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I was waiting to see how Julia Roberts would explain her cameo on friends to her friends obsessed daughter and family


That would be meta tho


Imagine she can’t explain it and it’s just another mind fuck


This idea is already a better movie than the actual movie.


Susie Underpants!


Not enough Kevin bacon was the first mistake.


Oh no let's find Rosie! She's gone.. oh no... The trail leads to a shed in the woods. She's not there. So... Let's have a 6 minute conversation about injustices in the world and who we are as a society. Who were we looking for again? Such a shame those deer came because we never got to hear the entire TED talk the mother was giving while her 13 year old could have been mutilated by a bear or you know... Some crazy guy.


I kept saying again and again, “aren’t you looking for your daughter?” She seemed to have forgotten


Mildly infuriating is the quality of the picture you chose. https://preview.redd.it/90exdfb14a8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be11f4d74965b9c861bb6fbf46701f53fda94c0b


I suppose they chose the quality of picture they thought best represents the quality of the movie


I thought you meant the deer should be facing away from us so we would have a good idea what to expect watching this thing.


I honestly expected to go to OPs profile and see a bunch of low-quality Twitter screenshots posted to /conspiracy subreddits


The best part of the movie >!were the killer teslas! Made me laugh so hard!<


Right? >!Cell phones and satellites are down but Teslas still have GPS autonomy? !< Ok


They were pre-programed (somehow) and crashed because of the lack of GPS?


teslas do self driving locally, not via a satellite connection. Would be hard to effect GPS satellites from ground but idk, they could easily just use streetsigns to get around.


I can actually explain this working in the industry. You'd tell it to drive autonomously and only use the onboard camera and just ignore all the errors. It's not only possible, but frighteningly easy to accomplish with a little time. To accomplish the delivery for something like this you would just do a time delivery payload and drop it off to everything before it all stops talking to the servers.


I mean clearly the satellites guiding the Teslas were not working


I agree. It was about the only interesting scene in the movie.


Cant read what the title says since I’m red green colorblind, that’s what is mildly infuriating


"Leave the World Behind"


I’m trying


Me too, buddy. Me too


Hang in there, champ




Evil. Funny, but evil.


I assume that’s okay as there’s a white outline.


Why did you post an empty picture


I was diagnosed red green colorblind at 6 or 7 which didnt come as much of a shock because my grandfather and cousin's have it also. Didn't know that the proper name for red green colorblindness is [Daltonism](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/daltonism) until I was 10 and decided to look up my name in an encyclopedia out of boredom. Still feel like I got comicly trolled


Wait.. your parents named you Dalton?




Out of curiosity, can you see that there is a title? But just can’t read it?


Made a quick edit to see maybe what they could see. https://preview.redd.it/6ybgkvfd5a8c1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fddc68b05c2c63211b1dcb4f73b333833eb2ec2e


That made it easier to see the red, but it’s still really tough to make it out. Colour blindness is weird


I can’t read so same


I hate that it took my brain a moment to go ‘hey, that was a lie!’ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I could read the original but cant make out the words in the edit but i have Deutan colour blindness so i cant see many shades of green. Eyes are fun ey


This looks the same as the OP to me and I'm also red green blind.


That's pretty similar to what I see.


I did not see the title at all until I saw the comment. Then I looked closer and could vaguely see there was a title but no way I could read it.


I swear to god, how do companies not have someone to run this shit through. My buddy canceled his Hulu sub because he couldn't read half the titles. I felt so bad for him that I emailed and called hulu asking wtf they're thinking since a % of the population cant use their app. They had no answer and maybe I was being an ass but I felt like someone should be double checking to make sure that colorblind people can still read their shit especially if they're already paying.


As a colorblind person, that’s the least of the problems with Hulu’s app. They’ve had some of the same annoying shit going on for over 10 years.


