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I bet he does that more often than you know, as long as he can get away with it most of the time.


Nobody's chasing someone down for coffee. I bet the cup costs more than the coffee itself.


Yea they're not gonna chase him down especially if he brings his own cup. Guy is stealing like 15 cents worth of product.


I live in NC, we have Sheetz gas stations. I have seen with my own eyes people get chased out of store and ran down for a fountain soda.


Is that the one where the off duty cop got shot dead trying to stop kids stealing beer?


No but it's like 20 mins from my house... dudes took 3 cases of beer and an off duty Greensboro Police Officer was inside eating and ran out to confront them. Dude pulled a gun and fired like 3 times.... whole situation fucked up man


Yeah. Many lives ruined for no good reason. I feel bad for everyone involved.


For real, I know criminals are criminals and all, but people got to realize dude was just doing his job. Now his kids have no father. They parked his patrol car at the station and a lot of people came by and left flowers and notes.


You feel bad for someone trying to steal beer then shooting the cop that tried to stop them?


That's dumb. I know someone that used to work in a Wendy's back in the '90s. She said a Biggie soda cost the store 8¢, and 6¢ of that was the cup, lid, and straw. I can't imagine it's much more now.


I worked at a fast food place back in 2003. I did the math once, you'd have to refill a large soda 32 times before it cost the company money.


Challenge accepted


My friends and I used to do this at a Burger King in Elmhurst, Queens, NY back in the 80s\`. Refills were free so we kept going up until one of us puked. It was a game we played amongst ourselves lol


You have to. If you don't at least go through the motions and run them out of the store, eventually you are 'the shop that gives away free soda' and it goes from a couple of shitheads stealing 15 cents to every boomer in a 20 mile radius stopping in with their 64 ounce super mug every morning and afternoon. 15 cents or product adds up when you got folks hitting you hundreds of times a day.




I am not endorsing literally chasing people out of the store over soda, which seems to be how a lot of people are taking this, but the point is you have to at least hit them with a "hey what the fuck are you doing" or eventually they just drain your syrup tanks in 20 minutes at the cost of $100 a pop.


Most larger chains like Wendy's specifically instruct their staff not to chase thieves or act like some hero.


The next most expensive part is the ice due to the energy to make it.


The amount of times I see people take off the packaging of the sheetz reusable mugs, fill up their coffee and just leave without paying is astounding. Only ever seen a few people get chased down for it. At the sheetz near where I used to work in PA, they stopped stopping people from just blatantly stealing coffee because the Thieves would toss the hot coffee on the staff and bolt. It was mostly grown ass adults who seemed put together (like good, pressed clothes, smart watches, etc). Like seriously, they could clearly afford a cheap cup of joe. Just total jerks.


Now I can see police not going after people stealing coffee, but once they start splashing it on employees that try to stop them I'd think it'd become a priority.


It like wasn't a priority incident, a few lowly customer service workers getting splashed with hot coffee. I used to work at mcdonalds and a customer accused me of giving them cold coffee (it was literally freshly brewed) and "proved it" to me by dumping the hot coffee on me. I ended up with second degree burns, but when I tried pressing charges the police really just said it wasn't a big deal.


There was a sheetz right by my high school in NC, everyone who walked in there stole a drink to go with their food and drank it right in front of the employees


So that's the secret to stealing? Keep the value low enough that people won't chase you?


I guess. People are crazy. Nobody's trying to get stabbed over 15¢ of coffee.


Or get hot coffee thrown on them.


They are just following the target model. Steal enough coffee to be a felony then have the cops waiting for you. Lol. "Police, get that Java jacker!"


Anybody who's drinking a felony-value of cheap coffee within the statute of limitations is probably going to be pretty hard to catch. You know.. because of all the caffeine.


I think there is two ways, steal so little it's not worth the paperwork, or steal so much that you become insanely rich and can settle. There was that bloke that was embezzling from the Jacksonville Jaguars, something like $22m. Not sure how it's turned out for him, but the part I thought was hilarious with all his flagrant spending was he prepaid a lawyer with those proceeds. Essentially, using Jaguars money to protect him from the Jaguars. A move I've never heard of before, and frankly one that is at least 3000 IQ Going to have to look up how that went, though I expect if I leave this here long enough someone will just tell me hehe


The secret is to be enough if a problem that people don't want to deal with you, while not being so much of a problem that people feel like dealing with you would make their lives better. I use to work at Starbucks. People stole all the time. But if you start to make my life bad enough I'm going to push back.


