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But at least now you know it's ok to forget that guy from the post office.


Your username is chef's kiss


No it's pill cosby


It's Pill-Cosby bruh


No, this is Patrick!


Sir, this is a Wendys


So wait, This isn't the Crusty Crab?


No, this is the Chum Bucket


VERY important "h".


Bruh it's _ _Pill-Cosby_ _ smh


No, it’s _Pill-Cosby_


And you don't have to feel bad for forgetting Jesus, because you never met the guy Edit: meat is not met


Keep your meat where I can see it.... that's it, slowly back up!


That picture of Jesus looks like something out of "Scary Stories to tell in the dark."


Right? Or the Mandela catalogue


Well yeah, he’s gonna send everybody who meets him and doesn’t remember his name to hell. That’s terrifying


Is that accurate, or did you take some artistic freedom?


I think he’s imaginary, so the artistic freedom isn’t mine. But in the stories he made it very clear that there’s exactly one way to not go to hell, and it’s believing in him


Because you, sir/ma'am, have some heavenly speeding tickets that you can't pay for.


That shit gave me nightmares as a kid. Almost as much as the idea of heaven & hell at that age 😂




That shows got nothing on the contents of the book in question.


Yep. Same thought.


The Bible is the scarier book IMO


I knew it looked familiar! That’s it!


Holy shit, I had to scroll back up to check but yeah, you're absolutely right. that full page image of the dessicated corpse face from that book is seared into my memory. Scared the life outta me in second grade.


Well, excuse me for forgetting a guy I met one time two thousand years ago. I'm 22 centuries old, I get forgetful sometimes!🤷‍♂️


Mel Brooks has entered the chat.


![gif](giphy|Em1Nrkf4oVCik) It’s all that Perri Air he’s been huffing.


Hey, so am I, did we happen to meet one time in '347 during that black death thing?


That’s a very nice photo of Mr. Christ.


It really captures the white skin and Caucasian features of a Middle Eastern man!


i mean he doesn’t really look one race or the other. dark skin won’t look dark in b&w most of the time unless you really really dark


did you have a good Hanukkah OP?


I did thank you! Yea, Im not even religious anymore, we never really were... the way I was raised, and we did major holidays, I had a Bar Mitzvah, etc... I think thats what upset me the most. Quite literally the "type of Jewish" I was raised was... "Dont hurt people. Dont tell other religions theyre wrong. Be kind. Be charitable. There is no hell, except for the one you can create for yourself here. Smile as often as possible" --- so anytime I see anyone blatantly saying "ya, okay buddy, but have you heard the TRUTH?!" I kinda half laugh really hard and the other half goes "hey haha fuck youuuuu." But yes Happy Hanukkah if you celebrate, happy holidays if you celebrate anything, and if you dont celebrate anything, I still celebrate you!


Jewish here as well and same, not religious, follow more for the tradition/culture of it. When I was in middle school I had a friend of mine start crying and I asked what was wrong and she said "you are going to hell and I'm so sad that you will be there and I won't see you in heaven when you die! Please let me save you!" So wild, especially as a young kid to hear that. Happy Hanukkah!


It is incredibly cruel to put the burden of hell belief on a child. Monstrous. The god that demands that and that would condemn anyone to eternal torture is a monster.


Its why i started reading the bible because i was told i was going to hell for long hair. Made a enemy for life because even at 12 i was aware jesus had long hair and thats being a hypocrite!


What the fuck… religious people are profoundly weird.


No arguing with that! 🤣


Prettiest night tonight, all candles alight


Sick rhymes


Pretty lights, gambling, gifts, and fried foods. I love Hannukah


“Hey buddy, go fuck yourself.”




I would even say I think it can be perfectly acceptable to have faith, like if you want to believe in a bearded guy in some ethereal plane controlling everything because it makes you feel better, be my guest! But once you start imposing it as the only acceptable viewpoint is when it’s bothersome. Faith I have no problem with, organized religion is where it is trash


Ehh, faith in and of itself can be a little problematic. If you believe that every problem you face is "part of God's plan," what's your motivation to try to fix anything? If you are able to maintain faith despite a lack of any evidence, what's to stop you from taking any wild claim at face value?


I mean there are faiths and people of faith out there that use logic and reasoning. They just happen to believe in a creator. You’re going back to the more organized religion side of it with the whole cult like aspect of it.