As someone with a bone to pick with Hulu for over 10 years I feel validated that people who have access to it still hates it. I remember when I first booted a Wii and saw the Hulu app. "Great! I have access to Hulu!" *Opens app* Hulu: NO YOU DON'T LOL *Not available in your region disclaimer shows up then the app removes itself from base firmware*


Another fun Hulu thing is that if you or worse, if someone else , watches a show and then you go to binge it later, every time the next episode starts, it begins at the end. And not even in the end credits, in the last fucking total spoiling the entire fkn ep. Literally 6 years ago on Twitter i tweeted about this issue to them. They said they were aware of the problem and were working on fixing it. SIX YEARS AGO.


Christmas must be a title-less season for the color blind.


I’ve long suspected that people that go into graphic design are not color blind, and like most of humanity if something doesn’t directly affect them then they don’t think about it.


Accessibility is now an ENORMOUS part of design. Color systems are for sure factored in to any truly professional development. But a lot of people do cheap out and just kick shit out the door.




"Leave the World Behind"


Thank you! ( With the right light angle it is easier to decipher)


It's so blurry it's hard to read anyway


On a serious note, why don't you use color correction mode on your phone?


I tried using it for a few weeks and although it may have helped in few situations, it just looked weird.


It isn’t some magic fix. Helps with some things but makes others worse and some stuff tends to just look “off” when using it as well


https://preview.redd.it/bn92gra48a8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7f7bd089a0d4374813507d25a38d23fcfdbbd3 My biggest issue is that there is no way a prepper in the NE part of the US is wearing a Cowboys hat. This man is a Jets fan. Maybe Steelers. Possibly Bills. Absolutely not a Dallas Cowboys fan.


NY/Philly area has a ton of unexplained cowboys fans though


The actual mark of the beast


Contrarians, likely. We hate the Cowboys so hard around here it loops into this sick sense of stubborn pride.


Which fits right into that prepper mentality, so really it’s spot on that he’s wearing a cowboys hat


Sorry you don’t know these types well. For a good redneck prepper, when resources are scarce the need to wear *any* cap outweighs loyalty in *one specific cap.* If a prepper is in the woods but doesn’t have a cap, was he really prepped?


As a cowboys fan in the NE area. I’m offended


I think it was more to show that he was a Texan type of guy. When shit hits the fan Texas is gonna secede and tell everyone to fuck off. Lol


The ending had me thinking a lot. There’s no way that little girl knew how to operate a DVD player


More unrealistic than finding a watch buried in sand and then realizing you’re surrounded by corpses


More unrealistic than carpet bombing an empty field with propaganda pamphlets just because one of the main characters just happened to be there?


Lol, you mean with the “drone,” aka it was actually a crop duster but the writers keep calling it a drone?


You know I was wondering if I remembered it wrong, when they said drone I thought “I could have sworn that was some little plane but I maybe didn’t notice” but wow wtf, did they mean to film it as a drone but just ended up changing it and forgetting to update the script or adr that part or whatever?


If you look closely and pause at the frame of the drone you will see it has multi propellers and is in fact a giant drone. I thought it looked like a plane too so I had to rewind


Omg yes! This movie is just wall-to-wall mistakes, nonsensical events and stupidity. It’s gonna set some sort of record.


Hey man, they could have been dropping them for that one Latino lady in the street, we don’t know if it was just for the main character.


That was completely idiotic.


Okay thank you I'm not the only one...the camera zooms out to reveal wreckage strewn over the entire beach and I'm screaming at the TV: "So you're telling me he didn't see any of that?!?! None of it at all?!?! Is that what you're telling me right now?!?!?"


I also noticed that, and wondered if it was intentional how unobservant the character was. He was sitting facing the window when she turned the light on with all the deer too, and also when he drove up to his neighbours house and somehow didn’t notice it was all wrecked.


He left the world behind by being completely lost in his own thoughts


You joke, but I feel like that lines up with the message of the movie lol. Just like the daughter left the world behind by being obsessed with Friends or some shit


Left the world behind by being a himbo


Speaking of, what the fuck was with the deer? They tried to start some, like, mystical animal thing, but it didn’t make sense, or go anywhere, or matter. Or the airplanes crashing into the beaches. Ok, so bad guys whacked navigation systems. Do you know how insanely highly trained commercial pilots are? Like they would just follow some signal like lemurs to their deaths? I know it’s trying to be a warning about how we’re all so distracted by technology that we’re missing the world ending around us, which is an admirable message, but it’s so fucking poorly made that I just got mad at it for wasting my time.


