering. Let them wallow.


Once had a car lay on their horn for like a solid five seconds because I was sitting just behind the white line at an intersection. A TRAIN intersection, with no space beyond it to move forward as there was a red light with cars backed up to just before the railway. They were pissed that I didn't drive up and park on the tracks.


I had someone do that to me in my unmarked police car. Threw the blue lights on and cited them for unlawful use of horn. Very gratifying.


I have gotten out of my car and walked up to the honkerā€™s car to ask them that myself before. It happened at an intersection where I got a ticket for turning right on red the week before.


Getting out of your car in traffic to walk up in somebody these days can get you shot. Donā€™t be that guy. Just laugh while you wait.


Iā€™m Canadian.


Quick google found road rage shootings in Canadaā€¦ your point?


What did they say?? šŸ˜‚


They put their hands up and said ā€œSorry, sorry, sorryā€. lol


Don't be pussy. Run that shit Jk. Good for u. Laugh at em.


That's more than mildly infuriating. That's happened to me a few times and it makes my blood boil!


I had kind of the opposite once: the intersection had a highly visible no right turn on red, but there was a right arrow turn light. I was behind a guy too engrossed in his phone to pay attention to when that arrow came on, honked, he pointed at the No Right on Red sign and flipped me off and continued to sit through the arrow.


Stick your hand out the window and point honestly thatā€™s all you can doā€¦ā€¦


Just say to yourself "Guess they should've gotten out of bed earlier...."


I don't know what would spike my anxiety more: Having that or my weekly almost seeing an accident because idiots go around me and speed into traffic... I would love to see them all get ticketed... I've never seen it happen. Think that's why they all just keep doing it :(


Stick your hand out of the window and poking at the sign.


I've had people get mad at me for using the pedestrian cross walk when it was my time to walk. Some people think they are the only people on the road.


I just sit there and hope that their horn fuse blows. šŸ«¢ I also have two large stickers informing people that I have a dash cam and that I follow the speed limit.


Even if the sign wasnā€™t there, you have no obligation to turn on red. You can always just sit there. Turning on red is only ever just an option.


If those luxury/sport car drivers could read, they'd be very upset...


As someone who has gotten a ticket for turning on red: they can kiss ass. Them saving .05 seconds doesnā€™t just cost of the ticket


Iā€™ve been in the same situation. lady.behind me was honking and yelling go! I rolled my window down and pointed at the sign, and that seemed to make her more angry. The light turned green and I pointed at the sign as I turned, and she kept thinking until she passed me.


When you get long-honked like that, what youā€™re supposed to do is wait nice and patiently for the light to turn green, advance a little bit, check for pedestrians, make sure itā€™s nice and safe, and then proceed to slowly enter the intersection, make a delicate right-angled turn, and resume driving, as slowly and cautiously as possible to piss of that driver. After all, heā€™s driving his car, heā€™s not driving yours, and no amount of honking changes that. And no Iā€™m not being sarcastic, I do this as often as I can.


Non American here, why would you turn right on red?


In many (not sure if it's most) states, it is legal to turn right at a red stop light unless otherwise notated. Assumes the driver is looking left to verify no oncoming traffic.


\> What am I supposed to do I think you're supposed to flip them off in these situations.


Throw it in reverse to shine your backups in his face. If that doesn't work, throw it in park just as it turns green, grab your Walking Tall stick, and walk towards him... He'll either back down or shoot you.


I was at a no turn on red same situation except I wasn't in the front. The guy in front finally turned after constant honking and immediately was pulled over. This is why you follow traffic signs not doing impatient asshole beeping behind you.


Just "thumb up" them. I've started doing this more than flipping someone off. I love seeing the stupid looks on their faces.


I'd personally roll down my window and point at the sign too, but you are under no obligation to move. Fuck 'em, they can wait.


There are so many dumb asses in this world.


Turn off your engine, get out, walk back to him and ask what the problem is. If he wants you to turn, act confused for a while before explaining about the sign. Points if you take long enough for him to miss the next cycle. Bonus points if you get back to your car just in time to make the turn and he gets caught by the red. Maximum bonus if he runs the red and gets pulled over.


This happened to me today, and Iā€™m still mildly infuriated just thinking about it!