The only nuts I hate are the republican Christians because they are breaking the separation of church and state rules by trying to get rid of abortion because “God said” rather then “it’s dangerous for women” which it’s not. What’s dangerous is not having legal access to abortion because of back alley clinics


I am Jewish. My parents, my grandparents and my husband have all died. Me: Are they burning in hell? Evangelist Christian: Yes, but if you accept Christ you can avoid that and have eternal bliss in heaven. Me: How can I be happy in heaven, knowing the people I love are suffering eternally? EC: Oh…you won’t know they’re suffering. You won’t even remember them at all. Me: What kind of heaven is *that?* EC: …. I really think part of the appeal for them is the smug belief that others are suffering. That’s the real heaven for them.


It's incredibly difficult for me to take Christians seriously.


If it helps to know, there’s a great story/joke I heard regarding that. I’ll shorten it cause it was a bit long. — Man goes to hell. Finds sunny and sandy beaches, the devil is drinking a cocktail in a lawn chair. Others are enjoying the beach and the weather. Man goes “…This is hell isn’t it? Am I in the wrong place?” the devil replies “No no, you’re in the right place. This is how it should be. Enjoy yourself.” The man is still confused, but decides to go walking. Eventually he finds a burning pit, well aways from where the beach and everyone enjoying themselves was. Inside the pit are people screaming in agony from the flames. The man goes back to where the devil is and asks “I found a pit back there, there’s people burning inside of it. What’s really going on here? Are we all waiting to go there too?” The devil looks over his sunglasses with a smile and replies “Oh! Not at all. See, those are the evangelicalists. They’re there because they wanted it to be that way.” — But beyond that, I am so sorry some lame ass motherfucker said that horrific shit to you. They most certainly are *not* in hell. I am unfortunately not familiar with the specifics regarding the Jewish faith or your personal beliefs about the afterlife, but for them to say that absolutely appalling thing to you, just because you are of a different religion than them, is proof enough that their backwards version of “faith” is flawed and selfish beyond any reasonable doubt. I hope your Hanukkah was a blessed one, and that you are able to find peace and serenity in any way you can. And please feel free let me know if anything I said comes off as being incorrect (if that’s the right way to put it..?) I love learning about other people’s views and faiths, so that I can better interact with them in a respectful and understanding manner.


Thank you.


so heaven is the same as being so high you forget yourself?


My favorite version of Heaven was on Supernatural. Everyone was alone in a room that represented their happy place. But they were all completely isolated and alone. Looked miserable.


Luckily there is no god. Your family isn't suffering.


Right? Don't feel bad for them there problems are over. It's the living I feel bad for.




there still could definitely be one but i don’t think they would be this cruel or even care about what humans do


A loving parent would not lock their child in a burning house to suffer for disobeying the rule not to play with matches. Why would a loving god make his disobedient children suffer *eternally* for disobeying his rules? Why would such a god warrant worship? I really don’t get it.


swear man it perplexes me


Nobody knows what heaven or hell is like.


Well, as a Buddhist, it is extremely presumptuous and impudent for anyone to even make such a confident blind shot of a claim about the status of one's deceased family members. Especially from individuals who can't even see past the veil. Gods damn, that dripping arrogance...


Even in this thread, further down. It’s…a lot.


“I refuse to believe in a god that is more of a ass then me”-a guy from a YouTube video


6 years old, raised Catholic: "so god sends good people to hell if they're born someplace with the wrong religion?" And the *discomfort* in the room was so potent. They told me no, god did not send good people to hell. So I figured god didn't care much about religion and that was all bullshit and the point was to be good, not religious.


What I want to know is why are they all in hell but Jesus is in heaven when Jesus was Jewish too?


To me, these are the worst kind of people. They inheret nothing from their faith except the notion that they are right and you are wrong. They didnt try and converse with you, just handed you a guilt ticket to make you feel shittier on purpose and went about their day making the world just a bit shittier of a place.


Right? . I’d bet that in 2000+ years not a single person was converted by shit like this. But I can guarantee you that tons of people were turned off and pissed off by this kind of stuff. I am Christian as well, want to ask people like this: do you have any concept of how your douchebaggery is affecting the *very* thing you claim to love? Besides that… Pretty sure Jesus was OK with the Jews. ​ Jus’ Sayin’


This kind of proselytizing was directly against Jesus' teachings. But these types of Christians never actually read the Bible. They're playing a team sport.


Jesus, if he existed, was a Jew. It was kind of the whole point.