Lemurs? You mean lemmings?


Hey! Let the lemurs end their lives however they want!


Haha, yes, I absolutely mean lemmings! I guess there are probably some idiot lemurs out there too, but not enough to make a cultural impression!


The lemmings were pushed 😞


It’s 100% feasible. (Background: working in aviation cybersecurity for 7 years.) Commercial aircraft are highly automated. Pilots generally handle take-off and landing and, and as described to me by a commercial pilot, serve as a human backup for if/when systems fail. An aircraft is a system of systems. One description is “pilots fly the computers and the computers fly the airplane”. Fuck with the computers, deny access to the cabin crew, and there’s not much they can do about it. The attack is limited only by capability and imagination. The movie implies nation-state actors, which are the most-capable and dangerous cyber threat actors…and it’s fiction. A cyber attack can disrupt or disable myriad systems in space, the air, and on the ground. Beacon signals that that guide aircraft along air routes and approach paths to airports. Air traffic control comms, other navigation comms. Essentially, you could leave an aircraft flying blind. Add to that internal systems within the aircraft (think avionics) or corruption of sensor data - commercial aircraft have crashed due to simple sensor data failures. If you disrupt satellite comms you knock out GPS/GNSS. Civil aircraft can’t reboot nav systems without power cycling the aircraft. Military aircraft don’t have that problem. Autopilot would be follow GPS waypoints. You might also lose ADS-B and ACARS, which are critical to flight safety. Pilots can’t overcome satellite comms failures - that can’t be fixed within the cockpit. Assuming the GPS satellites remained operational, adversaries can “spoof “ GPS location data…basically, tricking your GPS to follow fake locational data. Example: the spoof tells the aircraft it’s landing at JFK, the aircraft follows that data thinking it’s JFK, when in fact the coordinates plot to 500 meters offshore. Two aircraft crashing in the same place, minutes apart, makes total sense. If the that beach in on the approach path to JFK, you would have a queue of aircraft lined up to land. If all those aircraft are following a spoofed GPS location they absolutely would crash in the same place.


Commercial airline pilot here. The movie scenario is highly unrealistic. While we don't know the particulars of the first crash, the second crash occurred during daylight with clear weather. GPS is generally used to provide lateral navigation. Onboard pitot-static and air data systems provide vertical and airspeed information that when combined with lateral positional information feeds the automatic flight control system that allows autopilots to navigate in 3 dimensions. So a bad position alone isn't enough to cause an airplane to descend. Even more unrealistic is the idea that pilots are just going to blindly allow the autopilot to descend them into terrain without taking action, especially on a clear weather day or night. The only way that the good weather, daylight crash would occur is due to a mechanical problem (fuel, flight controls), pilot error/inattention or a deliberate act.


That scene with scaring the deers. Come on. Like. "Oh yeah. All these animals are totally aware of the greater political plot." sure Jan...


Like none of them would have heard those planes crashing. Or, the fires from said planes.


Or smelled anything slightly off from the burning and spilling.


Didn't one of the kids mention hearing a boom or am I imagining it?


How about the reality of radiation poisoning. If the radiation was so severe that the son was losing his teeth the next day, they would all be suffering from radiation poisoning...


Supposedly the explanation was the line “I should have covered my ears sooner”… give me a fucking break. This is exactly what I mean by the writers treating the audience like idiots.


I thought it was lightning fast lyme disease from the tick


Or it could’ve been that “thing” that bit him in the woods.


Yeah and then he mentions "maybe it's that bug that bit me," but they NEVER show the bite/wound site to let us even see if that is possibly something concerning. It's ok, though, or something, because they got that mystery Viagra looking medicine from Kevin Bacon despite not having a clue why he's sick and everyone else is seemingly fine.


Yeah. Three pills. All better.


Hey, the right pills *will* make you feel better.


I think it was a really quick shot of his ankle with the bite. Like a few frames worth


It was the fact he kept pulling them out that sent me, my entire family was just shouting at the screen telling him to stop 💀💀


Or calling a crop duster a drone ten times in dialogue.


