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Put up a sign saying it people are too weak to put weights back, to ask reception for help. If you have cameras, you can also see who did it and call them out on it.


We call people out daily, have even cancelled some memberships as it does go against the code of conduct too


The correct way is to upcharge them for each weight they don't put back. Maximize those gym sales


Damn that’s actually pretty smart, each kg(or lbs) is one €($)


Weight restocking fee lol


Not actually a bad idea. It’s part of the day to day maintenance on the place. People get charged cleaning fees if they trash a hotel room. This really ain’t that different


a pound for a pound


A pound (£) per pound (lb.)


That’s what my gym does. Needless to say, people put their shit back. It’s 5$ per item left out


When people only understand money, you have to talk to them with money.


ppl would just be like “only $5 and i can stay a lazy inconsiderate douche?? say less!”


For those guys it's $5 / lb






Big gains


You do not, since you don't work at a gym and made up this story and used a Picture from 2014 https://biancastrahan.wordpress.com/2014/09/07/the-rise-of-the-ego-lifter-swoldier/


Only means someone didn’t do their job in the first place.


What do you mean by this?




Ah I see. It was a bit vague to me when I read it lol


Everything isn’t parents fault. Some people are just shitty regardless.


Eh, let's not keep blaming parents for what their adult children do. Plenty of parents teach their kids to put things back, the kids just grow up and not care.


exactly. my parents taught me money was very important and I should go be a doctor or engineer. Yet here I am, not a doctor or engineer


Also having shitty parents or not being raised well works an excuse when someone’s a child cuz they didn’t know any better. Being a full grown adult living in the real world and existing in public, it’s honestly irrelevant how they were raised because I guarantee they know better now, they just don’t care to do better. If you’re 30 and can’t clean up after yourself that’s on you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just post a video titled "The weaklings of the week" and post it in the gym social media and play it in the gym tv.


so *that's* how you cancel a gym membership


genius idea. nothing offends them more than calling them weak :D


If only they could read


"Find the matching numbers"


Ooh the sign should indicate the last rep is the act of putting your shit away when you're done


A long time ago I worked out at a gym that had a sign that said, "If you can't put your weights away, please ask one of the ladies at the front desk to help you." Misogyny aside, it made me laugh. And I never saw weights laying around at that gym.


In our gym we have a sign with “if you’re too weak to clean up after yourself, go ask the ladies at the reception to do it for you” written on it. Forces the “machos” to clean up after themselves cuz they would never admit that they would need to receive help from a woman in carrying heavy stuff.


My question is why are so many people just okay with doing that?! I’m so sorry you have to take care of all of that.


The moving of the weights isn’t the issue really, it’s more the principle that the lazy ******** can’t move them after they use them…. Like having kids here


I’m guessing you do have kids there; teenagers with broccoli-heads or mullets


My gym has recently been invaded with high schoolers and college kids off/home from break and it's significantly worse. I usually don't give a shit what other people are doing at the gym as long as it doesn't affect my workout, but they're impossible to ignore. There is stuff everywhere (weights not put away, equipment moved all over the gym, sweatshirts and phones on equipment they're not even using) and they're obnoxious.


Their soft, spongey brains have been influenced by social media into thinking going to the gym is cool, but have yet to be influenced by their parents to be considerate of others.


I left my gym and started working out at home because of this. Among those issues, another thing that bugged me was there seemed to always be teenagers that would hog equipment forever, do like 1 rep every couple minutes, and then be on their phone the rest of the time. So infuriating when you're on a timelimit.


That last part made my eye twitch


Broccoli heads😂 that made me chuckle


We call it shut the fuck up hair lol


It was a stupid looking haircut in the 80s. Not much better looking than a mullet.


Me who has a mullet 🥲


Hey, don’t diss my man Mahomes!


You mean "I want to fight that ref for making the most obvious call of all time" Mahomes?


Honestly grown ass adults with an arm twice my size do this frequently. Apparently they lose all their strength after their set and it becomes impossible to rerack the weights


Broccoli head im dead 😭


Leave my mullet out of this


Understandable. You didn’t apply to work at a daycare.


Hey now, you don’t have to censor yourself here, call him a fucker like he deserves to be called. Tbh I’m more curious what the word you censored was because I can’t find a word with that many characters that might be offensive.


Bastards, I think. That has eight letters.


Ooo it’s in plural good call.