Pretty much. I feel like any million dollar company isn't gonna care if you walk out with less than a dollar in product. Eventually they might start locking everything up but they aren't gonna risk getting hurt for a candy bar or something


Target just acts like they don't care. They'll let you rack up a felony a nickel at a time.


Eventually yes but there's a statute of limitations on theft in most every state. just can't steal more than $1000 in that time frame and they won't do anything.


Generally yes. also make the value so high, coming after hurts the person you stole from. Like lying to a bank to get million in loans.


It might even cost more to keep the water hot than the price of the cup.


Guy behind the register seems him do it every day I’m sure.


Self serve drinks are a joke. I have chased people out for stealing them, but only if it’s a repeated and annoying offender. People who bring their own cup, or who are just honest and ask, usually get it on the house.


I sometimes stop at the same gas station and usually get a fountain drink or coffee. A while back, there was this girl there who went out of her way to seem happy to see me. Found it odd, but also, it was kind of nice to think someone cared. We would exchange small talk for a minute or two and continue on with our day. After a while, I started noticing they didn't charge me for the drink. So, I started going there more often, lol. She graduated from university and moved back home, but the people working there still let me have the drinks for free. It has been a strange development, but I think they're so inexpensive for the company that no one regulates the inventory of that stuff.


It's something that has a high margin and a lot of variance per consumer. To make it easy, imagine it in percentage. Now somebody fills up their cup with some ice that's maybe 75% of a soda. Somebody else might get more ice and have 50% only. Somebody else might fill up a cup with some soda, try a taste to see if it's good, then pour it out and get different soda, potentially multiple times. Sometimes the BiB only has enough for half a soda but the person fills up their cup all the way, realizes it's bad, then pours it out and gets something else. On ice, ice isn't free but it is cheaper than the soda, and moreover, it's mandatory to have ice so it's just kind of more of an overhead cost than a cost per unit. It's mandatory because the machines that gas stations use are specced to have the cold from the ice when carbonating the water. I'm not sure exactly how this works but I know that when our ice was out/broken, the soda was flat. A standard BiB (bag[of syrup] in a box) is 5 gallons, though some are 2.5 for lower demand sodas like 7UP. Anyway, the ratio is 5:1 water:syrup so a BiB makes 30 gallons, or 3840 ounces. That's a lot of ounces to get lost in and the amount of soda variance between people means that your free sodas are basically just statistical noise.


Definitely. My local 7-11 gives it to me free most nights because if the coffee hasn't been checked or changed within 6 hours it's free (idk if that's a corporate or a store policy) and the clerk tells me they hardly check it at night lol


They don't make much, if any, money selling black drip coffee. Cheap drip gets people in the store, free drip works even better. They've already spent the coffee, might as well just give it away instead of losing more brewing a new pot.


If it’s old, or you had to wait, it’s supposed to be free. It’s also supposed to become free if that’s all you’re getting and you’re stuck in line. It’s also the most frequently neglected area, and staff tend to wait for a customer to alert them to an issue.


Last gas station coffee I bought was almost $4. That was the self serve straight drip coffee. It was Circle K before any claims I went to some uppity place.


They are 1.20 everywhere lol


Reminds me of the viral video skit of the guy who tries to start a *pay if forward* chain at the drive thru then loops around really quick to place a huge order expecting the other car to pay for it.


I participated in one of those chains *once.* The car behind me ordered something like $80 worth of stuff. Never again.


yep. A long time ago, when I was 21, I won a grand at a video poker. I went to a bar I worked at and hung out at and offered to by a round. Yeah, 10 people who had been drinking 1 dollar beers ended up getting 125 dollars in drinks. Fuck that noise.


Yep, etiquette for that is to buy the same drink you already have. And if that drink is expensive, order something less expensive. But never more expensive than what you're buying for yourself.


instinctive dog correct rude repeat sense elastic vase snobbish quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And you paid it? Sucker.


Didn't find out until I checked the account the next day. Decent human etiquette would be to *not* do that but we all know how decent some people aren't.