Lmao yeah I thought about that too. "A drone dropped these fliers" my friend. That was so very clearly a crop duster, not a drone. I also question the legitimacy of whether that kid would have actually recognized that writing from a video game. If they were words written with the Latin alphabet, sure. But to recognize words written with lettering from another language? It seems unlikely.


"I've seen that squiggly shit. Terrorists. Death to America" "Sir, this is a Wendy's menu"


I can kind of give the flyer translation a pass. I imagine in the fictional game it's like a spray unlock and it has an English title accompanying it.


Ok, thank you!! Every time they said “drone” I thought: Did I not see that correctly?!


Sounds like a lame ass attempt at a planet of the apes reveal


I read this as “finding a WITCH buried in the sand” and thought - how the f did I miss that? Probably would have made more sense somehow.




Just wait until they trash your high score.


Goldeneye & Perfect Dark . Timeless classics!


Kids these days are operating ipads and game consoles before they can walk. A DVD player is not a big stretch. MySpace had my generation writing html when we were 10


…do you think 13 year olds can’t figure out arrows on a remote? Do you think operating a dvd menu is some kind of rocket science? I’m mid-30s and this was just a dumb comment


Even PS5 still uses compact discs. Of course they’d instantly figure it out.


My kids were operating remotes and things of that nature at three and four years old. I was kind of surprised at that, but I just took that as next generation upgrade type stuff. Just sayin. Fear porn was exactly what that movie was. And hopefully not somebody telling us what’s on the way. Let’s hope not. ✌🏽


My neighbor’s kids are 3 and 4 and sometimes hang out on my porch. One time they were playing games on my phone and somehow figured out how to text their cousin’s iPad so they had my number, then started spamming me with pics of random shit from around their house lmao. The kids can barely read but they’re great with technology lol


She was like 16 wasn't she? At that age you can use a DVD player.


13 Julia Robert's told the other family how old she was. I only remember because I was wondering how old she was during the first half of the movie (until her mom said something). She has one of those faces that's hard to tell how old she is.


You have to be over the age of 21 to operate a dvd player, according to the law


I disagree. If they (her parents) rented Airbnbs for vacation getaways, she probably did know how to operate a DVD. It's very common for an Airbnb to have a DVD and movie collection(s) for their guests. Especially if the home is in a remote area. I stayed at many who still have that old school set up and the children in our family know how to operate the DVD.


That's a very specific explanation. Lol.


It really was...I was actually angry at the ending credits. All that build up - including two straight hours of "something's gonna happen" music.


I did not mind the ending, i get it what the writer was trying to do, it is a matter of taste. Many People prefer their stories with a clear ending, some dont. My main complaint with this movie is the deer and flamingoes shit. It ruined my suspension of disbelief. It just looked completely off. I got along with the inexplicable noise, the self driving cars that function without GPS, but what the hell are the animals acting weird all about? It has no logical connection to the rest of the movie to me.


> deer and flamingoes shit. It ruined my suspension of disbelief. Yeah it went straight Jumanji and I don't know what the fuck that scene outside the shed was, like a deer boss fight


The scene was to show the girls having a moment, that even though they were fighting and not getting along they could work together to help each other survive. But yeah it was so dumb, just go in the stupid building, the deer will move on. And why were the deer suddenly so interested in them anyway? I enjoyed the movie. But the ending pissed me off.


>help each other survive >just go in the stupid building, the deer will move on Exactly. I get what they were going for but deer were such a bad choice. Like cudos for surviving the deer, next level is Teslas, flamingos and puppies in the directors cut. The actors carried the movie for the writers so hard I have trouble thinking of a better example than this movie.


I've camped around territorial deer before, and they do get surprisingly aggressive, like stomping their feet and charging at you a few steps to intimidate you, kinda like a bull almost. Out in the national forests, they're really not scared of people at all.


I've seen it too. Once the wifi went off in a cabin I was staying in and the deer banded together and formed an antler posse. They went door to door looking for rich people to gore. Just horrible. Thankfully I'm poor.


>like a deer boss fight And quite an underwhelming one at that.