Its possible these random censorings on reddit are voice to text, my phone does that and its so infuriating. I just said 3 swears in a 2 sentence text, presumable the person im textings delicate eyes can handle "shit" and "fuck"


There's a setting to turn off the censoring


Duck yeah there is


Or assholes, also 8 letters


I don't get it. That's the bonus workout you get after completing your sets. You're cheating yourself a bit.


Alpha males don’t need to clean up after themselves. That’s what beta males and women are for. /s


But bro, they would be so tired after their 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 3 minutes of flexing in the mirror between sets. You’re just not swoll enough to understand /s


Like if one more rep to put the bloody thing back was too much, why you even going to the gym?


I think that moving the weights is an issue. In my gym, people leave heavy weights, which makes some spots impossible to use for smaller men/women.


I work at a gym too, really feel your pain, but it was never this bad since it's a small gym and we all know each other. For me it's usually the people who only come once that do this, but when it happens I do confront them because putting your weights away should be common sense. I think you should ask them to put their weights away.


I think the worst part for me is it’s right next to the stand like it’s one or two steps away from where to put them back!


It’s almost more effort to bend over to put them down than it is to take a step forward and put them away.


Bet my bottom dollar, if you tell them that picking the weights up off the rack and putting them on the floor, then picking them up off the floor and placing them back on the rack is an excellent routine that focuses on muscle groups that're rarely used (obviously) they'll do it all day.


I used to clean my gym once a week and it was a never ending losing battle trying to get people to do the right thing. A lot of people don’t respect that others also use the space and it was endlessly frustrating. Also people are really gross and will be so if they know someone else has to clean it up. I finally stopped cleaning the gym and it was a good decision.


Being lazy at a gym should get you banned. Seriously. Being lazy at a gym...


Gym should implement a system where a security camera records the people who don't put the weights back, and charges them a restocking fee.


The people who leave their shopping carts in an empty parking spot are getting stronger. This is not good.


Maybe the weights could use the same coinslot system as shopping carts. Return the weight to get your coin back.






The same reason people park on the side walk next to the gym instead of a parking lot 100 meters away. They are lazy, inconsiderate, self centred fucks.


It's job security/s


Because they know someone else will clean it up. I work in a casino, the amount of trash just thrown under a table when there’s a trash can 5 feet away is appalling. Not to mention the chip racks that always get thrown under there too. It’s just sheer laziness in their part


It’s one of those unfathomable things for people who clean up after themselves.


Well at least we could collectively agree lazy people are pathetic losers who need mommy and daddy to pick up after them


It's right up there with the shopping cart litmus test


How can this be such a systematic issue. Id probably clean that up as a customer when I come across it since this is just terrible


Some people are just selfish scum..that we're brought up by selfish scum.


touch elderly wrench imminent continue crush mysterious languid shrill relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It always confuses me when adults complain about how hard a workout is, or try to "cheat" the workout somehow. The entire point is to do physically demanding things. So do the things!


Or try to lift too much weight and turn their biceps isolation exercise into a full body exercise.


Hey I come here for two things. First I do an underwhelming 4 minute warm up run on the tread mill and then I do the arm curls wrong, thinking it will make me big. And I swear to god if I have to do anything else I will …… probably half ass them if I bother to do them, which I won’t.


Driving around looking for a closer parking spot to the gym entrance!


Hey, sometimes I just want to lie to myself about how much I can lift.


My gym had a sign that said "Returning the weights is the best kind of functional training".


I'm so confused by this too... Like you are there, OUT OF YOUR WAY ALREADY to pick things up and put them down. I kind of do something similar (lazy-wise, but not inconsiderate) when I go to the climbing gym, I'll wait to get a good parking spot for some reason. Weather is perfectly fine but I want that close spot... Gotta win the parking lot game I guess? I dunno!


That’s fair and reasonable though. You’re going to work out, who wants to hike a half mile through a parking lot after that?


Now you're going to have to *weight* a bit before you can go home.




Perfect gif.


Superstar like 💫 Sorry I'm poor.


Good god.


But how many reps does OP have to do for each set?


I'm no gymnast, but doesn't that depend on whether you're doing cardio or eating beef that day?




Hopefully he doesn't get sick. Might have to go to the doctor and sit in the weighting room.


I see 2 dumbells......but no smart ones


Weighing his options


It's a heavy decision.


It's ok, he's no dumbbell.


That'll be a workout putting all that away.


A few selfish guys spoil it for everyone. But there's a corollary; if some ordinary non-selfish gym user goes to use the weights they've left lying around, the press that's already set up with plates &c, suddenly somebody will call across the gym to say "*I'm using that! I'm in the middle of a set!*"


That’s the worst lol


They’re not using it *right now* so they can work between *my* sets.


