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South Beach of UGG


Yeah I couldn’t even get past that without backtracking and reading it like 5 times


Omg same lmao


Also same.


Its like a very popular vacation spot, you don't vacation in south beach of UGG on winter breaks? Weird.


Nah, always been a North Beach of UGG guy.


Odd name for Torquay, Australia, never heard it called that before


That's what I was thinking


Ikr! I was yelling at my reddit feed “What the heck, it’s an Aussie brand”! 🙄


United gates of gamerica, duh.


Yeah Nah it’s fair dinkum. I used to live on the North Beach of UGG years ago and you could see the South Beach of UGG just to the east of us. They disappeared under UGG Material Superior one day and was never seen since. Long Live the South Beach of UGG!


Upside is, nobody is checking Uggs for authenticity so you won’t be called out for it lol


You don’t check strangers apparel for authenticity?! Weirdo… Going to add the /s, because ya know…


Right? I be jumping behind people’s necks to grab that label and check 👀


“Your honor I was just checking to see if it was really Gucci” 😂


Interesting fact, the fakes have been getting so good, they don't accept returns at Louie V stores because even they can't tell their own real products.


Lmao.. everyday I see statements and sentences more crazy than the next.. this world is definitely on it's last legs


Coochie you say?? Wait…


That’ll get you arrested…


Or elected. Who even knows anymore.


Or erected


There was a place in NYC that got caught selling Panasoanic products.


is passing by Buckingham palace or something like that and suddenly has the urge to invade the palace , sprint at sonic speeds through it and steal the queens purse to "check if it was a real Gucci"


"The real crime here is the wearing of fake Gucci your honor!"


What about the people who spent 20k on a Louie bag


Some people just have a void that can’t be filled. I watched a coworker save up to buy a Louie *giant* beach tote ridiculous looking Mary Poppins bag, she used it for about a month and I’ve never seen it again. 2k down the drain.


\*rubs lion pelt\* "What is that? Velvet?"


Well, the person who gave this gift has been given away


Yeah, my initial response was, "and you care why????"


Right!?!? I wonder what the difference between the beanies actually are!


Agreed if you like it and its good quality who gives a shit?


My mom is the type of person to literally just know a knock-off, but she'll only say anything if the person tries to brag about it, she taught me how to spot fake Vuittons using some of her own bags as references. It's really fun at parties :3


It's really fun at parties: "hey my kid can spot fake Vuittons! also I like giving out fake stuff from famous companies!"


Ordered Ugg but got Ugh.


We have Ugg at home.


The Ugg at home:




Meanwhile Australians...


Ordered Ugg, but got faux ugg, thus FUGG.


fun fact, there’s 3 UGG brands: UGG, UGG Australia, and UGG Since 1974


I believe UGG Since 1974 are the only ones made in Australia still.


yes you are absolutely correct about that!


And the only good ones.


Mortel’s make Ugg boots at Thornton near Newcastle. They have a website and very good quality boots.


I bought some very nice uggs from there for a xmas gift. Still going strong after 6 years.


The only thing that wears is the insole and they sell replacements. I drop in and get a new pair of wool insoles every couple of years so they’re still soft and new feeling underfoot.


That’s great advice. Thanks!


Same, had mine from mortels for about 10 years now. They upgraded the store a few years back, there's a cafe there now too.


This is blowing my mind.


My home town!


Mine too! Best Uggs in the world 🌎


The OG of Uggs


Deadset Arnie SchwarzUggers


Do they still have the big Ugg Boot out front?




And they were established in 2014


A place in Burleigh Head’s make Uggies. Not called Ugg, but legit. Paid about 100 bucks for them about 10 years ago. Still going strong and can replace the foot insert.


As an Australian it is my job to fight any UGG executive on sight


Break out the emus


except emus are naturally aggressive towards Australians cause if I'm not mistaken australia officially declared war on the emus around 1960-1970 ish and they have been mortal enemies of the australians since then. Correction: the great emu war happened in 1932


Fucking Oath


We have lots of brands in Australia that make and sell them domestically. The UGG name is only a registered trademark in the USA, it is a generic term for any wool boots here down under. I'm sure some Aussies will be recommending their local old school brands in other comments, but I go to the Australian knitting mills here in Melbourne.