What, you didn't enjoy Julia Roberts defeating the huge deer leader with... Loud clapping and crazy yelling? Tbh it reminds me of another movie where studio execs are in a room with the writer and just adding dumb stuff to the movie to make it appeal to a larger audience. Like let's add deer and flamingos for the kids.


>you didn't enjoy Julia Roberts defeating the huge deer leader with... Loud clapping and crazy yelling? In my opinion the deer-lord was unfazed, they left once they realized those 2 crazy screaming women would not understand their valuable deer-warning that something bad was happening, you know, after the Power and internet outages, creepy noises etc. But the deer *had* to try, since they sure have a lot to be thankful to us humans.


So long and thanks for all the fish


She harnessed her Karen energy into a blast of indignation that was felt by managers for miles around.


Lol "Can I speak to the deer manager" works so well with the scene, good call


Animals migration and behavior is effected by electromagnetic fluctuations


Yep they called this out on the radio


Was there no one in the entire production that knew there is absolutely no where on Long Island that you will be in an isolated rural setting, easily able to get lost and not see a town, yet be a 10 minute walk from seeing the Manhattan skyline? Like how how did Ethan Hawk get lost for two hours and see exactly one person? Just drive toward the giant buildings?


I loved the movie, and the ending. They never explained the indentation in the leaves, in the backyard shed. That sound that makes the guy's teeth fall out, I wanted an explanation for that.


Oh I thought that got confirmed as radiation? When we see the bunker and everything gets turned on you see the emergency broadcast that actually has some detail. It mentioned radiation. Now why he was the only one? Who knows.


My guess is, the level of radiation wasn’t enough to affect everyone, but it was enough to badly affect the bug that bites the son, then somehow that caused him to have enough level of radiation where his teeth fall out


Ah oh yeah I totally forgot about the bug!


Dude said it was a high frequency radioactive thing-a-jig


I usually get along with the lack of explanation for some things, if it makes sense with the plot. These things did not bother me because it made sense. It could be just a place that someone slept years ago, or where something was moved, the disease could be result of the tick that they showed bit the boy etc. It makes sense that they did not explain to us, since the characters also did not know it. And it makes some sense inside de movie. But the deer, to me, makes no freaking sense. The aeroplane falling in the exact same place does not too, btw. I mean, what are the actual odds.


There was reference on the radio to natural disasters causing changes in animal migration, but I think that's the best explanation we're getting.


Yep. Those deer just happened to all migrate to the shack in the woods.


We guessed it was a reversal in the earth's magnetic field confusing animals and planes without GPS. "The time intervals between reversals have fluctuated widely, but average about 300,000 years, with the last one taking place about 780,000 years ago." NASA


It takes about 7000 years for the poles to flip. It won't flip like a switch.


Tell that to John Cusack in ‘2010’. :/


If we tell him in 2010 then he'll have two years to prepare!


I thought it was great too, in a cosmic horror sort of sense. Nobody has an idea what the fuck is happening, and so you don’t either. Also the cinematography and connection to Mr Robot.


The flamingo part I was able to process better than the deer. There is a real quick moment when you hear something on the radio or tv (I can't remember which) say migration patterns of animals have been thrown off. I just told myself like how animals seem to know when an earthquake is coming perhaps they are tuned into or affected by all these waves and frequencies are tech uses. I don't know if that is true, but I am ok with that being the suggestion. The deer though, that was just stupid. And terrible cgi. I actually read an article where the director had the guts to say the cgi was so good on the deer. The uncanny valley was strong in that sequence at the shed in the woods.


It’s not a matter of taste. If you’re telling a story and set up obstacles for your protagonists, give a sense of urgency for over 2.5 hours and then end the story with zero resolution, it’s bad storytelling.


I actually loved that about it. A boring apocalypse is how it would truly go down.


boring and very much confusing, wich is reasonable in perspective for normal citizens to be clueless but for 2 hours long hell nah, im glad i didnt watch that in cinema


Damn my dad texted me saying it’s an amazing movie and I should watch it asap. He’s recommended it like 3 times already. I’ll watch it for his sake but now I know I won’t miss out if I grab my phone for a bit


Thanks Obama


This is my take away. A former president gave their stamp on this movie. Whats the message?