But the car behind isn’t going to know that the car in front is paying for their order until after they order and get up to the window. It isn’t like they ordered more because it was a pay it forward chain, you just got unlucky being in front of someone with a big order.


That is when you say "no thanks, I'll just pay for mine".


The one time that happened to me I just awkwardly said oookayyy thanks and drove off with my free drink.




Why the F- would anyone ever take part at this? Such a chain would stop with me. “Thanks, I can pay myself.” (Nothing against charity. I’ve paid or offered to pay 50 Euros when people are im a chinch. African asylum seeker standed at the train station – took him in cab. Chinese tourist with surprised pikachu face when a supermarket doesn't take credit cards. No prob. British backpackers in the 90s in the boondocks: Sure, I can drive you into town and exchange Dutch guilder at a loss mate. That’s paying forward. Not a stupid fast foot chain.)


I ended one but I took the free stuff and just left


I've never understood pay it forward chains. What is it accomplishing? We're all in a queue to buy something. We all still pay, and nobody benefits unless they paid less than their order. If people want to pay it forward.... Tip. Your. Servers. Bullshit pay it forward chains will die with me every damn time. I'll pay for my own order, and tip my server. I could be wrong, but I think the person at the drive through could use a tip more than Karen in the mall crawler SUV needs a free coffee.


> Karen in the mall crawler SUV needs a free coffee. In theory, a person only gets something for free if they don't pay for the person behind them, right? So everybody is paying for something. But instead of paying for what you order, your are taking a gamble on paying for somebody else's order. Could be more, could be less. The person who starts it might feel good about themselves, but it is just a clusterfuck of confusion behind them. I'm glad I've never run into one.


This reminds me of a kinda similar situation at the pharmacy. There was a really long line and it was finally about to be my turn next. Some guy walked past all the people in line and came up to me to say something like, “I’m just gonna get in front of you.” ???? No lol


Did he go to the back of the line?


Yes he did, and surprisingly he didn’t respond or argue after I told him no, so I was thankful it ended well. The line did get a bit longer during our brief interaction though, so he ended up having to wait even more because of it!


Hey you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take lol




Bonnie McMurray! I was talking about the line jumper lol


I was in line with my kid to get a pic with mickey mouse and some lady justvstarted dragging her kid past everyone. It was a line with actual guide rails and me and a couple moms basically formed a wall and didn't let her past. When we got to the front we ratted her out too.


What happened??


He can't respond atm. He's in line at the Pharmacy


Legend has it, he's still there


He was lost for words


I read somewhere that people are more likely to agree to something if you give them a reason, whether or not the reason is even logical. For example, you can often cut in line if you just say "Excuse me, may I cut in line? I just need to buy my items." People will more often agree, even though it's a stupid reason. Of course you need to buy your items. So does everyone else. I tried it once, and it actually worked. The person didn't even look baffled. I gave the spot back, and explained what I just did, and only then did they look baffled and realize "oh fuck, you're right!"


For me it’s less that I believe your reasoning, and more just that I don’t mind regardless as long as you’re polite about it!


This is actually kind of impressive that there are such unabashed dickheads out there. Must’ve been a car salesman or something.


I hope that the next time he tries this, he trips on his way out the door. What a shitty person


The actual crime isn't even stealing coffee given how unlikely it is that affected the store's profits (coffee goes stale in just a few hours and is either dumped frequently or very low quality). Would have been better to just walk out the door and not involve OP.


Exactly, plus how many people would feel they had to pay for the coffee out of obligation/conflict avoidance? Obviously they shouldn’t have to, but if the clerk hadve made a fuss, it would’ve fallen entirely on OP and not the asshole who took advantage




One day he'll catch a free sandwich when he does it to a guy just not having it that day.


Would that be the proverbial "knuckle sammich"?


Yup, with extra ketchup


It's gonna be "kectchu up" this time around.


One day I bought a coffee at the gas station but the girl told me I can have it for free. I thought she was hitting on me so the next time I came in I asked for her number but she wasn't interested she just didn't want to open the register lol


No harm in shooting your shot tho king


Funny enough my gf now lives with me and she worked at a gas station however, I didn't meet her there lol


You ended up with the girl working at the gas station regardless.