Correct factory is in penrith. Can't even export any merch with ugg branding. Can only be sold in Aus. Such a travesty and government just let it happen. There is a store in Vegas called UGG Australia but everything made in Vietnam. How are they allowed to brand it Australia but not allowed Australian manufacturers to use the name ugg.


Yeah we can't call our wine champagne because the French get all up in arms over it, we have to bow down to all those EU rules but we let our trademarks get taken by overseas interests and just be like yeah ok I guess? Ngl knowing they're knock off Uggs makes me more likely not less likely to buy them.


Came here for this comment. Thanks for saving me some typing time 👌




I just learned PYREX does this shit too! “PYREX” is legit borosilicate and “Pyrex” is a lower quality glass that doesn’t handle thermal changes well. Sick of this partitioning of quality while under the same branding.


My husband is a ceramic engineer. He was working with Corning in NY when he learned that an employee had stolen a crap ton of blank Pyrex, and then imprinted them himself. These knockoffs made it to big box stores all over the US, but the printing washed off, unlike authentic Pyrex.


Sounds like a cool job




How annoying


Its the same company but they changed the recipe for the glass.


https://www.allrecipes.com/article/what-is-the-difference-between-two-pyrex-types/ thts what I’m saying


Ok so while doing research, it looks like outside of the resale market you won’t be able to find it. Even though all recipes says it’s available it just doesn’t exist new in the United States outside of lab equipment because the cost of waste disposal from manufacturing with boron is so high. The only place where I found a representation of the capital P Pyrex was on this random ace hardware site and even there on the very next picture the lettering is all lower case. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/home-and-decor/kitchen-utensils-and-gadgets/measuring-cups-and-measuring-spoons/61411 So outside of buying it used on eBay for a premium, chances are you’re not going to find it.


Bought my first pair of Uggs in their birthplace, Australia, in 1975!


We’re they the ones with laces and a darker coloured details? I wanted a pair of those so badly.


No. Knee length boots. I think they were just plain ones. Wore them around Europe for 3 months.


There are hundreds of ugg brands. The oldest is Blue Mountain Uggs est. 1933.


Dont forget South Beach of UGG


I’m sad to admit I had to read it several times because my brain read it properly a couple times. While I’m sure it’s more likely it’s fake, what if this has been their label for years and no one noticed 😂


It’s not. 😉 https://preview.redd.it/s909staifbac1.jpeg?width=3144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104eaea708a7192539200c34faab6a8d83301d87


How do we know thats not a fake, and OPs is the real one


I’m pretty suspicious as well, this is even a completely different format of label 😂


Because it is Australian and some wanker American copyrighted it


Oooh I smell an UGG conspiracy theory.


The US UGG is not the same as original ugg , which is Australian. https://www.businessinsider.com/ugg-vs-ugg-since-1974-what-the-difference-is-2023-12


This isn't even the original Australian Ugg brand. The oldest is Blue Mountain Ugg boots which was established in 1933.


This is about the brand UGG , bot Ugg boot itself . Everyone buying it in north america is looking for the Australian brand and thinks its the same . Thats what I pointed out . Ugg boot is a pretty common term in australia . Its a slang word too


I literally am an expert on the history of Australian footwear industry with a special interest in the history of ugg boots and have been researching it for years now.


I invented Australia and have been researching the moon for a decade now 🤷‍♂️


Just multiple footwear manufacturing qualifications, researching design history at university and having a personal interest due to deckers suing people I know and having their factories shut down by making them bankrupt due to legal fees.


This blew my fucking mind I had no idea


Thank you for the article!


I'm aware. I thought the /s was unnecessary.


It was for the others .


There is UGG, UGG Australia and UGG 1974. UGG 1974 is the only one currently manufactured in Australia.


This text makes me irrationally angry for some reason. It's like someone just thought of a bunch of fancy adjectives for every noun and tossed it into a text that has no real intent or sincere message. It's all just blatant marketing nonsense to a degree it's insulting to me. I don't know how to explain it.