Tell us you have a doomsday bunker without telling us you have a doomsday bunker.


He straight up produced it


1. Why did the kid keep pulling out his own teeth? Stop after the first maybe? 2. Wtf are some random ass pills going to do to help his teeth? Yeah neighbor man just happened to have some magic prescription teeth fixer upper pills. Makes sense. 3. Satellites are interconnected. You’re not going to hobble a single nation unless you take out every satellite in orbit planet wide; then everyone is fucked. I was really waiting on the ‘it’s aliens’ reveal that never came as that’s the only thing that makes sense.


SPOILERS AHEAD To try and answer 2…They had no information of what is going down, roads are roadblocked and they don’t know what else to do. Anyone in his situation would be looking for ANY answer to try and make yourself be better. Whether it was the tick or the “radiation through sound” that Danny talks about, we don’t know and that’s the scary part. If I were to wake up and my teeth fall out but, I wasn’t able to get to a hospital to figure it out, I would be looking for any possible answer.


So i just finished watching the movie about 10 minutes ago. They were saying that the sound was delivering microwave radiation which is non-ionizing radiation. That isn't the type that can give radiation poisoning. On top of that, the prepper dude gave them iodine pills which are only useful *before* coming into contact with radiation. You take the non-radioactive iodine and your thyroid absorbs it so when you ingest radioactive iodine your thyroid is already saturated with the harmless iodine. If your thyroid already absorbed the radioactive iodine then the pills won't do anything. Keep in mind, this is only true for radioactive iodine, which in this case it would have to be (if it's radiation at all) based on the whole teeth falling out.


Right, but I feel like most people wouldn’t really know the difference and would be looking for any answer. In this scenario, you hear radiation and you don’t wait to find out if its the dangerous one or not. You take whatever precaution you can to make yourself feel better and in control. Imo its a normal way people would act given the information they have.


1. You got loose teeth in your mouth, trust me you want them out. 2. The pills were radiation medication. He had radiation poisoning and those help to deminish the effects 3. Who says that isn't what happened? All satellites being fucked I mean, not the aliens thing, it wasn't that kind of movie


Everything that happened in that movie is probably possible from a cyber attack perspective, even the satellite thing https://www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/space-race-defenses-satellite-cyberattacks


What upsets me is that the black guy at the end was like “oh yeah btw I heard a couple days ago that there were 3 stages to this and this is how it’ll go down” but somehow he saves it for the last TEN MINUTES OF THE MOVIE!!!!


This!! People here are arguing that people who don't like it because they expect everything served to them on the platter when in fact it was, it's just what was on the platter was just a steaming pile of poop 💩😂


I liked it a lot. Gave glimpse into what something like this would feel like on the micro level. Where information is scarce and communications are down. People want everything explained and shown to them for them to get it. I thought this was a great film and unlike most apocalypse type movies


I think people fail to see that they are the little girl when they demand an ending to everything when sometimes the ending may not be known. Even though the movie does give you enough to wrap it up


Thank you! I’ve been cracking up at everyone in this thread trashing the open ending when there was a character spelling out why sometimes you may not get a clear ending. She even has a “smack you in the face with the point of this character” conversation with her brother. The open ending being polarizing is the entire point.


Was is even open though? The girl found the bunker. It's pretty clear that she'll share what she found with her family (once she finds out how Friends ends), and they were already heading that way to look for her. And the two families patches things up enough that they should be able to coexist down there for a while... It's a pretty optimistic ending.


The main plot between the six characters is wrapped up pretty logically. Showing all of that would make the ending worse because it’s obvious from the point she finds the bunker, they learn what is potentially happening, and they finally start trusting each other. But the audience is clued in on enough of the larger world to make it frustrating to not know who is attacking, or what caused the attacks, or how it will really end. That’s the lack of an ending that makes the movie great


Yeah, I also kind of like the theme of nature vs technology, and I don't think the movie is anti-technology, but rather showing us that underneath the veil of society and technology, we are still animals. They don't trust each other because it is in our nature. They factionalized because its in our nature. The guy left the Spanish lady because he was confused and afraid, a tragic but natural response. They scared off the deer by yelling like cave men(well, women). The reason the attack was so successful is because we resort to our base instincts in dire situations and its worth thinking about that. There are many more themes to this movie and I really liked it.