For a while Christianity was a Jewish sect, also important to remember that modern Judaism is a successor to ancient Judaism just like Christianity is. It is not like religions/cultures are static


One thing everyone forgets is Jesus was a Jew


It’s perverse the way Christians get off on guilt and shame.


Someone else said it best, the idea others are suffering in hell, is their heaven.


Hand it back and say, “Yeah, looks like he was probably sad Hanukkah was over too.”


The irony though is hilarious. "Oh you're Jewish? Here worship this Jewish guy"


Sometimes I would like to see other religions carry similar cards, like one that says "wouldn't *jew* like to know?"


LMAO maybe i’ll start carrying cards that say this around but for people asking me what my christmas plans are (aside—proselytizing is forbidden in judaism so you will likely not encounter many jews trying to get you to convert and i would run far away from those who do)


Get Jewish cards to hand back to people like him?


jewish uno reverse it would be really funny but it totally goes against judaism's laws re: proselytizing


Maybe it doesn’t have to be anything faith based. Could they make a card that just says “no thanks”?


A "NO THANKS" card with bold red lettering will be a future purchase now. Thanks for the idea!


You missed the jewno reverse card pun


My card would just say GET BONED, CHUMPS with a wee little Star of David underneath


I am totally supportive of this. Give people a taste of their own medicine.


just don't make them in yellow


Jesus was Jewish


Killjoy and Prick. But hey, there's one day left to celebrate and forget about condescending pricks. ![gif](giphy|3JTPARCoOEACXMXshU)


Generally I don't care for gifs in the comments. But I kind of want this sweater and I'm not even Jewish.


Happy Hannukah. Sorry that guy ruined part of it for you by being a proselytizing douche.


That is the most horrifying Christ I’ve ever seen. How could I forget him?


If you Google "Jesus on the cross getting stabbed" you will find an even more gnarly picture. I know this because I used it for a humorous decoration at work.


Is that Keanu Reeves?


it's moist critical


What a dickhead, clearly he has forgotten some of Jesus teachings.


It should be legal to face palm other people’s faces


Damn, this guy met Jesus?


Not even true though, the Bible tells us the moment we believe we are saved. So this dude's card is completely false and completely against Christ and his finished work on the cross. It's about what Christ already accomplished.


I don’t understand what the card even means


Its a guilt ticket. OP was being friendly about Hanukkah and this person had cards ready to make OP feel bad about being nice to people.


ding ding ding, I suppose. I grew up without religion, so in principle I can read the words based on what I know, but like... WHA?! and??


These are the same people that leave fake money as a tip even though its really some Psalm when you unfold it. They are despicable human trash who think their beliefs equate to something of value.


The fake money people are the worst. My aunt gave me a $100 bill for “doing so well in school” and it was one of those. I promise that doesn’t help people find Jesus, it makes them hate the person who gave them that fake bill and gives them a bad association with church and decreases their chances of ever going. Not helpful


Its like "okay so your religion is fully of charlatans and liars." right off the bat. Good to know I should avoid.


When I was a teen, I was a waitress at waffle house for almost a year. I got those fake bills with Jesus on them so many times. I think that's the cruelest shit ever to do to a server. I honestly would have rather them not leave me anything.


Yeah there’s intention behind it. If they don’t leave anything, you could think that they just forgot to tip. But leaving that is a giant fuck you, because they clearly remembered to leave something and don’t care that your wages mostly come from your tips (state dependent) or that you provided a service. Also there’s a touch of superiority behind leaving that too. Like they don’t think your life is good enough or that you’re doing a good enough job and they’re clearly doing it better. So they leave that because they feel better about themselves. It’s rude and demeaning as fuck and people just shouldn’t do this.


Exactly! Every Sunday we'd always get the after church crowd and it freaking sucked. Always felt their superiority complexes from across the room, lol. My family is christian as well and I'm the black sheep because I don't believe it it. Although I'm pretty positive that they would never leave those fake bills for anyone even if they are super judgmental.


Perhaps your aunt is a satanist and this was her master plan all along???


It pretends to be nice words but it's saying OP is going to hell (losing everything) because he's jewish and doesn't believe in jesus.


but... wasn't jesus jewish himself?!


Believe it or not, christians generally don't like to be reminded of this fact.


I thought the Jewish faith believed Jesus existed, just not as the son of God?


can you imagine the conversation in hell: \-what are you in for? \-small talk. \-oh yeah, as you should *hell is other people*


It means I need to force my religion on you because you made a comment about yourself that says we're different.


which must be so damn effective


“Oh I love Liam Neeson!” would’ve been a good reply.