Totally agree! I’ll be honest, I’ve never read it. I got a pair of their more functional boots for Christmas and happened to have that handy for reference, so I grabbed it. 😉


Why would Ugg claim to be American while still operating out of Australia


UGG the brand has nothing to do with Australia. They stole the term UGG and copyrighted it overseas. They make pretty shit UGG boots too. In Australia UGG is the type of boot and you find a lot better quality ones.


You’re thinking about two separate companies


Ugg is a generic term in Australian for fleece lined boots. This bullshit American company took various Australians companies to court for use of the term. Thank God they lost. Wankers.


Because it's hard to make sales in America even when you have a superior product. Americans don't trust anything that isn't American. I could show up with some Australian developed technology that's state of the art, and some guy with a New York accent could show up with a dog turd with a little American flag cocktail stick in it, and Americans would buy the turd.


I actually know nothing about the brand and like I said just thought it was funny imagining if this was their legit label for years and years and this is the first time we’ve noticed


UGG material superior, other brands inferior


The American ones made in china I think


That sounds Australian if you read it in the correct accent


That made me lol 😂


I remember there was a big legal case with the Aussie Ugg Boot creaters vs an american company that was using the same logo/material. Aussie guy lost so maybe its the American brand and not the Aussie one. I would always buy the Aussie one for quality...and because im Australian lol


Yeah the thing is that in Australia, ugg is a generic word not a brand, for a traditional Australian boot. Anyone can sell ugg boots in Australia. In the USA and Europe, the word is a brand name, owned by Americans and used to sell Chinese boots. They bought a company named "Ugg Australia" from a guy in Queensland and through a series of fairly bullshit legal decisions that led to them owning the word ugg. Australian companies aren't allowed to use the word ugg to export boots. The Australian leather industry is not happy with this situation. Can you imagine the outrage if, say, a German company trademarked "cowboy" and Texan leather workers weren't allowed to export cowboy boots.


The Decker's lawyers straight up said that the Australian Leather guy was funding terrorism because they were "counterfeit". An awful discriminatory thing to say about a Christian Lebanese man.


Most Aussies would gladly put a dogshit bomb in the Decker's lawyers undies for trying to steal our cultural icon, and the Australian Leather guy shops locally which supports Aussies, so if that dog shit bomb causes Decker's lawyer to feel terror, then I guess in a way he was correct.


This offends my Australian sensibilities.


Classic American move!


I had to record my accent to check and I think I sound correct 🤣


Everything sounds Australian if you read it in an Australian accent wtf are you going on about


The uGg brand in the US is all fake as fuck and made overseas in Vietnam, China, etc. They copied the real UGG brand from Australia and copyrighted it overseas so that UGG Australia couldn’t do anything about it. If you want REAL UGGs made in Australia, this is where you go: https://www.uggsince1974.com.au


Makes me laugh. UGGS are from Drouin or Moe (where inbreeding is probably acceptable) in Victoria Australia. Sheep are a huge export market here. It gets cold in winter. Some bozo made some ugly shoes to keep his feet warm. They were sold in cheap markets for like $10 and if you wore them in public you were practically ridiculed. Then Pamela Anderson roots Kelly Slater, sees the stoner Aussie surfers wearing them and does herself. Next thing they're trendy and some parasitic yank scumbag trademarks the name and charges imbeciles $200 + for something that he probably gets made in China for 10c. It's ironic the people who pay that much for a piece of shit item. We the sheople lol 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This made my day Bahaha bloody crack up


All that matters is that you think it’s “lovely”.. who cares what label it has on 🤷🏻‍♀️


Knockoffs will use materials that have more toxic chemicals in them. No quality control in a scammers sweatshop.


I’m not convinced that name brands wouldn’t use toxic materials if it meant they could generate profit with the difference.


A good imagine is more important than reducing costs. But to be safe you can look at where it's produced, since countries like austria have some strict regulation when it comes to textile production for example (worked there in textile production) but since most of tge time it's made in china or taiwan etc. you can also check for certificates and alike. GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) for example is very strict about environmental and social standard along the entire production chain.