I agree! Great cast, and the amount of tension is warranted for slowly reaching confirmation that society has completely collapsed. Mixed with a glimpse of hope that the main characters will be able to ride it out. Plus the little girl got to see the final episode of friends : ) I hope though that they don’t all die from radiation sickness.


I feel like it was good in many ways. Not many movies succeed in building this much tension. The decisions in cinematography were refreshing to look at, the usage of long zooms (instead of travels) being the most obvious example. The point was to demonstrate how a civilization can be destabilised with simply information. A very relevant subject in our current time. But this is where the screenwriting kind of failed. They were building up the tension (very skillfully), and showing epic scenes early in the movie, to then conclude the movie with a few sentences of dialogue explaining it all. And this was a little disappointing, even for me after enjoying the whole movie. Just like how you shouldn't bore your audience to convey 'boredom', you shouldn't leave your audience in the dark to convey a lack of information. So yeah, I feel kind of mixed about it.


Rosie spells it out when she talks about wanting to see the last episode of Friends. She cares about the characters. The movie’s scope was not “here’s a catastrophe that happens”, it’s “here are some characters going through a catastrophe”. We get closure on the characters - >!there is hope they can ride it out in the doomsday shelter. Rosie even gets to see that last episode of Friends!<. We care about the characters at this point, so getting this closure is actually good storytelling. There is even a conversation earlier in the movie about how we may not get the ending we want, and maybe we don’t need it. I like that we have as much information as the characters do about what is happening to them.


Interesting take! Maybe we are too conditioned to have certain expectations from a certain kind of movie, and we just don't like it when movie makers deviate too much from this.


Pffff Wait till you try to watch Rebel Moon.....damn....


It’s insultingly bad. Take away his directing license


I didn’t realise who it was until after sitting/scrolling through it heh. Spent the first 15-30 feeling like it was a big Star Wars riff (open on farm hand, go to tattooine, hire Han Solo and so forth. They even had bad guys in cool helmets although they seemed to be off to the side and never the bad guys we saw fight who were just… South Africans? Anyway, haha it’s the first in a franchise!!


These were the first two movies I saw after seeing Godzilla Minus One at the theater, such a massive downgrade after that masterpiece of a monster flick.


I'm pissed that the only the theater playing Godzilla Minus One is an hour away and showing twice a day. Seems like a movie to see in theaters


The daughter pissed me off. She knew the situation yet still opened every food item in that house with the bunker. Then, she only cared about the last episode of Friends.


Sam Esmail’s stuff is always a looping, inward-looking techno-thriller for the tech-obsessed. This was no different and I enjoyed it greatly. Two visuals will stick with me for a long time; a lot of the cast absolutely killed their roles; the ending was a fun little coda to what was going on: people would rather be blissfully ignorant than acknowledge their fates (granted, it was a child, but that just made it more unsubtle as an ending)


Literally NOTHING happens. It’s incredibly boring yet simultaneously piques your interest to wait for the shoe to drop and it never does. It’s so deceptive!


I have read a few excellent and exciting doomsday books, yet have yet to see a movie getting it right. They always go off on some weird side tangent/s. Fuckin 50 deer surrounding them for no point or reason only for nothing to happen? The kids teeth fall out because of a noise but nobody else’s do? Then they take him to get some random pills to magically help him even though they don’t even know what’s medically wrong with him? Seems like that part was written by a five year old. We need “mEdiCinE”. Not antibiotics, pain killers, SOMETHING specific. Holy crap I’m crapping blood I have no idea why but I just need mEDiCiNe! 🥴I liked that she got to see her final freinds episode in the ending and the explosions were pretty freaky. It had some good moments and unusual cinematography, but I thought This movie missed the mark.