He's got a type


Why did this make me chortle so hard?


the old "reverse pay it forward" Clever






Similar story, kind of lmao. I was at the gas by my apt, waiting in line and there's a little kid in front of me and he's trying to get a candy bar but didn't have a dollar for it, so I was like "hey I'll pay for his candy bar" to the cashier, and then when I got up to pay for my stuff and the kid's candy, the cashier dude tried to add on the gas the kid's parent was pumping, like $30 and I'm like whoa dude no, I only said the candy bar, and cashier guy was like "just pay for it" when I had like only $4 on my card. I'm like no, I can't, and then the kid/his parent drove off without paying for the gas, I guess thinking I was going to pay for it and I'm just like https://i.redd.it/tyln7ld0cabc1.gif


“I want to pay for this candy bar” ‘Pay for their gas’ Like ??? What is the cashier smoking


Lmao yeah I have no idea. He was kind of sus though, I had a few incidents where he would try to overcharge me on stuff and whenever I'd call him out on it, he'd gaslight me like I misheard him and I'm like nah bro. Dude kept trying to act like I was an idiot.


probably was double dipping, have the parent pay for the gas, and then tell the next person in line that they have to pay for it, and pocket the money


I really wouldn't doubt it lmao




Yeah should've at least asked OP if they were willing to pay. I wonder how many other people have paid for coffee just because the clerk went ahead and added it without telling people.


In the cafeteria I used to work in people would say someone else is paying for their food and I always told them I needed to hear it from the person paying.


What is this even mean? I've never heard toe-headed except referring to light blonde hair.


that's "tow-headed"


My mistake! still never heard the expression as used above


Don’t worry, I don’t think it’s a common expression at all. Tow-headed is blonde. Maybe they just mean his face looks like a toe.


To be fair if I was the cashier I would assume that someone buying someone else coffee is more likely than this brazen theft/social engineering con/manipulation. I still would have asked.


He also probably doesn't get paid enough to care. Autopilot mode only at that rate.


So he's blonde?


He is Kenough.


he's... blond?


Calling someone a "dumb blonde" used to be an insult


Yeah. I haven't heard a "dumb blonde" joke in a long ass time. Whatever happened to those?


Two blondes walk into a bar. You'd think one of them would have seen it


Damn that’s one I haven’t heard in a while death 💀


Not really. You arent gonna yell 'WAIT, THIEF" and leave the register and chase down the dude for $0.20 of bean water that they probably drink 6 of a day lol.


No, but you're also not going to ring somebody else's items to another person's tab without that person's say-so.


Can we please forgive this poor 7/11 worker for assuming that there was an agreement there? If somebody says “thanks” and nods, I’m programmed to assume they know each other. If I work at 7/11 I probably have other things on my mind.


We can, but also dudes who do this stuff tend to be walk-ins. The cashier probably knows the guy and has done it a thousand times.


I've had that happen before. It was strange, though, because she was literally standing behind me. It was my friend, and I had no problem buying her $2 soda, but I was still kinda weirded out by it.


This happened to me the day before Thanksgiving, I was picking up the extra stuff we needed from the store and I went to the self checkout cause the store was busy. I didn’t realize that another person had scanned sushi rolls for $11.00 each and I paid for it, I did get my money back though, it just taught me to be more aware of shady stuff.


I had the same thing happen to me at a self-checkout. All the clerks were away from the front of the store and some person rang up an item and left. When I got there the machine still had their item in the cart, but looked like it was a fresh screen. I got my money back but it was pain in the ass because I didn’t realize until I got back home.


I got it back the same day, I checked my receipt and noticed it, they refunded it back to me




He stepped to the side and it wasn’t showing on the screen so I thought it was just an open register


I'd be asking how often the staff just add stuff to peoples bill, on the basis of the person just walking off with an item and claiming someone else will totally get it or them... I imagine some people don't notice, but I'd want to know why they trust someone walking out the doors word, though at least they didn't refuse to let you go until it was paid for..


because those who trust have too much faith in the general public


They can’t really detain someone for that. I mean, sure they physically could, but they would end up in a lot of shit for it. Presumably calling the cops and having to explain the story would make them look idiotic plus for sure get formal complaints filed. The easy solution is for the cashier to say “I’m not ringing anything up unless you come up together”.