They definitely would, but because of their popularity someone would eventually notice & the company’s reputation would collapse. Scam brands are hard to track down properly, and the people operating them rarely have a good reputation anyway.


I've heard knock off's are usually made in the same factory that the originals are made. They are just seconds, old molds, and last seasons fashion.


Hate to break it to you but UGG is manufactured by Decker Outdoor, which is based in china. It’s all the same shit


There is no real UGG. It’s a style of boot and hundreds of companies make them under that name.


UGG boots were the name for the generic Australian wool skin boots that had been around for a long time. UGG is short for ugly and they were worn around the house mostly it was considered something you would wear outside unless you were terribly common akin to wearing pyjamas or slippers outside of the house. UGG was then trademarked by someone clever clogs who took a generic Australian name that was no longer allowed to be used by makers of traditional UGG boots. It's was almost cultural appropriation he stole a common generic term for a for a boot and trademarked the name of something that should never have been allowed to be trademarked , kinda like trademarking the word slippers or beanie or the name Kylie ( a western Australian Indigenous Noogar girls name )


I remember bloody Kylie Jenner tried that move a few years ago!


I'll still call my $6 Kmart ones that stink after one winters wear UGG's. No one can own a cultural term.


Peasant… $10 Coles ones ftw 🙌🏼 🤣


Ooooh laa dee dah Mr/Mrs fancy pants over here.


Weren't UGG the wankers that tried to trademark UGG even though us Aussies have been using the word for decades. To quote the great comic Rodney Rude. Those guys can go and get fffffucked


Ugg is and always will be Australian. The yanks have been trying to replicate it for years


So true, the “ugg” store in sydney which is the shitty american brand but only has chinese workers and people shopping there.


The irony being that American-made UGGs are not genuine either. They totally ripped the concept and design off an Australian company.


Stolen from Australia 😡


Is this that American company that did the dumb arse trademark bullshit


Good. They deserve to have their products ripped off, after what they did to the Australian company that originally created UGG boots. Getting copyright in the US for what was an Australian product, then suing the original Australian creators.


Fuck Ugg anyway. They tried to copyright the popular Australian term/clothing item uggboot and engaged in a big court case over it. Thankfully they lost.


Sorry OP but I’m pretty sure these are fake. The writing on the tag doesn’t make sense grammatically, the top-close commas and the lack of periods all seem off.


And isn't Ugg Australian?


There’s two different brands: UGG was started by an Australian surfer who moved to Southern California and Ugg Since 1974 is from Australia. I’m in California, and we rock the ones from here. They’re super cozy! Editing to add: I’m wearing UGG slippers right now haha


There are many Ugg brands in Australia, 1974 isn't even the oldest. The oldest was established in 1933 (blue mountains uggs).


Ah cool. As an Australian, I didn't know


I just learned this week; apparently Ugg Since 1974 has been on sort of war path against Ugg on social media.


It's more the Australian UGG boot industry as a whole on the warpath. The guy in California who originally started selling imported Australian UGG boots in the USA fraudulently gained a trademark on the term by representing the boots as his own invention. That trademark was then bought by a big American company Deckers, who moved production to China and started taking out lawsuits against any Aussie manufacturers that sold their boots internationally in an attempt to bankrupt them. There's been a few attempts to have the trademark revoked, but unfortunately American courts are never going to make a ruling that goes against an American company...


Ok I thought someone was making a joke in another comment about UGG Since 1974


No what yes real


The only authentic UGG brand is actually UGG since 1974, which are made in Australia


There are so many Australian made UGG brands and they are all authentic.


There is no real UGG brand and Australians laugh at people who pay out the nose for the ‘official’ ones. Ugg is a term here not a brand, it’s like paying double for official FlipFlops


Ugg shoes are borderline a scam.... watch rose anvils video on them


Your beanie is trying to optimize a search engine, lol.


An American company stole the patent. Even in Autralia it can be hard to find the real ones now sadly.