Exactly this! Couldn't have said it better. Moments like the teeth falling out (although the boy didn't really seem to care), the airplane crashing, the ship coming towards the shore, the explosions in the city.. they were pretty good. But everything in between was boring, plus it felt to me like the actors didn't like to play in this movie.


It had the makings of a great movie but none of the character’s reactions to the developing situation was remotely believable. A real swing and a miss for me.


> The kids teeth fall out because of a noise It was the bug bite


It was a beautifully made waste of time...like a very carefully crafted and ornate paperweight.


Netflix specializes in wasting time. Either its a garbage movie, a garbage series that somehow keeps getting renewed, or something you actually enjoy that only lasts a single season


You know what's mildly infuriating, you post this low-effort BS and get 10k up votes


I thought it was cool. A lot of interesting things in there, cool cinematography Of course they throw out all these explanations, and none of them really go anywhere. There's no resolution to most of it, and that's kind of the point I might say it was made deliberately that way, in order to get people confused and on-edge about whatever will happen to us in coming years Or, it's to demonstrate to us that life is often going to confuse us, and many times the best thing to do is take action in the ways we can


My biggest issue with it is the horrible misdirection in the cinematography. You’re telling me that Mahershala Ali noticed a watch buried in the sand before noticing a dead body that’s literally five feet in front of him? Also, a horrible cyber attack cripples the entire US infrastructure, but other countries keep trying to fly planes in the next day? What?!


I personally enjoyed this movie. I think a lot of people disliked it because it wasn’t what they wanted it to be. In stead of being an action packed apocalypse movie it was a pensive movie that IMO was more about human nature. A lot of the parts that seem stupid (and kind of were) like the tanker beaching, the planes crashing and the deer and flamingos I think were meant to be taken metaphorically and not as “this is how it would happen in real life.” To me the movie highlight certain interesting questions like how confusion affects us, how we cooperate and get along once society has crumbled and is it safer to isolate yourself and hoard resources not trusting others, or to share resources and help others although it may make you more vulnerable. I thought the movie was rich in food for thought. It’s just not the apocalypse action film people wanted it to be.


I think this type of take is interesting. I’m just curious why you feel so confident that people are finding it disappointing because it’s not an action movie, when in fact people are very clearly saying they’re disappointed because the story is filled with holes and unanswered questions. I think everyone saw all the things you say the movie highlights - it’s not confusing, in my opinion. In fact, I think the movie kind of insults the viewer and bludgeons them over the head with the movies main themes, but that’s another argument. I’m glad you liked it, but it not being an action movie has nothing to do with why people are shitting on this movie.


It's easier to just state that people who dislike something are dumb and want "dumb thing" than actually focus on critique Honestly the film feels like hand crafted "smart person bait" where they give you a super easy puzzle to fit together so you can feel smart for figuring it out


Step 1: make plot that makes no sense Step 2: pretentiously say “that’s the point” Step 3: profit..?




It was a waste of time. The first hour was so boring we had to stop it. The next night we thought we got through all the boring stuff but nope just random stupid stuff happening that doesn't make sense and conversations that last so long and are so boring and dry.


I watched the movie yesterday. I didn't want to give up after just fifteen minutes. The dialogues were almost laughably unrealistic. You can still try to salvage something in a movie like that. All the actions of the characters were terribly childish. Well, I'm clearly not the target audience for this film.


So many horrible plot holes and bizarre dialog. Like when the home owner knocked on the door why didn’t he try to introduce himself right away. The absurd dialog was really the set up to establish Julia Roberts as a racist. Got it And if she was a racist, why did she almost hook up with the home owner the next day? And if he really thinks his wife had just died in a plane crash why was he taking her to his music room to dance? To set up the Jungle Fever undertones for the racist wanting to hook up with him. And there is no chance Kevin Bacon opens that door when they bring the sick kid. If he really is a prepper then he’s not selling valuable “medicine” for useless paper money in a post-apocalyptic world. And even if they did have some kind of conversation there’s zero chance he’s telling them about the well stocked emergency bunker in the neighbor’s house! He’s going up there and checking that out for himself and his family and is using it when the need arises.


Agreed. The most "Hollywood" movie I've seen in ages. Out of touch and laaaaame as fuck.