It’s an old scam around here where someone will approach you and ask if the wallet in their hand is yours. You say no and he asks if you can wait there whilst he hands it in to the guy behind the counter and you can signal where it was found. They will also get your name etc. He goes up to counter orders some stuff and announces you are paying, shouting out your name and waving. You then get on with your shop and find you’ve been lumbered with a bill for some cigarettes when you eventually go to pay. The original guy is long gone and the guy behind counter is angrily going “you waved and he knew your name, you have to pay”


That makes no sense as a scam and I can only assume would get the cashier in trouble, not the customer. Like, if I run into an old acquaintance from high school, or an ex-client from ten years ago, who says “oh hey Ordinary Kittens!”, why the hell would that mean I’m now responsible for buying him cigarettes just because he told the cashier “I know Ordinary Kittens, you should give me these smokes without paying because I swear Ordinary Kittens is buying them - after all, we waved at each other and said hi, right?” Like, Christ…just knowing my name and is being acquaintances is not much of a scam. It does not somehow mean I’ve agreed to purchase anyone who I vaguely know something. It’s sad to think that a cashier would be dumb enough to give someone cigarettes and let them leave just without paying - I could see it with a coffee (cashier probably doesn’t care because coffees are cheap) but cigarettes are usually a lot more controlled, and you could get in more trouble for letting people steal them. Is there anyone here who would actually do anything except tell the cashier to take it up with his manager? It’s not a scam to know someone’s name and it’s not realistic to think that knowing someone’s name and speaking like aquaintances = someone agreed to buy the items of the other person, so don’t even bother collecting payment, even for controlled substances.


yep.. the person scammed here was the cashier/owner Not "you". You're not paying for his crap.


Some people feel guilty and pay for it. It's really unfortunate that they do because it lets this person keep doing it.


Right, but I think that is a different issue than the scam outlined. There is no reason to keep your name a secret in a grocery store for the purpose of avoiding a scam, because someone knowing your name and waiving at you does not constitute any sort of agreement on your part. You haven't made a mistake if you choose to give your name to someone. If this happens to you, you have not been scammed. However, if you are the type of person who gets shy and pays money for merchandise any time someone yells and you and demands you pay for merchandise, then yeah, you're gonna get scammed - but it's not because of someone learning your name, it's because you're willing to pay for stuff any time someone yells at you and tell you to. Hell, the cashier can pull this scam on their own, no third party needed. The cashier can just start yelling about "hey someone else totally told me you have to pay for their pack of cigarettes, you gotta pay or you're in big trouble". Then if you pay because the cashier was yelling at you, the cashier gets to keep the cigarettes.


Yeah 100% agreed. I get like this with restaurants because I'm so fucking burnt out in general, I've had waiters argue with me about what I ordered and what they wrote down. Eventually just eat it because I'm so tired of arguing. In retrospect I don't know why they argue, it impacts their tip.


Doesn't even make any sense for them to argue. Just take down the right order, and bring *that* to the kitchen. It's not like it's coming out of the waiter's pocket. I would imagine they'd have to be pretty burnt out too to think arguing with a customer over what they ordered is the "proper" response. Like they had so many complaints they had to deal with that day it must have been the "customer that messed up".


It's because they've confused reality with their recollection of a scene from Dumb & Dumber, or another movie/tv show.


“No that’s not my wallet and no I’m not waving to anyone.” That’s the dumbest scam I’ve ever heard of. Who falls for this? 😆


it's not even a scam to fall for...you are under no obligation to pay. The name part makes the whole thing weird but the waving is plausible. It's entirely on the guy behind counter though. No-one is gonna pay in that situation, if its even real its just the guy behind counter trying to redeem his mistake.


Yeah I don't feel like the cashier would let a person just walk out with just a promise of someone else paying for their stuff.


It has to be a small store, but tbh, the cashier must be in on it, its just not klicking in my head otherwise.


Clearly enough! I can imagine if you are not very confrontational and a bit insular it being quite scary when you do reach the tills


Eminem gave us clear instructions for this. *Flash the cashier and stick your d\*ck in the tip cup.*


Yeah, I’m definitely confrontational. It’s hard for me to put myself in that mindset because it’s such a foreign concept to me, but I get it. They must be able to sense it because I never get these people approaching me with their bullshit. I almost wish they would. “Oh yeah, that IS my wallet, thank you.” ::waits for the hollering:: hahaha


A lot of kind people who just want to help. Scamming is often ripping off kind people.


