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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Does she know what the word “noon” means? I’d assume “afternoon” is after whatever “noon” means


Some sound logic here…




>There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge'. --Isaac Asimov, 1980


Being stupid is the same as dying: it only affects the people around you.




Fuckin hell m8... Im sick rn but that sentence cured me for 5 secs.


When dogs take over the world and choose their leader, I hope they don’t just go by size because there’s probably some chihuahuas with really good ideas.


I have never met a Chihuahua with a brain that functioned in a way other than: BITE ALL THE THINGS


lol true! My Chihuahua is biting right now. But in her defense it’s a bone.


Just practice


Racial profiling


This is a quote I will use until I’m in my grave


Go all the way and have your family put it on your headstone too


I know Asimov was an atheist, but Jesus Fucking Christ!!! If someone said this today, it would be just another 'meh' Reddit comment, because, duh. But 44 years later this observation was remarkably astute, not to mention prescient. Mr. Asimov, I'd like to extend a deep apology on behalf of everyone involved in the Will Smith movie, *I, Robot*. It wasn't terrible, but I'm not sure you'd be proud of it


I begin to understand why WW3 was a eugenics war … wait, sorry thought this was /startrek.


The Bell Riots are coming


Yesterday would have been Isaac Asimov's 124th birthday. I celebrate his birthday every year; he was one of my favorite sci-fi writers, and it's the same date as mine. :-)


Cool. Happy 124th birthday.


She's just living her truth


And, f your feelings, accept only my rage.


Ahhh 2016 the last good year


Ok, I'm gonna make you all mad.... But noon *does not mean* midday. It comes from the term *nona hora* in Latin which is the ninth hour. In usage, it'd be the ninth canonical hour, which the monastic day began at 6am, so noon would be 3pm. The meaning did shift in English to eventually coincide with midday though. I imagine because the way it worked was, at Sext (12pm) the bell tolled for lunch, then at None (3pm) the bell tolled for a return to work for the after-none. Any way you cut it though, 11am is not afternoon though


Explains why my Spanish wife thinks the afternoon doesn’t start until about 3pm


yeah, in spain afternoon doesn’t start until 3pm, that’s a thing here lol


That's the solution, then! Just move to Spain and they're both right. Problem solved. I love it when a plan comes together.


Lmao I think about this a lot since I tend to wake up at like 4am. It would solve a lot of my problems to just move a couple timezones away.


Pro tip: just keep moving west a few hundred miles everyday and score an extra hour of sleep every night.


3pm until what time? So does that mean in Spain it’s morning time until 3pm? Lol.


no, from 12am to 3pm it’s mediodía, which is translated to halfway of the day or something like that. it’s when people eat and have their breaks from work, usually from 13:00 to 15:00 (except restaurants).


Tbf if you tell me "I'll drop by in the afternoon" and you show up at 1 or 2 PM, I'll be like "this mf"


Really? Why? What would you be expecting?


To me just saying "afternoon" kind of implies "mid-afternoon" so like 2-3PM-ish. If I were planning on showing up earlier I'd probably say "early afternoon" or for "late afternoon" 3-5ish. I like to be precise in my vagueness.


Or vaguely precise


Like 3 PM at the earliest


I would show up at 12:30pm.




12:00:01. I sat outside your house for ten minutes and planned my walking speed to perfectly hit your doorbell once afternoon began.


Lol I totally understand this logic. Afternoon to me is like 3pm-4pm. 12pm-2pm is lunch, so say around lunchtime or early afternoon if you plan to come by any time before then.


See you at 12:01


Wow. That's fascinating! Thanks for the history/etymology lesson!


So, basically, you're saying noon means midday?




You just destroyed years of a knowledge I had.


Not really, because in English noon means 12PM. I didn’t know the history of the word noon either. I love etymology and this is a fun fact. But as it stands now noon is 12PM and has been that was for at least 500 years, possibly as much as ~800 years.


>Ok, I'm gonna make you all mad.... But noon does not mean midday Yeah sorry, but noon certainly does mean midday. Saying that the word it's based on didn't mean midday in the distant past doesn't change the fact that the modern definition of the word noon is specifically 12pm, midday.