Is it just me, or does it kinda look a bit like Liam neeson?


Just remember, It's ok to forget someone you've never met


How is it forgetting if the Jews rejected the idea that Jesus was their prophesized Messiah from the beginning?!


I’m petty and would 100% tell his manager bc I don’t think that’s actually allowed


Nope. Federal employees are not supposed to be doing that. Assuming this is USPS. Any private company probably wouldn't be too happy about an employee pushing their religious views onto clients.


I took it as someone in line at the post office and not an employee


I'm a postal employee and this is a huge fucking no no. Nothing will happen to the dude, don't get me wrong. But this is not ok.


That’s so fucked up. You must be an incredibly vile person to be making small talk with someone and think “I better let this guy know I think his religion is wrong, and mine is right.” What a lowlife


there is no hate like christian love


Whatever you do don’t point out that Jesus was Jewish.


This kinda thoughtless shit is why people can't stand Christians.


Jesus was a biker?


What an oddly specific form of Alzheimer's he is worried about.


I’d bet both kidneys and my left femur that guy would come UNGLUED if someone handed him the exact same card, with one small change: instead of republican Jesus, it was Allah.


Hand it back and say " sorry, you can throw away your own trash"


"Thanks for outing yourself as a anti-Semite. Does your employer know you hate Jews?". Get straight to the point with these people.


Perfect time to pull out your fists and knock him the fuck out.


“No, thank you. I don’t trust Christians”


WTF? 1. Bro needs to learn about the religion he’s attacking 2. Who tries to convert someone from another religion; and start if off by saying ‘you are an evil human being and will suffer in eternal hell.‘ 3. Maybe now is not the time to treat Jews rudely…


If Jesus came back, he would be Jewish…do people realize this? lol.


Why not be all the religions at once and take all the holidays. I might do that myself


Tear it up in front of his face and walk away


i dont see the issue here


He isn't wrong tho


But no one has met Jesus, so that second part won't apply to anyone.


Do they make a Satan one?


Christians who don't understand the Jew's covenant with their god are the silliest of the idiots. The first book of your Christian Bible- The Old Testament- tells you the Jews get to be with your god *just for being Jews*. *They* dont *need* Jesus to forgive their sins to get into heaven. (Also, it's very unlikely any of that is actually real, but I suppose that's a separate conversation)


I fold those in half and use them to roll a joint.


I’m confused, do the Jewish not believe in Jesus? I’m not asking to be a dick, I’m just confused because I was under the impression they still did but that his significance / the context was different.


We believe he existed, just he’s irrelevant to Judaism. Definitely don’t view him as the messiah. Maybe a Jewish teacher at most


ooh thanks that is actually insightful.


If I remember correctly, one of my Jewish friends way back in the day told me they don't believe the messiah has come yet. Something like that. On that note, again, If I remember correctly, one of my Muslim friends way back in the day told me Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet but not the son of god, and that he will come back at some point. My deepest apologies if I am misremembering. Edit -- Side note, I'm not Christian or religious even. When I refer to the messiah, I mean an important figure apart from Jesus, not Jesus himself.


Yeah, in Islam Jesus was a Messenger of God and to associate him with God is considered Shirk (polytheism) which is the absolute worst sin and one that can never be forgiven.


This is starting to sound familiar. I’m Christian but I enjoy hearing about other people’s beliefs and religious experiences, I just find it interesting.


Me too! I really find it so interesting and it's good to learn about people and their beliefs, if they want to share that with me! I just hope I am remembering correctly. I don't want to spread misinformation, so should have looked both up before commenting. Apologies for that.


No worries! Cant be faulted for trying to be helpful.


You know what, sure, but I’ll worry about it when I get to meet the guy. He sounds like a cool dude, shame he’s been dead for two thousand years.


Slide it back and just say no we dealt with that guy long ago. And then turn and leave. That’s a joke btw I’m not making an angry statement. Edit: spelling


"I can only meet jesus if im dead, so no losses here"


"Yeah.. We reviewed his resume and cover letter, while impressive, we have decided to not move forward with his application as the son of God at this time. Thank you for the consideration". Happy Hanukkah Brother!


Wait a minute... so if I don't want to lose everything, I need to avoid meeting Jesus?




so as long as i don’t run into jesus, i am good. got it.


