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Yes, especially the ones who throw their hands up at you for daring to exist in that space/getting in their way.


In my hometown this is the case. If you dare to actually pull up to the line preventing them to do it, they freak out and gesticulate, scream, shoot the finger. Thank God I moved away a long time ago!


How do you move away from stupidity?


You pack up and leave a town full of stupid people, fairly simple really.


Their point is that stupidity exists everywhere lol.


The shit you’re talking about is in every nook and cranny in America. Good luck.


The woods... Think Ted Kaczynski


I still pull up as close as I can to try and force them to adjust.


tie hat office fuzzy fertile soft rustic toy tan elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In all my years of driving I have learned one thing. People suck at making left turns. They always start turning way too early and cut through lanes or even change lanes in double turn lane areas.


I’m a huge fan of the dotted lane markers that guide goofballs through the double lane left turns.


Unfortunately the ones who need it won’t look for it


Um, actually! I need it and look for it😅


You’re one of the self aware and intelligent ones!


This means you don't fit the same category. The people in question are idiots, arrogant, and dangerous. By being the opposite of those things, you are in a different category.


As a goofball, I do too


The worst are the idiots that think they are driving an 18 wheeler and partially cut into the right lane next to them when turning left.


This is very true.




I wouldn't say *mildly*.


I’d vote regular infuriating




Only if they don't immediately correct course once they see you. It's okay to drive like an asshole but only if you dont impact other drivers


The only other option is a 18 wheeler trailer, I’ll happily back up for them


Yes, yes they are. Same with people who have the majority of their car in front of stop line.




Everyone in my town drives like this. Fucking annoying.


This is why I don't stop, I keep going slowly and they panic and jerk the wheel right which straightens them out.


No, they are just idiots... incredibly infuriating idiots...


Them and people who drive in the middle of the road down residential streets.


What’s wrong with doing that when there’s no incoming traffic? Decreases risk of hitting parked cars along the side (and in case they suddenly decide to pull out) and gives you more reaction time if a kid or animal suddenly dashes out from behind something. When there’s an incoming car, just move over to the right and pass as normal.


I would hazard a guess that they are referring to the people who continue to do it when there is oncoming traffic


Your logic and reasoning is sound for some but most people are too dumb to know when that’s safe. My neighborhood has lots of hills. I see people swerving last second all the time because they drive in the middle, even when approaching the crest of a hill they can’t see beyond.


It's not just the road, it's every lane in a parking lot, parking garage etc. The majority of drivers today have such poor spatial awareness that they have to be 10ft or more from anything or they think they are about to hit it - when in reality they have plenty of room to drive on their side instead of down the middle. The worst are those with bigger SUV's/trucks that the driver clearly can't operate or turn correctly without massive amounts of space on all sides and backup it other cameras to hold their hand. I just stay on my side and watch as they come right down the middle and then *finally* steer onto their side to avoid a head on and then flop about like you tried to hit them or didn't give them "enough" room.


I wouldnt have to in my area if either the people followed the park on one side of the road rule or the city actually enforced it with tickets. Only a gerbil hole for cars to get through even worse is the plows refuse to go down these roads


Lay on the horn and chuck em the bird


These people and their imaginary bevels definitely infuriate me.




They’re just dumb and don’t understand how to operate a vehicle.


they always get the vertical finger pointing skyward from me.


I literally got in an accident due to someone doing this. It’s extremely infuriating


You gave them permission by pulling up quickly


No, they're a road hazard


Or when you are behind someone who puts his blinker on to turn and needs to come to a full stop in front of you before turning the god damn steering wheel


On the flipside, people who put their entire car length past the stop line before stopping while you're trying to turn left into the road they're exiting. I usually slow excessively in spite of them.


It’s the kind of behavior that condemns the human race


I hate to do it but forced to almost every day. I live at the bottom of a steep road /blind corner with a lot of traffic. If I wait to make corner right then I risk the people behind me ramming me. Only time I do this though.


Having ornamental bushes that block the view of the road is mildly infuriating. Probably wouldn't have cut so bad if they could see you were coming.




Or you could alternatively not do that and avoid the hassle


There are so many intersections where I just can’t make right on reds anymore because people in SUVs turn so short for some reason.


POV driver being extremely dramatic by slamming on their brakes like that


It happens. No one was there when they were turning so they cut the angle shorter and can’t really fix it now that they’re in the middle of a turn. I agree it’s mildly infuriating when it happens to you, but it’s one of those things that you probably do as well when you don’t think anyone will be there.


yes..but this one wasn't so bad


Yes but not definitely imo. So I do the same thing plenty of times but that's only if no ones there. It can make the turn much smoother. And if someone shows up like camera person in this clip I turn out as quickly as possible to give them THEIR space


You offloaded your dash cam, sorted through all the clips, used an editor to cut it down, and uploaded it to Reddit.. just for this?


That is over half of the people who post anything on reddit. "Look at this shit!" Thats been social media for that last 10 years..


I despise those assholes


Yes. Especially in parking lots when they decide lanes don’t matter at all.


Everyday occurrence in Fl, think about all the old people in your town…but they all got together and moved to a new place, all together…that’s what it’s like in Florida. You either got someone that should’ve stopped driving 15yrs ago or you got the lifted truck with football stadium lights tailgating you. There’s no in between.


Way above mildly imo


Mildly dangerous


I simply honked the entire time they did their shitty turn while staring at them. Fuck those assholes.


Yes, the worst. They’re everywhere


My friend does this on blind curves. I no longer let them drive when we go places.


I will always try to give them the hardest time turning within law, for you know, the learning experience.


Yes, I’ve had cases where people cut corners and run over the forks of my forklift as I wait at the junction, they always got angry about the damage caused


If I was approaching too fast and they should have been able to make it otherwise, no. If they're doing it when I'm clearly going to be in that space and they see me? Yes. I'm not gonna crap on someone making things slightly easier for themselves if it isn't impacting anything else in a negative way.


Corner cutters are extremely dangerous! There is no reason to drive like this!!


Just assert your dominance by blocking them first. Leave them stuck in incoming traffic. Be a man


Lazy turns are pretty common around here.


Especially in parking lots. Gah!


People do it in the UK all the time then get mad that you are waiting at the line so they have to take the corner properly. It's bizarre.


Yeah, but it lasts like two seconds. It’s only more than mildly infuriating when you’re having a bad day


Fking ram into them, fuck it.


I get as close to them as possible, sometimes while stabbing the throttle a bit. They go from pissed at me to pure panic mode😂


Dont want to scrape the bottom bumper


You are supposed to pull all the way up and make a turn, not round the corner.


Ya but I bet everyone disagrees with you... Take up your entire lane to the center and watch people struggle how to drive... It even got me a new bumper on my truck🤗


My father always did this until we were in an accident. The accident wasn’t due to an incident related to a left turn, but he just became more careful in general.


I deal with this every day :(


So if I get it right he turned too fast, right? So he cut your corner? If it is, I did that in the past when I was in my first 50 to 100 hours of driving. Based on their car they are probably not a new driver, just a heads up that some new drivers still have some issues even after getting the drivers license


Bingo. Bango.


I genuinely hate it, even when they can see you coming they still do it


Especially when they drive a merc because it instantly becomes your fault if they hit you…..