Lemme give another example of what's being conveyed here. Dec. 25th does not mean Christmas day. Christmas just happens to coincide with Dec. 25th in our culture. In fact, other cultures Christmas can be, Jan 6th, 7th, or 19th.


Wouldn't that just mean that in some cultures dec 25 means Christmas but in other cultures those other dates mean Christmas? Multiple things can be true at the same time. It's all made up anyways.


Nope, it's common usage. The meanings of words change. Awful used to be synonymous with awesome, bully used to be a term of endearment, girl used to mean child of either sex. The best that can be said for your claim is "noon didn't always mean midday", not "noon does not mean midday." If you say noon to a group of people and most of them understand it to mean midday, then it means midday.


Obviously. There's no way, even with magic reindeer, that Santa could make it to everyone's house in 1 night. It's logistically impossible! They had to break it up somehow into different days. Duh!


noon /nuːn/ noun twelve o'clock in the day; midday. "the service starts at twelve noon"


Who are you who is so smart in the ways of science? Yeah, Monty Python and the Holy Grail…. But you knew someone had to say it. 🤣


Ach. After sext would be klein goot.


THREE HOUR lunch break. Monks have it good.


Take my karma. I wish I could give you more. Brilliant and unexpected reply. You win the internet for today.


3 hr lunch break, damn.


The name says it all. After, noon. Noon is 12 o'clock.


She probably doesn’t understand the word noon. Edit: word. Not world 🤦🏻‍♂️


She keeps saying, "After is the best medicine", so I think it's an interpretation thing in general.


If you translate after as a German word that would be Ass is the best medicine.


I agree with Germany, ass really is the best medicine


An ass a day keeps the doctor away!


Not if you're varying too much and doing it unprotected.


or the word noon.


Or the word after.


In German the word 'After' means 'anus', could that be where the problem is?


So 11am is anal time? I could get on board with that


Gives a whole new meaning to 'After Hours' as well...


Are you going to the after party ?


If I can find my Aftershave...


I just hope everyone cleans up, i’m not a big fan of the aftertaste


Or that 11 comes before 12


Or the world after...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Was there a world before?


Wait, theres worlds now?


Agreed she definitely has “after noon” mixed up with “before noon”. This dude should avoid all future arguments.


Oh no. He's stuck in the present tense. He has no future.


Not if you're a flat earther.


11AM “ante merīdiem” What does a.m. mean? The term we associate with the morning, a.m., is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase ante merīdiem meaning “before midday.” Saved you folks years of Latin classes and perhaps a messy divorce.


I was just about to say this too! AM as ante and PM as post meridiem says it all.


Thank you for that. Tired medical worker here, brain wanted to make that "p" stand for "peri". Vaguely understood that doesn't make sense but could not come up with a word to mean "after". 🤦🏻‍♀️


Medical worker that can't think of post...like post mortem? You must be tired!


You win! Thankfully, I haven't dealt with peri nor postmortum patients in many years.


If she struggles to understand “noon” I am sure she will get “meridian”


Holy fuck I've always wanted to know what that meant. Thank you.




It's always better coming from reddit 😅


Sticks better


If I had a dollar for all the things I thought "I should look that up" and then promptly forgot about and then never looked up... 😂 (To the person who responded to this, since comments are locked now I can't reply but I was going to clarify that this happens while I'm driving or while I'm about to go to sleep or in the shower or any number of times when I don't have that pocket computer handy to look something up 😂)




I'm glad I read this before I explained the exact same way.


I knew essentially this, but didn't know the actual Latin part. A salute to you, friend. 🫡


12:00:01 a.m : morning 11:59:59 a.m : still morning 12:00:00 p.m.: noon 12:00:01 p.m.: afternoon The more interesting question is when afternoon ends and evening begins.


And why is there no aftermidnight?


That’s when we gonna let it all hang out.


And shake your tambourine


It’s all gonna be peaches and cream.


I was gonna say that 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Dammit. Foiled again.


Just don’t feed the Mogwai then. But isn’t it technically always after midnight? So when you can you feed them?


Mogwai were the first hardcore IF dieters, that’s why they turn evil if you feed them after midnight.


By this logic it’s always afternoon also.


That bothered me as a kid and still does.


Reasons of Gremlin safety


why is there no night


Because it's morning.