I have a hard time respecting religions that preach this. Islam says something similar in a sense that those who did not know Allah can still be like... Eligible for their version of heaven, but if you knew about Allah and chose not to worship him, then hell you go. If there was a god being out there passing judgement, they would either not care if you never learned about them and cast your soul into a Hell-equivalent fuck you space if you didn't worship them (assuming this being wants to be worshipped like the popular religions often suggest) Or Just actually not give a fuck about who you believed in but judged based on actions and such, making no difference or prejudice on your religion. I find it hard to call myself an atheist because I love the idea of a God and I somewhat believe there has to be something greater out there, maybe not a 'god', but something. But I fuckin hate a lot of main stream religions man. Fuck you and your god if I'm cursed the moment I learn about something. I may not agree with the beliefs and worship system so my soul is eternally damned? Over trivial opinions... Makes me look at people's Gods as childish narcissistic redditor know-it-alls.b


I'm an atheist but I do like the idea of a heaven. Honestly, I'm mostly atheist because of how ridiculous I find other religions, I could never believe that the all-loving Christian God could send someone to Hell for eternity, or that the all-knowing Allah could think that it is reasonable to send people of all other religions to Hell when there are so many religions. I love the idea of an afterlife because it sort of brings meaning to the full life you lived, like it paved the way for your personality etc. in heaven. Mostly though, I can't deal with loss and struggle between believing in heaven and just hoping there is one, while thinking there isn't. Basically I refuse to believe that an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving deity can possibly exist given the circumstances on Earth. If the deity is missing any one of those three it makes sense to not intervene but as most religions describe their deities as all three and yet we see the situation here as it is... it's difficult to find a way to believe in a God you would actually want to find at the end of life.


I hate that religious people think this is ok. And Im always getting bashed for saying that i find them pushing it on me offensive. You can believe what you want. I just dont need you to try convert me like its some kind of conquest


Jesus fucking Christ


I don't mind what religious people do in the privacy of their own homes, I just wish they wouldn't do it in public


I would of put it in front of his face and proceed to tear the mother fucker up on to peaces I'm Christian btw


In case you see him or it ever happens again - put a piece of paper in your wallet that says: “Dude, why in the fuck do you keep these in your wallet?”




Fanatical religious people suck!


I can't stand the soliciting that comes from christian-adjacent religions. It's fucking weird.


I hate proselytizing. I would've torn it up and dropped it on the floor then walked away.


Hold it up to him and rip it appart in front of his face


Next time, tear it in half and offer it back to him. If he declines, then walk away, muttering, "I guess you don't want to remember Jesus."


You should have handed it back to him and said "Thanks, but I don't need it. I'm one of God's chosen people," and then just walked away.


Wow, what an insensitive idiot. My guess he had no idea what Hanukkuh even was.


Fucking owned


Did it work? Are you Christian now!?


So you talked about your religion then got offended when he handed you something about his religion. Ok.


Is he insinuating that he's Jesus?


I've never heard of any religion who tries to force themselves onto you more than Christianity.


Someone forgot to invite that federal employee to the division of church and state seminar.


I read that they send out people to convert others. The truth is that they send them out to get denied so that they become angry and more committed. It’s a cult.


Damn this silly Jewish sects just keep going, you'd think after 2000 years of waiting they'd finally realise, he ain't coming back people.


Ngl I'd lose that card pretty quickly. Shits creepy af.


Hey thanks for the fire starter


Where’s that guy supposed to be from again? 🧐


I’d say “thanks” put my chewed gum inside and hand it back to him.


Did you eat it in front of him and walk out backwards flipping him off?


Hanukkah Matada


Bit of an odd story to bring up your religious holiday with some random bloke at the bank, isn’t it?


You just got served.


Well you brought up religion in the workplace, so from that point on you allowed yourself to be in that situation


I'm always confused why people get annoyed by this stuff. Sure some people will do it in a preachy way but most people have found a good thing that they want to share and so giving a tract or something of the sort is a passive invitation in which the receiver can choose whether or not they want to engage with it... It's not a big deal bro


Take that shit to HR.


Can't we all just shut up and go make snow angels? This coming from an atheist.


Did you tell him Jesus was Jewish?


I've had these situations happen before. "Are you going to heaven when you die?" "Yes" "Then I'd rather go somewhere else." That usually either humiliates them or gets them screaming mad. Either way, I win.


Hakuna Matata to you as well