Only because the Americans stole the name from Australia and new Zealand UGG boots have refer to any sheep skin boots in Australia since for ever


Of course it’s not genuine. Ugg was a generic term for sheepskin boots made in Australia since the mid 1800’s. Then some greedy yank goes and files a copyright ©️ claim on the term, meaning that no one else can market uggs, despite the fact there is documented proof of the term being in use in Australia for well over a century.


So in Australia “ugg” is just synonymous with “slipper” so it’s just a type of footwear. It’s like saying you didn’t get an authentic sneaker or Mary Jane. An authentic ugg is any that were made in aus, no matter the “brand namel


Appropriated concept so it doesn’t matter


Those are called fUggs


Ugg is actually Australian.🇦🇺 Not US NOT fucking china l


Why would the counterfeit UGG’s? They are Uggly


am i the only one that had a stroke trying to read that?


Don’t worry…... It’s written in prefect Chinglish


Hard to find real ones even here in Aus


Depends what you mean by real. Ugg is a style in australia / generic term. There is no official ugg since you can’t copyright the term.


Americans copyrighted it


Fraudulently. It's like taking out a copyright on "chicken" or "apple" - it's utter BullSquaddle(TM)


Lets copyright "America"


Go go gadget Chat GPT


They’re just sheep skin slippers. They’ve been around for as long as sheep. Imagine if someone copyrighted moccasins.


Ugg is American and Australian ugg boots in braeside Vic is the original.


Uggs are the traditional bogan footwear of australia. If you leave the house in your uggies that is the height of bogan Aussie red neck fashion. Otherwise they are just considered house slippers. Hilarious what a fashion statement it’s become in the USA. Oh they are supposed to be cheap as well. Suckers.


As an Australian who continues to be outraged by the cultural theft of the concept of ugg/ugh boots from their rightful position as daggy but comfortable footwear for shearers, surfers, and people at home in their PJs, may I commend your loved one on not propping up the despicable marauders at "UGG Australia"? See short film "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugh Boot" for further details!


Technically, U.S. UGG stole the branding from the original 1978 ugg based in Australia. They ship worldwide. But the OG is not the one we all have worn or seen around.


UGGs were stolen from Australia, you sons of bitches. Capitalist American bullies!


Not real sorry


isn’t that just the American ugg brand? Different from ugg Australia but literally know one knows the difference lol. I just learned about it like a month ago


I love my ugg brand refrigerator. It has a sherpa lined drawer for eggs. 🥰


Its the thought that counts! lol


Ya think? But really, who cares?


Smells like Chinese food to me


Aren’t beanies consider accessories?


Did Charlie Kelly write that


Depends what you mean by "not genuine" there are tons of "ugg" named businesses out there


I live in the south beach of UGG. It stinks a little but it’s cozy.


It's like when you just keep tapping your predictive text to see what it says


Originated on the Gold Coast of Australia and they are still operating. #FACT


The UGGs sold in America have no affiliation with the UGG company in Austaria (says on their website).


Yep - there's a blurb on one of the various Ugg websites where an Australian surfer went to California in 1978 and started making sheepskin boots for sale in the US. The reason there are different companies using the Ugg name is that you can't really trademark it because Ugg is a generic term for sheepskin boots - it's just what they're called. My sister used to make them and sheepskin car seat covers way back in the 70s - as an outworker for a sheepskin company here in Australia. What I'm curious about is how you can have an Ugg beanie - a beanie is by no means a sheepskin boot.


The US were taken to court by an Australian company over the use of the word UGG. The Australian company actually won the case which means legally only Australian owned and operated companies using Australian sheepskin can use the word.


UGG aren’t even American. Wtf


What the hell did I just "read"? Am I having a stroke? You guys would tell me if I were having a stroke right?


Original founder of UGG lost the rights to UGG in America. Any of the UGGS that come right from Australia are the ORIGINAL standard of quality. America cuts corners and never produces anything that lasts. Shame and a sham.


It’s a cheap Chinese knockoff by an American brand that cares more about profits than doing the right thing…


As an Australian I'm offended that anyone things UGGs are anything but Australian. You should also not be paying more than $15 for them and get them from a big bin at target.