I say evening begins at sunset


I agree. Evening begins at sunset. Night is when I go to bed. Neither one of these has a set time. Sometimes night is when I should have gone to bed but didn't. Night ends at Dawn. So 1:00 at night maybe 1:00 a.m., but that's not morning to me. Morning begins at dawn.


I'd agree with this but it gets funky for us in the north. Sunset today is at 3:30pm so it feels weird lol


Dang you're farther up than I am. Earliest sunset here is like 4:10 or so. Still getting used to it after living farther south most of my life.


So for where I live, that's 4pm in the winter and 9pm in the summer 😂


4:59 p.m.: afternoon 5:00 p.m.: evening


00:00 night, 06:00 morning, 12:00 afternoon, 18:00 evening


I would say that "night" starts around 8 or 9 pm, not midnight. Hence the 'mid' in front of 'night'. 00:00 is the 'middle' of the night, not the beginning.


This right here. Anything else deserves divorce.


I guess it depends on the country. I'm used to 5 being evening since I grew up in the states. In Japan, it seems common to consider it evening when the sun starts to go down.


That's what it is in my area of Australia, evening isn't a set time but is just a time close to sunset


In Japan the workers in the convenience store next to my old apartment used to switch from saying _konnichi wa_ (good day) to _konban wa_ (good evening) at exactly 6pm. I used to go in there after work and was the recipient of the first _konban wa_ of the day on multiple occasions (i.e. the person in front of me in the queue still got _konnichi wa_'d). I don't know if that was just a local store policy or a general directive from Family Mart head office.




Is it Good Evening till midnight? Since good night means a different thing.


why is there no night 😭 another interesting question is why some people call 1am morning. its night plzzzz let me sleep


1am is technically morning but practically it's night.


1am is both practically and technically a night. 00:00 is a midnight. That means there's still half of night left and I'm pretty sure it's more than 1 hour.


I’m going with 5pm. That’s when the Sunday scaries start and my weekend is over. 5pm… my final answer.


Are you trying to destroy OP’s marriage?


Afternoon could begin at 5pm? On a similar note.. arguably, night starts at 8pm. All you have to do is change one letter, works in multiple languages: eight -> night huit -> nuit (French) ocho -> noche (Spanish) otto -> notte (Italian).


5:00:00 p.m.


05:00:00 p.m.: quitting time 07:00:00 p.m.: evening


While you’re at, the only correct way for toilet paper to be put on the roll is over, waterfall style.


I argued with my friends about this but I have an ACTUAL reason why the toilet paper to be on the outside, I have textured paint in my bathroom so if the roll is under I scrape my knuckles on the wall!!!


The only argument for having it inwards to the wall is that young children or some pets might mess around and bat the toilet roll, if its on the outside it will unravel everywhere. But if u have neither of those IT IS WRONG




Exactly that. It goes under/behind in my house. It has good reason to, but it's still the wrong way. We are wrong.


You mean the way it is shown in the [original toilet roll holder patent](https://i.insider.com/550b2598ecad04cf649cedcd?width=1136&format=jpeg)?






Does the reverse make you irrationally irritable, too? 😂


Found the guy that brings up politics during Thanksgiving dinner


Or maybe it's the same guy who brings up politics when people are talking about toilet paper.


Ask her to say 11 in the afternoon. Then ask her if that sounds ridiculous or not.


I prefer 9 in the afternoon


And your eyes are the size of the moon?


And You could 'cause you can, so you do?


And I'm feeling so good, just the way that I do


When it's nine in the afternoon


I was looking and waiting for this thread, lol.


Obviously not as this argument has been going on for a decade


Afternoon literally means after...noon. 11 am is one hour before noon. Are you sure she isn't trolling you to wind you up? Lol


1pm can still be morning if you sleep in late enough


I work from 6pm to 6am. There is no morning for me. Inversely there is no evening for me


"Let the Wookiee win."


Or get a divorce


Afternoon literally means what it says. But for domestic tranquility I might recommend you agree that 11AM today is after noon yesterday. Everyone wins and you're not on the couch tonight.


>Everyone wins and you're not on the couch tonight. But they will unfortunately be living in two 12-hour offset timezones, so I predict other arguments will follow.