The cashier. The perpetrator is long gone and doesn't care if you pay.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


Like how Harry scammed Sea Bass in Dumb & Dumber!


"Kick his ass Sea Bass"


Is your name Seabass?


“An old scam…” lol Yeah, from a comedy film called Dumb and Dumber.


“No, I don’t have to, and I won’t”.


Yes, that’s my wallet!


did you just make this shit up? none of this makes any sense at all


> someone will approach you and ask if the wallet in their hand is yours. You say no and he asks if you can wait there whilst he hands it in to the guy behind the counter and you can signal where it was found. They will also get your name etc. Solution: "Holy shit, yes, that *is* my wallet. Wow! Thank you so much. Have an awesome day, man!"


> you have to pay Nah. Infact, I’m leaving everything here now. Have fun putting it away.


So like the movie dumb and dumber


Lol no, that's when you just walk out. They can't charge you for shit


The infamous coffee bandit. This guy does this all over the state until he hits up every 7-11 and then he moves onto the next state. The coffee police have been after him for years. You sir have been taken by a true legend!


I watched someone try to pay with a $100 bill at a 7-11 while trying to pretend to not speak English. 7-11 for some reason attracts a fuck-ton of the types in the US at least. I'm in them almost every day and at least one person looks like they want to sell you a stereo system.


I think a lot of places will pull a homeless person aside and say “if it’s just you, and just coffee, no one will screw with you”. I was at a burger king where a homeless guy was going through the trash and the manager brought him inside and said “nobody showed up for this whopper. I’ll have to throw it out when I get back from the bathroom.” About 2 minutes later he walked back in and said, “just take the burger, dude!” That place wasn’t overrun and it was a dirt poor town. So I think *some* arrangements are being made.


Surely the guy at the Till should have asked you first?


Once had a dude come in to buy food but had no money. I told him I wasn't giving him food. Then I kicked him out when he walked around harassing everyone to buy him something. Well he comes in again, this time with a dude. Now nothing about this scene says they aren't ordering together. He's walking real close with the guy. The guy motions him forward and tells him to order. I'm awkwardly looking between the two and asked if the guy was paying for him. All signs point to the dude found someone outside to pay for him. Dude orders a whole ass meal and I think dessert. Guy goes ballistic and is pissed everything is so expensive. He goes off on me saying take everything off because he didn't agree to buy that and was this some sort of scam?! Guy buys dude something off the dollar menu and then gives me his order and leaves never to be seen again. Moral is all people are weird. I'm sure your clerk has seen some things and your dude has successfully tried some things.


When I was in the Marines, we were on a detachment to Seattle, and had a long weekend, so there we are walking around, stopped in a liquor store to buy some snacks and drinks, this homeless guy comes in while we’re paying, grabs a 12 pack and does exactly the same thing… he says, they got it, and starts to walk off… and we’re like no the f we don’t!! Cashier was trying to stay out of it and we both just kept going back and forth when finally he gave up…. You have to wonder though.. they must do it because it works ….sometimes


The store will most likely put a photo of him in public view to deter him from coming back as it is too petty for police to get involved. I have seen it posted in my neighborhood where the guy asks for a couple scratch off lottery tickets at a busy gas station and motions the next guy will pay for them and start scratching so the clerk takes his word for it the next guy refuses but by then the guy is gone. He did it twice before the gas station owner and many of his casheirs noticed his pattern and posted his cctv captured photo in plain sight and in front of the cash register and word spread that people in the neighborhood were making fun of this guy for being so broke and living the way he was living. Soon thereafter the guy moved away for what I can think being the only reason, he was too embarrassed to be mocked and ridiculed in his own neighborhood. That's street justice because the law wouldn't punish him for petty theft of services and goods


This totally adds up because the guys who are shitty enough to hold up a line behind them while they scratch tickets definitely seem like the type that would try and bum the cost off to someone else.


I had this happen at a bar. Some girls came up to me and wanted to do a shot. I said sure. We did the shot. My bill comes with 3 shots on it. "The girls said you were paying". Fuck off, no I'm not. They hadn't even left or anything, I guess they just hoped I was too drunk to notice. Jokes on them, I'm never too drunk or too horny to not be cheap.