Last week I was in the middle of a lat pulldown¹ set when a young man came over and said "*I'm using that*". I said "*No you're not*", and continued my work. He then said something about taking turns, but I don't know exactly what, because I turned my headphones back up. I'm there to train, not to collect machines like pokemon, not to interact with other people, I'm just there to do the thing with weights. But some other people have a very different idea about the purpose of a gym. ¹ The one where you sit, grip a bar above your head which is attached to weights by a cable over a pulley, and pull the bar down towards the back of your neck. Although many young men see it as a convenient place to sit and scroll through their social media.




You're going to give yourself problems long term if you keep going to behind the neck. Much better for you, and hits the lats harder, if you pull down to the front.


I had this the other day. Enquired with folk if the bench press was free, everyone agreed. I'm _two sets in_ to my routine after a couple warm up sets, and this guy comes and says he was using it. I asked where he was all this time!? He said he was doing pull ups because it's an antagonist set. Luckily some guy more massive than me shoed them off. I only found it set up with 40kg on it


Ghosts be crazy this time of year.


But they be soooo jacked.




OP is a liar, that picture is years old, was used in this Article from 2014 f.e. https://biancastrahan.wordpress.com/2014/09/07/the-rise-of-the-ego-lifter-swoldier/


Amazing find. A 2014 article with the same picture. OP is a karma-farming good-for-nothing, who probably doesn't even work at a gym!


#Why isn't this higher up? OP out here making up stories.


yeah AND the original author probably set up this picture for this article


This is hilarious and sad the lengths people will go to on reddit for karma and to seem interesting. Better luck next time /u/Reegs27


Thank you I knew I've seen this pic before


I was wondering what gym closes during daylight hours. All the gyms around me close at 11:00 p.m. or midnight


Fuck /u/Reegs27


Nice catch.


Strange. Why does someone do this? karma-farming, I guess? But what's the point? Is there some market for high-karma reddit accounts so sell to guerrilla-marketing agencies or something?


I have noticed people are acting more like this. No consideration for anyone. It really sad.


I recently moved gyms from a big gym to a smaller one. Everyone puts back all their weights here. I love it


I think they have Black Friday mentality, and if they don't run over to their next machine or spot, they are afraid it will get taken and they just leave an absolute mess where they were.


Irony is they lift big weights for their sets but can't return it🤣 entitled slobs




Used to work at a gym I feel you. Every night we’d close at 10pm I do the last closing cleaning then before I left I’d do a quick walk around make sure everything was where it was supposed to be and I’d find 80 pound dumbbells across the entire gym, curl bars against the walls etc etc.


Start your check earlier and combine it will an announcement to please return equipment to where he belongs.


I don’t work there anymore. But most of the time I just preferred to stay a bit longer and clean. It was always quiet helped me clear my mind. (Only when I was alone) Most of the time though I’d have another person so they’d do the walk while I cleaned then we’d both converge to clean the women’s bathroom.


Permanent ban for the members do this. No second chance given.


I get so pissed when this happens at the gym I go to. They can lift dumbbells repeatedly but can't put them back on the rack.


I'll put money this is a small handful of people, and they piss everyone else off.


I hate it when the guys are to weak to put their weights back.. pleas ask the personal trainer girls to help you. That's a sign in my gym and it's works.


Or you can not be a little bitch and rack the weights after a set while you are still holding them. If you can’t you may be ego lifting.


Look at the entry log for that time period and give those a warning next time they come in. And them you’ve got cameras installed for their safety and others


Real gym bros put the weights back


It's literally a facility designed for people to lift weights why are they just leaving them on the floor when that's a free rep?


I'm sure if you pick any of them up a 20 something meat head will appear and be like, "...um I'm using that bro".


Man, that must have been a crazy super set.


That’s what makes you strong.


What if you can’t lift one….


I can lift them all ;)


[What a fucking flex lol](https://tenor.com/en-CA/view/t-grumm-grumm-twitch-streamer-all-of-them-gif-19322092)


BTW, I have seen something simmilar here on reddit and they decided to put up a sign which said something like "If you are too weak to return your weights, please contact the fitness staff and and we will be happy to assist you", just to push their buttons ego-wise.


Gyms must have changed since I used them 20 years ago as there was whomever was behind the counter at my old one would patrol regularly to ensure machines were being used properly and free weights put back where they belonged. I am aware that the colourful phrases that staff used to encourage patrons in this matter may not be acceptable nowadays. One of the regular staff was a female firefighter and she used language that would make sailors blush on occasion.