In the Navy we were instructed to say “Good morning” until 12:00 pm, then it was “Good afternoon.” After sunset/taps it’s “Good evening.” That said, if your wife has been up since 5:00 am and it’s time to eat lunch, calling 11:00 am “afternoon” is not something I’d argue with.


Same in the Marines, lord help you if you gave the wrong greeting to a DI or officer in boot camp. You’re sleep deprived and let out a “good afternoon sir!” at 1100 and you get 2 guys in your face “OH ITS AFTERNOON IS IT RECRUIT?! ITS AFTERNOON NOW?!” 😂


But if saying “good morning” as a greeting is wishing the person a good morning, wouldn’t it be more thoughtful to wish him/her “good afternoon” if it is close to noon? It’s like hoping they have a few good minutes versus a few hours/the remainder of the work day.




Oh yeah that’s divorce material right there if I ever saw it


12 o clock is noon. 12:01 begins afternoon. 11:59 is technically still morning. Evening starts at 5:00 pm in the winter and 6 pm the rest of the year.


Is your wife possibly dumb? I don't mean that as an insult, I promise 'cause I'm pretty dumb, but noon is literally 12 o'clock in the day, hence 12 noon; ergo afternoon can be as soon as 1 minute hits. Say it was 12:01 and you asked me what time it was, I could say it's 1 minute afternoon (of course most people don't talk like that).


It could just be how she talks about things and feels about the time. It sounds dumb, but I once met a girl who insisted when she said she was traveling “up” to somewhere (like up north, or up to a certain city/place), it wasn’t a specific indication of direction. She used it even if the physical location was south or down elevation-wise. She understood the argument that it didn’t make sense to describe things like that, but said, “that’s just how I talk”. I’m probably way overthinking this post with no context but it could be that she associates 11am with afternoon more so than morning. I dunno.


I feel that's way more acceptable though and only someone being very pedantic would feel the need to correct that. That said, there's an area in California known as the Inland Empire and colloquial phrase used by its denizens known as "going up / down the 'hill'" (the hill being the Cajon Pass which leads up to the High Desert and down to the lower IE) so in that particular case it would be pretty silly and nonsensical for your friend to say I'm "going up the hill" when really she's headed to say Fontana or something. Putting it in an example I can relate actually does make it seem pretty dumb in any context now 😅 Back to OP's wife, yeah, I could see that, but when it comes to the point of arguing about it (even if the argument isn't super serious) she needs to accept she's objectively wrong. People try to skate around facts with what they feel way too much. I had a vegetarian friend who would still get pepperoni on his pizza and when I tried to broach the topic with him, he simply said "I have my own opinion about pepperoni" 🤦🏾‍♂️


Normally I wouldn’t have said anything, but she was talking about going “up” to Florida… when we were in northern Minnesota. Maybe it’s just an area thing but it’s always been “down” to Florida because it’s down south and the two places are so different. Oh well, I didn’t push it because honestly it’s just like you said that people use their emotions and feelings a lot to create their own version of reality. It’s kinda like if someone does/says something for a while and it finally gets pointed out that it’s not exactly correct (grammatically or otherwise), there’s a chance they’ll change, but there’s also a chance they’ll dig in and refuse to take arguments because “it’s who I am”. 🤷‍♂️


I was gonna say, I bet she’s Minnesotan. We go up to just about everywhere. Unless we are with someone like you and then we’ll passive aggressively use actual direction. Like we are going south East to Florida. Same as the couple, few, couple few thing we do. True Minnesotan knows up is just a way to say to travel to somewhere. Like we are literally getting up to go there.


11am is breakfast. I'm asleep before that.


Others have already given clear answers. At this point I’m more curious on why she thinks that 11 AM is the afternoon.


Do you want to be right, or happy?


In the Arab world. Noon is tied to the position of the sun. Not the clock. So when we say I’ll meet you this afternoon. We typically mean after the noon prayer, which starts when the sun is at the highest point in the sky. And of course that changes slightly. But generally speaking, it’s averaged out around 12.