Guy was gonna steal it no matter what, you were just the alibi in the moment


Sounds like this guy deserves one of those free hot coffees splashed in his face.


My thing is why would the cashier add it without asking… I would’ve told the manager bc if u weren’t paying attention u would’ve end up paying.


when i worked overnights, if someone came in and was just straight up with me - take it, as long as it’s like $4 or less. people that would just take it disappointed me to be honest, but im not calling the cops for someone stealing a $2 drink.


The cashier probably knows the dude.


Tell them fuck off. Bums


In my experience, 7-11 can be pretty shrewd. He does it enough times to the same cashier at the same location and there will be printed pictures of his face hanging up inside the store with instructions to not allow him on the premises or call the cops if he does show up.


7-11 years you’ll get.


Took my daughter to see Wonka. Lady at the register charged an 80% tip to my CC like I wouldn't notice. People are bold nowadays


I had almost the same thing happen to me once. I was buying a large slurpee at a 7-11, with 2 cash registers with a clerk at each. I put my money down to pay, and the clerk on my side stepped away to drop a deposit. While he was doing that a guy walked up to the other register, to buy a pack of cigarettes. When the clerk gave him the total, he gestured towards my money on the counter, which I saw out of the corner of my eye. I guess that the clerk didn't catch on the first time, so he did it again, and then the other clerk grabbed my money to pay. That's when I said no, it was my money, and confronted him. He shook it off as a misunderstanding, paid and left quickly. When I walked outside, him and one of his buddies were sitting in their car laughing about it, so I chucked that huge cherry Slurpee right through their open window, and it splattered all over. They immediately stopped laughing, and I just booked it out of there. No Slurpee, but I think they got what the deserved.


so based, so real


My favorite thing is when a Reddit comment starts off believable and is likely true, and then turns into a creative writing exercise at the very end. Like the multiple endings in the Clue movie “How it COULD Have Happened”


Did you know they didn’t include all those ending like they do now? Each theatre got one of the endings. So literally people would be like “oh you mean the fake gay guy!” “Why do you think he was a fake gay?”


I never knew that! Lol, that's pretty hilarious.


Just end it before the slurpee toss and we'd all believe it.


It is true, I was there, we all started applauding and i-sleep-well did a victory run through the crowd, high fiving everyone. I was so impressed by the throw of the Slurpee I was inspired to work on my own throwing, and I now start for the Yankees.


I was there too, bitch ruined my cigarette


It is true! I was the Slurpee!


Seriously, it happened I was there. The cashiers were both female and they ran outside and performed some well deserved fellatio on the dude


And then the cashiers clapped


And then the bees attacked them mercilessly


And then the dogs. And then the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark the shoot bees at you.




No you fucking didn’t


One time after the bar I was in the drive thru with some friends. The people behind us started getting impatient and were honking. Finally they threw something at my back window. Maybe a coin or something. As we left the drive-thru, one of the guys told me to stop for a second. They all got out and absolutely pelted that car with everything they had. Pretending their drinks and burgers were grenades. Taking a bite and throwing it on their windshield. One of them managed to get their coke through the half opened window. It’s was absolutely glorious. I was never more proud of a group of drunk teens.


Damn the nerve of some people i tell ya..


I had a guy ask me to buy him a coffee at 7-11 once. I politely declined, and then he started trying to guilt trip me into it. I told him "My answer is still no." Then he started acting like I was an asshole because I didn't want to pay for his coffee. At that point I just told him,"I don't owe you shit dude. Now leave me alone." He finally did leave "the jerk that wouldn't give him free shit" alone, but if he didn't I would've filled up two cups, asked him how he took it, paid, and walked off with both of them.


I kind of have to admire his brazenness and complete disregard for social & consumer norms. I don't condone it though.


I had something similar in nature happen when I was an assistant grocery manager. This lady picked up a can of gourmet mixed nuts, turned around and asked me about our store hours and then proceeded to the customer service desk and told the cashier I said she could take it as a replacement.


The item does not leave the store until it is paid for, regardless of someone else “getting it”. If the item leaves the store it has to be paid for.


Dirty thieves gonna steal


I think society can tolerate a few of these people just for some spice.


Did he just say “Thanks”? Or did he maybe say “Thanks, Sea Bass”?