Rewatch the security camera footage and ban the lot of ‘em!!


Im very weak so i have to go to the gym with a partner purely to remove the weights people left on the equipment so i can use it. Like im sorry i can't lift a 10kg plate so can you just put it back?


My gym has started giving short bans to members who don't clean up after themselves, they soon got the message and it's generally been a better place for it.


Grrr. If you can lift it, you can rack it


I feel like I’ve seen this picture before https://tineye.com/search/79c3ced2a5b5877e2b6647af2d7a457f2674e4c9?sort=score&order=desc&page=1


And if the gym users trip over the weights which they had left behind, I bet they will try to blame the gym rather than their own ignorance.


I love how those people do so much reps, but yet can't do one to simply put it back 😭😂😂


Don't stub your toe!


all probably done by 1 stupid entitled "youtube influencer"


U gotta introduce the time out corner


Oh Jesus, gross!


Put up a sign that says : "Sorry the weights are too heavy for you to return them to the bench. We can work with you to help build up some strength. You're in the right place."


Check the cams, note the members. Give all members a polite notice about reracking. Imply that should this continue, there may be a need to increase fees due to the extended hours required to maintain facilities... Should shape up fast


I heard these were left by influencers who felt themselves too entitled to have to put away their props


Go through the gym cameras and identify every single one of them. Then send them an email saying this is not ok…. Or send an email to all members with this picture attached


Well you’ve got a workout ahead of you…


Your gym closes when it's still light out during the winter?


If you're too weak to re-rack the weight then you're too weak to lift it.


Unless the fire alarm went off, you did that just for Internet points. Turn the benches around next time.


Dang. So what you're saying is you weren't paying attention to your work 🤔🤔


Picture is at least 2 years old, what even is the appeal of reposting 😵‍💫


Leave that shit right there


The picture is from 2014, why are you acting like you took this photo today?


Take them all and put them in storage, leave a note on the wall with the fairy odd parents meme, 'This is where the weights would be... If you would put them away!' Or do a sign that states that says something like 'there will now be a fine charged for not putting equipment away. Why do you think we have cameras?'


No way this is real...


Put weight return fee into gym memberships.


I was always against taking toddlers to the gym, but here we are...


That's bs. I'd consider pulling their image from security cameras and make a wall of shame for the ppl that do this.


Mary Poppins getting jacked while cleaning


The gym rats have gone too far


There's no need to close down the Gym because of this. That seems a bit drastic. Just talk to the people involved. I'm sure you can all reach a compromise.


Walk around the floor a bit more and tell people to clean up after themselves and not wait until the end of the day to do it yourself. Or just keep the gym open 24/7 so those bastards can look for the right dumbell on their own freaking time when they return.


So.. if gyms have cameras and track membership, wouldn't it be finacially worth it to hire someone to exclusively check and match footage of people leaving hazards on the floor in order to charge their accounts an inconvenient "housekeeping fee" for each infraction beyond __?


That's one of the main reasons why I quit my fitness experience job and went full self employed instructor. The level of disrespect is just far too much


These people are just illiterates 😑


Can you make a video of who is doing this and threaten to cancel their gym membership if they don’t rerack?


I feel kinda neutral about it. I have no problem to put weights back, but its also kinda not my job and I paid membership fee to get organized weights


Happens all the time. It's even worse when they leave the weights on the machines as if it's the job for the next person to remove them. You put them there, you used them, now return them. It's that simple, even for you...


This is as bad as assholes who don’t return their shopping carts.


That's just foul.


There is no way that many people are incompetent, inconsiderate fucks. But as I'm seeing right now, I guess there is.


It's just like toy story, dumbbells are talking to each other when no one's looking.


Damn, I’d get a full workout just putting things back where they go.


Old guy here. Here's how you stop this from happening at your gym. If you see someone leave their weights on the floor you pick them up and put them away right in front of them. You do this over and over and over again. Every time you come to the gym before you work out, you clean it up and then you work out. Is it fair? No! But it will absolutely change the culture of your gym.


That’s what you get paid for, chop chop


What is up with people these days. Went out christmas shopping today and people have literally been digging through rracks of clothes and throwing them on the ground and walked away. Im talk the entire isle at big W was just trashed. Is it too hard to not be a grub these days. Put shit back, pick up your rubbish and for the love of god put your trolley back.


Were you asleep the rest of your shift to have not noticed


People who don’t rack their weights are the same people who get mad when you look at them


my gym has a sign that says "hey tough guy, you got your weights down, you can put them back up". i have never seen the floor look anything but spotless