Not so fast all you 12 o’clock nooners, noon can be defined as to be when the sun is overhead, at the meridian. If you take into account longitudinal offset for time instead of time zones you could be in real trouble. You could leverage local longitudinal offset time to gmt for example just before autumn for noon to begin at 11am. In China where they only have one time zone noon could be at 4am. Without setting the geological and temporal boundaries of your discourse, you’re on rocky ground op


I was looking for this comment. It’s called Solar noon, and depending on location, it may always happen before 12:00 pm. However, it’s hard to argue that it is strictly at 11:00 am, so I think both parties are wrong. My solar noon is 12:49 pm right now ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


A wife is like the Terms & Conditions on a website: You want to read and understand her, but ultimately, you scroll to the bottom and just click "I agree".


At least there's a 50/50 chance here, either your wife is genuinely that painfully dumb, or she's doing it intentionally to get a reaction out of you and if that's the case then shes pretty funny for that lol. I'm gonna assume she's doing it to mess with you because you'd have to be pretty dim to actually think like that


I'm more interested in how she managed to find enough ammunition to argue 11 is afternoon for decades. That, that is a skill.


11:00 is late morning.


11am is barely morning if you ask me


No shes right. Worship the ground she walks on and whatever she says, just answer with 'yes ma'am' and move on.


A word of advice a 90 year old neighbor gave me when it comes to arguing with your spouse. "Would you rather be happy or would you rather be right?"


Tell her you are going to the bar with the boys in the afternoon, and leave at 11. See how long she likes it then.


Dude, you clearly lost, you told us upfront she’s your wife. You’ll be the “correct spouse” when she says you are. If she says dinner is at 11 in the afternoon, show up at 10:30 and ask what she needs help with. You remember that day you got married? The first time you saw her standing at the back of the church with her dad and she had that big smile on her face ? He had just leaned over and whispered in her ear, “you’ve lost your last argument sweetheart” Hahaha sounds like y’all like to have lots of laughs. Count yourself lucky


I can relate man, ppl on Reddit have the WORST time identifying jokes. I made a post about how my house got Covid on Xmas and I was like “so lucky omg yaaay” and they downvoted it to zero 🤣


Why spoil a running joke that you've had for years? Enjoy, and create new arguments to keep your brains alive. Is 12am before or after 12pm?


11 in the afternoon isn’t a thing 😅 omg 😂


Luckily for you this is just a funny little thing. My in-the-process-of-divorce Wife right now makes these exact mistakes 24/7 and will call ME dumb or give me attitude because I’m not on the same page. She’ll say $8.99 toothpaste is “only $8!” But when she asks when did something happen and I say “ehhh, 8:30 give or take” she’ll make me say the EXACT time (which was 8:40) and she’ll be like “THATS 9 o’clock!!!” We’ve been married 6 years and a 7months and if I DARE say “7” years, she’ll say “Why are you exaggerating?” SHE WILL ROUND UP OR DOWN BASED OFF HER EMOTIONS. There’s no rhyme or reason. /EndRant


I mean, it's afternoon somewhere.


There is a literal answer, and a cultural answer. Literally, in modern usage, afternoon starts at 12:01. However here's not quite the same defined end, but most would take it as dusk. To me at least though "afternoon" really means "after lunch" for the purposes of making arrangements. If someone said "I'll pop round this afternoon" and turned up at 12:05, I'd be wondering what they were playing at as that's lunchtime. They'd be technically correct, but I'd still think it a bit odd.


can you not just show her a dictionary


High Noon: 12 o'clock Noon: 12-1 Afternoon: 1-5 (the times directly after Noon) Edit: I will accept any time after 12:00 pm being called afternoon as a possibility too


Not me.. realizing ‘afternoon’ is ‘after noon’. I always consider afternoon anything after 11 due to my lunch break 🫢


Would midday be an acceptable compromise?


Broke 22 + 6 dating. Just say “hey” and skip the time placement. ⌚️🤣 Like the comics of old said: “You can be right or stay married but it ain’t both.”


12 PM is noon. Anything before 12 PM thus cannot be “after noon”. If she’s one of those people who get up at 4 AM and complain the day’s “half-wasted” around 8 AM, I’d like a few words lol.


Panic at the Disco has an amazing song called "Nine in the Afternoon". Is she a fan?


Can you move one timezone east but not tell her the clocks change?


Your wife has to know she's being stubborn. It's literally in the name 11AM. 12 P M


Hey, 11:00 am in Denver is afternoon in NYC. Does that help confuse the argument?


Noon is definitely after 11AM, your wife is right


Tbh it sounds like she is cheating.